
# install.packages("CHNOSZ")
# install.packages("ape")

# -=-=-=- Input/Output -=-=-=-

RemoveDups <- function(df, column) {
  # Removes duplicated rows from dataframe by randomly selecting one.
  # Args:
  #   df: (dataframe) dataframe with duplicated rows from where you wish
  #                   to remove duplicated rows
  #   column: (integer) number indicating which column to use when removing
  #                     duplicates

  inds = sample(1:nrow(df))
  df = df[inds, ]
  dups = duplicated(df[, column])
  df = df[!dups, ]
  inds = inds[!dups]
  df2 <- df[sort(inds, index=T)$ix, ]

WriteFasta <- function(idsFile, multifasta, outputIDs, outFile = "output") {
  # Writes the sequence of the outputIDs in a multifasta file.
  # Args:
  #   idsFile: (char) path to the input file with the input taxon IDs in
  #                   the first column, and the corresponding sequence ID
  #                   in the multifasta input file (without the ">").
  #   multifasta: (char) path to the multifasta file with the input sequences.
  #   outputIDs: (vector) vector of IDs with maximized taxonomy balance
  #                       or diversity.
  #   outFile: (char) path and name to the output multifasta file.
  # Returns:
  #   nothing, just prints a multifasta file with the sequences of outputIDs.

  input <- read.table(idsFile, sep = "\t")
  input[, 2] <- as.character(input[, 2])
  # this removes duplicated taxon IDs from the input file by randomly selecting
  # one member of each
  input <- RemoveDups(input, 1)
  sequences <- read.fasta(file=multifasta, as.string = TRUE)
#  sequences <- read.dna(multifasta, "fasta", as.character = TRUE)
  x <- sequences[input[is.element(input[, 1], outputIDs), 2]]
  x <- lapply(x, toupper)
  input2 <- input[(input[,2] %in% names(x)),]
  names(x) <- paste0(input2[,2], "|TaxID:", input2[,1])
#  write.dna(x, outFile, "fasta", nbcol = -1, colsep = "")
  write.fasta(x, names(x), outFile)

# -=-=-=- Taxonomy Sampling (TS) -=-=-=-

TS_TaxonomyData <- function(idsFile, nodes) {
  # Evaluates the taxonomy structure from the input IDs and returns the count
  # of each taxon ID above zero in the taxonomy graph.
  # Args:
  #   idsFile: (char) path to a file with the input taxon IDs in the first
  #                   column, and the corresponding sequence ID in the
  #                   multifasta input file (without the ">").
  #   nodes: (data.frame) pre-processed information about the NCBI taxonomy
  #                       structure. Created by getnodes() from the CHNOSZ
  #                       package.
  # Returns:
  #   countIDs: (vector) count of how many taxnomoy IDs belong to each taxon,
  #                      created by TS_TaxonomyData().

  # Get ids to search
#  ids <- idsFile
  if (!is.null(idsFile) & isTRUE(file.exists(as.character(idsFile)))) {
    ids <- read.table(idsFile, sep = "\t", header = FALSE, comment.char = "")
    ids <- ids[, 1]
  } else { #getting ids if list of IDs
    ids <- as.integer(idsFile)  # assume it's a or, for now

  # Sanity check: filter IDs that aren't part of NCBI notation.
  if (!all(is.element(ids, nodes$id))) {
    cat("Warning: the following inputs are not part of NCBI taxonomy IDs",
        "and will be ignored.\n",
        ids[!is.element(ids, nodes$id)], "\n")
    ids <- ids[is.element(ids, nodes$id)]

  # Sanity check: unique ID inputs, remove duplicates.
  if (any(duplicated(ids))) {
    cat("Warning: some ids are repeated, using only one instance of each.\n",
        ids[duplicated(ids)], "\n")
    ids <- unique(ids)

  # Counting how often each taxonomy ID occurs in the dataset
  countIDs <-, nrow(nodes))
  names(countIDs) <- nodes$id
  nodes_parent <- nodes$parent
  names(nodes_parent) <- nodes$id
  searchIDs <- ids
  countIDs[as.character(searchIDs)] <- 1
  while (length(searchIDs) > 0) {
    searchIDs <- nodes_parent[as.character(searchIDs)]
    parentage <- table(searchIDs)
    countIDs[names(parentage)] <- countIDs[names(parentage)] + parentage
    searchIDs <- searchIDs[searchIDs != 1]

  countIDs <- countIDs[countIDs > 0]

TS_SpeciesData  <- function(knownSppFile, countIDs) {
  # Parses a tabular, two-column file containing NCBI Taxon IDs in
  # the first column and known number of species in the second
  # (this file is distributed with TS)
  # Args:
  #   idsFile: (char) path to a file with the input taxon IDs in the first
  #                   column, and the corresponding known number of species
  #                   in the second.
  #   countIDs: (char)
  # Returns:
  #   countSpp: (vector) count of how many known species to each taxon.

  # Get ids to search
  #  ids <- idsFile
  if (!is.null(knownSppFile) & isTRUE(file.exists(as.character(knownSppFile)))) {
    tmp_df <- read.table(knownSppFile, sep = "\t", header = TRUE, comment.char = "")
    ids <- names(countIDs)
  } else { #getting ids if list of IDs
    msg <- paste("The file containing known species was not found at", " ", knownSppFile)

  # Sanity check: filter IDs that aren't part of NCBI notation.
#  if (!all(is.element(ids, nodes$id))) {
#    cat("Warning: the following inputs are not part of NCBI taxonomy IDs",
#        "and will be ignored.\n",
#        ids[!is.element(ids, nodes$id)], "\n")
#    ids <- ids[is.element(ids, nodes$id)]
#  }

  # Getting only the Spp count for taxons evaluated by TS in this run
  tmp_df_2 <- tmp_df[tmp_df$id %in% ids,]
  countSpp <- tmp_df_2[,2]
  names(countSpp) <- tmp_df_2[,1]

  # Species TaxIDs have zero child species, so we need to replace them by 1's
  countSpp[countSpp == 0] <- 1

Simplify_Nodes <- function(nodes, countIDs) {
  # Reduces the search size of nodes to the relevant input taxIDs and their
  # related ancestors/offsprings. Can greatly reduce search/running time for
  # the remaining functions.
  # Args:
  #   nodes: (data.frame) pre-processed information about the NCBI taxonomy
  #                       structure. Created by getnodes() from the CHNOSZ
  #                       package.
  #   countIDs: (vector) count of how many taxnomoy IDs belong to each taxon,
  #                      created by TS_TaxonomyData().
  # Returns:
  #   nodes: (data.frame) simplified nodes parameter.

  # Reduce the node information to the necessary only, reduces search time.
  nodes <- nodes[is.element(nodes$id, as.numeric(names(countIDs))), 1:2]

TS_Algorithm_Recursion <- function(taxon, m, nodes, countIDs,
                                   method = "diversity", randomize = "no",
                                   replacement = "no", ignoreIDs = NULL,
                                   requireIDs = NULL, ignoreNonLeafID,
                                   sampling = "agnostic") {
  # An algorithm that receives a group of Taxonomy IDs and the size m of the
  # sample to obtain from them. Returns a vector with a maximized taxonomy
  # diversity. Assumes that every input id is unique.
  # If replacement = "yes", then it may return repeated IDs if it increases
  # the taxonomy diversity when method = "diversity".
  # Args:
  #   taxon: (char/integer) Taxon from which to start sampling children taxa.
  #   m: (integer) size of the sample to generate.
  #   nodes: (data.frame) pre-processed information about the NCBI taxonomy
  #                       structure. Created by getnodes() from the CHNOSZ
  #                       package.
  #   countIDs: (vector) count of how many taxnomoy IDs belong to each taxon,
  #                      created by TS_TaxonomyData().
  #   replacement: (char) whether the algorithm allows to repeat IDs in order
  #                       to maximize taxonomy diversity and to reach m IDs
  #                       in the output.
  #   randomize: (char) whether the algorithm will choose IDs randomly or
  #                  maintaining a balanced allocation (m_i differing by no
  #                  more than 1 if the maximum possible value wasn't reached).
  #   method: (char) whether it favors balanced taxa representation
  #                  (method = "balance") or maximized taxa representation
  #                  (method = "diversity").
  #   requireIDs: (char) IDs that must appear in the output.
  # Returns:
  #   outputIDs: (vector) vector of IDs with maximized taxonomy balance
  #                       or diversity.

  # Sanity check
  if (m <= 0) {
    print("Error: m less or equal than zero during recursion.\n")

  # First step: Find the sub-taxa (children nodes) of the current taxon
  # that has members in user-provided data
  taxon <- as.integer(taxon)
  children <- nodes$id[nodes$parent == taxon & nodes$id != taxon]
  children <- intersect(children, names(countIDs))

  # Condition to end recursion
  if (length(children) == 0) {
    if (replacement == "no") {
    } else {
      return(rep(as.character(taxon), m))

  childrenCount <- countIDs[as.character(children)]
  childrenCountSpp <- countSpp[as.character(children)]

  # Sanity check - in a few cases, the number of sequences may be greater than the number of species
  # We saw this happening only in terminal nodes where there's both a species and a subspecies, as our
  # mapping of taxID2species ends at the species level.
  # Therefore, if that's the case, replace the number of known species by the number of child sequences.
  childrenCountSpp[childrenCount > childrenCountSpp] <- childrenCount[childrenCount > childrenCountSpp]

  # For cases when one taxon isn't a leaf node, but is an input ID that should
  # be available to sample along its children.
  # Example of this case is an input with Homo sapiens (9606),
  # H. sapiens neanderthalensis (63221) and H. sapiens ssp. denisova (741158).
  if (sum(childrenCount) < countIDs[as.character(taxon)]) {
    childrenCount <- c(childrenCount, countIDs[as.character(taxon)])
    childrenCountSpp <- c(childrenCountSpp, countIDs[as.character(taxon)])
    childrenCountSpp[as.character(taxon)] <- 1
    childrenCount[as.character(taxon)] <- 1

  m_i <-, length(childrenCount))
  names(m_i) <- names(childrenCount)

  # Allocating m_i to the children taxa at last.
  # Diversity mode:
  #   Normal: allocate ensuring that any two taxa differ by at most 1 if
  #           m_i < n_i (or m_i < childrenCount), but allow more if one taxon
  #           has m_i == n_i.
  #   Randomize: if we don't have the m fully distributed over m_i (children),
  #              choose a random child from childrenCount that still has taxa
  #              available to choose.
  # Balance mode:
  #   Normal: ensure two taxa allocation (m_i) differ at most by 1.
  #   Randomize: fully random child sampling, uniform distribution among taxa.
  if (sampling == "agnostic") {
    if (method == "diversity" & randomize == "no") {
      while (m > 0 & length(childrenCount[childrenCount > m_i]) <= m) {
        child <- names(childrenCount[childrenCount > m_i])
#      child <- sample(names(childrenCount[childrenCount > m_i]), 1)
        m_i[child] <- m_i[child] + 1
        m <- m - length(child)
#      m <- m - 1
      child <- sample(names(childrenCount[childrenCount > m_i]), m)
      m_i[child] <- m_i[child] + 1
#    m <- m - 1
    else if (method == "diversity" & randomize == "after_first_round") {
      first_round = 0
      # if there's enough to sample at least one entry per lineage, do it to increase diversity
      while (m > 0 & length(childrenCount[childrenCount > m_i]) <= m & first_round == 0) {
        child <- names(childrenCount[childrenCount > m_i])
        #      child <- sample(names(childrenCount[childrenCount > m_i]), 1)
        m_i[child] <- m_i[child] + 1
        m <- m - length(child)
        first_round = 1
        #      m <- m - 1
      while (m > 0 & length(childrenCount[childrenCount > m_i]) > 0) {
        child <- sample(names(childrenCount[childrenCount > m_i]), 1)
        m_i[child] <- m_i[child] + 1
        m <- m - 1
    else if (method == "diversity" & randomize == "yes") {
      while (m > 0 & length(childrenCount[childrenCount > m_i]) > 0) {
        child <- sample(names(childrenCount[childrenCount > m_i]), 1)
        m_i[child] <- m_i[child] + 1
        m <- m - 1
    else if (method == "balance" & randomize == "no") {
      m_i <- m_i + floor(m / length(names(childrenCount)))
      sampledChildren <- sample(names(childrenCount), m - sum(m_i))
      m_i[sampledChildren] <- m_i[sampledChildren] + 1
    else if (method == "balance" & randomize == "yes") {
      m_i <- table(sample(names(childrenCount), m, replace = TRUE))

  # Require specific IDs (and their parents/ancestors) to be present.
  # If any required ID has a lower m_i allocated than needed (informed by
  # requireIDs), reallocate from another ID in m_i.
#  if (!is.null(requireIDs)) {
#    req <- is.element(names(m_i), names(requireIDs))
#    toAdd <- m_i[req] < requireIDs[names(m_i[req])]
#    if (randomize == "no") {
#      while (any(toAdd)) {
#        subtract <- m_i[setdiff(names(m_i), names(toAdd))]
#        subtract <- sample(names(subtract[subtract == max(subtract)]), 1)
#        m_i[subtract] <- m_i[subtract] - 1
#        add <- sample(names(toAdd[toAdd == TRUE]), 1)
#        m_i[add] <- m_i[add] + 1
#        toAdd <- m_i[req] < requireIDs[names(m_i[req])]
#      }
#    } else if (randomize == "yes") {
#      while (any(toAdd)) {
#        subtract <- m_i[setdiff(names(m_i), names(toAdd))]
#        subtract <- sample(names(subtract[subtract > 0]), 1)
#        m_i[subtract] <- m_i[subtract] - 1
#        add <- sample(names(toAdd[toAdd == TRUE]), 1)
#        m_i[add] <- m_i[add] + 1
#        toAdd <- m_i[req] < requireIDs[names(m_i[req])]
#      }
#    }
#  }
  else if (sampling == "known_species") {
    if (method == "diversity" & randomize == "no") {
      while (m > 0 & length(childrenCount[childrenCount > m_i]) <= m) {
        child <- names(childrenCount[childrenCount > m_i])
        #      child <- sample(names(childrenCount[childrenCount > m_i]), 1)
        m_i[child] <- m_i[child] + 1
        m <- m - length(child)
        #      m <- m - 1
      # If there's still sequences to sample, get one using the taxon diversity as probability values
      if ((m > 0)) {
        child <- sample(names(childrenCount[childrenCount > m_i]), m, prob = childrenCountSpp[childrenCount > m_i]/sum(childrenCountSpp[childrenCount > m_i]))
        m_i[child] <- m_i[child] + 1
#      child <- sample(names(childrenCount[childrenCount > m_i]), m)
#      m_i[child] <- m_i[child] + 1

      #    m <- m - 1
    else if (method == "diversity" & randomize == "after_first_round") {
      first_round = 0
      while (m > 0 & length(childrenCount[childrenCount > m_i]) <= m & first_round == 0) {
        child <- names(childrenCount[childrenCount > m_i])
        #      child <- sample(names(childrenCount[childrenCount > m_i]), 1)
        m_i[child] <- m_i[child] + 1
        m <- m - length(child)
        #      m <- m - 1
        first_round = first_round + 1
      while (m > 0 & length(childrenCount[childrenCount > m_i]) > 0) {
        child <- sample(names(childrenCount[childrenCount > m_i]), 1, prob = childrenCountSpp[childrenCount > m_i]/sum(childrenCountSpp[childrenCount > m_i]))
        m_i[child] <- m_i[child] + 1
        m <- m - 1
      #    m <- m - 1

    else if (method == "diversity" & randomize == "yes") {
      while (m > 0 & length(childrenCount[childrenCount > m_i]) > 0) {
        tmp <- childrenCountSpp[childrenCount > m_i]/sum(childrenCountSpp[childrenCount > m_i])
        child <- sample(names(childrenCount[childrenCount > m_i]), 1, prob = childrenCountSpp[childrenCount > m_i]/sum(childrenCountSpp[childrenCount > m_i]))
        m_i[child] <- m_i[child] + 1
        m <- m - 1
    } else if (method == "balance" & randomize == "no") {
      m_i <- m_i + floor(m / length(names(childrenCount)))
      sampledChildren <- sample(names(childrenCount), m - sum(m_i), prob = childrenCountSpp/sum(childrenCountSpp))
      m_i[sampledChildren] <- m_i[sampledChildren] + 1
    else if (method == "balance" & randomize == "yes") {
      m_i <- table(sample(names(childrenCount), m, replace = TRUE, prob = childrenCountSpp/sum(childrenCountSpp)))

    # Require specific IDs (and their parents/ancestors) to be present.
    # If any required ID has a lower m_i allocated than needed (informed by
    # requireIDs), reallocate from another ID in m_i.
    #  if (!is.null(requireIDs)) {
    #    req <- is.element(names(m_i), names(requireIDs))
    #    toAdd <- m_i[req] < requireIDs[names(m_i[req])]
    #    if (randomize == "no") {
    #      while (any(toAdd)) {
    #        subtract <- m_i[setdiff(names(m_i), names(toAdd))]
    #        subtract <- sample(names(subtract[subtract == max(subtract)]), 1)
    #        m_i[subtract] <- m_i[subtract] - 1
    #        add <- sample(names(toAdd[toAdd == TRUE]), 1)
    #        m_i[add] <- m_i[add] + 1
    #        toAdd <- m_i[req] < requireIDs[names(m_i[req])]
    #      }
    #    } else if (randomize == "yes") {
    #      while (any(toAdd)) {
    #        subtract <- m_i[setdiff(names(m_i), names(toAdd))]
    #        subtract <- sample(names(subtract[subtract > 0]), 1)
    #        m_i[subtract] <- m_i[subtract] - 1
    #        add <- sample(names(toAdd[toAdd == TRUE]), 1)
    #        m_i[add] <- m_i[add] + 1
    #        toAdd <- m_i[req] < requireIDs[names(m_i[req])]
    #      }
    #    }
    #  }
  } else {
    stop("Parameter sampling must be either agnostic or known_species")
  outputIDs <- character(0)
  for (id in names(m_i)) {
    if (m_i[id] == 0) {
    } else if (id == as.character(taxon)) {
      outputIDs <- c(outputIDs, id)
    } else {
      outputIDs <- c(outputIDs,
                     TS_Algorithm_Recursion(id, m_i[id], nodes, countIDs,
                                            method, randomize, replacement,
                                            requireIDs, sampling))


TS_Algorithm <- function(taxon, m, nodes, countIDs, method = "diversity",
                         randomize = "no", replacement = "no",
                         ignoreIDs = NULL, requireIDs = NULL,
                         ignoreNonLeafID = NULL, sampling = "agnostic") {
  # Wrapper for the Taxon Sampling. Provides support for performance, for
  # ignoring specific taxon IDs, and for requiring specific taxon IDs.
  # Args:
  #   taxon: (char/integer) Taxon from which to start sampling children taxa.
  #   m: (integer) size of the sample to generate.
  #   nodes: (data.frame) pre-processed information about the NCBI taxonomy
  #                       structure. Created by getnodes() from the CHNOSZ
  #                       package.
  #   countIDs: (vector) count of how many taxnomoy IDs belong to each taxon,
  #                      created by TS_TaxonomyData().
  #   replacement: (char) whether the algorithm allows to repeat IDs in order
  #                       to maximize taxonomy diversity and to reach m IDs
  #                       in the output.
  #   randomize: (char) whether the algorithm will choose IDs randomly or
  #                  maintaining a balanced allocation (m_i differing by no
  #                  more than 1 if the maximum possible value wasn't reached).
  #   method: (char) whether it favors balanced taxa representation
  #                  (method = "balance") or maximized taxa representation
  #                  (method = "diversity").
  #   ignoreIDs: (char) IDs that mustn't appear in the output.
  #   requireIDs: (char) IDs that must appear in the output.
  #   ignoreNonLeafID: (char) (testing) a non-leaf ID to ignore; won't apply
  #                           to leaf nodes and won't exclude its children from
  #                           the analysis, unlike ignoreIDs.
  #   sampling: (char) whether to sample species in an agnostic manner ("agnostic")
  #                    or based on known species diversity ("known_species")
  # Returns:
  #   outputIDs: (vector) vector of IDs with maximized taxonomy balance
  #                       or diversity.

  # Reduce the node information to the necessary only, reduces search time.
  Simplify_Nodes(nodes, countIDs)

  if (!is.null(ignoreIDs)) {
    ignoreIDs <- as.integer(ignoreIDs)

    # Sanity check: filter IDs that aren't part of NCBI notation.
    if (!all(is.element(ignoreIDs, nodes$id))) {
      cat("Warning: the following inputs are not part of NCBI taxonomy IDs",
          "and will be ignored.\n",
          ignoreIDs[!is.element(ignoreIDs, nodes$id)], "\n")
      ignoreIDs <- ignoreIDs[is.element(ignoreIDs, nodes$id)]

    # Sanity check: unique ID inputs, remove duplicates.
    if (any(duplicated(ignoreIDs))) {
      cat("Warning: some required IDs are repeated,",
          "using only one instance of each.\n",
          ignoreIDs[duplicated(ignoreIDs)], "\n")
      ignoreIDs <- unique(ignoreIDs)

    # Make sure none of the ignoreIDs is a parent/ancestor of another.
    # It eases the processing of the following steps.
    for (id in ignoreIDs) {
      if (any(is.element(ignoreIDs[ignoreIDs != id],
                         allparents(id, nodes = nodes)))) {
        ignoreIDs <- ignoreIDs[ignoreIDs != id]

    # Subtract the presence of the ignoreIDs from the countIDs.
    for (id in ignoreIDs) {
      parentIDs <- as.character(allparents(id, nodes = nodes))
      countIDs[parentIDs] <- countIDs[parentIDs] - countIDs[as.character(id)]
    countIDs <- countIDs[countIDs > 0]

    # Pruning the children of removed nodes.
    orphans <- nodes$id[!is.element(nodes$parent, names(countIDs)) &
                         is.element(nodes$id, names(countIDs))]
    while (length(orphans) > 0) {
      countIDs <- countIDs[setdiff(names(countIDs), orphans)]
      orphans <- nodes$id[!is.element(nodes$parent, names(countIDs)) &
                           is.element(nodes$id, names(countIDs))]

  if (!is.null(ignoreNonLeafID)) {
    ignoreNonLeafID <- as.integer(ignoreNonLeafID)

    # Sanity check: filter IDs that aren't part of NCBI notation.
    if (!all(is.element(ignoreNonLeafID, nodes$id))) {
      cat("Warning: the following inputs are not part of NCBI taxonomy IDs",
          "and will be ignored.\n",
          ignoreNonLeafID[!is.element(ignoreNonLeafID, nodes$id)], "\n")
      ignoreNonLeafID <- ignoreNonLeafID[is.element(ignoreNonLeafID, nodes$id)]

    # Sanity check: unique ID inputs, remove duplicates.
    if (any(duplicated(ignoreNonLeafID))) {
      cat("Warning: some required IDs are repeated,",
          "using only one instance of each.\n",
          ignoreNonLeafID[duplicated(ignoreNonLeafID)], "\n")
      ignoreNonLeafID <- unique(ignoreNonLeafID)

    # Make sure every ignoreNonLeafID is not a leaf node
    # (i.e. not just a consequence of its children).
    for (id in ignoreNonLeafID) {
      children <- nodes$id[nodes$parent == id & nodes$id != id]
      children <- intersect(children, names(countIDs))
      childrenSum <- sum(countIDs[as.character(children)])
      if (childrenSum > 0 & childrenSum < countIDs[as.character(id)]) {
        countIDs[as.character(id)] <- childrenSum

  if (!is.null(requireIDs)) {
    requireIDs <- as.integer(requireIDs)

    # Sanity check: only IDs that are present in the input.
    if (!all(is.element(requireIDs, nodes$id))) {
      cat("Warning: the following required IDs are not part of your input",
          "and will be ignored.\n",
          requireIDs[!is.element(requireIDs, nodes$id)], "\n")
      requireIDs <- requireIDs[is.element(requireIDs, nodes$id)]

    # Sanity check: remove IDs that has any ignoreIDs as its parent.
    if (!all(is.element(requireIDs, names(countIDs)))) {
      cat("Warning: the following required IDs are children or part of your",
          "ignored IDs and will be ignored.\n",
          requireIDs[!is.element(requireIDs, names(countIDs))], "\n")
      requireIDs <- requireIDs[is.element(requireIDs, names(countIDs))]

    # Sanity check: unique ID inputs, remove duplicates.
    if (any(duplicated(requireIDs))) {
      cat("Warning: some required IDs are repeated,",
          "using only one instance of each.\n",
          requireIDs[duplicated(requireIDs)], "\n")
      requireIDs <- unique(requireIDs)

    if (length(requireIDs) > 0) {
      requireIDs <- TS_TaxonomyData(requireIDs, nodes)
    } else {
      requireIDs <- NULL
#      print("Here!")

  # Reduce, once again, the node information to the necessary only,
  # reduces search time.
  Simplify_Nodes(nodes, countIDs)

  # Ensure m <= number of valid ids.
  if (!is.null(idsFile) & isTRUE(file.exists(as.character(idsFile)))) { #parsing variable if file
    ids <- read.table(idsFile, sep = "\t", header = FALSE, comment.char = "")
    ids <- ids[, 1]
  } else { #getting ids if list of IDs
    ids <- as.integer(idsFile)  # assume it's a or, for now

  if (m > length(intersect(ids, names(countIDs)))) {
    m <- length(intersect(ids, names(countIDs)))

  # Call the TS algorithm itself.
  outputIDs <- TS_Algorithm_Recursion(taxon, m, nodes, countIDs, method,
                                      randomize, replacement, ignoreIDs, requireIDs, ignoreNonLeafID, sampling)


RandomSampling <- function(idsFile, nodes, n = 100) {
  # Checks valid taxonomy IDs and samples them under an uniform distribution.
  # Created for validation only.
  # Args:
  #   idsFile: (char/int) either a path to a file with the input taxon IDs, or
  #                       a vector with the IDs themselves, in either integer
  #                       or character format.
  #   nodes: (data.frame) pre-processed information about the NCBI taxonomy
  #                       structure. Created by getnodes() from the CHNOSZ
  #                       package.
  #   n: (int) number of IDs to sample.
  # Returns:
  #   randomIDs: (int) sampled IDs under an uniform distribution.

  # Get ids to search
  if (!is.null(idsFile) & isTRUE(file.exists(as.character(idsFile)))) {
    ids <- read.table(idsFile, sep = "\t", header = FALSE, comment.char = "",
                      strip.white = TRUE)
    ids <- ids[, 1]
  } else {
    ids <- as.integer(idsFile)  # assume it's a or, for now

  # Sanity check: filter IDs that aren't part of NCBI notation.
  if (!all(is.element(ids, nodes$id))) {
    cat("Warning: the following inputs are not part of NCBI taxonomy IDs",
        "and will be ignored.\n",
        ids[!is.element(ids, nodes$id)], "\n")
    ids <- ids[is.element(ids, nodes$id)]

  # Sanity check: unique ID inputs, remove duplicates.
  if (any(duplicated(ids))) {
    cat("Warning: some ids are repeated, using only one instance of each.\n",
        ids[duplicated(ids)], "\n")
    ids <- unique(ids)

  # Random sampling
  randomIDs <- sample(ids, n)

Evaluate_TS <- function(outputIDs, nodes, countIDs) {
  # Collect metrics about the taxon diversity of a sample (outputIDs).
  # Args:
  #   outputIDs: (vector) vector of IDs to evaluate.
  #   nodes: (data.frame) pre-processed information about the NCBI taxonomy
  #                       structure. Created by getnodes() from the CHNOSZ
  #                       package.
  #   countIDs: (vector) count of how many taxnomoy IDs belong to each taxon,
  #                      created by TS_TaxonomyData().
  #   level: (int) which rank level (from NCBI's taxonomy structure) to
  #                evaluate outoutIDs.
  # Returns:
  #   listTaxon: (char) children taxa selected at least once per level.

  selectedIDs <- TS_TaxonomyData(outputIDs, nodes)
  listTaxon <- list()
  listBias <- list()

  # Find the sub-taxa (children nodes) of the current taxon
  children <- 1
  while (length(children) > 0) {
    taxon <- as.integer(children)
    children <- nodes$id[is.element(nodes$parent, taxon) &
                         !is.element(nodes$id, taxon)]
    children <- intersect(children, names(countIDs))

    selectedChildren <- intersect(children, names(selectedIDs))
    listTaxon <- c(listTaxon, list(selectedChildren))

  # Metric: bias
  # Description: how much the data differs from the uniform distribution among
  #              the children sharing the same parent taxon, over the
  #              current taxonomic level.

#  children <- 1
#  while (length(children) > 0) {
#    taxon <- as.integer(children)
#    children <- nodes$id[is.element(nodes$parent, taxon) &
#                         !is.element(nodes$id, taxon)]
#    children <- intersect(children, names(countIDs))
#    levelBias <- 0
#    for (parent in taxon) {
#      parent <- as.character(parent)
#      countChildren <- countIDs[nodes$parent == parent & nodes$id != parent]
#      levelBias <- levelBias + sd(countChildren)
#    }
#    listBias <- c(listBias, list(levelBias))
#  }

fcampelo/TaxonSampling documentation built on Jan. 29, 2022, 7:11 a.m.