#' Calculate the autocorrelation for each protein between a pair of co-elution
#' experiments.
#' For a given protein, the correlation coefficient to all other proteins
#' in the first condition is calculated, yielding a vector of correlation
#' coefficients. The same procedure is repeated for the second condition,
#' and the two vectors of correlation coefficients are themselves correlated,
#' yielding a metric whereby higher values reflect proteins with unchanging
#' interaction profiles between conditions, while lower values reflect proteins
#' with substantially changing interaction profiles.
#' Note that all of zero, \code{NA}, \code{NaN}, and infinite values are
#' all treated equivalently as missing values when applying the
#' \code{min_fractions} and \code{min_pairs} filters, but different handling of
#' missing values will produce different autocorrelation scores.
#' @param profile1 a numeric matrix or data frame with proteins in rows and
#' fractions in columns, or a \code{\linkS4class{MSnSet}} object, representing
#' the first co-elution condition
#' @param profile2 a numeric matrix or data frame with proteins in rows and
#' fractions in columns, or a \code{\linkS4class{MSnSet}} object, representing
#' the second co-elution condition
#' @param cor_method the correlation method to use; one of \code{"pearson"},
#' \code{"spearman"}, or \code{"kendall"}).
#' @param min_fractions filter proteins not quantified in at least this many
#' fractions
#' @param min_pairs remove correlations between protein pairs not co-occuring in
#' at least this many fractions from the autocorrelation calculation
#' @return a named vector of autocorrelation scores for all proteins found in
#' both matrices.
#' @importFrom purrr map_dbl
#' @export
calculate_autocorrelation <- function(profile1,
cor_method = c("pearson", "spearman",
min_replicates = 1,
min_fractions = 1,
min_pairs = 0) {
cor_method <- match.arg(cor_method)
# coerce profiles to matrices
profile1 <- coerce_to_matrix(profile1)
profile2 <- coerce_to_matrix(profile2)
# identify 'missing' values as zeroes, NAs, or NaN
missing1 <- !is.finite(profile1) | profile1 == 0
missing2 <- !is.finite(profile2) | profile2 == 0
# remove proteins that appear in less than min_fractions
n_fractions1 <- rowSums(!missing1)
n_fractions2 <- rowSums(!missing2)
profile1 <- profile1[n_fractions1 >= min_fractions, ]
profile2 <- profile2[n_fractions2 >= min_fractions, ]
# filter to proteins found in both conditions
overlap <- intersect(rownames(profile1), rownames(profile2))
profile1 <- profile1[overlap, ]
profile2 <- profile2[overlap, ]
## also filter missing
missing1 <- missing1[overlap, ]
missing2 <- missing2[overlap, ]
# calculate correlations for each chromatogram
cor1 <- cor(t(profile1), method = cor_method, use = 'pairwise.complete.obs')
cor2 <- cor(t(profile2), method = cor_method, use = 'pairwise.complete.obs')
# censor correlations with less than min_pairs in the raw chromatograms
n1 <- crossprod(t(!missing1))
n2 <- crossprod(t(!missing2))
cor1[n1 < min_pairs] <- NA
cor2[n2 < min_pairs] <- NA
# calculate autocorrelations
autocors <- map_dbl(overlap, ~ cor(cor1[., ], cor2[., ],
use = 'pairwise.complete.obs'))
names(autocors) <- overlap
#' @importFrom MSnbase exprs
coerce_to_matrix <- function(matrix_like) {
profile_matrix <- matrix_like
if (is(matrix_like, "MSnSet")) {
profile_matrix <- exprs(matrix_like)
} else {
profile_matrix <- data.matrix(matrix_like)
if (!is.numeric(profile_matrix)) {
stop("input could not be coerced to numeric matrix: ",
paste(dim(profile_matrix), collapse = ' '))
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