
check_params <- function(x){
  needtoexit = FALSE
  for(i in 1:length(x)){
      message("Seems this argument is null, please check: ", names(x[i]))
      needtoexit = TRUE
  if(needtoexit) stop("Some params are not defined properly, please check and resubmit.")

#' picard_rg
#' @export
#' @importFrom tools file_path_sans_ext
picard_rg <- function(x, 
                      samplename = opts_flow$get("samplename"),
                      ## convert these into get option also, only for this flow
                      rg_lane = opts_flow$get("rg_lane"),
                      rg_platform = opts_flow$get("rg_platform"),
                      rg_center = opts_flow$get("rg_center"),
                      java_exe = opts_flow$get("java_exe"),
                      java_mem = opts_flow$get("java_mem"),
                      java_tmp = opts_flow$get("java_tmp"),
                      picard_jar = opts_flow$get("picard_jar")){

  ## make this editable later ....
  rgid = rglb = rgsm = samplename
  rgpu = rg_lane
  ## add RG to the orignal bam name
  bamrg_files = sprintf("%s_rg.bam", tools::file_path_sans_ext(x))
  cmds = list(fixrg = sprintf("%s %s -Djava.io.tmpdir=%s -jar %s AddOrReplaceReadGroups INPUT=%s OUTPUT=%s SORT_ORDER=coordinate RGID='%s' RGLB='%s' RGPL='%s' RGPU='%s' RGSM='%s' RGCN='%s' VALIDATION_STRINGENCY=LENIENT",
                              java_exe, java_mem, java_tmp, picard_jar, 
                              x, bamrg_files, rgid, rglb, 
                              rg_platform, rgpu, rgsm, rg_center))
  flowmat = to_flowmat(cmds, samplename)
  ret = list(outfiles = bamrg_files, flowmat = flowmat)

#' Use picard's MergeSamFiles tool to merge bam/sam files
#' @description
#' The resulting file is sorted and index is created for it.
#' Validation stringency of inputs is kept as lenient.
#' Multi-threading is turned on by default, though in our experience this does
#' not seem to use a lot of threads.
#' @param x a vectors of files to merge
#' @param mergedbam
#' @param samplename
#' @param java_exe
#' @param java_mem
#' @param java_tmp
#' @param picard_dir
#' @export
picard_merge <- function(x,
                         samplename = opts_flow$get("samplename"),
                         java_exe = opts_flow$get("java_exe"),
                         java_mem = opts_flow$get("java_mem"),
                         java_tmp = opts_flow$get("java_tmp"),
                         picard_dir = opts_flow$get("picard_dir")){
  bam_list = paste("INPUT=", x, sep = "", collapse = " ")
  cmds = list(merge = sprintf("%s %s -Djava.io.tmpdir=%s -jar %s/picard.jar MergeSamFiles %s OUTPUT=%s ASSUME_SORTED=TRUE VALIDATION_STRINGENCY=LENIENT CREATE_INDEX=true USE_THREADING=true",
                              java_exe, java_mem, java_tmp, picard_dir, bam_list, mergedbam))
  ## --- INPUT is a NAMED list
  flowmat = to_flowmat(cmds, samplename)
  return(list(outfiles = mergedbam, flowmat = flowmat))

#' Title
#' @param x
#' @param mergedbam
#' @param samplename
#' @param java_exe
#' @param java_mem
#' @param java_tmp
#' @param picard_dir
#' @export
picard_bam_fastq <- function(bam,
                             samplename = opts_flow$get("samplename"),
                             paired = TRUE,
                             split = FALSE,
                             num_reads = 8000000,
                             split_fq_exe = system.file("scripts/split_fq", package = "ngsflows"),
                             java_exe = opts_flow$get("java_exe"),
                             java_mem = opts_flow$get("java_mem"),
                             java_tmp = opts_flow$get("java_tmp"),
                             picard_dir = opts_flow$get("picard_dir"),
    fq1 = gsub(".bam$", "_1.fastq", bam)
    fq2 = gsub(".bam$", "_2.fastq", bam)
    fq3 = gsub(".bam$", "_unpaired.fastq", bam)
    fqs = list(fq1 = fq1, fq2 = fq2, fq3 = fq3)
    fqout = sprintf("FASTQ=%s SECOND_END_FASTQ=%s UNPAIRED_FASTQ=%s",
                    fq1, fq2, fq3)
    # we would stream picard into creating splitted fq files. A second flow would read these and start the next step.
    fq1 = gsub(".bam$", ".fastq", bam)
    fqout = paste0("FASTQ=", fq1)
    fqs = list(fq1 = fq1)
    fq = gsub(".bam$", "", bam)
    fqout = sprintf("FASTQ=/dev/stdout INTERLEAVE=true | bash %s -n %s -f /dev/stdin -o %s",
                    split_fq_exe, as.integer(num_reads), fq)
  bam_fastq = sprintf("%s %s -Djava.io.tmpdir=%s -jar %s/picard.jar SamToFastq INPUT=%s %s %s",
                      java_exe, java_mem, java_tmp, picard_dir, bam, bam_fastq_opts, fqout)
  cmd = list(bam_fastq = bam_fastq)
  # INPUT is a NAMED list ------
  flowmat = to_flowmat(cmd, samplename)
  return(list(flowmat = flowmat, outfiles = fqs))

#' Use picard's MergeSamFiles tool to merge bam/sam files
#' @description
#' The resulting file is sorted and index is created for it.
#' Validation stringency of inputs is kept as lenient.
#' Multi-threading is turned on by default, though in our experience this does
#' not seem to use a lot of threads.
#' @param x a vectors of files to merge
#' @param mergedbam
#' @param samplename
#' @param java_exe
#' @param java_mem
#' @param java_tmp
#' @param picard_dir
#' @export
picard_reorder <- function(x, outfile,
                           samplename = opts_flow$get("samplename"),
                           java_exe = opts_flow$get("java_exe"),
                           java_mem = opts_flow$get("java_mem"),
                           java_tmp = opts_flow$get("java_tmp"),
                           picard_dir = opts_flow$get("picard_dir"),
                           picard_reorder_opts = opts_flow$get("picard_reorder_opts"),
                           ref_fasta = opts_flow$get('ref_fasta'),
                           samtools_exe = opts_flow$get("samtools_exe")){
    outfile = gsub(".bam$", "_reorder.bam", x)
  reorder = sprintf("%s %s -Djava.io.tmpdir=%s -jar %s/picard.jar ReorderSam INPUT=%s OUTPUT=%s REFERENCE=%s;%s index %s",
                    java_exe, java_mem, java_tmp, picard_dir, x, outfile, ref_fasta, samtools_exe, outfile)
  ## --- INPUT is a NAMED list
  flowmat = to_flowmat(list(reorder = reorder), samplename)
  return(list(flowmat = flowmat, outfiles = outfile))

  ## test example
  fqs1 = rep("read1.fq", 20)
  fqs2 = rep("read2.fq", 20)
  out_bwa = bwa(fqs1 = rep("read1.fq", 20),fqs2 = rep("read2.fq", 20))
  out_pic = picard_rg(x = out_bwa$outfiles, samplename = "smp")
flow-r/ngsflows documentation built on May 16, 2019, 1:25 p.m.