
funs <- local(
    solveRidgeRegression = function(mat, y, beta=rep(0,NCOL(x)), epsilon=1e-6) {
      # loglik
      f <-function(b) {
        eta <- mat %*% b
        l <- sum((y-eta)^2)/2
        l + sum(epsilon*b^2)/2
      # gradient of loglik
      g <-function(b) {
        eta <- mat %*% b
        l <- t(mat) %*% (eta - y)
        l + epsilon*b
      # optimize
      m <- optim( fn=f , gr=g , par=beta, control=list(trace=0) , method="BFGS")

    over_gamma = function(x, V_sh, X_sh, beta_sh, gamma_sh, epsilon_gamma,
      j = currentBlockId()
      Xbeta <- X_sh[j,] %*% beta_sh
      out <- solveRidgeRegression(mat = V_sh, y = as.vector(x - Xbeta),
                                  beta = gamma_sh[,intervall[j]],
                                  epsilon = epsilon_gamma)
      gamma_sh[,intervall[j]] <- out

    over_beta = function(x, X_sh, V_sh,gamma_sh, beta_sh, epsilon_beta,
      j = currentBlockId()
      Vgamma <- t(V_sh[j,] %*% gamma_sh)
      out <- solveRidgeRegression(mat=X_sh, y=as.vector(x - Vgamma),
                                  beta = beta_sh[,intervall[j]],
                                  epsilon = epsilon_beta)
      beta_sh[,intervall[j]] <- out
    nb.loglik = function(Y, mu, theta) {
      # log-probabilities of counts under the NB model
      logPnb <- suppressWarnings(dnbinom(Y, size = theta, mu = mu, log = TRUE))
    over_calc_ll = function(x, X_sh, V_sh, gamma_sh, beta_sh, W_sh, alpha_sh, zeta_sh, intervall){
      j = currentBlockId()
      theta <- exp(zeta_sh[j])
      mu <- exp(X_sh %*% beta_sh[,j] + t(V_sh[j,] %*% gamma_sh) +
                  W_sh %*% alpha_sh[,j])
      loglik <- nb.loglik(x, mu=mu, theta)
    nb.regression.parseModel = function(par, A.mu, B.mu, C.mu) {
      n <- nrow(A.mu)
      logMu <- C.mu
      dim.par <- rep(0,2)
      start.par <- rep(NA,2)
      i <- 0
      j <- ncol(A.mu)
      if (j>0) {
        logMu <- logMu + A.mu %*% par[(i+1):(i+j)]
        dim.par[1] <- j
        start.par[1] <- i+1
        i <- i+j
      j <- ncol(B.mu)
      if (j>0) {
        logMu <- logMu + B.mu %*% par[(i+1):(i+j)]
        dim.par[2] <- j
        start.par[2] <- i+1
      return(list(logMu=logMu, dim.par=dim.par,
    nb.loglik.regression = function(par, Y,
                                     A.mu = matrix(nrow=length(Y), ncol=0),
                                     B.mu = matrix(nrow=length(Y), ncol=0),
                                     C.mu = matrix(0, nrow=length(Y), ncol=1),
                                     C.theta = matrix(0, nrow=length(Y), ncol=1),
                                     epsilon=0) {
      # Parse the model
      r <- nb.regression.parseModel(par=par,
                                    A.mu = A.mu,
                                    B.mu = B.mu,
                                    C.mu = C.mu)
      # Call the log likelihood function
      z <- nb.loglik(Y, exp(r$logMu), exp(C.theta))
      # Penalty
      z <- z - sum(epsilon*par^2)/2
    nb.loglik.regression.gradient = function(par, Y,
                                              A.mu = matrix(nrow=length(Y), ncol=0),
                                              B.mu = matrix(nrow=length(Y), ncol=0),
                                              C.mu = matrix(0, nrow=length(Y),
                                              C.theta = matrix(0, nrow=length(Y),
                                              epsilon=0) {
      # Parse the model
      r <- nb.regression.parseModel(par=par,
                                    A.mu = A.mu,
                                    B.mu = B.mu,
                                    C.mu = C.mu)
      theta <- exp(C.theta)
      mu <- exp(r$logMu)
      n <- length(Y)
      # Check what we need to compute,
      # depending on the variables over which we optimize
      need.wres.mu <- r$dim.par[1] >0 || r$dim.par[2] >0
      # Compute the partial derivatives we need
      ## w.r.t. mu
      if (need.wres.mu) {
        wres_mu <- numeric(length = n)
        wres_mu <- Y - mu *
          (Y + theta)/(mu + theta)
        wres_mu <- as.vector(wres_mu)
      # Make gradient
      grad <- numeric(0)
      ## w.r.t. a_mu
      if (r$dim.par[1] >0) {
        istart <- r$start.par[1]
        iend <- r$start.par[1]+r$dim.par[1]-1
        grad <- c(grad , colSums(wres_mu * A.mu) -
      ## w.r.t. b
      if (r$dim.par[2] >0) {
        istart <- r$start.par[2]
        iend <- r$start.par[2]+r$dim.par[2]-1
        grad <- c(grad , colSums(wres_mu * B.mu) -
    nb.loglik.dispersion = function(zeta, Y, mu){
      nb.loglik(Y, mu, exp(zeta))
    nb.loglik.dispersion.gradient = function(zeta, Y, mu) {
      theta <- exp(zeta)
      grad <- theta * (digamma(Y + theta) - digamma(theta) +
                         zeta - log(mu + theta) + 1 -
                         (Y + theta)/(mu + theta) ) 
      grad <-sum(grad)
    over_optd = function(x, zeta_tmp, intervall, X_tmp,
                          beta_tmp, V_tmp, gamma_tmp, W_tmp, alpha_tmp){
      j = currentBlockId()
      mu <- exp(X_tmp %*% beta_tmp[,j] + t(V_tmp[j,] %*% gamma_tmp) +
                  W_tmp %*% alpha_tmp[,j])
      res <-optim(fn=locfun,
                  Y = x,
                  mu = mu,
      zeta_sh[intervall[j]] <- res
    locfun = function(par, Y, mu){
      nb.loglik.dispersion(zeta = par, Y, mu)
    locgrad = function(par, Y, mu){
      nb.loglik.dispersion.gradient(zeta = par, Y, mu)
    f_temp_d = function(x){
      zeta_sh[x] <- optim(fn=locfun,
                          Y = Y_sh[,x],
                          mu = mu_sh[,x],
    f_temp_r = function(x){
      out <- optimright_fun_nb(
        beta_sh[,x,drop=FALSE], alpha_sh[,x,drop=FALSE],
        Y_sh[,x,drop=FALSE], X_sh,
        W_sh, V_sh[x,,drop=FALSE],
        gamma_sh, zeta_sh[x],
        nrow(Y_sh), epsilonright)$par
      params <- split_params(out, "right")
      beta_sh[,x] <- params$beta
      alpha_sh[,x] <- params$alpha

    over_optr = function(x, beta_tmp, alpha_tmp, X_tmp , W_tmp,
                          V_tmp , gamma_tmp , zeta_tmp,
                          n , epsilonright, intervall ){
      j = currentBlockId()
      out <- optimright_fun_nb(
        beta_tmp[,j], alpha_tmp[,j], x, X_tmp,
        W_tmp, V_tmp[j,], gamma_tmp, zeta_tmp[j],
        n, epsilonright)$par
      params <- split_params(out, "right")
      beta_sh[,intervall[j]] <- params$beta
      alpha_sh[,intervall[j]] <- params$alpha
    optimright_fun_nb = function(beta, alpha, Y, X, W,
                                  V, gamma, zeta, n, epsilonright) {
      optim( fn=nb.loglik.regression,
             par=c(beta, alpha),
             A.mu=cbind(X, W),
             C.mu=t(V %*% gamma),
             C.theta=matrix(zeta, nrow =n, ncol=1),
             control=list(fnscale = -1,trace=0),
    f_temp_l = function(x){
      out <- optimleft_fun_nb(gamma_sh[,x],
                              W_sh[x,], Y_sh[x,] , V_sh, alpha_sh,
                              X_sh[x,], beta_sh, zeta_sh, epsilonleft)$par
      par <- split_params(out, eq = "left")
      gamma_sh[,x] <- par$gamma
      W_sh[x,] <- par$W
    over_optl = function(x, gamma_tmp,  W_tmp, V_tmp , alpha_tmp,
                          X_tmp ,beta_tmp, zeta_tmp ,
                          epsilonleft, intervall){
      i = currentBlockId()
      out <- optimleft_fun_nb(gamma_tmp[,i],
                              W_tmp[i,], x , V_tmp, alpha_tmp,
                              X_tmp[i,], beta_tmp, zeta_tmp, epsilonleft)$par
      params <- split_params(out, eq = "left")
      gamma_sh[,intervall[i]] <- params$gamma
      W_sh[intervall[i],] <- params$W
    optimleft_fun_nb = function(gamma, W, Y, V, alpha,
                                 X, beta, zeta, epsilonleft) {
      optim( fn=nb.loglik.regression,
             par=c(gamma, t(W)),
             control=list(fnscale = -1,trace=0),
    split_params = function(merged, eq = NA) {
      if(eq == "right"){
        beta_num <- nrow(beta_sh)
        alpha_num <- nrow(alpha_sh)
          beta = merged[seq.int(from = 1, length.out = beta_num)],
          alpha = merged[seq.int(from = beta_num+1, length.out = alpha_num)]
      } else {
        gamma_num <- nrow(gamma_sh)
        W_num <- ncol(W_sh)
          gamma = merged[seq.int(from = 1, length.out = gamma_num)],
          W = merged[seq.int(from = gamma_num+1, length.out = W_num)]
      gamma_init = function(k) {
        Xbeta <- X_sh %*% beta_sh
        step <- ceiling(nrow(Y_sh) / children)
        j1 <- (k-1) * step + 1
        j2 <- min(k * step, nrow(Y_sh))
        intervall <- seq.int(from = j1, to = j2)
          gamma_sh[,x] <- solveRidgeRegression( mat = V_sh, y = L_sh[x,] - Xbeta[x,],
                                                beta = gamma_sh[,x],
                                                epsilon = epsilon_gamma)
      delayed_gamma_init = function(k) {
        step <- ceiling(nrow(L_sh) / children)
        j1 <- (k-1) * step + 1
        j2 <- min(k * step, nrow(L_sh))
        intervall <- seq.int(from = j1, to = j2)
          x = L_sh[intervall,],
          FUN = over_gamma,
          grid = DelayedArray::RegularArrayGrid(
            refdim = dim(L_sh[intervall,]),
            spacings = c( 1L, ncol(L_sh[intervall,]))),
          BPPARAM = NULL,
          V_sh = V_sh, X_sh =X_sh[intervall,,drop=FALSE], beta_sh = beta_sh,
          gamma_sh = gamma_sh, epsilon_gamma = epsilon_gamma,
          intervall = intervall)
      beta_init = function(k) {
        Vgamma <- t(V_sh %*% gamma_sh)
        step <- ceiling(ncol(Y_sh) / children)
        j1 <- (k-1) * step + 1
        j2 <- min(k * step, ncol(Y_sh))
        intervall <- seq.int(from = j1, to = j2)
        lapply(intervall, function(x){
          beta_sh[,x]<-solveRidgeRegression(mat=X_sh, y=L_sh[,x] - Vgamma[,x],
                                            beta = beta_sh[,x],
                                            epsilon = epsilon_beta)
      delayed_beta_init = function(k) {
        step <- ceiling(ncol(L_sh) / children)
        j1 <- (k-1) * step + 1
        j2 <- min(k * step, ncol(L_sh))
        intervall <- seq.int(from = j1, to = j2)
          x = L_sh[,intervall],
          FUN = over_beta,
          grid = DelayedArray::RegularArrayGrid(
            refdim = dim(L_sh[,intervall]),
            spacings = c(nrow(L_sh[,intervall]), 1L)),
          BPPARAM = NULL,
          X_sh = X_sh, V_sh = V_sh[intervall,,drop=FALSE], gamma_sh = gamma_sh,
          beta_sh = beta_sh, epsilon_beta = epsilon_beta,
          intervall = intervall)

      delayed_ll = function(k){
        step <- ceiling(ncol(Y_sh) / children)
        j1 <- (k-1) * step + 1
        j2 <- min(k * step, ncol(Y_sh))
        intervall <- seq.int(from = j1, to = j2)
        ll <- sum(unlist(DelayedArray::blockApply(
          x = Y_sh[,intervall],
          FUN = "over_calc_ll",
          grid = DelayedArray::RegularArrayGrid(
            refdim = dim(Y_sh[,intervall]),
            spacings = c(nrow(Y_sh[,intervall]), 1L)),
          BPPARAM = NULL,
          X_sh = X_sh, V_s = V_sh[intervall,,drop=FALSE], gamma_sh = gamma_sh,
          beta_sh = beta_sh[,intervall,drop=FALSE], W_sh = W_sh, alpha_sh = alpha_sh[,intervall],
          zeta_sh = zeta_sh[intervall], intervall = intervall)))
      optim_genwise_dispersion = function(k, num_gene, iter) {
        step <- ceiling(ncol(Y_sh) / children)
        j1 <- (k-1) * step + 1
        j2 <- min(k * step, ncol(Y_sh))
        if(is.null(num_gene) || iter == 1){
          intervall <- seq.int(from = j1, to = j2)
        } else {
          intervall <- sample(x = seq.int(from = j1, to = j2),
                              size = num_gene/children)
        lapply(intervall, f_temp_d)
      optim_genwise_dispersion_delayed = function(k,Y, num_gene, iter) {
        step <- ceiling(ncol(Y) / children)
        j1 <- (k-1) * step + 1
        j2 <- min(k * step, ncol(Y))
        if(is.null(num_gene) || iter == 1){
          intervall <- seq.int(from = j1, to = j2)
        } else {
          intervall <- sample(x = seq.int(from = j1, to = j2),
                              size = num_gene/children)
          x = Y[,intervall],
          FUN = over_optd,
          grid = DelayedArray::RegularArrayGrid(
            refdim = dim(Y[,intervall]),
            spacings = c(nrow(Y[,intervall]), 1L)),
          BPPARAM = NULL,
          zeta_tmp = zeta_sh[intervall],
          intervall = intervall, X_tmp = X_sh,
          beta_tmp = beta_sh[,intervall,drop=FALSE], V_tmp = V_sh[intervall,,drop=FALSE],
          gamma_tmp  = gamma_sh, W_tmp = W_sh, alpha_tmp = alpha_sh[,intervall])
      optimr = function(k, num_gene, iter) {
        step <- ceiling(ncol(Y_sh) / children)
        j1 <- (k-1) * step + 1
        j2 <- min(k * step, ncol(Y_sh))
        if(is.null(num_gene) || iter == 1){
          intervall <- seq.int(from = j1, to = j2)
        } else {
          intervall <- sample(x = seq.int(from = j1, to = j2),
                              size = num_gene/children)
        lapply(intervall, f_temp_r )
      optimr_delayed = function(k, num_gene, iter) {
        step <- ceiling(ncol(Y_sh) / children)
        j1 <- (k-1) * step + 1
        j2 <- min(k * step, ncol(Y_sh))
        if(is.null(num_gene) || iter == 1){
          intervall <- seq.int(from = j1, to = j2)
        } else {
          intervall <- sample(x = seq.int(from = j1, to = j2),
                              size = num_gene/children)
          x = Y_sh[,intervall],
          FUN = over_optr,
          grid = DelayedArray::RegularArrayGrid(
            refdim = dim(Y_sh[,intervall]),
            spacings = c(nrow(Y_sh[,intervall]), 1L)),
          BPPARAM = NULL,
          beta_tmp = beta_sh[,intervall, drop = FALSE],
          alpha_tmp = alpha_sh[,intervall, drop = FALSE],X_tmp = X_sh,
          W_tmp = W_sh, V_tmp = V_sh[intervall,,drop = FALSE], gamma_tmp = gamma_sh, 
          zeta_tmp = zeta_sh[intervall], n = nrow(Y_sh),epsilonright = epsilonright,
          intervall = intervall
      optiml = function(k, num_cell, iter){
        step <- ceiling( nrow(Y_sh) / children)
        j1 <- (k-1) * step + 1
        j2 <- min(k * step, nrow(Y_sh))
        if(is.null(num_cell) || iter == 1 ){
          intervall <- seq.int(from = j1, to = j2)
        } else {
          intervall <- sample(x = seq.int(from = j1, to = j2),
                              size = num_cell/children)
        lapply(intervall, f_temp_l )
      optiml_delayed = function(k, num_cell, iter){
        step <- ceiling( nrow(Y_sh) / children)
        j1 <- (k-1) * step + 1
        j2 <- min(k * step, nrow(Y_sh))
        if(is.null(num_cell)|| iter == 1){
          intervall <- seq.int(from = j1, to = j2)
        } else {
          intervall <- sample(x = seq.int(from = j1, to = j2),
                              size = num_cell/children)
          x = Y_sh[intervall,],
          FUN = over_optl,
          grid = DelayedArray::RegularArrayGrid(
            refdim = dim(Y_sh[intervall,]),
            spacings = c( 1L, ncol(Y_sh[intervall,]))),
          BPPARAM = NULL,
          gamma_tmp = gamma_sh[,intervall, drop = FALSE],
          W_tmp = W_sh[intervall,, drop = FALSE], V_tmp = V_sh,
          alpha_tmp = alpha_sh, X_tmp = X_sh[intervall,, drop = FALSE], beta_tmp = beta_sh,  
          zeta_tmp = zeta_sh, epsilonleft = epsilonleft,
          intervall = intervall)
    })(), env= .GlobalEnv)
fedeago/NewWave documentation built on March 28, 2022, 5:46 a.m.