
# Title:
#   Test Input of Data and Sample Quality Scores
# Description:
#   This script does the following:
#       - creates a fake mapping file to use in downstream analyses
#       - read in sequence samples
#       - plot quality scores for a subset of samples

# Setup ------------------------------------------

# Load package
cat("Loading dada2HPCPipe and phyloseq packages...\n")
cat("Loading dada2HPCPipe package...\n")
library(dada2HPCPipe); packageVersion("dada2HPCPipe"); cat("\n")
cat("Loading phyloseq package...\n")
library(phyloseq); packageVersion("phyloseq"); cat("\n")

# Variables
meta <- "test_data/mouse.dpw.metadata"
metadata_dir <- "metadata"
mothur_map <- file.path(metadata_dir, "mothur_mapping.txt")
data <- "test_data" # Replace with where you put your actual data
plot_dir <- "results"

# Create Mapping Data ----------------------------
# Note: This section can be deleted in practice. This is for testing purposes.

# Create sample mapping file
cat("Creating sample mapping file...\n")
mothur_meta <- read.csv(
    file = meta,
    sep = "\t",
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
samples.out <- mothur_meta[["group"]]
subject <- sapply(strsplit(samples.out, "D"), `[`, 1)
gender <- substr(subject, 1, 1)
gsubject <- substr(subject, 2, 999)
day <- as.integer(sapply(strsplit(samples.out, "D"), `[`, 2))
barcode <- sapply(1:length(samples.out), function(X) {
    paste0(sample(c("A", "C", "T", "G"), 12, replace = TRUE), collapse = "")
description <- "Sample Data"

# Put mapping file together
samdf <- data.frame(Linker = linker, Barcode = barcode, Subject = subject,
                    Gender = gender, Day = day, Description = description)

# Specify timing and reorganize columns
samdf$When <- "Early"
samdf$When[samdf$Day > 100] <- "Late"
samdf[["#SampleID"]] <- samples.out
samdf <- samdf[c("#SampleID", "Linker", "Barcode", "Subject", "Gender", "Day",
                 "When", "Description")]

# Write Data and Quality Plots -------------------
# Note: Replace mothur_map with your mapping file path.

# Write out file and read in file like the function assumes
# (The next two lines can be deleted in practice.)
write.csv(samdf, mothur_map, row.names = FALSE)
cat("Importing mapping file...\n")
input <- do_input_step(mothur_map, data);
cat("Printing out created file...\n")
cat("Read in data successfully!\n\n")

# Plot quality scores
cat("Calculating quaity plots for random subset...\n")
do_quality_step(input$seq_f, input$seq_r, plot_dir)
erictleung/dada2HPCPipe documentation built on May 10, 2019, 1:19 p.m.