
Defines functions plotSVMtuning plotKNNtuning plotRFtuning TuneClassifiers

Documented in plotKNNtuning plotRFtuning plotSVMtuning TuneClassifiers

#' @title Tune the parameters of the different classifiers for a given study case
#' @author Jacques van Helden
#' @param studyCase a studyCase object
#' @param dataType="TMM_log2_PC" data type to use for the tuning. Must be one of the data types included in the 'datasetsForTest' attribute of the studyCase object
#' @param tuneSVM=TRUE if TRUE, tune parameters for SVM
#' @param svmCost=1 cost parameter values for SVM
#' @param svmDegree=1:4 degree values for SVM polynomial kernel
#' @param svmGamma=4^(-2:4) gamma values for SVM kernels (ignored for linear kernel)
#' @param tuneRandomForest=TRUE if TRUE, tune parameters for Random Forest
#' @param rfNtree=c(100,200,300,500) values to test for RF numbers of trees
#' @param rfMtry=c(50,100,200,300,500) values to test for RF mtry parameter
#' @param tuneKNN=TRUE if TRUE, tune parameters for KNN
#' @param knnK=c(1,2,3,4,5,7,10,15) number of neighbours for KNN
#' @param knnL=0 minimum vote for definite decision for KNN
#' @param plotResults=FALSE if TRUE, run plot()  on the tuned objects
#' @import e1071
#' @import randomForest
#' @return a list of parameters cloned from the studyCase, added with the optimal parameters identified here
#' @export
TuneClassifiers <- function(studyCase,
                            plotResults=FALSE) {

  ## Prepare the result object
  result <- list()
  result$parameters <- studyCase$parameters
  result$dataType <- dataType
  result$tuneResults <- list()

  ## Data selection
  dataSet <- studyCase$datasetsForTest[[dataType]]
  if (is.null(dataSet)) {
    stop("dataType not supported for this studyCase: ", dataType,
         "\n\nSupported data types: ", paste(collapse = ", ", names(studyCase$datasetsForTest)))

  ## Tuning of the SVM parameters
  if (tuneSVM) {
    message.with.time("\tTuneClassifiers()\tTuning SVM")
    result$tuneResults$svm <- list()

    ## Parameters for the linear kernel
    message.with.time("\t\tTuning SVM with linear kernel\t", studyCase$ID, " ", studyCase$parameters$feature)
    linearTuning <- tune.svm(x = t(dataSet$dataTable),
                             y = as.factor(dataSet$classLabels),
                             cost = svmCost,
                             kernel = "linear")
    result$tuneResults$svm$linearTuning <- linearTuning
    if (plotResults) {
      plot(linearTuning, main = "SVM tuning - linear kernel")

    ## Parameters for the polynomial kernel
    message.with.time("\t\tTuning SVM with polynomial kernel\t", studyCase$ID, " ", studyCase$parameters$feature)
    polynomialTuning <- tune.svm(x = t(dataSet$dataTable),
                                 y = as.factor(dataSet$classLabels),
                                 cost = svmCost,
                                 gamma = svmGamma,
                                 degree = svmDegree,
                                 coef0 = svmCoef0,
                                 kernel = "polynomial")
    result$tuneResults$svm$polynomialTuning <- polynomialTuning
    if (plotResults) {
      #      plot(polynomialTuning, main = "SVM tuning - polynomial kernel")

    ## Parameters for the radial kernel
    message.with.time("\t\tTuning SVM with radial kernel\t", studyCase$ID, " ", studyCase$parameters$feature)
    radialTuning <- tune.svm(x = t(dataSet$dataTable),
                             y = as.factor(dataSet$classLabels),
                             cost = svmCost,
                             gamma = svmGamma,
                             kernel = "radial")
    result$tuneResults$svm$radialTuning <- radialTuning
    if (plotResults) {
      #      plot(radialTuning, main = "SVM tuning - radial kernel")

    ## Parameters for the sigmoid kernel
    message.with.time("\t\tTuning SVM with sigmoid kernel\t", studyCase$ID, " ", studyCase$parameters$feature)
    sigmoidTuning <- tune.svm(x = t(dataSet$dataTable),
                              y = as.factor(dataSet$classLabels),
                              cost = svmCost,
                              gamma = svmGamma,
                              coef0 = svmCoef0,
                              kernel = "sigmoid")
    result$tuneResults$svm$sigmoidTuning <- sigmoidTuning
    if (plotResults) {
      #      plot(sigmoidTuning, main = "SVM tuning - sigmoid kernel")


  ## Tune Random Forest parameters
  if (tuneRandomForest) {
    message.with.time("\tTuneClassifiers()\tTuning RF")
    result$tuneResults$rf <- list()

    ## Tune random forest with e1071::tune.randomForest() function
    tunedRandomForest  <-
      tune.randomForest(x = t(dataSet$dataTable),
                        y = as.factor(dataSet$classLabels),
                        nodesize = 1,
                        mtry = rfMtry,
                        ntree = rfNtree)
    result$tuneResults$rf$tunedRandomForest <- tunedRandomForest

    if (plotResults) {

    # ## use randomForest::tuneRF to tune RF
    # tunedRF <- randomForest::tuneRF(
    #   x = t(dataSet$dataTable),
    #   y = as.factor(dataSet$classLabels),
    #   #                     mtryStart = 8,
    #   ntreeTry = 500,
    #   stepFactor = 1.5,
    #   improve = 0.025,
    #   trace = TRUE,
    #   plot = TRUE,
    #   doBest = FALSE)
    # result$tuneResults$rf$tunedRF <- tunedRF
    # if (plotResults) {
    #   plot(tunedRF, main = "RF tuning")
    # }


  ## Tune KNN parameters
  if (tuneKNN) {
    message.with.time("\tTuneClassifiers()\tTuning KNN")
    result$tuneResults$knn <- list()

    tunedKNN <- tune.knn(x = t(dataSet$dataTable),
                         y = as.factor(dataSet$classLabels),
                         k = knnK,
                         l = knnL)

    result$tuneResults$knn$tunedKNN <- tunedKNN
    if (plotResults) {
      #      plot(tunedKNN, main = "KNN tuning")


  message.with.time("\tTuneClassifiers()\tJob done")


#' @title draw plots to highlight the results of ranfomForest tuning
#' @author Jacques van Helden
#' @description draw a series of plots highlighting the impact of the parameters (mtry, ntree) on the performances (miclassification error rate) of randomForest
#' @param tuningResult result of TuneClassifiers() run with option tuneRandomForest=TRUE, and where vectors of values were provided for mtry and ntree
#' @param pdfFile=NULL if not null, the plot is exported in pdf format the specified file. Else it is printed out on the current device.
#' @param ... additional parameters are passed to plot()
#' @return no return field
#' @export
plotRFtuning <- function(tuningResult, pdfFile = NULL, ...) {

  ## Open pdf file if specified
  if (!is.null(pdfFile)) {
    message("\tplotKNNtuning() exporting to pdf file\t", pdfFile)
    pdf(pdfFile, width = 7, height = 5)

  par(mfrow = c(2,2))

  ## Get the randomForest tuning result
  tunedRandomForest <- tuningResult$tuneResults$rf$tunedRandomForest
  if (is.null(tunedRandomForest)) {
    stop("plotRFtuning() error: tuningResult does not contain any random forest tuning results")

  ## Get best parameters
  bestNtree <- tunedRandomForest$best.parameters$ntree
  bestMtry <- tunedRandomForest$best.parameters$mtry
  bestNodeSize <- tunedRandomForest$best.parameters$nodesize

  ## Plot impact of ntree for the best values of the other parameters
  ntreeImpact <- subset(x = tunedRandomForest$performances,
                        mtry == bestMtry & nodesize == bestNodeSize)

  plot(ntreeImpact$ntree, ntreeImpact$error, type = "b",
       xlab = "ntree", ylab = "MER", cex.axis = 0.7,
       panel.first = grid(), col = "red", las = 1,
       main = paste(sep = "",
                    " " , tuningResult$parameters$feature,
                    " - " , tuningResult$dataType,
                    "\n", tuningResult$parameters$short_label,
                    "\n", "RF ntree tuning"),

  ## Plot impact of mtry for the best values of the other parameters
  mtryImpact <- subset(x = tunedRandomForest$performances,
                       ntree == bestNtree & nodesize == bestNodeSize)
  plot(mtryImpact$mtry, mtryImpact$error, type = "b",
       xlab = "mtry", ylab = "MER",
       panel.first = grid(), col = "red", las = 1,
       main = paste(sep = "",
                    " " , tuningResult$parameters$feature,
                    " - " , tuningResult$dataType,
                    "\n", tuningResult$parameters$short_label,
                    "\n", "RF mtry tuning"),


  ## 3D plot of the simultaneous impact of ntree and mtry
  errorMatrix <- tidyr::spread(data = tunedRandomForest$performances[, c("mtry", "ntree", "error")],
                               key = "ntree",
                               value = "error")
  persp(x = errorMatrix$mtry,
        y = as.numeric(colnames(errorMatrix[, -1])),
        z = as.matrix(errorMatrix[, -1]),
        #        zlim = c(0,1),
        theta = 235,
        main = paste(sep = "",
                     " " , studyCase$parameters$feature,
                     " - ", studyCase$parameters$short_label,
                     "\n", "RF tuning"),
        xlab = "mtry", ylab = "ntree", zlab = "error")

  par(mfrow = c(1,1))

  ## Close pdf file if specified
  if (!is.null(pdfFile)) {
    silence <- dev.off()


#' @title draw plots to highlight the results of KNN tuning
#' @author Jacques van Helden
#' @description draw a series of plots highlighting the impact of the number of neighbours (k) on the performances (miclassification error rate) of KNN
#' @param tuningResult result of TuneClassifiers() run with option tuneKNN=TRUE, and where a vector of several values was provided for k
#' @param pdfFile=NULL if not null, the plot is exported in pdf format the specified file. Else it is printed out on the current device.
#' @param ... additional parameters are passed to plot()
#' @return no return field
#' @export
plotKNNtuning <- function(tuningResult, pdfFile = NULL, ...) {

  ## Open pdf file if specified
  if (!is.null(pdfFile)) {
    message("\tplotKNNtuning() exporting to pdf file\t", pdfFile)
    pdf(pdfFile, width = 7, height = 5)

  ## Get the KNN tuning result
  tunedKNN <- tuningResult$tuneResults$knn$tunedKNN
  if (is.null(tunedKNN)) {
    stop("plotKNNtuning() error: tuningResult does not contain any KNN tuning results")

       type = "b",
       main = paste(sep = "",
                    " " , tuningResult$parameters$feature,
                    " - " , tuningResult$dataType,
                    "\n", tuningResult$parameters$short_label,
                    "\n", "KNN tuning"),
       xlab = "k",
       ylab = "MER",
       las = 1,
       panel.first = grid(),
       col = "red",

  ## Close pdf file if specified
  if (!is.null(pdfFile)) {
    silence <- dev.off()

#' @title draw plots to highlight the results of SVM tuning
#' @author Jacques van Helden
#' @description draw a series of plots highlighting the impact of the parameters on the performances (miclassification error rate) of SVM
#' @param tuningResult result of TuneClassifiers() run with option tuneSVM=TRUE, and where vectors of values were provided for the different parameters
#' @param pdfFile=NULL if not null, the plot is exported in pdf format the specified file. Else it is printed out on the current device.
#' @param ... additional parameters are passed to plot()
#' @return no return field
#' @export
plotSVMtuning <- function(tuningResult, pdfFile = NULL, ...) {

  ## Open pdf file if specified
  if (!is.null(pdfFile)) {
    message("\tplotKNNtuning() exporting to pdf file\t", pdfFile)
    pdf(pdfFile, width = 7, height = 5)

  par(mfrow = c(2,2))

  ## Get the randomForest tuning result
  tunedSVM <- tuningResult$tuneResults$svm
  if (is.null(tunedSVM)) {
    stop("plotSVMtuning() error: tuningResult does not contain any svm tuning results")

  ## Best kernel
  kernelPerformances <- c(
    linear = tunedSVM$linearTuning$best.performance,
    radial = tunedSVM$radialTuning$best.performance,
    polynomial = tunedSVM$polynomialTuning$best.performance,
    sigmoid = tunedSVM$sigmoidTuning$best.performance
          col = "#FFDDDD",
          xlab = "kernel",
          ylab = "MER",
          las = 1,
#          ylim = c(0,1),
          main = paste(sep = "",
                       " " , tuningResult$parameters$feature,
                       " - " , tuningResult$dataType,
                       "\n", tuningResult$parameters$short_label,
                       "\n", "SVM tuning - best kernel"),

  par(mfrow = c(1,1))

  ## Close pdf file if specified
  if (!is.null(pdfFile)) {
    silence <- dev.off()

elqumsan/RNAseqMVA documentation built on March 10, 2021, 8:10 a.m.