
Defines functions ggord.default ggord

Documented in ggord ggord.default

#' Ordination plots with ggplot2
#' Create an ordination biplot using ggplot2 including options for selecting axes, group color aesthetics, and selection of variables to plot.
#' @param ord_in input ordination object
#' @param grp_in vector of grouping objects for the biplot, must have the same number of observations as the original matrix used for the ordination
#' @param obs matrix or data frame of axis scores for each observation
#' @param vecs matrix or data frame of axis scores for each variable
#' @param axes chr string indicating which axes to plot
#' @param cols chr string of optional colors for \code{grp_in}
#' @param facet logical indicating if plot is faceted by groups in \code{grp_in}
#' @param nfac numeric indicating number of columns if \code{facet = TRUE}
#' @param addpts optional matrix or data.frame of additional points if constrained ordination is used (e.g., species locations in cca, rda)
#' @param obslab logical if the row names for the observations in \code{obs} are plotted rather than points
#' @param ptslab logical if the row names for the additional points (\code{addpts}) in constrained ordination are plotted as text
#' @param ellipse logical if confidence ellipses are shown for each group, method from the ggbiplot package, at least one group must have more than two observations
#' @param ellipse_pro numeric indicating confidence value for the ellipses
#' @param poly logical if confidence ellipses are filled polygons, otherwise they are shown as empty ellipses
#' @param polylntyp chr string for line type of polygon outlines if \code{poly = FALSE}, options are \code{twodash}, \code{solid}, \code{longdash}, \code{dotted}, \code{dotdash}, \code{dashed}, \code{blank}, or alternatively the grouping vector from \code{grp_in} can be used
#' @param hull logical if convex hull is drawn around points or groups if provided
#' @param arrow numeric indicating length of the arrow heads on the vectors, use \code{NULL} to suppress arrows
#' @param labcol chr string for color of text labels on vectors
#' @param veccol chr string for color of vectors
#' @param vectyp chr string for line type of vectors, options are \code{twodash}, \code{solid}, \code{longdash}, \code{dotted}, \code{dotdash}, \code{dashed}, \code{blank}
#' @param veclsz numeric for line size on vectors
#' @param ext numeric indicating scalar distance of the labels from the arrow ends
#' @param repel logical if overlapping text labels on vectors use \code{geom_text_repel} from the ggrepel package
#' @param vec_ext numeric indicating a scalar extension for the ordination vectors
#' @param vec_lab list of optional labels for vectors, defaults to names from input data.  The input list must be named using the existing variables in the input data.  Each element of the list will have the desired name change.
#' @param size numeric indicating size of the observation points or a numeric vector equal in length to the rows in the input data
#' @param sizelab chr string indicating an alternative legend title for size
#' @param addsize numeric indicating size of the species points if addpts is not \code{NULL}
#' @param addcol numeric indicating color of the species points if addpts is not \code{NULL}
#' @param addpch numeric indicating point type of the species points if addpts is not \code{NULL}
#' @param txt numeric indicating size of the text labels for the vectors, use \code{NULL} to suppress labels
#' @param alpha numeric transparency of points and ellipses from 0 to 1
#' @param alpha_el numeric transparency for confidence ellipses, also applies to filled convex hulls
#' @param xlims two numeric values indicating x-axis limits
#' @param ylims two numeric values indicating y-axis limits
#' @param var_sub chr string indcating which labels to show.  Regular expression matching is used.
#' @param coord_fix logical indicating fixed, equal scaling for axes
#' @param parse logical indicating if text labels are parsed
#' @param grp_title chr string for legend title
#' @param force numeric passed to \code{force} argument in \code{geom_text_repel} from the ggrepel package
#' @param max.overlaps numeric passed to \code{max.overlaps} argument in \code{geom_text_repel} from the ggrepel package
#' @param exp numeric of length two for expanding x and y axes, passed to \code{\link[ggplot2]{scale_y_continuous}} and \code{\link[ggplot2]{scale_y_continuous}}
#' @param ... arguments passed to or from other methods
#' @details Explained variance of axes for triplots are constrained values.
#' @export
#' @import ggplot2 plyr
#' @return A \code{\link[ggplot2]{ggplot}} object that can be further modified
#' @seealso \code{\link[ggplot2]{ggplot}}
#' @examples
#' library(ggplot2)
#' # principal components analysis with the iris data set
#' # prcomp
#' ord <- prcomp(iris[, 1:4])
#' p <- ggord(ord, iris$Species)
#' p
#' p <- ggord(ord, iris$Species, cols = c('purple', 'orange', 'blue'))
#' p
#' p + scale_shape_manual('Groups', values = c(1, 2, 3))
#' p + theme_classic()
#' p + theme(legend.position = 'top')
#' # change the vector labels with vec_lab
#' new_lab <- list(Sepal.Length = 'SL', Sepal.Width = 'SW', Petal.Width = 'PW',
#'  Petal.Length = 'PL')
#' p <- ggord(ord, iris$Species, vec_lab = new_lab)
#' p
#' # faceted by group
#' p <- ggord(ord, iris$Species, facet = TRUE, nfac = 3)
#' p
#' # principal components analysis with the iris dataset
#' # princomp
#' ord <- princomp(iris[, 1:4])
#' ggord(ord, iris$Species)
#' # principal components analysis with the iris dataset
#' # PCA
#' library(FactoMineR)
#' ord <- PCA(iris[, 1:4], graph = FALSE)
#' ggord(ord, iris$Species)
#' # principal components analysis with the iris dataset
#' # dudi.pca
#' library(ade4)
#' ord <- dudi.pca(iris[, 1:4], scannf = FALSE, nf = 4)
#' ggord(ord, iris$Species)
#' # multiple correspondence analysis with the tea dataset
#' # MCA
#' data(tea, package = 'FactoMineR')
#' tea <- tea[, c('Tea', 'sugar', 'price', 'age_Q', 'sex')]
#' ord <- MCA(tea[, -1], graph = FALSE)
#' ggord(ord, tea$Tea, parse = FALSE) # use parse = FALSE for labels with non alphanumeric characters
#' # multiple correspondence analysis with the tea dataset
#' # mca
#' library(MASS)
#' ord <- mca(tea[, -1])
#' ggord(ord, tea$Tea, parse = FALSE) # use parse = FALSE for labels with non alphanumeric characters
#' # multiple correspondence analysis with the tea dataset
#' # acm
#' ord <- dudi.acm(tea[, -1], scannf = FALSE)
#' ggord(ord, tea$Tea, parse = FALSE) # use parse = FALSE for labels with non alphanumeric characters
#' # nonmetric multidimensional scaling with the iris dataset
#' # metaMDS
#' library(vegan)
#' ord <- metaMDS(iris[, 1:4])
#' ggord(ord, iris$Species)
#' # linear discriminant analysis
#' # example from lda in MASS package
#' ord <- lda(Species ~ ., iris, prior = rep(1, 3)/3)
#' ggord(ord, iris$Species)
#' # correspondence analysis
#' # dudi.coa
#' ord <- dudi.coa(iris[, 1:4], scannf = FALSE, nf = 4)
#' ggord(ord, iris$Species)
#' # correspondence analysis
#' library(ca)
#' ord <- ca(iris[, 1:4])
#' ggord(ord, iris$Species)
#' # double principle coordinate analysis (DPCoA)
#' library(ade4)
#' data(ecomor)
#' grp <- rep(c("Bu", "Ca", "Ch", "Pr"), each = 4)    # sample groups
#' dtaxo <- dist.taxo(ecomor$taxo)                    # taxonomic distance between species
#' ord <- dpcoa(data.frame(t(ecomor$habitat)), dtaxo, scan = FALSE, nf = 2)
#' ggord(ord, grp_in = grp, ellipse = FALSE, arrow = 0.2, txt = 3)

#' # phylogenetic PCA
#' # ppca
#' library(adephylo)
#' library(phylobase)
#' library(ape)
#' data(lizards)
#' # example from help file, adephylo::ppca
#' # original example from JOMBART ET AL 2010
#' # build a tree and phylo4d object
#' liz.tre <- read.tree(tex=lizards$hprA)
#' liz.4d <- phylobase::phylo4d(liz.tre, lizards$traits)
#' # remove duplicated populations
#' liz.4d <- phylobase::prune(liz.4d, c(7,14))
#' # correct labels
#' lab <- c("Pa", "Ph", "Ll", "Lmca", "Lmcy", "Phha", "Pha",
#'          "Pb", "Pm", "Ae", "Tt", "Ts", "Lviv", "La", "Ls", "Lvir")
#' tipLabels(liz.4d) <- lab
#' # remove size effect
#' dat <- tdata(liz.4d, type="tip")
#' dat <- log(dat)
#' newdat <- data.frame(lapply(dat, function(v) residuals(lm(v~dat$mean.L))))
#' rownames(newdat) <- rownames(dat)
#' tdata(liz.4d, type="tip") <- newdat[,-1] # replace data in the phylo4d object
#' # create ppca
#' liz.ppca <- ppca(liz.4d,scale=FALSE,scannf=FALSE,nfposi=1,nfnega=1, method="Abouheif")
#' # plot
#' ggord(liz.ppca)
#' # distance-based redundancy analysis
#' # dbrda from vegan
#' data(varespec)
#' data(varechem)
#' ord <- dbrda(varespec ~ N + P + K + Condition(Al), varechem, dist = "bray")
#' ggord(ord)
#' ######
#' # triplots
#' # redundancy analysis
#' # rda from vegan
#' ord <- rda(varespec, varechem)
#' ggord(ord)
#' # distance-based redundancy analysis
#' # capscale from vegan
#' ord <- capscale(varespec ~ N + P + K + Condition(Al), varechem, dist = "bray")
#' ggord(ord)
#' # canonical correspondence analysis
#' # cca from vegan
#' ord <- cca(varespec, varechem)
#' ggord(ord)
#' # species points as text
#' # suppress site points
#' ggord(ord, ptslab = TRUE, size = NA, addsize = 5, parse = TRUE)
ggord <- function(...) UseMethod('ggord')

#' @rdname ggord
#' @export
#' @method ggord default
ggord.default <- function(obs, vecs, axes = c('1', '2'), grp_in = NULL, cols = NULL, facet = FALSE, nfac = NULL,
                          addpts = NULL, obslab = FALSE, ptslab = FALSE, ellipse = TRUE, ellipse_pro = 0.95, poly = TRUE,
                          polylntyp = 'solid', hull = FALSE, arrow = 0.4, labcol = 'black', veccol = 'black', vectyp = 'solid',
                          veclsz = 0.5, ext = 1.2, repel = FALSE, vec_ext = 1, vec_lab = NULL, size = 4, sizelab = NULL,
                          addsize = size/2, addcol = 'blue', addpch = 19, txt = 4, alpha = 1, alpha_el = 0.4, xlims = NULL,
                          ylims = NULL, var_sub = NULL, coord_fix = TRUE, parse = TRUE, grp_title = 'Groups', force = 1,
                          max.overlaps = 10, exp = c(0, 0), ...){

  # extend vectors by scale
  vecs <- vecs * vec_ext

  # tweaks to vecs for plotting
  # create vecs label  from vecs for labels
  names(vecs) <- c('one', 'two')
  vecs <- vecs[, na.omit(names(vecs))]

  vecs_lab <- ext * vecs
  if(is.null(vec_lab)) vecs_lab$labs <- as.character(row.names(vecs_lab))
    vecs_lab$labs <- vec_lab[row.names(vecs_lab)]
  vecs$lab <- row.names(vecs)

  # add groups if grp_in is not null
  if(!is.null(grp_in)) obs$Groups <- factor(grp_in)

  # remove vectors for easier viz

    var_sub <- paste(var_sub, collapse = '|')
    vecs <- vecs[grepl(var_sub, vecs$lab), ]
    vecs_lab <- vecs_lab[grepl(var_sub, vecs_lab$lab), ]


  # add size to obs
  if(length(size) > 1){

    if(length(size) != nrow(obs))
      stop('size must have length equal to 1 or ', nrow(obs))

    obs$size <- size

      sizelab <- 'Size'


  ## plots

  # individual points
  nms <- names(obs)[1:2]
  names(obs)[1:2] <- c('one', 'two')
  obs$lab <- row.names(obs)
  p <- ggplot(obs, aes_string(x = 'one', y = 'two')) +
    scale_x_continuous(name = nms[1], limits = xlims, expand = c(exp, exp)) +
    scale_y_continuous(name = nms[2], limits = ylims, expand = c(exp, exp)) +

  # map size as aesthetic if provided
  if(length(size) > 1){

    # observations as points or text, colour if groups provided
        p <- p + geom_text(aes_string(group = 'Groups', fill = 'Groups', colour = 'Groups', label = 'lab', size = 'size'), alpha = alpha, parse = parse)
        p <- p + geom_text(aes_string(size = 'size'), label = row.names(obs), alpha = alpha, parse = parse)
    } else {
        p <- p + geom_point(aes_string(group = 'Groups', fill = 'Groups', colour = 'Groups', shape = 'Groups', size = 'size'), alpha = alpha) +
          scale_shape_manual('Groups', values = rep(16, length = length(obs$Groups)))
        p <- p + geom_point(aes_string(size = 'size'), alpha = alpha)

    # change size legend title if provided
    p <- p + guides(size=guide_legend(title = sizelab))

  } else {

    # observations as points or text, colour if groups provided
        p <- p + geom_text(aes_string(group = 'Groups', fill = 'Groups', colour = 'Groups', label = 'lab'), size = size, alpha = alpha, parse = parse)
        p <- p + geom_text(label = row.names(obs), size = size, alpha = alpha, parse = parse)
    } else {
        p <- p + geom_point(aes_string(group = 'Groups', fill = 'Groups', colour = 'Groups', shape = 'Groups'), size = size, alpha = alpha) +
          scale_shape_manual('Groups', values = rep(16, length = length(obs$Groups)))
        p <- p + geom_point(size = size, alpha = alpha)


  # add species scores if addpts not null, for triplot

    addpts$lab <- paste0('italic(', row.names(addpts), ')')
    nms <- names(addpts)[1:2]
    names(addpts)[1:2] <- c('one', 'two')

    # pts as text labels if TRUE
      p <- p +
        geom_text(data = addpts, aes_string(x = 'one', y = 'two', label = 'lab'),
          size = addsize, col = addcol, alpha = alpha, parse = parse)
    } else {
      p <- p +
        geom_point(data = addpts, aes_string(x = 'one', y = 'two'),
          size = addsize, col = addcol, alpha = alpha, shape = addpch)

  # fixed coordinates if TRUE
    p <- p + coord_fixed()

  # concentration ellipse if there are groups, from ggbiplot
  if(!is.null(obs$Groups) & ellipse) {

    theta <- c(seq(-pi, pi, length = 50), seq(pi, -pi, length = 50))
    circle <- cbind(cos(theta), sin(theta))

    ell <- ddply(obs, 'Groups', function(x) {
      if(nrow(x) <= 2) {
      sigma <- var(cbind(x$one, x$two))
      mu <- c(mean(x$one), mean(x$two))
      ed <- sqrt(qchisq(ellipse_pro, df = 2))
      data.frame(sweep(circle %*% chol(sigma) * ed, 2, mu, FUN = '+'))

    if(nrow(ell) == 0 & ellipse)
      stop('Insufficient observations for confidence ellipses, set ellipse = F to plot')

    names(ell)[2:3] <- c('one', 'two')

    # get convex hull for ell object, this is a hack to make it work with geom_polygon
    ell <- ddply(ell, .(Groups), function(x) x[chull(x$one, x$two), ])


      p <- p + geom_polygon(data = ell, aes(group = Groups, fill = Groups), alpha = alpha_el)

    } else {

      # setup line type as grp_in or standard
      if(identical(polylntyp, obs$Groups))
        p <- p + geom_polygon(data = ell, aes_string(color = 'Groups', group = 'Groups', linetype = 'Groups'), fill = NA, alpha = alpha)
        p <- p + geom_polygon(data = ell, aes_string(color = 'Groups', group = 'Groups'), linetype = polylntyp, fill = NA, alpha = alpha)



  # add convex hull if true


      # get convex hull
      chulls <- ddply(obs, .(Groups), function(x) x[chull(x$one, x$two), ])


        p <- p + geom_polygon(data = chulls, aes(group = Groups, fill = Groups), alpha = alpha_el)

      } else {

        # setup line type as grp_in or standard
        if(identical(polylntyp, obs$Groups))
          p <- p + geom_polygon(data = chulls, aes(group = Groups, colour = Groups, linetype = Groups), fill = NA, alpha = alpha)
          p <- p + geom_polygon(data = chulls, aes(group = Groups, colour = Groups), linetype = polylntyp, fill = NA, alpha = alpha)


    } else {

      chulls <- obs[chull(obs$one, obs$two), ]


        p <- p + geom_polygon(data = chulls, alpha = alpha_el)

      } else {

        p <- p + geom_polygon(data = chulls, linetype = polylntyp, alpha = alpha, fill = NA)




  # set colors if provided
  if(!is.null(cols) & !is.null(obs$Groups)){
    if(length(cols) != length(unique(obs$Groups)))
      stop('col vector must have length equal to unique values in grp_in')
    p <- p +
      scale_colour_manual('Groups', values = cols) +
      scale_fill_manual('Groups', values = cols)

  # add vectors
    p <- p + geom_segment(
      data = vecs,
      aes_string(x = 0, y = 0, xend = 'one', yend = 'two'),
      arrow = grid::arrow(length = grid::unit(arrow, "cm")),
      colour= veccol, linetype = vectyp, size = veclsz

  # facet if true and groups
  nlabs <- 1
  if(facet & !is.null(obs$Groups)){

    p <- p +
      facet_wrap(~Groups, ncol = nfac)

    # for labels if facetting
    nlabs <- length(unique(obs$Groups))


  # add labels

    # repel overlapping labels

      p <- p + ggrepel::geom_text_repel(data = vecs_lab, aes_string(x = 'one', y = 'two'),
                         label = rep(unlist(lapply(vecs_lab$labs, function(x) as.character(as.expression(x)))), nlabs),
                         size = txt,
                         parse = parse,
                         point.padding = NA,
                         color = labcol,
                         force = force,
                         max.overlaps = max.overlaps


    } else {

      p <- p + geom_text(data = vecs_lab, aes_string(x = 'one', y = 'two'),
        label = rep(unlist(lapply(vecs_lab$labs, function(x) as.character(as.expression(x)))), nlabs),
        size = txt,
        parse = parse,
        color = labcol



  # set legend titles to all scales
  p <- p +
      fill = guide_legend(title = grp_title),
      colour = guide_legend(title = grp_title),
      shape = guide_legend(title = grp_title)



#' @rdname ggord
#' @export
#' @method ggord PCA
ggord.PCA <- function(ord_in, grp_in = NULL, axes = c('1', '2'), ...){

  # data to plot
  exp_var <- ord_in$eig[as.numeric(axes), 'percentage of variance']
  axes <- paste0('Dim.', axes)
  obs <- data.frame(ord_in$ind$coord)
  obs <- obs[, names(obs) %in% axes]
  obs$Groups <- grp_in
  vecs <- data.frame(ord_in$var$coord)
  vecs <- vecs[, names(vecs) %in% axes]
  axes <- paste0(axes, ' (', round(exp_var, 2), '%)')
  names(obs)[1:2] <- axes

  ggord.default(obs, vecs, axes, ...)


#' @rdname ggord
#' @export
#' @method ggord MCA
ggord.MCA <- function(ord_in, grp_in = NULL, axes = c('1', '2'), ...){

  # data to plot
  exp_var <- ord_in$eig[as.numeric(axes), 'percentage of variance']
  axes <- paste0('Dim.', axes)
  obs <- data.frame(ord_in$ind$coord)
  obs <- obs[, names(obs) %in% axes]
  obs$Groups <- grp_in
  vecs <- data.frame(ord_in$var$coord)
  vecs <- vecs[, names(vecs) %in% axes]
  axes <- paste0(axes, ' (', round(exp_var, 2), '%)')
  names(obs)[1:2] <- axes

  ggord.default(obs, vecs, axes, ...)


#' @rdname ggord
#' @export
#' @method ggord mca
ggord.mca <- function(ord_in, grp_in = NULL, axes = c('1', '2'), ...){

  # data to plot
  obs <- data.frame(ord_in$rs[, as.numeric(axes)])
  obs$Groups <- grp_in
  vecs <- data.frame(ord_in$cs[, as.numeric(axes)])
  exp_var <-  100 * ord_in$d/(ord_in$p - 1)
  exp_var <- exp_var[as.numeric(axes)]
  axes <- paste0(axes, ' (', round(exp_var, 2), '%)')
  names(obs)[1:2] <- axes

  ggord.default(obs, vecs, axes, ...)


#' @rdname ggord
#' @export
#' @method ggord acm
ggord.acm <- function(ord_in, grp_in = NULL, axes = c('1', '2'), ...){

  # data to plot
  exp_var <- 100 * ord_in$eig / sum(ord_in$eig)
  exp_var <- exp_var[as.numeric(axes)]
  obs <- data.frame(ord_in$li[, paste0('Axis', axes)])
  obs$Groups <- grp_in
  vecs <- data.frame(ord_in$co[, paste0('Comp', axes)])
  axes <- paste0('Axis', axes)
  axes <- paste0(axes, ' (', round(exp_var, 2), '%)')
  names(obs)[1:2] <- axes

  ggord.default(obs, vecs, axes, ...)


#' @rdname ggord
#' @export
#' @method ggord prcomp
ggord.prcomp <- function(ord_in, grp_in = NULL, axes = c('1', '2'), ...){

  # data to plot
  axes <- paste0('PC', axes)
  obs <- data.frame(ord_in$x[, axes])
  obs$Groups <- grp_in
  vecs <- data.frame(ord_in$rotation[, axes])
  exp_var <- 100 * summary(ord_in)$importance[2, ][axes]
  axes <- paste0(axes, ' (', round(exp_var, 2), '%)')
  names(obs)[1:2] <- axes

  ggord.default(obs, vecs, axes, ...)


#' @rdname ggord
#' @export
#' @method ggord princomp
ggord.princomp <- function(ord_in, grp_in = NULL, axes = c('1', '2'), ...){

  # data to plot
  axes <- paste0('Comp.', axes)
  obs <- data.frame(ord_in$scores[, axes])
  obs$Groups <- grp_in
  vecs <- loadings(ord_in)
  dims <- dim(vecs)
  rownms <- row.names(loadings(ord_in))
  colnms <- colnames(loadings(ord_in))
  vecs <- matrix(vecs, nrow = dims[1], ncol = dims[2])
  vecs <- data.frame(vecs, row.names = rownms)
  names(vecs) <- colnms
  vecs <- vecs[, axes]
  exp_var <- 100 * (ord_in$sdev^2)/sum(ord_in$sdev^2)
  exp_var <- exp_var[axes]
  axes <- paste0(axes, ' (', round(exp_var, 2), '%)')
  names(obs)[1:2] <- axes

  ggord.default(obs, vecs, axes, ...)


#' @rdname ggord
#' @export
#' @method ggord metaMDS
ggord.metaMDS <- function(ord_in, grp_in = NULL, axes = c('1', '2'), ...){

  # data to plot
  axes <- paste0('MDS', axes)
  obs <- data.frame(ord_in$points[, axes])
  obs$Groups <- grp_in
  vecs <- data.frame(ord_in$species[, axes])

  ggord.default(obs, vecs, axes, ...)


#' @rdname ggord
#' @export
#' @method ggord lda
ggord.lda <- function(ord_in, grp_in = NULL, axes = c('1', '2'), ...){

  # data to plot
  exp_var <- 100 * ord_in$svd^2 / sum(ord_in$svd^2)
  exp_var <- exp_var[as.numeric(axes)]
  axes <- paste0('LD', axes)
  obs <- data.frame(predict(ord_in)$x[, axes])
  obs$Groups <- grp_in
  vecs <- data.frame(ord_in$scaling[, axes])
  axes <- paste0(axes, ' (', round(exp_var, 2), '%)')
  names(obs)[1:2] <- axes

  ggord.default(obs, vecs, axes, ...)


#' @rdname ggord
#' @export
#' @method ggord pca
ggord.pca <- function(ord_in, grp_in = NULL, axes = c('1', '2'), ...){

  # data to plot
  exp_var <- 100 * ord_in$eig / sum(ord_in$eig)
  exp_var <- exp_var[as.numeric(axes)]
  ax_nms <- paste0('Axis', axes)
  obs <- data.frame(ord_in$li[, ax_nms])
  obs$Groups <- grp_in

  # vector locations, uses scaling from factoextra
  vc_nms <- paste0('Comp', axes)
  vecs <- data.frame(ord_in$co[, vc_nms])
  r <- min((max(obs[, ax_nms[1]]) - min(obs[, ax_nms[1]])/(max(vecs[, vc_nms[1]]) -
    min(vecs[, vc_nms[1]]))), (max(obs[, ax_nms[2]]) - min(obs[, ax_nms[2]])/(max(vecs[,
    vc_nms[2]]) - min(vecs[, vc_nms[2]]))))
  vecs[, vc_nms] <- vecs[, vc_nms] * r * 0.7

  axes <- paste0('Axis', axes)
  axes <- paste0(axes, ' (', round(exp_var, 2), '%)')
  names(obs)[1:2] <- axes

  ggord.default(obs, vecs, axes, ...)


#' @rdname ggord
#' @export
#' @method ggord coa
ggord.coa <- function(ord_in, grp_in = NULL, axes = c('1', '2'), ...){

  # data to plot
  exp_var <- 100 * ord_in$eig / sum(ord_in$eig)
  exp_var <- exp_var[as.numeric(axes)]
  obs <- data.frame(ord_in$li[, paste0('Axis', axes)])
  obs$Groups <- grp_in
  vecs <- data.frame(ord_in$co[, paste0('Comp', axes)])
  axes <- paste0('Axis', axes)
  axes <- paste0(axes, ' (', round(exp_var, 2), '%)')
  names(obs)[1:2] <- axes

  ggord.default(obs, vecs, axes, ...)


#' @rdname ggord
#' @export
#' @method ggord ca
ggord.ca <- function(ord_in, grp_in = NULL, axes = c('1', '2'), ...){

  # axis contribution
  exp_var <- with(ord_in, 100 * sv^2/sum(sv^2))
  exp_var <- exp_var[as.numeric(axes)]

  # data to plot
  sv <- ord_in$sv[as.numeric(axes)]
  colmass <- ord_in$colmass[as.numeric(axes)]
  axes <- paste0('Dim', axes)
  obs <- ord_in$rowcoord[, axes]

  # scale the observations and vectors correctly
  obs <- as.data.frame(t(apply(obs, 1, "*", sv)))
  obs$Groups <- grp_in
  vecs <- ord_in$colcoord[, axes]
  vecs <- as.data.frame(t(apply(vecs, 1, "*", sv)))

  # make a nice label for the axes
  axes <- paste0(axes, ' (', round(exp_var, 2), '%)')
  names(obs)[1:2] <- axes

  ggord.default(obs, vecs, axes, ...)


#' @rdname ggord
#' @export
#' @method ggord ppca
ggord.ppca <- function(ord_in, grp_in = NULL, axes = NULL, ...){

  # data to plot
  obs <- as.data.frame(ord_in$li)
  vecs <- as.data.frame(ord_in$c1)

    axes <- gsub('^PC', '',  names(obs))
  } else {
    chk <- any(!names(obs) %in% paste0('PC', axes))
    if(chk) stop('axes not found in input')

  # axis contribution
  exp_var <- summary(ord_in, printres = FALSE)$ppca$var[as.numeric(axes)]
  exp_var <- 100 * exp_var

  # scale the observations and vectors correctly
  obs$Groups <- grp_in

  # make a nice label for the axes
  axes <- paste0('PC', axes, ' (', round(exp_var, 2), '%)')
  names(obs)[1:2] <- axes

  ggord.default(obs, vecs, axes, ...)


#' @rdname ggord
#' @export
#' @method ggord rda
ggord.rda <- function(ord_in, grp_in = NULL, axes = c('1', '2'), ...){

  # data to plot
  axes <- paste0('RDA', axes)
  obs <- data.frame(ord_in$CCA$wa[, axes])
  obs$Groups <- grp_in
  addpts <- data.frame(ord_in$CCA$v[, axes])

  # vectors for constraining matrix
  constr <- data.frame(ord_in$CCA$biplot[, axes])

  # explained variance of constrained axes
  exp_var <- summary(ord_in)$concont$importance[2, axes]

  # make a nice label for the axes
  axes <- paste0(axes, ' (', round(100 * exp_var, 2), '%)')
  names(obs)[1:2] <- axes

  ggord.default(obs, vecs = constr, axes, addpts = addpts, ...)


#' @rdname ggord
#' @export
#' @method ggord capscale
ggord.capscale <- function(ord_in, grp_in = NULL, axes = c('1', '2'), ...){

  # data to plot
  axes <- paste0('CAP', axes)
  obs <- data.frame(ord_in$CCA$wa[, axes])
  obs$Groups <- grp_in
  addpts <- data.frame(ord_in$CCA$v[, axes])

  # vectors for constraining matrix
  constr <- data.frame(ord_in$CCA$biplot[, axes])

  # explained variance of constrained axes
  exp_var <- summary(ord_in)$concont$importance[2, axes]

  # make a nice label for the axes
  axes <- paste0(axes, ' (', round(100 * exp_var, 2), '%)')
  names(obs)[1:2] <- axes

  ggord.default(obs, vecs = constr, axes, addpts = addpts, ...)


#' @rdname ggord
#' @export
#' @method ggord dbrda
ggord.dbrda <- function(ord_in, grp_in = NULL, axes = c('1', '2'), ...){

  # data to plot
  axes <- paste0('dbRDA', axes)
  obs <- data.frame(ord_in$CCA$wa[, axes])
  obs$Groups <- grp_in

  # vectors for constraining matrix
  constr <- data.frame(ord_in$CCA$biplot[, axes])

  # explained variance of constrained axes
  exp_var <- summary(ord_in)$concont$importance[2, axes]

  # make a nice label for the axes
  axes <- paste0(axes, ' (', round(100 * exp_var, 2), '%)')
  names(obs)[1:2] <- axes

  ggord.default(obs, vecs = constr, axes, ...)


#' @rdname ggord
#' @export
#' @method ggord cca
ggord.cca <- function(ord_in, grp_in = NULL, axes = c('1', '2'), ...){

  # data to plot
  axes <- paste0('CCA', axes)
  obs <- data.frame(ord_in$CCA$wa[, axes])
  obs$Groups <- grp_in
  addpts <- data.frame(ord_in$CCA$v[, axes])

  # vectors for constraining matrix
  constr <- data.frame(ord_in$CCA$biplot[, axes])

  # explained variance of constrained axes
  exp_var <- summary(ord_in)$concont$importance[2, axes]

  # make a nice label for the axes
  axes <- paste0(axes, ' (', round(100 * exp_var, 2), '%)')
  names(obs)[1:2] <- axes

  ggord.default(obs, vecs = constr, axes, addpts = addpts, ...)


#' @rdname ggord
#' @export
#' @method ggord dpcoa
ggord.dpcoa <- function(ord_in, grp_in = NULL, axes = c('1', '2'), ...){

  # ord_in$dls = coordinates of the species
  # ord_in$li  = coordinates of the communities
  # ord_in$c1  = scores of principal axes of the species

  # data to plot
  exp_var <- 100 * ord_in$eig / sum(ord_in$eig)
  exp_var <- exp_var[as.numeric(axes)]
  obs <- data.frame(ord_in$li[, paste0('Axis', axes)])
  obs$Groups <- grp_in
  vecs <- data.frame(ord_in$dls[, paste0('CS', axes)])
  axes <- paste0('Axis', axes)
  axes <- paste0(axes, ' (', round(exp_var, 2), '%)')
  names(obs)[1:2] <- axes

  ggord.default(obs, vecs, axes, ...)

fawda123/ggord documentation built on Dec. 4, 2022, 4:13 a.m.