
Defines functions getOneSampleVafs getClusterColors sc.plot3d sc.plot2d compute.binomial.error.bars sc.plot2dWithMargins addHighlightLegend drawScatterPlot sc.plot1d

Documented in addHighlightLegend compute.binomial.error.bars drawScatterPlot getClusterColors getOneSampleVafs sc.plot1d sc.plot2d sc.plot2dWithMargins sc.plot3d

## Create the one dimensional plot with kde and scatter
sc.plot1d <- function(sco, outputFile=NULL,
                   cnToPlot=c(1,2,3,4), showCopyNumberScatterPlots=TRUE, highlightSexChrs=TRUE,
                   positionsToHighlight=NULL, highlightsHaveNames=FALSE, overlayClusters=TRUE,
                   overlayIndividualModels=TRUE, showHistogram=FALSE,
                   showTitle=TRUE, biggerText=FALSE, highlightsOnHistogram=FALSE, highlightCnPoints=FALSE){

  densityData = sco@densities
  vafs.merged = sco@vafs.merged

  sampleNames = sco@sampleNames
  dimensions = sco@dimensions

  if(max(cnToPlot) > 4 | min(cnToPlot) < 1){
    print("sciClone supports plotting of copy numbers between 1 and 4 at this time")

  #leaving this peak-labeling code in for now, but turn it off
  #until it's improved

  # If any of the vafs are named, assume we will be plotting them and
  # will need a legend for them.
  add.legend <- FALSE
  addpts <- NULL
  if(!is.null(positionsToHighlight)) {
    addpts = merge(vafs.merged, positionsToHighlight, by.x=c("chr","st"), by.y = c("chr","st"))
    if(showCopyNumberScatterPlots & ( length(cnToPlot) < 2 ) & highlightsHaveNames) {
      add.legend <- TRUE

  #sanity checks
  if(highlightsHaveNames & add.legend){
      if(length(positionsToHighlight) < 3){
        print("ERROR: named plot requires names in the third column of the positionsToHighlight data frame")
    } else {
      print("ERROR: highlightsHaveNames requires a 3-column dataframe of positions and names (chr, pos, name)");

  clust = NULL
      print("ERROR: can't overlay clusters when clustering was not done on the input data")
    } else {
      clust = sco@clust

  num.rows <- length(cnToPlot) + 1

  if(add.legend) {
    num.rows <- num.rows + 1


  ## 3.3 x 7.5 is a good dimensionality for 5 rows.  Scale accordingly  
  ## if we have fewer rows.
  if(num.rows == 2){
  if(num.rows == 3){

  height <- 8.5 * (num.rows/5)
  width <- 3.7
  if(!is.null(outputFile)) {
    pdf(file=outputFile, width=width, height=height, bg="white");
  numClusters = 0
  if(!is.null(clust)) {
    numClusters = max(clust$cluster.assignments)

  ##one plot for each sample
  for(d in 1:dimensions){


    ##grab only the vafs for this sample:
    vafs = getOneSampleVafs(vafs.merged, name, numClusters);

    par(mfcol=c(num.rows,1),mar=c(0.5,3/spacing,1,1.5/spacing), oma=c(3.0/spacing, 0.5, 4/spacing, 0.5), mgp = c(3,1,0));

    densities = densityData[[d]]$densities
    factors = densityData[[d]]$factors
    peakPos = densityData[[d]]$peakPos
    peakHeights = densityData[[d]]$peakHeights
    maxDepth = densityData[[d]]$maxDepth
    maxDensity = densityData[[d]]$maxDensity

    ##draw the density plot
    scalingFactor = 1/maxDensity;
    plot.default(x=c(1:10),y=c(1:10),ylim=c(0,1.1), xlim=c(0,100), axes=FALSE,
                 ann=FALSE, col="#00000000", xaxs="i", yaxs="i");

    ##plot bg color
    rect(0, 0, 100, 1.1, col = "#00000011",border=NA);
    axis(side=2,at=c(0,2),labels=c("", ""), las=1, cex.axis=0.6*textScale, hadj=0.6*textScale,
         lwd=0.5, lwd.ticks=0.5, tck=-0.01);

    ##colors for different copy numbers

    density.curve.width <- 4
    for(i in cnToPlot){
      if(!(is.null(densities[[i]])) & (!showHistogram | (i!= 2))){
        ##density lines
        lines(densities[[i]]$x, scalingFactor*factors[[i]], col=colors[i], lwd=density.curve.width);
        ##peak labels
        if(length(peakHeights[[i]]) > 0){
          ppos = c();
            ppos = which(peakHeights[[i]] == max(peakHeights[[i]]))
          } else {
            ppos = which((peakHeights[[i]] == max(peakHeights[[i]])) &
              (peakHeights[[i]] > minimumLabelledPeakHeight))
          if(length(ppos) > 0){
            text(x=peakPos[[i]][ppos], y=(scalingFactor * peakHeights[[i]][ppos])+1.7,
                 cex=0.7, srt=0, col=colors[[i]]);
      } else if(showHistogram & (i == 2)) {

        ## Only show histogram for copy number = 2
        v = vafs[which(vafs$cleancn==2 & vafs$adequateDepth==1),];

        frequencies <- data.frame(x=v$vaf, row.names=NULL, stringsAsFactors=NULL)
        bin.width <- 2.5
        num.breaks <- ceiling(100/bin.width) + 1
        breaks <- unlist(lapply(0:(num.breaks-1), function(x) 100*x/(num.breaks-1)))
        h <- hist(v$vaf, breaks=breaks, plot=FALSE)
        ## Rescale the intensity so it has max value y = 1.
        h$density <- h$density / max(h$density)
        plot(h, add=TRUE, freq=FALSE, col="white", border="black")

    ##if we have X/Y vals from the clustering alg, add them
    ## If we overlay the model, show it in a different style
    ## style 4 = dot dashed
    ## style 1 = line
    model.style <- 4
    model.style <- 1
    model.width <- density.curve.width / 2
    ## Plot the individual models with dotted lines (3) or dashed (2)
    individual.model.style <- 3
    individual.model.width <- density.curve.width / 2

      maxFitDensity <- max(clust$fit.y[d,])
      #points(clust$fit.x, clust$fit.y[d,]*25, type="l",col="grey50")
      lines(clust$fit.x, clust$fit.y[d,]/maxFitDensity, type="l",col="grey50",lty=model.style, lwd=model.width)
      if(overlayIndividualModels==TRUE) {
        for(i in 1:numClusters) {
          lines(clust$fit.x, clust$individual.fits.y[[i]][d,]/maxFitDensity,
                type="l",col="grey50",lty=individual.model.style, lwd=individual.model.width)
        if(!is.null(positionsToHighlight)) {
          addpts = merge(vafs, positionsToHighlight, by.x=c("chr","st"), by.y = c("chr","st"))
          for(i in 1:length(addpts$vaf)){
            if(addpts$name[i] != "") {
              ## We won't evaluate the probability at this VAF--instead
              ## just look for the closest point at which we evaluated the
              ## density
              vaf <- addpts$vaf[i]
              nearest.indx <- which(unlist(lapply(clust$fit.x, function(x) abs(x-vaf))) == min(abs(clust$fit.x - vaf)))[1]
              vaf.y <- clust$fit.y[d,nearest.indx]/maxFitDensity

              label <- as.character(addpts$name[i])
              cex <- 1
              text(x=vaf, y=vaf.y, label="*", cex=cex)
              text(x=vaf, y=vaf.y + .1, label=label, cex=cex)

    lty = c(1,1,1,1)
    lwd = c(2,2,2,2)
    pchs = c(NA, NA, NA, NA)
    pt.bgs = lcol
    leg = c("1 Copy", "2 Copies", "3 Copies", "4 Copies")
    leg = leg[cnToPlot];

    if( (length(cnToPlot) == 1) & (cnToPlot[1] == 2)) {
      if(showHistogram == FALSE) {
        lty = c(1)
        lwd = c(2)
        pchs = c(NA)
        pt.bgs = lcol
      } else {
        lty = c(0)
        lwd = c(0)
        pchs = c(22)
        pt.bgs = "white"
      leg = c(leg,"Model Fit")
      lcol = c(lcol, "grey50")
      lty = c(lty, model.style)
      lwd = c(lwd, model.width)
      pt.bgs = c(pt.bgs, "grey50")
      pchs = c(pchs, NA)
      if(overlayIndividualModels==TRUE) {
        leg = c(leg,"Component Fits")
        lcol = c(lcol, "grey50")
        lty = c(lty, individual.model.style)
        lwd = c(lwd, 2)
        pt.bgs = c(pt.bgs, "grey50")
        pchs = c(pchs, NA)
    legend(x="topright", lwd=lwd, lty=lty, legend=leg, col=lcol, bty="n", cex=((0.6/scale)*textScale), y.intersp=1.25, pch=pchs, pt.bg = pt.bgs);

         lwd=0.5, lwd.ticks=0.5, padj=(((scale*3.5)-3.5)+1.4)*(1/textScale), tck=-0.05);

      mtext("Variant Allele Frequency",adj=0.5, padj=-3.1*(1/textScale), cex=0.6*(textScale*0.8), side=3);
      mtext("Density (a.u.)",side=2,cex=0.6*(textScale*0.8),padj=-4.2*(axisPosScale));

    ##add a title to the plot
        title="Clonality Plot"
      } else {
        title=paste(sampleNames[d],"Clonality Plot",sep=" ");
      mtext(title, adj=0.5, padj=-5*(1/textScale), cex=0.65*textScale, side=3);

    ##create the scatterplots of vaf vs copy number

    if(showCopyNumberScatterPlots) {
      for(i in cnToPlot){
        v = vafs[which(vafs$cleancn==i & vafs$adequateDepth==1),];

        drawScatterPlot(v, highlightSexChrs, positionsToHighlight, colors, i, maxDepth, highlightsHaveNames, overlayClusters, scale,  textScale, axisPosScale, labelOnPlot=FALSE, highlightCnPoints=highlightCnPoints)
        axis(side=1,at=c(0,20,40,60,80,100), labels=c(0,20,40,60,80,100), cex.axis=(0.6/scale)*textScale, lwd=0.5, lwd.ticks=0.5, padj=((-scale*5)+5-1.4)*(1/textScale), tck=-0.05);

        if(length(cnToPlot) < 2 & highlightsHaveNames){
          addHighlightLegend(v, positionsToHighlight,scale)
        } else {
            print("WARNING: highlighted point naming is only supported when plotting only CN2 regions (cnToPlot=c(2))")
            print("Instead labeling directly on plot")
  ##close the pdf
  if(!is.null(outputFile)) {
    devoff <- dev.off();

## draw a scatter plot of vaf vs depth
drawScatterPlot <- function(data, highlightSexChrs, positionsToHighlight, colors, cn, maxDepth, highlightsHaveNames, overlayClusters, scale=1, textScale=1, axisPosScale=1, labelOnPlot=FALSE, highlightCnPoints=FALSE){

  cex.points = 1/scale

  ## define plot colors
  ptcolor = colors[cn]
  circlecolor = substr(colors[cn],1,7) #chop off the alpha value

  ## define the plot space by plotting offscreen points
  plot.default( x=-10000, y=1, log="y", type="p", pch=19, cex=0.4,
               col="#00000000", xlim=c(0,100), ylim=c(5,maxDepth*3),
               axes=FALSE, ann=FALSE, xaxs="i", yaxs="i");

  addPoints <- function(data, color, highlightSexChrs, pch=16, cex=0.75, highlightCnPoints){
    outlineCol = rgb(0,0,0,0.1);


      ##plot sex chromsomes with different shape
      data.sex = data[(data$chr == "X" | data$chr == "Y"),]
      ##store autosomes
      data = data[!(data$chr == "X" | data$chr == "Y"),]
      ##highlight CN-derived points
      data.cn = data[data$chr == "CN",]
      ##store the rest
      data = data[!(data$chr == "CN"),]


    ##plot points normally
    points(data$vaf, data$depth, type="p", pch=pch, cex=cex, col=color);

      ##plot sex chromsomes with different shape
      points(data.sex$vaf, data.sex$depth, type="p", pch=pch+1, cex=cex, col=color);
      ##plot cn events with different shape
      points(data.cn$vaf, data.cn$depth, type="p", pch=15, cex=cex+0.5, col="black");
      points(data.cn$vaf, data.cn$depth, type="p", pch=15, cex=cex, col="yellow");

  #do we have any points to plot?
  if(length(data[,1]) > 0){
    ##if we have cluster assignments in col 8, color them
    if(any(grepl(pattern="^cluster$",names(data))) & overlayClusters & cn==2){
      cols = getClusterColors(numClusters)

      ##plot cluster zero points in grey
      p = data[data$cluster == 0,]
      if(length(p[,1]) > 0){
        addPoints(p, rgb(0,0,0,0.20), highlightSexChrs, cex=(cex.points*0.6), highlightCnPoints=highlightCnPoints)
      ## then the clustered points
      for(i in 1:numClusters){
        p = data[data$cluster == i,]
        addPoints(p, cols[i], highlightSexChrs, cex=cex.points, highlightCnPoints=highlightCnPoints)
    } else { ##just use the normal color
      addPoints(data[data$chr != "CN",], ptcolor, highlightSexChrs, cex=cex.points, highlightCnPoints=highlightCnPoints)
      ##highlight CN-derived points
      addPoints(data[data$chr == "CN",], "black", highlightSexChrs, pch=15, cex=cex.points+0.5, highlightCnPoints=highlightCnPoints)
      addPoints(data[data$chr == "CN",], "yellow", highlightSexChrs, pch=15, cex=cex.points, highlightCnPoints=highlightCnPoints)

    ##TODO - add a legend for point types - highlight vs sex chrs vs autosomes

    ## add highlighted points selected for by user
      addpts = merge(data, positionsToHighlight, by.x=c("chr","st"), by.y = c("chr","st"))
      xs <- c()
      ys <- c()
      labels <- c()
      if(length(addpts[,1]) > 0){
          if(labelOnPlot) {
            xs <- addpts$vaf[addpts$name != ""]
            ys <- addpts$depth[addpts$name != ""]
            labels <- addpts$name[addpts$name != ""]
            num.labels <- length(labels)
            # By using the min argument, ensure that the annotations
            # do not overlap the corresponding symbol.  NB:  we anticipate
            # this code will only be active for the interior points
            text(x=addpts$vaf,y=addpts$depth,label=rep("*", length(addpts$vaf)))
            if(num.labels > 0){
              xs <- spread.labs(xs, mindiff=4, min=xs)
              ys <- spread.labs(ys+50, mindiff=4, min=ys)
          } else {
            for(i in 1:length(addpts$vaf)){
              if(addpts$name[i] != "") {
                # Only label the gene with a number if it has a number
              } else {
                # Otherwise, just highlight it with a star
        } else {
          addPoints(addpts, col="#555555FF", highlightSexChrs, cex=cex.points, highlightCnPoints=highlightCnPoints);

  ## define the axis
  axis(side=2,las=1,tck=0,lwd=0,cex.axis=1.2/(scale*2)*textScale, hadj=0.5/scale)
  for (i in 2:length(axTicks(2)-1)) {

  ## plot the background color
  rect(-1, 5, 101, axTicks(2)[length(axTicks(2))]*1.05, col = "#00000011",border=NA);

  ## add cn circle
  cnpos = axTicks(2)[length(axTicks(2))-1]
  points(x=c(95), y=cnpos, type="p", pch=19, cex=3/scale, col=circlecolor);
  text(c(95),y=cnpos, labels=c(cn), cex=1/scale, col="#FFFFFFFF")

  ## y axis label
  mtext("Tumor Coverage", side=2, cex=0.6*(textScale*0.8), padj=-4.2*(axisPosScale));

## add a legend for highlighted points with names
addHighlightLegend <- function(data, positionsToHighlight, scale){

  if((is.null(positionsToHighlight))){ return() }


  addpts = merge(data, positionsToHighlight, by.x=c("chr","st"), by.y = c("chr","st"))

  if(length(addpts[,1]) == 0){ return() }

  non.trivial.names <- addpts$name[addpts$name != ""]

  if(length(non.trivial.names) == 0){ return() }

  plot.default(x=-10000, y=1, type="p", pch=19, cex=0.4,
               col="#00000000", xlim=c(0,1000), ylim=c(0,1000),
               axes=FALSE, ann=FALSE);

  # mtext("Genes",side=2,cex=0.5,padj=-4.2);

  # Don't put empty names on legend
  non.trivial.indices <- (1:length(addpts$name))[addpts$name != ""]
  nxt <- 1
  for(n in 1:ncol){
    names = non.trivial.names[offset:(offset+12)]
    names = as.character(names[!(is.na(names))])
    num = length(names)

    for(i in 1:num){
      #text(xpos, ypos[i], paste(non.trivial.indices[nxt],". ",names[i],sep=""), cex=0.6, pos=4)
      text(xpos, ypos[i], paste(nxt,". ",names[i],sep=""), cex=0.6, pos=4)
      nxt <- nxt+1

## create the two dimensional plot with scatter annotated with
## clustering results and 1D plots along margins, this time using
## ggplot2

sc.plot2dWithMargins <- function(sco, outputFile, positionsToHighlight=NULL, highlightsHaveNames=FALSE, overlayErrorBars=FALSE) {
  densityData = sco@densities
  vafs.merged = sco@vafs.merged
  vafs.1d.merged = sco@vafs.1d
  sampleNames = sco@sampleNames
  dimensions = sco@dimensions
  clust = sco@clust
  marginalClust = sco@marginalClust


  plots.1d.list <- list()
  res.1d.max.densities <- list()

  xmin <- -5
  xmax <- 105

  # NB: ymin and ymax below on the right-hand side of the = are
  # referring to verbatim names in the data argument.  But R CMD check
  # doesn't understand this, so define these variables.  This is only
  # a hack to quiet R CMD check and does not affect the ggplot call.
  ymin <- NULL
  ymax <- NULL

  tmp.file <- tempfile("outputFile.tmp")
  pdf(file=tmp.file, width=7.2, height=6, bg="white")

  # Create (and store) all possible 1D plots
  for(d in 1:dimensions){
    # Overlay the histogram of the data on the model fit.
    #ylab <- "\nDensity\n"
    ylab <- "Density (a.u.)"

    title <- ""

    # Set max posterior density to max of splinefun
    limits <- data.frame(x=c(min(marginalClust[[d]]$fit.x), max(marginalClust[[d]]$fit.x)))
    f <- splinefun(marginalClust[[d]]$fit.x, marginalClust[[d]]$fit.y[1,,drop=FALSE])
    max.posterior.density <- max(unlist(lapply(seq(from=limits$x[1], to=limits$x[2], by=10^-3), f)))

    # xlab <- paste("\n", sampleNames[d], "\n", sep="")
    xlab <- paste(sampleNames[d], " VAF", sep="")

    numClusters = 0
    if(!is.null(vafs.1d.merged[[d]]$cluster)) {
      numClusters = max(vafs.1d.merged[[d]]$cluster, na.rm=T)

    vafs = getOneSampleVafs(vafs.1d.merged[[d]], sampleNames[d], numClusters)

    # Only show copy number = 2
    v = vafs[which(vafs$cleancn==2 & vafs$adequateDepth==1),];

    frequencies <- data.frame(x=v$vaf, row.names=NULL, stringsAsFactors=NULL)

    g <- ggplot(data = frequencies, aes(x)) + ggtitle(title) + xlab(xlab) + ylab(ylab)

    # g <- g + theme_bw() + theme(axis.line = element_line(colour = "black"), panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), panel.border = element_blank(), panel.background = element_blank())

    g <- g + theme_bw() + theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), panel.border = element_blank(), panel.background = element_blank())

    g <- g + theme(plot.margin = unit(c(0,0,0,0), "cm"))

    bin.width <- 2.5
    num.breaks <- ceiling(100/bin.width) + 1
    breaks <- unlist(lapply(0:(num.breaks-1), function(x) 100*x/(num.breaks-1)))
    # This is just to appease R CMD check--it does not effect the
    # geom_histogram call below.
    g <- g + geom_histogram(data = frequencies, mapping=aes(x, y=..ncount..*100), fill="white", colour=gray(0.4), breaks=breaks)

    # Need to "print" the graph in order to see its maximum y value
    # NB:  this is redundant at this point, given that I scale the
    # histogram to have height 100 above.  i.e., max.density will be 100.
    tmp <- print(g)
    max.density <- max(tmp[["data"]][[1]]$ymax)
    res.1d.max.densities[[d]] <- max.density

    hline <- data.frame(x = c(0,100), y=c(-5,-5))
    g <- g + geom_line(data = hline, aes(x,y))

    #vline <- data.frame(y = c(0,max.density * 1.1), x=c(-5,-5))
    vline <- data.frame(y = c(0,100), x=c(-5,-5))
    g <- g + geom_line(data = vline, aes(x,y))

    scale <- max.density / max.posterior.density

    # If we actually performed clustering, show it.
    if(numClusters > 0) {
      f <- splinefun(marginalClust[[d]]$fit.x, scale*marginalClust[[d]]$fit.y[1,,drop=FALSE])

      g <- g + stat_function(data = limits, fun=f, mapping=aes(x))

    g <- g + coord_cartesian(ylim=c(xmin, max.density*1.1), xlim=c(xmin,xmax))

    plots.1d.list[[d]] <- g

  devoff = dev.off()

  vplayout <- function(x, y) viewport(layout.pos.row = x, layout.pos.col = y, clip="off")

  pdf(file=outputFile, width=7.2, height=6, bg="white")

  ##create a 2d plot for each pairwise combination of samples
  for(d1 in 1:(dimensions-1)){
    for(d2 in d1:dimensions){

      xlab <- sampleNames[d1]
      xlab <- gsub("\\.", " ", xlab)
      #xlab <- paste("\n", xlab, "\n", sep="")
      xlab <- paste(xlab, " VAF", sep="")

      ylab <- sampleNames[d2]
      ylab <- gsub("\\.", " ", ylab)
      #ylab <- paste("\n", ylab, "\n", sep="")
      ylab <- paste(ylab, " VAF", sep="")

      numClusters = 0
      if(!is.null(vafs.merged$cluster)) {
        numClusters = max(vafs.merged$cluster, na.rm=T)

      vafs1 = getOneSampleVafs(vafs.merged, sampleNames[d1], numClusters);
      vafs2 = getOneSampleVafs(vafs.merged, sampleNames[d2], numClusters);

      ##get only cn2 points
      vafs1 = vafs1[which(vafs1$cleancn==2 & vafs1$adequateDepth==1),]
      vafs2 = vafs2[which(vafs2$cleancn==2 & vafs2$adequateDepth==1),]

      if(numClusters > 0) {
        v = merge(vafs1,vafs2,by.x=c("chr","st","cluster"), by.y=c("chr","st","cluster"),suffixes=c(".1",".2"))
        # Remove any outliers--these will have cluster assignment 0
        v.outlier <- v[v$cluster == 0,]
        v <- v[v$cluster != 0,]
      } else {
        v = merge(vafs1,vafs2,by.x=c("chr","st"), by.y=c("chr","st"),suffixes=c(".1",".2"))

      v.no.highlight <- v
      if(!(is.null(positionsToHighlight))) {
        chr.start.v <- cbind(v[,"chr"], v[,"st"])
        chr.start.highlight <- cbind(positionsToHighlight[,1], positionsToHighlight[,2])
        v.no.highlight <- v[!(apply(chr.start.v, 1, paste, collapse="$$") %in% apply(chr.start.highlight, 1, paste, collapse="$$")),]


      title <- ""

      # Plot the points that we will not highlight
      frequencies.no.highlight <- data.frame(x=v.no.highlight$vaf.1, y=v.no.highlight$vaf.2, row.names=NULL, stringsAsFactors=NULL)

      colvec = c()
      if(numClusters > 0) {
        clusters <- v.no.highlight$cluster
        colvec = cols[clusters]
        clusters <- unlist(lapply(clusters, as.character))
        frequencies.no.highlight <- data.frame(x=v.no.highlight$vaf.1, y=v.no.highlight$vaf.2, shape=clusters, colour=clusters, row.names=NULL, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

        # NB: shape and colour below on the right-hand side of the = are
        # referring to verbatim names in the data argument.  But R CMD check
        # doesn't understand this, so define these variables.  This is only
        # a hack to quiet R CMD check and does not affect the ggplot call.
        shape <- NULL
        colour <- NULL
        g <- ggplot(data = frequencies.no.highlight, aes(x=x, y=y)) + ggtitle(title) + xlab(xlab) + ylab(ylab) + geom_point(data = frequencies.no.highlight, aes(x=x, y=y, shape=shape, colour=colour))

        # Plot a legend
        g <- g + scale_colour_manual(name = "Clusters", labels = 1:numClusters, values = cols[1:numClusters])
        g <- g + scale_shape_manual(name = "Clusters", labels = 1:numClusters, values = 1:numClusters)
      } else {
        g <- ggplot(data = frequencies.no.highlight, aes(x=x, y=y)) + ggtitle(title) + xlab(xlab) + ylab(ylab) + geom_point(data = frequencies.no.highlight, aes(x=x, y=y))

      if(overlayErrorBars == TRUE) {
        err.bars.1 <- compute.binomial.error.bars(v.no.highlight$var.1, v.no.highlight$depth.1) * 100
        err.bars.2 <- compute.binomial.error.bars(v.no.highlight$var.2, v.no.highlight$depth.2) * 100
        err.df.x <- data.frame(x=v.no.highlight$vaf.1, y=v.no.highlight$vaf.2, xmin=err.bars.1$lb, xmax=err.bars.1$ub)
        err.df.y <- data.frame(x=v.no.highlight$vaf.1, y=v.no.highlight$vaf.2, ymin=err.bars.2$lb, ymax=err.bars.2$ub)
        if(numClusters > 0) {
          g <- g + geom_errorbarh(data = err.df.x, aes(x=x, y=y, xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax), colour=colvec)
          g <- g + geom_errorbar(data = err.df.y, aes(x=x, y=y, ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax), colour=colvec)
        } else {
          g <- g + geom_errorbarh(data = err.df.x, aes(x=x, y=y, xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax))
          g <- g + geom_errorbar(data = err.df.y, aes(x=x, y=y, ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax))



      # Now overlay any points that we will highlight
      if(!(is.null(positionsToHighlight))) {
        # Merge the data and the positions to highlight by chr (col 1)
        # and start (col 2)
        addpts = merge(v, positionsToHighlight, by.x=c("chr","st"), by.y = c("chr","st"))
        if(dim(addpts)[1] > 0) {
          frequencies.highlight <- data.frame(x=addpts$vaf.1, y=addpts$vaf.2, row.names=NULL, stringsAsFactors=NULL)

          g <- g + geom_point(data = frequencies.highlight, aes(x=x, y=y), shape="*", size=10, colour="black")

          if(overlayErrorBars == TRUE) {
            err.bars.1 <- compute.binomial.error.bars(addpts$var.1, addpts$depth.1) * 100
            err.bars.2 <- compute.binomial.error.bars(addpts$var.2, addpts$depth.2) * 100
            err.df.x <- data.frame(x=addpts$vaf.1, y=addpts$vaf.2, xmin=err.bars.1$lb, xmax=err.bars.1$ub)
            g <- g + geom_errorbarh(data = err.df.x, aes(x=x, y=y, xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax), colour="black")

            err.df.y <- data.frame(x=addpts$vaf.1, y=addpts$vaf.2, ymin=err.bars.2$lb, ymax=err.bars.2$ub)
            g <- g + geom_errorbar(data = err.df.y, aes(x=x, y=y, ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax), colour="black")


      # g <- g + theme_bw() + theme(axis.line = element_line(colour = "black"), panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), panel.border = element_blank(), panel.background = element_blank())

      g <- g + theme_bw() + theme(panel.border = element_blank())

      g <- g + theme(plot.margin = unit(c(0,0,0,0), "cm"))

      # Put the legend in the top right
      g <- g + theme(legend.position = c(1,1), legend.justification=c(1,1))

      hline <- data.frame(x = c(0,100), y=c(-5,-5))
      g <- g + geom_line(data = hline, aes(x,y))

      vline <- data.frame(y = c(0,100), x=c(-5,-5))
      g <- g + geom_line(data = vline, aes(x,y))

      g <- g + coord_cartesian(xlim=c(xmin, xmax), ylim=c(xmin, xmax))

      plot.2d <- g

      # Code to override clipping
      #plot.2d <- ggplot_gtable(ggplot_build(g))
      #plot.2d$layout$clip[plot.2d$layout$name=="panel"] <- "off"

      plot.1d.1 <- plots.1d.list[[d1]]
      plot.1d.2 <- plots.1d.list[[d2]]


      pushViewport(viewport(layout = grid.layout(2, 2), clip="off"))

      text.size <- 10

      vp <- vplayout(1,1)
      vp11 <- vp
      plot.2d <- plot.2d + theme(text = element_text(size = text.size))
      print(plot.2d, vp=vp)

      if(!(is.null(positionsToHighlight))) {
        # Merge the data and the positions to highlight by chr (col 1)
        # and start (col 2)
        addpts = merge(v, positionsToHighlight, by.x=c("chr","st"), by.y = c("chr","st"))
        frequencies.highlight <- data.frame(x=addpts$vaf.1, y=addpts$vaf.2, row.names=NULL, stringsAsFactors=NULL)

        # Add the labels
        if(dim(addpts)[1] > 0){

            # This code adapted from stackoverflow.com/questions/10536396/using-grconvertx-grconverty-in-ggplot2
            # Create a new viewport with clipping disabled so we can
            # put text outside the plot
            depth <- downViewport('panel.3-4-3-4')
            pushViewport(dataViewport(xData=c(0,100), yData=c(0,100), clip='off'))

            xs <- list()
            ys <- list()
            labels <- list()

            nxt <- 1
            for(i in 1:dim(addpts)[1]) {
              if(addpts$vaf.1[i] < 1) {
                x <- addpts$vaf.1[i] - 12
                y <- addpts$vaf.2[i]
              } else if(addpts$vaf.2[i] < 1) {
                x <- addpts$vaf.1[i]
                y <- addpts$vaf.2[i] - 10
              } else {
                x <- addpts$vaf.1[i] + 5
                y <- addpts$vaf.2[i] + 5
              label <- as.character(addpts$name[i])
              #df <- data.frame(x=x, y=y)
              if(label == "") {
                # No label to place
              } else {
                # grid.text(x=x,y=y,label=label,default.units="native", gp=gpar(fontsize=8))
                xs[[nxt]] <- x
                ys[[nxt]] <- y
                labels[[nxt]] <- label
                nxt <- nxt + 1

            xs <- unlist(xs)
            ys <- unlist(ys)
            labels <- unlist(labels)
            num.labels <- length(labels)
            # By using the min argument, ensure that the annotations
            # do not overlap the corresponding symbol.  NB:  we anticipate
            # this code will only be active for the interior points
            if(num.labels > 0){
              xs <- spread.labs(xs, mindiff=4, min=xs)
              ys <- spread.labs(ys, mindiff=4, min=ys)
              for(i in 1:num.labels) {
                grid.text(x=xs[i],y=ys[i],label=labels[i],default.units="native", gp=gpar(fontsize=8))
            # Move up depth+1 in the tree.  NB: +1 because we pushed a
            # viewport on to the tree.


      vp <- vplayout(1,2)
      plot.1d.2 <- plot.1d.2 + theme(text = element_text(size = text.size))
      plot.1d.2 <- plot.1d.2 + coord_flip(ylim = c(xmin, res.1d.max.densities[[d2]]*1.1), xlim = c(xmin, xmax))
      print(plot.1d.2, vp=vp)

      vp <- vplayout(2,1)
      plot.1d.1 <- plot.1d.1 + theme(text = element_text(size = text.size))
      print(plot.1d.1, vp=vp)

  devoff = dev.off()

## Compute the lower and upper bound for a "1-std dev" binomial confidence
## interval for a given number of successes and total number trials
compute.binomial.error.bars <- function(successes, total.trials){
  # Return a "1 std dev" confidence interval
  width <- as.double(erf(1/sqrt(2)))
  lb <- mapply(function(a,b) binomCI(a, b, conf.level=width, method="jeffreys")$CI[1], successes, total.trials)
  ub <- mapply(function(a,b) binomCI(a, b, conf.level=width, method="jeffreys")$CI[2], successes, total.trials)
  res <- data.frame(lb=lb, ub=ub)

## create the two dimensional plot with scatter annotated with
## clustering results and 1D plots along margins
## Create two dimensional plot with scatter annotated with clustering result
sc.plot2d <- function(sco, outputFile=NULL, positionsToHighlight=NULL, highlightsHaveNames=FALSE, overlayClusters=TRUE, overlayErrorBars=FALSE, ellipse.metadata = list(), singlePage=FALSE, scale=1, xlim=100, ylim=100, plot.title=NULL, samplesToPlot=NULL, clusterLegend=TRUE, flipSamples=FALSE, xlab=NULL, ylab=NULL, colors=NULL, plotWidth=7.2, plotHeight=6){

  vafs.merged = sco@vafs.merged
  sampleNames = sco@sampleNames
  dimensions = sco@dimensions

    nplots = ncol(combn(c(1:dimensions),2))
        pdf(outputFile, width=plotWidth*ncol, height=plotHeight*nrow, bg="white")
    par(mfrow=c(nrow,ncol), mar=c(5.1, 5.1, 4.1, 2.1))
  } else {
      pdf(outputFile, width=plotWidth, height=plotHeight, bg="white")

  numClusters = 0
  maxCluster = 0
  non.empty.clusters <- c()
  # NB: clusters no longer need be numbered contiguously
  if(!is.null(vafs.merged$cluster)) {
    # Careful!  This doesn't work--0 is an outlier cluster.
    #numClusters = length(unique(vafs.merged$cluster[!is.na(vafs.merged$cluster)]))
    maxCluster = max(vafs.merged$cluster, na.rm=T)
    # Note that by starting at 1, we exclude the outlier "cluster" 0.
    for(i in 1:maxCluster){
      if(!any(vafs.merged$cluster == i)) { next }
      non.empty.clusters <- c(non.empty.clusters, i)
  numClusters = length(non.empty.clusters)
  suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(plotrix))  # For plotCI among others.

  createPlot <- function(d1, d2){
    vafs1 = getOneSampleVafs(vafs.merged, sampleNames[d1], numClusters);
    vafs2 = getOneSampleVafs(vafs.merged, sampleNames[d2], numClusters);
    ##get only cn2 points with adequate coverage
    vafs1 = vafs1[which(vafs1$cleancn==2 & vafs1$adequateDepth==1),]
    vafs2 = vafs2[which(vafs2$cleancn==2 & vafs2$adequateDepth==1),]

    if(!is.null(vafs.merged$cluster)) {
      v = merge(vafs1,vafs2,by.x=c("chr","st","cluster"), by.y=c("chr","st","cluster"),suffixes=c(".1",".2"))
      ## Remove any outliers--these will have cluster assignment 0
      v.outlier <- v[v$cluster == 0,]
      v <- v[v$cluster != 0,]
    } else {
      v = merge(vafs1,vafs2,by.x=c("chr","st"), by.y=c("chr","st"),suffixes=c(".1",".2"))

      cols = getClusterColors(maxCluster)
    ##sample name

    ##create the plot
    xlabel = paste(sampleNames[d1],"VAF                   ")
    ylabel = paste(sampleNames[d2],"VAF")
      xlabel = xlab
      ylabel = ylab

    plot(-100, -100, xlim=c(0,xlim*1.2), ylim=c(0,ylim), main=title,
         xlab=xlabel, ylab=ylabel,
         bty="n", xaxt="n", yaxt="n", cex.lab=scale, cex.main=scale, cex.axis=scale)

    if(xlim < 80){
      xGridIncrement= 10
    if(xlim < 50){

    if(ylim < 80){
    if(ylim < 50){

    ## vertical grid
    abline(v=seq(0,xlim,xGridIncrement),col="grey50", lty=3, lwd=scale)
    axis(side=1,at=seq(0,xlim,xGridIncrement),labels=seq(0,xlim,xGridIncrement), cex.axis=scale)

    ## horizontal grid

    segments(rep(-10,numYGridLines),seq(0,ylim,yGridIncrement),rep(xlim*1.05,numYGridLines),seq(0,ylim,yGridIncrement), lty=3, lwd=scale, col="grey50")
    axis(side=2,at=seq(0,ylim,yGridIncrement),labels=seq(0,ylim,yGridIncrement), cex.axis=scale)

    ## If we will be highlighting some points, exclude them from
    ## the general list of points to plot and plot them instead with
    ## a different symbol/color (a black *)
    v.no.highlight <- v
    if(!(is.null(positionsToHighlight))) {
      chr.start.v <- cbind(v[,"chr"], v[,"st"])
      chr.start.highlight <- cbind(positionsToHighlight[,1], positionsToHighlight[,2])
      v.no.highlight <- v[!(apply(chr.start.v, 1, paste, collapse="$$") %in% apply(chr.start.highlight, 1, paste, collapse="$$")),]


    if(overlayErrorBars == TRUE) {
      err.bars.1 <- compute.binomial.error.bars(v.no.highlight$var.1, v.no.highlight$depth.1) * 100
      err.bars.2 <- compute.binomial.error.bars(v.no.highlight$var.2, v.no.highlight$depth.2) * 100

    if(!is.null(vafs.merged$cluster)) {
      ## handle cluster 0 (outliers)
      if(length(v.outlier[,1]) > 0){
        points(v.outlier$vaf.1, v.outlier$vaf.2, col=rgb(0,0,0,0.5), pch=".", cex=3*scale)

      for(i in 1:numClusters){
        indices <- v.no.highlight$cluster==non.empty.clusters[i]

          if(dim(v.no.highlight[indices,])[1] > 0) {
            if(overlayErrorBars == TRUE) {
              plotCI(v.no.highlight[indices,]$vaf.1, v.no.highlight[indices,]$vaf.2, col=cols[non.empty.clusters[i]], pch=i, li=err.bars.1$lb[indices], ui=err.bars.1$ub[indices], add=TRUE, err="x")
              plotCI(v.no.highlight[indices,]$vaf.1, v.no.highlight[indices,]$vaf.2, col=cols[non.empty.clusters[i]], pch=i, li=err.bars.2$lb[indices], ui=err.bars.2$ub[indices], add=TRUE, err="y")
            } else {
              points(v.no.highlight[indices,]$vaf.1, v.no.highlight[indices,]$vaf.2, col=cols[non.empty.clusters[i]], pch=i, cex=scale)
        } else { ##no overlay of clusters
          if(dim(v.no.highlight[indices,])[1] > 0) {
            if(overlayErrorBars == TRUE) {
              plotCI(v.no.highlight[indices,]$vaf.1, v.no.highlight[indices,]$vaf.2, pch=18, li=err.bars.1$lb[indices], ui=err.bars.1$ub[indices], add=TRUE, err="x")
              plotCI(v.no.highlight[indices,]$vaf.1, v.no.highlight[indices,]$vaf.2, pch=18, li=err.bars.2$lb[indices], ui=err.bars.2$ub[indices], add=TRUE, err="y")
            } else {
              points(v.no.highlight[indices,]$vaf.1, v.no.highlight[indices,]$vaf.2, pch=18, cex=scale,col=getClusterColors(1)[1])
    } else { #no clusters plotted
      if(dim(v.no.highlight)[1] > 0) {
        if(overlayErrorBars == TRUE) {
          plotCI(v.no.highlight$vaf.1, v.no.highlight$vaf.2, pch=18, li=err.bars.1$lb, ui=err.bars.1$ub, add=TRUE, err="x", cex=scale, col=getClusterColors(1)[1])
          plotCI(v.no.highlight$vaf.1, v.no.highlight$vaf.2, pch=18, li=err.bars.2$lb, ui=err.bars.2$ub, add=TRUE, err="y", cex=scale, col=getClusterColors(1)[1])
        } else {
          points(v.no.highlight$vaf.1, v.no.highlight$vaf.2, pch=18, cex=scale, col=getClusterColors(1)[1])

    ## Now plot the highlighted points so they are overlaid
    if(!(is.null(positionsToHighlight))) {
      ## Merge the data and the positions to highlight by chr (col 1)
      ## and start (col 2)
      addpts = merge(v, positionsToHighlight, by.x=c("chr","st"), by.y = c("chr","st"))

      ## Plot the highlighted items.  NB:  we never overlay the
      ## cluster on them, but expect this will be obvious from context
      if(dim(addpts)[1] > 0) {
        if(overlayErrorBars == TRUE) {
          err.bars.1 <- compute.binomial.error.bars(addpts$var.1, addpts$depth.1) * 100
          err.bars.2 <- compute.binomial.error.bars(addpts$var.2, addpts$depth.2) * 100
          plotCI(addpts$vaf.1, addpts$vaf.2, pch="*", col="black", cex=2, li=err.bars.1$lb, ui=err.bars.1$ub, add=TRUE, err="x")
          plotCI(addpts$vaf.1, addpts$vaf.2, pch="*", col="black", cex=2, li=err.bars.2$lb, ui=err.bars.2$ub, add=TRUE, err="y")
        } else {
          points(addpts$vaf.1, addpts$vaf.2, pch="*", col="black", cex=2*scale)


    if(!is.null(vafs.merged$cluster)) {
      for(i in 1:numClusters){
        if((!is.null(ellipse.metadata$SEMs.lb)) & (!is.null(ellipse.metadata$SEMs.ub))) {
          xc <- ellipse.metadata$SEMs.lb[i,d1] + ((ellipse.metadata$SEMs.ub[i,d1] - ellipse.metadata$SEMs.lb[i,d1])/2)
          yc <- ellipse.metadata$SEMs.lb[i,d2] + ((ellipse.metadata$SEMs.ub[i,d2] - ellipse.metadata$SEMs.lb[i,d2])/2)

          ## ell <- my.ellipse(hlaxa = ((ellipse.metadata$SEMs.ub[i,d1] - ellipse.metadata$SEMs.lb[i,d1])/2), hlaxb = ((ellipse.metadata$SEMs.ub[i,d2] - ellipse.metadata$SEMs.lb[i,d2])/2), xc = xc, yc = yc)

          draw.ellipse(xc, yc, a = ((ellipse.metadata$SEMs.ub[i,d1] - ellipse.metadata$SEMs.lb[i,d1])/2), b = ((ellipse.metadata$SEMs.ub[i,d2] - ellipse.metadata$SEMs.lb[i,d2])/2))


        if((!is.null(ellipse.metadata$std.dev.lb)) & (!is.null(ellipse.metadata$std.dev.ub))) {
          xc <- ellipse.metadata$std.dev.lb[i,d1] + ((ellipse.metadata$std.dev.ub[i,d1] - ellipse.metadata$std.dev.lb[i,d1])/2)
          yc <- ellipse.metadata$std.dev.lb[i,d2] + ((ellipse.metadata$std.dev.ub[i,d2] - ellipse.metadata$std.dev.lb[i,d2])/2)

          ## Plot std dev as dashed line.
          draw.ellipse(xc, yc, a = ((ellipse.metadata$std.dev.ub[i,d1] - ellipse.metadata$std.dev.lb[i,d1])/2), b = ((ellipse.metadata$std.dev.ub[i,d2] - ellipse.metadata$std.dev.lb[i,d2])/2), lty=2)
    ##plot(-100, -100, xlim=c(0,100), ylim=c(0,100),main="Clusters")
    if(!is.null(vafs.merged$cluster)) {
      ## Only include in the legend any clusters that are not empty.
        legend("topright", legend=non.empty.clusters, col=cols[non.empty.clusters], title="Clusters", pch=non.empty.clusters, cex=scale, bg="white")
      ##legend("topright", legend=1:numClusters, col=cols[1:numClusters], title="Clusters", pch=1:numClusters)

    ## Add annotation for gene names, if requested
      addpts = merge(v, positionsToHighlight, by.x=c("chr","st"), by.y = c("chr","st"))
      ## write.table(file="genes.txt", unique(addpts$gene_name), row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)
      if(dim(addpts)[1] > 0){
          xs <- list()
          ys <- list()
          labels <- list()

          nxt <- 1
          for(i in 1:dim(addpts)[1]) {
            cex <- 1

            if(addpts$vaf.1[i] < 1) {
              ##text(addpts$vaf.1[i] - 8,addpts$vaf.2[i],labels=addpts$gene_name[i],cex=cex)
              x <- addpts$vaf.1[i] - 8
              y <- addpts$vaf.2[i]
            } else if(addpts$vaf.2[i] < 1) {
              ##text(addpts$vaf.1[i],addpts$vaf.2[i] - 5,labels=addpts$gene_name[i],cex=cex)
              x <- addpts$vaf.1[i]
              y <- addpts$vaf.2[i] - 5
            } else {
              ##text(addpts$vaf.1[i] + 4,addpts$vaf.2[i] + 4,labels=addpts$gene_name[i],cex=cex)
              x <- addpts$vaf.1[i] + 4
              y <- addpts$vaf.2[i] + 4
            label <- as.character(addpts$name[i])
            ##df <- data.frame(x=x, y=y)
            ##grid.text(x=x,y=y,label=label,default.units="native", gp=gpar(fontsize=8))
            if(label != "") {
              xs[[nxt]] <- x
              ys[[nxt]] <- y
              labels[[nxt]] <- label
              nxt <- nxt + 1

          xs <- unlist(xs)
          ys <- unlist(ys)
          labels <- unlist(labels)
          num.labels <- length(labels)
          ## By using the min argument, ensure that the annotations
          ## do not overlap the corresponding symbol.  NB:  we anticipate
          ## this code will only be active for the interior points
          if(num.labels > 0){
            xs <- spread.labs(xs, mindiff=4, min=xs)
            ys <- spread.labs(ys, mindiff=4, min=ys)
            for(i in 1:num.labels) {
              ##grid.text(x=xs[i],y=ys[i],label=labels[i],default.units="native", gp=gpar(fontsize=8))
              text(x=xs[i], y=ys[i], label=labels[i], cex=cex)
    } # End add gene annotations


  ##create 2d plots
  for(d1 in 1:(dimensions-1)){
    for(d2 in d1:dimensions){
      if(is.null(samplesToPlot)){ ##use each pairwise combination of samples
        if(flipSamples == TRUE){
        } else {
        count = count + 1;
      } else { ##just plot the specified samples
        if( (sampleNames[d1] %in% samplesToPlot) & (sampleNames[d2] %in% samplesToPlot)){
          if(flipSamples == TRUE){
          } else {

        count = count + 1;
  if(count < 1){
    print ("WARNING: no pair of samples matched the samplesToPlot argument. Nothing plotted");

    devoff = dev.off()

## plot three samples in 3d, optionally create a GIF
sc.plot3d <- function(sco, samplesToPlot, size=700, outputFile=NULL){
  ##set the size of the window
  open3d(windowRect = c(0,0, size, size) )
  if(length(samplesToPlot) != 3){
    print("ERROR: must provide exactly 3 sample names for 3d plotting")

  a = sco@vafs.merged[,c(paste(samplesToPlot,".vaf",sep=""),"cluster")]
  a = a[!is.na(a$cluster),]
  a = a[!(a$cluster==0),]
  colvec = cols[a$cluster]

  plot3d(a[,1], a[,2], a[,3], xlim=c(0,100), ylim=c(0,100),zlim=c(0,100), axes=FALSE,
         xlab=samplesToPlot[1], ylab=samplesToPlot[2], zlab=samplesToPlot[3],
         type="s", col=colvec)
  ##add a box
  axes3d( edges=c("x--", "y--", "z"),labels=FALSE)
  for(i in c("+","-")){
    for(j in c("+","-")){
      axes3d( edges=paste("x",i,j,sep=""), tick=FALSE, labels=FALSE)
      axes3d( edges=paste("y",i,j,sep=""), tick=FALSE, labels=FALSE)
      axes3d( edges=paste("z",i,j,sep=""), tick=FALSE, labels=FALSE)

    play3d(spin3d(axis=c(0,0,1), rpm=10), duration=6)
  } else {
    ##remove trailing .gif, since movie3d adds it
    outputFile = sub(".gif$","",outputFile)
    movie3d(spin3d(axis=c(0,0,1), rpm=5), duration=12, dir=getwd(), movie=outputFile)

## Get a list of colors to use for the clusters (after 20 they start repeating)
getClusterColors <- function(numClusters){
    cols = c(cols,brewer.pal(9,"Set1"))
  if(numClusters > 20){ #if this happens, something is probably weird with your data, but we'll support it anyway
    cols = rep(cols,ceiling(length(cols)/20))
  cols = cols[1:numClusters]

  ##add transparency to colors
  for(i in 1:length(cols)){
    z = col2rgb(cols[i])
    cols[i] = rgb(z[1], z[2], z[3], 150, maxColorValue=255)

## Extract a single sample's data from the merged data frame
getOneSampleVafs <- function(vafs.merged, name, numClusters){
  common = c("chr","st","adequateDepth")
  a = vafs.merged[,common]
  prefix = paste("^",name,".",sep="")
  cols=grepl(prefix, names(vafs.merged))
  header=sub(prefix, "", names(vafs.merged)[cols])
  vafs = cbind(a,vafs.merged[,cols])
  names(vafs) = c(common,header)

  if(numClusters > 0){
    vafs = cbind(vafs, vafs.merged$cluster)
    names(vafs)[length(vafs)] = "cluster"
genome/sciclone documentation built on Oct. 15, 2023, 5:09 a.m.