# EBM1D One-dimensional energy-budget model.
# Ebm1D is a one-dimensional energy-budget model that calculates the
# annual-mean surface temperature as a function of latitude and time. This
# driver first initializes the model and then runs it over a specified
# number of time steps.
# Author: Javier GarcĂa-Pintado
# Institution: University of Bremen - MARUM, GEOMOD
# Written: 2016-04-01
# Last updated: 2018-05-15
if (!exists('ilR')) # restart loop
ilR <- 1
# ============================================================
USER <- system('whoami', intern=TRUE)
HOME <- Sys.getenv('HOME')
dsnR <- file.path(HOME,'docs','ebm1d','R')
dsnDAR <- dsnR
km <- 1000 # [m]
yr <- 365*24*3600 # [s]
originTimeStampTZ <- '1970-01-01 00:00:00 GMT'
source(file.path(dsnR,'Constants.R')) # global environment
source(file.path(dsnR,'ebm1DInitializeGrids.R')) # function ::
source(file.path(dsnR,'formatTable.R')) # function
source(file.path(dsnR,'getCost.R')) # function
source(file.path(dsnR,'getCostY.R')) # function
source(file.path(dsnR,'getXebm1Dgr.R')) # function :: adapt model output as input to analyse()
source(file.path(dsnR,'makehpcScript.R')) # function
source(file.path(dsnR,'readCostData.R')) # function :: read model output
source(file.path(dsnR,'readEbm1Data.R')) # function
source(file.path(dsnR,'write2model.R')) # function
source(file.path(dsnR,'writeEbm1DParameters.R')) # function
source(file.path(dsnR,'writeInitialConditions.R')) # function
source(file.path(dsnR,'writeRunParameters.R')) # function
# experimentName = '_control_with_ice_refined';
# experimentName = '_2xCO2_with_ice_refined';
# experimentName = '_4xCO2_with_ice';
# experimentName = '_control_without_ice';
# experimentName = '_2xCO2_without_ice';
# experimentName = '_4xCO2_without_ice';
dsnscn <- file.path(dsn, region, event, scn) # data for analysis (whole path) in HOME volume [backed-up]
dsnsim <- file.path(dsndat, region, event, scn) # data for analysis (whole path) in storage volume [non-backed-up]
dsnplt <- file.path(dsnsim,'results','plots')
if (!file.exists(dsnplt))
CASE_0 <- paste(scn,'000',sep='.')
CASEROOT_0 <- file.path(dsnsim,CASE_0) # common for all members
source(file.path(dsnscn,'readCF.R'), local=TRUE) # basic environment & forecast information
source(file.path(dsnscn,'header_mc.R'), local=TRUE) # parameters for Monte Carlo analysis & sub-catchment inheritance rules
source(file.path(dsnscn,'readprm.R'), local=TRUE) # parameters for assimilation
if (!all(rownames(CF$MC[CF$MC$flag,]) %in% names(CF$ana)))
stop('main:: uncertain parameters not included in analysis definition')
if (!all.equal(names(CF$p),rownames(CF$MC)))
stop('CF$p not compliant with CF$MC')
if (prm$method %in% c('pMKF','pIKF')) {
if (CF$m %% sum(CF$MC$flag) != 0)
stop('ensemble size not exact multiplier of number of parameters for parameter-space method')
# inherit parameter thresholds into analysis structure
for (iv in 1:length(CF$MC[CF$MC$flag,])) {
vname <- rownames(CF$MC[CF$MC$flag,])[iv]
CF$ana[[vname]]$min <- CF$MC[vname,'min']
CF$G <- ebm1DInitializeGrids(CF$grp)
prm$m <- CF$m
if (prm$method %in% c('pMKF','pIKF')) # prm$m==1 just for single simulation integration
prm$m <- CF$m + 1 # background + required for ensemble
if (!prm$method %in% c('ETKF','pMKF','pIKF','oloop'))
stop('unknown prm$method')
CF$staT <- as.POSIXct(CF$staTStr, origin=originTimeStampTZ, tz='GMT')
CF$endT <- as.POSIXct(CF$endTStr, origin=originTimeStampTZ, tz='GMT')
# read constants, run parameters, model parameters and initial conditions
CF$ini <- readEbm1Data(file.path(dsnsim,'input'), CF$rp$initialConditionsFileName)
names(CF$ini) <- c('lat','tsfc_feb','tsfc_aug','tsfc_ann') # latitude are pixel centers [-85, -75,... 85]
CF$ref <- readEbm1Data(file.path(dsnsim,'input'), CF$rp$referenceDataFileName)
names(CF$ref) <- names(CF$ini) # reference data for calculation of anomalies
# read spatially distributed observations [as 's' yFMT]
for (iy in 1:length(CF$yfnames)) {
source(file.path(dsnscn,CF$yfnames[iy]), local=TRUE)
}; rm(iy)
# read assimilation scheduling protocol
source(file.path(dsnscn,'readRuntimes.R'), local=TRUE) # starttime & launching model times) into CF
CF$path$dsnscn <- dsnscn
CF$path$oufld <- file.path(dsnsim,'output')
CF$path$outsfld <- file.path(dsnsim,'output','ts')
CF$dto <- CF$rp$deltaT
CF$nt <- as.numeric(diff(c(CF$runtimes,CF$endT), units='day')) # vector number of integration steps / forecast
if (max(abs(CF$nt - as.integer(CF$nt))) > 1.0E-10)
stop('emb1d:: integration times not exact multipliers of CF$dt')
CF$nt <- as.integer(CF$nt)
# randomize initial conditions (if uncertain)
#if (CF$ana$i_tsfc$u && prm$method == 'ppKF')
# stop('prm$method ppKF cannot estimate initial conditions')
it <- 1
CF$rini <- list() # [[nrt]] components
CF$rini[[it]] <- list()
if (CF$ana$i_tsfc$u) {
# CF$rini[[1]] <- genIni(CF$ini, sd=)
} else {
CF$rini[[it]][[1]] <- CF$ini
nrt <- length(CF$runtimes) # number of forecast loops
Ets <- vector('list',nrt) # ensemble timeseries forecast [mm]
CF$sm <- rep(TRUE,prm$m) # init surviving [stable] members
DAmn <- NULL # DA assimilation method for the it/iol loop
MCgpar <- NULL
Pthetaa <- NULL
## start looping
for (it in 1:nrt) {
thetal <- list() # list to store all theta list for each specific loop for posterior analysis
itStr <- formatC(it, width=4, flag='0')
for (il in ilR:(prm$maxiter+1)) { # + 1 as confirming step
ilStr <- paste('f',formatC(il,width=2,flag='0'),sep='')
cat('Loop number: ',it,' | ',ilStr,'\n')
cat('surviving members:',sum(CF$sm),'out of',CF$m,'\n',sep=' ')
if (prm$method %in% c('pMKF','METKF') && il <= prm$maxiter) {
prm$rfactor <- ((prm$maxiter:1) * sum(1/(prm$maxiter:1)))[il] # [1] scaling for R for multistep filters
} else {
prm$rfactor <- 1
CF$it <- it # just required for debug mode in analyse
CF$timenow <- CF$runtimes[it] # "POSIXct" "POSIXt"
if (it < nrt) {
CF$timenex <- CF$runtimes[it+1]
CF$freerun <- FALSE
} else {
CF$timenex <- CF$endT
CF$freerun <- TRUE
timenowStr <- paste(datePOSIXct(CF$timenow),'00000',sep='-')
timenexStr <- paste(datePOSIXct(CF$timenex),'00000',sep='-')
seqfT <- seq(trunc(CF$timenow,'day'), CF$timenex, by=CF$dto) # model input | this forecast time sequence
if (max(seqfT) < CF$timenex)
seqfT <- c(seqfT,max(seqfT) + CF$dto) # assure it covers next interruption point (timenex)
ntof <- length(seqfT) # forecast outer timesteps
# parameter sampling --RESTART option not considered
Pthetab <- Pthetaa # calculate Pthetaa always at the end of each il loop - except for 'oloop' for which it does not evolve
dsnrest <- file.path(CASEROOT_0,'rest', timenowStr)
p <- CF$p
if (it != 1 || il != 1) {
vKINDs <- names(theta$b)
for (iv in 1:length(vKINDs)) {
vKIND <- vKINDs[iv]
p[[vKIND]][1] <- theta$a[iv] # mean
if (prm$method == 'pMKF') # for 'pIKF' keep background0
p[[vKIND]][2] <- sqrt(Pthetab[iv,iv]) # sd
if (prm$method %in% c('pMKF','pIKF')) { # parameter perturbation Kalman Filter - just parameter estimation
#prm$sdfac <- abs(prm$sdfac) * sign(as.numeric(theta$a - theta$b)) # take previous increment signs to guide perturbations
#prm$sdfac[prm$sdfac == 0] <- 1
gparTheta <- orthoEnsemble(p, CF$MC, CF$m, CF$MCcons, prm$sdfac) # background plus 1-perturbed column per uncertain parameter
thetaNam <- gparTheta$thetaNam
MCgpar <- do.call(cbind,gparTheta[c('b',thetaNam)])
ntheta <- length(thetaNam)
colnames(MCgpar) <- c('b',rep(thetaNam, each=CF$m/ntheta))
} else if (prm$method %in% c('ETKF','oloop')) {
m0 <- ifelse(il == 1, CF$m, 1) # just mean integration
MCgpar <- mcEnsemble(p, CF$MC, m0, CF$MCcons, Pthetab) # initially assume diagonal Pthetab
thetaNam <- rownames(MCgpar)[which(CF$MC$flag)] # [ntheta]
ntheta <- length(thetaNam)
} else {
stop("main:: prm$method not in ['ETKF','pMKF','pIKF','oloop']")
} # end parameter sampling
if (!file.exists(dsnrest))
dir.create(dsnrest, recursive=TRUE)
if (prm$method %in% c('pMKF','pIKF'))
saveRDS(gparTheta, file=file.path(dsnrest,paste(CASE_0,'gparTheta',timenowStr,ilStr,'rds',sep='.'))) # save to be able to restart
saveRDS(MCgpar, file=file.path(dsnrest,paste('MCgpar.b',timenowStr,ilStr,'rds',sep='.'))) # save MCgpar as background parameter space
ntheta <- length(thetaNam)
theta <- list()
theta$MCgpar <- MCgpar
if (prm$method %in% c('pMKF','pIKF')) { # parameter only estimate - 1st ensemble member is background
CF$sm[] <- TRUE # sample is regenerated
theta$b <- gparTheta$b[thetaNam]
theta$d <- gparTheta$dtheta # NULL for m==1 |[ntheta,mperpar]
} else { # ETKF
CF$sm[] <- TRUE
theta$b <- sapply(p[thetaNam],FUN=function(x){x[1]})
if (!is.null(Pthetab)) {
theta$Pthetab <- Pthetab
} else {
theta$Pthetab <- diag(sapply(CF$p[thetaNam],FUN=function(x){x[2]})^2)
if (il == 1 && it == 1) {
theta$b0 <- sapply(CF$p[thetaNam],FUN=function(x){x[1]})
theta$Pthetab0 <- diag(sapply(CF$p[thetaNam],FUN=function(x){x[2]})^2)
} else {
theta$b0 <- thetal[[1]]$b
theta$Pthetab0 <- thetal[[1]]$Pthetab
# write model input
m0 <- ncol(MCgpar) # applies to both parameter-space methods and ETKF, may include failed members
err <- NULL
for (im in 1:m0) { # serial writing of model files
imStr <- formatC(im,width=5,flag="0",format="d")
system(paste("rm -r -f",file.path(dsnsim,'input',imStr)))
if (prm$method %in% c('pMKF','pIKF') && !CF$sm[im])
stop('failed members for parameter space estimation')
if (CF$sm[im]) {
err[im] <- write2model(pid = im,
dto=CF$dto, nto=ntof,
gpar = MCgpar[,im], CF)
} # end for im
if (CF$hpc == 'hlrn') {
makeHLRNscript(CF$path$hpcscript, CF$path$data, # create High Performance Computing .sh script -- RocksCluster
CF$region, CF$event, CF$scn,
'input', 'main.run', CF$modexe, m0, CF$nc)
} else {
makehpcScript(CF$path$hpcscript, CF$path$data, # create High Performance Computing .sh script -- RocksCluster
CF$region, CF$event, CF$scn,
'input', 'main.run', CF$modexe, m0, CF$npc)
# runmodel
cat('submitting climate-forecast array job |',as.character(Sys.time()),'\n')
#cwd <- getwd()
system(paste('chmod u+x',CF$path$hpcscript))
if (CF$hpc == 'hlrn') {
system(paste('msub ',CF$path$hpcscript))
} else {
system(CF$path$hpcscript) # local at GEO
# model output files:
# cost_function_termns.dat
# Ebm1DParametersOut.nml
# energy_balance_1d.dat
# energy_transport_1d.dat
# reference.dat
# restart.dat
# collect background (forecast) & calculate cost function
Sys.sleep(30) # wait some second to assure mounting in HLRN
dthetab <- theta$MCgpar[thetaNam,] - theta$b0 # [n,m] perturbation matrix
costa <- readCostData(m0, dsnsim) # note: average for last 10 years [ cp_lastInterval = 10.0yr F90 hardcoded]
theta <- c(theta,getCost(CF$G, costa, CF$y, CF$ref, vKINDs=c('tsfc_feb','tsfc_aug'), dx=dthetab, Pb=theta$Pthetab0))
if (prm$method %in% c('ETKF')) {
cat('main:: il:',il,'n:survivors preNA: ',sum(!is.na(theta$cost)), '\n')
cfNA <- which(theta$cost/min(theta$cost,na.rm=TRUE) > 10) # simple QC: outlier detection
theta$cost[cfNA] <- NA
cfNA <- order(theta$cost)[-(1:CF$mmax)]
theta$cost[cfNA] <- NA
cfNA <- is.na(theta$cost) # LOGICAL
if (sum(!cfNA) < CF$mmax)
cat('main:: ',sum(!cfNA),'< CF$mmax surviving members\n')
costa[,-1,cfNA] <- NA
if (prm$method %in% c('pMKF','pIKF')) {
theta$cym <- matrix(theta$cy[-1], ntheta, CF$m/ntheta, byrow=TRUE)
theta$cbm <- matrix(theta$cb[-1], ntheta, CF$m/ntheta, byrow=TRUE)
theta$com <- matrix(theta$cost[-1], ntheta, CF$m/ntheta, byrow=TRUE)
if (is.na(theta$cost[1]))
stop('background unstable in parameter space method')
if (any(apply(theta$com,1,FUN=function(x){all(is.na(x))})))
stop('no member available for sensitivity calculation in parameter space method')
} else {
saveRDS(theta, file=file.path(dsnsim,"results", paste("theta_",it,"_il",il,".rds",sep="")))
#if (CF$m == 1)
if (il > 1)
CF$sm <- !is.na(theta$cost)
if (prm$method %in% c('pMKF','pIKF'))
theta$G <- getThetaWLM(theta) # conditional sensitivity [by weighted linear regression]
else # ETKF: not needed. Only for comparison with local sensitivity schemes
theta$G <- getThetaG(theta) # ensemble sensitivity [by SVD]
# Els :: gridded variables to be updated OR mapped into yls
# Els <- getEbm1Dgr(CF, costa) # Els: named list with $time [POSIXct] & $stack [list with grid ensemble matrices] components.
X <- getXebm1Dgr(CF$G, costa,
timelabs=sapply(CF$y,function(x){x[[1]]$s$data$timelab})) # input to analyseUG()
if (!all(names(X) %in% names(CF$ana)))
stop('main:: X vKINDs not included in analysis definition CF$ana')
xu <- sapply(CF$ana[names(X)],function(x){x$u}) # grids with matching y need to be updated via this mechanism
# xu: LOGICAL vector - whether to update each variable type in CF$ana
# Note: alternatively they could be set up as a gauDA object
# 1 <-> 1 x-y mapping by state vector augmentation to include observations
# gauDA structure for observations in 'g' or 'p' yFMT
gauDA <- NULL
# aug:: unobserved model parameters, boundary conditions...
# E augmentation blocks \in [,m]
# aug[[i]] <- list('value[.,m]','pos[.,2]','time[.]')
aug <- list()
for (i in 1:nrow(MCgpar)) {
vKIND <- rownames(MCgpar)[i]
if (is.character(CF$p[[vKIND]]) || !CF$MC[vKIND,'flag'] || !CF$MC[vKIND,'ispar'])
if (!(vKIND %in% names(CF$ana)))
stop('main:: ',vKIND,' global parameter not in CF$ana')
if (!CF$ana[[vKIND]]$u)
stop('main:: all initially random parameters should be analysed')
aug[[vKIND]] <- list()
aug[[vKIND]]$E <- MCgpar[vKIND,] # global parameters
aug[[vKIND]]$pos <- CF$ana[[vKIND]]$pos # " " default == [NA,NA]
aug[[vKIND]]$z <- NA # " " default == [NA,NA]
aug[[vKIND]]$timelab <- format(CF$timenex, format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', usetz=TRUE) # dummy
cat('running analysis |', as.character(Sys.time()),'\n')
if (prm$method != 'oloop') {
Elst_a <- analyseUG(CF$G, fit=paste(it,il,sep='_il_'), prm=prm, X=X, yls=CF$y, gauDA=NULL, # list with assimilation information
aug=aug, ana=CF$ana, # if prm$method=='ppKF' the returned list is theta, augmented with the $a slot
dsn=dsnsim, debugmode=TRUE, mpi=CF$mpi,
assimOLsrc=file.path(dsnDAR,'analysis','assimOL.R'), theta=theta)
if (prm$method %in% c('pMKF','pIKF')) { # Elst_a: $a, $Pthetaa, $K...
theta <- Elst_a
Elst_a <- NULL # deallocate memory
} else if (prm$method == 'ETKF') { # ETKF:: Elst_a: $E, $xdf, $dydf
vKINDs <- rownames(CF$MC)[CF$MC$ispar & CF$MC$flag] # control variables
xids <- match(vKINDs,Elst_a$xdf[,'xKIND'])
saveRDS(MCgpar, file=file.path(dsnsim,"results", paste("MCgpar_b_it",it,"_il",il,".rds",sep=""))) # also saved as theta$MCgpar
MCgpar[vKINDs,] <- Elst_a$E[xids,] # NA columns for failed members [!CF$sm]
MCgpar[,!CF$sm] <- NA # NA completion for all parameters
saveRDS(MCgpar, file=file.path(dsnsim,"results", paste("MCgpar_a_it",it,"_il",il,".rds",sep="")))
theta$a <- Elst_a$xdf[xids,'xa']
theta$Pthetaa <- cov(t(MCgpar[vKINDs,CF$sm]))
} else {
stop('main:: ---ERR002: prm$method not found---')
Pthetaa <- theta$Pthetaa # obtain by any method
saveRDS(theta, file=file.path(dsnsim,"results", paste("theta_",it,"_il",il,".rds",sep="")))
} # end if (prm$method != 'oloop') {
thetal[[il]] <- theta
saveRDS(thetal, file=file.path(dsnsim,"results", paste("thetal_",it,".rds",sep="")))
} # end for (il)
if (it == 1)
break # just one model integration needed in this exercise.
} # end for it
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