
Defines functions mplot3_varimp

Documented in mplot3_varimp

# mplot3_varimp
# ::rtemis::
# 2017-9 E.D. Gennatas rtemis.org

#' `mplot3`: Variable Importance
#' Draw horizontal barplots for variable importance
#' "NA" values in input are set to zero.
#' @param x Vector, numeric: Input
#' @param error Vector, numeric; length = length(x): Plot error bars with given error.
#' @param names Vector, string; optional: Names of variables in `x`
#' @param plot.top Float or Integer: If <= 1, plot this percent highest absolute values, otherwise plot this many top values.
#' i.e.: `plot.top = .2` will print the top 20% highest values, and `plot.top = 20` will plot the top 20
#' highest values
#' @param labelify Logical: If TRUE convert `names(x)` using [labelify]. Default = TRUE
#' @param col Colors: Gradient to use for barplot fill.
#' @param alpha Float (0, 1): Alpha for `col`
#' @param error.col Color: For error bars
#' @param trace Integer: If `trace > 0` prints out the automatically set `mar` (so you can adjust if needed)
#' `names` provided
#' @return Position of bar centers (invisibly)
#' @author E.D. Gennatas
#' @export

mplot3_varimp <- function(x,
                          error = NULL,
                          names = NULL,
                          names.pad = .02,
                          plot.top = 1, # 1 or less means plot this percent
                          labelify = TRUE,
                          col = NULL,
                          palette = rtPalette,
                          alpha = 1,
                          error.col = theme$fg,
                          error.lwd = 2,
                          beside = TRUE,
                          border = NA,
                          width = 1,
                          space = .75,
                          xlim = NULL,
                          ylim = NULL,
                          xlab = "Variable Importance",
                          xlab.line = 1.3,
                          ylab = NULL,
                          ylab.line = 1.5,
                          main = NULL,
                          names.arg = NULL,
                          axisnames = FALSE,
                          sidelabels = NULL,
                          mar = NULL,
                          pty = "m",
                          barplot.axes = FALSE,
                          xaxis = TRUE,
                          x.axis.padj = -1.2,
                          tck = -.015,
                          theme = rtTheme,
                          zerolines = FALSE,
                          par.reset = TRUE,
                          autolabel = letters,
                          pdf.width = NULL,
                          pdf.height = NULL,
                          trace = 0,
                          filename = NULL, ...) {

  # Theme ----
  extraargs <- list(...)
  if (is.character(theme)) {
    theme <- do.call(paste0("theme_", theme), extraargs)
  } else {
    for (i in seq(extraargs)) {
      theme[[names(extraargs)[i]]] <- extraargs[[i]]
  if (is.character(palette)) palette <- rtpalette(palette)

  # Data ----
  if (NCOL(x) > 1 && NROW(x) > 1) stop("x must be a vector or single row or column")
  x[is.na(x)] <- 0

  # '- Names ----
  if (is.null(names)) {
    if (is.null(names(x))) {
      .names <- if (NCOL(x) == 1) labelify(rownames(x)) else labelify(colnames(x))
    } else {
      .names <- labelify(names(x))
  } else {
    .names <- labelify(names)

  x <- as.numeric(x)
  if (length(.names) == 0) {
    .names <- paste("Feature", seq_along(x))

  # '- Index ----
  index <- if (plot.top <= 1) {
    order(abs(x))[(length(x) - plot.top * length(x)):length(x)]
  } else {
    if (plot.top > length(x)) plot.top <- length(x)
    order(abs(x))[(length(x) - plot.top + 1):length(x)]
  x <- x[index]
  if (!is.null(error)) error <- error[index]
  .names <- .names[index]
  # order by value
  index <- order(x)
  x <- x[index]
  .names <- .names[index]
  if (!is.null(error)) error <- error[index]

  if (!is.null(rtenv$rtpar)) par.reset <- FALSE
  par.orig <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
  if (par.reset) on.exit(suppressWarnings(par(par.orig)))

  # Output directory
  if (!is.null(filename))
    if (!dir.exists(dirname(filename)))
      dir.create(dirname(filename), recursive = TRUE)

  # xlim & ylim ----
  if (is.null(ylim)) {
    ylim <- c(0, length(x) + (length(x) + 1) * space)

  if (is.null(xlim)) {
    .error <- if (is.null(error)) 0 else error
    x.range <- max(x + .error) - min(x + .error)
    x.min <- min(x + .error) - .04 * x.range
    x.max <- max(x + .error) + .04 * x.range
    xlim <- range(c(0, x.min, x.max))

  if (is.null(col)) {
    # if (is.null(palette)) palette <- c(theme$fg, "#18A3AC")
    # col <- colorGrad.x(x, palette)
    col <- palette[1]
  cols <- colorAdjust(col, alpha = alpha)

  # Auto-margins ----
  if (is.null(mar)) {
    mar1 <- ifelse(xlab == "", 1.5, 2.5)
    # mar2 <- max(strwidth(.names)) + 2.5 # this freaks out notebooks
    # mar2 <- 1.0741 + 0.4 * max(nchar(.names))
    mar2 <- textwidth(.names)
    mar3 <- if (is.null(main)) .5 else 2
    mar <- c(mar1, mar2, mar3, .8)
    if (trace > 0) cat(gray("mar set to"), mar)

  # Plot ----
  # '- PDF autosize ----
  if (!is.null(filename)) {
    if (is.null(pdf.height)) pdf.height <- length(x) * .2 + .5
    if (is.null(pdf.width)) {
      mar2 <- textwidth(.names)
      pdf.width <- mar2 * .7

  if (!is.null(filename)) pdf(filename, width = pdf.width, height = pdf.height, title = "rtemis Graphics")
  par(mar = mar, bg = theme$bg, pty = pty, cex = theme$cex, family = theme$font.family)
  plot(NULL, NULL, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, bty = "n", axes = FALSE, ann = FALSE,
       xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i")

  # Plot Background ----
  if (theme$plot.bg != "transparent") {
    bg.ylim <- c(min(ylim), max(ylim) + .04 * diff(range(ylim)))
    rect(xlim[1], bg.ylim[1], xlim[2], bg.ylim[2], border = NA, col = theme$plot.bg)

  # Grid ----
  if (theme$grid) {
    grid(nx = theme$grid.nx,
         ny = 0,
         col = colorAdjust(theme$grid.col, theme$grid.alpha),
         lty = theme$grid.lty,
         lwd = theme$grid.lwd)

  # Barplot ----
  barCenters <- barplot(x, col = cols, border = border,
                        xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, axes = barplot.axes,
                        cex.axis = theme$cex, cex.names = theme$cex, add = TRUE, xlab = NULL,
                        axisnames = axisnames, names.arg = names.arg,
                        width = width, space = space, horiz = TRUE,
                        # xpd = FALSE,
                        xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i", ...)
  if (min(x) < 0 && max(x) > 0) abline(v = 0, col = theme$labs.col, lwd = theme$grid.lwd)

  # Error bars ----
  if (!is.null(error)) {
    if (is.null(error.col)) error.col <- cols
    segments(as.vector(x) - as.vector(error), as.vector(barCenters),
             as.vector(x) + as.vector(error), as.vector(barCenters),
             lwd = error.lwd, col = error.col)

    arrows(x - as.vector(error), barCenters,
           x + as.vector(error), barCenters,
           lwd = error.lwd, angle = 90, code = 3, length = 0.05, col = error.col)

  # x-axis ----
  if (xaxis) axis(1, col = theme$axes.col, col.axis = theme$labs.col, col.ticks = theme$tick.col,
                  padj = x.axis.padj, tck = tck, cex = theme$cex)

  # Main Title ----
  if (!is.null(rtenv$autolabel)) {
    autolab <- autolabel[rtenv$autolabel]
    main <- paste(autolab, main)
    rtenv$autolabel <- rtenv$autolabel + 1

  if (length(main) > 0) {
    mtext(main, line = theme$main.line,
          font = theme$main.font, adj = theme$main.adj,
          cex = theme$cex, col = theme$main.col,
          family = theme$font.family)

  # Names ----
  text(x = min(xlim) - names.pad * diff(xlim),
       y = barCenters,
       labels = .names, adj = 1, xpd = TRUE,
       col = theme$labs.col)

  # Axes Labels ----
  if (!is.null(xlab))  mtext(xlab, 1,
                             cex = theme$cex,
                             line = xlab.line,
                             col = theme$labs.col)
  if (!is.null(ylab))  mtext(ylab, 2,
                             cex = theme$cex,
                             line = ylab.line,
                             col = theme$labs.col)

  # Side Labels ----
  if (!is.null(sidelabels)) {
    # mtext(sidelabels, 4, at = barCenters)
    text(x = max(xlim) * 1.01, y = barCenters, labels = sidelabels, xpd = TRUE, pos = 4)

  # Outro ----
  if (!is.null(filename)) dev.off()
  invisible(list(barCenters = barCenters,
                 xlim = xlim,
                 ylim = ylim))

} # rtemis::mplot3_varimp
egenn/rtemis documentation built on Sept. 30, 2024, 4:13 p.m.