
Defines functions fit_MS get_baseline get_post mvsusie_get_alpha_per_condition mvsusie_get_pip_per_condition

# @title Compute condition specific posterior inclusion probability.
# @description This is only relevant when canonical priors are used
# @param m M&M model
# @param prior_obj prior mixture object
# @return P by R matrix of PIP per condition
# @keywords internal
mvsusie_get_pip_per_condition <- function(m, prior_obj) {
  condition_pip <- mvsusie_get_alpha_per_condition(m, prior_obj)
  return(do.call(cbind, lapply(
    function(r) apply(condition_pip[, , r], 2, function(x) 1 - prod(1 - x))

# Compute condition specific posterior inclusion probability per
# effect.
mvsusie_get_alpha_per_condition <- function(m, prior_obj) {
  condition_indicator <- do.call(
      function(i) as.integer(diag(prior_obj$prior_variance$xUlist[[i]]) != 0)
  condition_pip <- array(0, dim = dim(m$b1))
  for (r in 1:dim(condition_pip)[3]) {
    for (p in 1:length(condition_indicator[, r])) {
      condition_pip[, , r] <-
        condition_pip[, , r] + m$mixture_weights[, , p] * condition_indicator[p, r]
    condition_pip[, , r] <- condition_pip[, , r] * m$alpha

# Multiviate regression object with NIG-MG prior
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @importFrom stats model.matrix
#' @importFrom stats lm
#' @importFrom stats rgamma
NIGMGRegression <- R6Class("NIGMGRegression",
  inherit = BayesianMultivariateRegression,
  public = list(
    # FIXME: have to make a prior variance object for this prior
    initialize = function(J, R) {
      private$J <- J
      # FIXME: need to initialize with prior variance which will contain info on R
      private$.posterior_b1 <- matrix(0, J, R)
    fit = function(d, prior_weights = NULL, use_residual = FALSE, save_summary_stats = FALSE, save_var = FALSE, estimate_prior_variance_method = NULL, check_null_threshold = 0) {
      # FIXME: need data object for DWT
      if (use_residual) {
        Y <- list(C = rep(0, nrow(d$Y)), D = d$residual[, -1], J = 7, filter.number = 10, family = "DaubLeAsymm")
      } else {
        Y <- list(C = rep(0, nrow(d$Y)), D = d$Y[, -1], J = 7, filter.number = 10, family = "DaubLeAsymm")
      class(Y) <- "DWT"
      ans0 <- NULL # grove::Denoise(Y)
      m <- apply(d$X, 2, function(X) fit_MS(X, Y))
      private$.posterior_b1 <- do.call(rbind, lapply(1:private$J, function(j) m[[j]]$effect))
      post_cov <- matlist2array(lapply(1:private$J, function(j) m[[j]]$cov))
      private$.posterior_b2 <- post_cov + matlist2array(lapply(1:nrow(private$.posterior_b1), function(i) tcrossprod(private$.posterior_b1[i, ])))
      private$.lbf <- unlist(lapply(1:P, function(j) m[[j]]$marginal_likelihood)) - ans0$marginal_likelihood
      # FIXME: need to handle baseline
      private$.baseline <- do.call(cbind, lapply(1:P, function(j) m[[j]]$baseline))
  private = list(
    .baseline = NULL

# Description
# function to obtain the fitted effect from a Single effect Wavelet regression
# Depend on more parameters than the one currently in place, these parameters stay fix during a SuSIe.

# Input
# grove.obj an output from FAnova (from grove package)
# n_samples  the number of Monte carlo simuation considered
# Output: list
# effect: vector of length 2^J (first parameter= scaling parameter), the other=  wavelet coeff
# baseline: vector of length 2^J (first parameter= scaling parameter), the other=  wavelet coeff
# cov_effect= variance covariance matrix of the estimated effect, not sure to double chec

get_post <- function(grove.obj, n_samples, m) {
  D <- grove.obj$samples$mean
  sub_D <- t(D[, , 1]) # sub_D[,2]  as wavelet coeff effect, sub_D[,1] has the baseline
  cov_D <- D[2, , 1]
  for (i in 2:n_samples) # n_samples being the number of sample of the posterior
    sub_D <- sub_D + t(D[, , i])
    cov_D <- cbind(cov_D, D[2, , i])
  y <- grove.obj$data$W$C
  X <- model.matrix(grove.obj$data$formula, grove.obj$data$X)
  s20 <- summary(lm(y ~ X))$sigma
  nu0 <- 10
  N <- 1
  tempC <- matrix(as.numeric(NA), ncol = 1, nrow = N)
  for (i in 1:N) {
    # average C coefficient for reg 2
    x <- c(1, 0)
    g <- length(y)
    S <- 1
    n <- dim(X)[1]
    p <- dim(X)[2]
    Hg <- (g / (g + 1)) * X %*% solve(t(X) %*% X) %*% t(X)
    SSRg <- t(y) %*% (diag(1, nrow = n) - Hg) %*% y
    s2 <- 1 / rgamma(S, (nu0 + n) / 2, (nu0 * s20 + SSRg) / 2)
    Vb <- g * solve(t(X) %*% X) / (g + 1)
    Eb <- Vb %*% t(X) %*% y
    E <- matrix(rnorm(S * p, 0, sqrt(s2)), S, p)
    C <- t(t(E %*% chol(Vb)) + c(Eb))
    tempC[i, 1] <- sum(C * x)
  varC <- var(tempC) # pas sur de ça

  # Sub_D first colum is b0 for wavelet coeff, and second is the regression effect of the covariate
  sub_D <- sub_D / n_samples

  # SNP effect
  SNP_effect <- sub_D[, 2]
  Baseline_effect <- sub_D[, 1]

  effectC <- grove.obj$C_hat[2] # scaling effect
  baselineC <- grove.obj$C_hat[1]
  # SNP effect

  # Building a matrix corresponding for the first position to the scaling coefficient free from the other d coefficients
  temp <- diag(1, m)
  temp[-1, -1] <- cov(t(cov_D))
  temp[1, 1] <- varC
  cov_effect <- temp

  effect <- c(effectC, SNP_effect)
  baseline <- c(baselineC, Baseline_effect)

  out <- list(
    effect = effect,
    baseline = baseline,
    cov_effect = cov_effect

# get_baseline
# Description
# function to obtain the fitted baseline from a Single effect Wavelet regression
# Depend on more parameters than the one currently in place, these parameters stay fix during a SuSIe.

# Input
# grove.obj an output from FAnova (from grove package)
# n_samples  the number of Monte carlo simuation considered
# Output:
# vector of length 2^J (first parameter= scaling parameter), the other=  wavelet coeff
get_baseline <- function(grove.obj, n_samples = n_samples, N) {
  D <- grove.obj$samples$mean
  sub_D <- t(D[, , 1])
  for (i in 2:n_samples) # n_samples being the number of sample of the posterior
    sub_D <- sub_D + t(D[, , i])
  # Sub_D first colum is b0 for wavelet coeff, and second is the regression effect of the covariate
  sub_D <- sub_D / n_samples
  y <- grove.obj$data$W$C
  X <- model.matrix(grove.obj$data$formula, grove.obj$data$X)
  s20 <- summary(lm(y ~ X))$sigma
  nu0 <- 10
  baseline <- sub_D[, 1]
  tempC <- rep(NA, N)
  for (i in 1:N) {
    # average C coefficient for reg 2
    x <- c(1, 0)
    g <- length(y)
    S <- 1
    n <- dim(X)[1]
    p <- dim(X)[2]
    Hg <- (g / (g + 1)) * X %*% solve(t(X) %*% X) %*% t(X)
    SSRg <- t(y) %*% (diag(1, nrow = n) - Hg) %*% y
    s2 <- 1 / rgamma(S, (nu0 + n) / 2, (nu0 * s20 + SSRg) / 2)
    Vb <- g * solve(t(X) %*% X) / (g + 1)
    Eb <- Vb %*% t(X) %*% y
    E <- matrix(rnorm(S * p, 0, sqrt(s2)), S, p)
    C <- t(t(E %*% chol(Vb)) + c(Eb))
    tempC[i] <- sum(C * x)
  tempC <- mean(tempC) # /2
  # SNP effect

  out <- c(tempC, baseline)

fit_MS <- function(X, Y) {
  temp_X <- data.frame(factorA = as.factor(X))
  temp_res <- NULL #  FAnova(Y, #regression
  #    temp_X,
  #    ~ 1 + factorA,
  #    transition.mode = "Markov",
  #    is.kappa.fixed=FALSE
  # )

  # FIXME: n_samples is a variable to change
  fitted_effect <- get_post(temp_res, n_samples = nrow(Y$D), m = ncol(Y$D) + 1)
  out <- list(
    marginal_likelihood = temp_res$marginal_likelihood,
    baseline = fitted_effect$baseline, # retriving baseline,
    effect = fitted_effect$effect, # retriving estimated effect
    cov = fitted_effect$cov_effect

gaow/mmbr documentation built on April 24, 2024, 7:12 p.m.