get_wgcna: Utilize WGCNA function

View source: R/fct_09_network.R

get_wgcnaR Documentation

Utilize WGCNA function


Run the WGCNA package on the processed data.


get_wgcna(data, n_genes, soft_power, min_module_size)



Data matrix that has been through the pre-processing


Number of most variable genes to use in the function


Value between 1-20 (


For modules detected by WGCNA, set a minimum size


A list of 8 objects. data is a submatrix of the input parameter data which on contains the genes that were selected with n_genes. powers is a numeric vector from 1-10 and then the even numbers from 10-20. sft is a return from the WGCNA package that is a list containing powerEstimate and fitIndices. For information on these objects visit tom is another return from the WGCNA package, for information on this matrix visit dynamic_colors is a vector of colors created by the WGCNA package to correspond to the modules that were identified by the pacakage. module_info is a data frame with a gene name, a color, and the identified module for the gene. n_modules gives the number of modules calculated. n_genes tells the number of genes included in the modules.

espors/idepGolem documentation built on June 24, 2024, 4:49 p.m.