
#' Assigns the a NXX to KOs
#' \code{countNXX} takes the RPKM expression value and returns a NXX value describing the number 
#' of contigs required to account for X% of expression eg. 50% of expression
#' @param countDF input data.frame
#' @param perc the percentages given as a sequence of 
#' @param abundanceCol abundance
#' @return a data.frame obj containing the NXX values.
#' We define NXX as metric for describing the number of genes required
#' to satisfy X% total expression within the KO
#' @export
countNXX <- function(countDF, perc=seq(0.1,1,0.05), abundanceCol="rpkm_cDNA"){
    if(length(unique(countDF$ko)) > 1){
        unique(countDF$ko) %>%
        mclapply(function(koID) countDF %>% filter(ko == koID) %>% countInside(abundanceCol, perc)) %>% do.call(rbind,.)
        countInside(countDF, abundanceCol, perc)

#' counts the rolling abundance scores
#' \code{countInside}
#' @param koID the KO id
#' @param countDF df from the countNXX function
countInside <- function(countDF, abundanceCol, perc=perc){
    abundanceCol %<>% parse(text=.)
    countDF %<>% arrange(desc(eval(abundanceCol, countDF)))
    ko      =   unique(countDF$ko)
    total   <-  sum(eval(abundanceCol, countDF))
   if(total == 0){
       warning("KO has not mappable reads to MD region")
       data.frame(percentage=numeric(), n=integer(), total=numeric(), contigsRequired=integer(),ko=factor())
       rollexp         = 0
       roll = 1:nrow(countDF) %>% sapply(function(x) {sum(countDF[1:x,as.character(abundanceCol)])})
       perc %>% lapply(function(percentage){
                       NXX             = percentage * total
                       minRoll         = max(which(roll < NXX))
                       n               = nrow(countDF)
                       contigsRequired = ifelse(minRoll == 0, 1, minRoll)
        }) %>% do.call(rbind,.)

#' Returns the contigs and their assoc cDNA rpkms required for the KO to achieve N percentage of 100% expression
#' @param countDF  contig table
#' @param nxxDF    output data.frame after merging

distill <- function(countDF, nxxDF, koID, nxx){
    nxxDF_ko    = filter(nxxDF, percentage == nxx, ko == koID)
    countDF_ko  = filter(countDF, ko == koID) %>% arrange(desc(rpkm_cDNA))
if(sum(countDF_ko$rpkm_cDNA) == 0){
    data.frame(ko=factor(), contig.cDNA.rpkm = numeric())
    nxxSum    = nxx * sum(countDF_ko$rpkm_cDNA)
    nxxCumSum = cumsum(countDF_ko$rpkm_cDNA)
    isSingle = sum(nxxCumSum < nxxSum) == 0
    lower = ifelse(,  1, max(which(nxxCumSum < nxxSum)))
    #you might have KOs 
    #   * With only 1 contig giving cDNA (single entry or multiple entries)
    #   * None of the contigs give cDNA
    data.frame(ko=koID, contig.cDNA.rpkm = countDF_ko[1:lower,"rpkm_cDNA"])
etheleon/mapBlat documentation built on May 16, 2019, 9:04 a.m.