
Defines functions graph.levels compute.flipped.graph get.parents get.parents.top.down get.parents.bottom.up get.parents.topological.sorting build.descendants build.descendants.per.level build.descendants.bottom.up build.children get.children.top.down get.children.bottom.up build.ancestors build.ancestors.per.level build.ancestors.bottom.up root.node find.leaves distances.from.leaves constraints.matrix weighted.adjacency.matrix tupla.matrix specific.annotation.matrix specific.annotation.list transitive.closure.annotations full.annotation.matrix Do.full.annotation.matrix do.submatrix do.subgraph check.annotation.matrix.integrity check.DAG.integrity check.hierarchy.single.sample check.hierarchy do.unstratified.cv.data do.stratified.cv.data.single.class do.stratified.cv.data.over.classes create.stratified.fold.df lexicographical.topological.sort build.consistent.graph

Documented in build.ancestors build.ancestors.bottom.up build.ancestors.per.level build.children build.consistent.graph build.descendants build.descendants.bottom.up build.descendants.per.level check.annotation.matrix.integrity check.DAG.integrity check.hierarchy check.hierarchy.single.sample compute.flipped.graph constraints.matrix create.stratified.fold.df distances.from.leaves Do.full.annotation.matrix do.stratified.cv.data.over.classes do.stratified.cv.data.single.class do.subgraph do.submatrix do.unstratified.cv.data find.leaves full.annotation.matrix get.children.bottom.up get.children.top.down get.parents get.parents.bottom.up get.parents.top.down get.parents.topological.sorting graph.levels lexicographical.topological.sort root.node specific.annotation.list specific.annotation.matrix transitive.closure.annotations tupla.matrix weighted.adjacency.matrix

## Utility functions to process and analyze graphs    ##

#' @title Build Graph Levels 
#' @description This function groups a set of nodes in according to their maximum depth in the graph. It first inverts the weights 
#' of the graph and then applies the Bellman Ford algorithm to find the shortest path, achieving in this way the longest path.
#' @param g an object of class \code{graphNEL} 
#' @param root name of the root node (\code{def. root="00"}) 
#' @return a list of the nodes grouped w.r.t. the distance from the root: the first element of the list corresponds to the root node (level 0),
#' the second to nodes at maximum distance 1 (level 1), the third to the node at maximum distance 3 (level 2) and so on.
#' @export 
#' @examples
#' data(graph);
#' root <- root.node(g);
#' lev <- graph.levels(g, root=root);
graph.levels <- function(g, root="00"){
    if(sum(nodes(g) %in% root)==0) 
        stop("root node not found in g. Insert the root node");
        stop("root is not the right root node of g. Use the function root.node(g) to find the root node of g");
    ed <- edges(g);
    ew <- edgeWeights(g);
    for(i in 1:length(ed)){
        l <- length(ew[[i]]);
            ew[[i]][1:l] <- -1;
    edL <- vector(mode="list", length=length(ed));
    names(edL) <- names(ed);
    for(i in 1:length(ed)){
        edL[[i]] <- list(edges=ed[[i]], weights=ew[[i]]);
    G <- graphNEL(nodes=nodes(g), edgeL=edL, edgemode="directed");  
    depth.G <- bellman.ford.sp(G,root)$distance;
    depth.G <- -depth.G  
    levels <- vector(mode="list", length=max(depth.G)+1);
    names(levels) <- paste(rep("level", max(depth.G)+1), 0:max(depth.G), sep="_");
    for(i in 1:(max(depth.G)+1))
        levels[[i]] <- names(which(depth.G==i-1));

#' @title Flip Graph
#' @description Compute a directed graph with edges in the opposite direction.
#' @param g a \code{graphNEL} directed graph
#' @return a graph (as an object of class \code{graphNEL}) with edges in the opposite direction w.r.t. g.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(graph);
#' g.flipped <- compute.flipped.graph(g);
compute.flipped.graph <- function(g){
    ed <- edges(g);
    ndL <- vector(mode="list", length=length(ed));
    names(ndL) <- names(ed);
    for(i in 1:length(ed)){
        children <- ed[[i]];
        parent   <- names(ed[i]);
            for(j in 1:length(children))
                ndL[[children[j]]] <- c(ndL[[children[j]]],parent); 
    for (i in 1:length(ndL))
        ndL[[i]] <- list(edges=ndL[[i]]);
    og <- graphNEL(nodes=nodes(g), edgeL=ndL, edgemode="directed");

#' @name parents
#' @aliases get.parents
#' @aliases get.parents.top.down
#' @aliases get.parents.bottom.up
#' @aliases get.parents.topological.sorting
#' @title Build parents 
#' @description Compute the parents for each node of a graph.
#' @param g a graph of class \code{graphNEL}. It represents the hierarchy of the classes.
#' @param root name of the root node (\code{def. root="00"}).
#' @param levels a list of character vectors. Each component represents a graph level and the elements of any.
#' component correspond to nodes. The level 0 coincides with the root node.
#' @seealso \code{\link{graph.levels}}
#' @examples
#' data(graph);
#' root <- root.node(g)
#' parents <- get.parents(g, root=root);
#' lev <- graph.levels(g, root=root);
#' parents.tod <- get.parents.top.down(g, lev, root=root);
#' parents.bup <- get.parents.bottom.up(g, lev, root=root);
#' parents.tsort <- get.parents.topological.sorting(g, root=root);

#' @rdname parents
#' @return \code{get.parents} returns a named list of character vectors. Each component corresponds to a node \eqn{x} of the graph (i.e. child node) 
#' and its vector is the set of its parents (the root node is not included).
#' @export
get.parents <- function(g, root="00"){
    if(sum(nodes(g) %in% root)==0) 
        stop("root node not found in g. Insert the root node");
        stop("root is not the right root node of g. Use the function root.node(g) to find the root node of g");
    nd <- nodes(g)
    ndL <- vector(mode="list", length=length(nd));
    names(ndL) <- nd;
    ed <- edges(g);
    for(i in 1:length(ed)){
        children <- ed[[i]];
        parent   <- names(ed[i]);
            for(j in 1:length(children))
                ndL[[children[j]]] <- c(ndL[[children[j]]],parent); 
    ndL <- ndL[-which(names(ndL)==root)]; 

#' @rdname parents
#' @return \code{get.parents.top.down} returns a named list of character vectors. Each component corresponds to a node 
#' \eqn{x} of the graph (i.e. child node) and its vector is the set of its parents. 
#' The nodes order follows the levels of the graph from root (excluded) to leaves.
#' @export
get.parents.top.down <- function(g,levels, root="00"){
    if(sum(nodes(g) %in% root)==0) 
        stop("root node not found in g. Insert the root node");
        stop("root is not the right root node of g. Use the function root.node(g) to find the root node of g");    ord.nd <- unlist(levels); 
    ndL <- vector(mode="list", length=length(ord.nd));
    names(ndL) <- ord.nd;
    ed <- edges(g);
    for(i in 1:length(ed)){
        children <- ed[[i]];
        parent   <- names(ed[i]);
            for(j in 1:length(children))
                ndL[[children[j]]] <- c(ndL[[children[j]]],parent); 
    ndL <- ndL[-which(names(ndL)==root)]; 

#' @rdname parents
#' @return \code{get.parents.bottom.up} returns a named list of character vectors. Each component corresponds to a node \eqn{x} of the 
#' graph (i.e. child node) and its vector is the set of its parents. The nodes are ordered from leaves to root (excluded).
#' @export
get.parents.bottom.up <- function(g,levels, root="00"){
    if(sum(nodes(g) %in% root)==0) 
        stop("root node not found in g. Insert the root node");
        stop("root is not the right root node of g. Use the function root.node(g) to find the root node of g");
    flip.ord.nd <- rev(unlist(levels)); 
    ndL <- vector(mode="list", length=length(flip.ord.nd));
    names(ndL) <- flip.ord.nd;
    ed <- edges(g);
    for(i in 1:length(ed)){
        children <- ed[[i]];
        parent   <- names(ed[i]);
            for(j in 1:length(children))
                ndL[[children[j]]] <- c(ndL[[children[j]]],parent); 
    ndL <- ndL[-which(names(ndL)==root)]; 

#' @rdname parents
#' @return \code{get.parents.topological.sorting} a named list of character vectors. Each component corresponds to a 
#' node \eqn{x} of the graph (i.e. child node) and its vector is the set of its parents. The nodes are ordered according to a 
#' topological sorting, i.e. parents node come before children node.
#' @export
get.parents.topological.sorting <- function(g, root="00"){
    if(sum(nodes(g) %in% root)==0) 
        stop("root node not found in g. Insert the root node");
        stop("root is not the right root node of g. Use the function root.node(g) to find the root node of g");    ord.nd <- tsort(g); 
    ndL <- vector(mode="list", length=length(ord.nd));
    names(ndL) <- ord.nd;
    ed <- edges(g);
    for(i in 1:length(ed)){
        children <- ed[[i]];
        parent   <- names(ed[i]);
            for(j in 1:length(children))
                ndL[[children[j]]] <- c(ndL[[children[j]]],parent); 
    ndL <- ndL[-which(names(ndL)==root)]; 

#' @name descendants
#' @aliases build.descendants
#' @aliases build.descendants.per.level 
#' @aliases build.descendants.bottom.up
#' @title Build descendants 
#' @description Compute the descendants for each node of a graph.
#' @param g a graph of class \code{graphNEL}. It represents the hierarchy of the classes.
#' @param levels a list of character vectors. Each component represents a graph level and the elements of any 
#' component correspond to nodes. The level 0 coincides with the root node.
#' @seealso \code{\link{graph.levels}}
#' @examples
#' data(graph);
#' root <- root.node(g);
#' desc <- build.descendants(g);
#' lev <- graph.levels(g, root=root);
#' desc.tod <- build.descendants.per.level(g,lev);
#' desc.bup <- build.descendants.bottom.up(g,lev);

#' @rdname descendants
#' @return \code{build.descendants} returns a named list of vectors. 
#' Each component corresponds to a node \eqn{x} of the graph, and its vector is the set of its descendants including also \eqn{x}.
#' @export
build.descendants <- function(g){
    name.nodes <- nodes(g);
    g2 <- transitive.closure(g);
    desc <- edges(g2);
    for(x in name.nodes)
        desc[[x]] <- c(desc[[x]],x);

#' @rdname descendants
#' @return \code{build.descendants.per.level} returns a named list of vectors. 
#' Each component corresponds to a node \eqn{x} of the graph and its vector is the set of its descendants including also \eqn{x}.
#' The nodes are ordered from root (included) to leaves.
#' @export
build.descendants.per.level <- function(g,levels){
    ord.nd <- unlist(levels);
    g2 <- transitive.closure(g);
    desc <- edges(g2)[ord.nd];
    for(x in ord.nd)
        desc[[x]] <- c(desc[[x]],x);

#' @rdname descendants
#' @return \code{build.descendants.bottom.up} returns a named list of vectors. 
#' Each component corresponds to a node \eqn{x} of the graph and its vector is the set of its descendants including also \eqn{x}.
#' The nodes are ordered from leaves to root (included).
#' @export
build.descendants.bottom.up <- function(g,levels) {
    flip.ord.nd <- rev(unlist(levels));
    g2 <- transitive.closure(g);
    desc <- edges(g2)[flip.ord.nd];
    for(x in flip.ord.nd)
        desc[[x]] <- c(desc[[x]],x);

#' @name children
#' @aliases build.children
#' @aliases get.children.top.down
#' @aliases get.children.top.down
#' @title Build children 
#' @description Compute the children for each node of a graph.
#' @param g a graph of class \code{graphNEL}. It represents the hierarchy of the classes.
#' @param levels a list of character vectors. Each component represents a graph level and the elements of any 
#' component correspond to nodes. The level 0 coincides with the root node.
#' @seealso \code{\link{graph.levels}}
#' @examples
#' data(graph);
#' root <- root.node(g);
#' children <- build.children(g);
#' lev <- graph.levels(g, root=root);
#' children.tod <- get.children.top.down(g,lev);
#' children.bup <- get.children.bottom.up(g,lev);

#' @rdname children
#' @return \code{build.children} returns a named list of vectors. Each component corresponds to a node \eqn{x} of the graph and its 
#' vector is the set of its children.
#' @export
build.children <- function(g){

#' @rdname children
#' @return \code{get.children.top.down} returns a named list of character vectors. Each component corresponds to a node \eqn{x} 
#' of the graph (i.e. parent node) and its vector is the set of its children. The nodes are ordered from root (included) to leaves.
#' @export
get.children.top.down <- function(g,levels){
    child <- build.children(g)
    nd <- c();
    for(i in 1:length(levels)){
        level.nodes <- levels[[i]];
        nd <- append(nd,child[level.nodes]);

#' @rdname children
#' @return \code{get.children.bottom.up} returns a named list of character vectors. Each component corresponds to a node \eqn{x} 
#' of the graph (i.e. parent node) and its vector is the set of its children. The nodes are ordered from leaves (included) to root.
#' @export
get.children.bottom.up <- function(g,levels){
    flip.ord.nd <- rev(unlist(levels));
    ed <- edges(g);  
    nd <- ed[flip.ord.nd];

#' @name ancestors
#' @aliases build.ancestors
#' @aliases build.ancestors.per.level
#' @aliases build.ancestors.bottom.up
#' @title Build ancestors 
#' @description Compute the ancestors for each node of a graph.
#' @param g a graph of class \code{graphNEL}. It represents the hierarchy of the classes.
#' @param levels a list of character vectors. Each component represents a graph level and the elements of any 
#' component correspond to nodes. The level 0 coincides with the root node.
#' @seealso \code{\link{graph.levels}}
#' @examples
#' data(graph);
#' root <- root.node(g);
#' anc <- build.ancestors(g);
#' lev <- graph.levels(g, root=root);
#' anc.tod <-build.ancestors.per.level(g,lev);
#' anc.bup <- build.ancestors.bottom.up(g,lev);

#' @rdname ancestors
#' @return \code{build.ancestos} returns a named list of vectors. Each component corresponds to a node \eqn{x} of the graph and its vector 
#' is the set of its ancestors including also \eqn{x}.
#' @export
build.ancestors <- function(g){
    og <- compute.flipped.graph(g);
    names.nodes <- nodes(og);
    og2 <- transitive.closure(og);
    anc <- edges(og2);
    for(x in names.nodes)
        anc[[x]] <- c(anc[[x]],x);

#' @rdname ancestors
#' @return \code{build.ancestors.per.level} returns a named list of vectors. Each component corresponds to a node \eqn{x} 
#' of the graph and its vector is the set of its ancestors including also \eqn{x}. The nodes are ordered from root (included) to leaves.
#' @export
build.ancestors.per.level <- function(g,levels){
    og <- compute.flipped.graph(g);
    ord.nd <- unlist(levels);
    og2 <- transitive.closure(og);
    anc <- edges(og2)[ord.nd];
    for(x in ord.nd)
        anc[[x]] <- c(anc[[x]],x);

#' @rdname ancestors
#' @return \code{build.ancestors.bottom.up} a named list of vectors. Each component corresponds to a node \eqn{x} of the 
#' graph and its vector is the set of its ancestors including also \eqn{x}. The nodes are ordered from leaves to root (included).
#' @export
build.ancestors.bottom.up <- function(g,levels){
    og <- compute.flipped.graph(g);
    flip.ord.nd <- rev(unlist(levels));
    og2 <- transitive.closure(og);
    anc <- edges(og2)[flip.ord.nd];
    for(x in flip.ord.nd)
        anc[[x]] <- c(anc[[x]],x);

#' @title Root node
#' @description Find the root node of a directed graph.
#' @param g a graph of class \code{graphNEL}. It represents the hierarchy of the classes.
#' @return name of the root node.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(graph);
#' root <- root.node(g);
root.node <- function(g){
    d <- degree(g);
    root <- names(which(d$inDegree==0));

#' @title Leaves
#' @description Find the leaves of a directed graph.
#' @param g a graph of class \code{graphNEL}. It represents the hierarchy of the classes.
#' @return a vector with the names of the leaves of g.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(graph);
#' leaves <- find.leaves(g);
find.leaves <- function(g){
    d <- degree(g);
    leaves <- names(which(d$outDegree==0));

#' @title Distances from leaves
#' @description This function returns the minimum distance of each node from one of the leaves of the graph.
#' @param g a graph of class \code{graphNEL}. It represents the hierarchy of the classes.
#' @return a named vector. The names are the names of the nodes of the graph \code{g}, and their values represent the distance from the leaves.
#' A value equal to 0 is assigned to the leaves, 1 to nodes with distance 1 from a leaf and so on.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(graph);
#' dist.leaves <- distances.from.leaves(g);
distances.from.leaves <- function(g){
    leaves <- find.leaves(g);
    n.leaves <- length(leaves);
    og <- compute.flipped.graph(g);
    og <- addNode("root", og);
    og <- addEdge(rep("root",n.leaves), leaves, og, rep(1,n.leaves));
    dist <- acc(og,"root")[[1]]-1;

#' @title Constraints Matrix
#' @description This function returns a matrix with two columns and as many rows as there are edges.
#' The entries of the first columns are the index of the node the edge comes from (i.e. children nodes), 
#' the entries of the second columns indicate the index of node the edge is to (i.e. parents nodes). 
#' Referring to a DAG this matrix defines a partial order. 
#' @param g a graph of class \code{graphNELL}. It represents the hierarchy of the classes.
#' @return a constraints matrix w.r.t the graph \code{g}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(graph);
#' m <- constraints.matrix(g);
constraints.matrix <- function(g){
    eM <- edgeMatrix(g);
    eM <- cbind(eM[2,],eM[1,]);
    nd <- nodes(g);
    dimnames(eM) <- list(nd[eM[,2]], c("child","parent"))

#' @title Weighted Adjacency Matrix
#' @description Construct a Weighted Adjacency Matrix (wadj matrix) of a graph.
#' @param file name of the plain text file to be read (\code{def. edges}). The format of the file is a sequence of rows. 
#' Each row corresponds to an edge represented through a pair of vertices separated by blanks and the weight of the edges.
#' For instance: \code{nodeX nodeY score}.
#' The file extension can be or plain format (".txt") or compressed (".gz").
#' @return a named symmetric weighted adjacency matrix of the graph.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' edges <- system.file("extdata/edges.txt.gz", package="HEMDAG");
#' W <- weighted.adjacency.matrix(file=edges);
weighted.adjacency.matrix <- function(file="edges.txt"){
    tmp <- strsplit(file, "[.,/,_]")[[1]];
    if(any(tmp %in% "gz")){
        m <- read.table(gzfile(file), colClasses="character", stringsAsFactors=FALSE);
        m <- as.matrix(read.table(file, colClasses="character", stringsAsFactors=FALSE));
    nodesname <- as.vector(as.matrix((m[,1:2])));
    charcheck <- any(suppressWarnings(is.na(as.numeric(nodesname))));
        nodes <- sort(unique(as.vector(as.matrix(m[,1:2])))); ##NB:df must be converted as matrix to make as.vector working..
        nodes <- as.character(sort(as.numeric(unique(as.vector(m[,1:2]))))); 
    n.nodes <- length(nodes);
    # building the adjacency matrix
    W <- matrix(0, nrow=n.nodes, ncol=n.nodes);
    dimnames(W) <- list(nodes,nodes);
    W[cbind(m[,1], m[,2])] <- as.numeric(m[,3]);
    W[cbind(m[,2], m[,1])] <- as.numeric(m[,3]);

#' @title Tupla Matrix
#' @description Transform a Weighted Adjacency Matrix (wadj matrix) of a graph in a tupla, i.e. as a sequences of rows separated by 
#' blank and the weight of the edges, e.g \code{nodeX nodeY score}.
#' @param m a weighted adjacency matrix of the graph. Rows and columns are examples. It must be a square named matrix.
#' @param output.file name of the file of the  to be written.
#' The extension of the file can be or plain format (".txt") or compressed (".gz").
#' @details Only the \emph{non-zero} interactions are kept, while the \emph{zero} interactions are discarded. 
#' In other words in the \code{output.file} are reported only those nodes having a weight different from zero. 
#' @return the weighted adjacency matrix as tupla is stored in the output.file. 
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(wadj);
#' tmpdir <- paste0(tempdir(),"/");
#' tupla.matrix(W, output.file=paste0(tmpdir,"graph.edges.txt.gz"));
#' tupla.matrix(W, output.file=paste0(tmpdir,"graph.edges.txt"));
tupla.matrix <- function(m, output.file="net.file.gz"){
    im <- which(m!=0, arr.ind=TRUE);
    rows <- rownames(im);
    colrep.names <- intersect(colnames(m), rownames(im));
    colrep.times <- table(im[,2])
    cols <- rep(colrep.names, times=colrep.times);
    df <- data.frame(row=rows, col=cols, score=m[im]);
    tmp <- strsplit(output.file, "[.,/,_]")[[1]];
    if(any(tmp %in% "gz")){
        write.table(df, file=gzfile(output.file), quote=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE);
        write.table(df, file=output.file, quote=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE);

#' @title specific annotation matrix
#' @description Construct the labels matrix of the most specific OBO terms (as GO or HPO).
#' @details The input plain text file representing the most specific associations gene-OBO term can be obtained by cloning the GitHub repository
#' \href{https://github.com/marconotaro/obogaf-parser}{obogaf-parser}, a perl5 module specifically designed to handle HPO and GO obo file and 
#' their gene annotation file (gaf file).
#' @param file text file representing the most specific associations gene-OBO. The file must be written as sequence of rows. 
#' Each row represents a gene/protein and all its associations with an ontology term pipe separated, \emph{e.g.: gene1 |obo1|...|oboN}.  
#' The input example file used here (\code{def: "gene2pheno.txt"}) shows the gene and all its associations with an HPO terms.
#' @return the annotation matrix of the most specific annotations (0/1): rows are genes and columns are HPO terms.
#' Let's denote \eqn{M} the labels matrix. If \eqn{M[i,j]=1}, means that the gene \eqn{i} is annotated with the class \eqn{j}, otherwise \eqn{M[i,j]=0}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' gene2pheno <- system.file("extdata/gene2pheno.txt.gz", package="HEMDAG");
#' spec.ann <- specific.annotation.matrix(file=gene2pheno);
specific.annotation.matrix <- function(file="gene2pheno.txt.gz"){
    tmp <- strsplit(file, "[.,/,_]")[[1]];
    if(any(tmp %in% "gz")){
        con <- gzfile(file);
        line <- readLines(con);
        line <- readLines(file);
    tmp <- strsplit(line, split="[ |]"); #nb: space before pipe useful to separate gene from obo terms
    genenames <- c();
    for(i in 1:length(tmp)) genenames <- c(genenames,tmp[[i]][1]);
    ann.list <- list();
    for(i in 1:length(tmp)) ann.list[[i]] <- unique(tmp[[i]])[-1];
    names(ann.list) <- genenames;
    oboID <- unique(unlist(ann.list));
    n.genes <- length(genenames);
    n.oboID <- length(oboID);
    m <- matrix(integer(n.genes * n.oboID), nrow=n.genes);
    rownames(m) <- genenames;
    colnames(m) <- oboID;
    for (i in genenames){
        spec.ann <- ann.list[[i]]; 
        m[i, spec.ann] <- 1;  
    charcheck <- any(suppressWarnings(is.na(as.numeric(genenames))));
        m <- m[sort(rownames(m)),sort(colnames(m))];
        rname <- as.character(sort(as.numeric(genenames)));
        m <- m[rname, sort(colnames(m))];

#' @title Specific annotations list
#' @description Construct a list of the most specific annotations starting from the table of the most specific annotations.
#' @param ann annotation matrix (0/1). Rows are examples and columns are most specific terms. It must be a named matrix. 
#' @return a named list, where the names of each component correspond to an examples (genes) and the elements of each component 
#' are the most specific classes associated to that genes.
#' @seealso \code{\link{specific.annotation.matrix}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(labels);
#' spec.list <- specific.annotation.list(L);
specific.annotation.list <- function(ann){
 ann.list <- apply(ann, 1, function(gene){
        terms <- which(gene==1);

#' @title Transitive closure of annotations 
#' @description Performs the transitive closure of the annotations using ancestors and the most specific annotation table.
#' The annotations are propagated from bottom to top, enriching the most specific annotations table.
#' The rows of the matrix correspond to the genes of the most specific annotation table and the columns to the OBO terms/classes.
#' @param ann.spec the annotation matrix of the most specific annotations (0/1): rows are genes and columns are OBO terms.
#' @param anc list of the ancestors of the ontology. 
#' @return an annotation table T: rows correspond to genes and columns to OBO terms. \eqn{T[i,j]=1} means that gene \eqn{i} is annotated for the term \eqn{j},
#' \eqn{T[i,j]=0} means that gene \eqn{i} is not annotated for the term \eqn{j}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{specific.annotation.matrix}}, \code{\link{build.ancestors}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(graph);
#' data(labels);
#' anc <- build.ancestors(g);
#' tca <- transitive.closure.annotations(L, anc);
transitive.closure.annotations <- function(ann.spec, anc){
    ## costructiion of annotation list
    ann.list <- specific.annotation.list(ann.spec);
    ## cotruction the full empty annotation matrix
    genes <- rownames(ann.spec);
    n.genes <- length(genes);
    oboIDs <- names(anc);
    n.oboID <- length(anc);
    obo.ann <- matrix(numeric(n.oboID * n.genes), nrow=n.genes, ncol=n.oboID);    #empty label matrix
    dimnames(obo.ann) <- list(genes,oboIDs);
    ## fill the full empty annotation matrix with the most specific annotation     
    obo.spec.term <- colnames(ann.spec); # the most specific OBO terms
    # might happen that there are same OBO IDs that are classified as "obsolete" in obo file, but that still exist in the annotation file 
    obo.spec.term.sel <- oboIDs[oboIDs  %in% obo.spec.term]; # removing obsolete OBO terms...
    obo.ann[genes,obo.spec.term.sel] <- ann.spec[,obo.spec.term.sel];    
    ## transitive closure: annotation propagation from the most specific nodes to all its ancestors
    for (i in genes){
        spec.ann <- ann.list[[i]];
        all.anc <- lapply(spec.ann, function(x) return(anc[[x]]));
        all.anc <- unique(unlist(all.anc));
        obo.ann[i, all.anc] <- 1;  # setting the annotations derived by transitive closure
    ## remove OBO empty terms 
    obo.ann <- obo.ann[,colSums(obo.ann)!=0];

#' @title Full annotation matrix
#' @description Construct a full annotations table using ancestors and the most specific annotations table w.r.t. a given weighted adjacency matrix (wadj). 
#' The rows of the full annotation matrix correspond to all the examples of the given weighted adjacency matrix and the columns to the class/terms.
#' The transitive closure of the annotations is performed. 
#' @details The examples present in the annotation matrix (\code{ann.spec}) but not in the adjacency weighted matrix (\code{W}) are purged.
#' @param W symmetric adjacency weighted matrix of the graph. 
#' @param anc list of the ancestors of the ontology. 
#' @param ann.spec the annotation matrix of the most specific annotations (0/1): rows are genes and columns are classes.
#' @return a full annotation table T, that is a matrix in which the transitive closure of annotations was performed. 
#' Rows correspond to genes of the weighted adjacency matrix and columns to terms. 
#' \eqn{T[i,j]=1} means that gene \eqn{i} is annotated for the term \eqn{j}, \eqn{T[i,j]=0} means that gene \eqn{i} is not annotated for the term \eqn{j}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{weighted.adjacency.matrix}}, \code{\link{build.ancestors}}, \cr
#' \code{\link{specific.annotation.matrix}}, \code{\link{transitive.closure.annotations}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(wadj);
#' data(graph);
#' data(labels);
#' anc <- build.ancestors(g);
#' full.ann <- full.annotation.matrix(W, anc, L);
full.annotation.matrix <- function(W, anc, ann.spec){
    ## construction of annotation list
    ann.list <- specific.annotation.list(ann.spec);
    ## construction the full empty annotation matrix
    genes <- rownames(W);
    n.genes <- length(genes);
    oboIDs <- names(anc);
    n.oboID <- length(anc);
    obo.ann <- matrix(numeric(n.oboID * n.genes), nrow=n.genes, ncol=n.oboID);    #empty label matrix
    dimnames(obo.ann) <- list(genes,oboIDs);
    ## fill the full empty annotation matrix with the most specific annotation 
    genes2obo <- rownames(ann.spec);                                # all genes that are associated with OBO terms
    genes.sel <- genes[genes %in% genes2obo];            # genes 2 OBO terms 2 entrez id of wadj
    obo.spec.term <- colnames(ann.spec);                                # the most specific OBO terms
    #might happen that there are same obo IDs that are classified as "obsolete" in obo file, but that still exist in the annotation file (e.g. build 1233)
    obo.spec.term.sel <- oboIDs[oboIDs  %in% obo.spec.term]; # removing obsolete OBO terms...
    obo.ann[genes.sel,obo.spec.term.sel] <- ann.spec[genes.sel,obo.spec.term.sel];    # setting the most specific annotations
    ## transitive closure: annotation propagation from the most specific nodes to all its ancestors
    for (i in genes){
        spec.ann <- ann.list[[i]];
        all.anc <- lapply(spec.ann, function(x) return(anc[[x]]));
        all.anc <- unique(unlist(all.anc));
        obo.ann[i, all.anc] <- 1;  # setting the annotations derived by transitive closure
    ## remove OBO empty terms 
    obo.ann <- obo.ann[,colSums(obo.ann)!=0];

#' @title Do full annotation matrix
#' @description High-level function to obtain a full annotation matrix, that is a matrix in which the transitive closure of annotations was performed, 
#' respect to a given weighted adjacency matrix.
#' @param anc.file.name name of the file containing the list for each node the list of all its ancestor (without \code{rda} extension).
#' @param anc.dir relative path to directory where the ancestor file is stored. 
#' @param net.file name of the file containing the weighted adjacency matrix of the graph (without \code{rda} extension).
#' @param net.dir relative path to directory where the weighted adjacency matrix is stored.
#' @param ann.file.name name of the file containing the matrix of the most specific annotations (without \code{rda} extension).
#' @param ann.dir relative path to directory where the matrix of the most specific annotation is stored.
#' @param output.name name of the output file without \code{rda} extension.
#' @param output.dir relative path to directory where the output file must be stored.   
#' @return a full annotation matrix T, that is a matrix in which the transitive closure of annotations was performed.
#' Rows correspond to genes of the input weighted adjacency matrix and columns to terms. 
#' \eqn{T[i,j]=1} means that gene \eqn{i} is annotated for the term \eqn{j}, \eqn{T[i,j]=0} means that gene \eqn{i} is not annotated for the term \eqn{j}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{full.annotation.matrix}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(graph);
#' data(labels);
#' data(wadj);
#' anc <- build.ancestors(g);
#' tmpdir <- paste0(tempdir(),"/");
#' save(g, file=paste0(tmpdir,"graph.rda"));
#' save(L, file=paste0(tmpdir,"labels.rda"));
#' save(W, file=paste0(tmpdir,"wadj.rda"));
#' save(anc, file=paste0(tmpdir,"ancestors.rda"));
#' anc.dir <- net.dir <- ann.dir <- output.dir <- tmpdir;
#' anc.file.name <- "ancestors";
#' net.file <- "wadj";
#' ann.file.name <- "labels";
#' output.name <- "full.ann.matrix";
#' Do.full.annotation.matrix(anc.file.name=anc.file.name, anc.dir=anc.dir, net.file=net.file, 
#'    net.dir=net.dir, ann.file.name=ann.file.name, ann.dir=ann.dir, output.name=output.name, 
#'     output.dir=output.dir);
Do.full.annotation.matrix <- function(anc.file.name=anc.file.name, anc.dir=anc.dir, net.file=net.file, net.dir=net.dir, 
    ann.file.name=ann.file.name, ann.dir=ann.dir, output.name=output.name, output.dir=output.dir){
    ## loading list of ancestors
    anc.path <- paste0(anc.dir, anc.file.name, ".rda");
    anc.name <- load(anc.path);
    anc <- eval(parse(text=anc.name));  
    ## loading wadj matrix
    net.path <- paste0(net.dir, net.file, ".rda");
    net.name <- load(net.path);
    W <- eval(parse(text=net.name));  
    ## loading the specific annotation matrix
    ann.path <- paste0(ann.dir, ann.file.name, ".rda");
    ann.name <- load(ann.path);
    ann.spec <- eval(parse(text=ann.name));
    ## costruction of full OBO annotation matrix
    ann <- full.annotation.matrix(W=W, anc=anc, ann.spec=ann.spec);
    ## saving labels matrix
    ann.file <- paste0(output.dir, output.name, ".rda");
    save(ann, file=ann.file, compress=TRUE);

#' @title Build submatrix
#' @title Build an annotation matrix with only those terms having more than n annotations.
#' @description Terms having less than n annotations are pruned. Terms having exactly n annotations are discarded as well.
#' @param ann the annotation matrix (0/1). Rows are examples and columns are classes. 
#' @param n integer number of annotations to be pruned.
#' @return Matrix of annotations having only those terms with more than n annotations.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(labels);
#' subm <- do.submatrix(L,5);
do.submatrix <- function(ann,n){
    ann.sel <- ann[,colSums(ann)>n];

#' @title Build subgraph 
#' @description This function returns a subgraph with only the supplied nodes and any edges between them.
#' @param nd a vector with the nodes for which the subgraph must be built.
#' @param g a graph of class \code{graphNEL}. It represents the hierarchy of the classes.
#' @param edgemode can be "directed" or "undirected".
#' @return a subgraph with only the supplied nodes. 
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(graph);
#' anc <- build.ancestors(g);
#' nd <- anc[["HP:0001371"]];
#' subg <- do.subgraph(nd, g, edgemode="directed");
do.subgraph <- function(nd, g, edgemode="directed"){
    ed <- edges(g);
    ed.sel <- ed[nd];
    ndL <- vector(mode="list", length=length(ed.sel));
    names(ndL) <- names(ed.sel);
    for(i in 1:length(ed.sel)){ 
        parent   <- names(ed.sel[i]);
        children <- ed.sel[[i]];
            children.map <- children[children %in% nd]
            ndL[[i]] <- append(ndL[[i]],children.map);
    for (i in 1:length(ndL))
        ndL[[i]] <- list(edges=ndL[[i]]);
    G <- graphNEL(nodes=nd, edgeL=ndL, edgemode=edgemode);

#' @title Annotation matrix checker
#' @description This function assess the integrity of an annotation table in which a transitive closure of annotations was performed.
#' @param anc list of the ancestors of the ontology. 
#' @param ann.spec the annotation matrix of the most specific annotations (0/1): rows are genes and columns are terms. 
#' @param ann the full annotation matrix (0/1), that is the matrix in which the transitive closure of the annotation was performed.
#' Rows are examples and columns are classes. 
#' @return If the transitive closure of the annotations is well performed "OK" is returned, otherwise a message error is printed on the stdout.
#' @seealso \code{\link{build.ancestors}}, \code{\link{transitive.closure.annotations}}, \code{\link{full.annotation.matrix}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(graph);
#' data(labels);
#' anc <- build.ancestors(g);
#' tca <- transitive.closure.annotations(L, anc);
#' check.annotation.matrix.integrity(anc, L, tca);
check.annotation.matrix.integrity <- function(anc, ann.spec, ann){
    ## construction of annotation list
    ann.list <- specific.annotation.list(ann.spec);
    genes <- rownames(ann);
    check <- c();
    for (i in genes){
        spec.ann <- which(ann[i,]==1);
        len.ann <- length(spec.ann);
        all.anc <- lapply(ann.list[[i]], function(x) return(anc[[x]]));
        all.anc <- unique(unlist(all.anc));
        len.anc <- length(all.anc);
        cmp <- len.anc == len.ann;
            check <- c(check,"OK");
        } else {
            check <- c(check,"NOTOK");
    names(check) <- genes;
    violated <- any(check!="OK");
        n <- names(check)[check=="NOTOK"];
        cat("check.annotation.matrix: NOT_OK. Transitive closure NOT RESPECTED", "\n");
        cat("check.annotation.matrix: OK", "\n");    

#' @title DAG checker
#' @description This function assess the integrity of a DAG.
#' @param g a graph of class \code{graphNEL}. It represents the hierarchy of the classes.
#' @param root name of the class that is on the top-level of the hierarchy (\code{def. root="00"}).
#' @return If all the nodes are accessible from the root "DAG is OK" is printed, 
#' otherwise a message error and the list of the not accessible nodes is printed on the stdout.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(graph);
#' root <- root.node(g);
#' check.DAG.integrity(g, root=root);
check.DAG.integrity <- function(g, root="00"){
    if(sum(nodes(g) %in% root)==0) 
        stop("root node not found in g. Insert the root node");
        stop("the supplied root node is not the right root node of g. Use the function root.node(g) to find the root node of g");
  all.nodes <- nodes(g);
  acc.nodes <- names(acc(g,root)[[1]]);
  if((length(all.nodes) - length(acc.nodes)) > 1) {
        n <- setdiff(all.nodes,c(acc.nodes,root));
        cat("check.GO.integrity: not all nodes accessible from root", "\n");
        cat("Nodes not accessible from root: \n");
        cat("DAG is OK \n")

#' @name hierarchical.checkers
#' @aliases check.hierarchy
#' @aliases check.hierarchy.single.sample
#' @title Hierarchical constraints checker
#' @description Check if the true path rule is violated or not. In other words this function checks if the score of a 
#' parent or an ancestor node is always larger or equal than that of its children or descendants nodes.
#' @param y.hier vector of scores relative to a single example. This must be a named numeric vector.
#' @param S.hier the matrix with the scores of the classes corrected in according to hierarchy. This must be a named matrix: rows are
#' examples and columns are classes.
#' @param g a graph of class \code{graphNEL}. It represents the hierarchy of the classes.
#' @param root name of the class that is on the top-level of the hierarchy (\code{def. root="00"}).
#' @examples
#' data(graph);
#' data(scores);
#' root <- root.node(g);
#' S.hier <- htd(S,g,root);
#' S.hier.single.example <- S.hier[sample(ncol(S.hier),1),];
#' check.hierarchy.single.sample(S.hier.single.example, g, root=root);
#' check.hierarchy(S.hier, g, root);

#' @return return a list of 3 elements:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item Status: 
#'     \itemize{
#'      \item OK if none hierarchical constraints have bee broken;
#'      \item NOTOK if there is at least one hierarchical constraints broken;
#'   }
#'     \item hierarchy_constraints_broken:
#'     \itemize{
#'      \item TRUE: example did not respect the hierarchical constraints; 
#'      \item FALSE: example broke the hierarchical constraints;
#'   }
#'  \item hierarchy_constraints_satisfied: how many terms satisfied the hierarchical constraint;
#' }
#' @export
check.hierarchy.single.sample <- function(y.hier,g, root="00"){
    if(!(root %in% names(y.hier))){
        max.score <- max(y.hier);
        y.hier <- c(max.score,y.hier);
        names(y.hier)[1] <- root;
    par <- get.parents(g,root);
    v <- c()
    for(i in 1:length(par)){
        child <- y.hier[names(par[i])];
        parents <- y.hier[par[[i]]]
        x <- parents >= child   
        y <- any(x==0)  
        v <- append(v,y)
    names(v) <- names(par)
    violated <- any(v==TRUE);
        Status = "NOTOK"
        Status = "OK";
    h <- as.factor(v);
    k <- summary(h);
    l <- list(Status=Status, hierarchy.constraints.broken=v, hierarchy.constraints.satisfied=k);

#' @rdname hierarchical.checkers
#' @export
check.hierarchy <- function(S.hier,g, root="00"){
    if(!(root %in% colnames(S.hier))){
        max.score <- max(S.hier);
        z <- rep(max.score,nrow(S.hier));
        S.hier <- cbind(z,S.hier);
        colnames(S.hier)[1] <- root;
    par <- get.parents(g,root);
    v <- c()
    for(i in 1:length(par)){
        child <- S.hier[,names(par[i])];
        parents <- S.hier[,par[[i]]]
        x <- parents >= child   
        y <- any(x==0)   
        v <- append(v,y)
    names(v) <- names(par)
    violated <- any(v==TRUE);
        Status = "NOTOK"
        Status = "OK";
    h <- as.factor(v);
    k <- summary(h);
    l <- list(Status=Status, hierarchy.constraints.broken=v, hierarchy.constraints.satisfied=k);

#' @title Unstratified Cross Validation
#' @description This function splits a dataset in k-fold in an unstratified way, i.e. a fold does not contain an equal amount of positive and 
#' negative examples. This function is used to perform k-fold cross-validation experiments in a hierarchical correction contest where 
#' splitting dataset in a stratified way is not needed. 
#' @param S matrix of the flat scores. It must be a named matrix, where rows are example (e.g. genes) and columns are classes/terms (e.g. GO terms).
#' @param kk number of folds in which to split the dataset (\code{def. k=5}).
#' @param seed seed for the random generator. If \code{NULL} (def.) no initialization is performed.
#' @return a list with \eqn{k=kk} components (folds). Each component of the list is a character vector contains the index of the examples, i.e. the 
#' index of the rows of the matrix S.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(scores);
#' foldIndex <- do.unstratified.cv.data(S, kk=5, seed=23);
do.unstratified.cv.data <- function(S, kk=5, seed=NULL){
    examples <- 1:nrow(S);
    n <- nrow(S);
    size <- c();
    folds <- vector(mode="list", length=kk)
    names(folds) <- paste0(rep("fold",kk), 1:kk)
    for(k in 1:kk){
        first <- ((k - 1) * n) %/% kk
        last <- (k * n) %/% kk
        size <- last-first;
        x    <- sample(examples,size);
        folds[[k]] <- x;
        examples <- setdiff(examples,x);

#' @name stratified.cross.validation
#' @aliases do.stratified.cv.data.single.class
#' @aliases do.stratified.cv.data.over.classes
#' @title Stratified Cross Validation
#' @description Generate data for the stratified cross-validation. 
#' @details the folds are \emph{stratified}, i.e. contain the same amount of positive and negative examples. 
#' @param labels labels matrix. Rows are genes and columns are classes. Let's denote \eqn{M} the labels matrix. 
#' If \eqn{M[i,j]=1}, means that the gene \eqn{i} is annotated with the class \eqn{j}, otherwise \eqn{M[i,j]=0}.
#' @param examples indices or names of the examples. Can be either a vector of integers or a vector of names. 
#' @param positives vector of integers or vector of names. The indices (or names) refer to the indices (or names) of 'positive' examples.    
#' @param kk number of folds (\code{def. kk=5}).
#' @param seed seed of the random generator (\code{def. seed=NULL}). If is set to \code{NULL} no initialization is performed.
#' @examples
#' data(labels);
#' examples.index <- 1:nrow(L);
#' examples.name <- rownames(L);
#' positives <- which(L[,3]==1);
#' x <- do.stratified.cv.data.single.class(examples.index, positives, kk=5, seed=23);
#' y <- do.stratified.cv.data.single.class(examples.name, positives, kk=5, seed=23);
#' z <- do.stratified.cv.data.over.classes(L, examples.index, kk=5, seed=23);
#' k <- do.stratified.cv.data.over.classes(L, examples.name, kk=5, seed=23);

#' @rdname stratified.cross.validation
#' @return \code{do.stratified.cv.data.single.class} returns a list with 2 two component:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item fold.non.positives: a list with \eqn{k} components. Each component is a vector with the indices (or names) of the non-positive elements. 
#'     Indices (or names) refer to row numbers (or names) of a data matrix;
#'     \item fold.positives: a list with \eqn{k} components. Each component is a vector with the indices (or names) of the positive elements. 
#'     Indices (or names) refer to row numbers (or names) of a data matrix;
#' }
#' @export
do.stratified.cv.data.single.class <- function(examples, positives, kk=5, seed=NULL){
    if(is.numeric(examples) && length(names(positives))!=0)
        positives <- unname(positives);
    if(is.character(examples) && length(names(positives))!=0)
        positives <- names(positives);
    ## degenerate case when labels have only one positive 
        positives <- positives;
        positives <- sample(positives);
    ## degenerate case when labels have only one negative 
    negatives <- setdiff(examples,positives);
        negatives <- negatives;
        negatives <- sample(negatives);
    n <- length(positives);        
    m <- length(negatives);        
    set.pos <- list();
    set.neg <- list();
    for (k in 1:kk) {
        ## folds of indices of positive examples 
        last.pos <- (k * n) %/% kk;
        first.pos  <- ((k - 1) * n) %/% kk;
        size.pos <-  last.pos - first.pos;
        if(size.pos>1){subset.pos <- positives[1:size.pos];}
        if(size.pos==1){subset.pos <- positives[size.pos];}
        if(size.pos==0){subset.pos <- integer(0);}
        set.pos[[k]] <- subset.pos;
        positives <- setdiff(positives, subset.pos);
        ## folds of indices of negatives examples
        last.neg <- (k * m) %/% kk;
        first.neg  <- ((k - 1) * m) %/% kk;
        size.neg <-  last.neg - first.neg;    
        if(size.neg>1){subset.neg <- negatives[1:size.neg];}
        if(size.neg==1){subset.neg <- negatives[size.neg];}
        if(size.neg==0){subset.neg <- integer(0);}
        set.neg[[k]] <- subset.neg;
        negatives <- setdiff(negatives, subset.neg);
    return(list(fold.positives=set.pos, fold.negatives=set.neg));

#' @rdname stratified.cross.validation
#' @return \code{do.stratified.cv.data.over.classes} returns a list with \eqn{n} components, where \eqn{n} is the number of classes of the labels matrix. 
#' Each component \eqn{n} is in turn a list with \eqn{k} elements, where \eqn{k} is the number of folds. 
#' Each fold contains an equal amount of positives and negatives examples.
#' @export
do.stratified.cv.data.over.classes <- function(labels, examples, kk=5, seed=NULL){
    folds <- list();
    for(class in colnames(labels)){
        folds[[class]] <- list();
        positives <- which(labels[,class]==1);
        strfold <- do.stratified.cv.data.single.class(examples,positives, kk=kk, seed=seed);
        for(k in 1:kk){
            folds[[class]][[k]] <- list();
            names(folds[[class]])[k] <- paste0("fold",k);
            folds[[class]][[k]] <- append(strfold$fold.positives[[k]], strfold$fold.negatives[[k]]);

#' @title DataFrame for Stratified Cross Validation
#' @description Create a data frame for stratified cross-validation.
#' @details the folds are \emph{stratified}, i.e. contain the same amount of positive and negative examples.
#' @param labels vector of the true labels (0 negative, 1 positive).
#' @param scores a numeric vector of the values of the predicted labels.
#' @param seed initialization seed for the random generator to create folds (\code{def. seed=23}).
#' If \code{seed=NULL}, the stratified folds are generated without seed initialization.
#' @param folds number of folds of the cross validation (\code{def. folds=5}).
#' @return a data frame with three columns: 
#' \itemize{
#'  \item \code{scores}: contains the predicted scores;
#'    \item \code{labels}: contains the labels as \code{pos} or \code{neg};
#'  \item \code{folds}: contains the index of the fold in which the example falls.
#'    The index can range from 1 to the number of folds.
#' }
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(labels);
#' data(scores);
#' df <- create.stratified.fold.df(L[,3], S[,3], folds=5, seed=23);
create.stratified.fold.df <- function(labels, scores, folds=5, seed=23){
    if(is.matrix(labels) || is.matrix(scores))
        stop("create.stratified.fold.df: labels or scores must be a vector", call.=FALSE);
        stop("create.stratified.fold.df: length of true and predicted labels does not match", call.=FALSE);
    if(any((labels!=0) & (labels!=1)))
        stop("create.stratified.fold.df: labels variable must take values 0 or 1", call.=FALSE);
        stop("create.stratified.fold.df: folds must be an integer number", call.=FALSE);
        warning("create.stratified.fold.df: folds are generated without seed initialization", call.=FALSE);
    indices <- 1:length(labels);
    positives <- which(labels==1);
    foldIndex <- do.stratified.cv.data.single.class(indices, positives, kk=folds, seed=seed);
    testIndex <- mapply(c, foldIndex$fold.positives, foldIndex$fold.negatives, SIMPLIFY=FALSE);
    fold.check <- unlist(lapply(testIndex,length));
        stop("create.stratified.fold.df: number of folds selected too high: some folds have no examples. Please reduce the number of folds", call.=FALSE);
    fold.len <- sapply(testIndex,length);
    tmp.list <- vector(mode="list", length=folds);
    for(k in 1:folds)
        tmp.list[[k]] <- rep(k, length(testIndex[[k]]));
    foldcol <- numeric(length(scores));
    labelschar <- ifelse(labels==1, "pos", "neg");
    df <- data.frame(scores, labelschar, foldcol);
    for(i in 1:length(tmp.list))
        df$foldcol[testIndex[[i]]] <- tmp.list[[i]];
    names(df) <- c("scores","labels","folds");

#' @title Lexicographical Topological Sorting
#' @description Nodes of a graph are sorted according to a lexicographical topological ordering.
#' @details A topological sorting is a linear ordering of the nodes such that given an edge from 
#' \code{u} to \code{v}, the node \code{u} comes before node \code{v} in the ordering. 
#' Topological sorting is not possible if the graph \code{g} is not a DAG.
#' To implement the topological sorting algorithm we applied the Kahn’s algorithm.
#' @param g an object of class \code{graphNEL} 
#' @return a vector in which the nodes of the graph \code{g} are sorted according to a lexicographical topological order.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(graph);
#' T <- lexicographical.topological.sort(g);
lexicographical.topological.sort <- function(g){
    ## check self-loop: graph with self-loop cannot be processed
    indegree <- degree(g)$inDegree;
        stop("input graph g is not a DAG"); ## self-loop detect
    T <- c();
    indegree <- degree(g)$inDegree;
        queue <- names(which(indegree==0));
            stop("input graph g is not a DAG"); ## check self-loop 
        queue <- queue[order(queue, decreasing=FALSE)];
        T <- append(T, queue[1]);
        indegree <- indegree[-which(names(indegree)==queue[1])];
        processed <- adj(g, queue)[[1]];
        s <- indegree[processed] - 1;
        indegree[processed] <- s;

#' @title Build Consistent Graph
#' @description build a graph in which all nodes are reachable from root.
#' @details all nodes not accessible from the root (if any) are removed from the graph and printed on stdout.
#' @param g an object of class \code{graphNEL}.
#' @param root name of the class that is on the top-level of the hierarchy (\code{def. root="00"}).
#' @return a graph (as an object of class \code{graphNEL}) in which all nodes are accessible from root.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(graph);
#' root <- root.node(g);
#' G <- graph::addNode(c("X","Y","Z"), g);
#' G <- graph::addEdge(c("X","Y","Z"), c("HP:0011844","HP:0009810","HP:0012385"), G);
#' G <- build.consistent.graph(G, root=root);
build.consistent.graph <- function(g=g, root="00"){
    nd <- nodes(g);
        dk.sp <- dijkstra.sp(g, start=root)$distance;
        nd <- nd[which(dk.sp!=Inf)];
        ndinc <- names(dk.sp[which(dk.sp==Inf)]);
        cat("removed nodes not accessible from root:", paste(1:length(ndinc), "\t", ndinc), sep="\n");
    g <- do.subgraph(nd, g);
gecko515/HEMDAG documentation built on Oct. 18, 2019, 6:34 a.m.