
# MASH multiple regression object.
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @importFrom ashr compute_lfsr
MashRegression <- R6Class("MashRegression",
  inherit = BayesianSimpleRegression,
  public = list(
    initialize = function(J, mash_initializer) {
      private$J <- J
      private$.prior_variance <- mash_initializer$prior_variance
      private$.prior_variance$xUlist <-
      private$precomputed_cov_matrices <- mash_initializer$precomputed
      if (is.null(private$.prior_variance$xUlist_inv)) {
        private$.prior_variance$xUlist_inv <- 0
      private$.posterior_b1 <- matrix(0, J, mash_initializer$n_condition)
      private$prior_variance_scalar <- 1
    fit = function(d,
                   prior_weights = NULL,
                   use_residual = FALSE,
                   save_summary_stats = FALSE,
                   save_var = FALSE,
                   estimate_prior_variance_method = NULL,
                   check_null_threshold = 0, verbose = FALSE) {
      # When prior changes (private$prior_variance_scalar != 1),
      # we can no longer use precomputed quantities
      # because the precomputed quantities will be wrong in scale.
      private$residual_correlation <- d$residual_correlation
      # d: data object
      # use_residual: fit with residual instead of with Y,
      # a special feature for when used with SuSiE algorithm
      # bhat is J by R
      bhat <- d$get_coef(use_residual)
      sbhat <- d$sbhat
      if (save_summary_stats) {
        private$.bhat <- bhat
        private$.sbhat <- sbhat
      private$is_common_cov <- d$is_common_cov
      private$svs <- matlist2array(d$svs)
      if (!is.null(estimate_prior_variance_method) && estimate_prior_variance_method != "EM") {
        if (estimate_prior_variance_method != "simple") {
          stop(paste("Estimate prior method", estimate_prior_variance_method, "is not available for MashRegression."))
        private$prior_variance_scalar <- private$estimate_prior_variance(bhat, sbhat, prior_weights, method = estimate_prior_variance_method, check_null_threshold = check_null_threshold)
      if (!is.null(estimate_prior_variance_method) && estimate_prior_variance_method != "simple" && !is.null(private$precomputed_cov_matrices)) {
        # Cannot use precomputed quantities if prior variance scalar is being estimated
        # this should have been already ensured of in the main mvsusie() interface
        stop("Precomputed quantities should not be used when prior variance scalar is estimated.")
      # Fit MASH model
      # 1. compute log-likelihood matrix given current estimates
      if (verbose) {
        st <- proc.time()
        message("Computing loglik matrix ...")
      llik <- private$compute_loglik_mat(private$prior_variance_scalar, bhat, sbhat)
      if (verbose) message(paste("Time elapsed:", (proc.time() - st)[3]))
      # 2. lbf
      lbf_obj <- private$compute_lbf(llik)
      private$.lbf <- lbf_obj$lbf
      private$.loglik_null <- lbf_obj$loglik_null
      # 3. compute posterior weights
      private$.mixture_posterior_weights <- private$compute_mixture_posterior_weights(private$.prior_variance$pi, llik)
      if (!is.null(estimate_prior_variance_method) && estimate_prior_variance_method == "EM") {
        variable_posterior_weights <- private$compute_variable_posterior_weights(prior_weights, llik)
        private$cache <- list(b = bhat, s = sbhat)
      } else {
        variable_posterior_weights <- matrix(0, 0, 0)
      # 4. posterior
      ## FIXME: we do not need to compute second moment unless:
      # 1. need ELBO to check for convergence
      # 2. need ELBO to estimate residual variance
      # 3. need to update prior via EM
      # but let's compute it here anyways
      if (verbose) {
        st <- proc.time()
        message("Computing posterior ...")
      post <- private$compute_posterior(bhat, sbhat, matlist2array(d$svs_inv), private$.mixture_posterior_weights, variable_posterior_weights)
      if (verbose) message(paste("Time elapsed:", (proc.time() - st)[3]))
      private$.posterior_b1 <- post$post_mean
      private$.posterior_b2 <- post$post_cov + matlist2array(lapply(1:nrow(post$post_mean), function(i) tcrossprod(post$post_mean[i, ])))
      if (save_var) private$.posterior_variance <- post$post_cov
      # flatten posterior_b2 for degenerated case with R = 1
      if (ncol(private$.posterior_b1) == 1) {
        private$.posterior_b2 <- as.matrix(apply(private$.posterior_b2, 3, diag))
        if (!is.null(private$.posterior_variance)) private$.posterior_variance <- as.matrix(apply(private$.posterior_variance, 3, diag))

      # 5. lfsr
      private$.lfsr <- compute_lfsr(post$post_neg, post$post_zero)
      # 6. estimate prior via EM
      if (!is.null(estimate_prior_variance_method) && estimate_prior_variance_method == "EM") {
        private$cache$SER_posterior_mixture_weights <- private$get_SER_posterior_mixture_weights(llik, prior_weights, private$.prior_variance$pi)
        private$cache$mixture_prior_variance_scalar <- post$prior_scale_em_update
      # 7. clean up workspace
  active = list(
    mixture_posterior_weights = function() private$.mixture_posterior_weights,
    lfsr                      = function() private$.lfsr
  private = list(
    .prior_variance = NULL,
    precomputed_cov_matrices = NULL,
    is_common_cov = NULL,
    svs = NULL,
    .mixture_posterior_weights = NULL,
    .lfsr = NULL,
    residual_correlation = NULL,
    compute_loglik_mat = function(scalar, bhat, sbhat) {
      if (is.null(private$precomputed_cov_matrices$sigma_rooti) || (scalar != 1 && scalar != 0)) {
        llik <- mashr:::calc_lik_rcpp(
          # t(sbhat) and d$residual_correlation can both be empty (matrix(0,0,0)) if SVS is provided
          matrix(0, 0, 0),
          # should be matlist2array(d$svs), if t(sbhat) and d$residual_correlation are not empty
      } else {
        # Here private$prior_variance_scalar is either 0 or 1.
        # This line below assumes it is 1; will adjust it after for case of 0.
        llik <- mashr:::calc_lik_precomputed_rcpp(
        if (scalar == 0) {
          # The precomputed sigma_rooti is not correct
          # but the first column of llik is llik under the null anyways
          # that corresponds to scalar == 0
          # so we can simply set all columns of llik to the first column
          llik <- replicate(ncol(llik), llik[, 1])
      # give a warning if any columns have -Inf likelihoods.
      rows <- which(apply(llik, 2, function(x) any(is.infinite(x))))
      if (length(rows) > 0) {
          "Some mixture components result in non-finite likelihoods,",
          "either\n", "due to numerical underflow/overflow,",
          "or due to invalid covariance matrices",
          paste(rows, collapse = ", "), "\n"
    compute_posterior = function(bhat, sbhat, svs_inv, mixture_posterior_weights, variable_posterior_weights) {
      if (is.null(private$precomputed_cov_matrices$U0) || (private$prior_variance_scalar != 1 && private$prior_variance_scalar != 0)) {
        post <- mashr:::calc_sermix_rcpp(
          # sbhat is not needed (can safely be replaced by matrix(0,0,0)) IF Vinv is provided
          # residual correlation is not needed (can safely be replaced by matrix(0,0,0)) IF Vinv is provided
          # because we define the scalar with respect to the original prior
          # the inverse should always be the original.
      } else {
        # Use precomputed quantities
        # here private$prior_variance_scalar is either 0 or 1
        post <- mashr:::calc_sermix_rcpp(
          # No need for sbhat and residual correlation when Vinv is precomputed
          # So we just put in an empty matrix for them (matrix(0,0,0)).
          matrix(0, 0, 0), matrix(0, 0, 0),
          private$precomputed_cov_matrices$U0 * private$prior_variance_scalar,
          matrix(0, 0, 0),
    compute_mixture_posterior_weights = function(prior_mixture_weights, llik) {
      lfactors <- apply(llik, 1, max)
      d <- t(prior_mixture_weights * t(exp(llik - lfactors)))
      return(d / rowSums(d))
    compute_variable_posterior_weights = function(prior_variable_weights, llik) {
      lbf <- t(llik - llik[, 1])
      return(t(private$compute_mixture_posterior_weights(prior_variable_weights, lbf)))
    compute_lbf = function(llik, s = NULL) {
      # get relative loglik
      lfactors <- apply(llik, 1, max)
      llik <- list(loglik_matrix = llik - lfactors, lfactors = lfactors)
      # using mashr functions have to ensure input s_alpha parameter has valid log and rowSums
      if (is.null(s) || (is.matrix(s) && nrow(s) == 0)) s <- matrix(1, 1, 1)
      loglik_null <- mashr:::compute_null_loglik_from_matrix(llik, s)
      loglik_alt <- mashr:::compute_alt_loglik_from_matrix_and_pi(private$.prior_variance$pi, llik, s)
      lbf <- loglik_alt - loglik_null
      if (!is.null(ncol(lbf)) && ncol(lbf) == 1) {
        lbf <- as.vector(lbf)
      # Inf - Inf above can cause NaN
      lbf[which(is.na(lbf))] <- 0
      return(list(lbf = lbf, loglik_null = loglik_null))
    loglik = function(V, B, S, prior_weights) {
      llik <- private$compute_loglik_mat(V, B, S)
      return(compute_softmax(private$compute_lbf(llik)$lbf, prior_weights)$log_sum)
    get_SER_posterior_mixture_weights = function(llik, prior_weights, prior_mixture_weights) {
      # This function computes p(\gamma_p) in estimate_prior_variance_em() function
      lbf <- llik - llik[, 1]
      ser_lbf <- apply(lbf, 2, function(x) compute_softmax(x, prior_weights)$log_sum)
      return(compute_softmax(ser_lbf, prior_mixture_weights)$weights)
    estimate_prior_variance_em = function(pip) {
      # The EM update is
      # \sigma_0^2 = \sum_{p=1}^P p(\gamma_p) \mathrm{tr}(U_p^{-1} E[bb^T \,|\, \gamma_p])/r
      # where E[bb^T \,|\, \gamma_p] = \sum_j \alpha_{p,j} * mu2_mat_{p,j}
      # The trace(.) / r part has already been computed in function calc_sermix_rcpp()
      # the output is saved as private$cache$mixture_prior_variance_scalar
      # The (\gamma_p) part has already been computed in function get_SER_posterior_mixture_weights()
      # the output is saved as private$cache$SER_posterior_mixture_weights
      # Here PIP is not used. The notion of PIP here has been reflected in
      # variable_posterior_weights an input to calc_sermix_rcpp()
      # this PIP is for per mixture component.
      V <- sum(private$cache$SER_posterior_mixture_weights * private$cache$mixture_prior_variance_scalar) /
        sum(private$cache$SER_posterior_mixture_weights * attr(private$.prior_variance$xUlist_inv, "rank"))
    estimate_prior_variance_simple = function() 1,
    get_scaled_prior = function(scalar) {
      # xUlist here is a 3D array
      if (scalar != 1) {
        return(private$.prior_variance$xUlist * scalar)
      } else {

# MASH initializer object
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
MashInitializer <- R6Class("MashInitializer",
  public = list(
    initialize = function(Ulist,
                          prior_weights = NULL,
                          null_weight = 0,
                          weights_tol = 1e-10,
                          null_tol = 5e-7,
                          top_mixtures = 20,
                          xUlist = NULL,
                          include_conditions = NULL) {
      all_zeros <- vector()
      if (is.null(xUlist)) {
        if (is.null(Ulist)) {
          stop("Either xUlist or Ulist have to be non-null")
        for (l in 1:length(Ulist)) {
          if (all(abs(Ulist[[l]]) < null_tol)) {
              "Prior covariance", l, "is zero matrix. This is not",
        if (any(grid <= 0)) {
          stop("grid values should be greater than zero")
        xUlist <- mashr:::expand_cov(Ulist, grid, usepointmass = TRUE)
      } else {
        if (!all(xUlist[[1]] == 0)) {
          xUlist <- c(
            list(null_model = matrix(0, nrow(xUlist[[1]]), ncol(xUlist[[1]]),
              dimnames = list(rownames(xUlist[[1]]),colnames(xUlist[[1]]))
      if (!is.null(include_conditions)) {
        for (l in 1:length(xUlist)) {
          xUlist[[l]] <- xUlist[[l]][include_conditions, include_conditions]
          if (l > 1) {
            all_zeros[l - 1] <- all(abs(xUlist[[l]]) < null_tol)
      plen <- length(xUlist) - 1
      if (is.null(prior_weights)) {
        prior_weights <- rep(1 / plen, plen)
      if (length(prior_weights) != plen) {
          "Invalid prior_weights setting: expect length", plen,
          "but input is of length", length(prior_weights)

      # Filter by weights lower bound. Have to keep the first null
      # component.
      if (weights_tol > 0) {
        which.comp <- which(prior_weights > weights_tol)
        prior_weights <- prior_weights[which.comp]
        xUlist <- xUlist[c(1, which.comp + 1)]

      # There are all zero priors, after some conditions are removed
      # we will have to adjust the prior weights based on it. This
      # is a not very efficient yet safe and clear way to do it.
      if (length(which(all_zeros)) > 0) {
        # Must exclude first xUlist which is always null here.
        which.comp <- which(sapply(
          function(l) !all(xUlist[[l]] == 0)
        prior_weights <- prior_weights[which.comp]
        xUlist <- xUlist[c(1, which.comp + 1)]

      # Filter for top weights: we only keep top weights
      if (top_mixtures > 0 && top_mixtures < length(prior_weights)) {
        which.comp <- head(
            index.return = TRUE,
            decreasing = TRUE
        prior_weights <- prior_weights[which.comp]
        xUlist <- xUlist[c(1, which.comp + 1)]

      # Check on xUlist.
      u_rows <- vector(length = length(xUlist))
      for (i in 1:length(xUlist)) {
        u_rows[i] <- nrow(xUlist[[i]])
        if (!mashr:::issemidef(xUlist[[i]])) {
            "The prior matrices", i, "should be positive",
      if (length(unique(u_rows)) > 1) {
        stop("Ulist contains matrices of different dimensions")
      prior_weights <- prior_weights / sum(prior_weights)
      private$xU <- list(
        pi = setNames(c(null_weight, prior_weights * (1 - null_weight)), names(xUlist)),
        xUlist = xUlist


    # This method returns the R6 object invisibly.
    compute_prior_inv = function() {
      # compute pseudo inverse for prior matrices and divided by its rank
      # this is relevant to the EM update of prior variance scalar
      K <- length(private$xU$xUlist)
      Uinv <- vector("list", length = K)
      Urank <- numeric(K)
      for (i in 1:K) {
        uinv <- pseudo_inverse(private$xU$xUlist[[i]])
        Uinv[[i]] <- uinv$inv
        Urank[i] <- uinv$rank
      private$xU$xUlist_inv <- matlist2array(Uinv)
      attr(private$xU$xUlist_inv, "rank") <- Urank

    # This method returns the R6 object invisibly.
    precompute_cov_matrices = function(d, algorithm = c("R", "cpp")) {
      # computes constants (SVS + U)^{-1} and (SVS)^{-1} for posterior
      # and sigma_rooti for likelihooods
      # output of this function will provide input to `mashr`'s
      # functions calc_lik_common_rcpp() and
      # calc_post_precision_rcpp()
      # The input should be sbhat data matrix
      # d[j,] can be different for different conditions due to missing Y data
      # the "if" condition is used due to computational reasons: we
      # can save RxRxP matrices but not RxRxPxJ
      # FIXME: rewrite it in C++ using this non-copy trick:
      # lists.r-forge.r-project.org/pipermail/rcpp-devel/2016-September/009363.html
      algorithm <- match.arg(algorithm)

      if (d$is_common_cov) {
        K <- length(private$xU$xUlist)

        # sigma_rooti is R * R * P
        # This is in preparation for some constants used in dmvnrom()
        # for likelihood calculations.
        sigma_rooti <- vector("list", length = K)

        # This is in prepartion for some constants used in posterior
        # calculation.
        U0 <- vector("list", length = K)
        for (i in 1:K) {
          sigma_rooti[[i]] <-
            invert_chol_tri(d$svs[[1]] + private$xU$xUlist[[i]])$inv
          U0[[i]] <- private$xU$xUlist[[i]] %*%
            solve(d$svs_inv[[1]] %*% private$xU$xUlist[[i]] +
      } else {
        # have to do this for every effect
        # sigma_rooti and U0 will be R * R * (J * P)
        # and Vinv will be a J list, not a matrix
        # this is in preparation for some constants used in dmvnrom
        # for likelihood calculations
        K <- length(private$xU$xUlist) * d$n_effect
        sigma_rooti <- vector("list", length = K)
        U0 <- vector("list", length = K)
        k <- 1
        for (j in 1:d$n_effect) {
          for (i in 1:length(private$xU$xUlist)) {
            sigma_rooti[[k]] <-
              invert_chol_tri(d$svs[[j]] + private$xU$xUlist[[i]])$inv
            U0[[k]] <- private$xU$xUlist[[i]] %*%
              solve(d$svs_inv[[j]] %*% private$xU$xUlist[[i]] +
            k <- k + 1

      private$inv_mats <-
        list(U0 = matlist2array(U0), sigma_rooti = matlist2array(sigma_rooti))


    # This method returns the R6 object invisibly.
    remove_precomputed = function() {
      private$inv_mats <- NULL

    # This method returns the R6 object invisibly.
    scale_prior_variance = function(sigma) {
      private$xU$xUlist <-
          function(i) scale_covariance(private$xU$xUlist[[i]], sigma)
  active = list(
    n_condition    = function() nrow(private$xU$xUlist[[1]]),
    n_component    = function() length(private$xU$xUlist),
    prior_variance = function() private$xU,
    precomputed    = function() private$inv_mats
  private = list(
    U        = NULL,
    xU       = NULL,
    inv_mats = NULL
gaow/mmbr documentation built on April 24, 2024, 7:12 p.m.