
Defines functions longevity age_slaughtered age_die is_stillbirth is_replacement sex_twins sex_newborns n_newborn_per_dam susceptibility is_dried heat_cycle is_ai_succeeded is_first_ai_succeeded is_heat_detected is_ai_started_heifer is_ai_started_milking is_infected_by_colostrum is_infected_vertical is_infected_rp is_infected_in_free_stall is_infected_in_non_exposed_chamber causes_infected_in_exposed_chamber is_infected_pasture n_month_until_ebl_die is_ebl_detected n_month_to_progress

Documented in age_die age_slaughtered causes_infected_in_exposed_chamber heat_cycle is_ai_started_heifer is_ai_started_milking is_ai_succeeded is_dried is_ebl_detected is_first_ai_succeeded is_heat_detected is_infected_by_colostrum is_infected_in_free_stall is_infected_in_non_exposed_chamber is_infected_pasture is_infected_rp is_infected_vertical is_replacement is_stillbirth longevity n_month_to_progress n_month_until_ebl_die n_newborn_per_dam sex_newborns sex_twins susceptibility

#' Calculate months to progress the disease
#' When a cow is infected, the number of months necessary to progress the disease is calculated at the month a cow is infected.
#' Probabilities to:
#' - be newly infected (s->ial),
#' - develop persistent lymphocytosis (ial->ipl), and
#' - show symptom (ipl->ebl),
#' in the month.
#' @param susceptibility_ial_to_ipl A numeric.
#' @param susceptibility_ipl_to_ebl A numeric.
#' @param param_sim A list which combined [param], a result of [process_param()] and a result of [calc_param()].
#' @return A list consisted of a month.
n_month_to_progress <- function(susceptibility_ial_to_ipl,
                                param_sim) {
  n_neg_months_ial_to_ebl <- n_cows <- length(susceptibility_ial_to_ipl)
  months_ial_to_ebl <- months_ial_to_ipl <- months_ipl_to_ebl <- numeric(n_cows)
  neg_months_ipl_to_ebl <- !logical(n_cows)
  while (any(neg_months_ipl_to_ebl)) {
    months_ial_to_ebl[neg_months_ipl_to_ebl] <-
               shape = param_sim$ebl_progress_shape,
               scale = param_sim$ebl_progress_scale
               ) * 12
    months_ial_to_ipl[neg_months_ipl_to_ebl] <-
               shape = param_sim$ebl_progress_shape,
               scale = param_sim$ebl_progress_scale * param_sim$prop_ial_period
               ) * 12
    neg_months_ipl_to_ebl <- (months_ial_to_ebl - months_ial_to_ipl) < 0
    n_neg_months_ial_to_ebl <- sum(neg_months_ipl_to_ebl)
  months_ial_to_ebl <- ceiling(months_ial_to_ebl)
  months_ial_to_ipl <- ceiling(months_ial_to_ipl)
  # ceiling(), not round(), is used because status of cows reflects
  # what happened in the month (= status of cows at the last day of a month)
  months_ipl_to_ebl <- months_ial_to_ebl - months_ial_to_ipl
  months_ial_to_ipl[!susceptibility_ial_to_ipl] <- NA_real_
  months_ipl_to_ebl[!susceptibility_ipl_to_ebl] <- NA_real_
  months <- list(ial_to_ipl = months_ial_to_ipl,
                 ipl_to_ebl = months_ipl_to_ebl)

#' Whether a EBL cow is detected
#' @param n_cows The number of cows.
#' @param param_sim A list which combined [param], a result of [process_param()] and a result of [calc_param()].
#' @return A logical vector.
is_ebl_detected <- function(n_cows, param_sim) {
  runif(n_cows) < param_sim$prob_ebl_detected

#' The number of months until EBL cows die
#' @param n_cows The number of cows.
#' @param param_sim A list which combined [param], a result of [process_param()] and a result of [calc_param()].
#' @return A numeric vector.
n_month_until_ebl_die <- function(n_cows, param_sim) {
  ceiling(rexp(n_cows, param_sim$rate_ebl_die))

#' Whether cows are infected in a communal pasture
#' @param n_cows The number of cows.
#' @param param_sim See [param].
#' @return A logical vector.
is_infected_pasture <- function(n_cows, param_sim) {
  runif(n_cows) < param_sim$prob_seroconv_pasture

#' Whether cows are infected in chambers next to infected cows in tie-stall barns and the causes
#' @param n_cows The number of cows.
#' @param month The current month (1, 2, ..., 12).
#' @param param_sim A list which combined [param], a result of [process_param()] and a result of [calc_param()].
#' @return A logical vector.
causes_infected_in_exposed_chamber <- function(n_cows, month, param_sim) {
  is_infected  <- runif(n_cows) < param_sim$probs_inf_tie_month[month] *
  is_due_to_expose <- runif(n_cows) < param_sim$prop_inf_due_to_expose
  cause <- c("tie_exposed_baseline", "tie_exposed_risk")[is_due_to_expose + 1]
  cause[!is_infected] <- ""

#' Whether cows are infected in chambers not next to infected cows in tie-stall barns
#' @param n_cows The number of cows.
#' @param month The current month (1, 2, ..., 12).
#' @param param_sim A list which combined [param], a result of [process_param()] and a result of [calc_param()].
#' @return A logical vector.
is_infected_in_non_exposed_chamber <- function(n_cows, month, param_sim) {
  runif(n_cows) < param_sim$probs_inf_tie_month[month]

#' Whether cows are infected in free pastures
#' @param n_noinf The number of non-infected cows in a barn.
#' @param n_inf The number of infected cows in the barn.
#' @param param_sim A list which combined [param], a result of [process_param()] and a result of [calc_param()].
#' @param month The current month (1, 2, ..., 12).
#' @return A logical vector.
is_infected_in_free_stall <- function(n_noinf, n_inf, month, param_sim) {
  runif(n_noinf) <
    param_sim$probs_inf_insects_month[month] * param_sim$free_pressure *
    ((n_inf / (n_noinf + n_inf)) / param_sim$average_prop_inf_in_free)
  # TODO: Use the number or PL to calculate infection pressure

# TODO: Gauge dehorning https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1236184/pdf/compmed00003-0104.pdf
# https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1255626/pdf/cjvetres00045-0186.pdf

#' Whether cows are infected by rectal palpation
#' @param n_cows The number of cows.
#' @param param_sim A list which combined [param], a result of [process_param()] and a result of [calc_param()].
#' @return A logical vector.
is_infected_rp <- function(n_cows, param_sim) {
  runif(n_cows) < param_sim$prob_inf_rp

#' Wheter newborns are infected vertically
#' @param status_mother The `infection_status` of dams.
#' @param param_sim A list which combined [param], a result of [process_param()] and a result of [calc_param()].
#' @return A logical vector.
is_infected_vertical <- function(status_mother, param_sim) {
  n_calf <- length(status_mother)
  is_vert_inf_ial <-
    runif(n_calf) < param_sim$prob_vert_inf_ial * (status_mother == "ial")
  is_vert_inf_ipl <-
    runif(n_calf) < param_sim$prob_vert_inf_ipl *
      (status_mother == "ipl" | status_mother == "ebl")
  is_infected <- (is_vert_inf_ial | is_vert_inf_ipl)

#' Wheter newborns are infected by colostrum milk
#' @param status_mother The `infection_status` of dams.
#' @param param_sim A list which combined [param], a result of [process_param()] and a result of [calc_param()].
#' @return A logical vector.
is_infected_by_colostrum <- function(status_mother, param_sim) {
  runif(length(status_mother)) <
    param_sim$prob_inf_colostrum * (status_mother != "s")

#' Whether the first AIs for milking cows are conducted
#' @param n_month_from_delivery The month past from the last delivery.
#' @param param_sim A list which combined [param], a result of [process_param()] and a result of [calc_param()].
#' @return A logical vector.
is_ai_started_milking <- function(n_month_from_delivery, param_sim) {
  n_month_from_delivery >= integerize(param_sim$date_start_ai)

#' Whether the first AIs for hifers are conducted
#' @param ages Age of heifers.
#' @param param_sim A list which combined [param], a result of [process_param()] and a result of [calc_param()].
#' @return A logical vector.
is_ai_started_heifer <- function(ages, param_sim) {
  ages >= integerize(param_sim$age_first_ai)

#' Whether a heat is detected
#' @param n_cows The number of cows which come into heat.
#' @param param_sim A list which combined [param], a result of [process_param()] and a result of [calc_param()].
#' @return A logical vector.
is_heat_detected <- function(n_cows, param_sim) {
  runif(n_cows) < param_sim$prob_heat_detected

#' Whether a cow is concepted at the first or later AI
#' @param n_cows The number of cows on which the first AI were conducted.
#' @param param_sim A list which combined [param], a result of [process_param()] and a result of [calc_param()].
#' @rdname is_ai_succeeded
#' @return A logical vector.
is_first_ai_succeeded <- function(n_cows, param_sim) {
  runif(n_cows) < param_sim$prob_first_ai_success

#' @rdname is_ai_succeeded
is_ai_succeeded <- function(n_cows, param_sim) {
  runif(n_cows) < param_sim$prob_ai_success

#' Heat cycle
#' @param n_cows The number of cows to which heat cycle should be calculated.
#' @param stage Stage (`stage` column of [cow_table] of cows.
#' @param param_sim A list which combined [param], a result of [process_param()] and a result of [calc_param()].
#' @return A numeric vector.
heat_cycle <- function(n_cows, stage, param_sim) {
  mean_heat <- param_sim$mean_heat_0 * (stage == "calf" | stage == "heifer") +
                 param_sim$mean_heat_1 * (stage == "milking" | stage == "dry")
  sd_heat <- param_sim$sd_heat_0 * (stage == "calf" | stage == "heifer") +
               param_sim$sd_heat_1 * (stage == "milking" | stage == "dry")
  heat_cycle <- round(rnorm(n_cows, mean = mean_heat, sd = sd_heat))

#' Whether a cow is dried
#' @param months_from_delivery The number of months past from the last delivery.
#' @param param_sim A list which combined [param], a result of [process_param()] and a result of [calc_param()].
#' @return A logical vector.
is_dried <- function(months_from_delivery, param_sim) {
  # TODO: ここ基準の前後1ヶ月以内で必ず乾乳することになってるのでどうにかしたい
  months_from_delivery >= integerize(param_sim$length_milking)

#' Calculate susceptibility of newborns to the pathogen
#' @param n_newborns The number of newborns.
#' @param susceptibility_ial_to_ipl_dam,susceptibility_ipl_to_ebl_dam The dam's susceptibility to the pathogen.
#' @param param_sim A list which combined [param], a result of [process_param()] and a result of [calc_param()].
#' @return A list consisted of susceptibility of newborns.
susceptibility <- function(n_newborns,
                           param_sim) {
  inherit_from_dam <- runif(n_newborns) < 0.5
  ial_to_ipl <- fifelse(inherit_from_dam,
                        runif(n_newborns) < param_sim$prob_develop_ipl)
  ipl_to_ebl <- fifelse(inherit_from_dam,
                        runif(n_newborns) < param_sim$prob_develop_ebl &
  susceptibility <- list(ial_to_ipl = ial_to_ipl, ipl_to_ebl = ipl_to_ebl)

#' The number of newborns per dam
#' @param n_dams The number of dams.
#' @param param_sim A list which combined [param], a result of [process_param()] and a result of [calc_param()].
#' @return A numeric vector consisted of 1 and 2.
n_newborn_per_dam <- function(n_dams, param_sim) {
  (runif(n_dams) < param_sim$prob_twin) + 1
# Probability to be triplets or more is ignored.

#' Sex ratio of newborns
#' `sex_newborns()` returns sex of singleton newborns.
#' `sex_twins()` returns sex of pairs of twin newborns.
#' Probability to be triplets or more is ignored (=0).
#' @param n_calves The number of newborns.
#' @param param_sim A list which combined [param], a result of [process_param()] and a result of [calc_param()].
#' @rdname sex_newborns
#' @return A character vector consisted of "male", "female" and "freemartin".
sex_newborns <- function(n_calves, param_sim) {
  c("female", "male")[(runif(n_calves) > param_sim$prob_female) + 1]
  # Equals to sample(c(...), n_calves, replace = T, prob = c(prob, 1 - prob))

#' @rdname sex_newborns
sex_twins <- function(n_calves, param_sim) {
  sex_pairs <- sample(c("male-male", "male-freemartin", "female-female"),
                      size = (n_calves / 2), replace = T,
                      prob = param_sim$probs_sex_pairs)
  sex_calves <- unlist(strsplit(sex_pairs, split = "-"))
# TODO: 性判別精液は双子が少ない??

#' @name is_replacement
is_replacement <- function(n_calves, herd_size, param_sim) {
  desirable_n_rep <- (param_sim$herd_size_limits - herd_size) *
                      (param_sim$herd_size_limits > herd_size)
  # Identical to:
  # desirable_n_rep <- numeric(2)  # Upper and lower limits of desirable #calves
  # if (param_sim$herd_size_limits[1] > herd_size) {
  #   desirable_n_rep[1] <- param_sim$herd_size_limits[1] - herd_size
  # } else {
  #   desirable_n_rep[1] <- 0
  # }
  # if (param_sim$herd_size_limits[2] < herd_size) {
  #   desirable_n_rep[2] <- 0
  # } else {
  #   desirable_n_rep[2] <- param_sim$herd_size_limits[2] - herd_size
  # }

  feasible_n_rep <- n_calves * (desirable_n_rep > n_calves) +
                       desirable_n_rep * (desirable_n_rep <= n_calves)
  # Identical to:
  # if (feasible_n_rep[1] > n_calves) {
  #   feasible_n_rep[1] <- n_calves
  # }
  # if (feasible_n_rep[2] > n_calves) {
  #   feasible_n_rep[2] <- n_calves
  # }

  n_will_be_rep <- rbinom(1, n_calves, param_sim$prob_rep)
  if (n_will_be_rep < feasible_n_rep[1]) {
    n_will_be_rep <- feasible_n_rep[1]
  } else if (n_will_be_rep > feasible_n_rep[2]) {
    n_will_be_rep <- feasible_n_rep[2]

  is_replacement <- logical(n_calves)
  is_replacement[sample.int(n_calves, n_will_be_rep)] <- T


#' Whether a delivery end up in stillbirth or abortion
#' Here, stillbirth means stillbirth and abortion.
#' @param parity Parity of dams.
#' @param param_sim A list which combined [param], a result of [process_param()] and a result of [calc_param()].
#' @return A logical vector.
is_stillbirth <- function(parity, param_sim) {
  prob_sb <- param_sim$prob_sb_1 * (parity == 1) +
    param_sim$prob_sb_2 * (parity == 2) +
    param_sim$prob_sb_3 * (parity == 3) +
    param_sim$prob_sb_4 * (parity == 4) +
    param_sim$prob_sb_5 * (parity >= 5)
  is_sb <- (runif(length(parity)) <= prob_sb)
# TODO: 双子だったら死産率上がりそう→調べる
# TODO: 母牛死亡について考慮
# TODO: ここstillbirthとabortionの両方調べたっけ

#' Expected age of death or slaugher
#' @param n_cows The number of cows to calculate expected age of death.
#' @param param_sim A list which combined [param], a result of [process_param()] and a result of [calc_param()].
#' @rdname longevity
#' @return A numeric vector.
age_die <- function(n_cows, param_sim) {
  is_exp <- runif(n_cows)
  value <-
    rexp(n_cows, rate = param_sim$die_e_rate) * (is_exp < param_sim$die_prop) +
    rgamma(n_cows, shape = param_sim$die_g_shape, rate = param_sim$die_g_rate) *
    (is_exp >= param_sim$die_prop)

#' @name longevity
age_slaughtered <- function(n_cows, param_sim) {
  if (!is.null(param_sim$slaughter_age)) {
  # TODO: Fix slaughter_age
  value <- rgamma(n_cows,
                  shape = param_sim$slaughter_shape,
                  rate = param_sim$slaughter_rate)

#' @name longevity
longevity <- function(n_cows, param_sim) {
  longevity <- list(
    age = numeric(n_cows),
    cause = rep("will_be_slaughtered", n_cows)
  will_die <- runif(n_cows) <= param_sim$prob_died
  longevity$age <- age_die(n_cows, param_sim) * will_die +
    age_slaughtered(n_cows, param_sim) * (!will_die)
  longevity$cause[will_die] <- "will_die"
fmsan51/blvibmjp documentation built on Sept. 2, 2020, 9:04 p.m.