#' Read Chromatograms
#' Reads chromatograms from specified folders or vector of paths using either an
#' internal parser or bindings to an external library, such as
#' [Aston](https://github.com/bovee/aston),
#' [Entab](https://github.com/bovee/entab),
#' [ThermoRawFileParser](https://github.com/compomics/ThermoRawFileParser),
#' [OpenChrom](https://lablicate.com/platform/openchrom),
#' [rainbow](https://rainbow-api.readthedocs.io/).
#' Provides a unified interface to all chromConverter parsers. Currently recognizes
#' 'Agilent ChemStation' (\code{.uv}, \code{.ch}, \code{.dx}), 'Agilent
#' MassHunter' (\code{.dad}), 'Thermo RAW' (\code{.raw}), 'Waters ARW' (\code{.arw}),
#' 'Waters RAW' (\code{.raw}), 'Chromeleon ASCII' (\code{.txt}), 'Shimadzu ASCII'
#' (\code{.txt}), 'Shimadzu GCD', 'Shimadzu LCD' (DAD and chromatogram streams)
#' and 'Shimadzu QGD' files. Also, wraps 'OpenChrom' parsers, which include many
#' additional formats. To use 'Entab', 'ThermoRawFileParser', or 'OpenChrom'
#' parsers, they must be manually installed. Please see the instructions in the
#' [README](https://ethanbass.github.io/chromConverter/) for further details.
#' If paths to individual files are provided, \code{read_chroms} will try to
#' infer the file format and select an appropriate parser. However, when
#' providing paths to directories, the file format must be specified using the
#' \code{format_in} argument.
#' @name read_chroms
#' @param paths Paths to data files or directories containing the files.
#' @param format_in Format of files to be imported/converted. Current options
#' include: \code{agilent_d}, \code{agilent_dx}, \code{chemstation},
#' \code{chemstation_uv}, \code{chemstation_ch}, \code{chemstation_csv},
#' \code{chemstation_ms},
#' \code{masshunter}, \code{masshunter_dad}, \code{chromeleon_uv},
#' \code{shimadzu_ascii}, \code{shimadzu_fid}, \code{shimadzu_dad},
#' \code{thermoraw}, \code{waters_arw}, \code{waters_raw}, \code{mzml},
#' \code{mzxml}, \code{cdf}, \code{mdf}, \code{msd}, \code{csd}, \code{wsd},
#' or \code{other}.
#' @param parser What parser to use (optional). Current option are
#' \code{chromconverter}, \code{aston}, \code{entab}, \code{thermoraw},
#' \code{openchrom}, or \code{rainbow}.
#' @param find_files Logical. Set to \code{TRUE} (default) if you are providing
#' the function with a folder or vector of folders containing the files.
#' Otherwise, set to\code{FALSE}.
#' @param pattern pattern (e.g. a file extension). Defaults to NULL, in which
#' case file extension will be deduced from \code{format_in}.
#' @param format_out Class of output. Either \code{matrix}, \code{data.frame},
#' or \code{\link[data.table]{data.table}}.
#' @param data_format Whether to output data in wide or long format. Either
#' \code{wide} or \code{long}.
#' @param path_out Path for exporting files. If path not specified, files will
#' export to current working directory.
#' @param export_format Export format. Currently the options include \code{.csv},
#' \code{chemstation_csv} (utf-16 encoding), and \code{cdf}, unless you are
#' using OpenChrom parsers, where there are two additional options: \code{mzml},
#' and \code{animl}.
#' @param force Logical. Whether to overwrite files when exporting. Defaults to
#' \code{FALSE}.
#' @param read_metadata Logical, whether to attach metadata (if it's available).
#' Defaults to TRUE.
#' @param metadata_format Format to output metadata. Either \code{chromconverter}
#' or \code{raw}.
#' @param progress_bar Logical. Whether to show progress bar. Defaults to
#' \code{TRUE} if \code{\link[pbapply]{pbapply}} is installed.
#' @param cl Argument to \code{\link[pbapply]{pbapply}} specifying the number
#' of clusters to use or a cluster object created by
#' \code{\link[parallel]{makeCluster}}. Defaults to 1.
#' @param verbose Logical. Whether to print output from external parsers to the
#' R console.
#' @param sample_names An optional character vector of sample names. Otherwise
#' sample names default to the \code{\link{basename}} of the specified files.
#' @param dat Existing list of chromatograms to append results.
#' (Defaults to NULL).
#' @param ... Additional arguments to parser.
#' @return A list of chromatograms in \code{matrix}, \code{data.frame}, or
#' \code{data.table} format, according to the value of \code{format_out}.
#' Chromatograms may be returned in either \code{wide} or \code{long} format
#' according to the value of
#' \code{data_format}.
#' @section Side effects: If an \code{export_format} is provided, chromatograms
#' will be exported in the specified format specified into the folder
#' specified by \code{path_out}. Files can currently be converted to \code{csv},
#' \code{mzml}, or \code{cdf} format. If an \code{openchrom} parser is selected,
#' ANIML is available as an additional option.
#' @import reticulate
#' @importFrom utils write.csv file_test
#' @importFrom purrr partial
#' @examplesIf interactive()
#' path <- "tests/testthat/testdata/dad1.uv"
#' chr <- read_chroms(path, find_files = FALSE, format_in = "chemstation_uv")
#' @author Ethan Bass
#' @export read_chroms
read_chroms <- function(paths,
format_in = c("agilent_d", "agilent_dx", "asm",
"chemstation", "chemstation_fid",
"chemstation_ch", "chemstation_csv",
"chemstation_ms", "chemstation_uv",
"masshunter_dad", "chromeleon_uv",
"mzml", "mzxml", "mdf",
"shimadzu_ascii", "shimadzu_dad",
"shimadzu_fid", "shimadzu_gcd",
"shimadzu_qgd", "shimadzu_lcd",
"thermoraw", "varian_sms",
"waters_arw", "waters_raw",
"msd", "csd", "wsd", "other"),
pattern = NULL,
parser = c("", "chromconverter", "aston", "entab",
"thermoraw", "openchrom", "rainbow"),
format_out = c("matrix", "data.frame", "data.table"),
data_format = c("wide", "long"),
path_out = NULL,
export_format = c("", "csv", "chemstation_csv", "cdf",
"mzml", "animl"),
force = FALSE,
read_metadata = TRUE,
metadata_format = c("chromconverter", "raw"),
progress_bar, cl = 1,
verbose = getOption("verbose"),
sample_names = NULL, dat = NULL, ...){
data_format <- match.arg(data_format, c("wide","long"))
format_out <- match.arg(format_out, c("matrix", "data.frame", "data.table"))
parser <- match.arg(tolower(parser), c("", "chromconverter", "aston","entab",
"thermoraw", "openchrom", "rainbow"))
metadata_format <- match.arg(tolower(metadata_format), c("chromconverter", "raw"))
if (missing(progress_bar)){
progress_bar <- check_for_pkg("pbapply", return_boolean = TRUE)
if (missing(find_files)){
if (length(format_in) == 1){
if (!(format_in %in% c("agilent_d", "waters_raw"))){
ft <- all(file_test("-f", paths))
} else {
ext <- switch(format_in,
agilent_d = "\\.d",
waters_raw = "\\.raw")
ft <- all(grepl(ext, paths, ignore.case = TRUE))
find_files <- !ft
} else{
find_files <- FALSE
if (length(format_in) > 1){
if (!find_files){
format_in <- get_filetype(paths[1])
} else{
stop("Files could not be identified. Please specify a file format using
the `format_in` argument.")
format_in <- match.arg(tolower(format_in),
c("agilent_d", "agilent_dx", "asm", "chemstation",
"chemstation_uv", "chemstation_ch",
"chemstation_ms", "chemstation_2", "chemstation_30",
"chemstation_31", "chemstation_130",
"chemstation_131", "openlab_131", "chemstation_179",
"chemstation_81", "chemstation_181",
"chemstation_fid", "chemstation_csv",
"masshunter_dad", "shimadzu_ascii", "shimadzu_dad",
"shimadzu_fid", "shimadzu_gcd", "shimadzu_lcd",
"shimadzu_qgd", "varian_sms", "chromeleon_uv",
"thermoraw", "mzml", "mzxml", "waters_arw",
"waters_raw", "msd", "csd", "wsd", "mdf", "cdf",
if (parser == ""){
parser <- check_parser(format_in, find = TRUE)
if (is.na(parser)) stop(sprintf(
"Parser could not be identified for format %s", format_in))
} else{
check_parser(format_in, parser)
export_format <- match.arg(tolower(export_format),
choices = c("", "csv", "chemstation_csv",
"cdf", "mzml", "animl"))
if (export_format == "" && parser == "openchrom"){
export_format <- "mzml"
if (parser != "openchrom" && export_format == "animl")
stop("The selected export format is currently only supported by `openchrom`
exists <- dir.exists(paths) | file.exists(paths)
if (all(!exists)){
stop("Cannot locate files. None of the supplied paths exist.")
if (export_format != "" || parser == "openchrom" || format_in == "thermoraw"){
export <- TRUE
} else export <- FALSE
if (export){
if (is.null(path_out)){
path_out <- set_temp_directory()
path_out <- fs::path_expand(path_out)
if (!dir.exists(path_out)){
ans <- readline("Export directory not found. Create directory (y/n)?")
if (ans %in% c("y","Y","yes","Yes","YES")){
} else
stop(paste0("The export directory '", path_out, "' could not be found."))
if (is.null(dat)){
dat <- list()
entab_parser <- partial(call_entab, format_in = format_in,
format_out = format_out,
data_format = data_format,
read_metadata = read_metadata)
rainbow_parser <- partial(call_rainbow, format_in = format_in,
format_out = format_out, data_format = data_format,
read_metadata = read_metadata,
metadata_format = metadata_format, ...)
if (format_in == "agilent_d"){
converter <- switch(parser,
"chromconverter" = partial(read_agilent_d,
format_out = format_out,
data_format = data_format,
read_metadata = read_metadata,
metadata_format = metadata_format),
"rainbow" = rainbow_parser)
} else if (format_in == "agilent_dx"){
converter <- partial(read_agilent_dx, path_out = path_out,
format_out = format_out,
data_format = data_format,
read_metadata = read_metadata)
} else if (format_in == "asm"){
converter <- partial(read_asm, format_out = format_out,
data_format = data_format,
read_metadata = read_metadata,
metadata_format = metadata_format)
} else if (format_in == "masshunter_dad"){
converter <- switch(parser,
"aston" = partial(sp_converter, format_out = format_out,
data_format = data_format,
read_metadata = read_metadata,
metadata_format = metadata_format),
"entab" = entab_parser)
} else if (format_in == "chemstation_uv" | grepl("31", format_in)){
converter <- switch(parser,
"chromconverter" = partial(read_chemstation_uv,
format_out = format_out,
data_format = data_format,
read_metadata = read_metadata,
metadata_format = metadata_format,
"aston" = partial(uv_converter, format_out = format_out,
data_format = data_format,
read_metadata = read_metadata,
metadata_format = metadata_format),
"entab" = entab_parser,
"rainbow" = rainbow_parser)
} else if (format_in %in% c("chemstation_ms", "chemstation_2")){
converter <- switch(parser,
"chromconverter" = partial(read_chemstation_ms,
format_out = format_out,
data_format = data_format,
read_metadata = read_metadata,
metadata_format = metadata_format,
"entab" = entab_parser,
"rainbow" = rainbow_parser)
} else if (format_in == "chromeleon_uv"){
converter <- partial(read_chromeleon, format_out = format_out,
data_format = data_format,
read_metadata = read_metadata,
metadata_format = metadata_format)
} else if (format_in == "shimadzu_fid"){
converter <- partial(read_shimadzu, include = "fid",
format_out = format_out, data_format = data_format,
read_metadata = read_metadata,
metadata_format = metadata_format, ...)
} else if (format_in == "shimadzu_dad"){
converter <- partial(read_shimadzu, include = "dad",
format_out = format_out, data_format = data_format,
read_metadata = read_metadata,
metadata_format = metadata_format, ...)
} else if (format_in == "shimadzu_ascii"){
converter <- partial(read_shimadzu, format_out = format_out,
data_format = data_format,
read_metadata = read_metadata,
metadata_format = metadata_format, ...)
} else if (format_in == "shimadzu_gcd"){
converter <- partial(read_shimadzu_gcd, format_out = format_out,
data_format = data_format,
read_metadata = read_metadata,
metadata_format = metadata_format, ...)
} else if (format_in == "shimadzu_lcd"){
converter <- partial(read_shimadzu_lcd, format_out = format_out,
data_format = data_format,
read_metadata = read_metadata, ...)
} else if (format_in == "shimadzu_qgd"){
converter <- partial(read_shimadzu_qgd, format_out = format_out,
data_format = data_format,
read_metadata = read_metadata, ...)
} else if (format_in == "thermoraw"){
converter <- switch(parser,
"thermoraw" = partial(read_thermoraw, path_out = path_out,
format_out = format_out,
read_metadata = read_metadata,
metadata_format = metadata_format,
verbose = verbose),
"entab" = entab_parser)
} else if (format_in %in% c("mzml","mzxml")){
converter <- partial(read_mzml, format_out = format_out, ...)
} else if (format_in == "varian_sms"){
converter <- partial(read_varian_sms, format_out = format_out,
data_format = data_format,
read_metadata = read_metadata, ...)
} else if (format_in == "waters_arw"){
converter <- partial(read_waters_arw, format_out = format_out,
data_format = data_format,
read_metadata = read_metadata)
} else if (format_in == "waters_raw"){
converter <- switch(parser, "rainbow" = rainbow_parser,
"chromconverter" = partial(read_waters_raw,
format_out = format_out,
data_format = data_format,
read_metadata = read_metadata,
metadata_format = metadata_format))
} else if (format_in == "chemstation_csv"){
converter <- partial(read_chemstation_csv, format_out = format_out)
} else if (grepl("chemstation", format_in)){
converter <- switch(parser,
"chromconverter" = partial(read_chemstation_ch,
format_out = format_out,
data_format = data_format,
read_metadata = read_metadata,
metadata_format = metadata_format,
"rainbow" = rainbow_parser,
"entab" = entab_parser)
} else if (format_in %in% c("msd", "csd", "wsd")){
if (is.null(pattern) & find_files){
stop("Please supply `pattern` (e.g. a suffix) or set `find_files = FALSE`")
# return paths if animl is selected
return_paths <- ifelse(export_format == "animl", TRUE, FALSE)
converter <- partial(call_openchrom, path_out = path_out,
format_in = format_in, export_format = export_format,
format_out = format_out, data_format = data_format,
return_paths = return_paths, verbose = verbose)
} else if (format_in == "mdf"){
converter <- partial(read_mdf, format_out = format_out,
data_format = data_format,
read_metadata = read_metadata)
} else if (format_in == "cdf"){
converter <- partial(read_cdf, format_out = format_out,
data_format = data_format,
read_metadata = read_metadata, ...)
} else {
converter <- switch(parser,
"aston" = partial(trace_converter, format_out = format_out,
data_format = data_format,
read_metadata = read_metadata,
metadata_format = metadata_format),
"entab" = entab_parser
pattern <- ifelse(is.null(pattern), format_to_extension(format_in), pattern)
if (find_files){
files <- find_files(paths, pattern)
} else {
files <- paths
if (!is.null(pattern)){
match <- grep(pattern, files, ignore.case = TRUE)
if (length(match) == 0){
warning("The provided files do not match the expected file extension.
Please confirm that the specified format ('format_in') is correct.",
immediate. = TRUE)
} else if (length(match) < length(files)){
warning(paste("Some of the files do not have the expected file extension:",
files[match]), immediate. = TRUE)
if (all(grepl("\\.[Dd]$|\\.[Dd]?[/\\\\]",files))){
file_names <- strsplit(files, "/")
file_names <- gsub("\\.[Dd]", "",
sapply(file_names, function(n){
ifelse(any(grepl("\\.[Dd]", n)),
yes = grep("\\.[Dd]", n, value = TRUE),
no = tail(n, 1))
} else {
file_names <- fs::path_ext_remove(basename(files))
if (verbose)
message(sprintf("Reading %d %s files", length(files), sQuote(format_in)))
if (parser != "openchrom"){
laplee <- choose_apply_fnc(progress_bar, cl = cl)
data <- laplee(X = files, function(file){
if (verbose){
message(sprintf("Reading %s", basename(file)))
df <- try(converter(file), silent = TRUE)
errors <- which(sapply(data, function(x) inherits(x,"try-error")))
if (length(errors) > 0){
warning(data[errors], immediate. = TRUE)
message(paste0("The following chromatograms could not be interpreted: ",
paste(errors, collapse = ", ")))
data <- data[-errors]
file_names <- file_names[-errors]
} else{
data <- converter(files)
if (!is.null(sample_names)){
names(data) <- sample_names
} else{
names(data) <- file_names
if (export & !(parser %in% c("thermoraw", "openchrom"))){
writer <- switch(export_format,
csv = export_csvs,
chemstation_csv = purrr::partial(export_csvs,
fileEncoding = "utf16"),
cdf = purrr::partial(export_cdf, show_progress = progress_bar),
mzml = purrr::partial(export_mzml,
show_progress = progress_bar))
if (verbose)
message(sprintf("Writing to %s...", toupper(export_format)))
writer(data, path_out = path_out, force = force, verbose = verbose)
dat <- append(dat, data)
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