
# playwith: interactive plots in R using GTK+
## Copyright (c) 2007 Felix Andrews <felix@nfrac.org>
## GPL version 2 or newer

playAnnotate <-
    function(playState, annot, space = "plot",
             add = TRUE, redraw = NA)
    if (add == FALSE) { ## replace
        if (length(playState$annotations)) ## exists
            if (is.na(redraw)) redraw <- TRUE
        playState$annotations <- list()
    i <- length(playState$annotations) + 1
    playState$annotations[[i]] <- as.expression(annot)
    names(playState$annotations)[i] <- space
    if (is.na(redraw)) {
        ## draw without a full redraw
        playDo(playState, annot, space = space)
        ## update other tool states
    if (isTRUE(redraw)) {
        ## full redraw

playDo <- function(playState, expr, space = "plot",
                   clip.off = !isTRUE(playState$clip.annotations),
                   return.code = FALSE)
    vpName <- NULL
    if (space == "page") {
        ## normalised device coordinates
        vpName <- "pageAnnotationVp"
    } else {
        ## user / plot coordinates
        if (!is.null(playState$viewport)) {
            ## grid graphics plot
            vpName <- playState$viewport[[space]]
            if (inherits(vpName, "viewport") || inherits(vpName, "vpPath"))
                vpName <- vpName$name
        else if (playState$is.lattice) {
            ## lattice plot
            packets <- playState$tmp$currentLayout
            if (space == "plot") {
                space <- packet.number()
                if (length(space) == 0) {
                    if (sum(packets > 0) > 1)
                        stop("space not well specified")
                    space <- packets[packets > 0][1]
                space <- paste("packet", space)
            packet <- as.numeric(sub("packet ", "", space))
            whichOne <- which(packets == packet)
            if (length(whichOne) == 0) return()
            myCol <- col(packets)[whichOne]
            myRow <- row(packets)[whichOne]
            vpName <- trellis.vpname("panel", myCol, myRow, clip.off=clip.off)
            ## NOTE: a panel is not in focus here (as in trellis.focus)
            ## because that would destroy any previous focus state
            ## -- if focus is required, do that before calling playDo.
        else if (playState$is.base) {
            ## base graphics
            space <- "plot"
            if (clip.off) space <- "plot.clip.off"
            vpName <- playState$tmp$baseVps[[space]]$name
    if (return.code) {
        return(c(as.expression(call("seekViewport", vpName)),
    ## un-supported plot type (grid plot without specified viewport)
    if (is.null(vpName)) return(NULL)
    ## store current viewport and restore it when finished
    cur.vp <- current.vpPath()
        if (!is.null(cur.vp)) downViewport(cur.vp)
    ## do the stuff and return the result

drawAnnotations <- function(playState, return.code = FALSE)
    theCode <- expression()
    ## group by space
    spaces <- names(playState$annotations)
    for (space in unique(spaces)) {
        items <- playState$annotations[spaces == space]
        annots <- do.call("c", items)
        expr <- playDo(playState,
                       space = space,
                       return.code = return.code)
        if (return.code)
            theCode <- c(theCode, expr)

playPointInput <-
    function(playState = playDevCur(),
             prompt = paste(
             "Click on the plot;",
             "Right-click or Esc to cancel."))
    playPrompt(playState, prompt)
    on.exit(playPrompt(playState, NULL))
    cur.vp <- current.vpPath()
    if (!is.null(cur.vp)) on.exit(downViewport(cur.vp), add=TRUE)
    dc <- grid.locator()
    if (is.null(dc)) return(NULL)
    ## check for modifier keys
    ptrInfo <- playState$widgets$drawingArea$window$getPointer()
    modifiers <- as.flag(0)
    if (!is.null(ptrInfo$mask))
        modifiers <- as.flag(ptrInfo$mask)
    ## convert coordinates
    ndc <- list(x=convertX(dc$x, "npc"), y=convertY(dc$y, "npc"))
    dc <- lapply(dc, as.numeric)
    ndc <- lapply(ndc, as.numeric)
    coords <- NULL
    space <- whichSpace(playState, dc$x, dc$y)
    if (space != "page") {
        coords <-
                   quote(convertFromDevicePixels(dc$x, dc$y, valueOnly = TRUE)),
                   space = space)
    list(coords=coords, space=space, dc=dc, ndc=ndc, modifiers=modifiers)

playLineInput <-
    function(playState = playDevCur(),
             prompt = paste(
             "Click and drag to define a line",
             "(hold Shift to constrain to x or y scales);",
             "Right-click or Esc to cancel."),
             scales = "dynamic")
    playPrompt(playState, prompt)
    on.exit(playPrompt(playState, NULL))
    vp <- current.vpPath()
    on.exit(if (!is.null(vp)) downViewport(vp), add=TRUE)
    ## wait for click
    xy0 <- grid.locator()
    if (is.null(xy0)) return(NULL)
    xy0 <- lapply(xy0, as.numeric)
    playClickOrDrag(playState, x0 = xy0$x, y0 = xy0$y,
                    shape="line", scales = scales)

playRectInput <-
    function(playState = playDevCur(),
             prompt = paste(
             "Click and drag to define a rectangular region",
             "(hold Shift to constrain to x or y scales);",
             "Right-click or Esc to cancel."),
             scales = "dynamic")
    playPrompt(playState, prompt)
    on.exit(playPrompt(playState, NULL))
    vp <- current.vpPath()
    on.exit(if (!is.null(vp)) downViewport(vp), add=TRUE)
    ## wait for click
    xy0 <- grid.locator()
    if (is.null(xy0)) return(NULL)
    xy0 <- lapply(xy0, as.numeric)
    playClickOrDrag(playState, x0 = xy0$x, y0 = xy0$y,
                    shape="rect", scales = scales)

## assumes that the mouse button has already been pressed
## converts into user coordinates
playClickOrDrag <-
    function(playState, x0, y0,
             shape=c("rect", "line"),
    foo <- handleClickOrDrag(playState$widgets$drawingArea,
                             x0=x0, y0=y0, shape=shape, ...)
    if (is.null(foo)) return(NULL)
    dc <- foo$dc
    coords <- NULL
    ## work out which space the drag was in: try the mid-point first
    space <- whichSpace(playState, mean(dc$x), mean(dc$y))
    ## otherwise, try start of drag
    if (space == "page") space <- whichSpace(playState, dc$x[1], dc$y[1])
    ## otherwise, try end of drag
    if (space == "page") space <- whichSpace(playState, dc$x[2], dc$y[2])
    if (space != "page") {
        coords <-
                   quote(convertFromDevicePixels(dc$x, dc$y, valueOnly = TRUE)),
                   space = space)
    foo$coords <- coords
    foo$space <- space

## assumes that the mouse button has already been pressed
handleClickOrDrag <-
    function(da, x0, y0,
             shape = c("rect", "line"),
             scales = "dynamic")
    CLICKDUR <- 0.25 ## seconds
    shape <- match.arg(shape)
    dynScales <- ("dynamic" %in% scales)
    if (dynScales) scales <- c("x", "y")
    ## xyInit is the original click location
    xyInit <- list(x=x0, y=y0)
    daAlloc <- da$getAllocation()$allocation
    da.w <- daAlloc$width
    da.h <- daAlloc$height
    buf <- gdkPixbufGetFromDrawable(src=da$window, src.x=0, src.y=0,
                                    dest.x=0, dest.y=0, width=da.w, height=da.h)
    if (is.null(buf)) stop("Could not make pixbuf")
    ## background style
    gcb <- gdkGCNew(da$window)
    gcb$setLineAttributes(line.width=1, line.style=GdkLineStyle["solid"],
                          cap.style=GdkCapStyle["butt"], join.style=GdkJoinStyle["miter"])
    ## foreground style
    gc <- gdkGCNew(da$window)
    gc$setLineAttributes(line.width=1, line.style=GdkLineStyle["double-dash"],
                         cap.style=GdkCapStyle["butt"], join.style=GdkJoinStyle["miter"])
    gc$setDashes(c(8, 4))
    ## xyDrag is the drag-to location while dragging
    xyDrag <- xyInit
    ## these are used to constrain the drag to x or y scales
    xOnly <- !("y" %in% scales)
    yOnly <- !("x" %in% scales)
    ## xyEnd is the final drag-to location
    release_handler <- function(widget, event, env) {
        ## mouse button was released
        env$xyEnd <- list(x=event$x, y=event$y)
    expose_handler <- function(widget, event) {
        area <- event$area
        gdkDrawPixbuf(event$window, pixbuf=buf,
                      src.x=area$x, src.y=area$y, dest.x=area$x, dest.y=area$y,
                      width=area$width, height=area$height)
        xx <- c(xyInit$x, xyDrag$x)
        yy <- c(xyInit$y, xyDrag$y)
        ## constrain drag along x or y scales
        if (shape == "rect") {
            if (xOnly) yy <- c(-1, da.h)
            if (yOnly) xx <- c(-1, da.w)
        if (shape == "line") {
            if (xOnly) yy[2] <- yy[1]
            if (yOnly) xx[2] <- xx[1]
        for (i in 1:2) {
            ## draw in background color first
            tmp.gc <- if (i == 1) gcb else gc
               line = gdkDrawLine(event$window, gc=tmp.gc,
               x1=xx[1], y1=yy[1],
                   x2=xx[2], y2=yy[2]),
               rect = gdkDrawRectangle(event$window, gc=tmp.gc,
                   filled=FALSE, x=min(xx), min(yy),
                   width=abs(diff(xx)), height=abs(diff(yy)))
        return(TRUE) ## stop event here
    tmpSigE <- gSignalConnect(da, "expose-event", expose_handler)
    tmpSigR <- gSignalConnect(da, "button-release-event", release_handler,
    rectx <- xyInit$x
    recty <- xyInit$y
    init_time <- proc.time()[3]
    repeat {
        ## xyEnd is the final drag location, set by event handler
        if (exists("xyEnd", inherits=FALSE)) break
        xyDrag <- da$window$getPointer()
        ## check that pointer is inside the window? -- fails on linux
        #if (is.null(xyDrag$retval)) break
        if ((as.flag(xyDrag$mask) & GdkModifierType["button1-mask"]) == 0) {
            ## mouse button was released
            xyEnd <- xyDrag
        ## dynScales: choose scales dynamically
        ## (if it is a drag, not a click)
        if (dynScales &&
            ((proc.time()[3] - init_time) > CLICKDUR)) {
            ## constrain to x or y scales if holding Shift
            if ((as.flag(xyDrag$mask) & GdkModifierType["shift-mask"])) {
                ## decide which scale to constrain by direction of drag
                dragHoriz <- (abs(xyInit$x - xyDrag$x) >
                              abs(xyInit$y - xyDrag$y))
                xOnly <- dragHoriz
                yOnly <- !dragHoriz
            } else {
                xOnly <- yOnly <- FALSE
        ## work out the region that needs to be redrawn
        rectx <- range(c(xyInit$x, xyDrag$x, rectx))
        recty <- range(c(xyInit$y, xyDrag$y, recty))
        ## constrain rectangle along x or y scales
        if (shape == "rect") {
            if (xOnly) recty <- c(-1, da.h)
            if (yOnly) rectx <- c(-1, da.w)
        wd <- rectx[2] - rectx[1] + 2
        ht <- recty[2] - recty[1] + 2
        da$window$invalidateRect(list(x=rectx[1], y=recty[1],
                                      width=wd, height=ht),
        ## try to force redraw
        while (gtkEventsPending()) gtkMainIterationDo(blocking=FALSE)
    end_time <- proc.time()[3]
    gSignalHandlerDisconnect(da, tmpSigR)
    gSignalHandlerDisconnect(da, tmpSigE)
    ## check for modifier keys
    ptrInfo <- da$window$getPointer()
    modifiers <- as.flag(0)
    if (!is.null(ptrInfo$mask))
        modifiers <- as.flag(ptrInfo$mask)
    ## clean up
    if (!exists("xyEnd", inherits=FALSE)) return(NULL)
    ## device coordinates
    ## note origin is at top-left (same as ROOT viewport)
    dc <- list(x = c(xyInit$x, xyEnd$x),
               y = c(xyInit$y, xyEnd$y))
    if (shape == "line") {
        if (xOnly) dc$y[2] <- dc$y[1]
        if (yOnly) dc$x[2] <- dc$x[1]
    ## normalised device coordinates
    ndc <- list(x = dc$x / da.w, y = dc$y / da.h)
    ## was it a click or drag? (click = no slower than 1/4 second)
    is.click <- (end_time - init_time) <= CLICKDUR
    ## alternative criteria for click: moved less than 10 pixels
    is.click <- is.click ||
                ((abs(diff(dc$x)) < 10) && (abs(diff(dc$y)) < 10))
    list(dc = dc, ndc = ndc, xOnly = xOnly, yOnly = yOnly,
         is.click = is.click, modifiers = modifiers)

whichSpace <- function(playState, x.px, y.px)
    ## assumes spaces do not overlap
    for (space in names(playState$tmp$spaceLimDevice)) {
        lims <- playState$tmp$spaceLimDevice[[space]]
        ## test for point inside bounds
        x <- lims$x
        y <- lims$y
        if ((min(x) <= x.px) && (x.px <= max(x)) &&
            (min(y) <= y.px) && (y.px <= max(y)))
    ## return "page" if not inside any of the viewports
floybix/playwith documentation built on May 16, 2019, 1:25 p.m.