
Defines functions AddModuleScore_SERIII ClassifyCellsCustom_SERIII predict_SERIII

#this is a modified version of the AddModuleScore
#returnScore = F/T controls the output.
#if T, just the scores are returned,
#if F, the scores are put in the Seurat obj and the Seurat object is returned.
#Also this FX is modified to work for Seurat V3

AddModuleScore_SERIII <- function(
  genes.list = NULL,
  genes.pool = NULL,
  n.bin = 25,
  seed.use = 1,
  ctrl.size = 100,
  enrich.name = "Cluster",
  random.seed = 1, returnScore = F) {

  set.seed(seed = random.seed)
  genes.old <- genes.list

  if (is.null(x = genes.list)) {
    stop("Missing input gene list")

  genes.list <- lapply(
    X = genes.list,
    FUN = function(x) {
      return(intersect(x = x, y = rownames(object)))

  cluster.length <- length(x = genes.list)

  if (!all(LengthCheck(values = genes.list))) {
      'Could not find enough genes in the object from the following gene lists:',
      paste(names(x = which(x = ! LengthCheck(values = genes.list)))),
      'Attempting to match case...'

    genes.list <- lapply(
      X = genes.old,
      FUN = CaseMatch, match = rownames(object)

  if (!all(LengthCheck(values = genes.list))) {
      'The following gene lists do not have enough genes present in the object:',
      paste(names(x = which(x = ! LengthCheck(values = genes.list)))),
  if (is.null(x = genes.pool)) {
    genes.pool = rownames(object)
  data.avg <- Matrix::rowMeans(object@assays$RNA@data[genes.pool, ])
  data.avg <- data.avg[order(data.avg)]
  data.cut <- as.numeric(x = Hmisc::cut2(
    x = data.avg,
    m = round(x = length(x = data.avg) / n.bin)
  names(x = data.cut) <- names(x = data.avg)
  ctrl.use <- vector(mode = "list", length = cluster.length)
  for (i in 1:cluster.length) {
    genes.use <- genes.list[[i]]
    for (j in 1:length(x = genes.use)) {
      ctrl.use[[i]] <- c(
        names(x = sample(
          x = data.cut[which(x = data.cut == data.cut[genes.use[j]])],
          size = ctrl.size,
          replace = FALSE

  ctrl.use <- lapply(X = ctrl.use, FUN = unique)
  ctrl.scores <- matrix(
    data = numeric(length = 1L),
    nrow = length(x = ctrl.use),
    ncol = ncol(x = object@assays$RNA@data)

  for (i in 1:length(ctrl.use)) {
    genes.use <- ctrl.use[[i]]
    ctrl.scores[i, ] <- Matrix::colMeans(x = object@assays$RNA@data[genes.use, ])
  genes.scores <- matrix(
    data = numeric(length = 1L),
    nrow = cluster.length,
    ncol = ncol(x = object@assays$RNA@data)
  for (i in 1:cluster.length) {
    genes.use <- genes.list[[i]]
    data.use <- object@assays$RNA@data[genes.use, , drop = FALSE]
    genes.scores[i, ] <- Matrix::colMeans(x = data.use)
  genes.scores.use <- genes.scores - ctrl.scores
  rownames(x = genes.scores.use) <- paste0(enrich.name, 1:cluster.length)
  genes.scores.use <- as.data.frame(x = t(x = genes.scores.use))
  rownames(x = genes.scores.use) <- colnames(x = object@assays$RNA@data)

  for (colName in colnames(genes.scores.use)) {
    object[[colName]] <- genes.scores.use[colnames(object), colName]

  gc(verbose = FALSE)



  } else {
    object@meta.data$cID <- rownames(object@meta.data)

    return(object@meta.data[, c("cID", colnames(genes.scores.use))] )


ClassifyCellsCustom_SERIII <- function(Classifier.rds.path = "",
                                       testing.data, log10T=T, returnTraining=F){

    stop("Check classifier path ....")

  MultiClassifierResults <- readRDS(Classifier.rds.path)
  Available.Classifiers  <- names(MultiClassifierResults)[grepl("classifier", names(MultiClassifierResults))]


  if(ClassifierNames[1]=="") ClassifierNames <- Available.Classifiers

  if(length(which(ClassifierNames %in% Available.Classifiers)) < length(ClassifierNames)) {
    print("Names in ClassifierNames did not match whats available")
    ClassifierNames <- Available.Classifiers

  MultiClassifier        <- MultiClassifierResults[Available.Classifiers]

  if(class(testing.data)[1]=="seurat") {
    print("Converting Seurat Sparse Matrix to one with 0s .... ")

    testing.data <- Matrix::as.matrix(Matrix::t(testing.data@assays$RNA@data))

  } else {
    if(!(class(testing.data)[1] %in% c("dgCMatrix", "matrix", "Matrix")) ) {
      print("DGE mat not Seurat or dgCMatrix")
      print("Make sure columns are cells and rows are genes and convert to expected format for speed")
      testing.data <- Matrix::as.matrix((testing.data))


  if(log10T) {
    testing.data <- log10(testing.data+1)

  print("Starting Classification")

  testing.data.yhat <- data.frame(lapply(Available.Classifiers, function(ClassifX){


    tempClassifier <- MultiClassifier[[ClassifX]]

    tempClassifier$coefnames[!(tempClassifier$coefnames %in% colnames(testing.data))]

    y.hat <- predict(tempClassifier, newdata = testing.data[,])


  colnames(testing.data.yhat) <- Available.Classifiers

  NotLevelName <- levels(testing.data.yhat[,1])[grep("Not", levels(testing.data.yhat[,1]))]

  testing.data.yhat$CountNot <- apply(testing.data.yhat, 1, function(x) sum(grepl(NotLevelName, x)))
  testing.data.yhat$CountTot <- rep(length(Available.Classifiers), nrow(testing.data.yhat))

  testing.data.yhat$NotProb <- testing.data.yhat$CountNot/testing.data.yhat$CountTot

  rownames(testing.data.yhat) <- rownames(testing.data)

  return(list(yhat.DF = testing.data.yhat,
              classification.levels = levels(testing.data.yhat[,1]),
              Available.Classifiers = Available.Classifiers,
              log10T = log10T,
              DGEcolNames = colnames(testing.data),
              DGErowNames = rownames(testing.data),
              MultiClassifierResults = ifelse(returnTraining, MultiClassifierResults, "NULL")))


predict_SERIII <- function(ProcSERobj.path = NULL, PatternOfProcSERobj="_proc.rds",
                               classification.path = NULL, file.select = NULL,
                               TrainedClassifiers.path = "../PBMC3k/data",
                               save.fig.path = NULL, col_vector=NULL, returnLS = F, GarnettClassify=F,
                               Garnett.path = "./data/Garnett/pbmc_classification.txt", MCEClassify=T,
                               ModuleScoreGeneListClassify=F, ModuleScoreGeneLists=NULL,
                               RhesusConvDavid.path = "./data/Rhesus/David6.8_ConvertedRhesus_ENSMMUG.txt",
                               RhesusConvDavid = F, ENSMB.tag="ENSMM", yhat.save.path = NA, cleanName=T){

    stop("path does not exists")

  ClassifiersLS <- list()
  ClassifiersLS$MCEyhat <- list()
  ClassifiersLS$MCEyhat$CD8T <- list()
  ClassifiersLS$MCEyhat$CD4T <- list()
  ClassifiersLS$MCEyhat$NK <- list()
  ClassifiersLS$MCEyhat$B <- list()
  ClassifiersLS$MCEyhat$Lymph <- list()

  if(GarnettClassify) ClassifiersLS$Garnett <- list()

  if(ModuleScoreGeneListClassify) ClassifiersLS$SeuratGeneScore <- list()

  SERObjects_processed.paths <- list.files(ProcSERobj.path, full.names = T, pattern = PatternOfProcSERobj)

    print("no files found...")
  }else {

    if(is.null(classification.path)) classification.path <- ProcSERobj.path
    if(is.null(save.fig.path)) save.fig.path <- ProcSERobj.path
    if(is.null(col_vector)) col_vector <- colors(distinct = T)

    if(!is.null(file.select)) SERObjects_processed.paths <- SERObjects_processed.paths[grepl(file.select, SERObjects_processed.paths)]

    for(SERObj.path in SERObjects_processed.paths){

      tempSER <- readRDS(SERObj.path)
      #tempSER <- SeuratObjs

      tempName <- basename(gsub("_", "", gsub("-", "_", gsub("\\.", "", gsub("_SeuratObj.rds_proc.rds", "", SERObj.path)))))

      # ModuleScoreGeneLists <- CTL_Immune_GeneList(QuickGO.path="/Volumes/Maggie/Work/OHSU/Eisa/R/scRNASeq/data/QuickGO")


        print("Starting Seurat's AddModule Scoring for GeneSets")
        #tempLSScores <- list()
        ClassifiersLS$SeuratGeneScore[[tempName]] <- list()

        for(GeneList in names(ModuleScoreGeneLists)){
          # GeneList = names(ModuleScoreGeneLists)[1]

            ClassifiersLS$SeuratGeneScore[[tempName]][[GeneList]] <- AddModuleScore_SERIII(object=tempSER,
                                                                               genes.list = list(ModuleScoreGeneLists[[GeneList]]),
                                                                               genes.pool = NULL,
                                                                               n.bin = 25,
                                                                               seed.use = 123,
                                                                               ctrl.size = 100,
                                                                               enrich.name = GeneList,
                                                                               random.seed = 1, returnScore = T)
          } else {
            warning("length of gene list is <= 0 ")


        #Seurate gene score (SGS)
        SGS.DF <- as.data.frame(ClassifiersLS$SeuratGeneScore[[tempName]])

        ClassifiersLS$SeuratGeneScore[[tempName]]$SGS.DF <- SGS.DF#ClassifiersLS$SeuratGeneScore


          yhat.s.path <- paste(yhat.save.path, "/", basename(SERObj.path), "_SGS.csv", sep="")
          write.csv(SGS.DF, file = yhat.s.path, row.names=TRUE, col.names = T)


      #CD8 T cells


        if(!file.exists(paste(classification.path, "/", basename(gsub(".rds_proc.rds", "", SERObj.path)), "_CD8T_MCEyhat.rds",sep=""))){

          #one can directly give the Seurat object to the ClassifyCellsCustom_SERIII()
          #since looping, its faster to compute the non-sparse log once

          X.SerObj.temp <- log10(Matrix::as.matrix(Matrix::t(tempSER@assays$RNA@data))+1)


            if(!file.exists(RhesusConvDavid.path)) print("David file not found") else {
              colnames(X.SerObj.temp)[grepl(ENSMB.tag, colnames(X.SerObj.temp))] <- RhesusGeneDavidConv(ColNames2Conv=colnames(X.SerObj.temp),



          #for now because I did that with the training set, when new training is done,
          #I will not do this, as its just fine to keep the dash and avoid dupes
          if(cleanName) colnames(X.SerObj.temp) <- gsub("-", "", colnames(X.SerObj.temp))

          ClassifiersLS$MCEyhat$CD8T[[tempName]]  <- list(MCE=ClassifyCellsCustom_SERIII(
            Classifier.rds.path = paste(TrainedClassifiers.path, "/MCR_LS_CD8T.rds", sep=""),
            testing.data = X.SerObj.temp, log10T=F))

          ClassifiersLS$MCEyhat$CD8T[[tempName]]$MCE$log10T = T

          #either save results as tsv or csv
          #ClassifiersLS$MCEyhat$CD8T[[tempName]]$yhat.DF or entire object
          #but its best so compute all inferences, save as rds, but as a csv, save a complete sheet of all classifiers
          saveRDS(ClassifiersLS$MCEyhat$CD8T[[tempName]], paste(classification.path, "/", basename(gsub(".rds_proc.rds", "", SERObj.path)), "_CD8T_MCEyhat.rds",sep=""))

        } else {
          print(paste(classification.path, "/", basename(gsub(".rds_proc.rds", "", SERObj.path)), "_CD8T_MCEyhat.rds",sep=""))
          print("Already done ... loading for LS")
          ClassifiersLS$MCEyhat$CD8T[[tempName]] <- readRDS(paste(classification.path, "/", basename(gsub(".rds_proc.rds", "", SERObj.path)), "_CD8T_MCEyhat.rds",sep=""))

        #CD4T cells

        if(!file.exists(paste(classification.path, "/", basename(gsub(".rds_proc.rds", "", SERObj.path)), "_CD4T_MCEyhat.rds",sep=""))){

          if(!exists("X.SerObj.temp")) X.SerObj.temp <- readRDS(SERObj.path)

          ClassifiersLS$MCEyhat$CD4T[[tempName]]  <- list(MCE=ClassifyCellsCustom_SERIII(
            Classifier.rds.path = paste(TrainedClassifiers.path, "/MCR_LS_CD4T.rds", sep=""),
            testing.data = X.SerObj.temp, log10T=F))
          ClassifiersLS$MCEyhat$CD4T[[tempName]]$MCE$log10T = T

          saveRDS(ClassifiersLS$MCEyhat$CD4T[[tempName]], paste(classification.path, "/", basename(gsub(".rds_proc.rds", "", SERObj.path)), "_CD4T_MCEyhat.rds",sep=""))

        } else {
          print(paste(classification.path, "/", basename(gsub(".rds_proc.rds", "", SERObj.path)), "_CD4T_MCEyhat.rds",sep=""))
          print("Already done ... loading for LS")
          ClassifiersLS$MCEyhat$CD4T[[tempName]] <- readRDS(paste(classification.path, "/", basename(gsub(".rds_proc.rds", "", SERObj.path)), "_CD4T_MCEyhat.rds",sep=""))

        #NK cells

        if(!file.exists(paste(classification.path, "/", basename(gsub(".rds_proc.rds", "", SERObj.path)), "_NK_MCEyhat.rds",sep=""))){

          if(!exists("X.SerObj.temp")) X.SerObj.temp <- readRDS(SERObj.path)

          ClassifiersLS$MCEyhat$NK[[tempName]]  <- list(MCE=ClassifyCellsCustom_SERIII(
            Classifier.rds.path = paste(TrainedClassifiers.path, "/MCR_LS_NK.rds", sep=""),
            testing.data = X.SerObj.temp, log10T=F))
          ClassifiersLS$MCEyhat$NK[[tempName]]$MCE$log10T = T

          #either save results as tsv or csv

          saveRDS(ClassifiersLS$MCEyhat$NK[[tempName]], paste(classification.path, "/", basename(gsub(".rds_proc.rds", "", SERObj.path)), "_NK_MCEyhat.rds",sep=""))

        } else {
          print(paste(classification.path, "/", basename(gsub(".rds_proc.rds", "", SERObj.path)), "_NK_MCEyhat.rds",sep=""))
          print("Already done ... loading for LS")
          ClassifiersLS$MCEyhat$NK[[tempName]] <- readRDS(paste(classification.path, "/", basename(gsub(".rds_proc.rds", "", SERObj.path)), "_NK_MCEyhat.rds",sep=""))

        #B cells

        if(!file.exists(paste(classification.path, "/", basename(gsub(".rds_proc.rds", "", SERObj.path)), "_B_MCEyhat.rds",sep=""))){

          if(!exists("X.SerObj.temp")) X.SerObj.temp <- readRDS(SERObj.path)

          ClassifiersLS$MCEyhat$B[[tempName]]  <- list(MCE=ClassifyCellsCustom_SERIII(
            Classifier.rds.path = paste(TrainedClassifiers.path, "/MCR_LS_B.rds", sep=""),
            testing.data = X.SerObj.temp, log10T=F))
          ClassifiersLS$MCEyhat$B[[tempName]]$MCE$log10T = T

          saveRDS(ClassifiersLS$MCEyhat$B[[tempName]], paste(classification.path, "/", basename(gsub(".rds_proc.rds", "", SERObj.path)), "_B_MCEyhat.rds",sep=""))

        } else {
          print(paste(classification.path, "/", basename(gsub(".rds_proc.rds", "", SERObj.path)), "_B_MCEyhat.rds",sep=""))
          print("Already done ... loading for LS")
          ClassifiersLS$MCEyhat$B[[tempName]] <- readRDS(paste(classification.path, "/", basename(gsub(".rds_proc.rds", "", SERObj.path)), "_B_MCEyhat.rds",sep=""))

        #Lymph cells

        if(!file.exists(paste(classification.path, "/", basename(gsub(".rds_proc.rds", "", SERObj.path)), "_Lymph_MCEyhat.rds",sep=""))){

          if(!exists("X.SerObj.temp")) X.SerObj.temp <- readRDS(SERObj.path)

          ClassifiersLS$MCEyhat$Lymph[[tempName]]  <- list(MCE=ClassifyCellsCustom_SERIII(
            Classifier.rds.path = paste(TrainedClassifiers.path, "/MCR_LS_Lymph.rds", sep=""),
            testing.data = X.SerObj.temp, log10T=F))

          ClassifiersLS$MCEyhat$Lymph[[tempName]]$MCE$log10T = T

          saveRDS(ClassifiersLS$MCEyhat$Lymph[[tempName]], paste(classification.path, "/", basename(gsub(".rds_proc.rds", "", SERObj.path)), "_Lymph_MCEyhat.rds",sep=""))
        } else {
          print(paste(classification.path, "/", basename(gsub(".rds_proc.rds", "", SERObj.path)), "_Lymph_MCEyhat.rds",sep=""))
          print("Already done ... loading for LS")
          ClassifiersLS$MCEyhat$Lymph[[tempName]] <- readRDS(paste(classification.path, "/", basename(gsub(".rds_proc.rds", "", SERObj.path)), "_Lymph_MCEyhat.rds",sep=""))

        print("All classifiers are done with this file ... ")

        yhat.Combo <- as.data.frame(cbind(1-ClassifiersLS$MCEyhat$CD8T[[tempName]]$MCE$yhat.DF$NotProb,

        colnames(yhat.Combo) <- c("CD8T", "CD4T", "NK", "B", "Lymph")
        rownames(yhat.Combo) <- colnames(tempSER@assays$RNA@data)

        Classificatio.meta.data <- list()

        #TODO?: The prob association is set to 50% changing it will affect classification stats e.g. precision/recall etc
        Classificatio.meta.data$CD8T_MCE <- apply(yhat.Combo, 1, function(xR){
          ifelse(xR["Lymph"] > 0.5 &
                   xR["CD8T"] > 0.5 &
                   xR["CD4T"] < 0.5 &
                   xR["NK"] < 0.5 &
                   xR["B"] < 0.5, 1, 0)

        Classificatio.meta.data$CD4T_MCE <- apply(yhat.Combo, 1, function(xR){
          ifelse(xR["Lymph"] > 0.5 &
                   xR["CD8T"] < 0.5 &
                   xR["CD4T"] > 0.5 &
                   xR["NK"] < 0.5 &
                   xR["B"] < 0.5, 1, 0)

        Classificatio.meta.data$B_MCE <- apply(yhat.Combo, 1, function(xR){
          ifelse(xR["Lymph"] > 0.5 &
                   xR["CD8T"] < 0.5 &
                   xR["CD4T"] < 0.5 &
                   xR["NK"] < 0.5 &
                   xR["B"] > 0.5, 1, 0)

        Classificatio.meta.data$NK_MCE <- apply(yhat.Combo, 1, function(xR){
          ifelse(xR["Lymph"] > 0.5 &
                   xR["CD8T"] < 0.5 &
                   xR["CD4T"] < 0.5 &
                   xR["NK"] > 0.5 &
                   xR["B"] < 0.5, 1, 0)

        Classificatio.meta.data$LymphNotTBNK_MCE <- apply(yhat.Combo, 1, function(xR){
          ifelse(xR["Lymph"] > 0.5 &
                   xR["CD8T"] < 0.5 &
                   xR["CD4T"] < 0.5 &
                   xR["NK"] < 0.5 &
                   xR["B"] < 0.5, 1, 0)

        Classificatio.meta.data$NotLymphTBNK_MCE <- apply(yhat.Combo, 1, function(xR){
          ifelse(xR["Lymph"] < 0.5 &
                   xR["CD8T"] < 0.5 &
                   xR["CD4T"] < 0.5 &
                   xR["NK"] < 0.5 &
                   xR["B"] < 0.5, 1, 0)

        Classificatio.meta.data <- as.data.frame(Classificatio.meta.data)


          yhat.s.path <- paste(yhat.save.path, "/", basename(SERObj.path), "_MCEmeta.csv", sep="")
            print(yhat.s.path); print("already exists")
          } else {
            write.csv(Classificatio.meta.data, file = yhat.s.path, row.names=TRUE, col.names = T)


          yhat.s.path <- paste(yhat.save.path, "/", basename(SERObj.path), "_MCEyhat.csv", sep="")

            print(yhat.s.path); print("already exists")
          } else {
            write.csv(yhat.Combo, file = yhat.s.path, row.names=TRUE, col.names = T)



        ClassifiersLS$classificationLS[[tempName]] <- list(Classificatio.meta.data = Classificatio.meta.data,

      } # END MCE_classification


  if(returnLS) return(ClassifiersLS)

eisascience/scRNASeqEisa documentation built on Aug. 7, 2019, 1:55 a.m.