
#     Leave these commands at the beginning.  They will refresh the session.               #

#      Here is the user defined variable section.                                          #

#----- Paths. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
here           = "/home/femeunier/Documents/ED2/R-utils"   # Current directory.
there          = "/home/femeunier/Documents/projects/Hackaton/LidarED/outputs/"    # Directory where analyses/history are
srcdir         = "/home/femeunier/Documents/ED2/R-utils" # Source  directory.
outroot        = "/home/femeunier/Documents/projects/Hackaton/LidarED/Figures/allom/" # Directory for figures

#----- Time options. ----------------------------------------------------------------------#
monthbeg       = 1   # First month to use
yearbeg        = 2007    # First year to consider
yearend        = 2007    # Maximum year to consider    = FALSE         # Should I reload partially loaded data?
pov.month      = 1            # Months for POV-Ray plots
pop.scale      = 1.0          # Scaling factor to REDUCE displayed population.
sasmonth       = 1

#----- Name of the simulations. -----------------------------------------------------------#
myplaces       = c("WythamPFT")

#----- Plot options. ----------------------------------------------------------------------#
depth          = 300                     # PNG resolution, in pixels per inch
paper          = "letter"               # Paper size, to define the plot shape
ptsz           = 14                     # Font size.
ibackground    = 0           # Background settings (check load_everything.r)

#------ Miscellaneous settings. -----------------------------------------------------------#
slz.min        = -5.0         # The deepest depth that trees access water.
idbh.type      = 1   # Type of DBH class
                              # 1 -- Every 10 cm until 100cm; > 100cm
                              # 2 -- 0-10; 10-20; 20-35; 35-50; 50-70; > 70 (cm)
                              # 3 -- 0-10; 10-35; 35-70; > 70 (cm)
klight         = 1     # Weighting factor for maximum carbon balance


#----- Loading some packages and scripts. -------------------------------------------------#

pov.patch.xmax <<-   20    # Size of each sub-plot in the x direction [m]
pov.patch.ymax <<-   20    # Size of each sub-plot in the y direction [m]
pov.nx.patch   <<-   7    # Number of sub-plots in each x transect
pov.ny.patch   <<-   5    # Number of sub-plots in each y transect
pov.nxy.patch  <<- pov.nx.patch  * pov.ny.patch <<- pov.nxy.patch * pov.patch.xmax * pov.patch.ymax
pov.x0         <<- rep( x     = -(pov.patch.xmax*pov.nx.patch)/2 + seq(from=0,to=pov.nx.patch-1) * pov.patch.xmax
                        , each = pov.ny.patch)
pov.y0         <<- rep( x     = -(pov.patch.ymax*pov.ny.patch)/2  + seq(from=0,to=pov.ny.patch-1) * pov.patch.ymax
                        , times  = pov.nx.patch)

#----- Avoid unecessary and extremely annoying beeps. -------------------------------------#

#----- Load observations. -----------------------------------------------------------------#
#obsrfile = paste(srcdir,"LBA_MIP.v8.RData",sep="/")

#----- Define plot window size ------------------------------------------------------------#
size = plotsize(proje=FALSE,paper=paper)

#---- Create the main output directory in case there is none. -----------------------------#
if (! file.exists(outroot)) dir.create(outroot)

#     Big place loop starts here...                                                        #
for (place in myplaces){

   #----- Retrieve default information about this place and set up some variables. --------#
   thispoi = locations(where=place,here=there,yearbeg=yearbeg,yearend=yearend

   if (!(dir.exists(file.path(there,'analy')))){
     inpref  = file.path(there,place)
   } else {
     inpref  = thispoi$pathin

   bnpref  = basename(inpref)
   outmain = paste(outroot,place,sep="/")
   outpref = paste(outmain,"povray",sep="/")
   lieu    = ifelse($lieu),place,thispoi$lieu)
   iata    = thispoi$iata
   suffix  = thispoi$iata
   yeara   = thispoi$yeara
   yearz   = thispoi$yearz
   meszz   = thispoi$monz

   #----- Create the directories in case they don't exist. --------------------------------#
   if (! file.exists(outmain)) dir.create(outmain)
   if (! file.exists(outpref)) dir.create(outpref)

   #     Find the total number of months that can be loaded this time.                     #
   ntimes     = 1

   #----- Print a banner to entretain the user. -------------------------------------------#
   cat(" + Post-processing output from ",lieu,"...","\n")

   #      Make the RData file name, then we check whether we must read the files again     #
   # or use the stored RData.                                                              #
   if (! file.exists(file.path(here,place))) dir.create(file.path(here,place))  = paste(here,place,"rdata_month",sep="/")
   if (! file.exists( dir.create(
   #ed22.rdata = paste(,paste(place,"RData",sep="."),sep="/")
   if ( && file.exists(ed22.rdata)){
      #----- Load the modelled dataset. ---------------------------------------------------#
      cat("   - Loading previous session...","\n")
      tresume = datum$ntimes + 1
      datum   = update.monthly( new.ntimes = ntimes
                              , old.datum  = datum
                              , montha     = monthbeg
                              , yeara      = yeara
                              , inpref     = inpref
                              , slz.min    = slz.min
                              )#end update.monthly
      cat("   - Starting new session...","\n")
      tresume    = 1
      datum      = create.monthly( ntimes  = ntimes
                                 , montha  = monthbeg
                                 , yeara   = yeara
                                 , inpref  = inpref
                                 , slz.min = slz.min
                                 )#end create.monthly
   }#end if

   #     Check whether we have anything to update.                                         #
   complete = tresume > ntimes

   #----- Copy some dimensions to scalars. ------------------------------------------------#
   nzg        = datum$nzg
   nzs        = datum$nzs
   ndcycle    = datum$ndcycle
   isoilflg   = datum$isoilflg
   slz        = datum$slz
   slxsand    = datum$slxsand
   slxclay    = datum$slxclay
   ntext      = datum$ntext
   soil.prop  = datum$soil.prop
   dslz       = datum$dslz
   soil.depth = datum$soil.depth
   soil.dry   = datum$soil.dry
   soil.poro  = datum$soil.poro
   ka         = datum$ka
   kz         = datum$kz

   #     Loop over all times in case there is anything new to be read.                     #
   if (! complete){

      #     This function will read the files.                                             #
      datum = read.q.files(datum=datum,ntimes=ntimes,tresume=tresume,sasmonth=sasmonth)

      #------ Save the data to the R object. ----------------------------------------------#
      #cat(" + Saving data to ",basename(ed22.rdata),"...","\n")
   }#end if (! complete)

   #     Copy some data to local variables.                                                #
   patch  = datum$patch
   cohort = datum$cohort

   years   = sort(unique(datum$year))
   pclabs  = paste("y",sprintf("%4.4i",years),"m",sprintf("%2.2i",pov.month),sep="")
   pcwhens = paste(mon2mmm(pov.month,cap1=TRUE),years,sep="-")
   pcouts  = paste(sprintf("%4.4i",years),sprintf("%2.2i",pov.month),sep="-")
   pcloop  = sequence(length(pclabs))

   for (w in pcloop){
      #----- Grab this time. --------------------------------------------------------------#
      pclab  = pclabs [w]
      pcwhen = pcwhens[w]
      pcout  = pcouts [w]
      cat (" + Creating POV-Ray image for ",pcwhen,"...","\n")

      #----- Copy some patch variables to local variables. --------------------------------#
      ipa      = patch$ipa [[pclab]]
      areapa   = patch$area[[pclab]]

      #----- Copy some cohort variables to local variables. -------------------------------#
      ipaco    = cohort$ipa[[pclab]]
      icoco    = cohort$ico[[pclab]]
      nplantco = round(cohort$nplant[[pclab]] * * pop.scale)
      dbhco    = cohort$dbh   [[pclab]]
      hiteco   = cohort$height  [[pclab]]
      pftco    = cohort$pft   [[pclab]]
      is_lianaco = (pftco==17)

      #----- Remove small plants to reduce the clutter. -----------------------------------#
      keep     = is.finite(dbhco) & ((!is_lianaco & dbhco >= pov.dbh.min) | (is_lianaco & dbhco >= pov.dbh.min_liana))
      ipaco    = ipaco   [keep]
      icoco    = icoco   [keep]
      nplantco = nplantco[keep]
      dbhco    = dbhco   [keep]
      hiteco   = hiteco   [keep]
      pftco    = pftco   [keep]

      #     Find the tree coordinates.                                                     #
      if (sum(keep) > 0){
         #----- Determine the quadricules where trees of each patch can go. ---------------#
         npatches    = length(areapa)
         nquadpa.1st = round( pov.nxy.patch * areapa )
         totquad     = sum(nquadpa.1st)
         off         = pov.nxy.patch - totquad
         nfix        = sample( c( rep( x = 0        , times = npatches-abs(off))
                                , rep( x = sign(off), times = abs(off)         )
                                )#end c
                             )#end sample
         nquadpa     = nquadpa.1st + nfix
         if (sum(nquadpa) != pov.nxy.patch){
            cat (" - NQUADPA.1ST: ",sum(nquadpa.1st),"\n")
            cat (" - NQUADPA    : ",sum(nquadpa)    ,"\n")
            cat (" - NXY.POV    : ",pov.nxy.patch   ,"\n")
            stop(" Not the correct number of patches")
         }#end if

         #      Create a list with the quadricules for each patch.  We double each count   #
         # to make sure each patch gets at least 2 numbers (so we can safely use 'sample'. #
         ipa.quad    = unlist(mapply(FUN=rep,x=ipa,each=2*nquadpa))
         quad        = split(x=rep(sample(pov.nxy.patch),each=2),f=ipa.quad)
         quad        = split(x=sort(rep(1:35,2)),f=ipa.quad)
         names(quad) = paste("patch",sprintf("%3.3i",sort(unique(ipa))),sep="_")

         #     Expand population variables.                                                #
         ipaco  = unlist(mapply(FUN=rep,x=ipaco,each=nplantco))
         dbhco  = unlist(mapply(FUN=rep,x=dbhco,each=nplantco))
         hiteco = unlist(mapply(FUN=rep,x=hiteco,each=nplantco))
         pftco  = unlist(mapply(FUN=rep,x=pftco,each=nplantco))
         nco    = sum(nplantco)

         #     Randomly assign the cohorts to the patches where they belong.               #
         #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------#  = table(ipaco)
         lab         = paste("patch",sprintf("%3.3i",as.integer(names(,sep="_")
         idx         = match(lab,names(quad))      = rep(0,times=length(quad))[idx] =
         quadco      = unlist( mapply( FUN      = sample
                                     , x        = quad
                                     , size     =
                                     , MoreArgs = list(replace=TRUE)
                                     )#end mapply
                             )#end unlist

         #     Assign coordinates for all cohorts.                                         #
         xco    = ( sample(x=0.1*(sequence(10*pov.patch.xmax)-0.5),size=nco,replace=TRUE)
                  + pov.x0[quadco] )
         yco    = ( sample(x=0.1*(sequence(10*pov.patch.ymax)-0.5),size=nco,replace=TRUE)
                  + pov.y0[quadco] )

         #     Make the labels.                                                            #
         povplant = rbind(       "//----- The plants. ---------------------------------//"
                         , rbind( paste("plant(", unlist( mapply( FUN = paste
                                                                , sprintf("%7.2f",dbhco  )
                                                                , sprintf("%2i"  ,pftco  )
                                                                , sprintf("%7.2f",xco    )
                                                                , sprintf("%7.2f",yco    )
                                                                , sprintf("%7.2f",hiteco )
                                                                , MoreArgs = list(sep=",")
                                                                )#end mapply
                                                        )#end unlist
                                       )#end paste
                         ,       "//---------------------------------------------------//"
                         )#end rbind
         povplant = rbind(       "//----- No plants. ----------------------------------//"
                        ,        "//---------------------------------------------------//"
                         )#end rbind
      }#end if

      #      Copy the POV-ray template file to the working directory and append the set-   #
      # tings for this time.                                                               #
      povscript = file.path(here,place,"polygon.pov")
      dummy     = file.copy(from="/home/femeunier/Documents/projects/Hackaton/LidarED/Figures/povray_template.pov",

      #      Decide the colour of the text depending on the background.                    #
      if (ibackground == 0){
         pigment = "       pigment  { color rgb <0. ,0. ,0. >}   "
      }else if (ibackground == 1){
         pigment = "       pigment  { color rgb <1. ,1. ,1. >}   "
      }else if (ibackground == 2){
         pigment = "       pigment  { color rgb <1. ,1. ,1. >}   "
      }#end if

      #      Append the title and time stamp.                                              #
      lesim    = unlist(strsplit(lieu,split="\n"))
      povtitle = NULL
      for (n in sequence(length(lesim))){
         yt       = sprintf("%7.1f",200 - 20 * (n-1))
         povtitle = rbind( povtitle
                         ,       "//----- The header. --------------------------------//"
                         , paste("text { ttf \"cyrvetic.ttf\" \"","","\" 5,0",sep="")
                         ,               pigment
                         ,       "       finish{ ambient 1.0 diffuse 0.0}"
                         ,       "       scale     <   12.0,   12.0,    0.1>"
                         ,       "       rotate    <   28.8,    0.0,    0.0>"
                         ,       "       rotate    <    0.0,   45.0,    0.0>"
                         , paste("       translate < -150.0,", yt,",  200.0>",sep="")
                         ,       "     }// end text"
                         ,       "//--------------------------------------------------//"
                         ,       " "
                         ,       " "
                         )#end rbind
      }#end for (n in 1:lesim)
      povstamp = rbind(       "//----- The time stamp. ----------------------------//"
                      , paste("text { ttf \"cyrvetic.ttf\" \"","","\" 5,0",sep="")
                      ,        pigment
                      ,       "       finish{ ambient 1.0 diffuse 0.0}"
                      ,       "       scale     <   12.0,   12.0,    0.1>"
                      ,       "       rotate    <   28.8,    0.0,    0.0>"
                      ,       "       rotate    <    0.0,   45.0,    0.0>"
                      ,       "       translate <  100.0,  180.0, -150.0>"
                      ,       "     }// end text"
                      ,       "//--------------------------------------------------//"
                      ,       " "
                      ,       " "
                      )#end rbind

      #      Append the title, stamp, and plants...                                        #
      write(x = povtitle, file = povscript, ncolumns = 1, append = TRUE)
      write(x = povstamp, file = povscript, ncolumns = 1, append = TRUE)
      write(x = povplant, file = povscript, ncolumns = 1, append = TRUE)

      #     Call POV-Ray (must use system, though...)                                      #
      povray  = Sys.which("povray")
      povray = "/usr/bin/povray"

      outtemp = file.path(tempdir(),paste(place,".png",sep=""))
      outfile = file.path(outpref,paste(bnpref,"-",pcout,".png",sep=""))

      povopts = paste("-D"
                     ,paste("+W",round(size$width*depth ),sep="")
                     ,sep = " "
                     )#end paste
      dummy   = system( command       = paste(povray,povopts,povscript,sep=" ")
                      , intern        = TRUE
                      , ignore.stdout = TRUE
                      , ignore.stderr = TRUE
                      )#end system
      dummy   = file.copy(from=outtemp,to=outfile,overwrite=TRUE)
      dummy   = file.remove(outtemp,povscript)
   }#end for (w in 1:pclabs)
}#end for (place in myplaces)
femeunier/LidarED documentation built on April 2, 2022, 3:28 a.m.