#' @include classes.R occumbData.R
# Class for model-fit results of occumb
setClass("occumbFit", slots = c(fit = "jagsUI",
data = "occumbData",
occumb_args = "list"))
#' @title Model-fitting function.
#' @description \code{occumb()} fits the multispecies site-occupancy model for eDNA
#' metabarcoding (Fukaya et al. 2022) and returns a model-fit object containing
#' posterior samples.
#' @details
#' \code{occumb()} allows the fitting of a range of multispecies site
#' occupancy models, including covariates at different levels of the data
#' generation process.
#' The most general form of the model can be written as follows (the notation
#' follows that of the original article; see References).
#' Sequence read counts:
#' \deqn{(y_{1jk}, ..., y_{Ijk}) \sim \textrm{Multinomial}((\pi_{1jk}, ..., \pi_{Ijk}), N_{jk}),}{y[1:I, j, k] ~ Multinomial(pi[1:I, j, k], N[j, k]),}
#' \deqn{\pi_{ijk} = \frac{u_{ijk}r_{ijk}}{\sum_m u_{mjk}r_{mjk}},}{pi[i, j, k] = (u[i, j, k] * r[i, j, k]) / sum(u[1:I, j, k] * r[1:I, j, k]),}
#' Relative frequency of species sequences:
#' \deqn{r_{ijk} \sim \textrm{Gamma}(\phi_{ijk}, 1),}{r[i, j, k] ~ Gamma(phi[i, j, k], 1),}
#' Capture of species sequences:
#' \deqn{u_{ijk} \sim \textrm{Bernoulli}(z_{ij}\theta_{ijk}),}{u[i, j, k] ~ Bernoulli(z[i, j] * theta[i, j, k]),}
#' Site occupancy of species:
#' \deqn{z_{ij} \sim \textrm{Bernoulli}(\psi_{ij}),}{z[i, j] ~ Bernoulli(psi[i, j]),}
#' where the variations of \eqn{\phi}{phi}, \eqn{\theta}{theta}, and
#' \eqn{\psi}{psi} are modeled by specifying model formulas in
#' \code{formula_phi}, \code{formula_theta}, \code{formula_psi},
#' \code{formula_phi_shared}, \code{formula_theta_shared}, and
#' \code{formula_psi_shared.}
#' Each parameter may have species-specific effects and effects that are common
#' across species, where the former is specified by \code{formula_phi},
#' \code{formula_theta}, and \code{formula_psi}, whereas
#' \code{formula_phi_shared}, \code{formula_theta_shared}, and
#' \code{formula_psi_shared} specify the latter.
#' As species-specific intercepts are specified by default, the intercept
#' terms in \code{formula_phi_shared}, \code{formula_theta_shared}, and
#' \code{formula_psi_shared} are always ignored.
#' Covariate terms must be found in the names of the list elements stored
#' in the \code{spec_cov}, \code{site_cov}, or \code{repl_cov} slots in the dataset
#' object provided with the \code{data} argument.
#' Covariates are modeled using the log link function for \eqn{\phi}{phi}
#' and logit link function for \eqn{\theta}{theta} and \eqn{\psi.}{psi.}
#' The two arguments, \code{prior_prec} and \code{prior_ulim}, control the
#' prior distribution of parameters. For the community-level average of
#' species-specific effects and effects common across species, a normal
#' prior distribution with a mean of 0 and precision (i.e., the inverse of the
#' variance) \code{prior_prec} is specified. For the standard deviation of
#' species-specific effects, a uniform prior distribution with a lower limit of
#' zero and an upper limit of \code{prior_ulim} is specified. For the correlation
#' coefficient of species-specific effects, a uniform prior distribution in the
#' range of \eqn{-}1 to 1 is specified by default.
#' See \href{https://fukayak.github.io/occumb/articles/model_specification.html}{the package vignette}
#' for details on the model specifications in \code{occumb()}.
#' The \code{data} argument requires a dataset object to be generated using
#' \code{ocumbData()}; see the document of \code{\link{occumbData}()}.
#' The model is fit using the \code{\link[jagsUI]{jags}()} function of the
#' \href{https://cran.r-project.org/package=jagsUI}{jagsUI} package, where
#' Markov chain Monte Carlo methods are used to
#' obtain posterior samples of the parameters and latent variables.
#' Arguments \code{n.chains}, \code{n.adapt}, \code{n.burnin}, \code{n.thin},
#' \code{n.iter}, and \code{parallel} are passed on to arguments of the
#' same name in the \code{\link[jagsUI]{jags}()} function.
#' See the document of \href{https://cran.r-project.org/package=jagsUI}{jagsUI}'s
#' \code{\link[jagsUI]{jags}()} function for details.
#' @param formula_phi A right-hand side formula describing species-specific
#' effects of sequence relative dominance (\eqn{\phi}).
#' @param formula_theta A right-hand side formula describing species-specific
#' effects of sequence capture probability (\eqn{\theta}).
#' @param formula_psi A right-hand side formula describing species-specific
#' effects of occupancy probability (\eqn{\psi}).
#' @param formula_phi_shared A right-hand side formula describing effects of
#' sequence relative dominance (\eqn{\phi}) that are common across
#' species. The intercept term is ignored (see Details).
#' @param formula_theta_shared A right-hand side formula describing effects of
#' sequence capture probability (\eqn{\theta}) that are common across
#' species.
#' The intercept term is ignored (see Details).
#' @param formula_psi_shared A right-hand side formula describing effects of
#' occupancy probability (\eqn{\psi}) that are common across species.
#' The intercept term is ignored (see Details).
#' @param prior_prec Precision of normal prior distribution for the
#' community-level average of species-specific parameters and effects
#' common across species.
#' @param prior_ulim Upper limit of uniform prior distribution for the
#' standard deviation of species-specific parameters.
#' @param data A dataset supplied as an \code{\link{occumbData}} class object.
#' @param n.chains Number of Markov chains to run.
#' @param n.adapt Number of iterations to run in the JAGS adaptive phase.
#' @param n.burnin Number of iterations at the beginning of the chain to discard.
#' @param n.thin Thinning rate. Must be a positive integer.
#' @param n.iter Total number of iterations per chain (including burn-in).
#' @param parallel If TRUE, run MCMC chains in parallel on multiple CPU cores.
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to \code{\link[jagsUI]{jags}()} function.
#' @return An S4 object of the \code{occumbFit} class containing the results of
#' the model fitting and the supplied dataset.
#' @section References:
#' K. Fukaya, N. I. Kondo, S. S. Matsuzaki and T. Kadoya (2022)
#' Multispecies site occupancy modelling and study design for spatially
#' replicated environmental DNA metabarcoding. \emph{Methods in Ecology
#' and Evolution} \strong{13}:183--193.
#' \doi{10.1111/2041-210X.13732}
#' @examples
#' # Generate the smallest random dataset (2 species * 2 sites * 2 reps)
#' I <- 2 # Number of species
#' J <- 2 # Number of sites
#' K <- 2 # Number of replicates
#' data <- occumbData(
#' y = array(sample.int(I * J * K), dim = c(I, J, K)),
#' spec_cov = list(cov1 = rnorm(I)),
#' site_cov = list(cov2 = rnorm(J),
#' cov3 = factor(1:J)),
#' repl_cov = list(cov4 = matrix(rnorm(J * K), J, K)))
#' \donttest{
#' # Fitting a null model (includes only species-specific intercepts)
#' res0 <- occumb(data = data)
#' # Add species-specific effects of site covariates in occupancy probabilities
#' res1 <- occumb(formula_psi = ~ cov2, data = data) # Continuous covariate
#' res2 <- occumb(formula_psi = ~ cov3, data = data) # Categorical covariate
#' res3 <- occumb(formula_psi = ~ cov2 * cov3, data = data) # Interaction
#' # Add species covariate in the three parameters
#' # Note that species covariates are modeled as common effects
#' res4 <- occumb(formula_phi_shared = ~ cov1, data = data) # phi
#' res5 <- occumb(formula_theta_shared = ~ cov1, data = data) # theta
#' res6 <- occumb(formula_psi_shared = ~ cov1, data = data) # psi
#' # Add replicate covariates
#' # Note that replicate covariates can only be specified for theta and phi
#' res7 <- occumb(formula_phi = ~ cov4, data = data) # phi
#' res8 <- occumb(formula_theta = ~ cov4, data = data) # theta
#' # Specify the prior distribution and MCMC settings explicitly
#' res9 <- occumb(data = data, prior_prec = 1E-2, prior_ulim = 1E2,
#' n.chains = 1, n.burnin = 1000, n.thin = 1, n.iter = 2000)
#' res10 <- occumb(data = data, parallel = TRUE, n.cores = 2) # Run MCMC in parallel
#' }
#' @export
occumb <- function(formula_phi = ~ 1,
formula_theta = ~ 1,
formula_psi = ~ 1,
formula_phi_shared = ~ 1,
formula_theta_shared = ~ 1,
formula_psi_shared = ~ 1,
prior_prec = 1E-4,
prior_ulim = 1E4,
n.chains = 4,
n.adapt = NULL,
n.burnin = 10000,
n.thin = 10,
n.iter = 20000,
parallel = FALSE,
...) {
# Validate arguments
check_args_occumb(data, formula_phi, formula_theta, formula_psi,
formula_phi_shared, formula_theta_shared,
formula_psi_shared, prior_prec, prior_ulim)
# Set constants
const <- set_const(data)
# Define arguments for the specified model
margs <- set_modargs(formula_phi,
# Set data list
dat <- set_data(const, margs, prior_prec, prior_ulim)
# Set initial values
inits <- set_inits(const, margs, dat)
# Set parameters monitored
params <- set_params_monitored(margs$phi_shared,
# Write model file
model <- tempfile()
writeLines(write_jags_model(margs$phi, margs$theta, margs$psi,
margs$psi_shared), model)
# Run MCMC in JAGS
fit <- jagsUI::jags(dat, inits, params, model,
n.chains = n.chains,
n.adapt = n.adapt,
n.iter = n.iter,
n.burnin = n.burnin,
n.thin = n.thin,
parallel = parallel, ...)
# Output
out <- methods::new(
"occumbFit", fit = fit, data = data,
occumb_args = list(
formula_phi = paste(as.character(formula_phi),
collapse = " "),
formula_theta = paste(as.character(formula_theta),
collapse = " "),
formula_psi = paste(as.character(formula_psi),
collapse = " "),
formula_phi_shared = paste(as.character(formula_phi_shared),
collapse = " "),
formula_theta_shared = paste(as.character(formula_theta_shared),
collapse = " "),
formula_psi_shared = paste(as.character(formula_psi_shared),
collapse = " "),
prior_prec = prior_prec,
prior_ulim = prior_ulim
# Validation for the inputs
check_args_occumb <- function(data,
prior_ulim) {
# Check data
if (!inherits(data, "occumbData"))
stop("An occumbData class object is expected for data\n")
# Check formulas
formulas <- c("formula_phi",
bad_formula <- rep(FALSE, 6)
bad_formula[1] <- !inherits(formula_phi, "formula")
bad_formula[2] <- !inherits(formula_theta, "formula")
bad_formula[3] <- !inherits(formula_psi, "formula")
bad_formula[4] <- !inherits(formula_phi_shared, "formula")
bad_formula[5] <- !inherits(formula_theta_shared, "formula")
bad_formula[6] <- !inherits(formula_psi_shared, "formula")
if (any(bad_formula))
stop(sprintf("Formula is expected for: %s\n",
paste(formulas[bad_formula], collapse = ", ")))
check_intercept(formula_phi, "phi")
check_intercept(formula_theta, "theta")
check_intercept(formula_psi, "psi")
check_intercept(formula_phi_shared, "phi_shared")
check_intercept(formula_theta_shared, "theta_shared")
check_intercept(formula_psi_shared, "psi_shared")
# Check priors
if (is.infinite(prior_prec))
stop("'prior_prec' should have a finite value")
if (!(prior_prec > 0))
stop("'prior_prec' should have a positive value")
if (!(prior_ulim > 0))
stop("'prior_ulim' should have a positive value")
# Extract constants for the model
set_const <- function(data) {
y <- data@y
I <- dim(y)[1] # Number of species
J <- dim(y)[2] # Number of sites
K <- dim(y)[3] # Number of replicates
N <- apply(y, c(2, 3), sum) # Sequence depth
for (j in 1:J) {
for (k in 1:K) {
# Set y to NA and N to 1 when sequence depth is zero
if (N[j, k] == 0) {
y[, j, k] <- NA
N[j, k] <- 1
out <- list(y = y, I = I, J = J, K = K, N = N)
# Set model-specific arguments
set_modargs <- function(formula_phi,
data) {
check_wrong_terms(data, formula_phi, "phi")
check_wrong_terms(data, formula_theta, "theta")
check_wrong_terms(data, formula_psi, "psi")
check_wrong_terms(data, formula_phi_shared, "phi_shared")
check_wrong_terms(data, formula_theta_shared, "theta_shared")
check_wrong_terms(data, formula_psi_shared, "psi_shared")
phi_shared <- formula_phi_shared != ~ 1
theta_shared <- formula_theta_shared != ~ 1
psi_shared <- formula_psi_shared != ~ 1
# phi
list_covs_phi <- set_covariates(data, formula_phi,
formula_phi_shared, "phi")
cov_phi <- list_covs_phi$cov
M_phi <- list_covs_phi$M
cov_phi_shared <- list_covs_phi$cov_shared
M_phi_shared <- list_covs_phi$M_shared
type_phi <- list_covs_phi$type
# theta
list_covs_theta <- set_covariates(data, formula_theta,
formula_theta_shared, "theta")
cov_theta <- list_covs_theta$cov
M_theta <- list_covs_theta$M
cov_theta_shared <- list_covs_theta$cov_shared
M_theta_shared <- list_covs_theta$M_shared
type_theta <- list_covs_theta$type
# psi
list_covs_psi <- set_covariates(data, formula_psi,
formula_psi_shared, "psi")
cov_psi <- list_covs_psi$cov
M_psi <- list_covs_psi$M
cov_psi_shared <- list_covs_psi$cov_shared
M_psi_shared <- list_covs_psi$M_shared
type_psi <- list_covs_psi$type
M <- M_phi + M_theta + M_psi # Order of species effects
m_phi <- seq(1, M_phi)
m_theta <- seq(m_phi[length(m_phi)] + 1, m_phi[length(m_phi)] + M_theta)
m_psi <- seq(m_theta[length(m_theta)] + 1, m_theta[length(m_theta)] + M_psi)
out <- list(phi = type_phi,
theta = type_theta,
psi = type_psi,
phi_shared = phi_shared,
theta_shared = theta_shared,
psi_shared = psi_shared,
M = M,
cov_phi = cov_phi,
cov_theta = cov_theta,
cov_psi = cov_psi,
m_phi = m_phi,
m_theta = m_theta,
m_psi = m_psi)
if (phi_shared) {
out$M_phi_shared <- M_phi_shared
out$cov_phi_shared <- cov_phi_shared
if (theta_shared) {
out$M_theta_shared <- M_theta_shared
out$cov_theta_shared <- cov_theta_shared
if (psi_shared) {
out$M_psi_shared <- M_psi_shared
out$cov_psi_shared <- cov_psi_shared
# Auto-generate the data list
set_data <- function(const, margs, prior_prec, prior_ulim) {
dat <- list(I = const$I,
J = const$J,
K = const$K,
N = const$N,
y = const$y,
cov_phi = margs$cov_phi,
cov_theta = margs$cov_theta,
cov_psi = margs$cov_psi,
M = margs$M,
m_phi = margs$m_phi,
m_theta = margs$m_theta,
m_psi = margs$m_psi,
prior_prec = prior_prec,
prior_ulim = prior_ulim)
if (margs$phi_shared) {
dat$cov_phi_shared <- margs$cov_phi_shared
dat$M_phi_shared <- margs$M_phi_shared
if (margs$theta_shared) {
dat$cov_theta_shared <- margs$cov_theta_shared
dat$M_theta_shared <- margs$M_theta_shared
if (margs$psi_shared) {
dat$cov_psi_shared <- margs$cov_psi_shared
dat$M_psi_shared <- margs$M_psi_shared
# Auto-generate the initial value function
set_inits <- function(const, margs, dat) {
eval(parse(text = inits_code(const, margs, dat)))
# Auto-generate codes for the initial value function
inits_code <- function(const, margs, dat) {
out <- c(
"function() {",
" list(z = matrix(1, const$I, const$J),",
" u = array(1, dim = c(const$I, const$J, const$K)),",
" r = array(stats::rnorm(const$I * const$J * const$K,",
" mean = 1, sd = 0.1),",
" dim = c(const$I, const$J, const$K)),")
if (margs$phi_shared)
out <- c(out, " alpha_shared = stats::rnorm(margs$M_phi_shared, sd = 0.1),")
if (margs$theta_shared)
out <- c(out, " beta_shared = stats::rnorm(margs$M_theta_shared, sd = 0.1),")
if (margs$psi_shared)
out <- c(out, " gamma_shared = stats::rnorm(margs$M_psi_shared, sd = 0.1),")
out <- c(out,
" spec_eff = matrix(stats::rnorm(const$I * margs$M, sd = 0.1),",
" const$I, margs$M),",
" Mu = stats::rnorm(margs$M, sd = 0.1),")
if (dat$prior_ulim > 10) {
out <- c(out,
" sigma = stats::rnorm(margs$M, mean = 1, sd = 0.1))")
} else {
out <- c(out,
sprintf(" sigma = stats::runif(margs$M, min = 0, max = %s))",
out <- c(out, "}")
# Auto-generate the list of parameters monitored
set_params_monitored <- function(phi_shared, theta_shared, psi_shared) {
params <- c("Mu", "sigma", "rho", "alpha", "beta", "gamma")
if (phi_shared)
params <- c(params, "alpha_shared")
if (theta_shared)
params <- c(params, "beta_shared")
if (psi_shared)
params <- c(params, "gamma_shared")
params <- c(params, c("phi", "theta", "psi", "z", "pi"))
# Auto-generate JAGS model code
write_jags_model <- function(phi, theta, psi,
phi_shared, theta_shared, psi_shared) {
model <- readLines(system.file("jags",
package = "occumb"))
if (phi == "i")
model <- c(model,
" r[i, j, k] ~ dgamma(phi[i], 1)")
if (phi == "ij")
model <- c(model,
" r[i, j, k] ~ dgamma(phi[i, j], 1)")
if (phi == "ijk")
model <- c(model,
" r[i, j, k] ~ dgamma(phi[i, j, k], 1)")
model <- c(model,
package = "occumb")))
if (theta == "i")
model <- c(model,
" u[i, j, k] ~ dbern(z[i, j] * theta[i])")
if (theta == "ij")
model <- c(model,
" u[i, j, k] ~ dbern(z[i, j] * theta[i, j])")
if (theta == "ijk")
model <- c(model,
" u[i, j, k] ~ dbern(z[i, j] * theta[i, j, k])")
model <- c(model,
package = "occumb")))
if (psi == "i")
model <- c(model,
" z[i, j] ~ dbern(psi[i])")
if (psi == "ij")
model <- c(model,
" z[i, j] ~ dbern(psi[i, j])")
model <- c(model,
package = "occumb")))
if (phi_shared) {
if (phi == "i")
model <- c(model,
" log(phi[i]) <- inprod(alpha[i, ], cov_phi[]) + inprod(alpha_shared[], cov_phi_shared[i, ])")
if (phi == "ij")
model <- c(model,
" for (j in 1:J) {",
" log(phi[i, j]) <- inprod(alpha[i, ], cov_phi[j, ]) + inprod(alpha_shared[], cov_phi_shared[i, j, ])",
" }")
if (phi == "ijk")
model <- c(model,
" for (j in 1:J) {",
" for (k in 1:K) {",
" log(phi[i, j, k]) <- inprod(alpha[i, ], cov_phi[j, k, ]) + inprod(alpha_shared[], cov_phi_shared[i, j, k, ])",
" }",
" }")
} else {
if (phi == "i")
model <- c(model,
" log(phi[i]) <- inprod(alpha[i, ], cov_phi[])")
if (phi == "ij")
model <- c(model,
" for (j in 1:J) {",
" log(phi[i, j]) <- inprod(alpha[i, ], cov_phi[j, ])",
" }")
if (phi == "ijk")
model <- c(model,
" for (j in 1:J) {",
" for (k in 1:K) {",
" log(phi[i, j, k]) <- inprod(alpha[i, ], cov_phi[j, k, ])",
" }",
" }")
if (theta_shared) {
if (theta == "i")
model <- c(model,
" logit(theta[i]) <- inprod(beta[i, ], cov_theta[]) + inprod(beta_shared[], cov_theta_shared[i, ])")
if (theta == "ij")
model <- c(model,
" for (j in 1:J) {",
" logit(theta[i, j]) <- inprod(beta[i, ], cov_theta[j, ]) + inprod(beta_shared[], cov_theta_shared[i, j, ])",
" }")
if (theta == "ijk")
model <- c(model,
" for (j in 1:J) {",
" for (k in 1:K) {",
" logit(theta[i, j, k]) <- inprod(beta[i, ], cov_theta[j, k, ]) + inprod(beta_shared[], cov_theta_shared[i, j, k, ])",
" }",
" }")
} else {
if (theta == "i")
model <- c(model,
" logit(theta[i]) <- inprod(beta[i, ], cov_theta[])")
if (theta == "ij")
model <- c(model,
" for (j in 1:J) {",
" logit(theta[i, j]) <- inprod(beta[i, ], cov_theta[j, ])",
" }")
if (theta == "ijk")
model <- c(model,
" for (j in 1:J) {",
" for (k in 1:K) {",
" logit(theta[i, j, k]) <- inprod(beta[i, ], cov_theta[j, k, ])",
" }",
" }")
if (psi_shared) {
if (psi == "i")
model <- c(model,
" logit(psi[i]) <- inprod(gamma[i, ], cov_psi[]) + inprod(gamma_shared[], cov_psi_shared[i, ])")
if (psi == "ij")
model <- c(model,
" for (j in 1:J) {",
" logit(psi[i, j]) <- inprod(gamma[i, ], cov_psi[j, ]) + inprod(gamma_shared[], cov_psi_shared[i, j, ])",
" }")
} else {
if (psi == "i")
model <- c(model,
" logit(psi[i]) <- inprod(gamma[i, ], cov_psi[])")
if (psi == "ij")
model <- c(model,
" for (j in 1:J) {",
" logit(psi[i, j]) <- inprod(gamma[i, ], cov_psi[j, ])",
" }")
model <- c(model,
package = "occumb")))
if (phi_shared)
model <- c(model,
" for (m in 1:M_phi_shared) {",
" alpha_shared[m] ~ dnorm(0, prior_prec)",
" }")
if (theta_shared)
model <- c(model,
" for (m in 1:M_theta_shared) {",
" beta_shared[m] ~ dnorm(0, prior_prec)",
" }")
if (psi_shared)
model <- c(model,
" for (m in 1:M_psi_shared) {",
" gamma_shared[m] ~ dnorm(0, prior_prec)",
" }")
model <- c(model, "}", "")
# Auxiliary functions for set_modargs() ----------------------------------------
set_psi <- function(formula_psi, formula_psi_shared, data) {
shared_main_effects <- all.vars(formula_psi_shared)
if (formula_psi == ~ 1) {
if (is.null(shared_main_effects)) {
psi <- "i"
} else if (any(shared_main_effects %in% names(data@site_cov))) {
psi <- "ij"
} else {
psi <- "i"
} else {
psi <- "ij"
set_phi_theta <- function(formula, formula_shared, data) {
m_eff <- all.vars(formula)
sm_eff <- all.vars(formula_shared)
if (any(c(m_eff, sm_eff) %in% names(data@repl_cov))) {
out <- "ijk"
} else {
if (formula == ~ 1) {
if (is.null(sm_eff)) {
out <- "i"
} else if (any(sm_eff %in% names(data@site_cov))) {
out <- "ij"
} else {
out <- "i"
} else {
out <- "ij"
check_intercept <- function(formula, type) {
if ("." %in% all.vars(formula)) return()
if (!has_intercept(formula))
stop(sprintf("No intercept in formula_%s: remove 0 or -1 from the formula\n",
has_intercept <- function(formula) {
check_wrong_terms <- function(data, formula, type) {
type <- match.arg(type, c("phi", "phi_shared",
"theta", "theta_shared",
"psi", "psi_shared"))
vars <- all.vars(formula)
if ("." %in% vars)
stop(sprintf("'.' cannot be used to specify covariates (formula_%s)", type))
correct_terms <- if (type == "phi" || type == "theta") {
c(names(data@site_cov), names(data@repl_cov))
} else if (type == "psi") {
} else if (type == "phi_shared" || type == "theta_shared") {
c(names(data@spec_cov), names(data@site_cov), names(data@repl_cov))
} else if (type == "psi_shared") {
c(names(data@spec_cov), names(data@site_cov))
wrong_terms <- vars %!in% correct_terms
if (any(wrong_terms)) {
if (type == "phi")
stop(sprintf("Unexpected terms in formula_%s: %s
Make sure they are included in either 'site_cov' or 'repl_cov'.
For details on covariate specification in occumb(), see: https://fukayak.github.io/occumb/articles/model_specification.html#covariate-modeling-of-psi-theta-and-phi\n",
knitr::combine_words(vars[wrong_terms], and = "")))
if (type == "theta")
stop(sprintf("Unexpected terms in formula_%s: %s
Make sure they are included in either 'site_cov' or 'repl_cov'.
For details on covariate specification in occumb(), see: https://fukayak.github.io/occumb/articles/model_specification.html#covariate-modeling-of-psi-theta-and-phi\n",
knitr::combine_words(vars[wrong_terms], and = "")))
if (type == "psi")
stop(sprintf("Unexpected terms in formula_%s: %s
Make sure they are included in 'site_cov'.
For details on covariate specification in occumb(), see: https://fukayak.github.io/occumb/articles/model_specification.html#covariate-modeling-of-psi-theta-and-phi\n",
knitr::combine_words(vars[wrong_terms], and = "")))
if (type == "phi_shared")
stop(sprintf("Unexpected terms in formula_%s: %s
Make sure they are included in either 'spec_cov', 'site_cov', or 'repl_cov'.
For details on covariate specification in occumb(), see: https://fukayak.github.io/occumb/articles/model_specification.html#covariate-modeling-of-psi-theta-and-phi\n",
knitr::combine_words(vars[wrong_terms], and = "")))
if (type == "theta_shared")
stop(sprintf("Unexpected terms in formula_%s: %s
Make sure they are included in either 'spec_cov', 'site_cov', or 'repl_cov'.
For details on covariate specification in occumb(), see: https://fukayak.github.io/occumb/articles/model_specification.html#covariate-modeling-of-psi-theta-and-phi\n",
knitr::combine_words(vars[wrong_terms], and = "")))
if (type == "psi_shared")
stop(sprintf("Unexpected terms in formula_%s: %s
Make sure they are included in either 'spec_cov' or 'site_cov'.
For details on covariate specification in occumb(), see: https://fukayak.github.io/occumb/articles/model_specification.html#covariate-modeling-of-psi-theta-and-phi\n",
knitr::combine_words(vars[wrong_terms], and = "")))
set_design_matrix <- function(formula, list_cov, omit_intercept = FALSE) {
if (formula == ~ 1) {
} else {
out <- tryCatch({
stats::model.matrix(formula, data = list_cov)
}, warning = function(w) {
formula_terms <- formula |>
stats::terms() |>
invalid <- formula_terms |>
sapply(function(x) {
inherits(x, "call") &&
x[[1]] == "poly" &&
eval(parse(text = sprintf("is.character(list_cov$%s)", all.vars(x))))
if (any(invalid)) {
"Numerical operations on character covariates '%s': make sure to avoid using operations like `poly` on characters\n",
sapply(formula_terms, all.vars)[invalid]
call. = FALSE
} else {
stop(w, "\n", call. = FALSE)
if (omit_intercept) {
if (sum(colnames(out) %!in% "(Intercept)") > 1) {
out <- out[, colnames(out) %!in% "(Intercept)"]
} else {
cn <- colnames(out)[colnames(out) %!in% "(Intercept)"]
out <- matrix(out[, colnames(out) %!in% "(Intercept)"], ncol = 1)
colnames(out) <- cn
set_covariates <- function(data, formula, formula_shared, param) {
param <- match.arg(param, c("phi", "theta", "psi"))
## phi and theta
if (param != "psi" && formula_shared == ~ 1) {
# For cases when formula_shared is not specified
cov_shared <- M_shared <- NULL
if (formula == ~ 1) {
cov <- 1
M <- 1
type <- "i"
} else {
type <- set_phi_theta(formula, formula_shared, data)
if (type == "ij") {
dm <- set_design_matrix(formula, get_list_cov(data, "ij"))
cov <- matrix(dm, nrow = dim(data@y)[2], ncol = ncol(dm))
colnames(cov) <- colnames(dm)
M <- ncol(cov)
if (type == "ijk") {
dm <- set_design_matrix(formula, get_list_cov(data, "ijk"))
cov <- array(dm, c(dim(data@y)[2], dim(data@y)[3], ncol(dm)))
dimnames(cov)[[3]] <- colnames(dm)
M <- dim(cov)[3]
if (param != "psi" && formula_shared != ~ 1) {
# For cases when formula_shared is specified
type <- set_phi_theta(formula, formula_shared, data)
if (type == "i") {
dm_shared <-
get_list_cov(data, "i", shared = TRUE),
omit_intercept = TRUE)
cov <- 1
M <- 1
cov_shared <- matrix(dm_shared, nrow = dim(data@y)[1])
colnames(cov_shared) <- colnames(dm_shared)
M_shared <- ncol(cov_shared)
if (type == "ij") {
dm <- set_design_matrix(formula, get_list_cov(data, "ij"))
dm_shared <-
get_list_cov(data, "ij", shared = TRUE),
omit_intercept = TRUE)
if (formula == ~ 1) {
cov <- matrix(1, nrow = dim(data@y)[2], ncol = 1)
M <- 1
} else {
cov <- matrix(dm, nrow = dim(data@y)[2], ncol = ncol(dm))
colnames(cov) <- colnames(dm)
M <- ncol(cov)
cov_shared <- array(dm_shared, c(dim(data@y)[1],
dimnames(cov_shared)[[3]] <- colnames(dm_shared)
M_shared <- dim(cov_shared)[3]
if (type == "ijk") {
dm <- set_design_matrix(formula, get_list_cov(data, "ijk"))
dm_shared <-
get_list_cov(data, "ijk", shared = TRUE),
omit_intercept = TRUE)
if (formula == ~ 1) {
cov <- array(1, dim = c(dim(data@y)[2], dim(data@y)[3], 1))
M <- 1
} else {
cov <- array(dm,
c(dim(data@y)[2], dim(data@y)[3], ncol(dm)))
dimnames(cov)[[3]] <- colnames(dm)
M <- dim(cov)[3]
cov_shared <- array(dm_shared, c(dim(data@y)[1],
dimnames(cov_shared)[[4]] <- colnames(dm_shared)
M_shared <- dim(cov_shared)[4]
if (param == "psi" && formula_shared == ~ 1) {
# For cases when formula_shared is not specified
cov_shared <- M_shared <- NULL
if (formula == ~ 1) {
cov <- 1
M <- 1
type <- "i"
} else {
dm <- set_design_matrix(formula, get_list_cov(data, "ij"))
cov <- matrix(dm, nrow = dim(data@y)[2], ncol = ncol(dm))
colnames(cov) <- colnames(dm)
M <- ncol(cov)
type <- "ij"
if (param == "psi" && formula_shared != ~ 1) {
# For cases when formula_shared is specified
type <- set_psi(formula, formula_shared, data)
if (type == "i") {
dm_shared <-
get_list_cov(data, "i", shared = TRUE),
omit_intercept = TRUE)
cov <- 1
M <- 1
cov_shared <- matrix(dm_shared, nrow = dim(data@y)[1])
colnames(cov_shared) <- colnames(dm_shared)
M_shared <- ncol(cov_shared)
if (type == "ij") {
dm <- set_design_matrix(formula, get_list_cov(data, "ij"))
dm_shared <-
get_list_cov(data, "ij", shared = TRUE),
omit_intercept = TRUE)
if (formula == ~ 1) {
cov <- matrix(1, nrow = dim(data@y)[2], ncol = 1)
M <- 1
} else {
cov <- matrix(dm, nrow = dim(data@y)[2], ncol = ncol(dm))
colnames(cov) <- colnames(dm)
M <- ncol(cov)
cov_shared <- array(dm_shared, c(dim(data@y)[1],
dimnames(cov_shared)[[3]] <- colnames(dm_shared)
M_shared <- dim(cov_shared)[3]
out <- list(cov = cov,
M = M,
cov_shared = cov_shared,
M_shared = M_shared,
type = type)
get_list_cov <- function(data, type, shared = FALSE) {
type <- match.arg(type, c("i", "ij", "ijk"))
out <- list()
if (!shared && type == "ij") {
for (n in seq_along(names(data@site_cov))) {
eval(parse(text = sprintf("out$%s <- data@site_cov[[%s]]",
names(data@site_cov)[n], n)))
if (!shared && type == "ijk") {
for (n in seq_along(names(data@site_cov))) {
eval(parse(text = sprintf("out$%s <- rep(data@site_cov[[%s]], dim(data@y)[3])",
names(data@site_cov)[n], n)))
for (n in seq_along(names(data@repl_cov))) {
eval(parse(text = sprintf("out$%s <- c(data@repl_cov[[%s]])",
names(data@repl_cov)[n], n)))
if (shared && type == "i") {
for (n in seq_along(names(data@spec_cov))) {
eval(parse(text = sprintf("out$%s <- data@spec_cov[[%s]]",
names(data@spec_cov)[n], n)))
if (shared && type == "ij") {
for (n in seq_along(names(data@spec_cov))) {
eval(parse(text = sprintf("out$%s <- rep(data@spec_cov[[%s]], dim(data@y)[2])",
names(data@spec_cov)[n], n)))
for (n in seq_along(names(data@site_cov))) {
eval(parse(text = sprintf("out$%s <- rep(data@site_cov[[%s]], each = dim(data@y)[1])",
names(data@site_cov)[n], n)))
if (shared && type == "ijk") {
for (n in seq_along(names(data@spec_cov))) {
eval(parse(text = sprintf("out$%s <- rep(rep(data@spec_cov[[%s]], dim(data@y)[2]), dim(data@y)[3])",
names(data@spec_cov)[n], n)))
for (n in seq_along(names(data@site_cov))) {
eval(parse(text = sprintf("out$%s <- rep(rep(data@site_cov[[%s]], each = dim(data@y)[1]), dim(data@y)[3])",
names(data@site_cov)[n], n)))
for (n in seq_along(names(data@repl_cov))) {
eval(parse(text = sprintf("out$%s <- rep(data@repl_cov[[%s]], each = dim(data@y)[1])",
names(data@repl_cov)[n], n)))
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Getter ----------------------------------------------------------------------
get_data <- function(occumbFit, variable) {
eval(parse(text = paste0("occumbFit@data@", variable)))
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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