
Defines functions combined_results_graph combine_pathfindR_results

Documented in combined_results_graph combine_pathfindR_results

#' Combine 2 pathfindR Results
#' @param result_A data frame of first pathfindR enrichment results
#' @param result_B data frame of second pathfindR enrichment results
#' @param plot_common boolean to indicate whether or not to plot the term-gene
#' graph of the common terms (default=\code{TRUE})
#' @return Data frame of combined pathfindR enrichment results. Columns are: \describe{
#'   \item{ID}{ID of the enriched term}
#'   \item{Term_Description}{Description of the enriched term}
#'   \item{Fold_Enrichment_A}{Fold enrichment value for the enriched term (Calculated using ONLY the input genes)}
#'   \item{occurrence_A}{the number of iterations that the given term was found to enriched over all iterations}
#'   \item{lowest_p_A}{the lowest adjusted-p value of the given term over all iterations}
#'   \item{highest_p_A}{the highest adjusted-p value of the given term over all iterations}
#'   \item{Up_regulated_A}{the up-regulated genes in the input involved in the given term's gene set, comma-separated}
#'   \item{Down_regulated_A}{the down-regulated genes in the input involved in the given term's gene set, comma-separated}
#'   \item{Fold_Enrichment_B}{Fold enrichment value for the enriched term (Calculated using ONLY the input genes)}
#'   \item{occurrence_B}{the number of iterations that the given term was found to enriched over all iterations}
#'   \item{lowest_p_B}{the lowest adjusted-p value of the given term over all iterations}
#'   \item{highest_p_B}{the highest adjusted-p value of the given term over all iterations}
#'   \item{Up_regulated_B}{the up-regulated genes in the input involved in the given term's gene set, comma-separated}
#'   \item{Down_regulated_B}{the down-regulated genes in the input involved in the given term's gene set, comma-separated}
#'   \item{combined_p}{the combined p value (via Fisher's method)}
#'   \item{status}{whether the term is found in both analyses ('common'), found only in the first ('A only') or found only in the second ('B only)}
#' }
#' By default, the function also displays the term-gene graph of the common terms
#' @export
#' @examples
#' combined_results <- combine_pathfindR_results(example_pathfindR_output, example_comparison_output)
combine_pathfindR_results <- function(result_A, result_B, plot_common = TRUE) {
    combined_df <- merge(result_A, result_B, by = c("ID", "Term_Description"), all = TRUE,
        suffixes = c("_A", "_B"))

    ### Calculate combined p values
    combined_df$combined_p <- NA
    for (i in seq_len(nrow(combined_df))) {
        p_vec <- c(combined_df$lowest_p_A[i], combined_df$lowest_p_B[i])
        p_vec <- p_vec[!is.na(p_vec)]
        combined_df$combined_p[i] <- stats::pchisq(q = sum(log(p_vec)) * -2, df = length(p_vec) *
            2, lower.tail = FALSE)
    ### Indicate intersection status
    combined_df$status <- ifelse(is.na(combined_df$lowest_p_A), "B only", ifelse(is.na(combined_df$lowest_p_B),
        "A only", "common"))

    ### Plot graph common terms
    if (plot_common) {

    message("You may run `combined_results_graph()` to create visualizations of combined term-gene graphs of selected terms")


#' Combined Results Graph
#' @param combined_df Data frame of combined pathfindR enrichment results
#' @param selected_terms the vector of selected terms for creating the graph
#' (either IDs or term descriptions). If set to \code{'common'}, all of the
#' common terms are used. (default = 'common')
#' @inheritParams term_gene_graph
#' @return a  \code{\link[ggraph]{ggraph}} object containing the combined term-gene graph.
#'  Each node corresponds to an enriched term (orange if common, different shades of blue otherwise),
#'  an up-regulated gene (green), a down-regulated gene (red) or
#'  a conflicting (i.e. up in one analysis, down in the other or vice versa) gene
#'  (gray). An edge between a term and a gene indicates
#'  that the given term involves the gene. Size of a term node is proportional
#'  to either the number of genes (if \code{node_size = 'num_genes'}) or
#'  the -log10(lowest p value) (if \code{node_size = 'p_val'}).
#' @export
#' @examples
#' combined_results <- combine_pathfindR_results(
#'   example_pathfindR_output,
#'   example_comparison_output,
#'   plot_common = FALSE
#' )
#' g <- combined_results_graph(combined_results, selected_terms = sample(combined_results$ID, 3))
combined_results_graph <- function(combined_df, selected_terms = "common", use_description = FALSE,
    layout = "stress", node_size = "num_genes") {
    ############ Argument Checks Check use_description is boolean
    if (!is.logical(use_description)) {
        stop("`use_description` must either be TRUE or FALSE!")

    ### Set column for term labels
    ID_column <- ifelse(use_description, "Term_Description", "ID")

    ### Check node_size
    val_node_size <- c("num_genes", "p_val")
    if (!node_size %in% val_node_size) {
        stop("`node_size` should be one of ", paste(dQuote(val_node_size), collapse = ", "))

    if (!is.data.frame(combined_df)) {
        stop("`combined_df` should be a data frame")

    ### Check necessary columnns
    necessary_cols <- c(ID_column, "combined_p", "Up_regulated_A", "Down_regulated_A",
        "Up_regulated_B", "Down_regulated_B")

    if (!all(necessary_cols %in% colnames(combined_df))) {
        stop(paste(c("All of", paste(necessary_cols, collapse = ", "), "must be present in `results_df`!"),
            collapse = " "))

    ############ Initial steps Filter for selected terms
    if (any(selected_terms == "common")) {
        if (!any(combined_df$status == "common")) {
            stop("There are no common terms")
        combined_df <- combined_df[combined_df$status == "common", ]
    } else {
        if (!any(selected_terms %in% combined_df[, ID_column])) {
            stop("None of the `selected_terms` are in the combined results!")
        combined_df <- combined_df[combined_df[, ID_column] %in% selected_terms,

    ### Prep data frame for graph
    graph_df <- data.frame()
    for (i in base::seq_len(nrow(combined_df))) {
        up_genes <- c(unlist(strsplit(combined_df$Up_regulated_A[i], ", ")), unlist(strsplit(combined_df$Up_regulated_B[i],
            ", ")))
        down_genes <- c(unlist(strsplit(combined_df$Down_regulated_A[i], ", ")),
            unlist(strsplit(combined_df$Down_regulated_B[i], ", ")))
        genes <- c(up_genes, down_genes)
        genes <- genes[!is.na(genes)]
        for (gene in genes) {
            graph_df <- rbind(graph_df, data.frame(Term = combined_df[i, ID_column],
                Gene = gene))
    graph_df <- unique(graph_df)

    up_genes_A <- unlist(lapply(combined_df$Up_regulated_A, function(x) unlist(strsplit(x,
        ", "))))
    down_genes_A <- unlist(lapply(combined_df$Down_regulated_A, function(x) unlist(strsplit(x,
        ", "))))
    up_genes_B <- unlist(lapply(combined_df$Up_regulated_B, function(x) unlist(strsplit(x,
        ", "))))
    down_genes_B <- unlist(lapply(combined_df$Down_regulated_B, function(x) unlist(strsplit(x,
        ", "))))

    terms_A <- combined_df[!is.na(combined_df$lowest_p_A) & is.na(combined_df$lowest_p_B),
    terms_B <- combined_df[is.na(combined_df$lowest_p_A) & !is.na(combined_df$lowest_p_B),

    ############ Create graph object and plot create igraph object
    g <- igraph::graph_from_data_frame(graph_df, directed = FALSE)
    igraph::V(g)$type <- ifelse(names(igraph::V(g)) %in% terms_A, "A-only term",
        ifelse(names(igraph::V(g)) %in% terms_B, "B-only term", ifelse(names(igraph::V(g)) %in%
            combined_df[, ID_column], "common term", "gene")))

    # Adjust node sizes
    if (node_size == "num_genes") {
        sizes <- igraph::degree(g)
        sizes <- ifelse(grepl("term", igraph::V(g)$type), sizes, 2)
        size_label <- "# genes"
    } else {
        idx <- match(names(igraph::V(g)), combined_df[, ID_column])
        sizes <- -log10(combined_df$combined_p[idx])
        sizes[is.na(sizes)] <- 2
        size_label <- "-log10(p)"
    igraph::V(g)$size <- sizes
    igraph::V(g)$label.cex <- 0.5
    igraph::V(g)$frame.color <- "gray"

    cond_up_A <- names(igraph::V(g)) %in% up_genes_A
    cond_up_B <- names(igraph::V(g)) %in% up_genes_B
    cond_down_A <- names(igraph::V(g)) %in% down_genes_A
    cond_down_B <- names(igraph::V(g)) %in% down_genes_B
    missing_A <- !cond_up_A & !cond_down_A
    missing_B <- !cond_up_B & !cond_down_B

    up_cond <- (cond_up_A & cond_up_B) | (missing_A & cond_up_B) | (cond_up_A & missing_B)
    down_cond <- (cond_down_A & cond_down_B) | (missing_A & cond_down_B) | (cond_down_A &

    igraph::V(g)$for_coloring <- ifelse(igraph::V(g)$type == "common term", "Common term",
        ifelse(igraph::V(g)$type == "A-only term", "A-only term", ifelse(igraph::V(g)$type ==
            "B-only term", "B-only term", ifelse(up_cond, "Up gene", ifelse(down_cond,
            "Down gene", "Conflicting gene")))))

    ### Create graph
    create_graph <- function(g, for_coloring, size) {
        color_var <- ggplot2::enquo(for_coloring)
        size_var <- ggplot2::enquo(size)
        p <- ggraph::ggraph(g, layout = layout)
        p <- p + ggraph::geom_edge_link(alpha = 0.8, colour = "darkgrey")
        p <- p + ggraph::geom_node_point(ggplot2::aes(color = !!color_var, size = !!size_var))
        p <- p + ggplot2::scale_size(range = c(5, 10), breaks = round(seq(round(min(igraph::V(g)$size)),
            round(max(igraph::V(g)$size)), length.out = 4)), name = size_label)
        p <- p + ggplot2::theme_void()
        p <- p + suppressWarnings(ggraph::geom_node_text(ggplot2::aes(label = .data$name),
            nudge_y = 0.2, repel = TRUE, max.overlaps = 20))

        vertex_cols <- c(`Common term` = "#FCCA46", `A-only term` = "#9FB8AD", `B-only term` = "#619B8A",
            `Up gene` = "green", `Down gene` = "red", `Conflicting gene` = "gray")
        p <- p + ggplot2::scale_colour_manual(values = vertex_cols, name = NULL)
        p <- p + ggplot2::ggtitle("Combined Terms Graph")
        p <- p + ggplot2::theme(plot.title = ggplot2::element_text(hjust = 0.5))

    return(create_graph(g, for_coloring, size))
egeulgen/pathfindR documentation built on April 27, 2024, 11:25 p.m.