Defines functions ll2dc UTMToll getUTMzone UTMToEPSG llToUTM stringToLatLonGPGGA .getLatLonFromGPGGA .getLatLonFromGNGGA getLonLatFromGPGGA readGPGGA

Documented in getUTMzone llToUTM UTMToEPSG UTMToll

# longitude = x
# latitude  = y

# Although the US convention may be (long, lat), that does not make such a 
# convention "US-centric." This actually is the international and very long 
# established convention in mathematics and physics. It is based on the concept 
# of orientation of a coordinate system in which (long, lat) agrees with the 
# conventional positive (x,y,z) orientation of 3D Cartesian coordinates when 
# an outward-pointing normal direction (i.e., "up") is used for the third 
# coordinate on the sphere.

#' @export
readGPGGA <- function(dsn, sep = ",", returnSf = TRUE){
  if(!inherits(dsn, "connection")){
    dsn <- file(dsn, 'rb')
  content <- verboseF(readLines(dsn), verbose = FALSE)
  if(length(content) == 0){
  a <- read.table(textConnection(content), 
                  header = FALSE, colClasses = "character",
                  stringsAsFactors = FALSE, sep = ",")
  llz <- getLonLatFromGPGGA(a)
  # sp::coordinates(llz) <- cbind(x = llz$lon, y = llz$lat)
  # sp::proj4string(llz) <- sp::CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84")
    llz <- sf::st_as_sf(x = llz,
                        coords = c("lon", "lat"),
                        crs = 4326)

#' @export
getLonLatFromGPGGA <- function(a){  
  a <- as.data.frame(a, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  a <- a[a[,1]=="$GPGGA",]
  names(a) <- c("ID", "UTC", "lat", "NS", "lon", "EW", "fix", 
                "NbSat", "HDOP", "H", "mf", "HGeoid", "mf2", 
                "TDGPS", "DGPSID", "Checks")[1:ncol(a)]

.getLatLonFromGNGGA <- function(a){
  trctime <- strptime(paste(Sys.Date(), a$UTC), '%Y-%m-%d %H%M%OS', tz='UTC')
  # # 3 latitude 
  # #  The format for NMEA coordinates is (d)ddmm.mmmm
  # lat <- as.numeric(a$lat) / 100
  # # 5 longitude
  # #  The format for NMEA coordinates is (d)ddmm.mmmm
  # lon <- as.numeric(a$lon) / 100
  # 3 latitude 
  #  The format for NMEA coordinates is (d)ddmm.mmmm
  lat <- sapply(a$lat, stringToLatLonGPGGA, NW = a$NS, USE.NAMES = FALSE, nn = 2)
  # 5 longitude
  #  The format for NMEA coordinates is (d)ddmm.mmmm
  lon <- sapply(a$lon, stringToLatLonGPGGA, NW = a$EW, USE.NAMES = FALSE, nn = 3)
  # 10 elevation
  z <- as.numeric(a$H)
  llz <- data.frame(lon = lon, lat = lat, z = z, time = trctime)
  colnames(llz) <- c("lon", "lat", "z", "time")

.getLatLonFromGPGGA <- function(a){
  trctime <- strptime(paste(Sys.Date(), a$UTC), '%Y-%m-%d %H%M%OS', tz='UTC')
  # 3 latitude 
  #  The format for NMEA coordinates is (d)ddmm.mmmm
  lat <- sapply(a$lat, stringToLatLonGPGGA, NW = a$NS, USE.NAMES = FALSE, nn = 2)
  # 5 longitude
  #  The format for NMEA coordinates is (d)ddmm.mmmm
  lon <- sapply(a$lon, stringToLatLonGPGGA, NW = a$EW, USE.NAMES = FALSE, nn = 3)
  # 10 elevation
  z <- as.numeric(a$H)
  llz <- data.frame(lon = lon, lat = lat, z = z, time = trctime)
  colnames(llz) <- c("lon", "lat", "z", "time")

stringToLatLonGPGGA <- function(x, NW = "N", nn = 2){
  ddmm_mmmm <- strsplit(x, "\\.")[[1]]
  n <- nchar(ddmm_mmmm[1])
  if(n > nn){
    dd <- as.numeric(substring(ddmm_mmmm[1],1, n-2))
    dd <- 0
  mm_mmmm <- paste0(substring(ddmm_mmmm[1],n-1, n), ".", ddmm_mmmm[2])
  lat <- dd + as.numeric(mm_mmmm) / 60
  if(any(c("S", "W") %in% NW)) lat <- -lat

#' longitude, latitude to UTM
#' see https://stackoverflow.com/a/30225804
#' https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18639967/converting-latitude-and-longitude-points-to-utm
#' check also https://stackoverflow.com/questions/176137/java-convert-lat-lon-to-utm
#' @export
llToUTM <- function(lon, lat, zone = NULL, south = NULL, west = FALSE){
  # todo: check if lat/long in hh:mm:ss and convert them into
  #       decimal with the function 'll2dc()' (see below)
  lat_mean <- median(lat)
  lon_mean <- median(lon)
    if(lon_mean > 0 ) lon_mean <- -lon_mean
    if(lon_mean > 0 ) lon <- -lon
    zone <- getUTMzone(lat = lat_mean, lon = lon_mean)

  if(is.null(south) && lat_mean < 0){
    south <- "+south "
    lat <- -lat
  }else if(isTRUE(south)){
    south <- "+south "
    south <- ""
  lat_mean <- median(lat)
  if(lat_mean < 0) lat <- -lat
  xy_crs <-  UTMToEPSG(zone, south)
  # ll <- data.frame(ID = 1:length(lat), X = lon, Y = lat)
  # sp::coordinates(ll) <- c("X", "Y")
  # sp::proj4string(ll) <- sp::CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84")
  # xy_crs <- paste0("+proj=utm ", south, "+zone=", zone, " +datum=WGS84",
  #                  " +units=m +no_defs", " +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0")
  # xy <- sp::spTransform(ll, sp::CRS(xy_crs))
  xy <- sf::sf_project(from = "EPSG:4326", 
                       to   = paste0("EPSG:", xy_crs), 
                       pts  = cbind(lon, lat))
  return(list(xy = xy, crs = paste0("EPSG:", xy_crs)))

#' EPGS code from UTM zone
#' Returns the EPSG code from UTM zone. EPSG code is:
#'   32600+zone for positive latitudes and  32700+zone for negatives latitudes.
#' @param zone [\code{integer(1)}] the UTM zone.
#' @param south [\code{integer(1)}] \code{TRUE} if the UTM is located in 
#'              southern hemisphere.
#' @return [\code{integer(1)}] The EPSG code.
#' @export
#' @concept GPS 
#' @concept UTM
UTMToEPSG <- function(zone, south = FALSE){
    return(32700 + as.integer(zone))
    return(32600 + as.integer(zone))

#' Get UTM zone from lattidue and longitude
#' @export
getUTMzone <- function(lat, lon){
  # see https://stackoverflow.com/a/9188972
  # The formula is to simple: it does not work for the both 
  # UTM Zone Exceptions in Norway and Svalbard
  # Special zones for Svalbard and Norway
  lat <- median(lat)
  lon <- median(lon)
  if (lat >= 72.0 && lat < 84.0 ) 
    if (lon >= 0.0  && lon <  9.0) 
  if (lon >= 9.0  && lon < 21.0)
  if (lon >= 21.0 && lon < 33.0)
  if (lon >= 33.0 && lon < 42.0) 
  zone <- (floor((lon + 180)/6) %% 60) + 1

#' UTM to latitude-longitude
#' @return a 2-column-matrix (longitude (N), latitude (E))
#' @export
UTMToll <- function(xy, xy_crs = NULL){
  #if(max(xy[,1]) > 834000) stop("y-values (northing) are larger than 834000")
  #if(min(xy[,1]) < 166000) stop("x-values (easting) are smaller than 166000")
    stop("You must set CRSobj")
  # ll <- data.frame(ID = 1:nrow(xy), X = xy[,1], Y = xy[,2])
  # sp::coordinates(ll) <- c("X", "Y")
  # sp::proj4string(ll) <- sp::CRS(xy_crs)
  # xy <- sp::spTransform(ll, sp::CRS("+init=epsg:4326"))
  # as.matrix(as.data.frame(xy)[,2:3])
  xy[, 1:2] <- sf::sf_project(from = CRSobj, to = "EPSG:4326", pts = xy[, 1:2])

# conversion latitude longitude (hh:mm:ss into decimal
ll2dc <- function(x){
  NS <- gsub('[^[:alpha:]]', "", x)
  w <- gsub('[^0-9:.]', "", x)
  V <- matrix(as.numeric(do.call(rbind, strsplit(w, ":"))), ncol = 3)
  pm <- 2* (grepl("N", NS) | grepl("E", NS)) - 1
  dec <- (V[,1] + V[,2] / 60 + V[,3]/3600) * pm
emanuelhuber/RGPR documentation built on May 13, 2024, 9:31 p.m.