
Defines functions field3logit_mono prepare_block prepare_arrow

prepare_arrow <- function(comp, from, to) {
  tibble(comp = comp, from = from, to = to) %>%
    pivot_longer(cols = c('from', 'to'), names_to = 'role') %>%
    dplyr::arrange('role') %>%
    mutate(comp = paste0(.$comp, ifelse(.$role == 'from', '', '_to'))) %>%
    select(-'role') %>%
    pivot_wider(names_from = 'comp') %>%

prepare_block <- function(label, idarrow, comp, from, to, confregion) {
  # Prepare arrows
  tibble(type = 'arrow', comp = comp, from = from, to = to) %>%
    pivot_longer(cols = c('from', 'to'), names_to = 'role') -> depo
  # Prepare confidence regions
  if (!is.null(confregion)) {
  	confregion %>%
      pivot_longer(cols = 1:3, names_to = 'comp') %>%
      mutate(role = 'from', type = 'region') %>%
      select('type', 'comp', 'role', 'value') %>%
      bind_rows(depo) -> depo
  # Complete output
  depo %>%
    mutate(label = label, idarrow = idarrow, group = NA) %>%
    select('label', 'idarrow', 'group', tidyselect::everything()) %>%

field3logit_mono <- function(model, delta, label, p0, nstreams, narrows,
  edge, conf, npoints) {

  # Read input
  vdelta <- get_vdelta(delta, model)
  DeltaB <- as.numeric(crossprod(vdelta, model$B))

  # Compute the starting points of the curves
  if (is.null(p0)) {
    model$DeltaB2pc(DeltaB, nstreams, edge) %>%
      pc2p0(DeltaB, edge, model[c('linkinv', 'linkfun')]) -> p0
  } else {
    p0 <- list(pp = p0)
    p0$status <- ifelse(all(DeltaB == 0), 'p', 'p0')

  # Compute the arrows
  if (p0$status == 'p') {
  	  lapply(p0$pp, function(x) {
      list(A1 = list(from = x, to = rep(NA, 3)))
    }) -> out
  } else {
    out <- lapply(p0$pp, gen_path, DeltaB = DeltaB,
      edge = edge, nmax = narrows, flink = model[c('linkinv', 'linkfun')])

  # Create field3logit object
  names(out) %<>% paste0('C', seq_along(out), .)
  out <- list(B = model$B, alpha = model$alpha, delta = delta,
    vdelta = vdelta, levels = model$levels, readfrom = model$readfrom,
    effects = out, label = label, vcovB = model$vcovB,
    ordinal = model$ordinal, conf = conf, ool = model$ool
  class(out) <- c('field3logit', 'Hfield3logit')
  # Compute the confidence regions
  if (!is.null(out$vcov) & !is.na(conf)) {
    out %<>% add_confregions(conf, npoints)

  # Output

#' `field3logit` simplification function and test
#' Given an object of class `field3logit`, [simplify_field3logit()] returns
#' it in the simplified form. Function [is_simplified_field3logit()] tests
#' whether an object of class `field3logit` is in the simplified form.
#' @param x an object of class `field3logit`.
#' @keywords internal
simplify_field3logit<- function(x) {
  if (!is_simplified_field3logit(x)) {
    x %<>%
      { Map(function(a, b) { names(a) %<>% paste0(b, .); a }, ., names(.)) } %>%
  class(x) <- c('field3logit', 'simplified')

#' @rdname simplify_field3logit
#' @keywords internal
is_simplified_field3logit <- function(x) {
  all(inherits(x, c('field3logit', 'simplified'), TRUE))

#' Computation of the vector field
#' @description
#' [field3logit()] computes the vector field associated to a change in
#' regressior values (which may involve more than one regressor) of a trinomial
#' logit model either fitted by some multinomial regression function or
#' explicitly specified.
#' The method [plot()] draws the ternary plot using standard graphics methods
#' provided by package `Ternary`. See functions [gg3logit()] and [autoplot()]
#' for plotting through the package [`ggtern`][ggtern::ggtern_package] based on the
#' grammar of graphics.
#' Methods [as.data.frame()], [as_tibble()], [fortify()] and [tidy()] permits
#' the graphical information of a `field3logit` object to be exported in a
#' standardised format (either a `data.frame` or a `tibble`).
#' See \insertCite{santi2022;textual}{plot3logit} for details and examples.
#' @details
#' The content of this section is presented with plenty of details and examples
#' in Sections 4.1 and 4.3 of \insertCite{santi2022;textual}{plot3logit}.
#' Argument `delta` could be passed in one of the following formats:
#' * explicitly, as a `numeric` vector corresponding to the change
#'   \eqn{\Delta x\in\bm{R}^k} in regressors values \eqn{x\in\bm{R}^k};
#' * implicitly, as a `character` of the name of the covariate to be considered.
#'   In this case, vector \eqn{\Delta x\in\bm{R}^k} is computed for a unit
#'   change of the specified covariate;
#' * as a mathematical expression (passed as an `expression` or a `character`
#'   object) involving one or more than one covariates. This allows one to
#'   analyse the effects of composite covariate changes through an easy-to-write
#'   and easy-to-read code without having to cope with explicit numerical
#'   specification of vector \eqn{\Delta x\in\bm{R}^k}.
#' See examples for comparing all three methods.
#' **It is also possible to pass a `list` to argument `delta`.** In such a case,
#' the function `field3logit` is run once for every component of `delta`,
#' and the set of generated `field3logit` objects is combined into a single
#' object of class `multifield3logit`. The compoments of the list passed to
#' `delta` must be named lists whose elements are used as arguments of each call
#' of function `field3logit`, whilst the arguments specified in the parent call
#' of `field3logit` are used as default values. It follows that arguments shared
#' by all fields can be specified once in the parent call of `field3logit`, and
#' only arguments which changes from field to field (such as `delta` and
#' `label`) should be set in the lists making up the list passed to `delta`. See
#' the penultimate example in section Examples and the help of
#' [multifield3logit()].
#' **Finally**, when argument `delta` is a character, it is possible to indicate
#' the name of a `factor` covariate between delimiters `<<`, `>>`. In that case,
#' [field3logit()] creates a `multifield3logit` object where each field
#' corresponds to the effect of each dummy generated by the `factor` regressor.
#' If more than one regressor is included between delimiters `<<`, `>>`, all
#' combinations between dummies are generated. See the last example in section
#' **Examples**.
#' @inheritParams effect
#' @param model either a fitted trinomial model or a list properly structured.
#'   See section **Details** of [extract3logit()] and the last example of
#'   [`plot3logit-package`].
#' @param delta the change in the values of covariates to be represented.
#'   This could be either a `numeric` vector, the name of a covariate
#'   (passed either as a `character` or an `expression`), or a mathematical
#'   expression involving one or more than one covariates (passed either as
#'   a `character` or an `expression`). If a list is passed to `delta`,
#'   multiple fields are computed according to parameters passed as
#'   components of a 2-level list. See details and examples.
#' @param p0 `list` of starting points (ternary coordinates) of the curves
#'   of the field. If not specified, `field3logit` automatically compute
#'   `nstreams` candidate points so that arrows are evenly distributed over
#'   the ternary plot area. See Examples.
#' @param alpha deprecated argument. It may be removed in a future version of
#'   the package.
#' @param nstreams number of stream lines of the field to be computed. In case
#'   of ordinal models, this parameter is ineffective, as only one curve
#'   can be drawn. The parameter is ineffective also if argument `p0` is set.
#' @param narrows maximum number of arrows to be drawn per stream line.
#' @param edge minimum distance between each arrow (or point) and
#'   the edge of the ternary plot.
#' @param x,object object of class `field3logit`.
#' @param add `logical` argument which specifies whether the field
#'   should be added to an existing plot (`add = TRUE`) or a new
#'   ternary plot should be drawn (`add = FALSE`).
#' @param ... other arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @param wide it allows to choose whether `as.data.frame`, `as_tibble`,
#'   `fortify` and `tidy` should return a `data.frame` or a `tibble` in wide
#'   (default) or long form.
#' @param label label to be used for identifying the field when multiple
#'   fields are plotted. See [multifield3logit()].
#' @param data not used. Argument included only for interface compatibility with
#'   the generic `fortify`.
#' @param conf confidence level of confidence regions to be computed **for each
#'   arrow** of the vector field.
#' @param npoints number of points of the border to be computed **for each
#'   confidence region**.
#' @param vcov deprecated argument. It may be removed in a future version of the
#'   package.
#' @param value value to be assigned.
#' @returns
#' `S3` object of class `field3logit` structured as a named `list` or an object
#' of class `multifield3logit` if `delta` is a `list` or syntax `<<...>>` is
#' used.
#' @seealso
#' [multifield3logit()], [gg3logit()], [autoplot()].
#' @examples
#' data(cross_1year)
#' \donttest{
#' # Fitting the model
#' mod0 <- nnet::multinom(employment_sit ~ finalgrade + irregularity + hsscore,
#'   cross_1year)
#' mod0
#' # Assessing the effect of "finalgradeHigh" (explicit notation)
#' field0 <- field3logit(mod0, c(0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0))
#' gg3logit(field0) + stat_field3logit()
#' # Assessing the effect of "finalgradeHigh" (implicit notation)
#' field0 <- field3logit(mod0, 'finalgradeHigh')
#' gg3logit(field0) + stat_field3logit()
#' # Assessing the combined effect of "finalgradeHigh" and
#' # a decrease of "hsscore" by 10
#' field0 <- field3logit(mod0, 'finalgradeHigh - 10 * hsscore')
#' gg3logit(field0) + stat_field3logit()
#' }
#' # Fitting the model
#' mod1 <- nnet::multinom(employment_sit ~ ., data = cross_1year)
#' # List passed to argument "delta" for generating "multifield3logit" objects
#' refpoint <- list(c(0.7, 0.15, 0.15))
#' depo <- list(
#'   list(delta = 'durationShort',  label = 'Short duration'),
#'   list(delta = 'durationLong',   label = 'Long duration'),
#'   list(delta = 'finalgradeHigh', label = 'High final grade'),
#'   list(delta = 'finalgradeLow',  label = 'Low final grade')
#' )
#' mfields <- field3logit(mod1, delta = depo, p0 = refpoint, narrows = 1)
#' mfields
#' # Sintax "<<...>>" for categorical covariates
#' mfields <- field3logit(
#'   model = mod1, delta = '<<finalgrade>>', label = 'Final grade',
#'   p0 = refpoint, narrows = 1
#' )
#' mfields
#' @export
field3logit <- function(model, delta, label = '', p0 = NULL,
  nstreams = 8, narrows = Inf, edge = 0.01, conf = NA, npoints = 100,
  alpha = deprecated(), vcov = deprecated()) {
  # Check for deprecated arguments
  if (lifecycle::is_present(alpha)) {
  	  '3.0.0', 'plot3logit::field3logit(alpha = )',
  	  'see the help of "extract3logit"'
  if (lifecycle::is_present(vcov)) {
  	  '3.0.0', 'plot3logit::field3logit(vcov = )',
  	  'see the help of "extract3logit"'

  # Read input
  modB <- extract3logit(model)
  delta <- pre_process_delta(delta, modB)
  # Compute the field(s)
  if ((length(delta) > 1) & (length(label)== 1)) {
    label %<>% rep(length(delta))
  seq_along(delta) %>%
    lapply(function(j) {
  	    model = modB, p0 = p0, nstreams = nstreams, narrows = narrows,
  	    edge = edge, conf = conf, npoints
  	  ) %>%
  	  modifyList(delta[[j]]) %>%
  	  { .[['label']] %<>% paste0(label[j], .); . } %>%
  	  do.call('field3logit_mono', .) %>%
    }) %>%
    Reduce(`+`, .) -> out

  # Output

#' @rdname field3logit
#' @export
print.field3logit <- function(x, ...) {
  x$effects %>%
    lapply(length) %>%
    unlist %>%
    sum -> na
  type  <- ifelse(x$ordinal, 'ordinal', 'categorical')
  vcovB <- ifelse(is.null(x$vcovB), 'not available', 'available')
  conf  <- ifelse(is.na(x$conf), 'not available', paste0(100 * x$conf, '%'))
  cat(' Object of class "field3logit"\n')
  cat('Label                    : ', ifelse(x$label == '', '<empty>', x$label), '\n', sep = '')
  cat('Possible outcomes        :', paste(x[['levels']], collapse = '; '), '\n')
  cat('Reference level          :', x[['levels']][1], '\n')
  cat('Type of model            :', type, '\n')
  cat('Effect                   :', x$delta, '\n')
  if (!is.numeric(x$delta)) {
    cat('Explicit effect          :', x$vdelta, '\n')
  cat('Model has been read from :', x$readfrom, '\n')
  cat('Number of stream lines   :', length(x$effects), '\n')
  cat('Number of arrows         :', na, '\n')
  cat('Covariance matrix        :', vcovB, '\n')
  cat('Confidence regions       :', conf, '\n')


#' @rdname field3logit
#' @export
plot.field3logit <- function(x, ..., add = FALSE, length = 0.05) {

  if (!add)  {
  	TernaryPlot(atip = x$levels[1], btip = x$levels[2], ctip = x$levels[3],
  	  alab = x$levels[1], blab = x$levels[2], clab = x$levels[3],
  	  grid.minor.lines = 1)
  TernaryField(x, ..., length = length)

#' @rdname field3logit
#' @export
as_tibble.field3logit <- function(x, ..., wide = TRUE) {
  depoLab <- list(label = x$label, levels = x$levels)
  x %<>%
    use_series('effects') %>%
    simplify_field3logit %>%
    purrr::imap(~ prepare_block(
      label = depoLab$label,
      idarrow = .y,
      comp = depoLab$levels,
      from = .x$from,
      to = .x$to,
      confregion = .x$confregion
    )) %>%
    purrr::reduce(bind_rows) %>%
    mutate(comp = factor(.$comp, depoLab$levels))
  if (wide) {
    x %<>%
      dplyr::arrange(.$role) %>%
      mutate(comp = paste0(.$comp, ifelse(.$role == 'from', '', '_end'))) %>%
      select(-'role') %>%
        names_from = 'comp',
        values_from = 'value',
        values_fill = list(NA),
        values_fn = list(value = list)
      ) %>%
      tidyr::unnest(setdiff(colnames(.), c('label', 'idarrow', 'obj')))
  x %>%
    mutate(group = forcats::fct_anon(factor(paste0(.$label, .$idarrow)), 'H')) %>%
    dplyr::mutate_if(is.character, factor) %>%

#' @rdname field3logit
#' @export
as.data.frame.field3logit <- function(x, ..., wide = TRUE) {
  as_tibble(x, ..., wide = wide) %>%
    as.data.frame %>%

#' @rdname field3logit
#' @export
fortify.field3logit <- function(model, data, ..., wide = TRUE) {
  as_tibble.field3logit(model, ..., wide = wide)

#' @rdname field3logit
#' @export
tidy.field3logit <- function(x, ..., wide = TRUE) {
  as_tibble.field3logit(x, ..., wide = wide)

#' @rdname field3logit
#' @export
coef.field3logit <- function(object, ...) {
  if (object$ordinal) {
  	out <- list(
  	  alpha = object$alpha,
  	  B = object$B
  } else {
  	out <- object$B

#' @rdname field3logit
#' @export
vcov.field3logit <- function(object, ...) {

#' @rdname field3logit
#' @export
labels.field3logit <- function(object, ...) {

#' @rdname field3logit
#' @export
`labels<-.field3logit` <- function(object, value) {
  object$label <- as.character(value)[1]
f-santi/plot3logit documentation built on Jan. 17, 2024, 10:15 p.m.