
Defines functions rnb.split.snps rnb.update.dbsnp rnb.construct.snp.types rnb.update.load.vcf rnb.update.download.dbsnp

## snps.R
## created: 2012-08-18
## creator: Yassen Assenov
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Initializes tables of SNP annotations and enriches the probe annotation tables with information about overlapping
## SNPs.

## F U N C T I O N S ###################################################################################################

#' rnb.update.download.dbsnp
#' Downloads all required VCF files from the latest release of dbSNP.
#' @param ftp.files Full FTP paths of the VCF files in dbSNP.
#' @param base.dir  Local directory to store the downloaded VCF files.
#' @return \code{character} vector of length \code{length(ftp.files)}, storing the names of all local copies of the
#'         downloaded VCF files.
#' @author Yassen Assenov
#' @noRd
rnb.update.download.dbsnp <- function(ftp.files, base.dir) {
    if (!(is.character(ftp.files) && length(ftp.files) > 0 && all(!is.na(ftp.files)))) {
        stop("invalid value for ftp.files; expected character")
    base.dir <- base.dir[1]

    fnames <- gsub("^.+/([^/]+)$", "\\1", ftp.files)
    dest.files <- file.path(base.dir, fnames)
    for (i in 1:length(ftp.files)) {
        if (file.exists(dest.files[i])) {
            logger.info(c("File", fnames[i], "already downloaded"))
        } else {
            logger.start(c("Downloading", fnames[i]))
            if (download.file(ftp.files[i], dest.files[i], quiet = TRUE, mode = "wb") != 0) {
                logger.error(c("Could not download", fnames[i]))


#' rnb.update.load.vcf
#' Loads information on the variations from the given VCF file. downloaded from dbSNP.
#' @param fname Name of the VCF file to load.
#' @author Yassen Assenov
#' @noRd
rnb.update.load.vcf <- function(fname) {

    ## Extract meta information and header
    txt <- scan(fname, "", sep = "\n", quiet = TRUE)
    logger.status(c("Loaded", length(txt), "lines from", fname))
    i.header <- grep("^#", txt)
    meta.regex <- "^##([^=]+)=(.+)$"
    i.meta <- grep(meta.regex, txt[i.header])
    if (!(length(i.meta) > 0 && identical(i.header, 1:length(i.header)) && identical(i.meta, 1:length(i.meta)))) {
        logger.error("Unsupported structure of the VCF file")
    meta.names <- gsub(meta.regex, "\\1", txt[i.meta])
    meta.values <- gsub(meta.regex, "\\2", txt[i.meta])

    ## Validate header information
    g.value <- function(m.name, required = TRUE) {
        i <- which(meta.names == m.name)
        if (length(i) == 0) {
            if (required) {

        if (length(i) != 1) {
            msg <- ifelse(length(i) == 0, "missing", "multiple values in")
            stop(msg, " meta information for ", m.name)
    if (g.value("fileformat") != "VCFv4.0") {
        logger.error("unsupported VCF format, expected VCFv4.0")
    ref <- g.value("reference")
    if (!(ref %in% names(REFERENCE2ASSEMBLY))) {
        logger.error(c("Unsupported reference genome:", ref))
    if (REFERENCE2ASSEMBLY[ref] != .globals[['assembly']]) {
        logger.error(c("Invalid genome assembly:", REFERENCE2ASSEMBLY[ref], ", expected", .globals[['assembly']]))
    version.string <- g.value("fileDate")
    if (is.null(version.string)) {
        version.string <- ""
    } else {
        version.string <- gsub("^(\\d{4})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})$", " from \\1-\\2-\\3", version.string)
    version.string <- paste0("dbSNP ", g.value("dbSNP_BUILD_ID"), version.string, ", reference ", ref)
    cnames <- c("#CHROM", "POS", "ID", "REF", "ALT", "QUAL", "FILTER", "INFO")
    if (!identical(strsplit(txt[length(i.header)], "\t", fixed = TRUE)[[1]], cnames)) {
        logger.error("Unexpected columns in the VCF table")

    ## Extract SNP information
    txt <- strsplit(txt[-(1:length(i.header))], "\t", fixed = TRUE)
    i <- which(sapply(txt, length) != length(cnames))
    if (length(i) != 0) {
        logger.error(c("unexpected number of columns at line", (i[1] + length(i.header))))
    # remove duplicate rows
    dupRows <- duplicated(txt)
    if(sum(dupRows) > 0){
        txt <- txt[!dupRows]
        logger.warning(c("Removed",sum(dupRows),"duplicate rows"))
    chroms <- sapply(txt, '[', 1)
    CHROMOSOMES <- .globals[['CHROMOSOMES']]
    is.valid.chromosome <- (chroms %in% names(CHROMOSOMES))
    if (all(!is.valid.chromosome)) {
        # FIXME: Use a general mapping from short names to long names in chromosomes; "MT" should map to "chrM"
        i <- which(chroms %in% unname(CHROMOSOMES))
        if (length(i) != 0) {
            short2long.name <- names(CHROMOSOMES)
            names(short2long.name) <- unname(CHROMOSOMES)
            chroms[i] <- unname(short2long.name[chroms[i]])
        is.valid.chromosome <- (chroms %in% names(CHROMOSOMES))
    logger.info(c("Records with supported chromosome:", sum(is.valid.chromosome), ", with unsupported ones:",
    ids <- sapply(txt, '[', 3)
    i <- anyDuplicated(ids)
    if (i != 0) {
        logger.error(paste0("duplicated identifier (", ids[i], ") found at line ", (i[1] + length(i.header))))
    pos <- suppressWarnings(as.integer(sapply(txt, '[', 2)))
    i <- which(is.na(pos))
    if (length(i) != 0) {
        logger.error(c("invalid genomic position at line", (i[1] + length(i.header))))
    infos <- sapply(txt, '[', 8)

    ## Extract allele origin
    regex.ao <- "^.*SAO=([0-3]).*$" # 0 - unspecified, 1 - germline, 2 - somatic, 3 - both
    i <- which(!grepl(regex.ao, infos))
    if (length(i) != 0) {
        logger.error(c("missing or invalid variant allele origin at line", (i[1] + length(i.header))))
    allele.origin <- as.integer(gsub(regex.ao, "\\1", infos))
    is.valid.allele <- allele.origin != 2L
    logger.info(c("Records with supported allele origin:", sum(is.valid.allele), ", with unsupported ones:",

    ## Extract major allele frequencies
    regex.frequency <- "^.*CAF=\\[([0-9\\.,]+)\\].*$"
    i <- which(grepl(regex.frequency, infos))
    if (length(i) == 0) {
        major.frequency <- rep(as.double(NA), length(infos))
        logger.warning(c("Could not detect MAF data (CAF field)"))
        regex.frequency.g5ind <- "(^G5.*$|^.*;G5A?$|^.*;G5A?;.*$)"
        hasG5tag <- grepl(regex.frequency.g5ind, infos)
        if (sum(hasG5tag) > 0) {
            is.valid.frequency <- hasG5tag
        } else {
            is.valid.frequency <- rep(TRUE, length(infos))
            logger.warning(c("Could not detect MAF data (G5 field); allele frequency is not considered"))
    } else {
        major.frequency <- rep(as.double(NA), length(infos))
        frequencies <- strsplit(gsub(regex.frequency, "\\1", infos[i]), ",", fixed = TRUE)
        major.frequency[i] <- suppressWarnings(sapply(frequencies, function(x) { max(as.double(x), na.rm = TRUE) }))
        is.valid.frequency <- (major.frequency <= MAJOR.ALLELE.FREQUENCY)
        logger.info(c("Records with supported MAF:", sum(is.valid.frequency, na.rm = TRUE), ", with unsupported ones:",
            sum(!is.valid.frequency, na.rm = TRUE), ", with unknown:", sum(is.na(major.frequency))))
        is.valid.frequency[is.na(is.valid.frequency)] <- FALSE

    ## Filter based on chromosome name, allele origin and major allele frequency
    i <- which(is.valid.chromosome & is.valid.allele & is.valid.frequency)
    result <- data.frame(chromosome = chroms[i], location = pos[i],
        base.reference = sapply(txt, '[', 4)[i], base.alt = sapply(txt, '[', 5)[i],
        origin = allele.origin[i], frequency = major.frequency[i],
        row.names = ids[i], check.names = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    result$chromosome <- factor(result$chromosome, levels = names(CHROMOSOMES))
    result <- result[with(result, order(chromosome, location)), ]
    attr(result, "version") <- version.string


#' rnb.construct.snp.types
#' Processes the downloaded dbSNP records and constructs a table with polymorphism types.
#' @param dnp.df \code{data.frame} with downloaded dbSNP records for one chromosome. This function uses the columns
#'               \code{"location"}, \code{"base.reference"} and \code{"base.alt"}.
#' @return \code{data.frame} with polymorphism records sorted by starting position.
#' @author Yassen Assenov
#' @noRd
rnb.construct.snp.types <- function(snp.df) {
    result <- data.frame(
        start = rep(0L, nrow(snp.df)),
        end = rep(0L, nrow(snp.df)),
        type = factor("replacement", levels = c("deletion", "deletion+replacement", "replacement", "insertion", "other")),
        C2T = FALSE,
        G2A = FALSE,
        row.names = rownames(snp.df))
    alt.sequences <- strsplit(snp.df[, "base.alt"], ",", fixed = TRUE)
    for (i in 1:nrow(snp.df)) {
        i.start <- snp.df[i, "location"]
        i.sequences <- c(snp.df[i, "base.reference"], alt.sequences[[i]])
        i.nchar <- nchar(i.sequences)
        while (all(i.nchar != 0)) {
            if (length(unique(substr(i.sequences, 1L, 1L))) == 1L) {
                i.sequences <- substring(i.sequences, 2L)
                i.start <- i.start + 1L
                i.nchar <- i.nchar - 1L
            } else {
        result[i, 1:2] <- c(i.start, i.start + i.nchar[1] - 1L)
        i.nchar <- c(i.nchar[1], range(i.nchar[-1]))
        if (i.nchar[1] > i.nchar[3]) {
            if (i.nchar[3] == 0) {
                result[i, 3] <- "deletion"
            } else {
                result[i, 3] <- "deletion+replacement"
        } else if (i.nchar[1] < i.nchar[2]) {
            if (i.nchar[1] == 0) {
                result[i, 1:2] <- result[i, 2:1]
                result[i, 3] <- "insertion"
            } else {
                ## Record combines multiple modifications; set deletion+replacement as a workaround
                result[i, 3] <- "deletion+replacement"
        } else if (i.nchar[1] == i.nchar[2] && i.nchar[2] == i.nchar[3]) {
            if (identical("C", i.sequences[1]) && identical("T", i.sequences[-1])) {
                result[i, "C2T"] <- TRUE
            } else if (identical("G", i.sequences[1]) && identical("A", i.sequences[-1])) {
                result[i, "G2A"] <- TRUE
        } else {
            result[i, 3] <- "other"
    result[order(result[, 1], result[, 2]), ]


#' rnb.update.dbsnp
#' Downloads and processes the information from dbSNP.
#' @param ftp.files ...
#' @return SNP annotation in the form of a \code{list} of \code{data.frame} objects, one per chromosome.
#' @author Yassen Assenov
#' @noRd
rnb.update.dbsnp <- function(ftp.files, job_batch_size=200000L, job_scheduler="LSF", submit_jobs=TRUE) {
    fname <- file.path(.globals[["DIR.PACKAGE"]], "temp", "snps.all.RData")
    if (file.exists(fname)) {
        load(fname) # -> snps, db.version
        logger.status(c("Loaded SNP tables from", fname))
    } else {
        base.dir <- file.path(.globals[["DIR.PACKAGE"]], "temp", "snps")
        if (!file.exists(base.dir)) {
            if (!dir.create(base.dir, recursive = TRUE)) {
                logger.error(c("Could not create directory", base.dir))
        } else if (!isTRUE(file.info(base.dir)[, "isdir"])) {
            logger.error(c("Expected directory", base.dir, "is a regular file"))
        fnames <- rnb.update.download.dbsnp(ftp.files, base.dir)
        logger.start(paste0("Loading Downloaded File", ifelse(length(fnames) != 1, "s", "")))
        snps <- lapply(fnames, rnb.update.load.vcf)

        db.version <- sapply(snps, attr, "version")
        if (length(unique(db.version)) != 1) {
            logger.warning(c("Differing version strings in the downloaded files; versions are concatenated"))
        db.version <- paste(unique(db.version), collapse = " ; ")
        snps <- do.call(rbind, snps)
        if (all(is.na(snps$frequency))) {
            snps$frequency <- NULL
        snps <- snps[with(snps, order(chromosome, location)), ]
        snps <- tapply(1:nrow(snps), snps$chromosome, function(i) { snps[i, ] })
        logger.info(c("Total number of SNP records:", sum(sapply(snps, nrow))))

        save(snps, db.version, file = fname, compression_level = 9L)
        logger.status(c("Saved SNP tables to", fname))

    ## Construct tables of polymorphism types
    if (.globals[['SNP_MAX']] != 0 && .globals[['SNP_MAX']] <= max(sapply(snps, nrow))) {
            fname <- normalizePath(fname, '/')
            dname <- normalizePath(file.path(.globals[["DIR.PACKAGE"]], "temp", "qsub"), '/', FALSE)
                logger.info(paste('Submitting jobs to a', job_scheduler, 'cluster'))
                jids<-rnb.split.snps(fname, dname, batch.size=job_batch_size, scheduler=job_scheduler, continue=file.exists(dname))
                        res<-system(sprintf("bjobs -a %s", paste(jids, collapse=" ")), intern=TRUE)
                        n_running_jobs<-length(res[grep("RUN", res)])
                    }else if(job_scheduler=="PBS"){
                        res<-system(sprintf("qstat -l %s", paste(jidsm, collapse=" ")), intern=TRUE)
                        logger.info(sprintf("%d jobs remaining", n_running_jobs))
                txt <- c('suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(RnBeadsAnnotationCreator))',
                        paste0('txt <- rnb.split.snps("', fname, '", "', dname, '", scheduler="', job_scheduler, '")'),
                        'cat(txt, sep = "\\n", file = "split.snps.log")')
                fname <- file.path(.globals[["DIR.PACKAGE"]], "temp", "split.snps.R")
                cat(paste(txt, collapse = "\n"), file = fname)
                logger.error(paste('dbSNP table(s) are too large. MapReduce implemented in', fname))

#    chromosomes <- names(snps)
#    snps <- suppressWarnings(foreach(snp.df = snps) %dopar% rnb.construct.snp.types(snp.df))
#    names(snps) <- chromosomes
    fnames <- file.path(.globals[["DIR.PACKAGE"]], "temp", "snps", paste0("snps.", names(snps), ".RDS"))
    names(fnames) <- names(snps)
    for (chrom in names(snps)) {
        fname <- fnames[chrom]
        if (file.exists(fname)) {
            snps[[chrom]] <- readRDS(fname)
            logger.status(c("Loaded", chrom))
        } else {
            snps[[chrom]] <- rnb.construct.snp.types(snps[[chrom]])
            con <- gzfile(fname, "wb", compression = 9L); saveRDS(snps[[chrom]], con); close(con); rm(con)
            logger.status(c("Processed", chrom))
    attr(snps, "version") <- db.version
    logger.status("Constructed tables of polymorphism types")



#' rnb.split.snps
#' Performs dbSNP record post-processing using the MapReduce programming model. This function defines and submits jobs
#' to a computational cluster using the PBS scheduling system.
#' @param snps.file      Full path of the file (named \code{snps.RData}) that stores the combined and filtered table(s)
#'                       from dbSNP. The processed tables (one per chromosome) that result from calling this function
#'                       will be written to dedicated files in a subdirectory named \code{snps} of the directory in
#'                       which this file is located.
#' @param temp.directory Full path of the directory to be for the storage of intermediate data files, log files and
#'                       scripts. This must be a non-existent path as this function attempts to create it. Note that
#'                       this temporary directory is \emph{not} cleaned after the completion of all jobs.
#' @param R.executable   Full path of the R executable file; used for the execution in R scripts in the PBS system.
#' @param batch.size     Maximum size, in number of records, of a table processed in a single job. This must be an
#'                       \code{integer} value between \code{10^3} and \code{10^6}.
#' @param scheduler      The job scheduling engine. Currently "PBS" and "LSF" are supported.
#' @return Invisibly, the identifiers of all processes submitted to the job scheduler.
#' @author Yassen Assenov
#' @export
rnb.split.snps <- function(snps.file, temp.directory, R.executable = paste0(Sys.getenv("R_HOME"), "/bin/R"),
    batch.size = 200000L, scheduler=c("PBS", "LSF")[1L], continue=FALSE) {

    ## Validate parameters
    validate.path <- function(x, pname, is.file = TRUE) {
        if (!(is.character(x) && length(x) == 1 && isTRUE(x) != "")) {
            stop(paste("invalid value for", pname))
        if (!grepl("^(/|[A-Za-z]:).+$", x)) {
            stop(paste0("invalid value for ", pname, "; absolute path expected"))
        if (grepl('"', x, fixed = TRUE)) {
            stop(paste0("invalid value for ", pname, "; double quotes are not allowed"))
        pexists <- file.exists(x)
        if (is.file) {
            if (!pexists) {
                stop(paste0("invalid value for ", pname, "; file not found"))
        } else if (pexists) {
            stop(paste0("invalid value for ", pname, "; must be a non-existent path"))
            #return(invisible(list(dir=temp.directory, ready=TRUE)))
    validate.path(snps.file, "snps.file")
    if (is.double(batch.size) && isTRUE(all(batch.size == as.integer(batch.size)))) {
        batch.size <- as.integer(batch.size)
    if (!(is.integer(batch.size) && length(batch.size) == 1)) {
        stop("invalid value for batch.size")
    if (!isTRUE(1000L < batch.size && batch.size <= 1000000L)) {
        stop("invalid value for batch.size; expected a value between 10^3 and 10^6")
    validate.path(R.executable, "R.executable")

    ## Load the tables of SNP records
    result <- tryCatch(suppressWarnings(load(snps.file)), error = function(err) { character() })
    if (!setequal(result, c("snps", "db.version"))) {
        stop(paste("File", snps.file, "is inaccessible or invalid"))
    if (!(is.list(snps) && length(snps) != 0 && all(sapply(snps, class) == "data.frame") && (!is.null(names(snps))))) {
        stop("Loaded object snps contains invalid data")
    if (!isTRUE(all(grepl("^[A-Za-z0-9_]+$", names(snps))))) {
        stop("Loaded object snps contains invalid names")
    rm(result, db.version)
    output.directory <- file.path(dirname(snps.file), "snps")
        validate.path(temp.directory, "temp.directory", FALSE)
        ## Attempt to create the temporary directory
        if (!dir.create(temp.directory, FALSE, TRUE)) {
            stop("could not create temp.directory")
        if (!file.exists(output.directory)) {
            if (!dir.create(output.directory, FALSE)) {
                stop(c("could not create", output.directory))
    ## Split the SNP records into smaller tables
    batch.chromosomes <- rep(names(snps), as.integer(ceiling(sapply(snps, nrow) / batch.size)))
    batch.chromosomes <- factor(batch.chromosomes, levels = names(snps))
        i <- 0L
        for (chrom in names(snps)) {
            n <- 0L
            while (n != nrow(snps[[chrom]])) {
                n.start <- n + 1L
                n <- min(n + batch.size, nrow(snps[[chrom]]))
                i <- i + 1L
                fname <- sprintf("db.%05d.RDS", i)
                con <- gzfile(file.path(temp.directory, fname), "wb", compression = 9L)
                saveRDS(snps[[chrom]][n.start:n, ], con)
        rm(snps, i, chrom, n, n.start, fname, con)
    ## Generate an R script for processing a single file
    txt <- deparse(RnBeadsAnnotationCreator:::rnb.construct.snp.types)
    txt[1] <- paste("rnb.construct.snp.types <-", txt[1])
    txt <- c(txt, 'i <- commandArgs()[length(commandArgs())]',
        'fnames <- paste0(c("db.", "tp."), i, ".RDS")',
        'tbl <- rnb.construct.snp.types(readRDS(fnames[1]))',
        'con <- gzfile(fnames[2], "wb", compression = 9L)',
        'saveRDS(tbl, con)',
        'file.remove(fnames[1])', '')
    cat(paste(txt, collapse = "\n"), file = file.path(temp.directory, "snp.types.R"))

    ## Generate a shell script for processing a single file
    generate.shell <- function(fname, logfile, R.args, mem = NULL, walltime = NULL, scheduler = "none") {
        txt <- c('#!/bin/bash', '')
            if (!is.null(mem)) { txt <- c(txt, paste0('#PBS -l mem=', mem)) }
            if (!is.null(walltime)) { txt <- c(txt, paste0('#PBS -l walltime=', walltime, ':00:00')) }
            txt <- c(txt, '#PBS -m  nodes=1:ppn=1',
                '#PBS -m ae',
                '#PBS -j oe',
                paste0('#PBS -o "', temp.directory, '/', logfile, '.log"'), '',
                paste0('cd "', temp.directory, '"'),
                paste0('"', R.executable, '" --no-restore --no-save --args ', R.args, ' < ', fname, '.R'), '')
        }else if(scheduler=="LSF"){
            lsf_mem<-gsub("m", "", mem)
            if (!is.null(mem)) { txt <- c(txt, sprintf('#BSUB -M %s -R "rusage[mem=%s]"', lsf_mem, lsf_mem)) }
            #if (!is.null(walltime)) { txt <- c(txt, paste0('#BSUB -W ', walltime, ':00:00')) }
            txt <- c(txt, '#BSUB -n 1  -R "span[ptile=1]"',
                    #'#PBS -m ae',
                    paste0('#BSUB -o "', temp.directory, '/', logfile, '.log"'), '',
                    paste0('#BSUB -e "', temp.directory, '/', logfile, '.err"'), '',
                    paste0('cd "', temp.directory, '"'),
                    paste0('"', R.executable, '" --no-restore --no-save --args ', R.args, ' < ', fname, '.R'), '')
            stop("Unsupported value for job scheduler")
        cat(paste(txt, collapse = "\n"), file = file.path(temp.directory, paste0(fname, ".sh")))
        system(sprintf("chmod a+x %s", file.path(temp.directory, paste0(fname, ".sh"))))
    generate.shell('snp.types', '${i}', '${i}', paste0(ceiling(batch.size / 500L), "m"),
        as.integer(ceiling(batch.size / 150000)), scheduler)

    ## Generate an R script for combining results
    txt <- c('arguments <- tail(commandArgs(), 3)',
        'ii <- as.integer(arguments[1:2])',
        'fnames <- sprintf("tp.%05d.RDS", ii[1]:ii[2])',
        'tbl <- do.call(rbind, unname(lapply(fnames, readRDS)))',
        'tbl <- tbl[order(tbl[, 1], tbl[, 2]), ]',
#        'dname <- dirname(arguments[3])',
#        'if (!file.exists(dname)) { dir.create(dname, FALSE, TRUE) }',
        'con <- gzfile(arguments[3], "wb", compression = 9L)',
        'saveRDS(tbl, con)',
        'fnames[!file.remove(fnames)]', '')
    fname <- file.path(temp.directory, "snp.combine.R")
    cat(paste(txt, collapse = "\n"), file = fname)

    ## Generate a shell script for combining results
    generate.shell('snp.combine', '${chrom}', '${istart} ${iend} ${fn}', scheduler = scheduler)

    ## Submit jobs for processing
    ids1 <- rep("", length(batch.chromosomes))
    for (i in seq(length(batch.chromosomes))) {
            ids1[i] <- sprintf('qsub -N SNPs_%05d -v i=%05d "%s/snp.types.sh"', i, i, temp.directory)
        }else if(scheduler=="LSF"){
            lsf_mem<-as.integer(ceiling(batch.size / 500L))
            lsf_walltime<-as.integer(ceiling(batch.size / 250000))
            ids1[i] <- sprintf('LSB_JOB_REPORT_MAIL=N bsub -M %d -R "rusage[mem=%d]" -W %0d:00 -J SNPs_%05d -env "all,i=%05d" "%s/snp.types.sh"', lsf_mem, lsf_mem, lsf_walltime, i, i, temp.directory)
        cat(ids1[i], sep="\n")
        ids1[i] <- system(ids1[i], intern = TRUE)
    rm(generate.shell, i, lsf_mem)
        ids1<-gsub("[A-z]|<|>|\\.|\\s", "", ids1)
    ## Submit jobs for combining
    ids2 <- character()
    for (chrom in levels(batch.chromosomes)) {
        i <- range(which(batch.chromosomes == chrom))
        fname <- paste0(output.directory, '/snps.', chrom, '.RDS')
        mem <- as.integer(ceiling(0.12 * (i[2] - i[1] + 1)))
        walltime<-as.integer(ceiling(batch.size / 150000))
        txt <- paste0('qsub -N SNPs_combine_', chrom, ' -l mem=', mem, 'g -l walltime=', walltime, ':00:00 ',
            '-W depend=afterok:', paste0(ids1[i[1]:i[2]], collapse = ':'),
            ' -v chrom=', chrom, ',istart=', i[1], ',iend=', i[2], ',fn="', fname, '" ',
            '"', temp.directory, '/snp.combine.sh"')
        }else if(scheduler=="LSF"){
            mem_token<-sprintf('-M %d0000 -R "rusage[mem=%d0000]"', mem, mem)
            dependency_token<-sprintf('-w "%s"', paste0(sprintf("done(%s)", deps), collapse = ' && '))
            txt <- paste0('LSB_JOB_REPORT_MAIL=N bsub -J SNPs_combine_', chrom, ' ', mem_token, ' -W ', walltime, ':00 ',
                    ' -env "all,chrom=', chrom, ',istart=', i[1], ',iend=', i[2], ',fn=', fname, '" ',
                    '"', temp.directory, '/snp.combine.sh"')
        cat(txt, sep="\n")
        ids2 <- c(ids2, system(txt, intern = TRUE))
        ids2<-gsub("[A-z]|<|>|\\.|\\s", "", ids2)
    invisible(c(ids1, ids2))
epigen/RnBeadsAnnotationCreator documentation built on June 26, 2022, 4:28 p.m.