
Defines functions discardsRatio recomputeHarvest ffwd biomass biomass_spawn biomass_end ssb_start ssb_end ssb_next Fwanted Funwanted survivors mohnMatrix noarea noseason nounit mergeFLStock sop catchMature catchInmature meanwtCatch meanwt meanageCatch meanage mbar expandAgeFLStock calc.pg is.FLStock

Documented in catchInmature catchMature discardsRatio ffwd Funwanted mbar meanage meanageCatch meanwt meanwtCatch mohnMatrix ssb_next survivors

# FLStock.R - FLStock class and methods
# FLCore/R/FLStock.R

# Copyright 2003-2023 FLR Team. Distributed under the GPL 2 or later.
# Maintainer: Iago Mosqueira, WMR.

# FLStock()   {{{

#' @rdname FLStock
#' @aliases FLStock,FLQuant-method
setMethod('FLStock', signature(object='FLQuant'),
  function(object, plusgroup=dims(object)$max, ...) {

    args <- list(...)

    # empty object
    object[] <- NA
    units(object) <- 'NA'
    quant(object) <- 'age'
    qobject <- quantSums(object)
    dims <- dims(object)

    res <- new("FLStock",
    catch=qobject, catch.n=object, catch.wt=object,
    landings=qobject, landings.n=object, landings.wt=object,
    discards=qobject, discards.n=object, discards.wt=object,
    stock=qobject, stock.n=object, stock.wt=object,
    harvest=object, harvest.spwn=FLQuant(object, units=""),
		m=FLQuant(object, units='m'), m.spwn=FLQuant(object, units=""),
		mat=FLQuant(object, units=""),
		range = unlist(list(min=dims$min, max=dims$max, plusgroup=plusgroup,
		minyear=dims$minyear, maxyear=dims$maxyear, minfbar=dims$min,

    # Load given slots
  	for(i in names(args))
			slot(res, i) <- args[[i]]

			stop("Invalid object created, check input FLQuant(s)")

#' @rdname FLStock
#' @aliases FLStock,missing-method
setMethod('FLStock', signature(object='missing'),
    args <- list(...)

    # if no FLQuant argument given, then use empty FLQuant

    slots <- unlist(lapply(args, is, 'FLQuant'))
    slots <- names(slots)[slots]
    flqs <- unlist(lapply(args, is, 'FLQuants'))
    flqs <- names(flqs)[flqs]

    if(length(flqs) != 0) {
       for (i in args[[flqs]])
          for (j in names(i))
             object <- i[[j]]

    if(length(slots) == 0) {
      object <- FLQuant()
    } else{
      qslots <- slots[!slots %in% c('catch','stock','landings','discards')]
      if(length(qslots) > 0)
        object <- args[[qslots[1]]]
        object <- args[[slots[1]]]
    return(FLStock(iter(object, 1), ...))

#' @rdname FLStock
#' @aliases FLStock,FLQuants-method
setMethod('FLStock', signature(object='FLQuants'),
  function(object, ...)
    return(do.call('FLStock', object))
# }}}

# is.FLStock	{{{
is.FLStock <- function(x)
	return(inherits(x, "FLStock"))	# }}}

# setPlusGroup function	{{{
#  changes the level of the plus group of the stock object
calc.pg <- function(s., i., k., r., pg., action, na.rm) {

	minage <- s.@range["min"]

	#first check that object actually has ages

	if (any(a.=="all"))

	if (any(is.na(a.)) | !all(as.integer(a.)==sort(as.integer(a.))))

	pospg <- pg. - as.numeric(dimnames(slot(s., i.))[[1]][1]) + 1

	if (action == "sum"){
	  q.[pospg,,,,]<-apply(q.[r.,],2:6,sum, na.rm=na.rm)
	  if(action == "wt.mean"){
  	sum.r <- apply(slot(s.,k.)[r.,],2:6,sum, na.rm=na.rm)
		q.[pospg,,,,]<- ifelse(sum.r@.Data == 0, 0, apply(q.[r.,]*slot(s.,k.)[r.,],2:6,sum,na.rm=na.rm)/sum.r)
	a. <- dimnames(q.)
	q. <- q.[1:pospg,,,,]
	dimnames(q.)[[1]] <- minage:pg.
	dimnames(q.)[2:6] <- a.[2:6]


    if (class(object)!="FLStock") stop('not a FLStock object')
    if (!validObject(object)) stop('object not a valid FLStock')

    res <-object
    if (maxage<=range(res,"max")) stop('maxage not valid')
    if (keepPlusGroup) range(res,c("max","plusgroup"))<-maxage else range(res,c("max","plusgroup"))<-c(maxage,NA)

    dmns     <-dimnames(m(res))
    dmns$age <-as.numeric(dmns$age[1]):maxage



    # create extra ages and fill with plusgroup
    for (i in slts) {
       dmns$iter  <-dimnames(slot(res,i))$iter

    # calc exp(-cum(Z)) i.e. the survivors
    n <- FLQuant(exp(-apply((slot(res,"m")+slot(res,"harvest"))[ac(oldMaxage:maxage)]@.Data,2:6,cumsum)), quant='age')
    if (keepPlusGroup)
    n <-sweep(n,2:6,apply(n,2:6,sum),"/")



    catch.n(res)[   ac((oldMaxage):maxage)]<-sweep(stock.n(res)[ac((oldMaxage):maxage)],2:6,harvest(res)[ac(maxage)]/z*(1-exp(-z)),"*")
    catch.n(   res)[ac((oldMaxage):maxage)]<-sweep(stock.n(res)[ac((oldMaxage):maxage)],2:6,harvest(res)[ac(maxage)]/z*(1-exp(-z)),"*")
    if (dims(discards.n(res))$iter==1 & (dims(catch.n(res))$iter>1 | dims(Pdiscard)$iter>1))
    if (dims(landings.n(res))$iter==1 & (dims(catch.n(res))$iter>1 | dims(Planding)$iter>1))

    # replace any slots passed in (...)
    args <-names(list(...))
    for (i in args)
	    if (any(i==names(slots)))
        if (class(list(...)[[i]])==slots[i]) slot(res,i)<-list(...)[[i]]

     if (!validObject(res)) stop("Not valid")


setMethod('setPlusGroup', signature(x='FLStock', plusgroup='numeric'),
  function(x, plusgroup, na.rm=FALSE, keepPlusGroup=TRUE)
	if (!validObject(x)) stop("x not a valid FLStock object")
  if (!keepPlusGroup) range(x,"plusgroup")<-NA
	if (plusgroup>dims(x)$max) return(expandAgeFLStock(x, plusgroup, keepPlusGroup=keepPlusGroup))

	# FLQuants by operation
	pg.wt.mean <-c("catch.wt","landings.wt","discards.wt")
	pg.sum	   <-c("catch.n", "landings.n", "discards.n")

  # problem since you can't calculate plus group if one of these has difffert niters
  if (dims(x)$iter>1){
     PGpairs<-list(c("landings.n","landings.wt"), c("catch.n","catch.wt"),c("discards.n","discards.wt"))
     for (i in 1:length(PGpairs)){
        niters<-unlist(lapply(PGpairs[[i]], function(arg) dims(slot(x,arg))$iter))
        if (length(unique(niters))>1)

     # stock.n exists and has niters
     if (sum(x@stock.n, na.rm=TRUE) > 1 && dims(x@stock.n)$iter>1){
        for (i in c(pg.truncate,"stock.wt"))
           if (dims(slot(x,i))$iter==1)

  # plusgroup calculations
	# xxxx.wt's etc. are condensed into the +gp using the catch if
	# stock.n not available
	# If stock.n available then these are used for f, m, mat & stockwt
	names <- names(getSlots(class(x))[getSlots(class(x))=="FLQuant"])
	maxage <-  dims(x@stock.n)["max"]
	minage <-  dims(x@stock.n)["min"]

	#check plusgroup valid
	if (!missing(plusgroup)){
	  if(plusgroup > maxage){
		 return("Error : new plus group greater than oldest age")
		if(plusgroup < minage)
		  return("Error : new plus group less than youngest age")

	# check fbar range is still valid with new plusgroup
  if (!missing(plusgroup)){
    if(plusgroup <= x@range["maxfbar"]){
      x@range["maxfbar"] <- plusgroup-1
      print("maxfbar has been changed to accomodate new plusgroup")
    if(plusgroup <= x@range["minfbar"]){
      x@range["minfbar"] <- plusgroup-1
      print("minfbar has been changed to accomodate new plusgroup")

	#Are stock numbers present?
	stock.n.exist <- sum(x@stock.n, na.rm=TRUE) > 1
	if(stock.n.exist) {
		pg.wt.mean <- c(pg.wt.mean, pg.truncate, "stock.wt")
		pg.wt.by   <- c(pg.sum, rep("stock.n", 7))
		pg.sum	   <- c(pg.sum, "stock.n")
	} else {
		pg.wt.mean <- c(pg.wt.mean,  "stock.wt")
		pg.truncate<- c(pg.truncate, "stock.n")
		pg.wt.by   <- c(pg.sum,  rep("catch.n",7))

	#Perform +grp calcs
	#there are three options wt by stock.n, catch.n or simply add up the values

  #  pg.range <- as.character(plusgroup:stock@range["max"])
	pg.range <- which((x@range[1] : x@range[2]) == plusgroup):length(
		(x@range[1] : x@range[2]))
	x@range["plusgroup"] <- plusgroup
	x@range["max"] <- plusgroup

	#do the weighted stuff first
	for (i in 1 : length(pg.wt.mean)) {
		j <- pg.wt.mean[i]
		k <- pg.wt.by[i]
		slot(x, j) <- calc.pg(x, j, k, pg.range, plusgroup, "wt.mean", na.rm)

	#sum up stuff next
	for (i in pg.sum) {
	  slot(x, i) <- calc.pg(x, i, k, pg.range, plusgroup, "sum", na.rm)

	#then truncate stuff
	if (!stock.n.exist) {
	  for (i in pg.truncate) {
		 slot(x, i) <- calc.pg(x, i, k, pg.range, plusgroup, "truncate", na.rm)
)# }}}

# ssb		{{{

#' Spawning Stock Biomass
#' For an object of class \code{\link{FLStock}}, the calculation of SSB depends
#' on the value of the 'units' attribute in the \code{harvest} slot. If this is
#' in terms of fishing mortality (\code{units(harvest(object)) == 'f'}), and
#' assuming an object structured by age, then SSB is calculated as
#' \deqn{SSB_{y} = \sum\nolimits_{a} N_{a,y} \cdot e^{-(F_{a,y} \cdot Hs_{a,y} + M_{a,y} \cdot Ms_{a,y})} \cdot W_{a,y} \cdot T_{a,y} }{SSB_y = sum_a(N_ay * exp(-(F_ay * Hs_ay + M_ay * Ms_ay)) * W_ay * T_ay)}
#' where \eqn{N_{a,y}}{N_ay} is the abundance in numbers (\code{stock.n}) by
#' age (a) and year (y), \eqn{F_{a,y}}{F_ay} is the fishing mortality (\code{harvest}), 
#' \eqn{Hs_{a,y}}{Hs_ay} is the proportion of fishing mortality before spawning
#' (\code{harvest.spwn}),
#' \eqn{M_{a,y}}{M_ay} is the natural mortality (\code{m}), 
#' \eqn{Ms_{a,y}}{Ms_ay} is the proportion of natural mortality before spawning
#' (\code{m.spwn}),
#' \eqn{W_{a,y}}{W_ay} is the mean weight at age in the stock (\code{m}), and
#' \eqn{T_{a,y}}{T_ay} is the proportion mature at age in the stock (\code{mat}).
#' For \code{\link{FLStock}} objects with other dimensions (\code{area},
#' \code{unit}), the calculation is carried out along those dimensions too. To
#' obtain a global value please use the corresponding summing method.
#' If the harvest slot contains estimates in terms of harvest rates
#' (\code{units(harvest(object)) == "hr"}), SSB will be computed as
#' \deqn{SSB_{y} = \sum\nolimits_{a} N_{a,y} \cdot (1 - H_{a,y} \cdot Hs_{a,y}) \cdot e^{-(M_{a,y} \cdot Ms_{a,y})} \cdot W_{a,y} \cdot T_{a,y} }{SSB_y = sum_a(N_ay * (1 - H_ay * Hs_ay) * exp(-(M_ay * Ms_ay)) * W_ay * T_ay)}
#' where \eqn{H_{a,y}}{H_ay} is the harvest rate (proportion of catch in weight
#' over total biomass).
#' @seealso \code{\link{areaSums}}
#' @rdname ssb
#' @examples
#' # SSB from FLStock
#' ssb(ple4)
setMethod("ssb", signature(object="FLStock"),
	function(object, ...) {
    # CALCULATE by units
		uns <- units(harvest(object))

		if(uns == 'f') {
			return(quantSums(stock.n(object) * exp(-(harvest(object) *
        harvest.spwn(object) + m(object) * m.spwn(object))) *
        stock.wt(object) * mat(object)))

		} else if(uns == 'hr') {
			return(quantSums(stock.n(object) * stock.wt(object) * mat(object) *
				(1 - harvest(object) * harvest.spwn(object)) *
				exp(-m(object) * m.spwn(object))))

  	} else {
      return(rec(object) %=% as.numeric(NA))
)	# }}}

# ssf		{{{

setMethod("ssf", signature(object="FLStock"),
	function(object, ...) {

		uns <- units(harvest(object))

		if(uns == 'f') {
			return(quantSums(stock.n(object) * exp(-(harvest(object) * harvest.spwn(object) +
				m(object) * m.spwn(object))) * mat(object)))

		} else if(uns == 'hr') {
			return(quantSums(stock.n(object) * mat(object) *
				(1 - harvest(object) * harvest.spwn(object)) *
				exp(-m(object) * m.spwn(object))))
  	} else {
		stop("Correct units (f or hr) not specified in the harvest slot")
)	# }}}

# tsb		{{{
setMethod("tsb", signature(object="FLStock"),
	function(object, ...) {

		uns <- units(harvest(object))

		if(uns == 'f') {
			return(quantSums(stock.n(object) * exp(-(harvest(object) *
        harvest.spwn(object) + m(object) * m.spwn(object))) *

		} else if(uns == 'hr') {
			return(quantSums(stock.n(object) * (1 - harvest(object) *
        harvest.spwn(object)) * exp(-m(object) * m.spwn(object)) *
        harvest.spwn(object) * stock.wt(object)))
  	} else {
		stop("Correct units (f or hr) not specified in the harvest slot")
)	# }}}

# tb  {{{
setMethod("tb", signature(object="FLStock"),
  function(object, time=0) {

    if(missing(time) & "wtime" %in% names(range(object)))
      time <- range(object, "wtime")

    res <- quantSums(stock.n(object) * stock.wt(object) *
      exp(-(m(object) * time) -
      # APPLY F only between harvest.spwn and time, if positive
      (harvest(object) * pmax(m(object) %=% 0, time - harvest.spwn(object)))))
)  # }}}

# fbar		{{{
setMethod("fbar", signature(object="FLStock"),
 function(object, ...) {

	 rng <- range(object)

	 if (is.na(rng["minfbar"]))
		 rng["minfbar"] <- rng["min"]

	 if (is.na(rng["maxfbar"]))
		 rng["maxfbar"] <- rng["max"]

	 rng["minfbar"] <- max(rng["min"], min(rng["max"], rng["minfbar"]))
	 rng["maxfbar"] <- max(rng["min"], min(rng["max"], rng["maxfbar"]))

	 if(units(harvest(object)) == 'f' || units(harvest(object)) == 'hr')
		  } else
	stop("Correct units (f or hr) not specified in the harvest slot")
)	# }}}

# hr {{{
setMethod("hr", signature(object="FLStock"),
 function(object, ...) {
   rng <- range(object)

	 if (is.na(rng["minfbar"]))
		 rng["minfbar"] <- rng["min"]

	 if (is.na(rng["maxfbar"]))
		 rng["maxfbar"] <- rng["max"]

	 rng["minfbar"] <- max(rng["min"], min(rng["max"], rng["minfbar"]))
	 rng["maxfbar"] <- max(rng["min"], min(rng["max"], rng["maxfbar"]))

   rages <- as.character(seq(rng["minfbar"], rng["maxfbar"]))

   out <- (catch.n(object) * catch.wt(object)) /
      (stock.n(object) * stock.wt(object))

    units(out) <- "hr"

  return(quantMeans(out[rages, ]))
# }}}

# mbar {{{

#' Computes the mean natural mortality acros the fully selected ages
#' Equivalent to the mean fishing mortality metric returned by 'fbar', 'mbar'
#' calculates the mean natural mortality across the ages inside the range defined
#' by 'minfbar' and 'maxfbar'.
#' @param object An object of class 'FLStock'.
#' @return An object of class 'FLQuant'.
#' @author The FLR Team, proposal by H. Winker.
#' @seealso \link{fbar}
#' @examples
#' data(ple4)
#' mbar(ple4)

mbar <- function(object, ...) {
  rng <- range(object)
  if (is.na(rng["minfbar"]))
    rng["minfbar"] <- rng["min"]
  if (is.na(rng["maxfbar"]))
    rng["maxfbar"] <- rng["max"]

  rng["minfbar"] <- max(rng["min"], min(rng["max"], rng["minfbar"]))
  rng["maxfbar"] <- max(rng["min"], min(rng["max"], rng["maxfbar"]))

# }}}

# meanage {{{

#' Calculate the mean age in the stock and catch
#' Average age in the stock numbers or catch-at-age.
#' @param object An age-structured FLStock object
#' @return An FLQuant object
#' @author The FLR Team
#' @seealso \link{FLComp}
#' @keywords ts
#' @examples
#' data(ple4)
#' meanage(ple4)
meanage <- function(object) {

  res <- quantSums(stock.n(object) * ages(object)) /
  units(res) <- ""

#' @rdname meanage
#' @examples
#' meanageCatch(ple4)
meanageCatch <- function(object) {

  res <- quantSums(catch.n(object) * ages(object)) /
  units(res) <- ""
# }}}

# meanwt {{{

#' Calculate the mean weight in stock and catch
#' Average weight in the stock numbers or catch-at-age.
#' @param object An age-structured FLStock object
#' @return An FLQuant object
#' @author The FLR Team
#' @seealso \link{FLComp}
#' @keywords ts
#' @examples
#' data(ple4)
#' meanwt(ple4)
meanwt <- function(object) {

  res <- quantSums(stock.n(object) * stock.wt(object)) /

#' @rdname meanwt
#' @examples
#' meanwtCatch(ple4)
meanwtCatch <- function(object) {

  res <- quantSums(catch.n(object) * stock.wt(object)) /
# }}}

# depletion {{{

#' @examples
#' data(ple4)
#' # Default uses first year as B0
#' depletion(ple4)
#' # B0 can be given
#' depletion(ple4, B0=1.74e6)
#' # and metric changed from 'ssb' default
#' depletion(ple4, metric=tsb)

setMethod("depletion", signature(x="FLStock"),
  function(x, B0=unitSums(do.call(metric, list(x))[, 1]), metric=ssb) {
    unitSums(do.call(metric, list(x))) / c(B0)
# }}}

# catchInmature / catchMature {{{

#' Proportion of mature and inmature fish in the catch
#' The proportion in weight of mature and inmature fish in the catch can
#' be computed using catchMature and catchInmature.
#' @param object An age-structured FLStock object
#' @return An FLQuant object
#' @author The FLR Team
#' @seealso \link{FLComp}
#' @keywords ts
#' @rdname catchMature
#' @examples
#' data(ple4)
#' catchInmature(ple4)
catchInmature <- function(object) {

  res <- quantSums(catch.n(object) * (1 - mat(object)) * catch.wt(object))


#' @rdname catchMature
#' @examples
#' catchMature(ple4)
catchMature <- function(object) {

  res <- quantSums(catch.n(object) * (mat(object)) * catch.wt(object))

# }}}

# sop	{{{
sop <- function(stock, slot="catch") {
	return(quantSums(slot(stock, paste(slot, ".n", sep="")) *
		slot(stock, paste(slot, ".wt", sep=""))) / slot(stock, slot))
}	# }}}

# ssbpurec  {{{
	function(object, start = "missing", end = "missing", type = "non-param", recs = "missing", spwns = "missing", plusgroup = TRUE, ...) {

		# checks and chose the range over which we calculate the SSB per unit recruit
		if((missing(start) && !missing(end)) | (!missing(start) && missing(end)))
			stop("Error in ssbpurec: start and end must be supplied together if at all")

		if(missing(start) && missing(end))
			x  <- window(object,dims(object@m)[['minyear']],dims(object@m)[['minyear']])

		if(!missing(start) && !missing(end))
			x  <- window(object,start,end)

			recs  <- 1
			spwns  <- 1

		ymin  <- dims(x@m)[['minyear']]
		ymax  <- dims(x@m)[['maxyear']]
		ns  <- dims(x@m)[['season']]
		amin  <- dims(x@m)[['min']]
		amax  <- dims(x@m)[['max']]
		pg  <- dim(x@m)[1]

		# if amin = 0 and recs < spwns !!!! cannot happen

		if(amin == 0 && recs < spwns)
			stop("Error: minimum age is zero and the recruitment occurs before spawning - not possible")

		if(type == 'non-param') {
			m  <- yearMeans(slot(x, "m"))
			mat  <- yearMeans(slot(x, "mat"))
			wt  <- yearMeans(slot(x, "stock.wt"))
			n  <- FLQuant(m)

			# seasonal or non-seasonal options

			if(ns == 1) {

				# standard calculation : recruitment = 1, natural mort. sets the
				# age-structure, with or without a plusgroup

				n[1,1,,1,]  <- 1
				for(a in 2:pg)
					n[a,1,,1,]  <- n[a-1,1,,1,] * exp(-m[a-1,1,,1,])
					n[pg,1,,1,]  <- n[pg,1,,1,] / (1-exp(-m[pg,1,,1,]))

				rho  <- quantSums(n * mat * wt)

				# always set dimnames$year to be the minyear in the stock object

				dimnames(rho)$year  <- dims(object@m)[['minyear']]

			} else {

				# to come...


)# }}}

# '['       {{{
#' @rdname Extract
#' @aliases [,FLStock,ANY,ANY,ANY-method
setMethod('[', signature(x='FLStock'),
	function(x, i, j, k, l, m, n, ..., drop=FALSE) {

		dx <- dim(slot(x, 'stock.n'))
    args <- list(drop=FALSE)

		if (!missing(i))
      args <- c(args, list(i=i))
		if (!missing(j))
      args <- c(args, list(j=j))
		if (!missing(k))
      args <- c(args, list(k=k))
		if (!missing(l))
      args <- c(args, list(l=l))
		if (!missing(m))
      args <- c(args, list(m=m))
		if (!missing(n))
      args <- c(args, list(n=n))

    # SUBSET at-age slots
	  quants <- list("catch.n", "catch.wt", "discards.n", "discards.wt", "landings.n",
		  "landings.wt", "stock.n", "stock.wt", "m", "mat", "harvest", "harvest.spwn",
    for(q in quants)
      slot(x, q) <- do.call('[', c(list(x=slot(x,q)), args))

    # SUBSET aggregated slots
	  quants <- list("catch", "landings", "discards", "stock")
    args[['i']] <- 1
    for(q in quants)
      slot(x, q) <- do.call('[', c(list(x=slot(x,q)), args))
    ds <- dims(x)
    # range for non-aggregated FLStock
    if(!is.na(dims(x)$min)) {

      # min
      x@range["min"] <- ds$min

      # max
      x@range["max"] <- ds$max

      # minfbar < min
      if(x@range["minfbar"] < ds$min)
        x@range["minfbar"] <- ds$min

      # maxfbar > max
      if(x@range["maxfbar"] > ds$max)
        x@range["maxfbar"] <- ds$max

      # plusgroup > max
        if(x@range["plusgroup"] > ds$max)
          x@range["plusgroup"] <- ds$max


    # year
    x@range['minyear'] <- ds$minyear
    x@range['maxyear'] <- ds$maxyear

)   # }}}

# '[<-'            {{{
#' @rdname Extract
#' @aliases [<-,FLStock,ANY,ANY,FLStock-method
setMethod("[<-", signature(x="FLStock", value="FLStock"),
	function(x, i, j, k, l, m, n, ..., value) {

    dx <- dim(x)

    if (missing(i))
      i <- seq(dx[1])
			# i <- dimnames(x@stock.n)[1][[1]]
		if (missing(j))
      j <- seq(dx[2])
			# j <- dimnames(x@stock.n)[2][[1]]
 		if (missing(k))
      k <- seq(dx[3])
   		# k <- dimnames(x@stock.n)[3][[1]]
		if (missing(l))
      l <- seq(dx[4])
			# l <- dimnames(x@stock.n)[4][[1]]
		if (missing(m)) {
      ms <- seq(dx[5])
      mc <- seq(dim(catch.n(x))[5])
    } else {
      ms <- mc <- m
		  # m <- dimnames(x@stock.n)[5][[1]]
		if (missing(n))
      n <- seq(dx[6])
			# n <- dimnames(x@stock.n)[6][[1]]

    # ASSIGN at age quants
	  quants <- list("stock.n", "stock.wt", "m", "mat",
      "harvest", "harvest.spwn", "m.spwn")
    for(q in quants) {
      slot(x, q)[i,j,k,l,ms,n] <- slot(value, q)

    # ASSIGN catch at age quants, may have fleets as areas
    quants <- list("catch.n", "catch.wt", "discards.n", "discards.wt", 
      "landings.n", "landings.wt")
    for(q in quants) {
      slot(x, q)[i,j,k,l,mc,n] <- slot(value, q)

    quants <- list("catch", "landings", "discards", "stock")
    for(q in quants){
      slot(x, q)[1,j,k,l,m,n] <- slot(value,q)

      stop("Object is not valid")
)   # }}}

# coerce  {{{
setAs("data.frame", "FLStock",
  lst <- list()
  qnames <- as.character(unique(from$slot))
  for (i in qnames)
    lst[[i]] <- as.FLQuant(from[from$slot==i,-1])
  do.call('FLStock', lst)
) # }}}

# rec(FLStock)  {{{

#' Extract and modify the recruitment time series
#' Recruitment in number of fish is the first row of the 'stock.n' slot of
#' an age-structured 'FLStock'. These convenience functions allow a clearer
#' syntax when retrieving of altering the content of 'stock.n[rec.age,]', where
#' 'rec.age' is usually the first age in the object.
#' @param object An object of class 'FLStock'
#' @param rec.age What age to extract, defaults to first one. As 'character' to select by name or as 'numeric' by position.
#' @return RETURN Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
#' @name FUNCTION
#' @rdname FUNCTION
#' @aliases FUNCTION
#' @author The FLR Team
#' @seealso \link{FLComp}
#' @keywords classes
#' @examples
#' data(ple4)
#' rec(ple4)
#' # Multiple recruitment by a factor of 2
#' rec(ple4) <- rec(ple4) * 2

setMethod('rec', signature(object='FLStock'),
  function(object, rec.age=as.character(object@range["min"])) {

    if(dims(object)$quant != 'age')
      stop("rec(FLStock) only defined for age-based objects")

    if(length(rec.age) > 1)
      stop("rec.age can only be of length 1")

    # EXTRACT rec as stock.n[rec.age, ]
    res <- stock.n(object)[rec.age,]

    # ASSEMBLE rec vector if seasonal rec (nunits == nseasons > 2) ...
    if((dim(object)[3] > 1) & (dim(object)[3] == dim(object)[4])) {
      # .. AND sequential recruitment (unit 2 recs at season 2, ...)
      if(all(stock.n(object)[1,, 2, 1] <= 1e-6)) {
        res <- Reduce(sbind, lapply(seq(dim(object)[4]), function(i)
          unitSums(stock.n(object)[rec.age,, i, i])))

setMethod("rec<-", signature(object="FLStock", value="FLQuant"),
  function(object, value) {

    if(dims(object)$quant != 'age')
      stop("rec(FLStock)<- only defined for age-based objects")

    if(dim(value)[1] > 1)
      stop("Object to assign as 'rec' must have a single 'age'.")
    stock.n(object)[1,] <- value

# }}}

# mergeFLStock {{{
mergeFLStock<-function(x, y)
    if (!all(unlist(dims(x))==unlist(dims(y)))) stop("FLStock objects to combine have dim mismatch")

    res<-FLStock(stock     =stock(     x)   +stock(  y),
                 stock.n   =stock.n(   x)   +stock.n(y),
                 catch     =catch(     x)   +catch(  y),
                 catch.n   =catch.n(   x)   +catch.n(y),
                 landings  =landings(  x)+landings(  y),
                 discards  =discards(  x)+discards(  y),

    name(res) = paste(name(x),"merged with", name(y))
    desc(res) = paste(desc(x),"merged with", desc(y))
    res@range = x@range

    stock.wt(res)   <-(   stock.wt(x)*stock.n(x)      +stock.wt(y)*stock.n(y))/(stock.n(x)+stock.n(y))
    catch.wt(res)   <-(   catch.wt(x)*catch.n(x)      +catch.wt(y)*catch.n(y))/(catch.n(x)+catch.n(y))

#    args <- list(...)

    if (!is.null(args) && any(names(args) == "m"))
       warning("adding m slots, this might not be want you want")

    if (!is.null(args) && any(names(args) == "m.spwn"))
       warning("adding m.spwn slots, this might not be want you want")
       m.spwn(res)      <-(harvest.spwn(x)+harvest.spwn(y))/2

    if (!is.null(args) && any(names(args) == "harvest.spwn"))
       warning("adding harvest.spwn slots, this might not be want you want")

    mat(res)    <-(mat(x)*stock.n(x)+mat(y)*stock.n(y))/(stock.n(x)+stock.n(y))



# }}}

# "+"      {{{
setMethod("+", signature(e1="FLStock", e2="FLStock"),
	function(e1, e2) {
    if(validObject(e1) & validObject(e2))
      return(mergeFLStock(e1, e2))
      stop("Input objects are not valid: validObject == FALSE")
) # }}}

# expand  {{{
setMethod('expand', signature(x='FLStock'),
  function(x, ...)
    args <- list(...)
    quant <- dims(x)$quant

    # if 'quant' is to be expanded, need to consider no-quant slots
    if(quant %in% names(args))

      # slots where age cannot be changed
      nquant <- c('catch', 'landings', 'discards', 'stock')

      # full FLQuant(s)
      squant <- c('catch.n', 'catch.wt', 'discards.n', 'discards.wt',
        'landings.n', 'landings.wt', 'stock.n', 'stock.wt', 'm', 'mat',
        'harvest', 'harvest.spwn', 'm.spwn')

      # apply straight to all but nquant
      x <- qapply(x, expand, exclude=nquant, ...)

      # apply to nquant, but ignore first dim
      args <- args[!names(args) %in% quant]
      x <- do.call(qapply, c(list(X=x, FUN=expand, exclude=squant), args))

      # warn about plusgroup
      if(!is.na(range(x, 'plusgroup')) && quant == 'age')
        warning("Consider calling setPlusGroup to extend along the 'age' dimension")

      # range
      range <- qapply(x, function(x) dimnames(x)[[1]])
      slot <- names(which.max(lapply(range, length)))
      dnames <- dimnames(slot(x, slot))
      range(x, c('min', 'max', 'minyear', 'maxyear')) <- c(as.numeric(dnames[[1]][1]),
        as.numeric(dnames[[1]][length(dnames[[1]])]), as.numeric(dnames[[2]][1]),

      x <- qapply(x, expand, ...)

      if('year' %in% names(args))
        years <- dimnames(slot(x, 'stock.n'))[[2]]
        range(x, c('minyear', 'maxyear')) <- c(as.numeric(years[1]),
) # }}}

# dimnames<- {{{
setMethod('dimnames<-', signature(x='FLStock', value='list'),
  function(x, value)
    slots <- getSlotNamesClass(x, 'FLQuant')
    aslots <- c('catch', 'landings', 'discards', 'stock')
    for(i in slots[!slots %in% aslots])
      dimnames(slot(x, i)) <- value

    # range
    vnames <- names(value)
    if('year' %in% vnames)
      range(x)[c('minyear','maxyear')] <- value[['year']][c(1, length(value[['year']]))]
    if(dims(x)$quant %in% vnames) {
      range(x)[c('min','max', 'plusgroup')] <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(
        value[[dims(x)$quant]][c(1, rep(length(value[[dims(x)$quant]])),2)]))

    value <- value[names(value) != dims(x)$quant]

    if(length(value) > 0) {
      for (i in aslots)
        dimnames(slot(x, i)) <- value
) # }}}

# fapex {{{
setMethod("fapex", signature(x="FLStock"),
  function(x, ...)
    return(apply(harvest(x), 2:6, max))
setMethod("fapex", signature(x="FLQuant"),
  function(x, ...)
    return(apply(x, 2:6, max)))
# }}}

# r {{{
setMethod("r", signature(m="FLStock", fec="missing"),
	function(m, by = 'year', method = 'el',...) {
    do.call('r', list(m=m(m), fec=mat(m), by=by, method=method))
) # }}}

# survprob {{{
# estimate survival probabilities by year or cohort
setMethod("survprob", signature(object="FLStock"),
	function(object, by = 'year',...) {

		# estimate by year
		if(by == 'year')

		# estimate by cohort
    else if(by == 'cohort')

) # }}}

# sp {{{
setMethod('sp', signature(stock='FLQuant', catch='FLQuant', harvest='missing'),
  function(stock, catch, rel=TRUE)
    dmns <- dimnames(stock)$year
    rng1 <- dmns[-length(dmns)]
    rng2 <- dmns[-1]

    deltaB <- stock[, rng1] - stock[, rng2]

    res <- deltaB + catch[, rng1]

    if (rel)
      return(res / stock[, rng1])

setMethod('sp', signature(stock='FLStock', catch='missing', harvest='missing'),
	function(stock, rel=TRUE)
    return(sp(stock(stock), catch(stock), rel=rel))
) # }}}

# wt<- {{{
setMethod("wt<-", signature(object="FLStock", value="FLQuant"),
  function(object, ..., value) {
    warning("wt<-(FLStock) is defunct, please use individual methods")
      # if averaged over years then expand years
      if (dim(flq)[2]==1 & dim(object)[2]>=1){
         return(object)} else

		stock.wt(   object)<-recycleFLQuantOverYrs(stock.wt(   object),value)
		catch.wt(   object)<-recycleFLQuantOverYrs(catch.wt(   object),value)

		return(object)}) # }}}

# sr {{{
setMethod("sr", signature(object="FLStock"),
	function(object, rec.age = dims(stock.n(object))$min, ...) {

	# check rec.age
  	if(rec.age < dims(stock.n(object))$min)
      stop("Supplied recruitment age less than minimum age class")

		# extract rec as stock.n at rec.age
    rec <- object@stock.n[as.character(rec.age),]
		# ssb
    ssb <- ssb(object)

    # now alter stock and recruitment to factor in the recruitement age
    if((dim(rec)[2]-1) <= rec.age)
      stop("FLStock recruitment data set too short")

    rec <- rec[,(1+rec.age):dim(rec)[2]]
    units(rec) <- units(slot(object, "stock.n"))
    ssb <- ssb[,1:(dim(ssb)[2] - rec.age)]

		return(FLQuants(rec=rec, ssb=ssb))
}) # }}}

# catch.sel {{{
setMethod("catch.sel", signature(object="FLStock"),
  function(object) {
    return(harvest(object) %/% (apply(harvest(object), 2:6, max) + 1e-32))
) # }}}

# discards.ratio {{{
setMethod("discards.ratio", signature(object="FLStock"),
	function(object) {
		return(discards.n(object) / (landings.n(object) + discards.n(object)))

setReplaceMethod("discards.ratio", signature(object="FLStock", value="ANY"),
	function(object, value) {
    landings.n(object) <- 1 - value
    discards.n(object) <- value
# }}}

# discards.sel {{{
setMethod("discards.sel", signature(object="FLStock"),
	function(object) {
		res <- catch.sel(object) * discards.ratio(object)
    res[is.na(res)] <- 0
		return(res %/% apply(res, 2:6, max, na.rm=TRUE))
) # }}}

# landings.sel {{{
setMethod("landings.sel", signature(object="FLStock"),
	function(object) {
		res <- catch.sel(object) * (1 - discards.ratio(object))
    res[is.na(res)] <- 0
    return(res %/% apply(res, 2:6, max, na.rm=TRUE))
) # }}}

# dim {{{
setMethod("dim", signature(x="FLStock"),
  function(x) {
    return(c(dim(x@m)[1:5], max(unlist(qapply(x, function(x) dim(x)[6])))))
) # }}}

# vb = vulnerable biomass {{{

setMethod("vb", signature(x="FLStock", sel="missing"),
  function(x) {
    vb <- quantSums(stock.n(x) * stock.wt(x) * catch.sel(x))
    units(vb) <- units(stock(x))

setMethod("vb", signature(x="FLStock", sel="FLQuant"),
  function(x, sel) {
    vb <- quantSums(stock.n(x) * stock.wt(x) %*% sel)

    units(vb) <- units(stock(x))

# }}}

# nounit {{{

nounit <- function(stock) {

  # DIMS
  dis <- dim(stock)
  nun <- dis[3]

  # END if no units
  if(nun == 1)
  # DIVISION vectors
  div <- rep(rep(seq(dis[3]), each=prod(dis[1:2])), prod(dis[4:6]))

  # CONVERT to vectors
  dat <- qapply(stock, c)

  # SUBSET and rename
  stock <- stock[,,1]
  dimnames(stock) <- list(unit="unique")

  # sum: *.n
  stock.n(stock)[] <- Reduce('+', split(dat$stock.n, div))
  catch.n(stock)[] <- Reduce('+', split(dat$catch.n, div))
  landings.n(stock)[] <- Reduce('+', split(dat$landings.n, div))
  discards.n(stock)[] <- Reduce('+', split(dat$discards.n, div))

  # weighted mean: *.wt, m
  stock.wt(stock) <- Reduce('+', split(dat$stock.wt *
    (dat$stock.n + 1e-36), div))  / (c(stock.n(stock)) + 1e-36 * nun)
  catch.wt(stock) <- Reduce('+', split(dat$catch.wt *
    (dat$catch.n + 1e-36), div))  / (c(catch.n(stock)) + 1e-36 * nun)
  landings.wt(stock) <- Reduce('+', split(dat$landings.wt *
    (dat$landings.n + 1e-36), div))  / (c(landings.n(stock)) + 1e-36 * nun)
  discards.wt(stock) <- Reduce('+', split(dat$discards.wt *
    (dat$discards.n + 1e-36), div))  / (c(discards.n(stock)) + 1e-36 * nun)

  m(stock) <- Reduce('+', split(dat$m * dat$stock.n, div)) /
    c(stock.n(stock) + 1e-36)

  catch(stock) <- computeCatch(stock)
  landings(stock) <- computeLandings(stock)
  discards(stock) <- computeDiscards(stock)
  stock(stock) <- computeStock(stock)


# }}}

# noseason {{{

noseason <- function(stock, spwn.season=1, rec.season=spwn.season, 
  weighted=FALSE) {

  # DIMS
  dis <- dim(stock)
  nse <- dis[4]
  # END if no seasons
  if(nse == 1)
  # DIVISION vectors
  div <- rep(rep(seq(dis[4]), each=prod(dis[1:3])), prod(dis[5:6]))

  # CONVERT to vectors
  dat <- qapply(stock, c)

  # KEEP rec elements to assign back
  recm <- m(stock)[1,]
  recn <- stock.n(stock)[1,]

  # SUBSET and rename, n as in season 1
  stock <- stock[,,,1]
  dimnames(stock) <- list(season="all")

  # mat
  mat(stock)[] <- split(dat$mat, div)[[spwn.season]]

  # spwn
  harvest.spwn(stock)[] <- m.spwn(stock)[] <- ((spwn.season - 1) / nse)
  # means: wt
  if(weighted) {
#    stock.wt(stock) <- Reduce("+", Map("*", split(dat$stock.wt, div),
#      split(dat$stock.n, div))) / Reduce("+", split(dat$stock.n, div))
    catch.wt(stock) <- Reduce("+", Map("*", split(dat$catch.wt, div),
      split(dat$catch.n, div))) / Reduce("+", split(dat$catch.n, div))
    landings.wt(stock) <- Reduce("+", Map("*", split(dat$landings.wt, div),
      split(dat$landings.n, div))) / Reduce("+", split(dat$landings.n, div))
    discards.wt(stock) <- Reduce("+", Map("*", split(dat$discards.wt, div),
      split(dat$discards.n, div))) / Reduce("+", split(dat$discards.n, div))
  } else {
 #   stock.wt(stock) <- Reduce('+', split(dat$stock.wt, div)) / nse
    catch.wt(stock) <- Reduce('+', split(dat$catch.wt, div)) / nse
    landings.wt(stock) <- Reduce('+', split(dat$landings.wt, div)) / nse
    discards.wt(stock) <- Reduce('+', split(dat$discards.wt, div)) / nse
  # sums: m, catch
  m(stock) <- Reduce('+', split(dat$m, div))

  # CORRECT Ns at spwn.season for age = 0
  if(dimnames(stock)$age[1] == "0" & rec.season > 1) {
    stock.n(stock)["0",,, 1] <- recn["0",,, rec.season]
    m(stock)["0",,, 1] <- seasonSums(recm["0",,, seq(dis[4]) >= rec.season])

  catch.n(stock) <- Reduce('+', split(dat$catch.n, div))
  landings.n(stock) <- Reduce('+', split(dat$landings.n, div))
  discards.n(stock) <- Reduce('+', split(dat$discards.n, div))
  catch(stock) <- computeCatch(stock)
  landings(stock) <- computeLandings(stock)
  discards(stock) <- computeDiscards(stock)
  stock(stock) <- computeStock(stock)

 # }}}

# noarea {{{

noarea <- function(stock) {

  old <- stock

  stock <- stock[,,,,1]
  dimnames(stock) <- list(area="unique")

  # sum: *.n

  stock.n(stock) <- areaSums(stock.n(old))
  catch.n(stock) <- areaSums(catch.n(old))
  landings.n(stock) <- areaSums(landings.n(old))
  discards.n(stock) <- areaSums(discards.n(old))

  # weighted mean: *.wt, m
  stock.wt(stock) <- areaSums(stock.wt(old) * stock.n(old)) / areaSums(stock.n(old))
  stock.wt(stock)[is.na(stock.wt(stock))] <- areaMeans(stock.wt(old))[is.na(stock.wt(stock))]

  catch.wt(stock) <- areaSums(catch.wt(old) * catch.n(old)) / areaSums(catch.n(old))
  catch.wt(stock)[is.na(catch.wt(stock))] <- areaMeans(catch.wt(old))[is.na(catch.wt(stock))]

  landings.wt(stock) <- areaSums(landings.wt(old) * landings.n(old)) /
  landings.wt(stock)[is.na(landings.wt(stock))] <- areaMeans(landings.wt(old))[is.na(landings.wt(stock))]

  discards.wt(stock) <- areaSums(discards.wt(old) * discards.n(old)) /
  discards.wt(stock)[is.na(discards.wt(stock))] <- areaMeans(discards.wt(old))[is.na(discards.wt(stock))]

  # m
  m(stock) <- areaSums(m(old) * stock.n(old)) /
  m(stock)[is.na(m(stock))] <- areaMeans(m(old))[is.na(m(stock))]

  # mat
  mat(stock) <- areaSums(mat(old) * (stock.n(old) * stock.wt(old))) / 
    areaSums((stock.n(old) * stock.wt(old)))


  catch(stock) <- computeCatch(stock)
  landings(stock) <- computeLandings(stock)
  discards(stock) <- computeDiscards(stock)
  stock(stock) <- computeStock(stock)


# }}}

# simplify {{{

#' @rdname simplify
#' @aliases simplify,FLStock-method

setMethod("simplify", signature(object="FLStock"),
  function(object, dims=c("unit", "season", "area")[dim(object)[3:5] > 1],
    spwn.season=1, rec.season=spwn.season, harvest=TRUE, weighted=FALSE) {
  # ORDER: season(unit(area))
  if(any(c("area", 5) %in% dims))
    object <- noarea(object)

  if(any(c("unit", 3) %in% dims))
    object <- nounit(object)

  if(any(c("season", 4) %in% dims))
    object <- noseason(object, spwn.season=spwn.season, rec.season=rec.season,

  # harvest
  if(harvest) {
    if(units(harvest(object)) == "f") {
      harvest(object) <- harvest(stock.n(object), catch.n(object), m(object))
    } else if (units(harvest(object)) == "hr") {
      harvest(object) <- catch.n(object) / stock.n(object)
      units(harvest(object)) <- "hr"
# }}}

# verify {{{

#' @details A set of rules has been defined for the *FLStock* class, available
#' by calling the ruleset method. The verify method for *FLStock* will by default
#' evaluate those rules, as well as any other defined in the call.
#' @rdname verify
#' @param rules Basic set of rules for a given class, as returned by ruleset().
#' @seealso \code{\link{ruleset}}
#' @examples
#' data(ple4)
#' # verify for the standard set of rules for FLStock
#' verify(ple4)
#' # verify a single rule from set
#' verify(ple4, rules=ruleset(ple4, 'anyna'), report=FALSE)
#' # add own rule to set
#' verify(ple4, m = ~m >=0)

setMethod("verify", signature(object="FLStock"),
  function(object, rules=ruleset(object), ..., report=TRUE) {
      c(list(object), rules, list(...), list(report=report)))
 ) # }}}

# ruleset {{{

#' @details A standard minimal set of rules to check FLStock objects against using the
#' verify method. The included rules are (with names in italics) check that:
#' - there are no NAs in any slot, *anyna*.
#' - *catch.wt*, *landings.wt*, *discards.wt* and *stock.wt* > 0.
#' - *mat*, *m.spwn* and *harvest.spwn* values are between 0 and 1.
#' - *harvest* >= 0.
#' - *cohorts* in the stock.n slot contain decreasing numbers, except for the plusgroup age.
#' @rdname ruleset
#' @examples
#' data(ple4)
#' ruleset(ple4)
#' # Extract single rule by name
#' ruleset(ple4, 'anyna')

setMethod("ruleset", signature(object="FLStock"),
  function(object, ...) {

    rulelist <- list(
    # CHECK for NAs
    anyna=list(rule="!anyna", anyna=function(x)
      unlist(qapply(x, function(y) sum(is.na(y), na.rm=TRUE) > 0))),

    # CHECK catch.wt > 0
    catch.wt=~catch.wt > 0,
    # CHECK landings.wt > 0
    landings.wt=~landings.wt > 0,

    # CHECK discards.wt > 0
    discards.wt=~discards.wt > 0,

    # CHECK stock.wt > 0
    stock.wt=~stock.wt > 0,

    # CHECK 0 < mat < 1
    mat=~mat <= 1 & mat >= 0,

    # CHECK 0 < harvest.spwn < 1
    harvest.spwn=~harvest.spwn <= 1 & harvest.spwn >= 0,

    # CHECK 0 < m.spwn < 1
    m.spwn=~m.spwn <= 1 & m.spwn >= 0,
    # CHECK if m.spwn = 0, harvest.spwn = 0
    # TODO m.spwn=~m.spwn <= 1 & m.spwn >= 0,

    # CHECK harvest >= 0
    harvest=~harvest >= 0,

    # CHECK cohort numbers match (N_c,a > N_c,a+1)
      ccohorts=function(x) {
        if(dim(x)[2] < dim(x)[1])
        #   DROP plusgroup, SELECT full cohorts
        x <- FLCohort(x)[-dim(x)[1], seq(dim(x)[1], dim(x)[2] - dim(x)[1])]
        # CHECK cohort change in abundances
        return((x[-1, ] / x[-dim(x)[1],]) < 1)
    # CHECK units
    uoms=list(rule="uoms", uoms=function(x)

    args <- list(...)
    if(length(args) == 0)
}) # }}}

# append {{{

#' @rdname append-methods
#' @details Attributes like dimnames and *units* will always be taken from the
#' first argument, unless the necessary chnages to dimnames$year
#' @examples
#' # append(FLStock, FLStock)
#' data(ple4)
#' fs1 <- window(ple4, end=2001)
#' fs2 <- window(ple4, start=2002)
#' fs3 <- window(ple4, start=2005)
#' # Appends by dimnames$year
#' stock.n(append(fs1, fs2))
#' # Appends by dimnames$year with gap (2011:2013)
#' stock.n(append(fs1, fs3))
#' # Appends inside x
#' stock.n(append(fs1, fs3, after=2000))
#' # Appends after end of x
#' stock.n(append(fs1, fs3, after=2005))

setMethod("append", signature(x="FLStock", values="FLStock"),
  function(x, values, after=dims(values)$minyear-1) {
    # EXTEND x if needed
    if(after + dims(values)$year > dims(x)$maxyear)
      x <- window(x, end=after + dims(values)$year)

    yrs <- ac(seq(after + 1, length=dims(values)$year))
  	quants <- c("catch.n", "catch.wt", "discards.n", "discards.wt",
      "landings.n", "landings.wt", "stock.n", "stock.wt", "m", "mat",
      "harvest", "harvest.spwn", "m.spwn", "catch", "landings", "discards",

    for(q in quants) {
      slot(x, q) <- append(slot(x, q), slot(values, q))
      # slot(x, q)[, yrs] <- slot(values, q)

) # }}}

# mohnMatrix {{{

#' Generate a matrix to compute Mohn's rho for a single metric
#' A common measure of the strength of stock assessment retrospective
#' patterns is Mohn's rho. This function does not carry out the calculation
#' but returns a matrix with the metrics value for the n restrospective
#' runs, in columns, and n + 2 years, in rows.
#' @param stocks An FLStocks object from a restrospective analysis
#' @param metric Metric to be computed, as a character vector or function
#' @return A metrics of n + 2 x n, where n is the numbers of objects in stocks.

mohnMatrix <- function(stocks, metric="fbar", ...) {

  if(!is(stocks, "FLStocks"))
    stop("Input object must be of class 'FLStocks'")

  # LAST year in stocks
  syrs <- unname(unlist(lapply(stocks, function(x) dims(x)$maxyear)))
  yrs <- seq(max(syrs), by=-1, length=length(syrs))

  # IF no sequence from last, stop
  if(!all.equal(syrs, yrs))
    stop("maxyear of FLStock objects must be a sequence from last.")

  peels <- length(stocks) - 1
  end <- dims(stocks[[1]])$maxyear
  start <- dims(stocks[[peels + 1]])$maxyear - 2

  # EXTRACT metric for given years
  mm <- as.data.frame(lapply(stocks, function(x)
      c(window(do.call(metric, c(list(x), list(...))),
        start=start, end=end))))

  rownames(mm) <- seq(start, end)
  colnames(mm) <- c("base", as.character(-seq(1, length=peels)))

} # }}}

# survivors {{{

#' Calculate the survivors of a stock to the next year.
#' An FLStock object containing estimates of adundance at age ('stock.n') and
#' harvest level at age ('harvest'), is used to bring forward the population
#' by applying the total mortality at age ('z'). No calculation is made on
#' recruitment, so abundances for the first age will be set as 'NA', unless
#' a value is provided.
#' @param object An FLStock with estimated harvest and abundances
#' @param rec Value for recruitment, first age abundance, 'numeric' or 'FLQuant'.'
#' @return The abundances at age of the survivors, 'FLQuant'.
#' @examples
#' data(ple4)
#' stock.n(ple4[, ac(2002:2006)])
#' survivors(ple4[, ac(2002:2006)])

survivors <- function(object, rec=NA) {

  dms <- dims(object)

  # MOVE to one year more
  res <- window(stock.n(object) %=% as.numeric(NA),
    start=dms$minyear + 1, end=dms$maxyear + 1)

  ages <- dimnames(res)$age
  # SURVIVORS at end of year
  survs <- stock.n(object) * exp(-z(object))

  # MOVE to age + 1, year + 1
  res[ages[-1], ] <- survs[ages[-length(ages)], ]

  res[ages[length(ages)]] <- res[ages[length(ages)]] +
    survs[ages[length(ages)], ]

  res[1,] <- rec

} # }}}

# Funwanted, Fwanted {{{

#' Calculate the discards and landings-associated fishing mortalities
#' Computes the fishing mortality at age (harvest) associated with either
#' landings (*Fwanted*) or discards (*Funwanted*) through the respective
#' proportions at age. The function names reflect the convention used in
#' ICES.
#' @param x An FLStock object, with harvest
#' @param ages Ages over which the respective Fbar calculation applies
#' @return An FLQuant
#' @examples
#' data(ple4)
#' Fwanted(ple4, ages=2:6)
#' Funwanted(ple4, ages=1:3)

Funwanted <- function(x, ages=dimnames(x)$age) {
  quantMeans((discards.n(x)[ac(ages),] / catch.n(x)[ac(ages),]) *

Fwanted <- function(x, ages=dimnames(x)$age) {
quantMeans((landings.n(x)[ac(ages),] / catch.n(x)[ac(ages),]) *
} # }}}

# ssb_next {{{

#' Calculate next yera's SSB from survivors and Fbar
#' The spawning stock biomass (SSB) of the stock gets calculated from the
#' survivors of the previous year. This provides a value for the first year
#' after the end of the object. Weights-at-age, maturity in this extra year are
#' calculated as averages over the last *wts.nyears*.
#' For stocks spawning later in the year, a value for the average fishing
#' mortality, *fbar*, expected in that year can be provided. Mortality until
#' spawning is then calculated, with M and selectivity assumed in the extra year
#' to be an average of the last *fbar.nyears*.
#' @param x An FLStock object containing estimates of abundance and harvesting.
#' @param fbar The Fbar rate assumed on the extra year. Defaults to 0.
#' @param wts.nyears Number of years in calculation of mean weight-at-age and maturity for the extra year.
#' @param fbar.nyears Number of years in calculation of mean selectivity, natural mortality and fraction of F abnd M before spawning for the extra year.
#' @return An FLQuant.
#' @examples
#' data(ple4)
#' ssb_next(ple4)
#' # Compare with ssb()
#' ssb(ple4)[, ac(2014:2017)] / ssb_next(ple4)[, ac(2014:2017)]

ssb_next <- function(x, fbar=0, wts.nyears=3, fbar.nyears=3) {

  my <- dims(x)$maxyear
  fages <- range(x, c("minfbar", "maxfbar"))
  # EXTEND slots and COMPUTE wts.nyears average for extra year

  # mat
  xmat <- window(mat(x)[,-1], end=my + 1)
  xmat[, ac(my + 1)] <- yearMeans(xmat[, ac(seq(my - wts.nyears, my))])

  # wt
  xwt <- window(stock.wt(x)[,-1], end=my + 1)
  xwt[, ac(my + 1)] <- yearMeans(xwt[, ac(seq(my - wts.nyears, my))])

  # SOLVE for fmultiplier, returns harvest from fbar and catch.sel

  if(fbar > 0) {

    f <- function(i) {
      abs(c(quantMeans(i * yearMeans(catch.sel(x)[ac(seq(fages[1], fages[2])),
        ac(seq(my - fbar.nyears, my))])) - c(fbar)))

    fmu <- optimise(f, c(fbar / 5, fbar * 5))$minimum

  } else {

    fmu <- 0
  # EXTEND slots and COMPUTE fbar.nyears average for extra year

  # harvest
  har <- window(harvest(x)[,-1], end=my + 1)
  cs <- yearMeans(catch.sel(x)[, ac(seq(my - fbar.nyears + 1, my))])
  har[, ac(my + 1)] <- cs %/% quantMeans(cs[ac(seq(fages[1], fages[2])),]) * fbar

  # har[, ac(my + 1)] <- yearMeans(catch.sel(x)[, ac(seq(my - fbar.nyears, my))]) * fmu
  # m
  mn <- window(m(x)[,-1], end=my + 1)
  mn[, ac(my + 1)] <- yearMeans(mn[, ac(seq(my - fbar.nyears, my))])

  # m.spawn
  ms <- window(m.spwn(x)[,-1], end=my + 1)
  ms[, ac(my + 1)] <- yearMeans(ms[, ac(seq(my - fbar.nyears, my))])

  # harvest.spawn
  hs <- window(harvest.spwn(x)[,-1], end=my + 1)
  hs[, ac(my + 1)] <- yearMeans(hs[, ac(seq(my - fbar.nyears, my))])

  return(quantSums(survivors(x) * exp(- (har * hs) - (mn * ms)) * xwt * xmat))

} # }}}

# targets {{{
ssb_end <- function(x) {
  m.spwn(x) <- 1
  harvest.spwn(x) <- 1

ssb_start <- function(x) {
  m.spwn(x) <- 0
  harvest.spwn(x) <- 0

biomass_end <- function(x) {
  m.spwn(x) <- 1
  harvest.spwn(x) <- 1
	return(quantSums(stock.n(x) * exp(-(harvest(x) *
    harvest.spwn(x) + m(x) * m.spwn(x))) * stock.wt(x)))

biomass_spawn <- function(x) {
	return(quantSums(stock.n(x) * exp(-(harvest(x) *
    harvest.spwn(x) + m(x) * m.spwn(x))) * stock.wt(x)))

biomass <- function(x) {

# }}}

# production {{{

#' @details Production can be calculated for an FLStock based on the spawning stock
#' biomass ("ssb"), total biomass ("biomass"), or exploitation ("exploitation").
#' @rdname production
#' @param what One of the production options: "ssb", "biomass", or "exploitation".
#' @examples
#' data(ple4)
#' # For SSB
#' production(ple4, "ssb")
#' # For total biomass
#' production(ple4, "biomass")

setMethod("production", signature(object="FLStock"),
  function(object, what="ssb", ...) {

    miny <- dims(object)$minyear
    maxy <- dims(object)$maxyear

    switch(tolower(substr(what, 1, 1)),
      # ssb
      s = computeCatch(object) + window(ssb(object), start=miny+1, end=maxy+1) -
      # biomass
      b = computeCatch(object) + window(stock(object), start=miny+1, end=maxy+1) -
      # exploitation
      e = {
        biomass <- apply(catch.wt(object) * stock.n(object) * 
          catch.sel(object) %/% apply(catch.sel(object), 1, max), seq(6)[-1], sum)
        computeCatch(object) + window(biomass(object), start=miny+1, end=maxy+1) -

# }}}

# fwdWindow {{{

#' @rdname fwdWindow
#' @details
#' For 'FLStock'
#' @examples
#' data(ple4)
#' # Use mean of last three years and extend until 2020
#' fut <- fwdWindow(ple4, end=2020)
#' # Check values on catch.wt
#' catch.wt(fut)[, ac(2015:2020)]
#' # Use mean of the 2010:2015 period
#' fut <- fwdWindow(ple4, end=2020, years=2010:2015)
#' # Use last three years mean, but last five for 'wt'
#' fut <- fwdWindow(ple4, end=2020, nsq=3, years=list(wt=5))
#' stock.wt(fut)[, ac(2013:2020)]
#' catch.sel(fut)[, ac(2013:2020)]
#' # Resample from last years for 'wt'
#' fut <- fwdWindow(ple4, end=2020, nsq=3, fun=c(wt='sample'))
#' # Years to resample can be different for 'catch.sel'
#' fut <- fwdWindow(ple4, end=2020, nsq=3,
#'   fun=c(wt='sample', catch.sel='sample'), years=c(wt=10, catch.sel=5))
#' # 'wt' slot has been resampled,
#' stock.wt(fut)[, ac(2015:2020)]
#' # while others have used a 3 year average
#' catch.sel(fut)[, ac(2015:2020)]

setMethod("fwdWindow", signature(x="FLStock", y="missing"),
  function(x, end=dims(x)$maxyear, nsq=3, fun=c("mean", "sample"),
    years=list(wt=nsq, mat=nsq, m=nsq, spwn=nsq, discards.ratio=nsq,
    catch.sel=nsq)) {

    # DIMS
    dx <- dim(x)

    # PARSE years and add missing elements with defaults
    pyears <- eval(formals()$years)
    pyears[names(years)] <- as.list(years)

    # PARSE years
    pyears <- lapply(pyears, function(y) {
      if(length(y) == 1)
        dimnames(x)$year[seq(dx[2] - y + 1, dx[2])]
        match(y, dimnames(x)$year)

    # EXTEND x with window
    res <- window(x, end=end, extend=TRUE, frequency=1)

    # SET window years
    wyrs <- seq(dx[2] + 1, dim(m(res))[2])
    # EXTRACT 'fun' names and find empty
    inms <- !nzchar(fun)

    # IF one argument, USE on all blocks
    if(length(fun) == 1 & sum(inms) == 1) {
      funs <- setNames(rep(list(match.arg(fun)), 6), nm=names(pyears))
    # IF 2 or more
    } else {

      # ANY unnamed function? SET as default
      if(sum(inms) == 1) {
        funs <- setNames(rep(list(fun[inms]), 6), nm=names(pyears))
      # ELSE set 'mean'
      } else {
        funs <- setNames(rep("mean", 6), nm=names(pyears))

      # ASSIGN other fun values
      funs[names(fun[!inms])] <- fun[names(fun[!inms])]
    # CREATE year sample (iters * no. window years)
    if('sample' %in% funs) {
      ysamp <- sample(pyears$wt, dx[6] * length(wyrs), replace=TRUE)

    # SETUP functions
    funs <- lapply(funs, function(f) switch(f,
        return(c(aperm(g[, ysamp,,,,1]@.Data, c(1,3,4,5,6,2))))))

    # wt
    stock.wt(res)[, wyrs] <- funs$wt(stock.wt(res)[, pyears$wt])
    catch.wt(res)[, wyrs] <- funs$wt(catch.wt(res)[, pyears$wt])
    landings.wt(res)[, wyrs] <- funs$wt(landings.wt(res)[, pyears$wt])
    discards.wt(res)[, wyrs] <- funs$wt(discards.wt(res)[, pyears$wt])

    # n (ratios)
    landings.n(res)[, wyrs] <- funs$discards.ratio(
      landings.n(res)[, pyears$discards.ratio] /
      (catch.n(res)[, pyears$discards.ratio] + 1e-16))

    discards.n(res)[, wyrs] <- funs$discards.ratio(
      discards.n(res)[, pyears$discards.ratio] /
      (catch.n(res)[, pyears$discards.ratio] + 1e-16))

    # m
    m(res)[, wyrs] <- funs$m(m(res)[, pyears$m])

    # mat
    mat(res)[, wyrs] <- funs$mat(mat(res)[, pyears$mat])

    # spwn
    m.spwn(res)[, wyrs] <- funs$spwn(m.spwn(res)[, pyears$spwn])
    harvest.spwn(res)[, wyrs] <- funs$spwn(harvest.spwn(res)[, pyears$spwn])

    # harvest
    if(!identical(pyears$catch.sel, pyears$wt)) {
      ysamp <- sample(pyears$catch.sel, dx[6] * length(wyrs), replace=TRUE)
    harvest(res)[, wyrs] <- funs$catch.sel(harvest(res)[, pyears$catch.sel])

    # RESCALE selectivity, need it if F gone too low (F=0)
    harvest(res)[, wyrs] <- harvest(res)[, wyrs] %/%
      apply(harvest(res)[, wyrs], 2:6, max)

) # }}}

# adjust {{{

#' Recalculate to adjust abundances to F and M
#' An FLStock object is projected forward using the initial abundances and
#' the total mortality-at-age per timestep. New values for the stock.n and
#' catch.n slots are calculated, assuming that harvest and m are correct.
#' This calculation provides a test of the internal consistency of the object.
#' @param object an \code{FLStock} object
#' @return \code{FLStock} object
#' @seealso \code{\link{harvest}}
#' @docType methods
#' @examples
#' data(ple4)
#' test <- adjust(ple4)
#' # Difference in catch due to estimation error
#' plot(FLStocks(PLE=ple4, TEST=test))

# TODO ADD fbar input, ADD SRR 
# NEEDS stock.n, m, f year 1

setMethod("adjust", signature(object="FLStock"),
  function(object) {

    # DIMS
    dm <- dim(object)

    # EXTRACT slots
    sn <- stock.n(object)
    sm <- m(object)
    sf <- harvest(object)

    pg <- sn[dm[1],,, dm[4]] * exp(-sf[dm[1],,, dm[4]] - sm[dm[1],,, dm[4]])
    # LOOP over years
    for (i in seq(dm[2] - 1)) {
      # and seasons
      for (j in seq(dm[4])) {
        # IF not last season
        if (j != dm[4]) {
          sn[, i,, j+1] <- sn[, i,, j] * exp(-sf[,i,,j] - sm[,i,,j])
        # IF last season
        } else {
          sn[-1, i+1,, 1] <- sn[-dm[1], i,, j] * exp(-sf[-dm[1], i,, j] - 
            sm[-dm[1], i,, j])
          sn[dm[1], i+1,, 1] <- sn[dm[1], i+1,, 1] + pg[, i,, 1]

  stock.n(object) <- sn
  # and catches/landings/discards

  catch.n(object) <- sn * sf / (sm + sf) * (1 - exp(-sf - sm))
  landings.n(object)[is.na(landings.n(object))] <- 0
  discards.n(object)[is.na(discards.n(object))] <- 0
  landings.n(object) <- catch.n(object) * landings.n(object) / 
    (discards.n(object) + landings.n(object))

  discards.n(object) <- catch.n(object) - landings.n(object)
  catch(object) <- computeCatch(object)  

) # }}}

# qapply		{{{
setMethod('qapply', signature(X='FLStock', FUN='function'),
	function(X, FUN, ..., exclude=missing, simplify=FALSE) {
    FUN <- match.fun(FUN)
    slots <- c("catch", "catch.n", "catch.wt", "discards", "discards.n",
      "discards.wt", "landings", "landings.n", "landings.wt", "stock",
      "stock.n", "stock.wt", "m",  "mat", "harvest", "harvest.spwn", "m.spwn")

      slots <- slots[!slots %in% exclude]

    res <- setNames(as.list(slots), nm=slots)

    for(i in seq(slots)) {
      res[[i]] <- do.call(FUN, list(slot(X, slots[i]), ...))
    # RETURN object class if FLQuant elements
    if(is(res[[1]], "FLQuant")) {
      for(i in slots) {
        slot(X, i) <- res[[i]]

      dims <- dims(X)
      range <- c(min=dims$min, max=dims$max,
        plusgroup=min(dims$max, X@range['plusgroup']),
		    minyear=dims$minyear, maxyear=dims$maxyear, 

      range(X) <- range


      res <- unlist(res)

)   # }}}

# summary {{{
setMethod("summary", signature(object="FLStock"),
	function(object, ...){


    # Values
    cat("Metrics: \n")

    metrics <- c("rec", "ssb", "catch", "fbar")

    for(i in metrics) {
      met <- try(iterMedians(do.call(i, list(object))), silent=TRUE)
      if(is(met, "FLQuant"))
        cat(" ", paste0(i, ":"),
          paste(format(range(met), trim=TRUE, digits=2), collapse=' - '),
          paste0(" (", units(met), ")"),
        cat(" ", paste0(i, ": NA - NA (NA)\n"))
) # }}}

# aac {{{

#' @examples
#' acc(ple4)

setMethod("acc", signature(object="FLStock"),
  function(object, metric="catch.n", 
  ages=seq(range(object, 'minfbar'), range(object, 'plusgroup') - 1)) {

  inp <- do.call(metric, list(object))[ages]

  res <- acc(inp)

  units(res) <- 'z'

# }}}

# ages {{{
setMethod("ages", signature(object="FLStock"),
  function(object) {
  res <- FLQuant(an(dimnames(object)$age), dimnames=dimnames(object),
# }}}

# ffwd {{{ 

#' Project forward an FLStock for a fbar target
#' Projection of an FLStock object for a fishing mortality target does not
#' always require the features of fwd().Fast-forward an FLStock object for a fishing mortality yearly target only.
#' @param object An *FLStock*
#' @param sr A stock-recruit relationship, *FLSR* or *predictModel*.
#' @param fbar Yearly target for average fishing mortality, *FLQuant*.
#' @param control Yearly target for average fishing mortality, *fwdControl*.
#' @param deviances Deviances for the strock-recruit relationsip, *FLQuant*.
#' @return The projected *FLStock* object.
#' @author Iago MOSQUEIRA (MWR), Henning WINKEL (JRC).
#' @seealso \link{fwd}
#' @keywords models
#' @examples
#' data(ple4)
#' sr <- predictModel(model=bevholt, params=FLPar(a=140.4e4, b=1.448e5))
#' # Project for fixed Fbar=0.21
#' run <- ffwd(ple4, sr=sr, fbar=FLQuant(0.21, dimnames=list(year=1958:2017)))
#' plot(run)

ffwd <- function(object, sr, fbar=control, control=fbar, deviances="missing") {

    # HANDLE fwdControl
    if(is(fbar, "fwdControl")) {
      # CHECK single target per year & no max/min
      if(length(fbar$year) != length(unique(fbar$year)))
        stop("ffwd() can only project for yearly targets, try calling FLasher::fwd().")

      # CHECK no max/min
      # TODO: BETTER check
      if(any(is.na(iters(fbar)[, "value",])))
        stop("ffwd() can only handle targets and not min/max limits, try calling FLasher::fwd().")
      # CHECK target is fbar/f
      if(!all(fbar$quant %in% c("f", "fbar")))
        stop("ffwd() can only project for f/fbar targets, try calling FLasher::fwd().")
      fbar <- m(object)[1, ac(fbar$year)] %=% fbar$value

    # EXTRACT projection years
    yrs <- match(dimnames(fbar)$year, dimnames(object)$year)

    # SUBSET for projection years
    obj <- object[, c(yrs[1] - 1, yrs)]

    # DIMS
    dm <- dim(obj)
    dms <- dims(obj)

    # EXTRACT slots
    naa <- stock.n(obj)
    maa <- m(obj)
    faa <- harvest(obj)
    sel <- catch.sel(obj)

    if(missing(deviances)) {
      deviances <- rec(obj) %=% 1
    # SUBSET and EXPAND (JIC) if unit > 1
    deviances <- expand(window(deviances, start=dms$minyear, end=dms$maxyear),

    # COMPUTE harvest
    fages <- range(object, c("minfbar", "maxfbar"))

    faa[, -1] <- (sel[, -1] %/%
      quantMeans(sel[ac(seq(fages[1], fages[2])), -1])) %*% fbar

    faa[is.na(faa)] <- 0
    # COMPUTE SRP multiplier
    waa <- stock.wt(obj)
    mat <- mat(obj)
    msp <- m.spwn(obj)
    fsp <- harvest.spwn(obj)
    srp <- exp(-(faa * fsp) - (maa * msp)) * waa * mat

    recage <- dms$min

    # CHECK for mat > 0 if recage is 0
    if(recage == 0 & any(mat(object)[ac(recage),] > 0))
      warning("Recruitment age in object is '0' and maturity for that age is set greater than 0. Contribution of age 0 SSB to recruitment dynamics is being ignored.")

    # LOOP over obj years (i is new year)
    for (i in seq(dm[2])[-1]) {

      # n
      naa[-1, i] <- naa[-dm[1], i-1] * exp(-faa[-dm[1], i-1] - maa[-dm[1], i-1])

      # pg
      naa[dm[1], i] <- naa[dm[1], i] +
        naa[dm[1], i-1] * exp(-faa[dm[1], i-1] - maa[dm[1], i-1])
      # rec * deviances
       naa[1, i] <- rep(eval(sr@model[[3]],
        c(as(sr@params, 'list'), list(
        ssb=c(colSums(naa[, i - recage, 1] * srp[, i - recage, 1],
          na.rm=TRUE))))) / dm[3], each=dm[3]) * c(deviances[, i])

  # UPDATE stock.n & harvest
  stock.n(object)[, yrs] <- naa[, -1]
  harvest(object)[, yrs] <- faa[, -1]
  # UPDATE stock,
  stock(object) <- computeStock(object)
  # and catch.n
  catch.n(object)[, yrs] <- (naa * faa / (maa + faa) *
    (1 - exp(-faa - maa)))[, -1]

  # SET landings.n & discards.n to 0 if NA
  landings.n(object)[, yrs][is.na(landings.n(object)[, yrs])] <- 0
  discards.n(object)[, yrs][is.na(discards.n(object)[, yrs])] <- 0
  # CALCULATE landings.n from catch.n and ratio
  landings.n(object)[, yrs] <- (catch.n(object) * (landings.n(object) / 
    (discards.n(object) + landings.n(object))))[, yrs]

  # CALCULATE discards
  discards.n(object)[, yrs] <- (catch.n(object) - landings.n(object))[, yrs]

  # COMPUTE average catch.wt
  catch.wt(object)[, yrs] <- weighted.mean(
    FLQuants(L=landings.wt(object), D=discards.wt(object)),
    FLQuants(L=landings.n(object), D=discards.n(object)))[, yrs]

  # COMPUTE catch
  catch(object)[, yrs] <- quantSums(catch.n(object) * catch.wt(object))[, yrs]

# }}}

# ageopt {{{

#' Age at which a cohort reaches its maximum biomass, calculated by year
#' The optimal (or critical) age is the transition point when a cohort achieves
#' its maximum biomass in the absemce of fishing, i.e. losses due to natural
#' mortality are now greater than gains due to increase in individual biomass.
#' @param object An object of class 'FLStock'
#' @return The age at which maximum biomass is reached, an 'FLQuant'.
#' @name ageopt
#' @rdname ageopt
#' @author The FLR Team
#' @seealso \link{FLStock}
#' @keywords methods
#' @examples
#' data(ple4)
#' ageopt(ple4)

setMethod("ageopt", signature(object="FLStock"),
  function(object) {
    # SET future Fbar to zero
    fbar <- fbar(object)[, -1] %=% 0

    # REMOVE last year
    object <- window(object, start=dims(object)$minyear - 1)
    # SET NaA to 1 in first age
    stock.n(object)[1] <- 1

    # PROJECT for fbar target and rec=1
    object <- ffwd(object, fbar=fbar,
      sr=predictModel(model="geomean", params=FLPar(a=1)))[, -1]
    # COMPUTE biomass
    res <- stock.wt(object)[, -1] * stock.n(object)[, -1]
    # COMPUTE age with max biomass
    if (is.na(range(object, "plusgroup"))) {
      res <- apply(res, c(2:6), function(x) as.numeric(names(x)[x == max(x)]))
    } else {
      res <- apply(res[-dim(res)[1]], c(2:6), function(x)

    units(res) <- ""

# }}}

# iterMedians {{{
setMethod("iterMedians", signature(x="FLStock"),
  function(x) {

  res <- qapply(x, iterMedians)

  landings(res) <- iterMedians(landings(x))
  discards(res) <- iterMedians(discards(x))
  catch(res) <- iterMedians(catch(x))
  stock(res) <- iterMedians(stock(x))

# }}}

# update(FLStock, ...) {{{

setMethod("update", signature(object="FLStock"),
  function(object, ...) {

    res <- callNextMethod()

    slots <- names(list(...))

    # RECALCULATE aggregates
    if(!"landings" %in% slots)
      landings(res) <- computeLandings(res)
    if(!"discards" %in% slots)
      discards(res) <- computeDiscards(res)
    if(!"catch" %in% slots)
      catch(res) <- computeCatch(res)
    if(!"stock" %in% slots)
      stock(res) <- computeStock(res)

# }}}

# computeHarvest, recomputeHarvest {{{

#' Computes fishing mortality from abundances, catches and natural mortality
#' Objects or class 'FLStock' already contain a 'harvest' slot to store
#' estimates of fishing mortality at age, for example those obtained from
#' a stock assessment method. Fishing mortality at age can be recalculated
#' using two methods: 
#' @param x An object of class 'FLStock'.
#' @param units Harvest to be computed as 'f' or 'hr', 'character'.
#' @return An 'FLQuant' with the calculated fishing mortalities at age.
#' @author The FLR Team
#' @seealso [FLStock-class] [harvest()] [FLQuant-class]
#' @keywords manip
#' @examples
#' data(ple4)
#' # Compute 'f' from stock.n and Baranov
#' computeHarvest(ple4)
#' # Recomputes all F at age by solving catch Baranov
#' recomputeHarvest(ple4)

setMethod("computeHarvest", signature(object="FLStock", catch="missing"),
  function(object, units=NULL) {

  # AVOIDS recursive default argument 
    units <- units(harvest(object))

  res <- switch(match.arg(units, choices=c("f", "hr", "NA")),
    "f"=harvest(stock.n(object), catch.n(object), m(object), recompute=FALSE),
    "NA"=harvest(stock.n(object), catch.n(object), m(object), recompute=FALSE),
    "hr"=catch.n(object) / stock.n(object))

  res[is.na(res)] <- 0

  units(res) <- units


recomputeHarvest <- function(x) {
  harvest(stock.n(x), catch.n(x), m(x), recompute=TRUE)
# }}}

# discardsRatio {{{

#' Compute the ratio of discards to total catch in numbers or weight
#' A calculation is made of the proportion of discards over total catch at age, 
#' either as numbers (value = 'numbers') or weight (value = 'weight'), or for
#' the total discards and catch in biomass (value = 'total').
#' @param object An object of class 'FLStock'
#' @param value One of 'numbers' (default), 'weight' or 'total'.
#' @return The discards ratio (between 0 and 1), 'FLQuant'
#' @name discardsRatio
#' @rdname discardsRatio
#' @author The FLR Team
#' @seealso [FLStock-class]
#' @keywords arith
#' @examples
#' data(ple4)
#' # Discards ratio at age in numbers
#' discardsRatio(ple4)
#' # Total proportion of discards by year
#' discardsRatio(ple4, value="total")

discardsRatio <- function(object, value=c("numbers", "weight", "total")) {

  # SWITCH over value
  # Numbers at age
  numbers=(discards.n(object) / (catch.n(object))),
  # Weight at age
  weight=(discards.n(object) * discards.wt(object)) /
    (catch.n(object) * catch.wt(object)),
  # Total biomass
  total=(discards(object) / (landings(object) + discards(object)))
# }}}

# fec {{{
setMethod("fec", signature(object="FLStock"),
  function(object) {

    res <- stock.n(object) * exp(-(harvest(object) * 
      (harvest.spwn(object)) + m(object) * (m.spwn(object)))) *
      stock.wt(object) * mat(object)

    units(res) <- ""

# }}}

# leslie {{{

#' @examples
#' data(ple4)
#' leslie(ple4)
#' # Subset for a single year matrix
#' leslie(ple4[,'2000'])

setMethod("leslie", signature(object="FLStock", fec="missing"),
  function(object) {

    return(leslie(object, fec(object)))

setMethod("leslie", signature(object="FLStock", fec="FLQuant"),
  function(object, fec) {

    # Numbers at age at spawning time
    survivors <- stock.n(object) * exp(-(harvest(object) * 
      (harvest.spwn(object)) + m(object) * (m.spwn(object))))

    return(leslie(survivors, fec))
# }}}
flr/FLCore documentation built on May 4, 2024, midnight