mean_sd_plot: Mean vs. Standard Deviation plot

View source: R/fct_02_pre_process.R

mean_sd_plotR Documentation

Mean vs. Standard Deviation plot


Create a plot that shows the standard deviation as the Y-axis across the mean of the counts data on the X-axis. Option to make the X-axis the rank of the mean which does a better job showing the spread of the data.


mean_sd_plot(processed_data, rank, heat_cols)



Matrix of data that has gone through pre_process()


TRUE/FALSE whether to use the rank of the mean or not


Heat color to use with black in the plot


A formatted ggplot hexplot of the mean and standard deviation of the processed data

See Also

Other plots: PCA_plot(), chr_counts_ggplot(), chr_normalized_ggplot(), cor_plot(), draw_sample_tree(), eda_boxplot(), eda_density(), eda_scatter(), gene_counts_ggplot(), individual_plots(), k_means_elbow(), rRNA_counts_ggplot(), sd_density(), t_SNE_plot(), total_counts_ggplot()

Other preprocess functions: chr_counts_ggplot(), chr_normalized_ggplot(), eda_boxplot(), eda_density(), eda_scatter(), gene_counts_ggplot(), individual_plots(), pre_process(), rRNA_counts_ggplot(), total_counts_ggplot()

espors/idepGolem documentation built on June 24, 2024, 4:49 p.m.