
#' Returns a matrix of outcome samples, either permutations of the actual data or drawn from the null model of no locus effect
#' This function draws simple bootstraps or permutations from a data set and returns a specified number of outcome samples.
#' @param formula An lm style formula with functions of outcome and covariates contained in data frame.
#' @param data A data frame with outcome and potential covariates. Should also have IDs
#' that link to IDs in the genome cache, often with the individual-level ID named "SUBJECT.NAME", though others
#' can be specified with pheno.id.
#' @param pheno.id DEFAULT: "SUBJECT.NAME". The is the individual-level ID that is associated with data points in the phenotype
#' data. Generally this should be unique for each data point.
#' @param method DEFAULT: "bootstrap". "bootstrap" specifies that bootstrap samples are drawn from a simple Gaussian based on the
#' formula argument. "permutation" specifies simple permutations, essentially re-mixing the actual outcome vector.
#' @param use.REML DEFAULT: TRUE. Determines whether the variance components for the parametric sampling are 
#' based on maximizing the likelihood (ML) or the residual likelihood (REML).
#' @param num.samples The number of parametric bootstrap samples to return.
#' @param seed DEFAULT: 1. The sampling process is random, thus a seed must be set for samples to be consistent
#' across machines.
#' @export
#' @examples generate.simple.sample.outcomes.matrix()
generate.simple.sample.outcomes.matrix <- function(formula, data, pheno.id="SUBJECT.NAME", 
                                                   method=c("bootstrap", "permutation"), use.REML=TRUE, 
                                                   num.samples, seed=1){
  method <- method[1]
  use.data <- model.frame(formula(paste0(paste0(Reduce(paste, deparse(formula))), "+", pheno.id)), data=data)
  names(use.data)[1] <- "y"
  if(method == "bootstrap"){
    null.formula.string <- paste0("y ~", unlist(strsplit(paste0(Reduce(paste, deparse(formula))), split="~"))[-1])
    fit0 <- lm(formula(null.formula.string), data=use.data)
    n <- length(fit0$residuals)
    sigma2 <- ifelse(use.REML, sum(fit0$residuals^2)/(n - 1), sum(fit0$residuals^2)/n)
    new.y <- data.frame(sapply(1:num.samples, function(x) fit0$fitted.values + rnorm(n=n, mean=0, sd=sqrt(sigma2))))
  if(method == "permutation"){
    new.y <- data.frame(sapply(1:num.samples, function(x) sample(use.data$y)))
  names(new.y) <- paste0("y", 1:num.samples)
  new.y[[pheno.id]] <- use.data[[pheno.id]]
  results <- list(y.matrix=new.y,

#' Runs quick fixed effect only scans off of simple bootstrap and permutation samples.
#' This function runs scans of simple bootstraps or permutations from a data set with the purpose of assessing the null
#' distribution of the p-values.
#' @param simple.sample.object An object returned from generate.simple.sample.outcomes.matrix(). This contains the samples and supporting
#' information for the fast scans.
#' @param genomecache The path to the genome cache directory. The genome cache is a particularly structured
#' directory that stores the haplotype probabilities/dosages at each locus. It has an additive model
#' subdirectory and a full model subdirectory. Each contains subdirectories for each chromosome, which then
#' store .RData files for the probabilities/dosages of each locus.
#' @param model DEFAULT: additive. Specifies how to model the founder haplotype probabilities. The additive options specifies
#' use of haplotype dosages, and is most commonly used. The full option regresses the phenotype on the actual
#' diplotype probabilities.
#' @param seed DEFAULT: 1. The sampling process is random, thus a seed must be set for samples to be consistent
#' across machines.
#' @param use.ROP DEFAULT: TRUE. TRUE specifies ROP. FALSE specifies multiple imputations.
#' @param num.imp DEFAULT: 11. The number of imputations that are used.
#' @param chr DEFAULT: "all". Specifies which chromosomes to scan.
#' @param just.these.loci DEFAULT: NULL. Specifies a reduced set of loci to fit. If loci is just one locus, the alternative model fit
#' will also be output as fit1.
#' @param print.locus.fit DEFAULT: TRUE If TRUE, prints out how many loci have been fit currently.
#' @export
#' @examples instability.lm.scan()
instability.lm.scan <- function(simple.sample.object,
                                model=c("additive", "full"),
                                use.ROP=TRUE, num.imp=11, chr="all", just.these.loci=NULL, print.locus.fit=TRUE,

  y.matrix <- simple.sample.object$y.matrix
  num.scans <- ncol(y.matrix) - 1
  pheno.id <- simple.sample.object$pheno.id
  pheno.data <- simple.sample.object$data
  null.formula <- simple.sample.object$formula
  null.formula.string <- ifelse(is.formula(null.formula), Reduce(paste, deparse(null.formula)), null.formula)

  num.samples <- nrow(y.matrix)
  h <- DiploprobReader$new(genomecache)
  loci <- h$getLoci()
  loci.chr <- h$getChromOfLocus(loci)
  if(chr[1] != "all"){
    loci.chr <- h$getChromOfLocus(loci)
    loci <- loci[loci.chr %in% chr]
    loci <- loci[loci %in% just.these.loci]
    loci.chr <- loci.chr[loci %in% just.these.loci]
  full.results <- matrix(NA, nrow=num.scans, ncol=length(loci))
  colnames(full.results) <- loci
  these.chr <- h$getChromOfLocus(loci)
  these.pos <- list(cM=h$getLocusStart(loci, scale="cM"),
                    Mb=h$getLocusStart(loci, scale="Mb"))
  founders <- gsub(pattern="/", replacement=".", x=h$getFounders(), fixed=TRUE)
  ####################### closures (functions defined within function)
  get.qr.null <- function(){
    qr.null <- qr.alt
    num.gen.columns <- ifelse(model=="additive", length(founders)-1, length(founders)+choose(length(founders)-1, 2))
    total.columns <- ncol(design.matrix)
    qr.null$qr <- qr.null$qr[,1:(total.columns-num.gen.columns), drop=FALSE]
    qr.null$rank <- length(1:(total.columns-num.gen.columns))
    qr.null$qraux <- qr.null$qraux[1:(total.columns-num.gen.columns)]
    qr.null$pivot <- qr.null$pivot[1:(total.columns-num.gen.columns)]
  run.locus.fits <- function(){
    get.f.stat.p.val <- function(qr.alt, qr.null, y){
      rss0 <- sum(qr.resid(qr.null, y)^2)
      rss1 <- sum(qr.resid(qr.alt, y)^2)
      df1 <- qr.alt$rank - qr.null$rank
      df2 <- num.samples - qr.alt$rank
      mst <- (rss0 - rss1)/df1
      mse <- rss1/df2
      f.stat <- mst/mse
      p.val <- pf(q=f.stat, df1=df1, df2=df2, lower.tail=FALSE)
    this.locus <- rep(NA, num.scans)
    for(sample in 1:num.scans){
      this.y <- y.matrix[,sample]

      this.locus[sample] <- get.f.stat.p.val(qr.alt=qr.alt, qr.null=qr.null, y=this.y)
  impute.results <- array(NA, dim=c(num.imp, num.scans, length(loci)))
  for(i in 1:length(loci)){
    this.locus.scan <- rep(NA, num.scans)
      # ROP
      geno.data <- h$getLocusMatrix(loci[i], model=model, subjects=as.character(pheno.data[,pheno.id]))
      geno.names <- gsub(pattern="/", replacement=".", x=colnames(geno.data), fixed=TRUE)
      set.to.intercept <- which.max(colSums(geno.data))
      combined.data <- data.frame(pheno.data, geno.data[,-set.to.intercept])
      alt.formula.string <- paste("~", unlist(strsplit(paste0(null.formula.string, " + ", paste(geno.names[-set.to.intercept], collapse=" + ")), split="~"))[2])
      design.matrix <- model.matrix(formula(alt.formula.string), data=combined.data)
      qr.alt <- qr(design.matrix)
      # get qr.null from qr.alt
      if(i == 1){
        qr.null <- get.qr.null()
      this.locus <- run.locus.fits()
      full.results[,i] <- this.locus
      impute.results <- NULL
      prob.geno.data <- h$getLocusMatrix(loci[i], model="full", subjects=as.character(pheno.data[,pheno.id]))
      prob.geno.data[prob.geno.data < 0] <- 0
      for(imp in 1:num.imp){
        geno.names <- colnames(prob.geno.data)
        geno.data <- t(apply(prob.geno.data, 1, function(x) rmultinom(1, 1, x)))
        colnames(geno.data) <- geno.names
        if(model == "additive"){
          full.to.dosages <- straineff.mapping.matrix()
          geno.data <- geno.data %*% full.to.dosages
          colnames(geno.data) <- founders
          geno.names <- founders
        set.to.intercept <- which.max(colSums(geno.data))
        combined.data <- data.frame(pheno.data, geno.data[,-set.to.intercept])
        alt.formula.string <- paste0(null.formula.string, " + ", paste(geno.names[-set.to.intercept], collapse=" + "))
        design.matrix <- model.matrix(formula(alt.formula.string), data=combined.data)
        qr.alt <- qr(design.matrix)
        if(i == 1){ 
          qr.null <- get.qr.null() 
        this.locus <- run.locus.bs.fits()
        impute.results[imp,,i] <- this.locus
      full.results[,i] <- apply(impute.results[,,i, drop=FALSE], 2, function(x) median(x))
      cat(paste0("Finished locus: ", i, " of ", length(loci), "\n"))
  return(list(impute.results=impute.results, full.results=list(p.values=full.results, chr=these.chr, pos=these.pos),

sim.instability.lm.scan <- function(formula, data, num.bs.scans=100,
                                    model=c("additive", "full"),
                                    use.ROP=TRUE, num.imp=10,
  use.data <- model.frame(formula(paste0(paste0(Reduce(paste, deparse(formula))), "+ SUBJECT.NAME")), data=data)
  names(use.data)[1] <- "y"
  null.formula.string <- paste0("y ~", unlist(strsplit(paste0(Reduce(paste, deparse(formula))), split="~"))[-1])
  fit0 <- lm(formula(null.formula.string), data=use.data)
  sigma2 <- sum(fit0$residuals^2)/(length(fit0$residuals) - 1)
  new.y <- data.frame(sapply(1:num.bs.scans, function(x) fit0$coefficients + rnorm(n=num.sim, mean=0, sd=sqrt(sigma2))))
  SUBJECT.NAME <- paste0("sim.", 1:num.sim)
  h <- DiploprobReader$new(genomecache)
  loci <- h$getLoci()
  full.results <- matrix(NA, nrow=num.bs.scans, ncol=length(loci))
  colnames(full.results) <- loci
  these.chr <- h$getChromOfLocus(loci)
  these.pos <- h$getLocusStart(loci, scale=scale)
  founders <- LETTERS[1:num.founders]
  ##### closures (functions defined within function)
  get.qr.null <- function(){
    qr.null <- qr.alt
    num.gen.columns <- ifelse(model=="additive", length(founders), length(founders)+choose(length(founders), 2))
    total.columns <- ncol(design.matrix)
    qr.null$qr <- qr.null$qr[,1:(total.columns-num.gen.columns), drop=FALSE]
    qr.null$rank <- length(1:(total.columns-num.gen.columns))
    qr.null$qraux <- qr.null$qraux[1:(total.columns-num.gen.columns)]
    qr.null$pivot <- qr.null$pivot[1:(total.columns-num.gen.columns)]
  run.locus.bs.fits <- function(){
    get.f.stat.p.val <- function(qr.alt, qr.null, y){
      rss0 <- sum(qr.resid(qr.null, y)^2)
      rss1 <- sum(qr.resid(qr.alt, y)^2)
      df1 <- qr.alt$rank - qr.null$rank
      df2 <- num.sim - qr.alt$rank
      mst <- (rss0 - rss1)/df1
      mse <- rss1/df2
      f.stat <- mst/mse
      p.val <- pf(q=f.stat, df1=df1, df2=df2, lower.tail=FALSE)
    this.locus <- rep(NA, num.bs.scans)
    for(bs in 1:num.bs.scans){
      this.locus[bs] <- get.f.stat.p.val(qr.alt=qr.alt, qr.null=qr.null, y=new.y[,bs])
        cat(paste0("bs: ", bs, ", locus: ", i, " of ", length(loci), "\n"))
        cat(paste0("imp: ", imp, ", bs: ", bs, ", locus: ", i, " of ", length(loci), "\n"))
  straineff.mapping.matrix <- function(M=8){
    T <- M*(M+1)/2
    mapping <- matrix(rep(0, T*M), M, T)
    idx <- 1;
    for (i in 1:M){
      mapping[i, idx] <- mapping[i, idx] + 2
      idx <- idx + 1;
    for (i in 2:M){
      for (j in 1:(i-1)){
        mapping[i, idx] <- mapping[i, idx] + 1;
        mapping[j, idx] <- mapping[j, idx] + 1;
        idx <- idx + 1;
  full.to.dosages <- straineff.mapping.matrix(M=num.founders)
  dip.names <- as.vector(apply(full.to.dosages, 1, function(x) paste(rev(LETTERS[1:num.founders][which(x == 1)]), collapse=".")))
  dip.names[1:num.founders] <- paste(LETTERS[1:num.founders], LETTERS[1:num.founders], sep=".")

  alt.formula.string <- ifelse(model=="additive",
                               paste0(null.formula.string, " + ", paste(founders, collapse="+")),
                               paste0(null.formula.string, " + ", paste(dip.names, collapse="+")))
  for(i in 1:length(loci)){
    this.locus.scan <- rep(NA, num.bs.scans)
    pre.geno.data <- matrix(NA, nrow=num.sim, ncol=num.founders + choose(num.founders, 2))
    dip.row <- 1
    while(dip.row <= num.sim){
      this.row <- rdirichlet(n=1, rep(dir.par, num.founders + choose(num.founders, 2)))
      if(!(any(is.nan(this.row)) | any(is.na(this.row)) | any(is.infinite(this.row)))){
        pre.geno.data[dip.row,] <- this.row
        dip.row <- dip.row + 1
    #pre.geno.data <- rdirichlet(n=num.sim, rep(dir.par, num.founders + choose(num.founders, 2)))
    colnames(pre.geno.data) <- dip.names
      # ROP
      if(model == "additive"){
        geno.data <- pre.geno.data %*% full.to.dosages
        colnames(geno.data) <- founders
      design.matrix <- cbind(rep(1, num.sim), geno.data)
      colnames(design.matrix)[1] <- "(Intercept)"
      qr.alt <- qr(design.matrix)
      # get qr.null from qr.alt
      qr.null <- get.qr.null()
      this.locus <- run.locus.bs.fits()
      full.results[,i] <- this.locus
      impute.results <- matrix(NA, nrow=num.imp, ncol=num.bs.scans)
      for(imp in 1:num.imp){
        repeat.this <- TRUE
          geno.data <- t(apply(pre.geno.data, 1, function(x) rmultinom(1, 1, x)))
          if(!(any(is.na(geno.data)) | any(is.nan(geno.data)) | any(is.infinite(geno.data)))){
            repeat.this <- FALSE
        colnames(geno.data) <- dip.names
        if(model == "additive"){
          #geno.data <- geno.data %*% full.to.dosages #has issues for some reason (makes NaN's occasionally)
          geno.data <- t(apply(geno.data, 1, function(x) x %*% full.to.dosages))
          colnames(geno.data) <- founders
        design.matrix <- cbind(rep(1, num.sim), geno.data)
        colnames(design.matrix)[1] <- "(Intercept)"
        qr.alt <- qr(design.matrix)
        qr.null <- get.qr.null()
        this.locus <- run.locus.bs.fits()
        #this.ci <- eexp(-log(this.locus), ci=TRUE, conf.level=0.95)$interval$limits[c("LCL", "UCL")]
        impute.results[imp,] <- this.locus
      full.results[,i] <- apply(impute.results, 2, function(x) median(x))
  return(list(full.results=list(p.values=full.results, chr=these.chr, pos=these.pos),
gkeele/kqtl documentation built on May 17, 2019, 6:06 a.m.