
Defines functions prGparMerge prGetTextGrobCex prGridPlotTitle prPushMarginViewport prFpConvertMultidimArray prFpPrepareLegendMarker prFpGetLegendBoxPosition prFpFindWidestGrob prFpValidateLabelList prFpGetLayoutVP prFpFetchRowLabel prFpXrange prListRep prFpPrintLabels prPopulateList prFpGetConfintFnList

Documented in prFpConvertMultidimArray prFpFetchRowLabel prFpFindWidestGrob prFpGetConfintFnList prFpGetLayoutVP prFpGetLegendBoxPosition prFpPrepareLegendMarker prFpPrintLabels prFpValidateLabelList prFpXrange prGetTextGrobCex prGparMerge prGridPlotTitle prListRep prPopulateList prPushMarginViewport

#' Get a function list
#' This function helps the \code{\link{forestplot}}
#' to deal with multiple drawing functions for the
#' confidence intervals.
#' @param fn The function list/matrix. If a list it
#'  should be in the format [[row]][[col]], the function
#'  tries to handle this but in cases where the columns
#'  and rows are the same it will not know what is a column
#'  and what is a row.
#' @param no_rows Number of rows
#' @param no_depth Number of columns
#' @param missing_rows The rows that don't have a CI
#' @return \code{list} The function returns a list that has
#' the format [[row]][[col]] where each element contains the
#' function that you need to call using the \code{\link[base]{as.call}}
#' and \code{\link[base]{eval}} functions: \code{eval(as.call(list(fn[[row]][[col]], arg_1 = 1, arg_2 = 2)))}
#' @inheritParams forestplot
#' @keywords internal
prFpGetConfintFnList <- function(fn, no_rows, no_depth, missing_rows, is.summary, summary) {
  ret <- prPopulateList(fn,
                        no_rows = no_rows,
                        no_depth = no_depth,
                        missing_rows = missing_rows,
                        is.summary = is.summary,
                        summary = summary)

  makeCalleable <- function(value) {
    if (is.function(value)) {

    if (is.character(value)) {

    if (!is.list(value)) {
      stop("Cannot handle non-list/character/function elements in this function")

    for (i in 1:length(value)) {
      value[[i]] <- makeCalleable(value[[i]])
  ret <- makeCalleable(ret)


#' Populate a list corresponding to matrix specs
#' This function helps the \code{\link{forestplot}}
#' to deal with different arguments for the
#' confidence intervals.
#' @param elmnt The element item/list/matrix. If a list it
#'  should be in the format [[row]][[col]], the function
#'  tries to handle this but in cases where the columns
#'  and rows are the same it will not know what is a column
#'  and what is a row.
#' @param no_rows Number of rows
#' @param no_depth Number of outcomes per row, i.e. depth
#' @param missing_rows The rows that don't have data
#' @return \code{list} The function returns a list that has
#'  the format [[row]][[col]] where each element contains the
#'  corresponding element
#' @inheritParams forestplot
#' @keywords internal
prPopulateList <- function(elmnt, no_rows, no_depth, missing_rows, is.summary, summary) {
  # Return a list that has
  # a two dim structure of [[row]][[col]]
  # if you have a matrix provided but if you
  # have only a vector with only 1 column then you
  # get the [[row]] by default
  # If the fn is a character or a matrix then
  ret <- list()
  if (is.function(elmnt)) {
    if (no_depth == 1) {
      for (i in 1:no_rows) {
        ret[[i]] <- elmnt
    } else {
      for (i in 1:no_rows) {
        ret[[i]] <- list()
        for (ii in 1:no_depth) {
          ret[[i]][[ii]] <- elmnt
  } else if (is.character(elmnt) ||
    is.numeric(elmnt)) {
    if (is.matrix(elmnt)) {
      if (ncol(elmnt) != no_depth) {
          "Your columns do not add upp for your",
          " confidence interval funcitons, ",
          ncol(elmnt), " != ", no_depth
      if (nrow(elmnt) != no_rows) {
          "Your rows do not add upp for your",
          " confidence interval funcitons, ",
          nrow(elmnt), " != ", no_rows
    } else if (length(elmnt) == no_depth) {
      elmnt <- matrix(elmnt, nrow = no_rows, ncol = no_depth, byrow = TRUE)
    } else if (length(elmnt) %in% c(1, no_rows)) {
      elmnt <- matrix(elmnt, nrow = no_rows, ncol = no_depth)
    } else {
        "You have not provided the expected",
        " number of elements: ",
        length(elmnt), " is not 1, ", no_depth, " (columns), or ", no_rows, " (rows)"

    # Convert into function format
    for (i in 1:no_rows) {
      if (no_depth == 1) {
        ret[[i]] <- elmnt[i, 1]
      } else {
        ret[[i]] <- list()
        for (ii in 1:no_depth) {
          ## Go by row for the elmnt
          ret[[i]][[ii]] <- elmnt[i, ii]
  } else if (is.list(elmnt)) {
    if (no_depth == 1) {
      # Actually correct if the lengths add up
      if (length(elmnt) != no_rows) {
        if (length(elmnt) == sum(is.summary == summary)) {
          ret <- list()
          i <- 1
          for (is_row_summary in is.summary) {
            if (is_row_summary == summary) {
              ret <- append(ret, elmnt[[i]])
              i <- i + 1
            } else {
              # For simplicity all non-same elements have the last summary element
              # As this element isn't outputted it doesn't matter
              ret <- append(ret, elmnt[[i]])
        } else if (length(elmnt) == sum(is.summary == summary & !missing_rows)) {
          ret <- list()
          i <- 1
          for (row_no in 1:length(is.summary)) {
            if (is.summary[row_no] == summary & !missing_rows[row_no]) {
              ret <- append(ret, elmnt[[i]])
              i <- i + 1
            } else {
              # For simplicity all non-same elements have the last summary element
              # As this element isn't outputted it doesn't matter
              ret <- append(ret, elmnt[[i]])
        } else {
            "You do not have the same number of ",
            "confidence interval functions as you have ",
            "number of rows: ", length(elmnt), "!= ", no_rows,
            " You should provide the same number."
      } else {
        ret <- elmnt
    } else {
      # Populate a new elmnt list
      if (length(elmnt) == no_rows) {
        # One dim-list provided
        # now generate a two-dim list
        if (!is.list(elmnt[[1]])) {
          for (i in 1:no_rows) {
            ret[[i]] <- list()
            for (ii in 1:no_depth) {
              ## Go by row for the elmnt
              ret[[i]][[ii]] <- elmnt[[i]]
        } else {
          # Verify that the list structure
          # is provided as a valid matrix
          # with the correct size
          n <- sapply(elmnt, length)
          if (any(n != no_depth)) {
              "You need to provide a 'square' list (of dim. n x m)",
              " of the same dimension as the number of lines",
              " in order for this function to work. Currently your",
              " confidence interval function has the format",
              " ", no_rows, " x ", paste(n, collapse = "/"),
              " where you want all of the second argument to be",
              " equal to ", no_depth

          ret <- elmnt
      } else if (length(elmnt) == no_depth) {
        # One dim-list provided
        # now generate a two-dim list
        if (!is.list(elmnt[[1]])) {
          for (i in 1:no_rows) {
            ret[[i]] <- list()
            for (ii in 1:no_depth) {
              ## Go by row for the elmnt
              ret[[i]][[ii]] <- elmnt[[ii]]
        } else {
          # Verify that the list structure
          # is provided as a matrix
          n <- sapply(elmnt, length)
          if (any(n != no_rows)) {
              "You need to provide a 'square' list (of dim. n x m)",
              " of the same dimension as the number of lines",
              " in order for this function to work. Currently your",
              " confidence interval function has the format",
              " ", no_rows, " x ", paste(n, collapse = "/"),
              " where you want all of the second argument to be",
              " equal to ", no_depth

          # Change to the [[row]][[col]] format
          for (i in 1:no_rows) {
            ret[[i]] <- list()
            for (ii in 1:no_depth) {
              ## Go by row for the elmnt
              ret[[i]][[ii]] <- elmnt[[ii]][[i]]
      } else {
          "The number of provided confidence intervals",
          " functions, ", length(elmnt), ", ",
          " does not seem to match up with either",
          " number of rows, ", no_rows,
          " or number of cols, ", no_depth
  } else {
      "You have provided something else than",
      " a function, list or function name: ",


#' Plots the labels
#' This is a helper function to the \code{\link{forestplot}}
#' function.
#' @param labels A list to the labels
#' @param nc Number of columns
#' @param nr Number of rows
#' @inheritParams forestplot
#' @return \code{void}
#' @keywords internal
prFpPrintLabels <- function(labels, nc, nr, graph.pos) {
  # Output the labels
  # The column
  cols <- 1:(nc + 1)
  cols <- cols[cols != graph.pos]
  cols <- cols * 2 - 1

  for (label_col in 1:nc) {
    j <- cols[label_col]
    # The row
    for (i in 1:nr) {
      if (!is.null(labels[[label_col]][[i]])) {
        # The column position is 2 * j - 1 due to the column gap
        vp <- viewport(
          layout.pos.row = i,
          layout.pos.col = j,
          name = sprintf("Label_vp_%d_%d", i, j)

#' An alternative to rep()
#' The rep() doesn't work with length.out
#' when lists are supposed to be their own
#' elements
#' @param x The list to be repeated
#' @param length.out The length of the resulting list
#' @return \code{list}
#' @keywords internal
prListRep <- function(x, length.out) {
  lapply(0:(length.out - 1),
    function(x, g) {
      if (!is.list(g) ||
        !is.list(g[[1]])) {

      return(g[[(x %% length(g)) + 1]])
    g = x

#' Gets the x-axis range
#' If the borders are smaller than the upper/lower limits
#' then clip the graph. The line will have arrows indicating
#' that it continues beyond the graph The zero bar has to
#' be on the chart though!
#' @return \code{vector} Contains a min and max value
#' @inheritParams forestplot
#' @keywords internal
prFpXrange <- function(upper, lower, clip, zero, xticks, xlog) {
  top <- min(max(upper, na.rm = TRUE), clip[2])
  bottom <- max(min(lower, na.rm = TRUE), clip[1])

  # Although perhaps not entirely intuitive
  # I've decided that the function should
  # extend the range to include the clip
  # endpoints unless there are pre-specified
  # ticks indicating that the end-points aren't
  # included in the x-axis
  if (is.null(xticks)) {
    ret <- c(
        na.rm = TRUE
        na.rm = TRUE
  } else {
    ret <- c(
        c(zero, bottom, xticks),
        na.rm = TRUE
        c(zero, top, xticks),
        na.rm = TRUE


#' Get the label
#' A function used for fetching the text or
#' expression from the supplied labeltext.
#' @param label_type The type of label
#' @param i The row
#' @param j The column
#' @return An expression or a text
#' @inheritParams forestplot
#' @keywords internal
prFpFetchRowLabel <- function(label_type, labeltext, i, j) {
  if (label_type == "expression") {
    # Haven't figured out it this is possible with
    # a multilevel expression
    row_column_text <- labeltext[[i]]
  } else if (label_type == "list") {
    # I get annoying warnings with this
    # if (!is.expression(labeltext[[j]][[i]]) && is.na(labeltext[[j]][[i]]))
    #    return(FALSE)
    row_column_text <- labeltext[[j]][[i]]
  } else {
    if (is.na(labeltext[i, j])) {
    row_column_text <- labeltext[i, j]

  if (!is.expression(row_column_text) &&
      !is.call(row_column_text) &&
      is.na(row_column_text)) {


#' Get the main `forestplot`
#' The layout makes space for a legend if needed
#' @param labels The labels
#' @param legend_layout A legend layout object if applicable
#' @return \code{viewport} Returns the `viewport` needed
#' @inheritParams forestplot
#' @keywords internal
prFpGetLayoutVP <- function(lineheight, labels, legend_layout = NULL) {
  if (!is.unit(lineheight)) {
    if (lineheight == "auto") {
      lvp_height <- unit(1, "npc")
    } else if (lineheight == "lines") {
      lvp_height <- unit(attr(labels, "no_rows") * attr(labels, "cex") * 1.5, "lines")
    } else {
      stop("The lineheight option '", lineheight, "'is yet not implemented")
  } else {
    lvp_height <- (convertY(lineheight,
                            unitTo = "lines",
                            valueOnly = TRUE) * attr(labels, "no_rows")) |>

  # If there is a legend on top then the size should be adjusted
  if (!is.null(legend_layout) &&
    legend_layout$nrow == 3 &&
    convertY(lvp_height, "npc", valueOnly = TRUE) < 1) {
    lvp_height <- sum(lvp_height, legend_layout$heights[1:2])

  lvp <- viewport(
    height = lvp_height,
    layout = legend_layout,
    name = ifelse(is.null(legend_layout), "main", "main_and_legend")

#' Validate the forestplot label list
#' Checks that all list elements have equal
#' length, i.e. there is a m x n relation
#' @param labelList The list of labels
#' @return \code{boolean} TRUE or FALSE
#' @keywords internal
prFpValidateLabelList <- function(labelList) {
  l <- length(labelList[[1]])
  if (length(labelList) == 1) {

  for (i in 2:length(labelList)) {
    # All elements should have the same length
    if (l != length(labelList[[i]])) {


#' Finds the widest grob in the current list of grobs
#' @param grob.list A list of grobs
#' @param return_unit A valid \code{\link[grid]{unit}} specifier
#' @return \code{grid::unit} Returns the width \code{\link[grid]{unit}}
#'  for the widest grob
#' @keywords internal
prFpFindWidestGrob <- function(grob.list, return_unit = "mm") {
  len <- c()
  for (i in seq(along.with = grob.list)) {
    if (is.object(grob.list[[i]])) {
      # There is a tendency of underestemating grob size
      # when there are expressions
      grob_width <- convertWidth(grobWidth(grob.list[[i]]), return_unit, valueOnly = TRUE)
      len <- append(len, grob_width)
    } else {
      len <- append(len, 0)

  return(unit(max(len), return_unit))

#' Converts legend position to a standard position
#' Used for the forestplot legend box.
#' @return \code{list} Returns the \code{pos} list with
#'  the correct x/y/adjust values
#' @inheritParams fpLegend
#' @keywords internal
prFpGetLegendBoxPosition <- function(pos) {
  valid_txt_pos <- c("bottomright", "bottom", "bottomleft", "left", "topleft", "top", "topright", "right", "center")
  if (!all(c("x", "y") %in% names(pos)) &&
    !(("x" %in% pos &&
      any(pos[["x"]] == valid_txt_pos)) ||
      any(pos[[1]] == valid_txt_pos))) {
      "If you want to specify the legend position in a certain corner",
      " within the main plot then you need to have list names x and y specified,",
      " or you should have the first list element to be '", paste(valid_txt_pos, collapse = "'/'"), "',",
      " if you don't specify the first element then it can be the 'x' element"

  # Convert to the x & y format to make things easier
  if (!all(c("x", "y") %in% names(pos))) {
    if ("x" %in% names(pos)) {
      txt_pos <- pos[["x"]]
    } else {
      txt_pos <- pos[[1]]

    # The inset offsets the position
    if (!"inset" %in% names(pos)) {
      pos[["inset"]] <- unit(0, "npc")
    } else if (!is.unit(pos[["inset"]])) {
      if (pos[["inset"]] > 1 || pos[["inset"]] < 0) {
        stop("If you have not specified the unit of the pos inset then it should be between 0 and 1")
      pos[["inset"]] <- unit(pos[["inset"]], "npc")
    } else {
      if (convertUnit(pos[["inset"]], unitTo = "npc", valueOnly = TRUE) > 1) {
        stop("You have provided a value outside the possible range ('npc' bigger than 1)")

    if (txt_pos == "bottomright") {
      pos[["x"]] <- unit(1, "npc") - pos[["inset"]]
      pos[["y"]] <- unit(0, "npc") + pos[["inset"]]
      pos[["just"]] <- c("right", "bottom")
    } else if (txt_pos == "bottom") {
      pos[["x"]] <- unit(0.5, "npc")
      pos[["y"]] <- unit(0, "npc") + pos[["inset"]]
      pos[["just"]] <- c("center", "bottom")
    } else if (txt_pos == "bottomleft") {
      pos[["x"]] <- unit(0, "npc") + pos[["inset"]]
      pos[["y"]] <- unit(0, "npc") + pos[["inset"]]
      pos[["just"]] <- c("left", "bottom")
    } else if (txt_pos == "left") {
      pos[["x"]] <- unit(0, "npc") + pos[["inset"]]
      pos[["y"]] <- unit(.5, "npc")
      pos[["just"]] <- c("left", "center")
    } else if (txt_pos == "topleft") {
      pos[["x"]] <- unit(0, "npc") + pos[["inset"]]
      pos[["y"]] <- unit(1, "npc") - pos[["inset"]]
      pos[["just"]] <- c("left", "top")
    } else if (txt_pos == "top") {
      pos[["x"]] <- unit(0.5, "npc")
      pos[["y"]] <- unit(1, "npc") - pos[["inset"]]
      pos[["just"]] <- c("center", "top")
    } else if (txt_pos == "topright") {
      pos[["x"]] <- unit(1, "npc") - pos[["inset"]]
      pos[["y"]] <- unit(1, "npc") - pos[["inset"]]
      pos[["just"]] <- c("right", "top")
    } else if (txt_pos == "right") {
      pos[["x"]] <- unit(1, "npc") - pos[["inset"]]
      pos[["y"]] <- unit(.5, "npc")
      pos[["just"]] <- c("right", "center")
    } else if (txt_pos == "center" || txt_pos == "centre") {
      pos[["x"]] <- unit(.5, "npc")
      pos[["y"]] <- unit(.5, "npc")
      pos[["just"]] <- c("center", "center")
    } else {
      stop("Position '", pos[["x"]], "'not yet implemented")
  } else if (!"just" %in% names(pos)) {
    pos[["just"]] <- c("center", "center")

#' Prepares the legend marker function
#' @param fn.legend The unknown parameter
#' @param col_no The number of columns
#' @param row_no The number of rows
#' @param fn.ci_norm The original fn.ci_norm input
#' @return \code{list}
#' @keywords internal
prFpPrepareLegendMarker <- function(fn.legend, col_no, row_no, fn.ci_norm) {
  if (!is.null(fn.legend)) {
    if (is.function(fn.legend)) {
      return(lapply(1:col_no, function(x) fn.legend))
    if (is.character(fn.legend)) {
      if (length(fn.legend) == 1) {
        fn.legend <- rep(fn.legend, times = col_no)
      } else if (length(fn.legend) != col_no) {
          "The number of legend markers, ", length(fn.legend),
          ", should be the same as the number of columns for the mean, ", col_no

      tmp <- list()
      for (i in 1:length(fn.legend)) {
        tmp[[i]] <- get(fn.legend[i])


    if (is.list(fn.legend)) {
      if (length(fn.legend) != col_no) {
          "The number of legend markers, ", length(fn.legend), ",",
          " should be the same as the number of columns for the mean, ", col_no
      } else if (!all(sapply(fn.legend, function(x) is.function(x)))) {
        stop("If you provide a list for fn.legend then each element should be a function")


      "The legend marked function designated by the fn.legend",
      " is neither a character or a function"

  if (length(fn.ci_norm) == col_no) {
    return(prFpGetConfintFnList(fn = fn.ci_norm,
                                no_rows = row_no,
                                no_depth = col_no)[[1]])

  # Not sure what to do if the number don't match the number of legends
  # and it ain't 1 and it therefore defaults to the normal confidence
  # interval marker
  if (length(fn.ci_norm) != 1) {
    fn.ci_norm <- fpDrawNormalCI

  return(lapply(1:col_no, function(x) fn.ci_norm))

#' Converts a 2D or 3D array to mean, lower, upper
#' @param x The array to convert
#' @return \code{list(mean = mean, lower = lower, upper = upper)}
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @keywords internal
prFpConvertMultidimArray <- function(x) {
  cleanX <- na.omit(x)
    "2" = {
      # Loop through the different rows as a row with only a label may have NA in it
      lower_cnr <- NULL
      upper_cnr <- NULL
      for (d1 in dim(cleanX)[1]) {
        if (length(unique(cleanX[d1, ])) < 3) {

        lower_cnr <- which.min(cleanX[d1, ])
        upper_cnr <- which.max(cleanX[d1, ])
        if (length(lower_cnr) == 1 &&
          length(upper_cnr) == 1) {
      if (length(lower_cnr) != 1 ||
        length(upper_cnr) != 1) {
          "Sorry did not manage to automatically identify",
          " the upper/lower boundaries."

      lower <- x[, lower_cnr, drop = TRUE]
      upper <- x[, upper_cnr, drop = TRUE]
      mean <- x[, -c(upper_cnr, lower_cnr), drop = TRUE]
    "3" = {
      # Loop through the different rows as a row with only a label may have NA in it
      # this is a little complicated as we're doing a 3D loop and exiting
      # as soon as the vars have been identified
      lower_cnr <- NULL
      upper_cnr <- NULL
      for (d3 in 1:dim(cleanX)[3]) {
        for (d1 in 1:dim(cleanX)[1]) {
          if (length(unique(cleanX[d1, , d3])) < 3) {

          lower_cnr <- which.min(cleanX[d1, , d3])
          upper_cnr <- which.max(cleanX[d1, , d3])

          if (length(lower_cnr) == 1 &&
            length(upper_cnr) == 1) {
        if (length(lower_cnr) == 1 &&
          length(upper_cnr) == 1) {
      if (length(lower_cnr) != 1 ||
        length(upper_cnr) != 1) {
          "Sorry did not manage to automatically identify",
          " the upper/lower boundaries."
      lower <- x[, lower_cnr, , drop = TRUE]
      upper <- x[, upper_cnr, , drop = TRUE]
      mean <- x[, -c(upper_cnr, lower_cnr), , drop = TRUE]
        "Invalid number of dimensions of the mean argument,",
        " should be either 2 or 3 - you have '", length(dim(mean)), "'"

  if (!all(lower <= upper, na.rm = TRUE) ||
    !all(lower <= mean, na.rm = TRUE) ||
    !all(mean <= upper, na.rm = TRUE)) {
      "Sorry did not manage to correctly identify",
      " the upper/lower boundaries from the input matrix."

  return(list(mean = mean, lower = lower, upper = upper))

#' Pushes viewport with margins
#' A \code{\link[grid]{grid.layout}} object is used to
#' generate the margins. A second viewport selecting the
#' mid-row/col is used to create the effect of margins
#' @param bottom The margin object, either in npc or a \code{\link[grid]{unit}} object
#' @param left The margin object, either in npc or a \code{\link[grid]{unit}} object
#' @param top The margin object, either in npc or a \code{\link[grid]{unit}} object
#' @param right The margin object, either in npc or a \code{\link[grid]{unit}} object
#' @param name The name of the last viewport
#' @return \code{void}
#' @keywords internal
prPushMarginViewport <- function(bottom, left, top, right, name = NULL) {
  if (!is.unit(bottom)) {
    bottom <- unit(bottom, "npc")

  if (!is.unit(top)) {
    top <- unit(top, "npc")

  if (!is.unit(left)) {
    left <- unit(left, "npc")

  if (!is.unit(right)) {
    right <- unit(right, "npc")

  layout_name <- NULL
  if (!is.character(name)) {
    layout_name <- sprintf("margin_grid_%s", name)

  gl <- grid.layout(
    nrow = 3, ncol = 3,
    heights = unit.c(top, unit(1, "npc") - top - bottom, bottom),
    widths = unit.c(left, unit(1, "npc") - left - right, right)

  pushViewport(viewport(layout = gl, name = layout_name))
  pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.row = 2, layout.pos.col = 2, name = name))

#' Adds a title to the plot
#' Adds the title and generates a new
#' main viewport below the title
#' @param title The title as accepted by \code{\link[grid]{textGrob}}
#' @param space_below The space below, defaults to 1/5 of the title height
#' @return \code{NULL} The function does not return a value
#' @inheritParams forestplot
#' @keywords internal
prGridPlotTitle <- function(title,
                            space_below) {
  tg_list <- list(
    label = title,
    just = "center"
  if (!is.null(gp$just)) {
    tg_list$just <- gp$just
    gp$just <- NULL
  tg_list$gp <- do.call(gpar, gp)

  titleGrob <- do.call(

  # The y/g/j letters are not included in the height
  gh <- unit(convertUnit(grobHeight(titleGrob), "mm", valueOnly = TRUE) * 1.5, "mm")
  if (missing(space_below)) {
    space_below <- unit(convertUnit(gh, "mm", valueOnly = TRUE) / 2, "mm")
  } else if (!is.unit(space_below)) {
    space_below <- unit(space_below, "npc")

  gl <- grid.layout(
    nrow = 3, ncol = 1,
    heights = unit.c(gh, space_below, unit(1, "npc") - space_below - gh)

  pushViewport(viewport(layout = gl, name = "title_layout"))
  pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.row = 1, name = "title"))

  pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.row = 3, name = "main"))

#' Just a simple access to the gp$cex parameter
#' @param x The text-grob of interest
#' @return \code{numeric} The cex value, 1 if no cex was present
#' @keywords internal
prGetTextGrobCex <- function(x) {
  cex <- 1
  if (!is.null(x$gp$cex)) {
    cex <- x$gp$cex


#' Merges two \code{\link[grid]{gpar}} elements
#' The second elements overrides any conflicting elements within the first
#' @param l1 A \code{\link[grid]{gpar}} element
#' @param l2 A \code{\link[grid]{gpar}} element
#' @return Returns a \code{\link[grid]{gpar}} element
#' @keywords internal
prGparMerge <- function(l1, l2) {
  cleanFont4Fontface <- function(element) {
    if (is.null(element$font)) {

    if (is.null(element$fontface)) {
      element$fontface <- names(element$font)
    #  Delete font in favor of fontface
    element$font <- NULL

  l1 <- cleanFont4Fontface(l1)
  l2 <- cleanFont4Fontface(l2)
  out <- c(l1, l2)
  if (!any(duplicated(names(out)))) {

  dups <- unique(names(out)[duplicated(names(out))])
  for (n in dups) {
    wd <- which(names(out) == n)
    out <- out[-wd[1:(length(wd) - 1)]]
  class(out) <- unique(c(class(out), class(l1)))
gforge/forestplot documentation built on Aug. 30, 2023, 7:40 a.m.