
# Bayesian multiple regression object.
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @importFrom stats dnorm
#' @importFrom stats uniroot
#' @importFrom stats optim
BayesianSimpleRegression <- R6Class("BayesianSimpleRegression",
  public = list(
    initialize = function(J, prior_variance) {
      private$J <- J
      private$prior_variance_scalar <- prior_variance
      private$.posterior_b1 <- matrix(0, J, 1)

    # This method returns the R6 object invisibly.
    fit = function(d, prior_weights = NULL, use_residual = FALSE,
                   save_summary_stats = FALSE, save_var = FALSE,
                   estimate_prior_variance_method = NULL,
                   check_null_threshold = 0) {
      # d: data object
      # use_residual: fit with residual instead of with Y,
      # a special feature for when used with SuSiE algorithm

      # bhat is J by R
      bhat <- d$get_coef(use_residual)
      if (is.numeric(d$svs)) {
        # X2_sum is a length-J vector.
        sbhat2 <- d$sbhat^2
      } else {
        sbhat2 <- matrix(unlist(d$svs), ncol = 1)
      sbhat2[which(is.nan(sbhat2) | is.infinite(sbhat2))] <- 1e6
      if (save_summary_stats) {
        private$.bhat <- bhat
        private$.sbhat <- sqrt(sbhat2)

      # Deal with prior variance: can be "estimated" across effects.
      if (!is.null(estimate_prior_variance_method)) {
        if (estimate_prior_variance_method == "EM") {
          private$cache <- list(b = bhat, s = sbhat2)
        } else {
          private$prior_variance_scalar <-
            private$estimate_prior_variance(bhat, sbhat2, prior_weights,
              method = estimate_prior_variance_method,
              check_null_threshold = check_null_threshold

      # Posterior calculations.
      post_var <- 1 / (1 / private$prior_variance_scalar + 1 / sbhat2)
      if (save_var) {
        private$.posterior_variance <- post_var
      private$.posterior_b1 <- post_var * bhat / sbhat2
      private$.posterior_b2 <- post_var + private$.posterior_b1^2

      # Bayes factor.
      private$.lbf <- dnorm(bhat, 0, sqrt(private$prior_variance_scalar + sbhat2),
        log = TRUE
      ) - dnorm(bhat, 0, sqrt(sbhat2), log = TRUE)
      if (!is.null(ncol(private$.lbf)) && ncol(private$.lbf) == 1) {
        private$.lbf <- as.vector(private$.lbf)
      private$.lbf[is.infinite(sbhat2)] <- 0

    # The return value is the nunber of threads set.
    set_thread = function(value) {
      private$n_thread <- value
  active = list(
    loglik_null = function() private$.loglik_null,
    posterior_b1 = function() private$.posterior_b1,
    posterior_b2 = function() private$.posterior_b2,
    lbf = function() private$.lbf,
    bhat = function() private$.bhat,
    sbhat = function() private$.sbhat,

    # The return value is the current setting of the prior variance.
    prior_variance = function(v) {
      if (missing(v)) {
      } else {
        private$prior_variance_scalar <- v
    posterior_variance = function() {
  private = list(
    J = NULL,
    .bhat = NULL,
    .sbhat = NULL,
    prior_variance_scalar = NULL, # prior on effect size
    .loglik_null = NULL,
    .lbf = NULL, # log Bayes factor
    .posterior_b1 = NULL, # posterior first moment
    .posterior_b2 = NULL, # posterior second moment
    .posterior_variance = NULL, # posterior second moment
    cache = NULL, # some cached data
    n_thread = 4,
    loglik = function(V, betahat, shat2, prior_weights) {
      # log(bf) of each SNP.
      lbf <- dnorm(betahat, 0, sqrt(V + shat2), log = TRUE) -
        dnorm(betahat, 0, sqrt(shat2), log = TRUE)

      # Deal with special case of infinite shat2 (e.g., happens if X
      # does not vary).
      lbf[is.infinite(shat2)] <- 0
      return(compute_softmax(lbf, prior_weights)$log_sum)
    neg_loglik_logscale = function(lV, betahat, shat2, prior_weights) {
      -private$loglik(exp(lV), betahat, shat2, prior_weights)

    # Vector of gradients of logBF_j for each j, with respect to prior
    # variance V.
    lbf_grad = function(V, sbhat2, T2) {
      l <- (1 / (V + sbhat2)) * ((sbhat2 / (V + sbhat2)) * T2 - 1) / 2
      l[is.nan(l)] <- 0
    loglik_grad = function(V, bhat, sbhat2, prior_weights) {
      # Log(bf) on each effect.
      lbf <- dnorm(bhat, 0, sqrt(V + sbhat2), log = TRUE) -
        dnorm(bhat, 0, sqrt(sbhat2), log = TRUE)

      # deal with special case of infinite sbhat2 (eg happens if X
      # does not vary)
      lbf[is.infinite(sbhat2)] <- 0
      alpha <- compute_softmax(lbf, prior_weights)$weights
      return(sum(alpha * private$lbf_grad(V, sbhat2, bhat^2 / sbhat2)))

    # Define gradient as function of lV := log(V) to improve
    # optimization.
    negloglik_grad_logscale = function(lV, betahat, shat2, prior_weights) {
      -exp(lV) * private$loglik_grad(exp(lV), betahat, shat2, prior_weights)
    estimate_prior_variance = function(betahat, shat2, prior_weights,
                                       method = c("optim", "uniroot", "simple"),
                                       check_null_threshold = 0) {
      if (is.null(prior_weights)) {
        prior_weights <- rep(1 / private$J, private$J)
      method <- match.arg(method)
      if (method == "optim") {

        # Method BFGS is 1.5x slower than Brent with upper 15 lower -15
        # although it does not require specifying upper/lower.
        V <- private$estimate_prior_variance_optim(betahat, shat2, prior_weights,
          method = "Brent", lower = -30,
          upper = 15
      } else if (method == "uniroot") {
        V.u <- uniroot(private$negloglik_grad_logscale, c(-10, 10),
          extendInt = "upX", betahat = betahat, shat2 = shat2,
          prior_weights = prior_weights
        V <- exp(V.u$root)
      } else if (method == "simple") {
        V <- private$estimate_prior_variance_simple()
      } else {
        stop("Optimization method not supported")

      # Set V exactly to zero if that beats the numerical value by a
      # loglik factor of 1 + check_null_threshold.
      if (private$loglik(0, betahat, shat2, prior_weights) +
        check_null_threshold >= private$loglik(
        V, betahat, shat2,
      )) {
        V <- 0
    estimate_prior_variance_optim = function(betahat, shat2, prior_weights,
                                             ...) {
      lV <- optim(
        par = log(max(c(betahat^2 - shat2, 1), na.rm = TRUE)),
        fn = private$neg_loglik_logscale, betahat = betahat,
        shat2 = shat2, prior_weights = prior_weights, ...
      if (private$neg_loglik_logscale(
        betahat, shat2, prior_weights
      < private$neg_loglik_logscale(lV, betahat, shat2, prior_weights)) {
        lV <- log(private$prior_variance_scalar)
    estimate_prior_variance_em = function(pip) {
      sum(pip * private$.posterior_b2)
    estimate_prior_variance_simple = function() private$prior_variance_scalar
gaow/mmbr documentation built on April 24, 2024, 7:12 p.m.