
Defines functions summarize_enrichment_results enrichment_analyses enrichment hyperg_test

Documented in enrichment enrichment_analyses hyperg_test summarize_enrichment_results

#' Hypergeometric Distribution-based Hypothesis Testing
#' @param term_genes vector of genes in the selected term gene set
#' @param chosen_genes vector containing the set of input genes
#' @param background_genes vector of background genes (i.e. universal set of
#' genes in the experiment)
#' @return the p-value as determined using the hypergeometric distribution.
#' @details To determine whether the \code{chosen_genes} are enriched
#' (compared to a background pool of genes) in the \code{term_genes}, the
#' hypergeometric distribution is assumed and the appropriate p value
#' (the value under the right tail) is calculated and returned.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' hyperg_test(letters[1:5], letters[2:5], letters)
#' hyperg_test(letters[1:5], letters[2:10], letters)
#' hyperg_test(letters[1:5], letters[2:13], letters)
hyperg_test <- function(term_genes, chosen_genes, background_genes) {
    #### Argument checks
    if (!is.atomic(term_genes)) {
        stop("`term_genes` should be a vector")
    if (!is.atomic(chosen_genes)) {
        stop("`chosen_genes` should be a vector")
    if (!is.atomic(background_genes)) {
        stop("`background_genes` should be a vector")

    if (length(term_genes) > length(background_genes)) {
        stop("`term_genes` cannot be larger than `background_genes`!")
    if (length(chosen_genes) > length(background_genes)) {
        stop("`chosen_genes` cannot be larger than `background_genes`!")

    #### Calculate p value
    term_genes_selected <- sum(chosen_genes %in% term_genes)
    term_genes_in_pool <- sum(term_genes %in% background_genes)
    tot_genes_in_pool <- length(background_genes)
    non_term_genes_in_pool <- tot_genes_in_pool - term_genes_in_pool
    num_selected_genes <- length(chosen_genes)

    p_val <- stats::phyper(term_genes_selected - 1, term_genes_in_pool, non_term_genes_in_pool,
        num_selected_genes, lower.tail = FALSE)

#' Perform Enrichment Analysis for a Single Gene Set
#' @param input_genes The set of gene symbols to be used for enrichment
#'   analysis. In the scope of this package, these are genes that were
#'   identified for an active subnetwork
#' @param genes_by_term List that contains genes for each gene set. Names of
#'   this list are gene set IDs (default = kegg_genes)
#' @param term_descriptions Vector that contains term descriptions for the
#'   gene sets. Names of this vector are gene set IDs (default = kegg_descriptions)
#' @param adj_method correction method to be used for adjusting p-values.
#'   (default = 'bonferroni')
#' @param enrichment_threshold adjusted-p value threshold used when filtering
#'   enrichment results (default = 0.05)
#' @param sig_genes_vec vector of significant gene symbols. In the scope of this
#'   package, these are the input genes that were used for active subnetwork search
#' @param background_genes vector of background genes. In the scope of this package,
#'   the background genes are taken as all genes in the PIN
#'   (see \code{\link{enrichment_analyses}})
#' @return A data frame that contains enrichment results
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link[stats]{p.adjust}} for adjustment of p values. See
#'   \code{\link{run_pathfindR}} for the wrapper function of the pathfindR
#'   workflow. \code{\link{hyperg_test}} for the details on hypergeometric
#'   distribution-based hypothesis testing.
#' @examples
#' enrichment(
#'   input_genes = c('PER1', 'PER2', 'CRY1', 'CREB1'),
#'   sig_genes_vec = 'PER1',
#'   background_genes = unlist(pathfindR.data::kegg_genes)
#' )
enrichment <- function(input_genes, genes_by_term = pathfindR.data::kegg_genes, term_descriptions = pathfindR.data::kegg_descriptions,
    adj_method = "bonferroni", enrichment_threshold = 0.05, sig_genes_vec, background_genes) {
    #### Argument checks input genes
    if (!is.atomic(input_genes)) {
        stop("`input_genes` should be a vector of gene symbols")

    ## gene sets data
    if (!is.list(genes_by_term)) {
        stop("`genes_by_term` should be a list of term gene sets")
    if (is.null(names(genes_by_term))) {
        stop("`genes_by_term` should be a named list (names are gene set IDs)")

    if (!is.atomic(term_descriptions)) {
        stop("`term_descriptions` should be a vector of term gene descriptions")
    if (is.null(names(term_descriptions))) {
        stop("`term_descriptions` should be a named vector (names are gene set IDs)")

    if (length(genes_by_term) != length(term_descriptions)) {
        stop("The lengths of `genes_by_term` and `term_descriptions` should be the same")
    if (any(names(genes_by_term) != names(term_descriptions))) {
        stop("The names of `genes_by_term` and `term_descriptions` should all be the same")

    ## enrichment threshold
    if (!is.numeric(enrichment_threshold)) {
        stop("`enrichment_threshold` should be a numeric value between 0 and 1")
    if (enrichment_threshold < 0 | enrichment_threshold > 1) {
        stop("`enrichment_threshold` should be between 0 and 1")

    ## signif. genes and background (universal set) genes
    if (!is.atomic(sig_genes_vec)) {
        stop("`sig_genes_vec` should be a vector")
    if (!is.atomic(background_genes)) {
        stop("`background_genes` should be a vector")

    #### Obtain p values
    enrichment_res <- vapply(genes_by_term, hyperg_test, 0.1, input_genes, background_genes)
    enrichment_res <- as.data.frame(enrichment_res)
    colnames(enrichment_res) <- "p_value"

    # Adjust p values
    idx <- order(enrichment_res$p_value)
    enrichment_res <- enrichment_res[idx, , drop = FALSE]
    enrichment_res$adj_p <- stats::p.adjust(enrichment_res$p, method = adj_method)

    #### Filter by adj-p
    cond <- enrichment_res$adj_p <= enrichment_threshold
    # Empty case (if all adj-p > threshold)
    if (sum(cond) == 0) {
    enrichment_res <- enrichment_res[cond, ]

    #### Add other columns Term IDs
    enrichment_res$ID <- rownames(enrichment_res)

    ## Term descriptions
    idx <- match(enrichment_res$ID, names(term_descriptions))
    enrichment_res$Term_Description <- term_descriptions[idx]

    # Fold enrinchment
    gset_for_fe <- genes_by_term[rownames(enrichment_res)]
    A <- vapply(gset_for_fe, function(gset) length(intersect(sig_genes_vec, gset)),
    B <- vapply(gset_for_fe, function(gset) length(intersect(background_genes, gset)),
    enrichment_res$Fold_Enrichment <- A/B

    # Non-significant Subnetwork Genes
    non_sig_snw_genes <- base::setdiff(input_genes, sig_genes_vec)
    for (i in base::seq_len(nrow(enrichment_res))) {
        tmp <- intersect(non_sig_snw_genes, genes_by_term[[enrichment_res$ID[i]]])
        enrichment_res$non_Signif_Snw_Genes[i] <- paste(tmp, collapse = ", ")

    ## reorder columns
    to_order <- c("ID", "Term_Description", "Fold_Enrichment", "p_value", "adj_p",
    enrichment_res <- enrichment_res[, to_order]


#' Perform Enrichment Analyses on the Input Subnetworks
#' @param snws a list of subnetwork genes (i.e., vectors of genes for each subnetwork)
#' @inheritParams enrichment
#' @inheritParams return_pin_path
#' @param list_active_snw_genes boolean value indicating whether or not to report
#' the non-significant active subnetwork genes for the active subnetwork which was enriched for
#' the given term with the lowest p value (default = \code{FALSE})
#' @return a dataframe of combined enrichment results. Columns are: \describe{
#'   \item{ID}{ID of the enriched term}
#'   \item{Term_Description}{Description of the enriched term}
#'   \item{Fold_Enrichment}{Fold enrichment value for the enriched term}
#'   \item{p_value}{p value of enrichment}
#'   \item{adj_p}{adjusted p value of enrichment}
#'   \item{support}{the support (proportion of active subnetworks leading to enrichment over all subnetworks) for the gene set}
#'   \item{non_Signif_Snw_Genes (OPTIONAL)}{the non-significant active subnetwork genes, comma-separated}
#' }
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{enrichment}} for the enrichment analysis for a single gene set
#' @examples
#' enr_res <- enrichment_analyses(
#'   snws = example_active_snws[1:2],
#'   sig_genes_vec = example_pathfindR_input$Gene.symbol[1:25],
#'   pin_name_path = 'KEGG'
#' )
enrichment_analyses <- function(snws, sig_genes_vec, pin_name_path = "Biogrid", genes_by_term = pathfindR.data::kegg_genes,
    term_descriptions = pathfindR.data::kegg_descriptions, adj_method = "bonferroni",
    enrichment_threshold = 0.05, list_active_snw_genes = FALSE) {
    ### Argument check
    if (!is.logical(list_active_snw_genes)) {
        stop("`list_active_snw_genes` should be either TRUE or FALSE")

    ### Load PIN Data
    pin_path <- return_pin_path(pin_name_path)
    pin <- utils::read.delim(file = pin_path, header = FALSE)

    background_genes <- unique(c(pin[, 1], pin[, 3]))

    # turn all to upper case for best match
    genes_by_term <- lapply(genes_by_term, base::toupper)
    sig_genes_vec <- base::toupper(sig_genes_vec)
    background_genes <- base::toupper(background_genes)

    ############ Enrichment per subnetwork
    enrichment_res <- lapply(snws, function(x) {
        enrichment(input_genes = base::toupper(x), genes_by_term = genes_by_term,
            term_descriptions = term_descriptions, adj_method = adj_method, enrichment_threshold = enrichment_threshold,
            sig_genes_vec = sig_genes_vec, background_genes = background_genes)

    ### indices for snw.s
    if (length(enrichment_res) != 0) {
        for (i in seq_len(length(enrichment_res))) {
            if (!is.null(enrichment_res[[i]])) {
                enrichment_res[[i]]$snw_idx <- i

    ############ Combine Enrichments Results for All Subnetworks
    enrichment_res <- Reduce(rbind, enrichment_res)

    ############ Process if non-empty
    if (!is.null(enrichment_res)) {
        ## calculate support values
        support <- tapply(enrichment_res$snw_idx, enrichment_res$ID, length)
        support <- support/length(snws)
        enrichment_res$support <- support[match(enrichment_res$ID, names(support))]
        enrichment_res$snw_idx <- NULL

        ## delete non_Signif_Snw_Genes if list_active_snw_genes == FALSE
        if (!list_active_snw_genes) {
            enrichment_res$non_Signif_Snw_Genes <- NULL

        ## keep lowest p for each term
        idx <- order(enrichment_res$adj_p)
        enrichment_res <- enrichment_res[idx, ]
        enrichment_res <- enrichment_res[!duplicated(enrichment_res$ID), ]

#' Summarize Enrichment Results
#' @param enrichment_res a dataframe of combined enrichment results. Columns are: \describe{
#'   \item{ID}{ID of the enriched term}
#'   \item{Term_Description}{Description of the enriched term}
#'   \item{Fold_Enrichment}{Fold enrichment value for the enriched term}
#'   \item{p_value}{p value of enrichment}
#'   \item{adj_p}{adjusted p value of enrichment}
#'   \item{non_Signif_Snw_Genes (OPTIONAL)}{the non-significant active subnetwork genes, comma-separated}
#' }
#' @inheritParams enrichment_analyses
#' @return a dataframe of summarized enrichment results (over multiple iterations). Columns are: \describe{
#'   \item{ID}{ID of the enriched term}
#'   \item{Term_Description}{Description of the enriched term}
#'   \item{Fold_Enrichment}{Fold enrichment value for the enriched term}
#'   \item{occurrence}{the number of iterations that the given term was found to enriched over all iterations}
#'   \item{support}{the median support (proportion of active subnetworks leading to enrichment within an iteration) over all iterations}
#'   \item{lowest_p}{the lowest adjusted-p value of the given term over all iterations}
#'   \item{highest_p}{the highest adjusted-p value of the given term over all iterations}
#'   \item{non_Signif_Snw_Genes (OPTIONAL)}{the non-significant active subnetwork genes, comma-separated}
#' }
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' summarize_enrichment_results(enrichment_res)
#' }
summarize_enrichment_results <- function(enrichment_res, list_active_snw_genes = FALSE) {
    message("## Processing the enrichment results over all iterations")

    ## Argument checks
    if (!is.logical(list_active_snw_genes)) {
        stop("`list_active_snw_genes` should be either TRUE or FALSE")

    nec_cols <- c("ID", "Term_Description", "Fold_Enrichment", "p_value", "adj_p",
    if (list_active_snw_genes) {
        nec_cols <- c(nec_cols, "non_Signif_Snw_Genes")

    if (!is.data.frame(enrichment_res)) {
        stop("`enrichment_res` should be a data frame")

    if (ncol(enrichment_res) != length(nec_cols)) {
        stop("`enrichment_res` should have exactly ", length(nec_cols), " columns")

    if (!all(nec_cols %in% colnames(enrichment_res))) {
        stop("`enrichment_res` should have column names ", paste(dQuote(nec_cols),
            collapse = ", "))

    ## Annotate lowest p, highest p, occurrence and median support
    final_res <- enrichment_res
    lowest_p <- tapply(enrichment_res$adj_p, enrichment_res$ID, min)
    highest_p <- tapply(enrichment_res$adj_p, enrichment_res$ID, max)
    occurrence <- tapply(enrichment_res$adj_p, enrichment_res$ID, length)
    support <- tapply(enrichment_res$support, enrichment_res$ID, stats::median)

    matched_idx <- match(final_res$ID, names(lowest_p))
    final_res$lowest_p <- as.numeric(lowest_p[matched_idx])

    matched_idx <- match(final_res$ID, names(highest_p))
    final_res$highest_p <- as.numeric(highest_p[matched_idx])

    matched_idx <- match(final_res$ID, names(occurrence))
    final_res$occurrence <- as.numeric(occurrence[matched_idx])

    matched_idx <- match(final_res$ID, names(support))
    final_res$support <- as.numeric(support[matched_idx])

    ## reorder columns
    keep <- c("ID", "Term_Description", "Fold_Enrichment", "occurrence", "support",
        "lowest_p", "highest_p")
    if (list_active_snw_genes) {
        keep <- c(keep, "non_Signif_Snw_Genes")
    final_res <- final_res[, keep]

    ## keep data with lowest p-value over all iterations
    final_res <- final_res[order(final_res$lowest_p), ]
    final_res <- final_res[!duplicated(final_res$ID), ]
    rownames(final_res) <- NULL

egeulgen/pathfindR documentation built on April 27, 2024, 11:25 p.m.