
Defines functions getrowGDALVer findGDAL searchGDALX searchGDALW setenvGDAL

Documented in findGDAL searchGDALW searchGDALX setenvGDAL

#'@title  Usually for internally usage, initializes and set up  access to the 'GDAL' command line interface
#'@name setenvGDAL
#'@description  Initializes and set up  access to the 'GDAL' command line interface
#'@param bin_GDAL  string contains the path to the 'GDAL' binaries
#'@return Adds 'GDAL' paths to the environment and creates the variable global string variable \code{gdalCmd}, that contains the path to the 'GDAL' binaries.
#'@keywords internal
#' run = FALSE
#' if (run) {
#'## example for the most common default OSGeo4W64 installation of GDAL
#'setenvGDAL(bin_GDAL = 'C:/OSGeo4W64/bin/',
#'           root_GDAL = 'C:/OSGeo4W64')
setenvGDAL <- function(bin_GDAL = NULL) {
  # (R) set paths of gdal modules and binaries depending on OS
  if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows") {
    if (!exists("GiEnv"))
      GiEnv <- new.env(parent = globalenv())
    # makGlobalVar('gdalPath', bin_GDAL)
    Sys.setenv(GDAL_DATA = bin_GDAL)
  } else {
    if (!exists("GiEnv"))
      GiEnv <- new.env(parent = globalenv())
    # makGlobalVar('gdalPath', bin_GDAL)
    p <- system(paste0((bin_GDAL), "gdal-config --datadir"), intern = TRUE, ignore.stdout = FALSE, ignore.stderr = FALSE)
    # Sys.setenv(GDAL_DRIVER_PATH = root_GDAL)
    Sys.setenv(GDAL_DATA = p)
#'@title Search recursively for valid 'GDAL' installation(s) on a 'Windows' OS
#'@name searchGDALW
#'@description  Search for valid 'GDAL' installations on a 'Windows' OS
#'@param DL drive letter default is 'C:/'
#'@param quiet boolean  switch for supressing console messages default is TRUE
#'@return A dataframe with the 'GDAL' root folder(s) the version name(s) and the installation type(s).
#'@author Chris Reudenbach
#'@export searchGDALW
#'@keywords internal
#' run = FALSE
#' if (run) {
#' # get all valid GDAL installation folders and params
#' searchGDALW()
#' }
searchGDALW <- function(DL = "C:/", quiet = TRUE) {
  DL <- bf_wpath(DL)
  if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows") {
    if (!exists("GiEnv"))
      GiEnv <- new.env(parent = globalenv())
    # trys to find a osgeo4w installation on the whole C: disk returns root directory and version name recursive
    # dir for gdal*.bat returns all version of gdal bat files
    if (!quiet)
      cat("\nsearching for GDAL installations - this may take a while\n")
    if (!quiet)
      cat("For providing the path manually see ?searchGDALW \n")
    options(show.error.messages = FALSE)
    options(warn = -1)
    raw_GDAL <- try(system(paste0("cmd.exe /c WHERE /R ", DL, " ", "gdalinfo.exe"), intern = TRUE))
    if (identical(raw_GDAL, character(0)))
      raw_GDAL <- "File not found"
    if (any(grepl(raw_GDAL, pattern = "File not found")) | any(grepl(raw_GDAL, pattern = "Datei nicht gefunden"))) {
      class(raw_GDAL) <- c("try-error", class(raw_GDAL))
    options(show.error.messages = TRUE)
    options(warn = 0)
    gdal1 <- gdal_py <- gdal_bin <- list()
    if (class(raw_GDAL)[1] != "try-error") {
      # if (!grepl(DL,raw_GDAL)) stop('\n At ',DL,' no GDAL installation found')
      # trys to identify valid gdal installations and their version numbers
      gdalInstallations <- lapply(seq(length(raw_GDAL)), function(i) {
        # convert codetable according to cmd.exe using type
        batchfile_lines <- raw_GDAL[i]
        installerType <- ""
        installDir <- ""
        root_dir <- ""
        # if the the tag 'OSGEO4W64' exists set installation_type
        if (length(unique(grep(paste("OSGeo4W64", collapse = "|"), raw_GDAL[i], value = TRUE))) > 0) {
          root_dir <- unique(grep(paste("OSGeo4W64", collapse = "|"), raw_GDAL[i], value = TRUE))
          root_dir <- substr(root_dir, 1, gregexpr(pattern = "gdalinfo.exe", root_dir)[[1]][1] - 1)
          if (file.exists(file.path(root_dir, "gdalinfo.exe"))) {
            installerType <- "osgeo4w64"
          } else {
            installerType <- "unknown"
          installDir <- substr(root_dir, 1, gregexpr(pattern = "bin", root_dir)[[1]][1] - 2)
        } else if (length(unique(grep(paste("OSGeo4W", collapse = "|"), raw_GDAL[i], value = TRUE))) > 0) {
          # if the the tag 'OSGEO4W' exists set installation_type
          root_dir <- unique(grep(paste("OSGeo4W", collapse = "|"), raw_GDAL[i], value = TRUE))
          root_dir <- substr(root_dir, 1, gregexpr(pattern = "gdalinfo.exe", root_dir)[[1]][1] - 1)
          if (file.exists(file.path(root_dir, "gdalinfo.exe"))) {
            installerType <- "osgeo4w"
          } else {
            installerType <- "unknown"
          installDir <- substr(root_dir, 1, gregexpr(pattern = "bin", root_dir)[[1]][1] - 2)
        } else if (length(unique(grep(paste("QGIS", collapse = "|"), batchfile_lines, value = TRUE))) > 0) {
          # if the the tag 'QGIS' exists set installation_type
          root_dir <- unique(grep(paste("QGIS", collapse = "|"), raw_GDAL[i], value = TRUE))
          root_dir <- substr(root_dir, 1, gregexpr(pattern = "gdalinfo.exe", root_dir)[[1]][1] - 1)
          if (file.exists(file.path(root_dir, "gdalinfo.exe"))) {
            installerType <- "qgis"
          } else {
            installerType <- "unknown"
          installDir <- substr(root_dir, 1, gregexpr(pattern = "bin", root_dir)[[1]][1] - 2)
        } else if (length(unique(grep(paste("GDAL", collapse = "|"), batchfile_lines, value = TRUE))) > 0) {
          # if the the tag 'GDAL-' exists set installation_type
          root_dir <- unique(grep(paste("GDAL", collapse = "|"), raw_GDAL[i], value = TRUE))
          root_dir <- substr(root_dir, 1, gregexpr(pattern = "gdalinfo.exe", root_dir)[[1]][1] - 1)
          if (file.exists(file.path(root_dir, "gdalinfo.exe"))) {
            installerType <- "GDAL"
          } else {
            installerType <- "unknown"
          installDir <- substr(root_dir, 1, gregexpr(pattern = "bin", root_dir)[[1]][1] - 2)
        } else if (length(unique(grep(paste("GRASS", collapse = "|"), batchfile_lines, value = TRUE))) > 0) {
          # if the the tag 'GRASS-' exists set installation_type
          root_dir <- unique(grep(paste("GRASS", collapse = "|"), raw_GDAL[i], value = TRUE))
          root_dir <- substr(root_dir, 1, gregexpr(pattern = "gdalinfo.exe", root_dir)[[1]][1] - 1)
          installDir <- substr(root_dir, 1, gregexpr(pattern = "bin", root_dir)[[1]][1] - 2)
          bundle <- substr(root_dir, gregexpr(pattern = "GRASS", root_dir)[[1]][1], gregexpr(pattern = "bin", root_dir)[[1]][1] -
          if (file.exists(file.path(root_dir, "gdalinfo.exe"))) {
            installerType <- bundle
          } else {
            installerType <- "unknown"
        } else if (length(unique(grep(paste("OTB", collapse = "|"), batchfile_lines, value = TRUE))) > 0) {
          # if the the tag 'OTB-' exists set installation_type
          root_dir <- unique(grep(paste("OTB", collapse = "|"), raw_GDAL[i], value = TRUE))
          root_dir <- substr(root_dir, 1, gregexpr(pattern = "gdalinfo.exe", root_dir)[[1]][1] - 1)
          installDir <- substr(root_dir, 1, gregexpr(pattern = "bin", root_dir)[[1]][1] - 2)
          if (file.exists(file.path(root_dir, "gdalinfo.exe"))) {
            installerType <- "OTB"
          } else {
            installerType <- "unknown"
        } else if (length(unique(grep(paste("conda", collapse = "|"), batchfile_lines, value = TRUE))) > 0) {
          root_dir <- unique(grep(paste("conda", collapse = "|"), raw_GDAL[i], value = TRUE))
          root_dir <- substr(root_dir, 1, gregexpr(pattern = "gdalinfo.exe", root_dir)[[1]][1] - 1)
          installDir <- substr(root_dir, 1, gregexpr(pattern = "bin", root_dir)[[1]][1] - 2)
          if (file.exists(file.path(root_dir, "gdalinfo.exe"))) {
            installerType <- "Conda_Miniconda"
          } else {
            installerType <- "unknown"
        } else if (length(unique(grep(paste("Progra~1", collapse = "|"), batchfile_lines, value = TRUE))) > 0) {
          root_dir <- unique(grep(paste("GRASS", collapse = "|"), raw_GDAL[i], value = TRUE))
          root_dir <- substr(root_dir, 1, gregexpr(pattern = "gdalinfo.exe", root_dir)[[1]][1] - 1)
          installDir <- substr(root_dir, 1, gregexpr(pattern = "bin", root_dir)[[1]][1] - 2)
          if (file.exists(file.path(root_dir, "gdalinfo.exe"))) {
            installerType <- "GRASS_standalone"
          } else {
            installerType <- "unknown"
        } else {
          root_dir <- raw_GDAL[i]
          root_dir <- substr(root_dir, 1, gregexpr(pattern = "gdalinfo.exe", root_dir)[[1]][1] - 1)
          installDir <- substr(root_dir, 1, gregexpr(pattern = "bin", root_dir)[[1]][1] - 2)
          if (file.exists(file.path(root_dir, "gdalinfo.exe"))) {
            installerType <- "Miniconda"
          } else {
            installerType <- "unknown"
        # put the existing binary directory, version number and installation type in a data frame
        data.frame(binDir = root_dir, baseDir = installDir, installation_type = installerType, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
      })  # end lapply
      # bind the df lines
      gdalInstallations <- do.call("rbind", gdalInstallations)
      for (i in 1:nrow(gdalInstallations)) {
        gdal_bin[[i]] <- as.data.frame(grep(Sys.glob(file.path(R.utils::getAbsolutePath(gdalInstallations[[1]][i]),
                                                               "gdal*")), pattern = "\\.(py)$", value = TRUE, invert = TRUE))
        names(gdal_bin[[i]]) <- "gdal_bin"
        gdal_py[[i]] <- as.data.frame(grep(Sys.glob(file.path(R.utils::getAbsolutePath(gdalInstallations[[1]][i]),
                                                              "gdal*")), pattern = "\\.(py)$", value = TRUE))
        names(gdal_py[[i]]) <- "gdal_py"
    } else {
      if (!quiet)
        cat("Did not find any valid GDAL installation at mount point", DL)
      return(gdalInstallations <- FALSE)
  } else {
    gdalInstallations <- NULL
    cat("Sorry no Windows system...")
  gdalInstallations$binDir <- utils::shortPathName(gdalInstallations$binDir)
  gdalInstallations$baseDir <- utils::shortPathName(gdalInstallations$baseDir)
  df <- gdalInstallations[gdalInstallations$installation_type != "unknown", ]
  rownames(df) <- 1:nrow(df)
  gdal1$gdalInstallations <- df
  gdal1$bin <- gdal_bin[gdalInstallations$installation_type != "unknown"]
  gdal1$py <- gdal_py[gdalInstallations$installation_type != "unknown"]
#'@title Search recursively for valid 'GDAL' installation(s) on a 'X-based' OS
#'@name searchGDALX
#'@description  Search for valid 'GDAL' installations on a 'X-based' OS
#'@param MP drive letter default is '/usr/bin'
#'@param quiet boolean  switch for supressing messages default is TRUE
#'@return A dataframe with the 'GDAL' root folder(s) the version name(s) and the installation type(s).
#'@author Chris Reudenbach
#'@export searchGDALX
#'@keywords internal
#' run = FALSE
#' if (run) {
#' # get all valid GDAL installation folders and params
#' searchGDALX()
#' }
searchGDALX <- function(MP = "/usr/bin", quiet = TRUE) {
  if (MP == "default")
    MP <- "/usr/bin"
  if (!exists("GiEnv"))
    GiEnv <- new.env(parent = globalenv())
  # trys to find a osgeo4w installation at the mounting point disk returns root directory and version name recursive
  # dir for gdal*.bat returns all version of gdal bat files
  if (!quiet)
    cat("\nsearching for GDAL Toolbox installations - this may take a while\n")
  if (!quiet)
    cat("For providing the path manually see ?searchGDALX \n")
  raw_GDAL <- options(show.error.messages = FALSE)
  options(warn = -1)
  raw_GDAL <- try(system2("find", paste(MP, " ! -readable -prune -o -type f -executable -iname 'gdalinfo' -print"), stdout = TRUE))
  if (identical(raw_GDAL, character(0)))
    raw_GDAL <- "File not found"
  if (grepl(raw_GDAL, pattern = "File not found") | grepl(raw_GDAL, pattern = "Datei nicht gefunden")) {
    class(raw_GDAL) <- c("try-error", class(raw_GDAL))
  options(show.error.messages = TRUE)
  options(warn = 0)
  gdal1 <- gdal_py <- gdal_bin <- list()
  if (class(raw_GDAL)[1] != "try-error") {
    # if (!grepl(MP,raw_GDAL)) stop('\n At ',MP,' no GDAL installation found') trys to identify valid gdal
    # installations and their version numbers
    gdalInstallations <- lapply(seq(length(raw_GDAL)), function(i) {
      # TODO strip version from GDAL /usr/bin/gdalcli_BandMath -version 'This is the BandMath application,
      # version 6.0.0'
      # if the the tag 'OSGEO4W64' exists set installation_type
      root_dir <- substr(raw_GDAL[i], 1, gregexpr(pattern = "gdalinfo", raw_GDAL[i])[[1]][1] - 1)
      # put the existing GISBASE directory, version number and installation type in a data frame
      data.frame(binDir = root_dir, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    })  # end lapply
    # bind the df lines
    gdalInstallations <- do.call("rbind", gdalInstallations)
    for (i in 1:nrow(gdalInstallations)) {
      gdal_bin[[i]] <- as.data.frame(grep(Sys.glob(file.path(R.utils::getAbsolutePath(gdalInstallations[[1]][i]), "gdal*")),
                                          pattern = "\\.(py)$", value = TRUE, invert = TRUE))
      names(gdal_bin[[i]]) <- "gdal_bin"
      gdal_py[[i]] <- as.data.frame(grep(Sys.glob(file.path(R.utils::getAbsolutePath(gdalInstallations[[1]][i]), "gdal*")),
                                         pattern = "\\.(py)$", value = TRUE))
      names(gdal_py[[i]]) <- "gdal_py"
  } else {
    if (!quiet)
      cat("Did not find any valid GDAL installation at mount point", MP)
    return(gdalInstallations <- FALSE)
  gdal1$gdalInstallations <- gdalInstallations
  gdal1$bin <- gdal_bin
  gdal1$py <- gdal_py
#'@title Search recursivly existing 'GDAL binaries' installation(s) at a given drive/mountpoint 
#'@name findGDAL
#'@description  Provides an  list of valid 'GDAL' installation(s) 
#'on your 'Windows' system. There is a major difference between osgeo4W and 
#'stand_alone installations. The functions trys to find all valid 
#'installations by analysing the calling batch scripts.
#'@param searchLocation drive letter to be searched, for Windows systems default
#' is \code{C:/}, for Linux systems default is \code{/usr/bin}.
#'@param quiet boolean  switch for supressing console messages default is TRUE
#'@return A dataframe with the 'GDAL' root folder(s),  and command line executable(s)
#'@author Chris Reudenbach
#'@export findGDAL
#' run = FALSE
#' if (run) {
#' # find recursively all existing 'GDAL' installations folders starting 
#' # at the default search location
#' findGDAL()
#' }
findGDAL <- function(searchLocation = "default", quiet = TRUE) {
  if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows") {
    if (searchLocation == "default") {
      searchLocation <- "C:/"
    } else {
      searchLocation <- normalizePath(searchLocation)
    if (grepl(paste0(LETTERS, ":", collapse = "|"), substr(toupper(searchLocation), start = 1, stop = 2))) {
      link <- link2GI::searchGDALW(DL = searchLocation, quiet = TRUE)
    } else {
      stop("You are running Windows - Please choose a suitable searchLocation argument that MUST include a Windows drive letter and colon")
  } else {
    if (searchLocation == "default")
      searchLocation <- "/usr/bin"
    if (grepl(searchLocation, pattern = ":")) {
      stop("You are running Linux - please choose a suitable searchLocation argument")
    } else {
      link <- link2GI::searchGDALX(MP = searchLocation, quiet = TRUE)
getrowGDALVer <- function(paths) {
  # tmp<-c()
  scmd <- ifelse(Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows", "gdalinfo.exe", "gdalinfo")
  sep <- ifelse(Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows", "\\", "/")
  highestVer <- "1.2.0"
  options(show.error.messages = FALSE)
  options(warn = -1)
  for (i in 1:nrow(paths)) {
    ret <- try(system(paste0(paste0(shQuote(paths$binDir[i]), sep, scmd), " --version"), intern = TRUE))
    if (substr(ret, 1, 4) == "GDAL" && length(ret) > 0) {
      tmp <- strsplit(x = ret, split = "GDAL ")[[1]][2]
      tmp2 <- strsplit(x = tmp, split = ", released ")[[1]][1]
      highestVer <- max(tmp2, highestVer)
    pathI <- i
  options(show.error.messages = TRUE)
  options(warn = 0)
# getGDALVer<- function (paths){ sep = ifelse(Sys.info()['sysname']=='Windows', '\\', '/') scmd =
# ifelse(Sys.info()['sysname']=='Windows', 'gdalinfo.exe', 'gdalinfo') tmp<- strsplit(x =
# system(paste0(paste0(shQuote(paths$binDir[i]),sep,scmd),' --version'),intern = TRUE),split = 'GDAL ')[[1]][2]
# gdalVersion<- strsplit(x = tmp,split = ', released ')[[1]][1] return (gdalVersion) }
gisma/link2GI documentation built on June 17, 2024, 7:54 p.m.