
Defines functions doBboxIntersect meanlog rlognorm trough numberTroughsPerLayer .extractTrough .extractTrough2D .boundary3D .boundary2D .plotRectangle .rect .plotEllipse .plotTrEllipse .trEllipse .plotTopView .plotTroughTop .plotCuboidTop .pixeliseTrEllipse .pixeliseTrough setProp .setProp .funK .funn .funKvani .funp .intersectTrough .intersectSphere .setLayers .fSel .compactList .sectionEllipsoid .plotSectionTrough2D .crossBeddingDep .regCrossBedding sim simLayElevation simLay setStrausPara .simLayStrauss .simLayPois .rsim rint .spatstatStraussMH .spatstatRStrauss straussMH .straussMH straussMHGibbs distxtoXold distxtoX2old distxtoX2 joinLine .matOP measureDistance .myDist resample unifUpdate poisUpdate poisMove poisBD updateStraussPos updateStraussN .addTrough .rmTrough .modTrough .updateObj .insertLay .rmLay .simLay

Documented in poisBD poisMove setProp sim simLay simLayElevation straussMH straussMHGibbs trough unifUpdate

# Check p. 60-61

# - Deposits/Deposits2D > slot bbox -> an object of the class bbox!
# - replace "hmodel" by para$hpp$type!!!!
# - section: Cuboid
# - plotObj: Trough2D
# - extract()
# - length()
# - getParameters()

doBboxIntersect <- function(a1,a2){
  if(is.matrix(a1)) a1 <- a1[1,]
  if(is.matrix(a2)) a2 <- a2[1,]
  # a <- as.numeric(a)
  # b <- as.numeric(b)
  return( !( a2["xmin"] > a1["xmax"]
      || a2["xmax"] < a1["xmin"]
      || a2["zmax"] < a1["zmin"]
      || a2["zmin"] > a1["zmax"])

# don't return NULL but empty object (length 0)

# position of a point on ellipse as function of its angle with
# center ellipse for an ellipse centered in (0, 0) and axis-aligned
# x1 <- obj@L * obj@W / sqrt(obj@W^2 + obj@L^2 * tan(obj@theta)^2)
# y1 <- obj@W * sqrt( 1 - (x1 / obj@L)^2 )

#' @export
meanlog <- function(xmean, xsdlog){
  return( log(xmean) - 0.5*xsdlog^2 )

#' @export
rlognorm <- function(n, mean, sdlog){
  rlnorm(n, meanlog = meanlog(mean, sdlog), sdlog = sdlog)
# rlnorm(n, meanlog = meanlog_tf, sdlog = sdlog_tf)

##------------------- CLASSES ------------------##

#' An S4 class to represent trough fill elements
#' An instance of the class \code{Trough} contains \eqn{n} trough fills (with
#' \eqn{ 0 \leq n}. The trough are defined as truncated ellipsoids.
#' Note that the third object position coordinate (z) corresponds to the
#' object top elevation.
#' The truncation ratio \code{rH} is defined as rH x H = c.
#' The fills of the trough are defined by several trough of smaller size.
#' @slot version A character vector indicating the version of CBRDM
#' @slot id A length-\eqn{n} integer vector specifying a unique id for each
#'          troughs.
#' @slot pos A \eqn{n \times 3} numeric matrix defining the object position
#'          coordinates.
#' @slot L A length-\eqn{n} numeric vector specifying the object lengths.
#' @slot W A length-\eqn{n} numeric vector specifying the object widhts
#' @slot H A length-\eqn{n} numeric vector specifying the object heights.
#' @slot theta A length-\eqn{n} numeric vector specifying the object
#'              orientation (horizontal angle in radian).
#' @slot rH A length-\eqn{n} numeric vector specifying the truncation ratio.
#' @slot fill A length-\eqn{n} list specifying the object fills
#' @seealso  \code{\link{Deposits-class}}, \code{\link{TrEllipsoid-class}}
    version = "character",   # version of the class
    id = "integer",
    pos = "matrix",     # position, z = top of object
    L = "numeric",
    W = "numeric",
    H = "numeric",
    theta = "numeric",  # depth position
    rH = "numeric",
    fill = "list"

#' An S4 class to represent coarse braided deposits NEW.
#' An instance of the class \code{Deposits} contains an instance of the class
#' \code{Trough} as well as the elevations of horizontal layers.
#' @slot version A character vector indicating the version of CBRDM
#' @slot layers A list of lists. Each sub-list contains an id, z and
#'                an instance of the class \code{Trough}
#' @slot bbox A length-three list defining the model boundary
#' @seealso  \code{\link{Trough-class}}
    version = "character",   # version of the class
    id = "integer",
    #z = "numeric",
    layers = "list",
    bbox = "list"
# layers = list()
# layers[[k]] = list( "id" = k,
#                     "z" = z
#                     "obj" = x (Trough)

# #' An S4 class to represent Spoon
# #'
# #' @slot version A character vector indicating the version of CBRDM
# #' @slot id A length-n numeric vector
# #' @slot pos A nx3 numeric matrix corresponding to object center position.
# setClass(
#   Class="Spoon",
#   slots=c(
#     version = "character",   # version of the class
#     id = "numeric",
#     pos = "matrix",     # position, z = top of object
#     L = "numeric",
#     W = "numeric",
#     H = "numeric",
#     theta = "numeric",  # depth position
#     rH = "numeric",
#     rL = "numeric",
#     fill = "list"
#   )
# )

#' An S4 class to represent truncated ellipsoids
#' An instance of the class \code{TrEllipsoid} contains \eqn{n}
#' truncated ellipsoids (with \eqn{ 0 \leq n}.
#' @slot version A character vector indicating the version of CBRDM
#' @slot id A length-\eqn{n} integer vector specifying a unique id for each
#'          troughs.
#' @slot pos A \eqn{n \times 3} numeric matrix defining the object position
#'          coordinates.
#' @slot a The semi-axis length a
#' @slot b The semi-axis length b
#' @slot c The semi-axis length c
#' @slot theta A length-\eqn{n} numeric vector specifying the object
#'              orientation (horizontal angle in radian).
#' @slot zmax A length-\eqn{n} numeric vector specifying the maximum elevation
#'            of the truncated ellipsoids
#' @seealso  \code{\link{Trough-class}}
    version = "character",   # version of the class
    id = "integer",
    pos = "matrix",     # position, z = middle of object
    a = "numeric",
    b = "numeric",
    c = "numeric",
    theta = "numeric",  # depth position
    zmax = "numeric"

#' An S4 class to represent Ellipsoid
#' @slot version A character vector indicating the version of CBRDM
#' @slot id A length-n numeric vector
#' @slot pos A nx3 numeric matrix corresponding to object center position.
    version = "character",   # version of the class
    id = "integer",
    pos = "matrix",     # position, z = middle of object
    a = "numeric",
    b = "numeric",
    c = "numeric",
    theta = "numeric"  # depth position

#' An S4 class to represent Sphere
#' @slot version A length-n character vector indicating the version of RGPR
#' @slot id A length-n numeric vector
#' @slot pos A nx3 numeric matrix corresponding to object center position.
    version = "character",   # version of the class
    id = "integer",
    pos = "matrix",     # position, z = middle of object
    r = "numeric"

#' An S4 class to represent Cuboid
#' @slot version A length-n character vector indicating the version of RGPR
#' @slot id A length-n numeric vector
#' @slot pos A nx3 numeric matrix corresponding to object center position.
    version = "character",   # version of the class
    id = "integer",
    pos = "matrix",     # position, z = midlle of object
    L = "numeric",    # along x-axis?
    W = "numeric",    # along y-axis?
    H = "numeric",
    theta = "numeric"

##--- object 2D: position on the plan and position in 3D
#' An S4 class to represent Trough2D
#' @slot version A length-n character vector indicating the version of RGPR
#' @slot id A length-n numeric vector
#' @slot pos A nx3 numeric matrix corresponding to object center position.
    version = "character",   # version of the class
    id = "integer",
    pos = "matrix",     # position, z = top of object
    L = "numeric",
    H = "numeric",
    rH = "numeric",
    fill = "list"      # header from *.dt1 file

#' An S4 class to represent Deposits2DNEW
#' @slot version A length-n character vector indicating the version of RGPR
#' @slot id A length-n numeric vector
#' @slot pos A nx3 numeric matrix corresponding to object center position.
    version = "character",   # version of the class
    id = "integer",
    #z = "numeric",
    layers = "list",
    bbox = "list"
# layers = list()
# layers[[k]] = list( "id" = k,
#                     "z" = z
#                     "obj" = x (Trough2D)

#' An S4 class to represent TrEllipse
#' @slot version A length-n character vector indicating the version of RGPR
#' @slot id A length-n numeric vector
#' @slot pos A nx3 numeric matrix corresponding to object center position.
    version = "character",   # version of the class
    id = "integer",
    pos = "matrix",     # position, z = middle of object
    a = "numeric",
    b = "numeric",
    zmax = "numeric"

#' An S4 class to represent Ellipse
#' @slot version A length-n character vector indicating the version of RGPR
#' @slot id A length-n numeric vector
#' @slot pos A nx3 numeric matrix corresponding to object center position.
    version = "character",   # version of the class
    id = "integer",
    pos = "matrix",     # position, z = middle of object
    a = "numeric",
    b = "numeric",
    theta = "numeric"  # depth position

#' An S4 class to represent Rectangle
#' @slot version A length-n character vector indicating the version of RGPR
#' @slot id A length-n numeric vector
#' @slot pos A nx3 numeric matrix corresponding to object center position.
    version = "character",   # version of the class
    id = "integer",
    pos = "matrix",     # position, z = middle of object
    L = "numeric",
    H = "numeric",
    theta = "numeric"  # depth position

# #' An S4 class to represent Line
# #'
# #' @slot version A length-n character vector indicating the version of RGPR
# #' @slot id A length-n numeric vector
# #' @slot pos A nx3 numeric matrix corresponding to object center position.
# setClass(
#   Class="Line",
#   slots=c(
#     version = "character",
#     id = "numeric",
#     a = "matrix",
#     b = "numeric",
#     c = "numeric"
#   )
# )

##------------------- CONSTRUCTORS ------------------##
#' Constructor - create an instance of the \code{Trough} class
#' Create an instance of the \code{Trough} class containing \eqn{n} trough fill.
#' @param id A length-\eqn{n} numeric vector specifying a unique id
#' @param pos A \eqn{n \times 3} numeric matrix defining the object position
#'          coordinates.
#' @slot size A \eqn{n \times 3} numeric matrix specifying the object size
#'            (length, width, height)
#' @slot theta A length-\eqn{n} numeric vector specifying the object
#'              orientation (horizontal angle in radian).
#' @slot rH A length-\eqn{n} numeric vector specifying the truncation ratio.
#' @slot fill A length-\eqn{n} list specifying the object fills
#' @seealso  \code{\link{Trough-class}}
#' @export
trough <- function(id = NULL, pos, size, theta, rH, fill = list()){
    dim(pos) <- c(1, length(pos))
  colnames(pos) <- c("x", "y", "z")
    dim(size) <- c(1, length(size))
    id <- seq_along(pos[,1])
      id = id,
      pos = pos,     # position
      L = size[,1],
      W = size[,2],
      H = size[,3],
      theta = theta,  # depth position
      rH = rH,
      fill = fill

# #' constructeur
# #'
# #' @export
# spoon <- function(id = NULL, pos, size, theta, rH, rL, fill = list()){
#   if(is.null(dim(pos))){
#     dim(pos) <- c(1, length(pos))
#   }
#   unname(pos)
#   colnames(pos) <- c("x", "y", "z")
#   if(is.null(dim(size))){
#     dim(size) <- c(1, length(size))
#   }
#   if(is.null(id)){
#     id <- seq_along(pos[,1])
#   }
#   new("Spoon",
#       version="0.1",
#       id = id,
#       pos = pos,     # position
#       L = size[,1],
#       W = size[,2],
#       H = size[,3],
#       theta = theta,  # depth position
#       rH = rH,
#       rL = rL,
#       fill = fill
#   )
# }

##------------------- SUBSETTING -----------------##
#' Subsetting
#' @name [[
#' @rdname subsetting
#' @export
    f= "[",
    definition=function (x, i, j, ...){
      if(missing(i)) i <- j
      myFill <- x@fill
      if(length(myFill) > 0){
        myFill <- myFill[i]
          id = x@id[i, drop = FALSE],
          pos = x@pos[i, , drop = FALSE],     # position
          L = x@L[i, drop = FALSE],
          W = x@W[i, drop = FALSE],
          H = x@H[i, drop = FALSE],
          theta = x@theta[i, drop = FALSE],  # depth position
          rH = x@rH[i, drop = FALSE],
          fill = myFill

# #' Subsetting
# #'
# #' @rdname subsetting
# #' @export
# setMethod(
#     f= "[[",
#     signature="Spoon",
#     definition=function (x, i, j, ...){
#       if(missing(i)) i <- j
#       myFill <- x@fill
#       if(length(myFill) > 0){
#         myFill <- myFill[i]
#       }
#       new("Spoon",
#           version="0.1",
#           id = x@id[i, drop = FALSE],
#           pos = x@pos[i, , drop = FALSE],     # position
#           L = x@L[i, drop = FALSE],
#           W = x@W[i, drop = FALSE],
#           H = x@H[i, drop = FALSE],
#           theta = x@theta[i, drop = FALSE],  # depth position
#           rH = x@rH[i, drop = FALSE],
#           rL = x@rL[i, drop = FALSE],
#           fill = myFill
#       )
#     }
# )

#' Subsetting
#' @rdname subsetting
#' @export
    f= "[",
    definition=function (x, i, j, ...){
      if(missing(i)) i <- j
      myFill <- x@fill
      if(length(myFill) > 0){
        myFill <- myFill[i]
          id = x@id[i],
          pos = x@pos[i, , drop = FALSE],     # position
          L = x@L[i],
          H = x@H[i],
          rH = x@rH[i],
          fill = myFill

##------------------- CONVERTOR ------------------##
#' As("Ellipsoid", "TrEllipsoid")
#' @name as
#' @family Ellipsoid
setAs(from = "Ellipsoid", to = "TrEllipsoid", def = function(from){
      version = "0.1",   # version of the class
      id = from@id,
      pos = from@pos,     # position
      a = from@a,
      b = from@b,
      c = from@c,
      theta = from@theta,
      zmax = from@pos[,3] + from@c

#' As("TrEllipsoid", "Ellipsoid")
#' @name as
#' @family TrEllipsoid
setAs(from = "TrEllipsoid", to = "Ellipsoid", def = function(from){
      version = "0.1",   # version of the class
      id = from@id,
      pos = from@pos,     # position
      a = from@a,
      b = from@b,
      c = from@c,
      theta = from@theta

#' As("Trough", "TrEllipsoid")
#' @name as
#' @family Trough
setAs(from = "Trough", to = "TrEllipsoid", def = function(from){
    cstO2E <- from@rH/(2*sqrt(2*from@rH -1))
    pos <- from@pos
    pos[,3] <- from@pos[,3]  + from@H * (from@rH - 1)
      version = "0.1",   # version of the class
      id = from@id,
      pos = pos,     # position
      a = from@L * cstO2E,
      b = from@W * cstO2E,
      c = from@H * from@rH,
      theta = from@theta,  # depth position
      zmax = from@pos[,3]
#' As("Trough", "Ellipsoid")
#' @name as
#' @family Trough
setAs(from = "Trough", to = "Ellipsoid", def = function(from){
    E <- as(from, "TrEllipsoid")
    as(E, "Ellispoid")
#' As("TrEllipsoid", "Trough")
#' @name as
#' @family TrEllipsoid
setAs(from = "TrEllipsoid", to = "Trough", def = function(from){
    pos <- from@pos
    pos[,3] <- from@zmax
    H <- from@c - from@pos[,3] + from@zmax
    rH <- from@c/H
    cstO2E <- rH/(2*sqrt(2*rH -1))
      version = "0.1",   # version of the class
      id = from@id,
      pos = pos,     # position
      L = from@a / cstO2E,
      W = from@b / cstO2E,
      H = H,
      theta = from@theta,  # depth position
      rH = rH
#' As("Ellipsoid", "Sphere")
#' @name as
#' @family Ellipsoid
setAs(from = "Ellipsoid", to = "Sphere", def = function(from){
    pa <- matrix(c(from@a, from@b, from@c), ncol = 3, nrow = length(from@a))
      version = "0.1",   # version of the class
      id = from@id,
      pos = from@pos,     # position
      r = apply(pa, 1, max)/2
#' As("Trough", "Sphere")
#' @name as
#' @family Trough
setAs(from = "Trough", to = "Sphere", def = function(from){
    pa <- matrix(c(from@L, from@W, from@H), ncol = 3, nrow = length(from@L))
      version = "0.1",   # version of the class
      id = from@id,
      pos = from@pos,     # position
      r = apply(pa, 1, max)/2
#' As("TrEllipsoid", "Sphere")
#' @name as
#' @family TrEllipsoid
setAs(from = "TrEllipsoid", to = "Sphere", def = function(from){
    O <- as(from, "Trough")
    as(O, "Sphere")
#' As("Trough", "Cuboid")
#' @name as
#' @family Trough
setAs(from = "Trough", to = "Cuboid", def = function(from){
    pos <- from@pos
    pos[,3] <- from@pos[,3] - from@H/2
      version = "0.1",   # version of the class
      id = from@id,
      pos = pos,     # position
      L = from@L,
      W = from@W,
      H = from@H,
      theta = from@theta
#' As("TrEllipsoid", "Cuboid")
#' @name as
#' @family TrEllipsoid
setAs(from = "TrEllipsoid", to = "Cuboid", def = function(from){
    O <- as(from, "Trough")
    as(O, "Cuboid")
#' As("Ellipsoid", "Cuboid")
#' @name as
#' @family Ellipsoid
setAs(from = "Ellipsoid", to = "Cuboid", def = function(from){
      version = "0.1",   # version of the class
      id = from@id,
      pos = from@pos,     # position
      L = 2 * from@a,
      W = 2 * from@b,
      H = 2 * from@c,
      theta = from@theta

#' As("TrEllipse", "Trough2D")
#' @name as
#' @family TrEllipse
setAs(from = "TrEllipse", to = "Trough2D", def = function(from){
    pos <- from@pos
    pos[,2] <- from@zmax
    H <- from@b - from@pos[,2] + from@zmax
    rH <- from@b/H
      version = "0.1",   # version of the class
      id = from@id,
      pos = pos,     # position
      L = from@a * 2* sqrt(1 - (from@zmax - from@pos[,2])^2/from@b^2),
      H = from@b - from@pos[,2] + from@zmax,
      rH = rH
#' As("Trough2D", "TrEllipse")
#' @name as
#' @family Trough2D
setAs(from = "Trough2D", to = "TrEllipse", def = function(from){
    bbb <- from@rH * from@H
    pos <- from@pos
    pos[,2] <- from@pos[,2] - from@H + bbb
      version = "0.1",   # version of the class
      id = from@id,
      pos = pos,     # position
      a = from@L / (2* sqrt(1 - (from@pos[,2] - pos[,2])^2/bbb^2)),
      b = bbb,
      zmax = from@pos[,2]

#' Conversion to matrix
#' @rdname as.matrix
#' @export
setMethod("as.matrix", signature(x = "Deposits"),function(x){
          as(x, "matrix") })
setAs(from = "Deposits", to = "matrix", def = function(from){
    layID <- sapply(from@layers, function(x) x[['id']])
    sel <- which(sapply(layID, function(x) length(x) > 0))
    #sel <- which(lapply(from@layers, function(x) length(x[['obj']]@id)) > 0)
    obj <- lapply(from@layers[sel], function(x) as.matrix(x[['obj']]))
    objlayID <- rep(layID, sapply(obj, nrow))
    M <- matrix(nrow = length(objlayID), ncol = 10)
    M[, 1:9] <- do.call(rbind, obj)
    M[, 10] <- objlayID
    colnames(M) <- c("id", "x", "y", "z", "L", "W", "H", "theta", "rH",
    #    M <- do.call(rbind, test)

#' Conversion to matrix
#' @rdname as.matrix
#' @export
setMethod("as.matrix", signature(x = "Deposits2D"),function(x){
          as(x, "matrix") })
setAs(from = "Deposits2D", to = "matrix", def = function(from){
    # layID <- sapply(from@layers, function(x) x[['id']])
    # sel <- which(sapply(layID, function(x) length(x) > 0))
    sel <- sapply(from@layers, function(x) !is.null(x[['obj']]))
    layID <- sapply(from@layers[sel], function(x) x[['id']])
    obj <- lapply(from@layers[sel], function(x) as.matrix(x[['obj']]))
    objlayID <- rep(layID, sapply(obj, nrow))
    M <- matrix(nrow = length(objlayID), ncol = 7)
    M[,1:6] <- do.call(rbind, obj)
    M[,7] <- objlayID
    colnames(M) <- c("id", "x", "z", "L", "H", "rH", "layid")

#' Conversion to matrix
#' @rdname as.matrix
#' @export
setMethod("as.matrix", signature(x = "Trough"),function(x){ as(x, "matrix") })
setAs(from = "Trough", to = "matrix", def = function(from){
    M <- matrix(nrow = length(from@L), ncol = 9)
    M[, 1]   <- from@id
    M[, 2:4] <- from@pos
    M[, 5]   <- from@L
    M[, 6]   <- from@W
    M[, 7]   <- from@H
    M[, 8]   <- from@theta
    M[, 9]  <- from@rH
    colnames(M) <- c("id", "x", "y", "z", "L", "W", "H", "theta", "rH")
#' Conversion to matrix
#' @rdname as.matrix
#' @export
setMethod("as.matrix", signature(x = "Ellipsoid"),
          function(x){ as(x, "matrix") })
setAs(from = "Ellipsoid", to = "matrix", def = function(from){
    M <- matrix(nrow = length(from@a), ncol = 8)
    M[, 1]   <- from@id
    M[, 2:4] <- from@pos
    M[, 5]   <- from@a
    M[, 6]   <- from@b
    M[, 7]   <- from@c
    M[, 8]   <- from@theta
    colnames(M) <- c("id", "x", "y", "z", "a", "b", "c", "theta")

#' Conversion to matrix
#' @rdname as.matrix
#' @export
setMethod("as.matrix", signature(x = "TrEllipsoid"),
          function(x){ as(x, "matrix") })
setAs(from = "TrEllipsoid", to = "matrix", def = function(from){
    M <- matrix(nrow = length(from@a), ncol = 9)
    M[, 1]   <- from@id
    M[, 2:4] <- from@pos
    M[, 5]   <- from@a
    M[, 6]   <- from@b
    M[, 7]   <- from@c
    M[, 8]   <- from@theta
    M[, 9]  <- from@zmax
    colnames(M) <- c("id", "x", "y", "z", "a", "b", "c", "theta", "zmax")
#' Conversion to matrix
#' @rdname as.matrix
#' @export
setMethod("as.matrix", signature(x = "Sphere"),
          function(x){ as(x, "matrix") })
setAs(from = "Sphere", to = "matrix", def = function(from){
    M <- matrix(nrow = length(from@r), ncol = 5)
    M[, 1]   <- from@id
    M[, 2:4] <- from@pos
    M[, 5]   <- from@r
    colnames(M) <- c("id", "x", "y", "z", "r")
#' Conversion to matrix
#' @rdname as.matrix
#' @export
setMethod("as.matrix", signature(x = "Cuboid"),
          function(x){ as(x, "matrix") })
setAs(from = "Cuboid", to = "matrix", def = function(from){
    M <- matrix(nrow = length(from@L), ncol = 8)
    M[, 1]   <- from@id
    M[, 2:4] <- from@pos
    M[, 5]   <- from@L
    M[, 6]   <- from@W
    M[, 7]   <- from@H
    M[, 8]   <- from@theta
    colnames(M) <- c("id", "x", "y", "z", "L", "W", "H", "theta")
#' Conversion to matrix
#' @rdname as.matrix
#' @export
setMethod("as.matrix", signature(x = "Ellipse"),
          function(x){ as(x, "matrix") })
setAs(from = "Ellipse", to = "matrix", def = function(from){
    M <- matrix(nrow = length(from@a), ncol = 6)
    M[, 1]   <- from@id
    M[, 2:3] <- from@pos
    M[, 4]   <- from@a
    M[, 5]   <- from@b
    M[, 6]   <- from@theta
    colnames(M) <- c("id", "x", "y", "a", "b", "theta")
#' Conversion to matrix
#' @rdname as.matrix
#' @export
setMethod("as.matrix", signature(x = "Ellipse"),
          function(x){ as(x, "matrix") })
setAs(from = "Ellipse", to = "matrix", def = function(from){
    M <- matrix(nrow = length(from@a), ncol = 6)
    M[, 1]   <- from@id
    M[, 2:3] <- from@pos
    M[, 4]   <- from@a
    M[, 5]   <- from@b
    M[, 6]   <- from@theta
    colnames(M) <- c("id", "x", "y", "a", "b", "theta")
#' Conversion to matrix
#' Only vertical object > section from a TrEllipsoid/Trough
#' @rdname as.matrix
#' @export
setMethod("as.matrix", signature(x = "TrEllipse"),
          function(x){ as(x, "matrix") })
setAs(from = "TrEllipse", to = "matrix", def = function(from){
    M <- matrix(nrow = length(from@a), ncol = 6)
    M[, 1]   <- from@id
    M[, 2:3] <- from@pos
    M[, 4]   <- from@a
    M[, 5]   <- from@b
    M[, 6]   <- from@zmax
    colnames(M) <- c("id", "x", "z", "a", "b", "zmax")
#' Conversion to matrix
#' Only vertical object > section from a TrEllipsoid/Trough
#' @rdname as.matrix
#' @export
setMethod("as.matrix", signature(x = "Trough2D"),
          function(x){ as(x, "matrix") })
setAs(from = "Trough2D", to = "matrix", def = function(from){
    M <- matrix(nrow = length(from@L), ncol = 6)
    M[, 1]   <- from@id
    M[, 2:3] <- from@pos
    M[, 4]   <- from@L
    M[, 5]   <- from@H
    M[, 6]   <- from@rH
    colnames(M) <- c("id", "x", "z", "L", "H", "rH")

#' Conversion to matrix
#' @rdname as.matrix
#' @export
setMethod("as.matrix", signature(x = "Rectangle"),
          function(x){ as(x, "matrix") })
setAs(from = "Rectangle", to = "matrix", def = function(from){
    M <- matrix(nrow = length(from@L), ncol = 6)
    M[, 1]   <- from@id
    M[, 2:3] <- from@pos
    M[, 4]   <- from@L
    M[, 5]   <- from@H
    M[, 6]   <- from@theta
    colnames(M) <- c("id", "x", "y", "L", "H", "theta")

##------------------- METHODS ------------------##

#' layerz
#' @name layerz
#' @rdname layerz
#' @export
setGeneric("layerz", function(x) standardGeneric("layerz"))

#' Bbox
#' @name bbox
#' @rdname bbox
#' @export
setGeneric("bbox", function(x) standardGeneric("bbox"))

#' boundary
#' @name boundary
#' @rdname boundary
#' @export
setGeneric("boundary", function(x) standardGeneric("boundary"))

#' extract
#' @name extract
#' @rdname extract
#' @export
setGeneric("extract", function(x, modbox) standardGeneric("extract"))

#' section
#' @name section
#' @rdname section
#' @export
setGeneric("section", function(x, l, pref = NULL, lim = NULL)

#' plotSection
#' @name plotSection
#' @rdname plotSection
#' @export
setGeneric("plotSection", function(x, add = FALSE, xlab = "x",
            ylab = "y", main = "", asp = NA, ablineArg = NULL, ...)

#' plotObj
#' @name plotObj
#' @rdname plotObj
#' @export
setGeneric("plotObj", function(x, ...) standardGeneric("plotObj"))

#' doIntersect
#' @name doIntersect
#' @rdname doIntersect
#' @export
setGeneric("doIntersect", function(x, y, ...) standardGeneric("doIntersect"))

#' pixelise
#' @name pixelise
#' @rdname pixelise
#' @export
setGeneric("pixelise", function(x, mbox) standardGeneric("pixelise"))

#' crossBedding
#' Add a cross-bedding to an existing object
#' @param x An object.
#' @param para A list with following elements:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{nF}{Number of cross-beds}
#'   \item{rpos}{Relative position from the trough center, between 0 and 1}
#'   \item{phi}{Angle of cross-beds in radian}
#' }
#' @name crossBedding
#' @rdname crossBedding
#' @export
setGeneric("crossBedding", function(x, para)

#' plotTopView
#' @param x An object.
#' @param add If TRUE add the plot to an existing plot.
#' @param xlab A length-one character vector defining the x-axis label.
#' @param ylab A length-one character vector defining the y-axis label.
#' @param main A length-one character vector defining an overall plot title.
#' @param asp A length-one numeric vector defining the y/x aspect ratio.
#' @param ... Parameters to be passed to the \code{polygon} function
#' @name plotTopView
#' @rdname plotTopView
#' @export
#' @seealso  \code{\link{polygon}}
setGeneric("plotTopView", function(x, add = FALSE, xlab = "x",
            ylab = "y", main = "", asp = NA, ...)

#' Update layer
#' @param x A \code{Deposits} object.
#' @param type TA length-one character vector defining the type of update to
#'             apply. Types of update: \code{"pos"} to update the position of
#'             \emph{one} single layer or \code{n} to update the number of
#'             layers
#' @param para list of parameters
#' @name updateLay
#' @rdname updateLay
#' @export
#' @seealso  \code{\link{sim}}
#' @return Return the updated object \code{x}.
#'          (A list with three elements. The first element \code{x} is the
#'         updated object \code{x}, the second element \code{bd} is the id of
#'         the updated layer (a negative value indicates that the layer was
#'         removed), the third element \code{bd} if negative indicates a death,
#'         if positive a birth, if \code{NULL} nothing).
setGeneric("updateLay", function(x, type = c("pos", "n"), para)

#' Update objects
#' @param x A object of the class \code{Deposits}.
#' @param type A length-one character vector defining the type of update to
#'             apply. Types of update: \code{"pos"} to update in each layer the
#'             position of \emph{one} single object, \code{"n"} to update in
#'             each layer the number of objects, and \code{"prop"} to update
#'             in each layer the size, proportion and orientation of \emph{all}
#'             the objects.
#' @param para A list of parameters (see details).
#' @name updateObj
#' @rdname updateObj
#' @export
#' @seealso  \code{\link{sim}}
#' @return Return the updated object \code{x}.
setGeneric("updateObj", function(x, type = c("pos", "n", "prop"), para)

##------------------------------ SETTTER / GETTER -----------------------##
#' @export
setMethod("layerz", "Deposits", function(x){
    return(sapply(x@layers, function(x) x[["z"]]))

#' @export
setMethod("layerz", "Deposits2D", function(x){
    return(sapply(x@layers, function(x) x[["z"]]))

numberTroughsPerLayer <- function(x){
  sapply(mod@layers, function(x) length(x$obj@id))

##--------------------------- BBOX ----------------------##
# bounding box of top view object
# source: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/87734/how-do-you-calculate-the-
# axis-aligned-bounding-box-of-an-ellipse
# see also
# http://www.iquilezles.org/www/articles/ellipses/ellipses.htm
#' @export
setMethod("bbox", "Trough", function(x){
    pos <- x@pos
    pos[,3] <- x@pos[,3] - x@H/2
    ux <- x@L / 2 * cos(x@theta)
    uy <- x@L / 2 * sin(x@theta)
    vx <- x@W / 2 * cos(x@theta + pi/2)
    vy <- x@W / 2 * sin(x@theta + pi/2)
    L <- sqrt(ux*ux + vx*vx)
    W <- sqrt(uy*uy + vy*vy)
      version = "0.1",   # version of the class
      id = unname(x@id),
      pos = unname(pos),     # position
      L = 2 * unname(L),
      W = 2 * unname(W),
      H = unname(x@H),
      theta = rep(0, length(L))

setMethod("bbox", "Deposits", function(x){
    LWH <- unname(sapply(x@bbox, function(x) diff(x)))
    pos <- sapply(x@bbox, function(x) diff(x)/2 + x[1])
      version = "0.1",   # version of the class
      id = unname(x@id),
      pos = matrix(unname(pos), nrow = 1),     # position
      L = LWH[1],
      W = LWH[2],
      H = LWH[3],
      theta = 0

# spoon2trough <- function(from){
#   xl <- new("Trough",
#           version = "0.1",   # version of the class
#           id = from@id,
#           pos = from@pos,     # position
#           L = 2*from@L * (1 - from@rL),
#           W = from@W,
#           H = from@H,
#           theta = from@theta,  # depth position
#           rH = from@rH
#         )
#   xs <- new("Trough",
#           version = "0.1",   # version of the class
#           id = from@id,
#           pos = from@pos,     # position
#           L = 2*from@L * from@rL,
#           W = from@W,
#           H = from@H,
#           theta = from@theta,  # depth position
#           rH = from@rH
#         )
#   return(list(xl, xs))
# }
# setMethod("bbox", "Spoon", function(x){
#     xT <- spoon2trough(x)
#     bbox1 <- bbox(xT[[1]])
#     bbox2 <- bbox(xT[[2]])
#     pos <- x@pos
#     pos[,3] <- x@pos[,3] - x@H/2
#     L1 <- x@L * (1 - x@rL)
#     L2 <- x@L * x@rL
#     l <- L1 - x@L/2
#     pos[,1:2] <- l*c(cos(x@theta), sin(x@theta)) + x@pos[,1:2]
#     new("Cuboid",
#       version = "0.1",   # version of the class
#       id = x@id,
#       pos = pos,     # position
#       L = bbox1@L/2 +  bbox2@L/2,
#       W = bbox1@W/2 +  bbox2@W/2,
#       H = x@H,
#       theta = rep(0, length(x@L))
#     )
#   }
# )

setMethod("bbox", "TrEllipsoid", function(x){
    O <- as(x, "Trough")

setMethod("bbox", "Ellipsoid", function(x){
    ux <- x@a * cos(x@theta)
    uy <- x@a * sin(x@theta)
    vx <- x@b * cos(x@theta + pi/2)
    vy <- x@b * sin(x@theta + pi/2)
    L <- unname(sqrt(ux*ux + vx*vx))
    W <- unname(sqrt(uy*uy + vy*vy))
      version = "0.1",   # version of the class
      id = x@id,
      pos = unname(x@pos),     # position
      L = 2 * L,
      W = 2 * W,
      H = 2* unname(x@c),
      theta = rep(0, length(L))

setMethod("bbox", "Sphere", function(x){
      version = "0.1",   # version of the class
      id = x@id,
      pos = x@pos,     # position
      L = 2 * x@r,
      W = 2 * x@r,
      H = 2 * x@r,
      theta = rep(0, length(x@r))

setMethod("bbox", "Cuboid", function(x){
    costheta <- abs(cos(x@theta))
    sintheta <- abs(sin(x@theta))
    L <- unname(x@L * costheta + x@W * sintheta)
    W <- unname(x@L * sintheta + x@W * costheta)
      version = "0.1",   # version of the class
      id = x@id,
      pos = x@pos,     # position
      L = L,
      W = W,
      H = x@H,
      theta = rep(0, length(L))

setMethod("bbox", "Trough2D", function(x){
    pos <- x@pos
    pos[,2] <- x@pos[,2] - x@H/2
      version = "0.1",   # version of the class
      id = x@id,
      pos = pos,     # position
      L = x@L,
      H = x@H,
      theta = rep(0, length(x@L))

setMethod("bbox", "Deposits2D", function(x){
    xlbbox <- lapply(x@layers, function(x) x[["obj"]], bbox)
    id <- unlist(sapply(xlbbox, function(x) x@id), use.names = FALSE)
      version = "0.1",   # version of the class
      id = unname(id),
      pos = do.call(rbind, sapply(xlbbox, function(x) x@pos)),  # position
      L = unname(unlist(sapply(xlbbox, function(x) x@L), use.names = FALSE)),
      H = unname(unlist(sapply(xlbbox, function(x) x@H),use.names = FALSE)),
      theta = rep(0, length(id))

setMethod("bbox", "TrEllipse", function(x){
    E <- as(x, "Trough2D")
    # pos <- x@pos
    # H <- x@zmax - x@pos[,2] + x@b
    # # z_cuboid = z - c + H/2
    # pos[,2] <- x@pos[,2] - x@b + H/2
    # rH <- x@b/H
    # cstO2E <- rH/(2*sqrt(2*rH - 1))
    # L0 <- x@a/cstO2E
    # W0 <- x@b/cstO2E
    # ux <- L0 / 2 * cos(x@theta)
    # uy <- L0 / 2 * sin(x@theta)
    # vx <- W0 / 2 * cos(x@theta + pi/2)
    # vy <- W0 / 2 * sin(x@theta + pi/2)
    # L <- sqrt(ux^2 + vx^2)
    # W <- sqrt(uy^2 + vy^2)
    # new("Rectangle",
    #   version = "0.1",   # version of the class
    #   id = x@id,
    #   pos = pos,     # position
    #   L = 2 * L,
    #   H = H,
    #   theta = rep(0, length(L))
    # )
setMethod("bbox", "Ellipse", function(x){
    ux <- x@a / 2 * cos(x@theta)
    uy <- x@a / 2 * sin(x@theta)
    vx <- x@b / 2 * cos(x@theta + pi/2)
    vy <- x@b / 2 * sin(x@theta + pi/2)
    L <- sqrt(ux*ux + vx*vx)
    W <- sqrt(uy*uy + vy*vy)
      version = "0.1",   # version of the class
      id = x@id,
      pos = x@pos,     # position
      L = 2 * L,
      H = 2 * W,
      theta = rep(0, length(L))

setMethod("bbox", "Rectangle", function(x){
    costheta <- abs(cos(x@theta))
    sintheta <- abs(sin(x@theta))
    L <- x@L * costheta + x@H * sintheta
    H <- x@L * sintheta + x@H * costheta
      version = "0.1",   # version of the class
      id = x@id,
      pos = x@pos,     # position
      L = L,
      H = H,
      theta = rep(0, length(L))

##---------------------------- EXTRACT ----------------------##

setMethod("extract", "Deposits", function(x, modbox){
    lays <- lapply(x@layers, extract, modbox)
    sel <- which(lapply(lays, function(x) length(x@id)) > 0)
    x@layers <- lays[sel]
    #x@z <- x@z[sel] don't remove layers!
    x@bbox <- modbox
    # todo: remove layers below z and layers above z + max object height

setMethod("extract", "Trough", function(x, modbox){
    sel <- .extractTrough(x, modbox)

.extractTrough <- function(x, modbox){
  if(length(x@id) < 1) stop("length(x@id) < 1")
  bb <- bbox(x)
  bbmin <- bb@pos + c(bb@L, bb@W, bb@H)/2
  bbmax <- bb@pos - c(bb@L, bb@W, bb@H)/2
  if(nrow(bbmin) < 1) stop("nrow(bbmin) < 1")
  if(!is.numeric(nrow(bbmin))) stop("!is.numeric(nrow(bbmin))")
  mbmin <- matrix(c(modbox$x[1], modbox$y[1], modbox$z[1]),
                  nrow = nrow(bbmin), ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE)
  mbmax <-  matrix(c(modbox$x[2], modbox$y[2], modbox$z[2]),
                  nrow = nrow(bbmax), ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE)
  sel <- apply( bbmin >= mbmin & bbmax <= mbmax , 1, all)

setMethod("extract", "Trough2D", function(x, modbox){
    sel <- .extractTrough2D(x, modbox)

.extractTrough2D <- function(x, modbox){
  bb <- bbox(x)
  bbmin <- bb@pos + c(bb@L, bb@H)/2
  bbmax <- bb@pos - c(bb@L, bb@H)/2
  mbmin <- matrix(c(modbox$x[1], modbox$z[1]),
                  nrow = nrow(bbmin), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
  mbmax <-  matrix(c(modbox$x[2],  modbox$z[2]),
                  nrow = nrow(bbmax), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
  sel <- apply( bbmin >= mbmin & bbmax <= mbmax , 1, all)

##--------------------------- BOUNDARY ----------------------##
.boundary3D <- function(x){
  B <- bbox(x)
  xmin <- B@pos[, 1] - B@L/2
  xmax <- B@pos[, 1] + B@L/2
  ymin <- B@pos[, 2] - B@W/2
  ymax <- B@pos[, 2] + B@W/2
  zmin <- B@pos[, 3] - B@H/2
  zmax <- B@pos[, 3] + B@H/2
  b <- c(xmin = min(xmin),
          xmax = max(xmax),
          ymin = min(ymin),
          ymax = max(ymax),
          zmin = min(zmin),
          zmax = max(zmax))

setMethod("boundary", "Trough", function(x){
setMethod("boundary", "TrEllipsoid", function(x){
    x <- as(x, "Trough")
setMethod("boundary", "Ellipsoid", function(x){
setMethod("boundary", "Sphere", function(x){
setMethod("boundary", "Cuboid", function(x){
setMethod("boundary", "Deposits", function(x){

.boundary2D <- function(x){
  B <- bbox(x)
  xmin <- B@pos[, 1] - B@L/2
  xmax <- B@pos[, 1] + B@L/2
  ymin <- B@pos[, 2] - B@H/2
  ymax <- B@pos[, 2] + B@H/2
  b <- c(xmin = min(xmin),
          xmax = max(xmax),
          ymin = min(ymin),
          ymax = max(ymax))

setMethod("boundary", "Ellipse", function(x){
setMethod("boundary", "TrEllipse", function(x){
setMethod("boundary", "Trough2D", function(x){
setMethod("boundary", "Rectangle", function(x){
setMethod("boundary", "Deposits2D", function(x){

##----------------------- plot -------------------------##
setMethod("plotObj", "Rectangle", function(x, add = FALSE, xlab = "x",
            ylab = "y", main = "", asp = NA, xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i", ...){
    if(add == FALSE){
      b <- boundary(x)
      plot(0,0, type = "n", xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, main = main,
            xlim = b[c("xmin", "xmax")], ylim = b[c("ymin", "ymax")],
            asp = asp, xaxs = xaxs, yaxs = yaxs)
    E <- as.matrix(x)
    if(length(E) > 0 ){
      invisible(apply(E, 1, .plotRectangle, ...) )
     # cat("no objects to plot!\n")

setMethod("plotObj", "Ellipse", function(x, add = FALSE, xlab = "x",
            ylab = "y", main = "", asp = NA, xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i", ...){
    if(add == FALSE){
      b <- boundary(x)
      plot(0,0, type = "n", xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, main = main,
            xlim = b[c("xmin", "xmax")], ylim = b[c("ymin", "ymax")],
            asp = asp, xaxs = xaxs, yaxs = yaxs)
    E <- as.matrix(x)
    if(length(E) > 0 ){
      invisible(apply(E, 1, .plotEllipse, ...) )
     # cat("no objects to plot!\n")

setMethod("plotObj", "TrEllipse", function(x, add = FALSE, xlab = "x",
            ylab = "y", main = "", asp = NA, xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i", ...){
    if(add == FALSE){
      b <- boundary(x)
      plot(0,0, type = "n", xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, main = main,
            xlim = b[c("xmin", "xmax")], ylim = b[c("ymin", "ymax")],
            asp = asp, xaxs = xaxs, yaxs = yaxs)
    E <- as.matrix(x)
    if(length(E) > 0 ){
      invisible(apply(E, 1, .plotTrEllipse, ...) )
     # cat("no objects to plot!\n")

setMethod("plotObj", "Trough2D", function(x, add = FALSE, xlab = "x",
            ylab = "y", main = "", asp = NA, xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i", ...){
    xE <- as(x, "TrEllipse")
    dots <- list()
    if(add == FALSE){
      b <- boundary(xE)
      dots <- list(...)
        xlim <- dots$xlim
        dots$xlim <- NULL
        xlim <- b[c("xmin", "xmax")]
        ylim <- dots$ylim
        dots$ylim <- NULL
        ylim <- b[c("ymin", "ymax")]
      plot(0,0, type = "n", xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, main = main,
            xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, asp = asp, xaxs = xaxs, yaxs = yaxs)
    E <- as.matrix(xE)
    n <- nrow(E)
    if(length(E) > 0 ){
      for(i in seq_len(n)){
        #.plotTrEllipse(E[i,], ...)
        polygon(.trEllipse(saxes = E[i, c("a", "b")],
                           loc   = E[i,c("x", "z")],
                           theta = 0,
                           zmax  = E[i, "zmax"],
                           alpha = c(0.5, 1)), ...)
        idfill <- x@id[i]
        if(length(x@fill) != 0){
          if(!is.null(x@fill[[ idfill ]])){
            plotObj(x@fill[[ idfill ]], add = TRUE, ...)
#       invisible(apply(E, 1, .plotTrEllipse) )
     # cat("no objects to plot!\n")

.plotRectangle <- function(ob, ...){
  XY <- .rect(xy = ob[c("x", "y")], L = ob["L"], H = ob["H"],
              theta = ob["theta"])
  polygon(x = XY[,1], y = XY[,2], ...)

# return the corner coordinates
.rect <- function(xy, L, H, theta = 0){
  X <- matrix(c(-L/2, -L/2, L/2,  L/2,
                -H/2,  H/2, H/2, -H/2),
              ncol = 2, nrow = 4)
  if(theta  != 0){
    rot <- matrix(c(cos(theta),  -sin(theta),
                    sin(theta),   cos(theta)), nrow = 2, ncol = 2)
    X <- X %*% rot
  return(X + matrix(xy, ncol = 2, nrow = 4, byrow = TRUE))

.plotEllipse <- function(e, ...){
  polygon(RConics::ellipse(saxes = e[c("a", "b")],
                           loc = e[c("x", "y")],
                           theta = e[c("theta")]),...)

.plotTrEllipse <- function(e, ...){
  polygon(.trEllipse(saxes = e[c("a", "b")],
                     loc   = e[c("x", "y")],
                     theta = 0,
                     zmax  = e["zmax"],
                     alpha = c(0.5, 1)), ...)

#' @export
.trEllipse <- function(saxes=c(2,1), loc = c(0,0), theta = 0, alpha = c(0,1),
                       n = 201, zmax = NULL, xmax = NULL, side = 1){
  phi <- 2*pi*seq(alpha[1], alpha[2], len = n)
  P <- matrix(nrow=n,ncol=2)
  P[,1] <- saxes[1] * cos(phi)
  P[,2] <- saxes[2] * sin(phi)
  if(theta != 0){
    P <- P %*% matrix(c( cos(theta), sin(theta), -sin(theta), cos(theta)),
                      byrow = TRUE, nrow = 2,ncol = 2)
  P <- P + matrix(loc[1:2],nrow=nrow(P),ncol=2,byrow=TRUE)
    halfLength <- saxes[1] *sqrt(1 - (zmax - loc[2])^2/saxes[2]^2)
    xtop1 <- loc[1] - halfLength
    xtop2 <- loc[1] + halfLength
    P <- rbind( c(xtop1, zmax)  , P[ P[,2] < zmax, ] , c(xtop2, zmax))
    ytop1 <- loc[2] - saxes[2] *sqrt(1 - (xmax - loc[1])^2/saxes[1]^2)
      P <- rbind( c(xmax, ytop1), P[ P[,1] > xmax, ] )
      P <- rbind( P[ P[,1] < xmax, ] , c(xmax, ytop1))

##--------------------------- TOPVIEW ----------------------##

setMethod("plotTopView", "Deposits", function(x, add = FALSE, xlab = "x",
            ylab = "y", main = "", asp = NA, ...){
    dots <- list(...)
      xlim <- dots$xlim
      xlim <- x@bbox$x
      ylim <- dots$ylim
      ylim <- x@bbox$y
    if(add == FALSE){
      plot(0, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, type = "n", xlab = xlab,
           ylab = ylab, main = main, asp = asp)
    invisible(lapply(x@layers, .plotTopView, add = TRUE, xlab = "",
                     ylab = "", main = "", ...))

.plotTopView <- function(x, ...){
     plotTopView(x[["obj"]], ...)

# for 3D object
# ... arguments to be passed to "base::polygon" function
setMethod("plotTopView", "Trough", function(x, add = FALSE, xlab = "x",
            ylab = "y", main = "", asp = NA, xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i", ...){
      b <- boundary(x)
      dots <- list(...)
        xlim <- dots$xlim
        xlim <- b[c("xmin", "xmax")]
        ylim <- dots$ylim
        ylim <- b[c("ymin", "ymax")]
      plot(0,0, type = "n", xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, main = main,
            xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim,
            asp = asp, xaxs = xaxs, yaxs = yaxs)
    E <- as.matrix(x)
    n <- nrow(E)
    if(length(E) > 0 ){
      for(i in seq_len(n)){
        .plotTroughTop(E[i,], ...)
        if(length(x@fill) != 0){
          if(!is.null(x@fill[[ x@id[i] ]])){
            plotTopView(x@fill[[ x@id[i] ]], add = TRUE, ...)
     # message("no objects to plot!")

# setMethod("plotTopView", "Spoon", function(x, add = FALSE, xlab = "x",
#             ylab = "y", main = "", asp = NA, xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i", ...){
#     if(add==FALSE){
#       b <- boundary(x)
#       plot(0,0, type = "n", xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, main = main,
#             xlim = b[c("xmin", "xmax")], ylim = b[c("ymin", "ymax")],
#             asp = asp, xaxs = xaxs, yaxs = yaxs)
#     }
#     E <- as.matrix(x)
#     if(length(E) > 0 ){
#       invisible(apply(E, 1, .plotTroughTop, ...) )
#       if(length(x@fill) > 0){
#         invisible(lapply(x@fill, plotTopView, add = TRUE, asp = NA, ...))
#       }
#     }else{
#       cat("no objects to plot!\n")
#     }
#   }
# )

# ... arguments to be passed to "base::polygon" function
setMethod("plotTopView", "TrEllipsoid", function(x, add = FALSE, xlab = "x",
            ylab = "y", main = "", asp = NA, ...){
    plotTopView(as(x, "Trough"), add = add, xlab = xlab,
                ylab = ylab, main = main, asp = asp, ...)

# ... arguments to be passed to "base::polygon" function
setMethod("plotTopView", "Sphere", function(x, add = FALSE, xlab = "x",
            ylab = "y", main = "", asp = NA, xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i", ...){
      b <- boundary(x)
      plot(0,0, type = "n", xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, main = main,
            xlim = b[c("xmin", "xmax")], ylim = b[c("ymin", "ymax")],
            asp = asp, xaxs = xaxs, yaxs = yaxs)
    E <- matrix(0, nrow = length(x@r), ncol = 7)
    colnames(E) <- c("id", "x", "y", "z", "a", "b", "theta")
    E[,1:5] <- as.matrix(x)
    E[,"a"] <- E[,"a"]
    E[,"b"] <- E[,"a"]
    if(length(E) > 0 ){
      invisible(apply(E, 1, .plotEllipse, ...) )
     # cat("no objects to plot!\n")

# ... arguments to be passed to "base::polygon" function
setMethod("plotTopView", "Cuboid", function(x, add = FALSE, xlab = "x",
            ylab = "y", main = "", asp = NA, xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i", ...){
      b <- boundary(x)
      plot(0,0, type = "n", xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, main = main,
            xlim = b[c("xmin", "xmax")], ylim = b[c("ymin", "ymax")],
            asp = asp, xaxs = xaxs, yaxs = yaxs)
    # first corner
    E <- as.matrix(x)
    if(length(E) > 0 ){
      invisible(apply(E, 1, .plotCuboidTop, ...) )
     # cat("no objects to plot!\n")

.plotTroughTop <- function(e, ...){
  polygon(RConics::ellipse(saxes = e[c("L", "W")]/2,
                           loc = e[c("x", "y")],
                           theta = e[c("theta")]),...)

.plotCuboidTop <- function(ob, ...){
  XY <- .rect(xy = ob[c("x", "y")], L = ob["L"], H = ob["W"],
              theta = ob["theta"])
  polygon(x = XY[,1], y = XY[,2], ...)

##----------------------- pixelise -------------------------##
# mbox <- list(x = c(xmin, xmax),
#             ...
#             dx = 1,
#             ...)
setMethod("pixelise", "Trough", function(x, mbox){
    nx <- (mbox$x[2] - mbox$x[1])/mbox$dx
    ny <- (mbox$y[2] - mbox$y[1])/mbox$dy
    nz <- (mbox$z[2] - mbox$z[1])/mbox$dz
    vx <- seq(mbox$x[1], to = mbox$x[2], length.out = nx)
    vy <- seq(mbox$y[1], to = mbox$y[2], length.out = ny)
    vz <- seq(mbox$z[1], to = mbox$z[2], length.out = nz)
    XYZ <- array( 0, dim = c(nx, ny,nz))
    E <- as.matrix(x)
    cstO2E <- x@rH/(2*sqrt(2*x@rH -1))
    n <- nrow(E)
    vol <- numeric(n)
    b <- bbox(x)
    for(i in 1:n){
      A <- .pixeliseTrough(e = E[i, ], i, L = b@L[i], W = b@W[i],
                                vx = vx, vy = vy, vz = vz,
                                mbox = mbox, XYZ = XYZ, cstO2Ei = cstO2E[i])
      vol[i] <- A$vol
      XYZ <- A$XYZ
    return(list("XYZ" = XYZ, x = vx, y = vy, z = vz, "vol" = vol))

setMethod("pixelise", "Deposits", function(x, mbox){
    # 0. mbox
    nx <- (mbox$x[2] - mbox$x[1])/mbox$dx
    ny <- (mbox$y[2] - mbox$y[1])/mbox$dy
    nz <- (mbox$z[2] - mbox$z[1])/mbox$dz
    vx <- seq(mbox$x[1] + mbox$dx/2, to = mbox$x[2] - mbox$dx/2,
              length.out = nx)
    vy <- seq(mbox$y[1] + mbox$dy/2, to = mbox$y[2] - mbox$dy/2,
              length.out = ny)
    vz <- seq(mbox$z[1] + mbox$dz/2, to = mbox$z[2] - mbox$dz/2,
              length.out = nz)
    XYZ <- array( -1L, dim = c(nx, ny,nz))
    # 1. discretise layers
    #    -> negative id
    #zElev <- x@z
    zElev <- layerz(x)
    for(i in seq_along(zElev)){
      XYZ[, , zElev[i] <= vz] <- as.integer(-i - 1)
    # Pix <- list("XYZ" = XYZ, x = vx, y = vy, z = vz)
    # 2. discretise trough
    #    -> postive id -> odd  = bimodal
    #                  -> even = open-framework
    for(k in seq_along(x@layers)){
      y <- x@layers[[k]]$ob
      if(length(y@id) == 0) next
      E <- as.matrix(y)
      cstO2E <- E[,"rH"]/(2*sqrt(2*E[,"rH"] -1))
      n <- nrow(E)
      vol <- numeric(n)
      b <- bbox(y)
      it <- 0
      for(i in seq_len(n)){
        it <- it + 1
        if((it %% 2) == 0) it <- it + 1
        A <- .pixeliseTrough(e = E[i, ], it, L = b@L[i], W = b@W[i],
                                  vx = vx, vy = vy, vz = vz,
                                  mbox = mbox, XYZ = XYZ, cstO2Ei = cstO2E[i])
        vol[i] <- A$vol
        XYZ <- A$XYZ
        idfill <- y@id[i]
        if(length(y@fill) > 0 && !is.null(y@fill[[ idfill ]]) &&
            length(y@fill[[ idfill ]]) > 0){
          Ei <- as.matrix(y@fill[[ idfill ]])
          for(k in 1:nrow(Ei)){
            it <- it + 1
            A <- .pixeliseTrough(e = Ei[k, ], it, L = b@L[i], W = b@W[i],
                                  vx = vx, vy = vy, vz = vz,
                                  mbox = mbox, XYZ = XYZ, cstO2Ei = cstO2E[i])
            vol[i] <- A$vol
            XYZ <- A$XYZ
    Pix <- list("XYZ" = XYZ, x = vx, y = vy, z = vz, "vol" = vol)

.pixeliseTrEllipse <- function(e, i, L, H, vx, vz, XZ){
  testx <- vx >= (e["x"] - L/2)  & vx <= (e["x"] + L/2)
  testz <- vz >= (e["zmax"] - H) & vz <= (e["zmax"])
  if( any(testx) && any(testz) ){
    xComponent <- ( (vx[testx] - e["x"]) / e["a"] )^2
    zComponent <- ( (vz[testz] - e["y"]) / e["b"] )^2
    xyComponent <- outer(xComponent,zComponent,'+')
    XZ[testx, testz][xyComponent <=1 ] <- i

# L <- b@L[i]
# W <- b@W[i]
# cstO2Ei <- cstO2E[i]
# voli <- vol[i]
.pixeliseTrough <- function(e, i, L, W, vx, vy, vz, mbox, XYZ, cstO2Ei){
  vol <- 0
  xr <- vx[ vx >= (e["x"] - L/2)    & vx <= (e["x"] + L/2)]
  yr <- vy[ vy >= (e["y"] - W/2)    & vy <= (e["y"] + W/2)]
  zr <- vz[ vz >= (e["z"] - e["H"]) & vz <= (e["z"])]
  if( length(xr)!=0 && length(yr)!=0 && length(zr) != 0 ){
    xnew <- rep(xr - e["x"], length(yr))
    ynew <- rep(yr - e["y"], each = length(xr))
    xComponent <- (( xnew * cos(e["theta"]) + ynew *sin(e["theta"])) /
                    (e["L"] * cstO2Ei))^2
    yComponent <- ((-xnew*sin(e["theta"]) + ynew*cos(e["theta"])) /
                    (e["W"] * cstO2Ei))^2
    xyComponent <- xComponent + yComponent
    id_i <- round((xr - mbox$x[1] + mbox$dx/2) / mbox$dx)
    id_j <- round((yr - mbox$y[1] + mbox$dy/2) / mbox$dy)
    z <- e["z"]  + e["H"] * (e["rH"] - 1)
    zComponent <- (( zr - z) / (e["H"] * e["rH"]) )^2
    id_k <- round((zr - mbox$z[1] + mbox$dz/2) / mbox$dz)
    for(k in seq_along(zr)){
      condition <- (xyComponent + zComponent[k]) <= 1
      vol <- vol + sum(condition)
      XYZ[id_i, id_j, id_k[k]][condition] <- i
  return(list("XYZ" = XYZ, "vol" = vol))

#---------------------- set properties to pixels

#' Set properties
#' @param FUN A function that returns for...
#' @export
setProp <- function(A, type = c("facies", "K", "Kvani", "p"), FUN, ...){
  fac <- list()
  fac$gp <-  A < 0                    # poorly sorted gravel (GP)
  fac$bm <- (A %% 2) != 0 & !fac$gp   # bimodal gravel (BM)
  fac$ow <- (A %% 2) == 0 & !fac$gp   # open-framework gravel (OW)
    type <- match.arg(type, c("facies", "K", "Kvani", "p"))
    if(type == "K"){
      TT <- lapply(names(fac), .setProp, A, fac, .funK, ...)
    }else if( type == "facies"){
      TT <- lapply(names(fac), .setProp, A, fac, .funn)
    }else if( type == "Kvani"){
      TT <- lapply(names(fac), .setProp, A, fac, .funKvani, ...)
    }else if( type == "p"){
      TT <- lapply(names(fac), .setProp, A, fac, .funp, ...)
    TT <- lapply(names(fac), .setProp, A, fac, FUN, ...)
  A[] <- NA
  A[fac$gp] <- TT[[1]][fac$gp]
  A[fac$bm] <- TT[[2]][fac$bm]
  A[fac$ow] <- TT[[3]][fac$ow]

.setProp <- function(facies = "gp", A, fac, FUN, ...){
  A0 <- A
  A0[] <- NA
  ufac <- unique(A[fac[[facies]]])
  n <- length(ufac)
  prop <- FUN(n, facies, ...)
  for(k in seq_len(n)){
    A0[A == ufac[k]] <- prop[k]

.funK <- function(n, facies, fprop){
  rlognorm(n, mean = fprop[[facies]]["Kmean"],
              sdlog = fprop[[facies]]["Klogsd"])

.funn <- function(n, facies){
  if(facies == "gp") x <- 0L
  if(facies == "bm") x <- 1L
  if(facies == "ow") x <- 2L
  rep(x, n)

.funKvani <- function(n, facies, fprop){
  rep(fprop[[facies]]["Kvani"], n)

.funp <- function(n, facies, fprop){
  rep(fprop[[facies]]["p"], n)

##--------------------------- INTERSECT ----------------------##
setMethod("doIntersect", "Trough", function(x, y, ...){
    test <- apply(as.matrix(x), 1, .intersectTrough, l = y)

setMethod("doIntersect", "Sphere", function(x, y, ...){
    l <- y
    # orthogonal projection matrix
    OPmat <- .matOP(l)
    # point (x,y) on the line l
    if(l[1] == 0){
      pl <- c(0, -l[3])
      pl <- c(-l[3]/l[1],0)
    test <- apply(as.matrix(x), 1, .intersectSphere, OPmat = OPmat, pl = pl)

.intersectTrough <- function(ob, l){
  RC <- RConics::ellipseToConicMatrix(saxes = c(ob["L"], ob["W"])/2,
                                      loc = ob[c("x","y")],
                                      theta = ob["theta"])
  p0 <- RConics::intersectConicLine(RC , l)
  test <- ifelse(length(p0) >0, TRUE, FALSE)

.intersectSphere <- function(ob, OPmat, pl, p1 = NULL, p2 = NULL){
  p_proj <- as.vector(OPmat %*% (ob[c("x","y")] - pl) + pl)
  test <- sqrt(sum((p_proj - ob[c("x","y")])^2)) <= ob["r"]
  if(test && !is.null(p1) && !is.null(p2)){
    test <- p_proj[1] > p1[1] & p_proj[1] < p2[1] &
            p_proj[2] > p1[2] & p_proj[2] < p2[2]
      test <- ifelse(test == FALSE, min(sqrt(sum((p_proj - p1)^2)),
                      sqrt(sum((p_proj - p2)^2))) <  ob["r"],test)

##--------------------------- SECTION ----------------------##
setMethod("section", "TrEllipsoid", function(x, l, pref = NULL, lim = NULL){
    E <- as.matrix(x)
    E <- apply(E, 1, .sectionEllipsoid, l = l, pref = pref)
    if(length(E) > 0) {
        E <-t(E)
        E <- do.call(rbind, .compactList(E))
        version = "0.1",   # version of the class
        id = as.integer(E[,"id"]),
        pos = E[,c("xap", "z"), drop = FALSE], # position, z = top of object
        a = E[,"aap"],
        b = E[,"bap"],
        zmax = E[, "zmax"]
      #  return(E)

setMethod("section", "Trough", function(x, l, pref = NULL, lim = NULL){
    # E0 <- as(x, "TrEllipsoid")
    i <- doIntersect(as(x, "Sphere"), l)
      El <- section(as(x[i], "TrEllipsoid"), l, pref = pref, lim = NULL)
        xsec <- as(El, "Trough2D")
          xsec <- extract(xsec, lim)
          if(length(xsec@id) == 0) return(NULL)
        if(length(x@fill) > 0){
          xsec@fill[El@id] <- lapply(x@fill[El@id], section, l = l,
                              pref = pref, lim = lim)

setMethod("section", "Deposits", function(x, l, pref = NULL, lim = NULL){
    pp <- section(bbox(x), l)
    xsec <- lapply(x@layers, function(x) section(x$obj, l, pref = pp[[1]],
                                                 lim = lim))
    lays <- x@layers
    #lays <- x@layers[!sapply(xsec, is.null)]
    #xsec <- Filter(Negate(is.null), xsec)
    # todo > use function Map()
    laysNew <- Map(function(x, y) {
                      x$obj <- y
                      return(x)}, x = lays, y = xsec)
    #laysNew <- lapply(seq_along(lays), .setLayers, x = lays, y = xsec)
    dd <- .myDist(do.call(rbind, pp), last = TRUE)
    mbbox <- list(x = c(0, dd),
                  z = x@bbox$z)
          version = "0.1",
          id = x@id,
          layers = laysNew,
          bbox = mbbox

.setLayers <- function(i, x = lays, y = xsec){
  x[[i]][["obj"]] <- y[[i]]

setMethod("section", "Cuboid", function(x, l, pref = NULL, lim = NULL){
    crns <- .rect(x@pos[1:2], x@L, x@W, x@theta)
    lst <- list()
    lst$bot <- RConics::join(c(crns[4, ], 1), c(crns[1, ], 1))
    lst$lef <- RConics::join(c(crns[1, ], 1), c(crns[2, ], 1))
    lst$top <- RConics::join(c(crns[2, ], 1), c(crns[3, ], 1))
    lst$rig <- RConics::join(c(crns[3, ], 1), c(crns[4, ], 1))
    # plot(0, type = "n", ylim = c(-50, 250), xlim = c(-50, 250))
    # invisible(sapply(lst, RConics::addLine))
    # RConics::addLine(l, col = "red")
    pts <- lapply(lst, RConics::join,  l)
    # invisible(sapply(pts, function(x, ...) points(t(x), ...)))
    test <- sapply(pts, .fSel, xmin = crns[1,1], xmax = crns[3,1],
                               ymin = crns[1,2], ymax = crns[2,2])
    return( unname(pts[test]))

.fSel <- function(p, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax){
    (p[1] >= xmin & p[1] <= xmax) & (p[2] >= ymin & p[2] <= ymax)

# remove NULL from a list!!
#' @export
.compactList <- function(x) Filter(Negate(is.null), x)

.sectionEllipsoid <- function(x, l, pref = NULL){
  ob <- x
  RC <- RConics::ellipseToConicMatrix(saxes = c(ob["a"], ob["b"]),
                                      loc = ob[c("x","y")],
                                      theta = ob["theta"])
  p0 <- RConics::intersectConicLine(RC , l)
  if(length(p0) >0){
    pp <- t(p0)
    # line direction z
    newLoc = as.vector(diff((pp))/2 + pp[1,])
    # points(t(newLoc))
    x0y0 <- ob[c("x","y")]
    if( all(abs(newLoc - c(x0y0,1)) < .Machine$double.eps^0.5)){
      # if the section pass trough the ellipsoid center
      b_new <- as.numeric(ob["c"])
      RC <- RConics::ellipseToConicMatrix( saxes = ob[c("a","b")],
                                          loc = x0y0,
                                          theta = ob["theta"])
      # conicPlot(RC,asp=1,ylim=c(-30,30), xlim=c(-30,30))
      l_a_z <-RConics::join(newLoc, c(x0y0,1))
      # addLine(l_a_z,col="red")
      p_a_z <- RConics::intersectConicLine(RC , l_a_z)
      # points(t(p_a_z),pch=20,col="blue")
      a_z <- sqrt(sum((p_a_z[1:2,1] - x0y0)^2))
      # distance O-newLoc
      xy = sqrt(sum((newLoc[1:2] -  x0y0)^2))
      # definition of a new ellipse in the plan O - newLoc oriented toward z
      C2 = matrix(c(1/a_z^2, 0 ,0, 0, 1/ob["c"]^2, 0, 0,0,-1),
                  nrow = 3, byrow = TRUE)
      # conicPlot(C2,asp=1,ylim=c(-30,30), xlim=c(-30,30))
      l2 = c(1,   0, -xy) # Line going through newLoc with z-direction
      # addLine(l2,col="red")
      pp2 <- RConics::intersectConicLine(C2 , l2)
      # points(t(pp2[1:2,]),pch=20,col="green")
      # ellipse parameters corresponding to the intersection between the
      # ellipsoid and the plan define by the the line l and the z-direction
      b_new = as.numeric(abs(pp2[2,1]))
    if((ob["z"] - b_new) >= ob["zmax"]){
      a_new = sqrt(sum(( diff(pp))^2))/2   # apparent length of the object
        # center_xsection = null point on the cross-section =
        # intersection cross-section with x=0
        # center_xsection <- c(0,-l[3]/l[2])
        # Projection des points sur la ligne
        myloc <- ifelse(l[1] != 0 && l[2] != 0,
                        -sign(l[1])*sign(l[2]) *
                        sqrt(sum((newLoc[1:2] - c(-l[3]/l[1],0))^2)),
                        newLoc[l == 0][1])
        myloc <- ifelse(l[1] != 0 && l[2] != 0,
                        #-sign(l[1])*sign(l[2]) *
                        sqrt(sum((newLoc[1:2] - pref[1:2])^2)),
                        newLoc[l == 0][1])
      return(c(ob, "xap" = myloc,     "aap" = a_new, "bap" = b_new,
                   "x0"  = newLoc[1], "y0"  = newLoc[2]))

##--------------------------- PLOT SECTION ----------------------##
setMethod("plotSection", "NULL", function(x, add = FALSE, xlab = "x",
            ylab = "y", main = "", asp = NA, ablineArg = NULL, ...){

setMethod("plotSection", "TrEllipse", function(x, add = FALSE, xlab = "x",
            ylab = "y", main = "", asp = NA, ablineArg = NULL, ...){
      plotObj(x, add = add, xlab = xlab,
                ylab = ylab, main = main, asp = asp, ...)

setMethod("plotSection", "Trough2D", function(x, add = FALSE, xlab = "x",
            ylab = "y", main = "", asp = NA, ablineArg = NULL, ...){
      plotObj(x, add = add, xlab = xlab,
                ylab = ylab, main = main, asp = asp, ...)

# lay = list of args for abline
setMethod("plotSection", "Deposits2D", function(x, add = FALSE, xlab = "x",
            ylab = "y", main = "", asp = NA, lay = NULL, xaxs = "i",
            yaxs = "i", ablineArg = NULL, ...){
    if(add == FALSE){
      #b <- boundary(x)
      dots <- list(...)
        xlim <- dots$xlim
        dots$xlim <- NULL
        xlim <- x@bbox$x
        ylim <- dots$ylim
        dots$ylim <- NULL
        ylim <- x@bbox$z
      plot(0, type = "n", xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, main = main,
            xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim,
            asp = asp, xaxs = xaxs, yaxs = yaxs)
      if(lay != FALSE){
        lay$h <- layerz(x) #sapply(x@layers, function(x) x[["z"]])
        do.call(abline, lay)
        if(is.null(ablineArg)) ablineArg <- list()
        ablineArg[["h"]] <- layerz(x)
        do.call(abline, ablineArg)
        # abline(h = layerz(x)) #sapply(x@layers, function(x) x[["z"]]) )
    # plot troughs
    invisible(lapply(x@layers, .plotSectionTrough2D, add = TRUE, ...))
    #plotSection(x@troughs, add = TRUE, ...)

.plotSectionTrough2D <- function(x, add = TRUE, ...){
   plotSection(x[["obj"]], add = add, ...)

##-------------------------------- FILLING --------------------------##

setMethod("crossBedding", "Deposits", function(x, para = NULL){
    x@layers <- lapply(x@layers, .crossBeddingDep, para)

.crossBeddingDep <- function(x, para = NULL){
  n <- length(x$obj@id)
  if( n == 0 ){
  para$phi <- .rsim(para$phi, n)
  para$nF <- .rsim(para$nF, n)
  para$rpos <- .rsim(para$rpos, n)
  x$obj <- crossBedding(x$obj, para)
  #lapply(crossBedding, x@layers, para)

# setMethod("crossBedding","Trough",function(x,nF=6, phi=1.05, rpos=1){
setMethod("crossBedding", "Trough", function(x, para){
    n <- length(x@id)
      nF   <- rep(6, n)
      rpos <- rep(0.75, n)
      phi  <- rep(2.2, n)
      nF <- para$nF         #round(x@W / .rsim(para$nF, n)) +1
      if(length(nF) == 1){
        nF <- rep(nF, n)
        nF <- para$nF  # .rsim(para$nF, n)
      rpos <- para$rpos     #.rsim(para$rpos, n)
      if(length(rpos) == 1){
        rpos <- rep(rpos, n)
        rpos <- para$rpos # .rsim(para$rpos, n)
      phi  <- para$phi      #.rsim(para$phi, n)
      if(length(phi) == 1){
        phi <- rep(phi, n)
        phi <- para$phi   #.rsim(para$phi, n)
    xbed <- list()
    for( i in seq_len(n)){
      xbed[[x@id[i]]] <- .regCrossBedding(x[i], nF = nF[i],
                                             rpos = rpos[i], phi = phi[i])
    x@fill <- xbed

# nF number of foresets
# rpos = position relative from the ellipse center
# phi = angle to the ellispe length axis
.regCrossBedding <- function(x, nF = 6, rpos = 0.75, phi = 2.2){
  phi <- x@theta + phi
  # compute Dr = radius smallest fill
  Dr <- x@L/2/(nF + 1)
  DH <- x@H/(nF + 1)
  # fillings length
  rF <- rev(cumsum(rep(2 * Dr, nF))/2)
  # available length
  oL2 <- (x@L/2 - tail(rF, 1))
  # fillings positions
  xy0 <- oL2 * rpos * c(cos(phi), sin(phi))
  xF <- seq(0, xy0[1], length = nF + 1)[-1]
  yF <- seq(0, xy0[2], length = nF + 1)[-1]
  xyF <- cbind(xF, yF)
  rot <- matrix(c( cos(x@theta), sin(x@theta),
                  -sin(x@theta), cos(x@theta)),
                   byrow = TRUE, nrow = 2,ncol = 2)
  scl <- x@W / x@L
  xyFRot <- xyF[,1:2, drop = FALSE] %*% t(rot)
  xyFScl <- xyFRot
  xyFScl[,2] <- xyFScl[,2] * scl
  xyFSclRot <- xyFScl %*% (rot)
  oF <- new("Trough",
            id = seq_along(rF),
            pos = cbind(xyFSclRot, 0) +
                  matrix(x@pos, nrow = nF, ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE),
            L = rF * 2,
            W = rF * 2 * x@W / x@L,
            H = rev(cumsum(rep(DH, nF))),
            theta = rep(x@theta, nF),  # depth position
            rH = rep(x@rH, nF)

##----------------------------- SIMULATION --------------------------##

#' Simulate
#' Simulate coarse, braided river deposits
#' @export
sim <- function(modbox, hmodel = c("poisson", "strauss", "straussMH"), para,
                crossbeds = TRUE){
  hmodel <- match.arg(tolower(hmodel), c("poisson", "strauss"))
  #--- 1. vertical distribution layers: Poisson process
  dz <- diff(modbox$z)
  lambdaz <- dz/para$vpp$lambda
  nZ <- rpois(1, lambdaz)
  zLevel <- sort(modbox$z[1] + dz*runif(nZ))
  #--- 2. horizontal distribution scour fill: Poisson|Strauss model
  L   <- .rsim(para$L,   n = 500)
  rLW <- .rsim(para$rLW, n = 500)
  rLH <- .rsim(para$rLH, n = 500)
  W <- L/rLW
  # position
  maxL <- max(L, W) * 1.5
  modboxXL <- modbox
  modboxXL$x <- c(modbox$x[1]  - maxL, modbox$x[2]  + maxL)
  modboxXL$y <- c(modbox$y[1]  - maxL, modbox$y[2]  + maxL)
  if(hmodel == "poisson"){
    # number of objects is Poisson distributed
    # be careful -> the args "para", "modbox", and "modboxXL" are note
    # defined inside "Map()"!!!
    lays <- Map(function(zl, id){
                  .simLayPois(zl, id, para = para, modbox = modbox,
                              modboxXL = modboxXL)
                }, zLevel, seq_along(zLevel))
  }else if(hmodel == "strauss"){
    # be careful -> the args "para", "modbox", and "modboxXL" are note
    # defined inside "Map()"!!!
    lays <- Map(function(zl, id){
                  .simLayStrauss(zl, id, para = para, modbox = modbox,
                                 modboxXL = modboxXL)
                }, zLevel, seq_along(zLevel))
  x <- new("Deposits",
           version = "0.1",
           id = 1L,
           layers  = lays,
           bbox = modbox
    x <- crossBedding(x, para)

#' function to simulate the object elevation
#' @export
simLayElevation <- function(modbox, para){
  dz <- diff(modbox$z)
  lambdaz <- dz/para$vpp$lambda
  nZ <- rpois(1, lambdaz)
  zLevel <- sort(modbox$z[1] + dz*runif(nZ))

#' function to simulate a single layer (Strauss process)
#' @export
simLay <- function(modbox, para, crossbeds = TRUE){
  #--- 2. horizontal distribution scour fill: Poisson|Strauss model
  L   <- .rsim(para$L,   n = 500)
  rLW <- .rsim(para$rLW, n = 500)
  rLH <- .rsim(para$rLH, n = 500)
  W <- L/rLW
  # position
  maxL <- max(L, W) * 1.5
  modboxXL <- modbox
  modboxXL$x <- c(modbox$x[1]  - maxL, modbox$x[2]  + maxL)
  modboxXL$y <- c(modbox$y[1]  - maxL, modbox$y[2]  + maxL)
  lays <- list(.simLayStrauss(zl = 0, id = 1L, para = para, modbox = modbox,
                     modboxXL = modboxXL))
  x <- new("Deposits",
           version = "0.1",
           id = 1L,
           layers  = lays,
           bbox = modbox
    x <- crossBedding(x, para)

setStrausPara <- function(FUN, zl){
  if(class(FUN) == "function"){

#' @export
.simLayStrauss <- function(zl, id = NULL, para, modbox, modboxXL){
  # xy <- .spatstatRStrauss(f = f, beta  = para$hpp$bet, gamma = para$hpp$gam,
  #                         R = para$hpp$d/f,
#                          W = spatstat::owin(modboxXL$x/f, modboxXL$y/f))
    id <- "1"
  xy <- straussMH(bet = para$hpp$bet,
                  gam = para$hpp$gam,
                  d   = para$hpp$d,
                  n0  = para$hpp$n0,
                  nit = para$hpp$nit,
                  W   = modboxXL,
                  fd  = para$hpp$fd,
                  count = FALSE)
  # xy <- straussMH(bet = setStrausPara(para$hpp$bet, zl),
  #                 gam = setStrausPara(para$hpp$gam, zl),
  #                 d   = setStrausPara(para$hpp$d, zl),
  #                 n0  = setStrausPara(para$hpp$n0, zl),
  #                 nit = setStrausPara(para$hpp$nit, zl),
  #                 W   = modboxXL,
  #                 fd  = setStrausPara(para$hpp$fd, zl),
  #                 count = FALSE)
  n <- nrow(xy)
  if(n < 1){
    trgh <- new("Trough",
                version = "0.1"
    return( list("id"  = id,
                 "z"   = zl,
                 "obj" = trgh ) )
  xyz <- matrix(nrow = n, ncol = 3)
  xyz[,1:2] <- xy
  xyz[,3] <- rep(zl, n)
  L   <- .rsim(para$L, n)
  rLW <- .rsim(para$rLW, n)
  rLH <- .rsim(para$rLH, n)
  W   <- L/rLW
  trgh <- new("Trough",
                version = "0.1",
                id      = seq_len(n),
                pos     = xyz,
                L       = L,
                W       = W,
                H       = L/rLH,
                theta   = .rsim(para$theta, n),  # depth position
                rH      = rep(para$rH, n)
  trgh <- extract(trgh, modbox)
  return(list("id"  = id,
              "z"   = zl,
              "obj" = trgh))

#' @export
.simLayPois <- function( zl, id = NULL, para, modbox, modboxXL, lambdaArea){
    id <- "1"
  n <- rpois(1, lambdaArea)
  L   <- .rsim(para$L, n)
  rLW <- .rsim(para$rLW, n)
  rLH <- .rsim(para$rLH, n)
  W <- L/rLW
  xyz <- matrix(c(runif(n, min = modboxXL$x[1], max = modboxXL$x[2]),
                  runif(n, min = modboxXL$y[1], max = modboxXL$y[2]),
                  rep(zl, n )), byrow = FALSE, ncol = 3)
  trgh <- new("Trough",
              version = "0.1",
              id      = seq_len(n),
              pos     = xyz,
              L       = L,
              W       = W,
              H       = L/rLH,
              theta   = .rsim(para$theta, n),  # depth position
              rH      = rep(para$rH, n)
  trgh <- extract(trgh, modbox)
  return(list("id"  = id,
            "z"   = zl,
            "obj" = trgh))

#' @export
.rsim <- function(x, n = 1){
  arg <- x[-1]
  arg[["n"]] <- n
  return(do.call(x$type, arg))

rint <- function(n, min, max){
  sample(as.integer(min):as.integer(max), n, replace = TRUE)


##--------------------------- POINT PROCESS ----------------------##
.spatstatStraussMH <- function(...){
  X <- spatstat::rmh(...)
  Y <- matrix(nrow = X$n, ncol=2)
  Y[,1] <- X$x
  Y[,2] <- X$y

.spatstatRStrauss <- function(f, ...){
  X <- spatstat::rStrauss(...)
  Y <- matrix(nrow = X$n, ncol=2)
  Y[,1] <- X$x*f
  Y[,2] <- X$y*f

# # like in "Statistical Analysis and Modelling of Spatial Point Patterns"
# # J. Illian, A. Penttinen, H. Stoyan and D. Stoyan
# # (c) 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ISBN: 978-0-470-01491-2
# # chapter 3, p. 152
# bet <- exp(8)
# gam <- exp(-exp(0.3))
# d <- 0.08
# W <- list(x = c(0, 1), y = c(0, 1))
# n0 <- 120
# n0 <- 120
# 100 iterations -> 120 pts
# 5000 iterations -> 166
# 10000 iterations -> 166 (coincidence)

#' Strauss process simulation (MCMC)
#' strauss process: \eqn{bet^(n(y)) * gam^(s(y))}
#' with 0 <= gam <= 1 and bet > 0
#' if gam = 1, Strauss process = Poisson process
#' if gam = 0, Strauss process = Hard core process
#' @param count boolean TRUE: return the number of points for each iteration
#' @name straussMH
#' @export
straussMH <- function(bet = 10, gam = 0.5, d = 0.1, n0 = NULL, nit = 5000,
                      W = list(x = c(0, 1), y = c(0, 1)), fd = NULL,
                      count = FALSE){
  # initialisation
  if(gam < 0 || gam > 1) stop("gam must be >= 0 and <= 0!\n")
  if(is.null(fd)) fd <- c(1,1)
  WXL <-  W
  WXL$x <- WXL$x + c(-d, d)*fd[1]
  WXL$y <- WXL$y + c(-d, d)*fd[2]
  xmax  <- diff(WXL$x)/fd[1]
  ymax  <- diff(WXL$y)/fd[2]
  areaW <- xmax * ymax
    n0 <- round(bet * areaW)
  d2 <- d*d
  bet1 <- bet * areaW
  X <- .straussMH(n0 = n0, nit = nit, xmax = xmax, ymax = ymax, d2 = d2,
                       bet1 = bet1, gam = gam, count = count)
  if( isTRUE(count) ){
    nv <- X$n
    X <- X$X
  X[,1] <- WXL$x[1] + (X[,1, drop = FALSE]) * fd[1]
  X[,2] <- WXL$y[1] + (X[,2, drop = FALSE]) * fd[2]
  selx <- X[,1, drop = FALSE] >= W$x[1] & X[,1, drop = FALSE] <= W$x[2]
  sely <- X[,2, drop = FALSE] >= W$y[1] & X[,2, drop = FALSE] <= W$y[2]
  X <- X[selx & sely, ,drop = FALSE]
  if( isTRUE(count) ){
    return( list("X" = X,"n" = nv) )
    return( X )

.straussMH <- function(n0 = 2, nit = 100, xmax = 1, ymax = 1, d2 = 0.2,
                       bet1 = 0.3, gam = 0.1, count = FALSE){
  nv    <- integer(nit + 1)
  n     <- as.integer(n0)
  nv[1] <- n
  X     <- matrix(ncol = 2, nrow = n)
  X[,1] <- runif(n, 0, xmax)
  X[,2] <- runif(n, 0, ymax)
  i     <- 0L
  while(i < nit || n < 1){
    i <- i + 1L
    # BIRTH
    if(n == 0L){
      x_cand <- c(runif(1, 0, xmax), runif(1, 0, ymax))
      n <- n + 1L
      X <- matrix(x_cand, ncol = 2, nrow = 1)
    # BIRTH
    }else if(sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), 1 )){
      x_cand <- c(runif(1, 0, xmax), runif(1, 0, ymax))
      phi <- sum(distxtoX2(X, x_cand) <= d2)
      if(runif(1) <= min(1, (bet1 * gam^phi) / (n + 1))){
          X <- X[c(seq_len(n), n), , drop = FALSE]
          n <- n + 1L
          X[n, ] <- x_cand
    # DEATH
      #x_cand_pos <- sample(seq_along(X[,1, drop = FALSE]),1)
      if(nrow(X) != n) stop("ewlkrj")
      if(n == 1L){
        X <- X[-1,, drop = FALSE]
        n <- n - 1L
        x_cand_pos <- sample.int(n, 1)
        phi <- sum(distxtoX2(X[-x_cand_pos, , drop = FALSE],
                            X[ x_cand_pos, ])  <= d2)
        if(runif(1) <= min(1, (n / (bet1 * gam^phi)))){
            X <- X[-x_cand_pos,, drop = FALSE]
            n <- n - 1L
    nv[i + 1L] <- n
    if(n != nrow(X)) stop("problem")
  if( isTRUE(count) ){
    return( list("X" = X,"n" = nv) )
    return( X )
# # like in "Statistical Analysis and Modelling of Spatial Point Patterns"
# # J. Illian, A. Penttinen, H. Stoyan and D. Stoyan
# # 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ISBN: 978-0-470-01491-2
# # chapter 3, p. 152
# alpha <- -8
# bet <- exp(0.3)
# d <- 0.08
# W = list(x = c(0, 1), y = c(0, 1))
# n0 <- 120
# 100 iterations -> 120 pts
# 5000 iterations -> 166
# 10000 iterations -> 166 (coincidence)
#' Strauss process (as Gibbs process) simulation (MCMC)
#' strauss process: exp(-(alpha*(n(y))  + beta*s(y)))
#' with alpha >= 0 and bet > 0
#' if beta = 0, Strauss process = Poisson process
#' if beta = +infinity, Strauss process = Hard core process
#' @param count boolean TRUE: return the number of points for each iteration
#' @name straussMHGibbs
#' @export
straussMHGibbs <- function(alpha = 10, bet = 0.5, d = 0.1, n0 = NULL,
                           nit = 5000, W = list(x = c(0, 1), y = c(0, 1)),
                           fd = NULL, count = FALSE){
  # initialisation
  #if(gam < 0 || gam > 1) stop("gam must be >= 0 and <= 0!\n")
  if(is.null(fd)) fd <- c(1,1)
  xmax  <- diff(W$x)/fd[1]
  ymax  <- diff(W$y)/fd[2]
  areaW <- xmax * ymax
    n0 <- round(bet * areaW)
  n <- as.integer(n0)
  X     <- matrix(ncol = 2, nrow = n)
  X[,1] <- runif(n, 0, xmax)
  X[,2] <- runif(n, 0, ymax)
  nv     <- integer(nit)
  d2 <- d*d
  i     <- 0L
  bet1 <- bet * areaW
  while(i < nit){
    i <- i + 1L
    nv[i] <- n
    # BIRTH
    if(n == 0L){
      x_cand <- c(runif(1, 0, xmax), runif(1, 0, ymax))
      n <- n + 1L
      X <- matrix(x_cand, ncol = 2, nrow = 1)
    # BIRTH
    }else if(sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), 1 )){
      x_cand <- c(runif(1, 0, xmax), runif(1, 0, ymax))
      phi <- sum(distxtoX2(X, x_cand) <= d2)
      if(runif(1) <= min(1, exp(-alpha - bet1 * phi) / (n + 1))){
          X <- X[c(seq_len(n), n), ]
          n <- n + 1L
          X[n, ] <- x_cand
    # DEATH
      x_cand_pos <- sample(seq_along(X[,1]),1)
      phi <- sum(distxtoX2(X[-x_cand_pos, , drop = FALSE],
                           X[ x_cand_pos, ])  <= d2)
      if(runif(1) <= min(1, (n * exp(alpha + bet1 * phi)))){
          X <- X[-x_cand_pos,, drop = FALSE]
          n <- n - 1L
  X[,1] <- W$x[1] + (X[,1]) * fd[1]
  X[,2] <- W$y[1] + (X[,2]) * fd[2]
  if( isTRUE(count) ){
    return( list("X" = X,"n" = nv) )
    return( X )

distxtoXold <- function(X,x){

distxtoX2old <- function(X,x){

# **squared** distance between a point x and a ensemble of points X
distxtoX2 <- function(X,x){
  rowSums((X - matrix(x, ncol = ncol(X), nrow = nrow(X), byrow = TRUE))^2)

##--------------------------- HELPER FUNCTIONS ----------------------##
# example:
# pts <- locator(type="p",n=2)
# l_pts <- joinLine(pts)  # line joining the two points
# RConics::addLine(l_pts, col="red")
#' @export
joinLine <- function(pts){
  return(RConics::join(c(pts$x[1], pts$y[1] , 1),c(pts$x[2], pts$y[2] , 1)))

#----------- PROJECTION MATRIX -----------#
# Orthogonal Projection matrix on a Line
.matOP <- function(l){
  if(l[2] == 0){ # if ax + by + c = 0 with b = 0
    v <- c(0, 1)
    v <- c(1, -l[1]/l[2])
  return(matrix(c(v[1]^2, v[1]*v[2], v[1]*v[2], v[2]^2),
#' @export
measureDistance <- function(last=TRUE){
  A <-locator()
  loc <- cbind(A$x,A$y)

.myDist <-function(loc,last=FALSE){
  loc <- as.matrix(loc)
  all_dist <- cumsum(c(0,sqrt(rowSums(diff(loc)^2))))


##-------------------- update simple distribution ----------------------------##
#' @export
resample <- function(x, ...) x[sample.int(length(x), ...)]

# reflection, not round around
#' relfection at the bounds
#' @name unifUpdate
#' @export
unifUpdate <- function(x, dx = 1, xmin = NULL, xmax = NULL){
  xnew <- x + runif(length(x), -dx, dx)
  test <- xnew < xmin
    # xnew[test] <- xmax - (xmin - xnew[test])
    xnew[test] <- xmin + (xmin - xnew[test])
  test <- xnew > xmax
    # xnew[test] <- xmin + (xnew[test] - xmax)
    xnew[test] <- xmax - (xnew[test] - xmax)

#' @export
poisUpdate <- function(n, lambda = 1){
  return(n + poisBD(n, lambda = lambda))

#' Poisson move
#' Same as uniform update but with folding instead of relfecting
#' @name poisMove
#' @export
poisMove <- function(x, dx = 1, xmin = NULL, xmax = NULL){
  xnew <- x + runif(length(x), -dx, dx)
  test <- xnew < xmin
    xnew[test] <- xmax - (xmin - xnew[test])
    #xnew[test] <- xmin + (xmin - xnew[test])
  test <- xnew > xmax
    xnew[test] <- xmin + (xnew[test] - xmax)
    #xnew[test] <- xmax - (xnew[test] - xmax)

#' Poisson birth death
#' @name poisBD
#' @export
poisBD <- function(n, lambda){
  pm <- 0.5*min(1, n/lambda)
  pp <- 0.5*min(1, lambda/(n + 1L))
  p0 <- 1 - pm - pp
  sample(c(-1L, 0L, 1L), size = 1L, prob = c(pm, p0, pp))

##------------------------ update object layer -------------------------------##
# update: - position
#         - number
#         - object (size, orientation)
setMethod("updateObj", "Deposits", function(x, type = c("pos", "n", "prop"),
  type <- match.arg(type, c("pos", "n", "prop"))
  n <- length(x@layers)
  bd <- NULL
  x@layers <- switch(type,
                     "pos" = {lapply(x@layers, updateStraussPos, para,
                                     modbox = x@bbox)},
                      "n" = {lapply(x@layers, updateStraussN, para,
                                    modbox = x@bbox)},
                      "prop" = {lapply(x@layers, .updateObj, para)})

#' @export
updateStraussPos <- function(x, para, modbox ){
  y <- x[["obj"]]
  if(is.null(y)) return(NULL)
  n <- length(y@id)
  bd <- 0L
  d2 <- para$hpp$d * para$hpp$d
  if(n > 0){
    if(n == 1){
      i <- 1
      y_cand <- c(unifUpdate(y@pos[i, 1], dx = para$delta$x,
                            xmin = modbox$x[1], xmax = modbox$x[2]),
                  unifUpdate(y@pos[i, 2], dx = para$delta$y,
                            xmin = modbox$y[1], xmax = modbox$y[2]))
      y@pos[i, 1:2] <- y_cand
      bd <- 1L
      i <- sample.int(n, 1L)
      y_cand <- c(unifUpdate(y@pos[i, 1], dx = para$delta$x,
                            xmin = modbox$x[1], xmax = modbox$x[2]),
                  unifUpdate(y@pos[i, 2], dx = para$delta$y,
                            xmin = modbox$y[1], xmax = modbox$y[2]))
      phi_cand <- sum(distxtoX2(y@pos[-i, 1:2, drop = FALSE] , y_cand) <= d2)
      phi <- sum(distxtoX2(y@pos[-i, 1:2, drop = FALSE] , y@pos[i, 1:2]) <= d2)
      if(runif(1) <= min(1, (para$hpp$gam^(phi_cand - phi) ))){
        y@pos[i, 1:2] <- y_cand
        bd <- 1L
  x[["obj"]] <- y
  #return(list("x" = x, "bd" = bd))

#' @export
updateStraussN <- function(x, para, modbox ){
  y <- x[["obj"]]
  if(is.null(y)) return(NULL)
  n <- length(y@id)
  bd <- 0L
  d2 <- para$hpp$d * para$hpp$d
  areaW <- diff(modbox$x) * diff(modbox$y)
  bet <- para$hpp$bet * areaW
  if(n == 0){
    y_cand <- c(runif(1, modbox$x[1], modbox$x[2]),
                runif(1, modbox$y[1], modbox$y[2]))
    y <- .addTrough(y, xy = y_cand, para, z = x$z)
    bd <- 1L
  }else if(n == 1L || sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), 1 )){
    y_cand <- c(runif(1, modbox$x[1], modbox$x[2]),
                runif(1, modbox$y[1], modbox$y[2]))
    phi <- sum(distxtoX2(y@pos[, 1:2, drop = FALSE], y_cand) <= d2)
    if(runif(1) <= min(1, (bet * para$hpp$gam^phi) / (n + 1))){
      y <- .addTrough(y, xy = y_cand, para, z = x$z)
      bd <- 1L
    # DEATH
    i <- sample.int(n, 1L)
    phi <- sum(distxtoX2(y@pos[-i, 1:2, drop = FALSE],
                         y@pos[ i, 1:2])  <= d2)
    if(runif(1) <= min(1, (n / (bet *  para$hpp$gam^phi)))){
      y <- .rmTrough(y, i)
      bd <- -1L
  x[["obj"]] <- y
  # return(list("x" = x, "bd" = bd))

.addTrough <- function(x, xy = NULL, para, z){
  L   <- .rsim(para$L, 1)
  rLW <- .rsim(para$rLW, 1)
  rLH <- .rsim(para$rLH, 1)
  W   <- L/rLW
  n <- length(x@id)
  xyz <- matrix(ncol = 3, nrow = n + 1)
  if(n > 0){
    xyz[1:n, ] <- x@pos
  xyz[n+1,] <- c(xy, z)
  if(length(x@id) == 0){
    x_id <- 1L
    x_id <- c(x@id, max(x@id) + 1L)
             version = "0.1",
             id      = x_id,
             pos     = xyz,
             L       = c(x@L, L),
             W       = c(x@W, W),
             H       = c(x@H, L/rLH),
             theta   = c(x@theta, .rsim(para$theta, 1)),
             rH      = c(x@rH, para$rH)

.rmTrough <- function(x, i){
  x@id <- x@id[-i]
  x@pos <- x@pos[-i, , drop = FALSE]
  x@L <- x@L[-i]
  x@W <- x@W[-i]
  x@H <- x@H[-i]
  x@theta <- x@theta[-i]
  x@rH <- x@rH[-i]

.modTrough <- function(x, i, para){
  L   <- .rsim(para$L, 1)
  rLW <- .rsim(para$rLW, 1)
  rLH <- .rsim(para$rLH, 1)
  W   <- L/rLW
  H <- L/rLH
  theta <- .rsim(para$theta, 1)
  x@L[i] <- L
  x@W[i] <- L/rLW
  x@H[i] <- L/rLH
  x@theta[i] <- .rsim(para$theta, 1)

#' @export
.updateObj <- function(x, para){
  y <- x[["obj"]]
  if(is.null(y)) return(NULL)
  L   <- unifUpdate(y@L, dx = para$delta$L,
                    xmin = para$L$min, xmax = para$L$max)
  rLW <-  unifUpdate(y@L/y@W, dx = para$delta$rLW,
                     xmin = para$rLW$min, xmax = para$rLW$max)
  rLH <- unifUpdate(y@L/y@H, dx = para$delta$rLH,
                    xmin = para$rLH$min, xmax = para$rLH$max)
  y@L <- L
  y@W <- L/rLW
  y@H <- L/rLH
  y@theta <- unifUpdate(y@theta, dx = para$delta$theta,
                        xmin = para$theta$min, xmax = para$theta$max)
  x[["obj"]] <- y

##--------------------------- update layer ---------------------------------##

setMethod("updateLay", "Deposits", function(x, type = c("pos", "n"), para){
  # update type = n (birth/death)
  #if(length(x@z) != length(x@layers)){
  #  stop("length(x@z) != length(x@layers)")
  type <- match.arg(type, c("pos", "n"))
  bd <- NULL
  n <- length(x@layers)
  if(type == "pos"){
    i <- sample.int(n, 1L)
    layi <- x@layers[[i]]
    layi[["z"]] <- unifUpdate(layi[["z"]], dx = para$delta$z,
                              xmin = x@bbox$z[1], xmax = x@bbox$z[2])
    layi[['obj']]@pos[,3] <- layi[["z"]]
    x@layers[[i]] <- NULL
    x <- .insertLay(x, layi[["z"]], id = layi[["id"]], layi)
    death <- FALSE
    dz <- diff(x@bbox$z)
    bd <- poisBD(n, dz/para$vpp$lambda)
    id <- NULL
    if(bd == -1){   # death
      # remove layer
      x@layers[[sample.int(n, 1L)]] <- NULL
    }else if(bd == 1){    # birth
      zi <- runif(1, min = x@bbox$z[1], max = x@bbox$z[2])
      laynew <- .simLay(x, zi, para)
      x <- .insertLay(x, zi, id, laynew)
      if(length(x@layers) != n + 1L) stop("lkj")

#' @export
.insertLay <- function(x, zi, id, laynew){
  n <- length(x@layers)
  z <- layerz(x) #sapply(x@layers, function(x) x[["z"]])
  zbelow <- which(z < zi)
  ztop <- which(z > zi)
  x@layers <- c(x@layers[zbelow], list(laynew), x@layers[ztop])

#' @export
.rmLay <- function(x, id){
  x@z <- x@z[-which(id == names(x@z))]
  x@layers[id] <- NULL

#' @export
.simLay <- function(x, zi, para){
  L   <- .rsim(para$L,   n = 500)
  rLW <- .rsim(para$rLW, n = 500)
  rLH <- .rsim(para$rLH, n = 500)
  W <- L/rLW
  # position
  maxL <- max(L, W) * 1.5
  modboxXL <- x@bbox
  modboxXL$x <- c(x@bbox$x[1]  - maxL, x@bbox$x[2]  + maxL)
  modboxXL$y <- c(x@bbox$y[1]  - maxL, x@bbox$y[2]  + maxL)
  f <- 1
  lid <- sapply(x@layers, function(x) as.integer(x$id))
  i <- max(lid) + 1L
  if(para$hpp$type == "poisson"){
    # number of objects is Poisson distributed
    lambdaArea <- para$hpp$lambda * diff(modboxXL$x) * diff(modboxXL$y)
    laynew <- .simLayPois(zl = zi, id = i, para = para, modbox = x@bbox,
                  modboxXL = modboxXL, lambdaArea = lambdaArea)
  }else if(para$hpp$type == "strauss"){
    laynew <- .simLayStrauss(zl = zi, id = i, para = para, modbox = x@bbox,
                  modboxXL = modboxXL)
    stop("Wrong 'para$hpp$type'!\n")
emanuelhuber/CBRDM documentation built on March 1, 2020, 9:33 a.m.