#### Written by Will Valdar - from bagpipe.backend package
caught.error <- function(x)
# simple catch for try()
inherits(x, "try-error")
dfapply <- function(data, INDICES, FUN, results=list(), results.add.FUN=c, matched.vector=FALSE, pass.key=is.list(INDICES), ...)
# Function for processing each cell of a ragged array when the array is a data frame. An alternative to by()
idata <- as.data.frame(INDICES)
udata <- unique(idata)
if (matched.vector)
results <- rep(NA, nrow(data))
for (ui in 1:nrow(udata))
di <- rep(TRUE, nrow(data))
for (cn in colnames(udata))
di <- di & as.character(udata[ui,cn])==as.character(idata[,cn])
u <- udata[ui,]
if (!is.data.frame(u)) {
u <- data.frame(u)
colnames(u) = colnames(udata)
if (pass.key) {
result <- FUN(data[di,], u, ...)
} else { # allow for really simple operations
result <- FUN(data[di,], ...)
if (matched.vector){
results[which(di)] <- result
} else {
results <- results.add.FUN(results, result)
elem <- function(x, start=1, end=length(x))
ifow(0==length(x), integer(0), start:end)
force.logical <- function(x, null=FALSE, na=FALSE, empty=FALSE, blank=FALSE)
# Problem definition: Rs "if" statements evaluate all conditions whether
# or not it is necessary to do so. Eg,
# x <- NA
# ...
# if (!is.na(x) & x > 0)
# The above condition will evaluate as (FALSE & NA) -> (NA) -> throw error,
# whereas in other languages the second component is not evaluated if the
# first is FALSE and no error would be thrown. The default solution to this
# is to use multiple nested if statments like
# if (!is.na(x)) { if (x>0) {
# However, that is expensive on nesting and brackets.
# A better alternative:
# if (!is.na(x) & force.logical(x>0))
# or more explicitly
# if (!is.na(x) & force.logical(x>0, na=FALSE))
# or, for this example, most concisely
# if (force.logical(x>0))
# Whichever, this means the condition requires only one if statement.
if (is.null(x))
return (null)
if (0==length(x))
return (empty)
if (any(is.na(x)))
x[is.na(x)] <- na
if (is.character(x))
i <- nchar(x)==0
x[i] <- FALSE
x[!i] <- TRUE
formula.as.string <- function(x)
# Converts a formula object into a character string
# If x is a list of formula objects, a character vector of the same
# length is returned. If x is a string or vector of strings, then x is
# returned unchanged.
if (is.character(x))
return (x)
if (is.formula(x))
return (paste(deparse(x), collapse=""))
if (is.list(x))
strings <- NULL
for (i in 1:length(x))
strings <- c(strings, formula.as.string(x[[i]]))
return (strings)
stop("Cannot convert object of class ", class(x), " to string\n")
incidence.matrix <- function(fact)
igrep <- function(pattern, x, ..., value=FALSE, logical=TRUE)
# pass through method for grep that can return match as an indicator
# vector
if (!value & logical)
indices <- grep(pattern, x, value=value, ...)
return (1:length(x) %in% indices)
grep(pattern, x, value=value, ...)
interpolate <- function(x, y, xout, project=1, ...)
# wrapper for approx() that linearly projects missing data
# at the front and back. $project determines how many
# terminal non-missing points are used to calculate a
# a projection slope.
yout <- approx(x, y, xout=xout, ...)$y
na <- is.na(yout)
if (0<project & any(na))
known <- which(!na)
if (na[1])
k <- known[1]
front <- 1:(k-1)
loc <- yout[k]
slope <- (yout[k+project]-loc)/project
yout[front] <- loc + (front - k)*slope
if (tail(na,1))
k <- tail(known,1)
back <- length(yout):k
loc <- yout[k]
slope <- (loc - yout[k-project])/project
yout[back] <- loc + (back - k)*slope
list(x=xout, y=yout)
interpolate.Sys.env <- function(x, stop.on.fail=FALSE)
# interpolates environmental shell variables
# ie, finds each substring x that start with "$" and ends before a "/" or whitespace,
# and substitutes it with Sys.getenv(x). If Sys.getenv(x) returns an empty string
# such that there is no environmental variable with that name, then if stop.on.fail
# is TRUE the function throws an error. Otherwise, the substring is left unsubstituted
if (!is.character(x))
stop("Argument to interpolate.Sys.env currently handles only character vectors\n")
if (1!=length(x))
return ( as.character(sapply(x, interpolate.Sys.env, stop.on.fail=stop.on.fail)) )
regmatch <- gregexpr("\\$[^\\/]+", x, perl=TRUE)[[1]]
starts <- as.integer(regmatch)
lens <- attr(regmatch, "match.length")
if (-1==starts[1]) return (x)
parts <- NULL
next.pos <- NULL
for (i in 1:length(starts))
if (!is.null(next.pos))
parts <- c(parts, substr(x, next.pos, starts[i]-1) )
shellvar <- substr(x, starts[i]+1, lens[i] + starts[i] - 1)
value <- Sys.getenv(shellvar)
if (""==value)
if (stop.on.fail) stop("Could not get shell environment variable \"$", shellvar, "\"\n")
value <- paste("$", sep="", shellvar)
parts <- c(parts, value)
next.pos <- starts[i] + lens[i]
parts <- c(parts, substr(x, next.pos, nchar(x)))
paste(parts, collapse="")
ENV <- function(...) { interpolate.Sys.env(...) }
ifow=function(test, yes, no)
if (test)
return (yes)
invlogit <- function(x)
is.formula <- function(x)
# for some reason absent in R base
inherits(x, "formula")
is.wholenumber <- function(x, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5)
abs(x - round(x)) < tol
list.subdirs <- function(path=".", ..., full.names=FALSE)
path.names <- list.files(path, ..., full.names=TRUE)
files <- list.files(path, ..., full.names=full.names)
files[ file.info(path.names)$isdir ]
logit <- function(p)
map.eq <- function(x, lookup=NULL, from=NULL, to=NULL)
# maps values in vector from $from to $to using == to test equality
y <- x
if (!is.null(from) & !is.null(to))
if (length(from)!=length(to))
stop("Arguments $from and $to must be the same length\n")
for (k in 1:length(from))
i <- x==from[k]
y[i] <- to[k]
if (!is.null(lookup))
y <- map.eq(y, from=names(lookup), to=unlist(lookup))
return (y)
object.sizes <- function(env=parent.frame(), sort="sd", format="Mb")
obs <- objects(name=env)
sizes <- numeric(length(obs))
for (i in 1:length(obs))
sizes[i] <- eval(parse(text=paste("object.size(",obs[i], ")")), env=env)
names(sizes) <- obs
if ("sd"==sort)
sizes <- sizes[order(-sizes)]
if ("Mb"==format)
sizes <- round(sizes/2^20, 3)
se.mean <- function(x, na.rm=FALSE) # std error of the mean
n <- sum(!is.na(x))
if (n < 2) return (NaN)
sd(x, na.rm=na.rm)/sqrt(n)
split.formula <- function(x, simplify=FALSE)
terms.object = terms(as.formula(x), simplify=simplify)
formula.env = attr(terms.object, ".Environment")
formula = paste(string.trim(deparse(terms.object)), collapse="")
vars <- all.vars(terms.object)
facts <- rownames(attr(terms.object, "factors"))
has.response <- 1==attr(terms.object, "response")
has.predictors <- !is.null(facts)
has.intercept <- 1==attr(terms.object, "intercept")
response <- ""
response.vars <- NULL
if (has.response)
response = string.trim(sub("~.*", "", formula))
response.terms.object = terms(
as.formula(paste(response,"~1"), env=formula.env)
num.responses = length(all.vars(response.terms.object))
response.vars = vars[1:num.responses]
predictor.string <- ""
predictors <- NULL
predictor.vars <- NULL
if (has.predictors)
predictor.string = string.trim(sub(".*~", "", formula))
predictors.terms.object = terms(
as.formula(paste("~",predictor.string), env=formula.env)
predictors = rownames(attr(predictors.terms.object, "factors"))
predictor.vars = all.vars(predictors.terms.object)
predictor.string = ifelse(has.intercept, "1", "-1")
formula = formula,
response = response,
response.vars = response.vars,
predictor.string = predictor.string, # formerly `predictors'
predictors = predictors,
predictor.vars = predictor.vars
split.pathname <- function(x)
base = basename(x),
dir = dirname(x),
ext = sub(".*\\.", "", x),
core = sub("\\.[^\\.]+", "", basename(x)))
string.trim <- function(s)
# trims leading and trailing whitespace from a character vector
gsub("^[[:space:]]+", "", gsub("[[:space:]]+$", "", s) )
tr <- function(mat)
write.delim <- function(..., quote=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, sep="\t")
write.table(..., sep=sep, quote=quote, row.names=row.names)
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