
context("Ryacas symbol")


test_that("Basics", {
  x <- "x+x+x"
  xs <- ysym(x)
  expect_equal(as_r(xs), expression(3*x))
  expect_equal(as_y(xs), "3*x")


test_that("dim()/length()", {
  x <- ysym("x")
  expect_equal(length(x), 1L)
  for (nrow in 1:4) {
    info <- paste0("length = ", nrow)
    vec <- integer(nrow)
    expect_equal(length(vec), nrow, info = info)
    for (ncol in 1:4) {
      info <- paste0("nrow = ", nrow, "; ncol = ", ncol)
      mat <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow, ncol = ncol)
      expect_equal(dim(mat), c(nrow, ncol), info = info)
      B <- ysym(mat)
      expect_equal(dim(B), dim(mat), info = info)
      expect_equal(length(B), length(mat), info = info)

test_that("c()", {
  x <- ysym("x")
  y <- ysym("y")
  z <- c(x, y)
  expect_equal(length(z), length(x) + length(y))
  z <- c(2*x, -y)
  expect_equal(as.character(z), "{2*x,-y}")
  expect_equal(as_r(z), expression(c(2 * x, -y)))


A <- matrix(1:16, nrow = 4, ncol = 4)
a <- 1:4

test_that("ysym()", {
  B <- ysym(A)
  b <- ysym(a)
  expect_s3_class(B, "yac_symbol")
  expect_s3_class(b, "yac_symbol")
  expect_equal(A, as_r(B))
  x <- B %*% b
  expect_s3_class(x, "yac_symbol")
  expect_equal(x$yacas_cmd, "{90,100,110,120}")
  expect_equal(eval(yac_expr(x)), c(A %*% a))

B <- ysym(A)
b <- ysym(a)

test_that("yac_str()", {
  expect_equal(yac_str(B), gsub(" ", "", as_y(A), fixed = TRUE))

test_that("yac_expr()", {
  expect_equal(eval(yac_expr(B)), A)

test_that("yac_silent()", {
  x <- yac_silent(B) # yac_str()
  expect_equal(x, yac_str(B))

test_that("tex()", {
  trm <- function(x) {
    x <- gsub("^[ ]*", "", x)
    x <- gsub("[ ]*$", "", x)
  expect_equal(tex(B), trm(yac_str(y_fn(as_y(A), "TeXForm"))))
  expect_equal(tex(B), trm(yac_str(y_fn(as_y(A), "TeXForm"))))

test_that("y_fn", {
  expect_equal(t(A), as_r(y_fn(B, "Transpose")))
  expect_equal(sum(diag(A)), as_r(y_fn(B, "Trace")))
  expect_equal(y_fn(ysym(a), "TeXForm"), "\\left( 1, 2, 3, 4\\right) ")

test_that("as_r", {
  expect_equal(as_r(B), apply(as_r(B$yacas_cmd), 2, as.numeric))
  # A1 <- A
  # A1[2, 2] <- "x"
  # B1 <- ysym(A1)
  # expect_equal(as_r(B1), A1)
  A1 <- A
  A1[2, 2] <- "x"
  B1 <- ysym(A1)
  A2 <- A
  A2[2, 2] <- 999
  expect_equal(eval(yac_expr(B1), list(x = 999)), A2)

test_that("diag", {
  expect_equal(diag(A), as_r(diag(B)))
  A1 <- A
  B1 <- B
  diag(A1) <- 999
  diag(B1) <- 999
  expect_equal(A1, as_r(B1))
  A1 <- A
  B1 <- B
  diag(A1) <- 999
  diag(B1) <- "a"
  expect_equal(A1, eval(as_r(B1), list(a = 999)))
  A1 <- A
  B1 <- B
  x <- c("a", "b", "c", "d")
  diag(A1) <- 901:904
  diag(B1) <- x
  expect_equal(A1, eval(as_r(B1), list(a = 901, b = 902, c = 903, d = 904)))

test_that("lower.tri/upper.tri", {
  for (func in c(lower.tri, upper.tri)) {
    nm <- gsub('^.*\"(.*)\".*$', "\\1", as.character(body(func))[2])
    expect_equal(func(A), func(B), info = nm)
    expect_equal(A[func(A)], as_r(B[func(B)]))
    A1 <- A
    B1 <- B
    A1[func(A1)] <- 999
    B1[func(B1)] <- 999
    expect_equal(A1, as_r(B1))
    A1 <- A
    B1 <- B
    A1[func(A1)] <- 999
    B1[func(B1)] <- "a"
    expect_equal(A1,eval(as_r(B1), list(a = 999)))
    A1 <- A
    B1 <- B
    x <- c("a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f")
    A1[func(A1)] <- 901:906
    B1[func(B1)] <- x
    expect_equal(A1, eval(as_r(B1), 
                          list(a = 901, b = 902, c = 903, 
                               d = 904, e = 905, f = 906)))

test_that("solve()", {
  # Modified from solve()
  hilbert_r <- function(n) { i <- 1:n; 1 / outer(i - 1, i, "+") }
  hilbert_y <- function(n) { 
    mat <- matrix("", nrow = n, ncol = n)
    for (i in 1:n) {
      for (j in 1:n) {
        mat[i, j] <- paste0("1 / (", (i-1), " + ", j, ")")
  A1 <- hilbert_r(4)
  B1 <- ysym(as_y(hilbert_y(4)))
  expect_equal(A1, as_r(B1))
  expect_equal(solve(A1), as_r(solve(B1)))

test_that("solve() for systems", {
  # Rosenbrock
  fs <- ysym("(1 - x)^2 + 100*(y - x^2)^2")
  g <- deriv(fs, c("x", "y"))
  sol <- solve(g, c("x", "y"))
  sol_nn <- y_rmvars(sol)
  expect_equal(dim(sol_nn), c(1, 2))
  sol_nn_v <- sol_nn[1, ]
  expect_equal(as.character(sol_nn_v), "{1,1}")
  expect_equal(as_r(sol_nn_v), c(1, 1))

test_that("Getters for vectors", {
  expect_equal(ncol(a), nrow(a))
  expect_equal(ncol(b), nrow(b))
  expect_equal(dim(a), dim(b))
  expect_equal(length(a), length(b))
  src <- seq_len(length(a))
  # Subsets of size 1, 2, ..., nrow(A)
  for (indices_count in src) {
    idx <- combn(src, indices_count)
    for (i in 1L:ncol(idx)) {
      i_idx <- idx[, i]
      expect_equal(a[i_idx], as_r(B[i_idx]))

test_that("Getters for matrices", {
  expect_equal(ncol(A), nrow(A))
  expect_equal(ncol(B), nrow(B))
  expect_equal(dim(A), dim(B))
  expect_equal(length(A), length(B))
  # Only one subscript, no rows/cols
  for (i in seq_len(length(A))) {
    expect_equal(A[i], as_r(B[i]))
  src <- seq_len(nrow(A))
  # Subsets of size 1, 2, ..., nrow(A)
  for (indices_count in src) {
    idx <- combn(src, indices_count)
    # All rows
    for (i in 1L:ncol(idx)) {
      i_idx <- idx[, i]
      expect_equal(A[i_idx, ], as_r(B[i_idx, ]))
    # All columns
    for (i in 1L:ncol(idx)) {
      i_idx <- idx[, i]
      expect_equal(A[, i_idx], as_r(B[, i_idx]))
    if (ncol(idx) == 1L) {
    # All subsets
    for (i1 in 1L:(ncol(idx)-1L)) {
      i1_idx <- idx[, i1]
      for (i2 in (i1+1L):ncol(idx)) {
        i2_idx <- idx[, i2]
        expect_equal(gsub(" ", "", as_y(A[i1_idx, i2_idx]), fixed = TRUE),
                     gsub(" ", "", as_y(B[i1_idx, i2_idx]), fixed = TRUE), 
                     info = paste0("y: indices_count = ", indices_count, 
                                   ", i1 = ", i1, "; i2 = ", i2))
        expect_equal(ysym(as_y(A[i1_idx, i2_idx])),
                     B[i1_idx, i2_idx], 
                     info = paste0("chr: indices_count = ", indices_count, 
                                   ", i1 = ", i1, "; i2 = ", i2))
        expect_equal(A[i1_idx, i2_idx], as_r(B[i1_idx, i2_idx]), 
                     info = paste0("as_r: indices_count = ", indices_count, 
                                   ", i1 = ", i1, "; i2 = ", i2))

test_that("Setters for matrices", {
  expect_equal(ncol(A), nrow(A))
  expect_equal(ncol(B), nrow(B))
  expect_equal(dim(A), dim(B))
  expect_equal(length(A), length(B))
  # Only one subscript, no rows/cols
  for (i in seq_len(length(A))) {
    A1 <- A
    B1 <- B
    A1[i] <- 999
    B1[i] <- 999
    expect_equal(A1, as_r(B1))
  src <- seq_len(nrow(A))
  # Subsets of size 1, 2, ..., nrow(A)
  for (indices_count in src) {
    idx <- combn(src, indices_count)
    # All rows
    for (i in 1L:ncol(idx)) {
      i_idx <- idx[, i]
      A1 <- A
      B1 <- B
      A1[i_idx, ] <- 999
      B1[i_idx, ] <- 999
      expect_equal(A1, as_r(B1))
      A1 <- A
      B1 <- B
      A1[i_idx, ] <- 900 + seq_along(i_idx)
      B1[i_idx, ] <- 900 + seq_along(i_idx)
      expect_equal(A1, as_r(B1))
      A1 <- A
      B1 <- B
      A1[i_idx, ] <- 900 + seq_len(length(i_idx) * ncol(A))
      B1[i_idx, ] <- 900 + seq_len(length(i_idx) * ncol(A))
      expect_equal(A1, as_r(B1))
    # All columns
    for (i in 1L:ncol(idx)) {
      i_idx <- idx[, i]
      A1 <- A
      B1 <- B
      A1[, i_idx] <- 999
      B1[, i_idx] <- 999
      expect_equal(A1, as_r(B1))
      A1 <- A
      B1 <- B
      A1[, i_idx] <- 900 + seq_along(i_idx)
      B1[, i_idx] <- 900 + seq_along(i_idx)
      expect_equal(A1, as_r(B1))
      A1 <- A
      B1 <- B
      A1[, i_idx] <- 900 + seq_len(length(i_idx) * ncol(A))
      B1[, i_idx] <- 900 + seq_len(length(i_idx) * ncol(A))
      expect_equal(A1, as_r(B1))
    if (ncol(idx) == 1L) {
    # All subsets
    for (i1 in 1L:(ncol(idx)-1L)) {
      i1_idx <- idx[, i1]
      for (i2 in (i1+1L):ncol(idx)) {
        i2_idx <- idx[, i2]
        A1 <- A
        B1 <- B
        A1[i1_idx, i2_idx] <- 999
        B1[i1_idx, i2_idx] <- 999
        expect_equal(A1, as_r(B1), info = paste0("i1 = ", i1, "; i2 = ", i2))
        A1 <- A
        B1 <- B
        A1[i1_idx, i2_idx] <- 900 + seq_along(i_idx)
        B1[i1_idx, i2_idx] <- 900 + seq_along(i_idx)
        expect_equal(A1, as_r(B1), info = paste0("i1 = ", i1, "; i2 = ", i2))
        A1 <- A
        B1 <- B
        A1[i1_idx, i2_idx] <- 900 + seq_len(length(i1_idx) * length(i2_idx))
        B1[i1_idx, i2_idx] <- 900 + seq_len(length(i1_idx) * length(i2_idx))
        expect_equal(A1, as_r(B1), info = paste0("i1 = ", i1, "; i2 = ", i2))

test_that("Derivatives", {
  L <- ysym("x^2 * (y/4) - a*(3*x + 3*y/2 - 45)")
  # derivative
  expect_equal(as.character(as_r(deriv(L, "x"))), 
               "(x * y)/2 - 3 * a")
  expect_equal(as.character(as_r(deriv(L, c("x", "y", "a")))), 
               "c((x * y)/2 - 3 * a, x^2/4 - (3 * a)/2, 45 - (3 * x + (3 * y)/2))")
  # Hessian
  expect_equal(as.character(as_r(Hessian(L, "x"))), 
  expect_equal(as.character(as_r(Hessian(L, c("x", "y", "a")))), 
               "rbind(c(y/2, x/2, -3), c(x/2, 0, -3/2), c(-3, -3/2, 0))")
  # Jacobian
  L2 <- ysym(c("x^2 * (y/4) - a*(3*x + 3*y/2 - 45)", 
               "x^3 + 4*a^2")) # just some function
  expect_equal(as.character(as_r(Jacobian(L2, "x"))), 
               "rbind(c((x * y)/2 - 3 * a), c(3 * x^2))")
  expect_equal(as.character(as_r(Jacobian(L2, c("x", "y", "a")))), 
               paste0("rbind(c((x * y)/2 - 3 * a, x^2/4 - (3 * a)/2, ", 
                      "45 - (3 * x + (3 * y)/2)), c(3 * x^2, 0, 8 * a))"))

test_that("solve linear system", {
  # ------------------------------------
  # Input validation
  # ------------------------------------
  poly <- ysym("x^2 - x - 6")
  # ------------------------------------
  # Matrix inverse
  # ------------------------------------
  A <- outer(0:3, 1:4, "-") + diag(2:5)
  a <- 1:4
  B <- ysym(A)
  b <- ysym(a)
  expect_equal(solve(A), as_r(solve(B)))
  # ------------------------------------
  # Linear system of equations
  # ------------------------------------
  # Input validation
  expect_error(solve(B, poly))
  # Functionality
  expect_equal(solve(A, a), as_r(solve(B, b)))

test_that("solve (roots/others)", {
  A <- outer(0:3, 1:4, "-") + diag(2:5)
  a <- 1:4
  B <- ysym(A)
  b <- ysym(a)
  poly <- ysym("x^2 - x - 6")
  expect_error(solve(B, poly))
  expect_error(solve(poly, B))
  expect_error(solve(poly, b))
  # Roots
  expect_equal(as.character(solve(poly, "x")), "{x==(-2),x==3}")
  expect_equal(as_r(y_rmvars(solve(poly, "x"))), c(-2, 3))
  # Equation
  expect_equal(as.character(solve(poly, 3, "x")), "{x==(Sqrt(37)+1)/2,x==(1-Sqrt(37))/2}")
  expect_equal(as.character(solve(poly, 3, "x")), as.character(solve(poly, "3", "x")))
  expect_equal(as_r(y_rmvars(solve(poly, 3, "x"))), c(3.54138126514911, -2.54138126514911))

test_that("integrate", {
  res <- integrate(function(x) x^2, 0, 1)
  expect_equal(res$value, 1/3)
  xs <- ysym("x")
  f <- xs*log(xs)
  res <- integrate(f, "x")
  expect_equal(as.character(res), "(Ln(x)*x^2)/2-x^2/4")
  expect_equal(eval(as_r(res), list(x = 1)), -0.25)

test_that("sum(x, var, lwr, upr)", {
  res <- sum(1:10)
  expect_equal(res, 55)
  xs <- ysym("x")
  ks <- ysym("k")
  res <- sum(xs^ks, "k", 0, "n")
  expect_equal(as.character(res), "(1-x^(n+1))/(1-x)")
  res <- sum(1/ks^2, "k", 1, Inf)
  expect_equal(as.character(res), "Pi^2/6")
  expect_equal(as_r(res), pi^2/6)

test_that("c()", {
  x <- ysym("x")
  vec <- c(2*x^2, x+2, 4-x/2)
  expect_equal(as.character(vec), "{2*x^2,x+2,4-x/2}")
  expect_equal(as_y(vec), "{2*x^2,x+2,4-x/2}")
  vec2 <- c(vec, vec)
  expect_equal(as.character(vec2), "{2*x^2,x+2,4-x/2,2*x^2,x+2,4-x/2}")
  expect_equal(as_y(vec2), "{2*x^2,x+2,4-x/2,2*x^2,x+2,4-x/2}")
  man_x <- ysym("{x, 2}")
  vec3 <- c(man_x, man_x)
  expect_equal(as.character(vec3), "{x,2,x,2}")
  expect_equal(as_y(vec3), "{x,2,x,2}")

test_that("c()", {
  x <- ysym("x")
  vec <- c(2*x^2, x+2, 4-x/2)
  expect_equal(as.character(vec), "{2*x^2,x+2,4-x/2}")
  expect_equal(as_y(vec), "{2*x^2,x+2,4-x/2}")
  vec2 <- c(vec, vec)
  expect_equal(as.character(vec2), "{2*x^2,x+2,4-x/2,2*x^2,x+2,4-x/2}")
  expect_equal(as_y(vec2), "{2*x^2,x+2,4-x/2,2*x^2,x+2,4-x/2}")
  man_x <- ysym("{x, 2}")
  vec3 <- c(man_x, man_x)
  expect_equal(as.character(vec3), "{x,2,x,2}")
  expect_equal(as_y(vec3), "{x,2,x,2}")

test_that("rbind()", {
  x <- ysym("x")
  m <- rbind(x, x)
  expect_equal(dim(m), c(2, 1))
  expect_equal(as_y(m), "{{x},{x}}")
  vec <- c(2*x^2, x+2, 4-x/2)
  expect_error(rbind(vec, x))
  m2 <- rbind(vec, vec)
  expect_equal(dim(m2), c(2, length(vec)))
  expect_equal(as_y(m2), "{{2*x^2,x+2,4-x/2},{2*x^2,x+2,4-x/2}}")

test_that("cbind()", {
  x <- ysym("x")
  m <- cbind(x, x)
  expect_equal(dim(m), c(1, 2))
  expect_equal(as_y(m), "{{x,x}}")
  vec <- c(2*x^2, x+2, 4-x/2)
  expect_error(cbind(vec, x))
  m2 <- cbind(vec, vec)
  expect_equal(dim(m2), c(length(vec), 2))
  expect_equal(as_y(m2), "{{2*x^2,2*x^2},{x+2,x+2},{4-x/2,4-x/2}}")

test_that("sum(x)/prod(x)", {
  x <- ysym("x")
  res <- sum(c(4*x, 3))
  expect_equal(as.character(res), "4*x+3")
  res <- prod(c(4*x, 3))
  expect_equal(as.character(res), "12*x")
  vec <- c(2*x^2, x+2, 4-x/2)
  res <- sum(vec)
  expect_equal(as.character(res), "2*x^2+x-x/2+6")
  res <- prod(vec)
  expect_equal(as.character(res), "2*x^2*(x+2)*(4-x/2)")

test_that("lim", {
  xs <- ysym("x")
  res <- lim(sin(xs)/xs, "x", 0)
  expect_equal(as.character(res), "1")
  res <- lim((sin(xs)-tan(xs))/xs^3, "x", 0)
  expect_equal(as.character(res), "(-1)/2")
  res <- lim(1/xs, "x", 0)
  expect_equal(as.character(res), "Undefined")
  expect_equal(as_r(res), NaN)
  res <- lim(1/xs, "x", 0, from_left = TRUE)
  expect_equal(as.character(res), "-Infinity")
  expect_equal(as_r(res), -Inf)
  res <- lim(1/xs, "x", 0, from_right = TRUE)
  expect_equal(as.character(res), "Infinity")
  expect_equal(as_r(res), Inf)

test_that("with_value", {
  xs <- ysym("x")
  ys <- ysym("y")
  expr1 <- 2*xs + 4*ys
  expect_equal(as.character(with_value(expr1, xs, 2)), "4*y+4")
  expect_equal(as.character(with_value(expr1, "x", 2)), "4*y+4")
  expect_equal(as.character(with_value(expr1, xs, 0)), "4*y")
  expect_equal(as.character(with_value(expr1, "x", 0)), "4*y")
  expr2 <- c(expr1, 2*expr1)
  expect_equal(as.character(with_value(expr2, xs, 2)), "{4*y+4,2*(4*y+4)}")
  expect_equal(as.character(with_value(expr2, "x", 2)), "{4*y+4,2*(4*y+4)}")
  expect_equal(as.character(with_value(with_value(expr2, xs, 2), ys, 4)), "{20,40}")
  expect_equal(as.character(with_value(with_value(expr2, xs, 0), ys, 0)), "{0,0}")
ggrothendieck/ryacas documentation built on July 5, 2023, 10:07 p.m.