## pretty-print names (private)
.pprintnames <- function(x) {
y <- x
if (length(x) > 2)
y <- c(y[1], "...", y[length(y)])
y <- paste(y, collapse=", ")
## private function .checkPhenoData()
#' @importFrom S4Vectors nrow rownames
.checkPhenodata <- function(pdata, nr) {
if (!is.null(pdata)) {
if (nrow(pdata) != nr)
stop("number of rows in 'phenodata' is different than the number of input BAM files in the input parameter object 'x'.")
if (is.null(rownames(pdata)))
stop("'phenodata' has no row names.")
## private function .createColumnData()
#' @importFrom S4Vectors DataFrame
.createColumnData <- function(m, pdata) {
colData <- DataFrame(row.names=gsub(".bam$", "", colnames(m)))
if (!is.null(pdata))
colData <- pdata
## private function .checkBamFileListArgs()
## adapted from GenomicAlignments/R/summarizeOverlaps-methods.R
#' @importFrom Rsamtools BamFileList asMates asMates<-
.checkBamFileListArgs <- function(bfl, singleEnd, fragments) {
if (missing(bfl) || !class(bfl) %in% c("character", "BamFileList"))
stop("argument 'bfl' should be either a string character vector of BAM file names or a 'BamFileList' object")
if (length(bfl) == 0)
stop("argument 'bfl' is empty")
if (is.character(bfl)) {
mask <- vapply(bfl, FUN=file.exists, FUN.VALUE=logical(1))
if (any(!mask))
stop(sprintf("The following input BAM files cannot be found:\n%s",
paste(paste(" ", bfl[!mask]), collapse="\n")))
if (!is(bfl, "BamFileList"))
bfl <- BamFileList(bfl, asMates=!singleEnd)
if (singleEnd) {
if (all(isTRUE(asMates(bfl))))
stop("cannot specify both 'singleEnd=TRUE' and 'asMates=TRUE'")
# if (fragments)
# stop("when 'fragments=TRUE', 'singleEnd' should be FALSE")
} else
asMates(bfl) <- TRUE
## private function .checkBamReadMapper()
## extracts the name of the read mapper software from one or more BAM files
## parameters: bamfiles - BAM file names
#' @importFrom Rsamtools scanBamHeader
.checkBamReadMapper <- function(bamfiles) {
if (missing(bamfiles) || !"character" %in% class(bamfiles))
stop("argument 'bamfiles' should be a string character vector of BAM file names")
mask <- vapply(bamfiles, FUN = file.exists, FUN.VALUE = logical(1L))
if (any(!mask))
stop(sprintf("The following input BAM files cannot be found:\n%s",
paste(paste(" ", bamfiles[!mask]), collapse="\n")))
hdr <- scanBamHeader(bamfiles)
readaligner <- vapply(hdr, FUN = function(x) {
ra <- NA_character_
if (!is.null(x$text[["@PG"]])) {
pgstr <- x$text[["@PG"]]
mt <- gregexpr("^PN:", pgstr)
wh <- which(vapply(mt, FUN = function(x) x!=-1,
FUN.VALUE = logical(1L)))
ra <- substr(pgstr[[wh]],
attr(mt[[wh]], "match.length") + 1,
}, FUN.VALUE = character(1))
readaligner <- readaligner[!duplicated(readaligner)]
readaligner <- as.vector(readaligner[!is.na(readaligner)])
if (length(readaligner) == 0)
warning("no read aligner software information in BAM files.")
if (any(readaligner[1] != readaligner))
warning(sprintf("different read aligner information in BAM files. Assuming %s",
## private function .processFeatures()
## builds a single 'GRanges' or 'GRangesList' object from input TE and gene
## features.
## parameters: teFeatures - a 'GRanges' or 'GRangesList' object with
## TE annotations
## teFeaturesobjname - the name of 'teFeatures'
## geneFeatures - a 'GRanges' or 'GRangesList' object with
## gene annotations
## geneFeaturesobjname - the name of 'geneFeatures'
## aggregateby - names of metadata columns in 'teFeatures'
## to be used later for aggregating estimated
## counts.
#' @importFrom S4Vectors mcols Rle decode DataFrame
#' @importFrom GenomeInfoDb seqlevels<- seqlevels
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges mcols<- mcols
.processFeatures <- function(teFeatures, teFeaturesobjname, geneFeatures,
geneFeaturesobjname, aggregateby,
aggregateexons) {
if (missing(teFeatures))
stop("missing 'teFeatures' argument.")
if (!is(teFeatures, "GRanges") && !is(teFeatures, "GRangesList"))
stop(sprintf("TE features object '%s' should be either a 'GRanges' or a 'GRangesList' object.",
if (is.null(names(teFeatures)) && length(aggregateby) == 0)
stop(sprintf("the TE features object '%s' has no names and no aggregation metadata columns have been specified.",
mdteFeatures <- mcols(teFeatures)
features <- NULL
if (is(teFeatures, "GRangesList"))
teFeatures <- unlist(teFeatures)
if (length(aggregateby) > 0) {
mask <- !aggregateby %in% colnames(mcols(teFeatures))
if (any(mask)) {
fstr <- sprintf(paste("%%s not in metadata columns of the TE",
"features object %s."), teFeaturesobjname)
stop(sprintf(fstr, paste(aggregateby[mask], collapse=", ")))
mask <- aggregateby %in% c("Status", "RelLength", "Class")
if (any(mask))
stop(sprintf("%s cannot be used to aggregate quantifications.",
paste(aggregateby[mask], collapse=", ")))
if (!is.null(geneFeatures)) {
if (is(geneFeatures, "GRangesList"))
geneFeatures <- unlist(geneFeatures)
if (!"type" %in% colnames(mcols(geneFeatures)))
mcols(geneFeatures)$type <- "exon"
features <- .joinTEsGenes(teFeatures, geneFeatures, geneFeaturesobjname)
} else {
features <- teFeatures
mcols(features)$isTE <- rep(TRUE, length(features))
iste <- decode(mcols(features)$isTE)
if (!is.null(geneFeatures)) {
if (!all(iste) && !is.null(mcols(geneFeatures)$type)) {
if (is(features, "GRanges")) {
iste <- aggregate(iste, by=list(names(features)), unique)
features <- .groupGeneExons(features, aggregateexons)
mtname <- match(names(features), iste$Group.1)
iste <- iste[mtname,"x"]
} else if (is(geneFeatures, "GRanges")) {
## when gene annotations were a GRanges but TE annotations
## a GRangesList, aggregate genes at the exon level only
features_g <- unlist(features[which(!iste)])
mcols(features_g)$isTE <- FALSE
mcols(features_g)$type <- mcols(features)[which(!iste), "type"]
features_g <- .groupGeneExons(features_g,
mcols(features_g)$isTE <- FALSE
mcols(features_g)$type <- "exon"
iste_g <- unlist(lapply(relist(iste[which(!iste)], features_g),
function(x) x[1]), use.names=FALSE)
iste <- c(iste[which(iste)], iste_g)
features <- c(features[which(iste)], features_g)
} else if (aggregateexons && is(features, "GRanges") &&
!is.null(names(features))) {
iste <- aggregate(iste, by=list(names(features)), unique)
features <- .groupGeneExons(features, aggregateexons)
mtname <- match(names(features), iste$Group.1)
iste <- iste[mtname, "x"]
if (!is.null(names(features))) {
mdat <- DataFrame(ids=names(features), isTE=iste)
mdteFeatures$ids <- rownames(mdteFeatures)
mdat <- merge(mdteFeatures, mdat, all=TRUE)
mt <- match(names(features), mdat$ids)
stopifnot(all(!is.na(mt))) ## QC
mcols(features) <- mdat[mt, -match("ids", colnames(mdat))]
## private function .groupGeneExons()
## groups exons from the same gene creating a 'GRangesList' object
.groupGeneExons <- function(features, aggregateexons) {
if (aggregateexons) {
if (!all(features$isTE) & !any(mcols(features)$type == "exon")) {
stop(".groupGeneExons: no genes with value 'exon' in 'type' column of the metadata of the 'GRanges' or 'GRangesList' object with gene annotations.")
yesexon <- rep(TRUE, length(features))
if (!is.null(mcols(features)$type)) {
yesexon <- mcols(features)$type == "exon"
yesexon[is.na(yesexon)] <- FALSE
features <- features[mcols(features)$isTE | yesexon]
featuressplit <- split(x = features, f = names(features))
} else {
features_g <- features[!features$isTE]
features_t <- features[features$isTE]
features_t_grl <- split(x = features_t, f = seq_along(features_t))
names(features_t_grl) <- names(features_t)
if (!any(mcols(features_g)$type == "exon")) {
stop(".groupGeneExons: no genes with value 'exon' in 'type' column of the metadata of the 'GRanges' or 'GRangesList' object with gene annotations.")
features_g <- features_g[mcols(features_g)$type == "exon"]
featuressplit <- split(x = features_g, f = names(features_g))
featuressplit <- c(features_t_grl, featuressplit)
## private function .consolidateFeatures()
## builds a 'GRanges' or 'GRangesList' object
## grouping TE features, if necessary, and
## adding gene features, if available.
## parameters: x - TEtranscriptsParam object
## fnames - feature names vector to which
## consolidated features should match
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @importFrom S4Vectors split
#' @importFrom IRanges IRanges IRangesList CharacterList unique
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges GRangesList GRanges
.consolidateFeatures <- function(x, fnames, whnofeat=integer(0)) {
if (length(whnofeat) > 0 && !is(x, "TelescopeParam") &&
!is(x, "atenaParam"))
stop(paste("internal error: call to .consolidateFeatures() with",
"a non-empty whnofeat and the wrong parameter class."))
cfeatures <- features(x)
if (length(x@aggregateby) > 0) {
iste <- mcols(features(x))$isTE
teFeatures <- features(x)
if (!is.null(iste) && any(iste))
teFeatures <- features(x)[iste]
f <- .factoraggregateby(teFeatures, x@aggregateby)
md <- mcols(teFeatures)
if (all(c("Status", "RelLength", "Class") %in% colnames(md))) {
astatus <- unique(CharacterList(split(md$Status, f)))
if (max(lengths(astatus)) == 1)
astatus <- unlist(astatus)
arlen <- sapply(split(md$RelLength, f), mean)
aclass <- unique(CharacterList(split(md$Class, f)))
if (max(lengths(aclass)) == 1)
aclass <- unlist(aclass)
md <- DataFrame(Status=astatus, RelLength=arlen, Class=aclass)
} else
md <- DataFrame(matrix(character(0), nrow=length(unique(f))))
md$isTE <- rep(TRUE, nrow(md))
if (is(teFeatures, "GRangesList")) {
f <- rep(f, times=lengths(teFeatures))
teFeatures <- unlist(teFeatures)
cfeatures <- split(teFeatures, f)
mcols(cfeatures) <- md
if (!is.null(iste) && any(!iste)) {
geneFeatures <- features(x)[!iste]
cfeatures <- c(cfeatures, geneFeatures)
stopifnot(length(cfeatures) == length(fnames)) ## QC
stopifnot(length(cfeatures) == length(fnames)) ## QC
mt <- match(fnames, names(cfeatures))
stopifnot(all(!is.na(mt))) ## QC
cfeatures <- cfeatures[mt]
if (length(whnofeat) > 0) {
nofeat_gr <- GRanges(seqnames="chrNofeature",
ranges=IRanges(start=1, end=1),
if (length(whnofeat) == 1) {
names(nofeat_gr) <- "no_feature"
} else {
nofeat_gr <- rep(nofeat_gr, length(whnofeat))
names(nofeat_gr) <- paste0("no_feature", seq_along(whnofeat))
seqlev <- unique(c(seqlevels(cfeatures), seqlevels(nofeat_gr)))
seqlevels(cfeatures) <- seqlev
seqlevels(nofeat_gr) <- seqlev
lencfeatwonofeat <- length(cfeatures)
cfeatures <- c(cfeatures, nofeat_gr)
rng <- (lencfeatwonofeat+1):length(cfeatures)
mcols(cfeatures)$isTE[rng] <- FALSE
## private function .factoraggregateby()
## builds a factor with as many values as the
## length of the input annotations in 'ann', where
## every value is made by pasting the columns in
## 'aggby' separated by ':'.
## parameters: ann - GRanges object with annotations
## aggby - names of metadata columns in 'ann'
## to be pasted together
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges mcols
.factoraggregateby <- function(ann, aggby) {
if (is(ann,"GRangesList")) {
anngrl <- ann
ann <- unlist(ann)
stopifnot(all(aggby %in% colnames(mcols(ann)))) ## QC
if (length(aggby) == 1) {
f <- mcols(ann)[, aggby]
} else {
spfstr <- paste(rep("%s", length(aggby)), collapse=":")
f <- do.call("sprintf", c(spfstr, as.list(mcols(ann)[, aggby])))
if (exists("anngrl")) {
# Using the aggby of the 1st GRanges in each element of the GRangesList
f <- unlist(lapply(relist(f, anngrl), function(x) x[1]))
## private function .getReadFunction()
## borrowed from GenomicAlignments/R/summarizeOverlaps-methods.R
.getReadFunction <- function(singleEnd, fragments) {
if (singleEnd) {
FUN <- readGAlignments
} else {
if (fragments)
FUN <- readGAlignmentsList
FUN <- readGAlignmentPairs
## private function .appendHits()
## appends the second Hits object to the end of the first one
## assuming they have identical right nodes
#' @importFrom S4Vectors nLnode nRnode isSorted from to Hits
.appendHits <- function(hits1, hits2) {
stopifnot(nRnode(hits1) == nRnode(hits2))
stopifnot(isSorted(from(hits1)) == isSorted(from(hits2)))
hits <- c(Hits(from=from(hits1), to=to(hits1),
nRnode=nRnode(hits1), sort.by.query=isSorted(from(hits1))),
Hits(from=from(hits2)+nLnode(hits1), to=to(hits2),
nRnode=nRnode(hits2), sort.by.query=isSorted(from(hits2))))
#' @importFrom GenomeInfoDb seqlevels<- seqlevels
#' @importFrom GenomeInfoDb seqlevelsStyle seqlevelsStyle<-
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges mcols<-
.joinTEsGenes <- function(teFeatures, geneFeatures, geneFeaturesobjname) {
if (!is(geneFeatures, "GRanges") && !is(geneFeatures, "GRangesList"))
stop(sprintf("gene features object '%s' should be either a 'GRanges' or a 'GRangesList' object.",
if (is.null(names(geneFeatures)))
stop(sprintf("gene features object '%s' has no 'names()'",
if (any(names(geneFeatures) %in% names(teFeatures)))
stop("gene features have some common identifiers with the TE features.")
if (length(geneFeatures) == 0)
stop(sprintf("gene features object '%s' is empty.", geneFeaturesobjname))
seqlevelsStyle(geneFeatures) <- seqlevelsStyle(teFeatures)[1]
slev <- unique(c(seqlevels(teFeatures), seqlevels(geneFeatures)))
seqlevels(teFeatures) <- slev
seqlevels(geneFeatures) <- slev
features <- c(teFeatures, geneFeatures)
temask <- Rle(rep(FALSE, length(teFeatures) + length(geneFeatures)))
temask[seq_along(teFeatures)] <- TRUE
mcols(features)$isTE <- temask
#' @importFrom S4Vectors queryHits subjectHits
#' @importFrom Matrix Matrix
.buildOvValuesMatrix <- function(x, ov, values, aridx, ridx, fidx) {
stopifnot(class(values) %in% c("logical", "integer", "numeric")) ## QC
ovmat <- Matrix(do.call(class(values), list(1)),
nrow=length(ridx), ncol=length(fidx))
mt1 <- match(aridx[queryHits(ov)], ridx)
mt2 <- match(subjectHits(ov), fidx)
if (is(x, "TelescopeParam") | is(x, "atenaParam")) {
mtov <- cbind(mt1, mt2)
mtalign <- match(paste(mtov[,1],mtov[,2],sep = ":"),
unique(paste(mtov[,1],mtov[,2], sep = ":")))
s <- split(x = values[queryHits(ov)], f = mtalign)
if (is(x, "TelescopeParam")) {
saln <- unlist(lapply(s, max), use.names = FALSE)
} else {
saln <- unlist(lapply(s, sum), use.names = FALSE)
values <- saln[mtalign]
} else {
values <- values[queryHits(ov)]
ovmat[cbind(mt1, mt2)] <- values
.getMaskUniqueAln <- function(alnreadids) {
maskuniqaln <- !(duplicated(alnreadids) |
duplicated(alnreadids, fromLast = TRUE))
.checkOvandsaln <- function(ov, salnmask) {
if (length(ov) == 0) {
stop(".qtex: no overlaps were found between reads and features")
if (!any(salnmask)) {
warning("secondary alignments are not present in the SAM/BAM file. The quantification of features will proceed without taking into account overlaps of secondary alignments.")
## private function .matchSeqinfo()
#' @importFrom GenomeInfoDb seqlengths keepSeqlevels seqlevelsStyle
#' @importFrom GenomeInfoDb seqlevelsStyle<- seqinfo seqinfo<- seqlevels
#' @importFrom GenomeInfoDb genome genome<-
.matchSeqinfo <- function(gal, features, verbose=TRUE) {
stopifnot("GAlignments" %in% class(gal) ||
"GAlignmentPairs" %in% class(gal) ||
"GAlignmentsList" %in% class(gal) ||
"GRanges" %in% class(features) ||
"GRangesList" %in% class(features)) ## QC
if (length(intersect(seqlevelsStyle(gal), seqlevelsStyle(features))) > 0)
seqlevelsStyle(gal) <- seqlevelsStyle(features)[1]
slengal <- seqlengths(gal)
slenf <- seqlengths(features)
commonchr <- intersect(names(slengal), names(slenf))
slengal <- slengal[commonchr]
slenf <- slenf[commonchr]
if (any(slengal != slenf)) {
if (sum(slengal != slenf) == 1 && verbose) {
message(sprintf(paste("Chromosome %s has different lengths",
"between the input BAM and the annotations",
"This chromosome will",
"be discarded from further analysis",
sep=" "),
paste(commonchr[which(slengal != slenf)],
collapse=", ")))
} else if (verbose) {
message(sprintf(paste("Chromosomes %s have different lengths",
"between the input BAM and the annotations",
"These chromosomes",
"will be discarded from further analysis",
sep=" "),
paste(commonchr[which(slengal != slenf)],
collapse=", ")))
if (sum(slengal == slenf) == 0)
stop(paste("None of the chromosomes in the input BAM file has the",
"same length as the chromosomes in the input annotations.",
sep = " "))
gal <- keepSeqlevels(gal, commonchr[slengal == slenf],
commonchr <- commonchr[slengal == slenf]
## set the seqinfo information to the one of the annotations
mt <- match(commonchr, seqlevels(gal))
seqinfo(gal, new2old=mt, pruning.mode="coarse") <- seqinfo(features)[commonchr]
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