
Defines functions build.splines1d.sparse build.splines1d determine.n.knots breedr_splines

Documented in breedr_splines determine.n.knots

#' Build a splines model
#' Given the coordinates of the observations, and the degree, this function puts
#' into place a sensible number of spline knots and computes the incidence 
#' matrix B and the covariance matrix U
#' Relies on \code{splines::splineDesign()}, which uses a C function call to 
#' compute the splines coefficients.
#' \code{sparse} matrices take less memory, but also take longer to compute 
#' with. This is probably convenient only for really big datasets in comparison 
#' with RAM size. The covariance matrix is always stored in sparse format, as it
#' is particularly sparse.
#' @param coordinates matrix(-like) of observation coordinates
#' @param n.knots numeric. Vector of length two with an integer number of knots 
#'   in each dimension.
#' @param autofill logical. If \code{TRUE} (default) it will try to fill gaps in
#'   the rows or columns. Otherwise, it will treat gaps the same way as adjacent
#'   rows or columns.
#' @param degree integer. Degree of the B-spline polynomials.
#' @param sparse logical. If \code{TRUE} (default) the incidence matrix will be stored in 
#'   sparse format. Current implementation ignores a value of FALSE.
#' @param strategy character. Strategy for placing spline knots. Only 
#'   \code{uniformgrid} available for the moment.
#' @param ... Not used.
#' @return A list with elements \code{incidence.matrix}, \code{structure.matrix}
#'   and \code{structure.type}, which is a string indicating either 
#'   \code{covariance} or \code{precision}.
#' @importFrom methods as
breedr_splines <- function(coordinates,
                           n.knots  = NULL,
                           autofill = TRUE,
                           degree   = 3,
                           sparse   = TRUE,
                           strategy = 'uniformgrid',
                           ...) {
  strategy <- match.arg(strategy)
  strategy <- match.arg(strategy)
  ## Coordinates of knots in each dimension
  if (strategy == 'uniformgrid') {
    knots <- distribute_knots_uniformgrid(coordinates, n.knots, autofill)
  B <- bispline_incidence(knots, coordinates, degree + 1, sparse)
  # The sparse incidence matrix weights 3.5 less than the non-sparse version,
  # but it takes longer processing time. Besides, the gmean computation it also
  # takes way longer. And at the end, I need the dense incidence matrix anyway.
  U1d <- lapply(vapply(knots, 'length', 0) - degree - 1, build.splines1d)
  #   U1d <- lapply(sapply(knots, length) - degree - 1, build.splines1d.sparse)
  U <- kronecker(U1d[[1]], U1d[[2]])
  #   browser()
  # Scaling so that the characteristic marginal variance equals 1/sigma^2
  # Sorbye and Rue (2014)
  sc <- suppressWarnings(
    # if B has some row of zeroes (e.g. missing coordinate for an individual)
    # then gmean warns about it and removes the 0 from computation.
    # this is ok. but I don't want the warning to be displayed.
           gmean(Matrix::diag(B %*% Matrix::tcrossprod(U, B))),
           gmean(diag(B %*% tcrossprod(U, B))))
  Uscaled <- as(U/sc, 'CsparseMatrix')
  ## Build the spatial effect, return the knot coordinates
  ## and further specify the splines class
  ans <- spatial(coordinates, incidence = B, covariance = Uscaled)
  ans$knots <- knots
  ans$param <- list(n.knots = unname(vapply(knots, length, 1)))
  ans$degree <- degree
  class(ans) <- c('splines', class(ans))

#' Distribute knots uniformly in a grid
#' For each dimension, places the given number of knots evenly spaced covering 
#' the range of coordinates plus a small margin.
#' The margin is calculated as half the median separation between observations. 
#' Furthermore, three more knots are added with equal spacing at each side, for
#' each dimension.
#' @inheritParams breedr_splines
distribute_knots_uniformgrid <- function (coordinates, n.knots, autofill) {
  # lattice of spatial locations
  # possibly with automatic filling of empty rows or columns
  obs.loc <- loc_grid(coordinates, autofill)
  # Determine the number of (inner) knots for rows and columns
  # or use the number provided by the user
  if (is.null(n.knots))
    n.knots <- determine.n.knots(sapply(obs.loc, 'length'))
  # Spacing between rows/columns
  obs.step <- sapply(obs.loc, function(x) summary(diff(x)))['Median',]
  # Place the knots evenly spaced
  # inspired by mgcv::place.knots()
  # but adding a margin before and after the extreme observations
  place.knots <- function(ol, os, nk) {
    if( nk == 1) x <- sum(range(ol))/2
    else x <- seq(head(ol, 1) - os/2, tail(ol, 1) + os/2, 'length' = nk)
  # Coordinates of inner knots for rows/columns
  knots.inner <- mapply(place.knots,
                        obs.loc, obs.step, n.knots,
                        SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
  # Add n.add additional knots before and after the inner knots
  add.knots <- function(x.inner, n.add, coordinates) {
    # Use the mean spacing between the inner knots
    # or use the observations range if there are less than two inner knots
    if( length(x.inner) > 1) {
      spacing  <- mean(diff(x.inner))
      extremes <- range(x.inner)
      #     } else if( length(x.inner) == 1) {
      #       spacing  <- diff(range(coordinates))/2
      #       extremes <- rep(x.inner, 2)
    } else {
      stop('At least two inner knots are needed for each dimension')
    x <- c(extremes[1] - (n.add:1)*spacing,
           extremes[2] + (1:n.add)*spacing)
  # Return row and column knots in a list
  # as the numbers might be different
  knots <- mapply(add.knots, knots.inner, 3, obs.loc, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
  # Include info about the strategy used as attributes
  ans <- structure(knots,
                   strategy = 'uniformgrid',
                   n.knots = n.knots,
                   autofill = TRUE)

#' Determine a sensible number of knots
#' This function computes a reasonable number of inner knots to be used for a 
#' basis of unidimensional B-splines
#' @param n an integer vector of sample sizes
#' @param cutoff a numeric vector of cutoff values
#' @param rate a numeric vector of rates at which the number of knots increases with
#'   the sample size
#' @return An integer vector with the number of knots for each sample size
#' @references \strong{Ruppert, D. (2002)}. Selecting the number of knots for penalized 
#'   splines. \emph{Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics} 11, 
#'   735–757.
determine.n.knots <- function(n, cutoff = 4, rate = 0.3) {
  # # Inspired by hisemi::n.knots
  # as.integer(trunc(pmin(n, cutoff + pmax(0, n - cutoff)^rate)))
  # but taking into account that we will add three more knots at each side
  if(any(n < 7)) stop('Too few data for a bidimensional spatial model')
  nk <- trunc(pmin(n - 6, cutoff + pmax(0, n - 6 - cutoff)^rate))

# Build Covariance Matrix in 1D 
build.splines1d <- function(n, model = 'GreenSilverman2003') {
  # U matrix (Green & Silverman, 2003)
  temp <- diag(4, n)
  subdiag <- rbind(cbind(0, diag(1, n-1)), 0)
  return((temp + subdiag + t(subdiag))/6)

build.splines1d.sparse <- function(n, model = 'GreenSilverman2003') {
  # U matrix (Green & Silverman, 2003)
  U <- Matrix::sparseMatrix(i = c(1:n, 1:(n-1)),
                            j = c(1:n, 2:n),
                            x = c(rep(4, n), rep(1, n-1))/6,
                            dims = c(n, n),
                            symmetric = TRUE)

#' Incidence Matrix of Bidimensional Splines
#' Compute the incidence matrix as a tensor product of B-spline bases, given the
#' knots, coordinates and order.
#' Need at least 2*ord -1 knots (typically, 7) but in fact, we need at least 
#' 2*ord unless we set outer.ok = TRUE in splineDesign (which we do not want)
#' @param knots list with numeric vectors of knot positions with non-decreasing 
#'   values for each dimension
#' @param xx 2-column matrix of coordinates at which to evaluate the 
#'   bidimensional splines
#' @param ord integer order of the spline functions (equals degree + 1)
#' @param sparse logical indicating if the result should be given in sparse 
#'   format
#' @references \strong{Eilers, P H C and B D Marx (2003)}. Multivariate calibration with
#'   temperature interaction using two-dimensional penalized signal regression.
#'   \emph{Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems} 66(2), 159-174.
bispline_incidence <- function (knots, xx, ord, sparse) {
  ## Account for missing coordinates
  ## setting corresponding incidence values to zero
  miss.idx <- list(x = is.na(xx[, 1]),
                   y = is.na(xx[, 2]))
  if (sparse) {
    b.x <- Matrix(0, nrow(xx), length(knots[[1]]) - ord)
    b.y <- Matrix(0, nrow(xx), length(knots[[2]]) - ord)
  } else {
    b.x <- matrix(0, nrow(xx), length(knots[[1]]) - ord)
    b.y <- matrix(0, nrow(xx), length(knots[[2]]) - ord)
  b.x[!miss.idx$x] <- 
    splines::splineDesign(knots[[1]], xx[!miss.idx$x, 1], ord = ord)  #, sparse=TRUE)
  b.y[!miss.idx$y] <- 
    splines::splineDesign(knots[[2]], xx[!miss.idx$y, 2], ord = ord)  #, sparse=TRUE)
  # The argument sparse was introduced at some point between versions 2.15.0
  # and 3.0.2 of the splines package.
  # sparseness is useful but unnecessary. I prefer to keep this
  # more widely compatible, and make things sparse myself.
  ones.y <- matrix(1, ncol = ncol(b.y))
  ones.x <- matrix(1, ncol = ncol(b.x))
  B <- suppressMessages(kronecker(b.x, ones.y)*kronecker(ones.x, b.y))
famuvie/breedR documentation built on Aug. 6, 2024, 9:10 p.m.