
Defines functions lssvd_old lssvd getD expandModelData make.grid getModelData rowdiffs getX glh Lall Lequal Lcall Lrm Lc Lmu Ldiff Ldiff.rdc Ldiff.old Lmat Lform print.cat getFactorNames.default getFactorNames.data.frame getFactorNames getData.lm getData.gls getData.lme getData.lmer getData Vcor Vcov getFix.default getFix.glmerMod getFix.lmerMod getFix.stanfit getFix.MCMCglmm getFix.mipo getFix.zeroinfl getFix.mer getFix.glmer getFix.glmerMod getFix.lmer getFix.gls getFix.lme getFix.glm getFix.lm getFix.multinom getFix coef.wald walddf as.data.frame.wald print.wald wald2 waldf waldx wald

Documented in as.data.frame.wald coef.wald expandModelData getD getData getData.gls getData.lm getData.lme getData.lmer getFactorNames getFactorNames.data.frame getFactorNames.default getFix getFix.default getFix.glm getFix.glmer getFix.glmerMod getFix.gls getFix.lm getFix.lme getFix.lmer getFix.lmerMod getFix.MCMCglmm getFix.mer getFix.mipo getFix.multinom getFix.stanfit getFix.zeroinfl getModelData getX glh Lall Lc Lcall Ldiff Ldiff.old Ldiff.rdc Lequal Lform Lmat Lmu Lrm lssvd lssvd_old make.grid print.cat print.wald rowdiffs Vcor Vcov wald wald2 wald2 walddf waldf waldx

## wald.R
## This a collection of functions designed to facilitate testing hypotheses
## with Wald tests.
## The methods are readily extended to any fitting method that returns a vector
## of estimated parameters and an estimated variance matrix.
## Extensions are implemented through the 'getFix' generic function.
## see also Leff
## Changes:
## 2018 04 07: commented out isnarow code in getX since it seems in error
## 2014 06 04: changed fit@fixef to fixef(fit) in a number of 'getFix' methods
## October 2, 2011:  modified 'wald' to better handle rank-deficient models
##                   previously columns of L and columns and rows of vcov
##                   corresponding to NAs in beta were deleted ignoring the
##                   possibility that L beta is not estimable if any
##                   non-zero element of L multiplies an NA in beta.
## 2013 06 18: added df argument to wald to override denominator dfs. Useful
##             for saturated binomial fits or other binomials where residual
##             dfs are not appropriate.
## 2013 09 17: added getFix.multinom with df = Inf

# scraps:
# L <- list( 'marginal value of education' =Lform( fit, form = list(0, 1, 2 *
# education, 0, 0, type == 'prof', type == 'wc', 2 * education * (type ==
# 'prof'), 2 * education * (type == 'wc')), data = Prestige)) wald( fit, L )
# chat <- coef( wald( fit, L ), se = 2) xyplot( coef +coefp+coefm ~ education
# | type, cbind(Prestige,chat)[order(Prestige$education),], type = 'l')
# xyplot( chat~ education | type, Prestige)
# # This approach can be used to predict responses with a fitting method that
# has a # 'model.matrix' method but does not have a 'predict' method or does
# not return # estimated standard errors with its 'predict' method.
# datafit <- model.frame(fit) # or just the data frame used for the fit ww <-
# wald(fit, model.matrix(fit)) datafit <- cbind(datafit, coef(ww, se =2)) #
# ...etc as above

#' General Linear Hypothesis for the 'fixed' portion of a model with Wald test
#' General Linear Hypothesis with Wald test for lm, glm, lme, nlme and
#' lmer objects.  Can be extended to other objects (e.g.) 'glm' by writing
#' 'getFix.glm'
#' Tests a general linear hypothesis for the linear fixed portion of a model
#' or the form:
#' \deqn{H_0: L\beta = 0}
#' The hypothesis can be specified in a variety of ways such as a hypothesis
#' matrix or a pattern that is used as a regular expression to be matched with
#' the names of coefficients of the model. A number of tools are available to
#' facilitate the generation of hypothesis matrices.
#' Usage:
#' wald(fit, L) where L is a hypothesis matrix
#' wald(fit, 'pat') where 'pat' a regular expression (see ?regex) used to
#' match names of coefficients of fixed effects.  e.g. wald( fit, ':.*:') tests
#' all 2nd and higher order interactions.
#' wald(fit, c(2,5,6)) to test 2nd, 5th and 6th coefficients.
#' wald(fit, list( hyp1= c(2,5,6), H2 = 'pat')) for more than one hypothesis
#' matrix
#' There are number of functions to help construct hypothesis matrices. See in
#' particular \code{\link{Lfx}}.
#' To extend the 'wald' function to a new class of objects, one needs to
#' write a 'getFix' method to extract estimated coefficients, their estimated
#' covariance matrix, and the denominator degrees of freedom for each
#' estimated coefficient. See the examples below for 
#' a \code{\link{getFix}} method for a \code{\link{glm}} object
#' and for 'mipo' objects in the packages 'mice':
#' @param fit a model for which a \code{getFix} method exists.
#' @param Llist a hypothesis matrix or a pattern to be matched or a list of
#'        these
#' @param clevel level for confidence intervals. No confidence intervals if clevel is NULL
#' @param pred prediction data frame to evaluate fitted model using
#'        \code{getX(fit) \%*\% coef}
#' @param data data frame used as 'data' attribute fot list elements returned only if
#'        the corresponding element of \code{Llist} has a NULL data attribute
#' @param debug (default FALSE) produce verbose information
#' @param maxrows maximum number of rows of hypothesis matrix for which a full
#'        variance-covariance matrix is returned
#' @param full if TRUE, the hypothesis matrix is the model matrix for
#'        \code{fit} such that the estimated coefficients are the predicted values for
#'        the fixed portion of the model. This is designed to allow the calculation of
#'        standard errors for models for which the \code{predict} method does not
#'        provide them.
#' @param pred (default NULL) a data frame to use to create a model matrix. 
#'        This is an alternative to 'full' when the model matrix needs to
#'        be based on data frame other than the data frame used for 
#'        fitting the model.
#' @param fixed if \code{Llist} is a character to be used a regular expression,
#'        if \code{fixed} is TRUE \code{Llist} is interpreted literally, i.e.
#'        characters that have a special meaning in regular expressions are
#'        interpreted literally.
#' @param invert if \code{Llist} is a character to be used a regular
#'        expression, \code{invert == TRUE} causes the matches to be inverted so that
#'        coefficients that do not match will be selected.
#' @param method 'svd' (current default) or 'qr' is the method used to find the
#'        full rank version of the hypothesis matrix.  'svd' has correctly identified
#'        the rank of a large hypothesis matrix where 'qr' has failed.
#' @param pars passed to \code{\link[rstan]{extract}} method for stanfit objects.
#' @param include passed to \code{\link[rstan]{extract}} method for stanfit objects.
#' @param overdispersion (default FALSE) if TRUE, adjust variance-covariance
#'        estimate by multiplying by the overdispersion factor calculated
#'        by \code{\link{overdisp_fun}}. If `overdisperion` is numerical, use
#'        its value as an overdispersion factor.  
#' @param help obsolete
#' @param robust (default FALSE) use Huber-White corrected covariance matrix from sandwich package
#' @param type (default 'HC3') type of Huber-White correction to use. See 
#'        \code{\link[sandwich]{vcovHC}}.
#' @return An object of class \code{wald}, with the following components:
#'       COMPLETE
#' @seealso \code{\link{Lform}},
#'          \code{\link{Lfx}}, \code{\link{getX}}, \code{\link{M}},
#'          \code{\link{Lall}},\code{\link{Lc}},\code{\link{Lequal}},
#'          \code{\link{Ldiff}},\code{\link{Lmu}},\code{\link{Lmat}},\code{\link{Lrm}},
#'          \code{\link{as.data.frame.wald}}. To extend to new
#'          models see \code{\link{getFix}}. To generate hypothesis matrices for general
#'          splines see \code{\link{gsp}} and \code{\link{sc}}.
#' @references REFERENCES HERE
#' @examples
#' data(hs)
#' library(nlme)
#' ###
#' ### Using wald to create and plot a data frame with predicted values
#' ###
#'   fit <- lme(mathach ~ (ses+I(ses^2)) * Sex * Sector, hs, random = ~ 1|school)
#'   summary(fit)
#'   pred <- expand.grid( ses = seq(-2,2,.1), Sex = levels(hs$Sex), Sector = levels(hs$Sector))
#'   pred
#'   w <- wald(fit, getX(fit,data=pred)) # attaches data to wald.object so it can be included in data frame
#'   w <- wald(fit, pred = pred)
#'   w <- as.data.frame(w)
#'   head(w)
#'   library(latticeExtra)
#'   xyplot(coef ~ ses | Sector, w, groups = Sex,
#'      auto.key = T, type = 'l',
#'      fit = w$coef,
#'      upper = with(w,coef+2*se),
#'      lower = with(w,coef-2*se),
#'      subscript = T) +
#'      glayer( gpanel.fit(...))
#' wald( fit, 'Sex')  # sig. overall effect of Sex
#' wald( fit, ':Sex') # but no evidence of interaction with ses
#' wald( fit, '\\^2') # nor of curvature
#' # but we continue for the sake of illustration
#' L <- Lform( fit, list( 0, 1, 2*ses, 0, Sex == 'Male', (Sex == 'Male')*2*ses), hs)
#' L
#' (ww <- wald ( fit, L ))
#' wald.dd <- as.data.frame(ww, se = 2)
#' head( wald.dd )
#' require(lattice)
#' xyplot( coef + U2 + L2 ~ ses | Sex, wald.dd,
#'  main= 'Increase in predicted mathach per unit increase in ses')
#' # Example of a getFix method for a glm oject:
#' getFix.glm <- function(fit,...) { 
#'   ss <- summary(fit) 
#'   ret <- list() 
#'   ret$fixed <- coef(fit) 
#'   ret$vcov <- vcov(fit) 
#'   ret$df <- rep(ss$df.residual,length(ret$fixed)) 
#'   ret
#' } 
#' # Example of a getFix method for a mipo object in the mice package:
#' getFix.mipo <- function( fit, ...){ 
#'   # pooled multiple imputation object in mice 
#'   # 'wald' will use the minimal df for components with non-zero weights 
#'   #  -- this is probably too conservative and should be improved 
#'   ret <- list()
#'   ret$fixed <- fit$qbar 
#'   ret$vcov <- fit$t 
#'   ret$df <- fit$df 
#'   ret 
#' }
#' @export
wald <- 
  function(fit, Llist = "", clevel = 0.95,
           pred = NULL,
           data = NULL, debug = FALSE , maxrows = 25,
           full = FALSE, fixed = FALSE,
           invert = FALSE, method = 'svd',
           overdispersion = FALSE,
           df = NULL, pars = NULL,...) {
    # New version with support for stanfit
    if (full) return(wald(fit, getX(fit)))
    if(!is.null(pred)) return(wald(fit, getX(fit,pred)))
    dataf <- function(x,...) {
      x <- cbind(x)
      rn <- rownames(x)
      if(length(unique(rn)) < length(rn)) rownames(x) <- NULL
      data.frame(x, ...)
    as.dataf <- function(x, ...) {
      x <- cbind(x)
      rn <- rownames(x)
      if(length(unique(rn)) < length(rn)) rownames(x) <- NULL
      as.data.frame(x, ...)
    unique.rownames <- function(x) {
      ret <- c(tapply(1:length(x), x, function(xx) {
        if(length(xx) == 1) ""
        else 1:length(xx)
      })) [tapply(1:length(x), x)]
      ret <- paste(x, ret, sep="")
    if(inherits(fit, 'stanfit')) {
      fix <- if(is.null(pars)) getFix(fit) else getFix(fit,pars=pars,...)
      if(!is.matrix(Llist)) stop(
        paste('Sorry: wald needs Llist to be a n x',
              length(fix$fixed),'matrix for this stanfit object'))
    } else {
      fix <- getFix(fit)
    beta <- fix$fixed
    vc <- if(isTRUE(overdispersion)) overdisp_fun(fit)["ratio"] * fix$vcov 
        else if(isFALSE(overdispersion)) fix$vcov
        else fix$vcov
    dfs <- if(is.null(df) ) fix$df else df + 0*fix$df

    if(is.character(Llist) ) Llist <- structure(list(Llist), names=Llist)
    if(!is.list(Llist)) Llist <- list(Llist)
    ret <- list()
    for (ii in 1:length(Llist)) {
      ret[[ii]] <- list()
      Larg <- Llist[[ii]]
      # Create hypothesis matrix: L
      L <- NULL
      if(is.character(Larg)) {
        L <- Lmat(fit,Larg, fixed = fixed, invert = invert)
      } else {
        if(is.numeric(Larg)) {   # indices for coefficients to test
          if(is.null(dim(Larg))) {
            if(debug) disp(dim(Larg))
            if((length(Larg) < length(beta)) && (all(Larg>0)||all(Larg<0)) ) {
              L <- diag(length(beta))[Larg,]
              dimnames(L) <- list( names(beta)[Larg], names(beta))
            } else L <- rbind( Larg )
          else L <- Larg
      if (debug) {
      # get data attribute, if any, in case it gets dropped
      Ldata <- attr( L , 'data')
      ## identify rows of L that are not estimable because they depend on betas that are NA
      Lna <- L[, is.na(beta), drop = FALSE]
      narows <- apply(Lna,1, function(x) sum(abs(x))) > 0
      L <- L[, !is.na(beta),drop = FALSE]
      ## restore the data attribute
      attr(L,'data') <- Ldata
      beta <- beta[ !is.na(beta) ]
      ## Anova
      if( method == 'qr' ) {
        qqr <- qr(t(na.omit(L)))
        # Qqr <- Q(t(L))
        L.rank <- qqr$rank
        # L.rank <- attr(Qqr,'rank')
        # L.miss <- attr(Qqr,'miss')
        if(debug)disp( t( qr.Q(qqr)))
        L.full <- t(qr.Q(qqr))[ 1:L.rank,,drop=FALSE]
        #L.full <- t(Qqr[!L.miss,])[ 1:L.rank,,drop=F]
      } else if ( method == 'svd' ) {
        if(debug) disp(L)
        #              if(debug)disp( t(na.omit(t(L))))
        #              sv <- svd( t(na.omit(t(L))) , nu = 0 )
        sv <- svd(na.omit(L) , nu = 0 )
        if(debug)disp( sv )
        tol.fac <- max( dim(L) ) * max( sv$d )
        if(debug)disp( tol.fac )
        if ( tol.fac > 1e6 ) warning( "Poorly conditioned L matrix, calculated numDF may be incorrect")
        tol <- tol.fac * .Machine$double.eps
        if(debug)disp( tol )
        L.rank <- sum( sv$d > tol )
        if(debug)disp( L.rank )
        if(debug)disp( t(sv$v))
        L.full <- t(sv$v)[seq_len(L.rank),,drop = FALSE]
      } else stop("method not implemented: choose 'svd' or 'qr'")
      # from package(corpcor)
      # Note that the definition tol= max(dim(m))*max(D)*.Machine$double.eps
      # is exactly compatible with the conventions used in "Octave" or "Matlab".
      if (debug && method == "qr") {
      if (debug) disp(L.full)
      if (debug) disp(vc)
      vv <-  L.full %*% vc %*% t(L.full)
      eta.hat <- L.full %*% beta
      Fstat <- (t(eta.hat) %*% qr.solve(vv,eta.hat,tol=1e-10)) / L.rank
      included.effects <- apply(L,2,function(x) sum(abs(x),na.rm=TRUE)) != 0
      denDF <- min( dfs[included.effects])
      numDF <- L.rank
      ret[[ii]]$anova <- list(numDF = numDF, denDF = denDF,
                              "F-value" = Fstat,
                              "p-value" = pf(Fstat, numDF, denDF, lower.tail = FALSE))
      if(!isFALSE(overdispersion)) {
        ret[[ii]]$anova <- c(
          `overdispersion variance factor` =
            if(isTRUE(overdispersion)) overdisp_fun(fit)[["ratio"]]
             else overdispersion)
      if(isTRUE(overdispersion)) {
        ret[[ii]]$anova <- c(
          ret[[ii]]$anova, overdisp_fun(fit)[c(1,3,4)])
      # disp(ret[[ii]]$anova)
      ## Estimate
      etahat <- L %*% beta
      # NAs if not estimable:
      etahat[narows] <- NA
      if( nrow(L) <= maxrows ) {
        etavar <- L %*% vc %*% t(L)
        etasd <- sqrt( diag( etavar ))
      } else {
        etavar <- NULL
        etasd <- sqrt( apply( L * (L%*%vc), 1, sum))
      denDF <- apply( L , 1 , function(x,dfs) min( dfs[x!=0]), dfs = dfs)
      aod <- cbind(
        Std.Error = etasd,
        DF = denDF,
        "t-value" = c(etahat/etasd),
        "p-value" = 2*pt(abs(etahat/etasd), denDF, lower.tail =FALSE))
      colnames(aod)[ncol(aod)] <- 'p-value'
      if (debug ) disp(aod)
      if ( !is.null(clevel) ) {
        hw <- qt(1 - (1-clevel)/2, aod[,'DF']) * aod[,'Std.Error']
        aod <- cbind( aod, LL = aod[,"Estimate"] - hw, UL = aod[,"Estimate"] + hw)
        if (debug ) disp(colnames(aod))
        labs <- paste(c("Lower","Upper"), format(clevel))
        colnames(aod) [ ncol(aod) + c(-1,0)] <- labs
      if (debug ) disp(rownames(aod))
      aod <- as.dataf(aod)
      rownames(aod) <- rownames(as.dataf(L))
      labs(aod) <- names(dimnames(L))[1]
      ret[[ii]]$estimate <- aod
      ret[[ii]]$coef <- c(etahat)
      ret[[ii]]$vcov <- etavar
      ret[[ii]]$L <- L
      ret[[ii]]$se <- etasd
      ret[[ii]]$L.full <- L.full
      ret[[ii]]$L.rank <- L.rank
      if( debug ) disp(attr(Larg,'data'))
      data.attr <- attr(Larg,'data')
      if(is.null(data.attr) && !(is.null(data))) data.attr <- data
      ret[[ii]]$data <- data.attr
    names(ret) <- names(Llist)
    attr(ret,"class") <- "wald"
#' @describeIn wald experimental version for singular models. Reports rows of L matrix that are not estimable.
#' @export
waldx <- function(fit, Llist = "", clevel = 0.95,
                  pred = NULL,
                  data = NULL, debug = FALSE , maxrows = 25,
                  full = FALSE, fixed = FALSE,
                  invert = FALSE, method = 'svd',
                  overdispersion = FALSE,
                  df = NULL, pars = NULL,
                  robust = FALSE, type = 'HC3', ...) {
  # New version with support for stanfit
  if (full) return(waldx(fit, getX(fit)))
  if(!is.null(pred)) return(waldx(fit, getX(fit,pred)))
  dataf <- function(x,...) {
    x <- cbind(x)
    rn <- rownames(x)
    if(length(unique(rn)) < length(rn)) rownames(x) <- NULL
    data.frame(x, ...)
  as.dataf <- function(x, ...) {
    x <- cbind(x)
    rn <- rownames(x)
    if(length(unique(rn)) < length(rn)) rownames(x) <- NULL
    as.data.frame(x, ...)
  unique.rownames <- function(x) {
    ret <- c(tapply(1:length(x), x, function(xx) {
      if(length(xx) == 1) ""
      else 1:length(xx)
    })) [tapply(1:length(x), x)]
    ret <- paste(x, ret, sep="")
  if(inherits(fit, 'stanfit')) {
    fix <- if(is.null(pars)) getFix(fit) else getFix(fit,pars=pars,...)
    if(!is.matrix(Llist)) stop(
      paste('Sorry: wald needs Llist to be a n x',
            length(fix$fixed),'matrix for this stanfit object'))
  } else {
    fix <- getFix(fit, robust = robust, type = type)
  beta <- fix$fixed
  vc <- if(isTRUE(overdispersion)) overdisp_fun(fit)["ratio"] * fix$vcov 
  else if(isFALSE(overdispersion)) fix$vcov
  else fix$vcov
  dfs <- if(is.null(df) ) fix$df else df + 0*fix$df
  if(is.character(Llist) ) Llist <- structure(list(Llist), names=Llist)
  if(!is.list(Llist)) Llist <- list(Llist)
  ret <- list()
  for (ii in 1:length(Llist)) {
    ret[[ii]] <- list()
    Larg <- Llist[[ii]]
    # Create hypothesis matrix: L
    L <- NULL
    if(is.character(Larg)) {
      L <- Lmat(fit,Larg, fixed = fixed, invert = invert)
    } else {
      if(is.numeric(Larg)) {   # indices for coefficients to test
        if(is.null(dim(Larg))) {
          if(debug) disp(dim(Larg))
          if((length(Larg) < length(beta)) && (all(Larg>0)||all(Larg<0)) ) {
            L <- diag(length(beta))[Larg,]
            dimnames(L) <- list( names(beta)[Larg], names(beta))
          } else L <- rbind( Larg )
        else L <- Larg
    if (debug) {
    # get data attribute, if any, in case it gets dropped
    Ldata <- attr( L , 'data')
    ## 1. Is the model singular? i.e. Are there NA in beta
    ##    If so:
    ##      Determine whether L conforms with non-singular portion of model or full model
    ##      - if full:
    ##        - examine L for non-zero coefficients for NA and report L not estimable
    ##        - truncate L to singular portion
    ##      Truncate beta and vc 
    which_not_estimable <- function(fit, L) {
      # identify rows of L that are not in space spanned by model matrix
      L <- rbind(L)     # in case L is a vector
      narows <- apply(is.na(L), 1, sum) > 0
      L[narows,] <- 0
      sv <- svd(getX(fit), nu = 0)
      epsilon <- sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)
      v <-sv$v[, sv$d > epsilon, drop = F]                                                   # row space of model
      # res <- cbind(resid(lsfit(v, t(L), intercept = FALSE)))
      res <- cbind(lssvd(v, t(L))$residuals)                                         # NEW
      narow <- narows | (apply(res,2, function(x) sum(abs(x))) > epsilon)
    narows <- NULL
    singular <- FALSE
    if(sum(is.na(beta)) > 0) {  # singular model
      singular <- TRUE
      if(!(ncol(L) %in% c(length(beta), length(na.omit(beta))) )) stop("ncol(L) incorrect for singular or non-singular model")
      if(ncol(L) == length(beta)) {  # L for singular model
        # Is L estimable?
        # Lna <- L[, is.na(beta), drop = FALSE]
        # narows <- apply(Lna,1, function(x) sum(abs(x))) > 0
        narows <- which_not_estimable(fit, L)
        if(any(narows)) warning("Row(s): ", paste(which(narows),collapse = ' '), " of L not estimable. L coefficients set to 0.")
        Lsing <- L
        L <- L[, !is.na(beta), drop = FALSE]
        attr(L,'data') <- Ldata
      # fix beta and vc
      nas <- is.na(beta)
      beta <- beta[!nas]
      vc <- vc[!nas, !nas, drop= FALSE]
      if(length(dfs) > 1) dfs <- dfs[!nas]
    ## Anova
    if( method == 'qr' ) {
      qqr <- qr(t(na.omit(L))) # omit rows with NAs
      # Qqr <- Q(t(L))
      L.rank <- qqr$rank
      # L.rank <- attr(Qqr,'rank')
      # L.miss <- attr(Qqr,'miss')
      if(debug)disp( t( qr.Q(qqr)))
      L.full <- t(qr.Q(qqr))[ 1:L.rank,,drop=FALSE]
      #L.full <- t(Qqr[!L.miss,])[ 1:L.rank,,drop=F]
    } else if ( method == 'svd' ) {
      if(debug) disp(L)
      #              if(debug)disp( t(na.omit(t(L))))
      #              sv <- svd( t(na.omit(t(L))) , nu = 0 )
      # spida2::disp(dim(L))
      # spida2::disp(dim(na.omit(L)))
      if(any(dim(na.omit(L))==0)) {
        sink('.errmsgs', append = T)
        cat('\n na.omit(L) is 0: L:\n')
      L[is.na(L)] <- 0    # might remove
      sv <- svd(na.omit(L) , nu = 0 )
      if(debug)disp( sv )
      tol.fac <- max( dim(L) ) * max( sv$d )
      if(debug)disp( tol.fac )
      if ( tol.fac > 1e6 ) warning( "Poorly conditioned L matrix, calculated numDF may be incorrect")
      tol <- tol.fac * .Machine$double.eps
      if(debug)disp( tol )
      L.rank <- sum( sv$d > tol )
      if(debug)disp( L.rank )
      if(debug)disp( t(sv$v))
      L.full <- t(sv$v)[seq_len(L.rank),,drop = FALSE]
    } else stop("method not implemented: choose 'svd' or 'qr'")
    # from package(corpcor)
    # Note that the definition tol= max(dim(m))*max(D)*.Machine$double.eps
    # is exactly compatible with the conventions used in "Octave" or "Matlab".
    if (debug && method == "qr") {
    if (debug) disp(L.full)
    if (debug) disp(vc)
    vv <-  L.full %*% vc %*% t(L.full)
    eta.hat <- L.full %*% beta
    Fstat <- (t(eta.hat) %*% qr.solve(vv,eta.hat,tol=1e-10)) / L.rank
    included.effects <- apply(L,2,function(x) sum(abs(x),na.rm=TRUE)) != 0
    denDF <- min( dfs[included.effects])
    numDF <- L.rank
    ret[[ii]]$anova <- list(numDF = numDF, denDF = denDF,
                            "F-value" = Fstat,
                            "p-value" = pf(Fstat, numDF, denDF, lower.tail = FALSE))
    if(!isFALSE(overdispersion)) {
      ret[[ii]]$anova <- c(
        `overdispersion variance factor` =
          if(isTRUE(overdispersion)) overdisp_fun(fit)[["ratio"]]
        else overdispersion)
    if(isTRUE(overdispersion)) {
      ret[[ii]]$anova <- c(
        ret[[ii]]$anova, overdisp_fun(fit)[c(1,3,4)])
    # disp(ret[[ii]]$anova)
    ## Estimate
    etahat <- L %*% beta
    # NAs if not estimable:
    if( nrow(L) <= maxrows ) {
      etavar <- L %*% vc %*% t(L)
      etasd <- sqrt( diag( etavar ))
    } else {
      etavar <- NULL
      etasd <- sqrt( apply( L * (L%*%vc), 1, sum))
    if(!is.null(narows)) {
      etahat[narows] <- NA
      etasd[narows] <- NA
    min_ <- function(x) {
      if(length(x) == 0) NA
      else min(x)
    denDF <- apply( L , 1 , function(x,dfs) min_( dfs[x!=0]), dfs = dfs)
    aod <- cbind(
      Std.Error = etasd,
      DF = denDF,
      "t-value" = c(etahat/etasd),
      "p-value" = 2*pt(abs(etahat/etasd), denDF, lower.tail =FALSE))
    colnames(aod)[ncol(aod)] <- 'p-value'
    if (debug ) disp(aod)
    if ( !is.null(clevel) ) {
      hw <- qt(1 - (1-clevel)/2, aod[,'DF']) * aod[,'Std.Error']
      aod <- cbind( aod, LL = aod[,"Estimate"] - hw, UL = aod[,"Estimate"] + hw)
      if (debug ) disp(colnames(aod))
      labs <- paste(c("Lower","Upper"), format(clevel))
      colnames(aod) [ ncol(aod) + c(-1,0)] <- labs
    if (debug ) disp(rownames(aod))
    aod <- as.dataf(aod)
    rownames(aod) <- rownames(as.dataf(L))
    labs(aod) <- names(dimnames(L))[1]
    ret[[ii]]$estimate <- aod
    ret[[ii]]$coef <- c(etahat)
    ret[[ii]]$vcov <- etavar
    ret[[ii]]$L <- L
    if(singular) {
      ret[[ii]]$L <- Lsing
      ret[[ii]]$Lreduced <- L
    ret[[ii]]$se <- etasd
    ret[[ii]]$L.full <- L.full
    ret[[ii]]$L.rank <- L.rank
    if( debug ) disp(attr(Larg,'data'))
    data.attr <- attr(Larg,'data')
    if(is.null(data.attr) && !(is.null(data))) data.attr <- data
    ret[[ii]]$data <- data.attr
  names(ret) <- names(Llist)
  attr(ret,"class") <- "wald"
#' @describeIn wald equivalent to \code{as.data.frame(waldx(...))}
#' @export
waldf <- function(...) {
# Test
fit <- lme(mathach ~ ses * Sex * Sector, hs, random = ~ 1|school)
pred <- expand.grid( ses = seq(-2,2,1), Sex = levels(hs$Sex), Sector = levels(hs$Sector))
model.matrix(fit,data = pred)
model.matrix(~ ses * Sex * Sector,data=pred)

#' @describeIn wald experimental version with RHS?
#' @export
wald2 <- function(fit, Llist = "",clevel=0.95, data = NULL, debug = FALSE , maxrows = 25, full = FALSE, fixed = FALSE, invert = FALSE, method = 'svd',df = NULL, RHS = 0) {
# GM: 2015 08 11:  to do:
#  Experimental version of wald with RHS
# NEEDS to be restructured with
# 1. printing must show RHS
# 2. needs to work with a list as second argument
# 3. should redo handling of list so RHS is in list and so
#    list handing is outside main function
    if (full ) return( wald ( fit, model.matrix(fit)))
  dataf <- function(x,...) {
    x <- cbind(x)
    rn <- rownames(x)
    if( length( unique(rn)) < length(rn)) rownames(x) <- NULL
  as.dataf <- function(x,...) {
    x <- cbind(x)
    rn <- rownames(x)
    if( length( unique(rn)) < length(rn)) rownames(x) <- NULL

  unique.rownames <- function(x) {
    ret <- c(tapply(1:length(x), x , function(xx) {
      if ( length(xx) == 1) ""
      else 1:length(xx)
    })) [tapply(1:length(x),x)]
    ret <- paste(x,ret,sep="")
  #      if(debug) disp( Llist)
  if( is.character(Llist) ) Llist <- structure(list(Llist),names=Llist)
  if(!is.list(Llist)) Llist <- list(Llist)

  ret <- list()
  fix <- getFix(fit)
  #      if(debug) disp(fix)
  beta <- fix$fixed
  vc <- fix$vcov

  dfs <- if(is.null(df) ) fix$df else df + 0*fix$df
  #      if(debug) disp(Llist)
  for (ii in 1:length(Llist)) {
    ret[[ii]] <- list()
    Larg <- Llist[[ii]]
    #          if(debug) {
    #               disp(ii)
    #               disp(Larg)
    #          }
    L <- NULL
    if ( is.character(Larg)) {
      L <- Lmat(fit,Larg, fixed = fixed, invert = invert)
    } else {
      if ( is.numeric(Larg)) {
        if ( is.null(dim(Larg))) {
          if(debug) disp(dim(Larg))
          if ( (length(Larg) < length(beta)) && (all(Larg>0)||all(Larg<0)) ) {
            L <- diag(length(beta))[Larg,]
            dimnames(L) <- list( names(beta)[Larg], names(beta))
          } else L <- rbind( Larg )
        else L <- Larg
    #          if (debug) {
    #             disp(Larg)
    #             disp(L)
    #          }
    ## Delete coefficients that are NA
    Ldata <- attr( L , 'data')

    ## identify rows of L that are not estimable because they depend on betas that are NA
    Lna <- L[, is.na(beta), drop = FALSE]
    narows <- apply(Lna,1, function(x) sum(abs(x))) > 0

    L <- L[, !is.na(beta),drop = FALSE]
    attr(L,'data') <- Ldata
    beta <- beta[ !is.na(beta) ]

    ## Anova
    if( method == 'qr' ) {
      qqr <- qr(t(na.omit(L)))
      #Qqr <- Q(t(L))
      L.rank <- qqr$rank
      #L.rank <- attr(Qqr,'rank')
      #L.miss <- attr(Qqr,'miss')
      if(debug)disp( t( qr.Q(qqr)))
      L.full <- t(qr.Q(qqr))[ 1:L.rank,,drop=FALSE]
      #L.full <- t(Qqr[!L.miss,])[ 1:L.rank,,drop=F]
    } else if ( method == 'svd' ) {
      if(debug) disp(L)
      #              if(debug)disp( t(na.omit(t(L))))
      #              sv <- svd( t(na.omit(t(L))) , nu = 0 )
      sv <- svd( na.omit(L) , nu = 0 )

      if(debug)disp( sv )
      tol.fac <- max( dim(L) ) * max( sv$d )
      if(debug)disp( tol.fac )
      if ( tol.fac > 1e6 ) warning( "Poorly conditioned L matrix, calculated numDF may be incorrect")
      tol <- tol.fac * .Machine$double.eps
      if(debug)disp( tol )
      L.rank <- sum( sv$d > tol )
      if(debug)disp( L.rank )
      if(debug)disp( t(sv$v))
      L.full <- t(sv$v)[seq_len(L.rank),,drop = FALSE]
    } else stop("method not implemented: choose 'svd' or 'qr'")

    # from package(corpcor)
    # Note that the definition tol= max(dim(m))*max(D)*.Machine$double.eps
    # is exactly compatible with the conventions used in "Octave" or "Matlab".

    if (debug && method == "qr") {

    if (debug) disp(L.full)
    if (debug) disp( vc )

    vv <-  L.full %*% vc %*% t(L.full)
    eta.hat <- L.full %*% beta
    Fstat <- (t(eta.hat) %*% qr.solve(vv,eta.hat,tol=1e-10)) / L.rank
    included.effects <- apply(L,2,function(x) sum(abs(x),na.rm=TRUE)) != 0
    denDF <- min( dfs[included.effects])
    numDF <- L.rank
    ret[[ii]]$anova <- list(numDF = numDF, denDF = denDF,
                            "F-value" = Fstat,
                            "p-value" = pf(Fstat, numDF, denDF, lower.tail = FALSE))
    ## Estimate
    etahat <- L %*% beta-RHS
    # NAs if not estimable:
    etahat[narows] <- NA
    if( nrow(L) <= maxrows ) {
      etavar <- L %*% vc %*% t(L)
      etasd <- sqrt( diag( etavar ))
    } else {
      etavar <- NULL
      etasd <- sqrt( apply( L * (L%*%vc), 1, sum))

    denDF <- apply( L , 1 , function(x,dfs) min( dfs[x!=0]), dfs = dfs)

    aod <- cbind( Estimate=c(etahat),
                  Std.Error = etasd,
                  DF = denDF,
                  "t-value" = c(etahat/etasd),
                  "p-value" = 2*pt(abs(etahat/etasd), denDF, lower.tail =FALSE))
    colnames(aod)[ncol(aod)] <- 'p-value'
    if (debug ) disp(aod)
    if ( !is.null(clevel) ) {
      hw <- qt(1 - (1-clevel)/2, aod[,'DF']) * aod[,'Std.Error']
      aod <- cbind( aod, LL = aod[,"Estimate"] - hw, UL = aod[,"Estimate"] + hw)
      if (debug ) disp(colnames(aod))
      labs <- paste(c("Lower","Upper"), format(clevel))
      colnames(aod) [ ncol(aod) + c(-1,0)] <- labs
    if (debug ) disp(rownames(aod))
    aod <- as.dataf(aod)

    rownames(aod) <- rownames(as.dataf(L))
    labs(aod) <- names(dimnames(L))[1]
    ret[[ii]]$estimate <- aod
    ret[[ii]]$coef <- c(etahat)
    ret[[ii]]$vcov <- etavar
    ret[[ii]]$RHS <- RHS
    ret[[ii]]$L <- L
    ret[[ii]]$se <- etasd
    ret[[ii]]$L.full <- L.full
    ret[[ii]]$L.rank <- L.rank
    if( debug ) disp(attr(Larg,'data'))
    ret[[ii]]$data <- attr(Larg,'data')
  names(ret) <- names(Llist)
  attr(ret,"class") <- "wald"
#' Print method for wald objects
#' @param x wald object
#' @param round FIXME
#' @param pround FIXME
#' @param \dots FIXME
#' @return called for  FIXME
#' @note This is a note
#' @author GM
#' @seealso \code{\link{wald}}
#' @examples
#' # coming soon FIXME
#' @export
print.wald <- function(x, round = 6, pround = 5,...) {
  pformat <- function(x, digits = pround) {
      x <- format(xx <- round(x,digits))
      x[ as.double(xx) == 0 ] <- paste(c("<.",rep('0',digits-1),'1'),collapse="")
  rnd <- function(x,digits) {
      if (is.numeric(x)) x <- round(x,digits=digits)
  for( ii in 1:length(x)) {
    nn <- names(x)[ii]
    tt <- x[[ii]]
    ta <- tt$anova

    ta[["p-value"]] <- pformat(ta[["p-value"]])
    print(as.data.frame(ta, row.names = nn, check.names = FALSE))
    te <- tt$estimate
     te[,'p-value'] <- pformat( te[,'p-value'])
    if ( !is.null(round)) {
       for ( ii in 1:length(te)) {
           te[[ii]] <- rnd(te[[ii]],digits=round)
    temat <- as.matrix(te)
    rownames(temat) <- rownames(tt$L)
    print(temat, quote = F, justify = 'right')
#' Transform output of a Wald test into a data frame
#' The generic method is included in the possibly false hope that it will ensure that the method
#' in this package is used.
#' @param obj a 'wald' object
#' @param se a vector with the multiples of standard error used to generate lower and upper limits. 'names(se)'
#'        is appended to 'L' and 'U' to label the variables.
#' @param which selects elements of 'obj' to turn to a data.frame.
#' @return A data frame with estimated coefficient, standard error, and, optionally, upper and lower limits and
#'         the variables included the 'data' element of 'obj' if present. The 'wald' object is 
#'         returned as the 'wald' attribute so p-values, for example, can be obtained with
#'         attr(ret, 'wald')$estimate$`p-value` 
#'         If \code{length(which) > 1}, the returned object is a list of data frames.
#' @examples
#' # coming soon!
#' @export
as.data.frame.wald <- function(obj, se = 2, digits = 3, sep = "", which = 1, ...) {
  # modified by GM 2010_09_20 to avoid problems with coefs with duplicate rownames
  dataf <- function(x, ...) {
    x <- cbind(x)
    rn <- rownames(x)
    if(length(unique(rn)) < length(rn)) rownames(x) <- NULL
    data.frame(x, ...)
  obj = obj[which]
  if (length(obj) == 1) { # e.g. is length(which) > 1
    cf <- obj[[1]]$coef
    ret <- data.frame(coef = cf, se = obj[[1]]$se)
    if(is.null(names(se))) names(se) <-
                 sapply(se, function(x) as.character(round(x, digits)))
    SE <- obj[[1]]$se
    SEmat <- cbind(SE) %*% rbind(se)
    cplus <- cf + SEmat
    cminus <- cf - SEmat
    colnames(cplus) <- paste("U",colnames(cplus),sep=sep)
    colnames(cminus) <- paste("L",colnames(cminus),sep=sep)
    ret <- cbind(ret, cplus, cminus)
    ret[['p-value']] <- obj[[1]]$estimate[['p-value']]
    ret[['t-value']] <- obj[[1]]$estimate[['t-value']]
    ret[['DF']] <- obj[[1]]$estimate[['DF']]
    if(!is.null(dd <- obj[[1]]$data)) ret <- cbind(ret, dd)
    if(!("L" %in% names(ret))) ret$L <- obj[[1]]$L
    attr(ret, 'wald') <- obj[[1]]
  else ret <- lapply( obj, as.data.frame.wald)
#' Wald function producing a data frame for graphing
#' A version of the wald function that produces a data frame directly, analogously to \code{as.data.frame(wald(...))}
#' @inheritParams wald
#' @param se a vector with the multiples of standard error used to generate lower and upper limits. 'names(se)'
#'        is appended to 'L' and 'U' to label the variables.
#' @param which selects elements of 'obj' to turn to a data.frame.
#' @return A data frame with estimated coefficient, standard error, and, optionally, upper and lower limits and
#'         the variables included the 'data' element of 'obj' if present.
#'         If \code{length(which) > 1}, the returned object is a list of data frames.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ###
#' ### Using walddf to create and plot a data frame with predicted values
#' ###
#'   data(hs)
#'   library( nlme )
#'   fit <- lme(mathach ~ (ses+I(ses^2)) * Sex * Sector, hs, random = ~ 1|school)
#'   summary(fit)
#'   pred <- expand.grid( ses = seq(-2,2,.1), Sex = levels(hs$Sex), Sector = levels(hs$Sector))
#'   head(pred)
#'   w <- walddf(fit, getX(fit,data=pred)) # attaches data to wald.object so it can included in data frame
#'   head(w)
#'   library(latticeExtra)
#'   xyplot(coef ~ ses | Sector, w, groups = Sex,
#'      auto.key = T, type = 'l',
#'      fit = w$coef,
#'      upper = w$L,
#'      lower = w$U,
#'      xlim = c(0,2),
#'      subscript = T) +
#'      glayer( gpanel.fit(...))
#'   wald(fit, 'ses')
#'   wald( fit, 'Sex')  # sig. overall effect of Sex
#'   wald( fit, ':Sex') # but no evidence of interaction with ses
#'   wald( fit, '\\^2') # nor of curvature
#'   # conditional effect of ses
#'   head(getX(fit))
#'   ###
#'   ###  Effect of ses: Differentiating with respect to ses
#'   ###
#'   L <- Lfx(fit, list(
#'          0,
#'          1,
#'          2 * ses,
#'          0 * M(Sex),
#'          0 * M(Sector),
#'          1 * M(Sex),
#'          2 * ses * M(Sex),
#'          1 * M(Sector),
#'          2 * ses * M(Sector),
#'          0 * M(Sex) * M(Sector),
#'          1 * M(Sex) * M(Sector),
#'          2 * ses * M(Sex) * M(Sector)),
#'          pred)
#'   head(wald(fit, L), 20)
#'   w <- walddf(fit, L)
#'   xyplot(coef ~ ses | Sector, w, groups = Sex,
#'      auto.key = list(columns = 2, lines = T),
#'      type = 'l',
#'      fit = w$coef,
#'      upper = w$L,
#'      lower = w$U,
#'      xlim = c(0,2),
#'      ylab = 'estimate change in mathach per unit increase in ses',
#'      subscripts = T) +
#'      glayer( gpanel.fit(...)) +
#'      layer(panel.abline(a=0,b=0,lwd = 1, color ='black'))
#'   ###
#'   ###  Difference in effect of ses between Sectors
#'   ###
#'   pred.d <- expand.grid( ses = seq(-2,2,.1), Sex = levels(hs$Sex), Sector = levels(hs$Sector), Sector0 = levels(hs$Sector))
#'   pred.d <- subset(pred.d, Sector > Sector0)
#'   head(pred.d)
#'   L <- Lfx(fit, list(
#'          0,
#'          0,
#'          0 * ses,
#'          0 * M(Sex),
#'          0 * M(Sector),
#'          0 * M(Sex),
#'          0 * ses * M(Sex),
#'          1 * M(Sector) - M(Sector0),
#'          2 * ses * (M(Sector) - M(Sector0)),
#'          0 * M(Sex) * M(Sector),
#'          1 * M(Sex) * (M(Sector) - M(Sector0)),
#'          2 * ses * M(Sex) * (M(Sector) - M(Sector0))),
#'          pred.d)
#'   w <- walddf(fit, L)
#'   w
#'   w <- sortdf(w, ~ Sex/ses)
#'   xyplot(coef  ~ ses | Sex, w,
#'      type = 'l',
#'      auto.key = T,
#'      fit = w$coef,
#'      lower = w$L2,
#'      upper = w$U2,
#'      xlim = c(0,2),
#'      ylab = 'effect of ses (Public minus Catholic)',
#'      subscripts = T) +
#'      layer(gpanel.fit(...)) +
#'      layer(panel.abline(a=0,b=0,lwd = 1, color ='black'))
#' }
#' @export
walddf <- function(fit, Llist = "", clevel = 0.95,
                 data = NULL, debug = FALSE ,
                 full = FALSE, fixed = FALSE,
                 invert = FALSE, method = 'svd',
                 df = NULL,
                 se = 2, digits = 3, sep = '') {
  obj <- wald(fit = fit, Llist = Llist, clevel = clevel,
              data = data, debug = debug ,
              full = FALSE, fixed = FALSE,
              invert = FALSE, method = 'svd',
              df = NULL)
  ret <- as.data.frame.wald(obj,
              se = se, digits = digits,
              sep = sep)

#' Extract coefficients from Wald object
#' @param obj wald object
#' @param se (default: FALSE) include standard errors
#' @return coefficients and, optionally, standard errors
#' @author GM
#' @examples
#' # coming soon
#' @export
coef.wald <- function( obj , se = FALSE ) {
 if ( length(obj) == 1) {
    ret <-
    ret <- obj[[1]]$coef
    if ( is.logical(se) && (se == TRUE) ) {
       ret <- cbind( coef = ret, se = obj[[1]]$se)

    } else if ( se > 0 ){
       ret <- cbind( coef = ret, coefp = ret+se*obj[[1]]$se,
              coefm = ret - se*obj[[1]]$se)
       attr(ret,'factor') <- se
 else ret <- sapply( obj, coef.wald )

##   Functions to perform a GLH on lm, lme or lmer models
##   August 13, 2005
##   Lmat: generate a hypothesis matrix based on a pattern
##   glh
##   Lmat
##   Ldiff
##   getFix
##   print.glh

#' Get information on fixed effects from a model object
#' \code{getFix} extracts coefficients, covariance matrix and degrees of
#' freedom from model objects. Its main purpose is to extract information need
#' by the \code{wald} function. To extend the wald function to a new class of
#' objects, it is merely necessary to write a method for \code{getFix}.
#' Extending the \code{\link{wald}} function to a new class of objects only
#' requires a \code{getFix} method for the new class.
#' @param fit A fitted model object
#' @param \dots Other arguments [unused]
#' @return Returns a list with the following components:
#'      \itemize{
#'           \item{fixed}{Fixed effect parameter estimates}
#'           \item{vcov}{Covariance matrix of the parameters}
#'           \item{df}{denominator degrees of freedom for each effect}
#'           }
#' @author Georges Monette
#' @seealso \code{\link{wald}}
#' @examples
#' library(nlme)
#' fit <- lme( mathach ~ (ses + I(ses^2)) * Sex, hs, random = ~ 1 + ses| school)
#' getFix(fit)
#' data(Prestige, package="car")
#' mod.prestige <- lm(prestige ~ education + income, data=Prestige)
#' getFix(mod.prestige)
#' @export
getFix <- function(fit,...) UseMethod("getFix")
#' @describeIn getFix method for multinom objects in package nnet
#' @export
getFix.multinom <- function(fit,...) {
  ret <- list()
  ret$fixed <- c(t(coef(fit)))
  ret$vcov <- vcov(fit)
  names(ret$fixed) <- rownames(ret$vcov)
  df <- nrow(na.omit(cbind(fit$residuals))) - length(ret$fixed)
  ret$df <- rep( df, length(ret$fixed))

#' @describeIn getFix method for lm objects
#' @export
getFix.lm <- function(fit, robust = FALSE, type = 'HC3', ...) {
       ss <- summary(fit)
       ret <- list()
       ret$fixed <- coef(fit)
       ret$vcov <- if(robust) sandwich::vcovHC(fit, type = type) else vcov(fit)
       # old: ret$vcov <- ss$sigma^2 * ss$cov.unscaled
       ret$df <- rep(ss$df[2], length(ret$fixed))

#' @describeIn getFix method for glm objects
#' @export
getFix.glm <- function(fit, robust = FALSE,...) {
  if(robust) warning(' robust not yet implemented for class glm')
       ss <- summary(fit)
       ret <- list()
       ret$fixed <- coef(fit)
       ret$vcov <- vcov(fit)
       ret$df <- rep(ss$df.residual, length(ret$fixed))
#' @describeIn getFix method for lme objects in the nlme package
#' @export
getFix.lme <- function(fit, robust = FALSE, ...) {
  if(robust) warning(' robust not yet implemented for class lme')
       ret <- list()
       ret$fixed <- nlme::fixef(fit)
       ret$vcov <- fit$varFix
       ret$df <- fit$fixDF$X
#' @describeIn getFix method for gls objects in the nlme package
#' @export
getFix.gls <- function(fit, robust = FALSE, ...) {
  if(robust) warning(' robust not yet implemented for class gls')
  ret <- list()
  ret$fixed <-coef(fit)
  ret$vcov <- vcov(fit)
  ds <- fit$dims
  df <- ds[[1]] - sum( unlist( ds[-1]))
  ret$df <- rep(df, length(coef(fit)))

#' @describeIn getFix method for lmer objects in the lme4 package
#' @export
getFix.lmer <- function(fit, robust = FALSE, ...) {
  # 2014 06 04: changed fit@fixef to fixef(fit)
  if(robust) warning(' robust not yet implemented for class lmer')
  ret <- list()
       ret$fixed <- fixef(fit)
       ret$vcov <- as.matrix( vcov(fit) )
       # ret$df <- Matrix:::getFixDF(fit)
       ret$df <- rep( Inf, length(ret$fixed))
#' @describeIn getFix method for glmerMod objects in the lme4 package
#' @export
getFix.glmerMod <- function(fit, robust = FALSE, ...) {
  # 2023 03 24: copied from getFix.glmer
  # 2014 06 04: changed fit@fixef to fixef(fit)
  if(robust) warning(' robust not yet implemented for class lmer')
  ret <- list()
  ret$fixed <- fixef(fit)
  ret$vcov <- as.matrix( vcov(fit) )
  # ret$df <- Matrix:::getFixDF(fit)
  ret$df <- rep( Inf, length(ret$fixed))
#' @describeIn getFix method for glmer objects in the lme4 package
#' @export
getFix.glmer <- function(fit, robust = FALSE, ...) {
  # 2014 06 04: changed fit@fixef to fixef(fit)
  if(robust) warning(' robust not yet implemented for class glmer')
  ret <- list()
       ret$fixed <- fixef(fit)
       ret$vcov <- as.matrix(vcov(fit))
       # ret$df <- Matrix:::getFixDF(fit)
       ret$df <- rep( Inf, length(ret$fixed))

#' @describeIn getFix method for mer objects in the lme4 package
#' @export
getFix.mer <- function(fit, robust = FALSE, ...) {
  # 2014 06 04: changed fit@fixef to fixef(fit)
  if(robust) warning(' robust not yet implemented for class mer')

       ret <- list()
       ret$fixed <- fixef(fit)
       ret$vcov <- as.matrix(vcov(fit))
       # ret$df <- Matrix:::getFixDF(fit)
       ret$df <- rep( Inf, length(ret$fixed))
#' @describeIn getFix method for zeroinfl objects in the pscl?? package
#' @export
getFix.zeroinfl <- function(fit, robust = FALSE, ...){
  if(robust) warning(' robust not yet implemented for class zeroinfl')
       ret <- list()
       ret$fixed <- coef(fit)
       ret$vcov <- as.matrix(vcov(fit))
       # ret$df <- Matrix:::getFixDF(fit)
       ret$df <- rep( Inf, length(ret$fixed))
#' @describeIn getFix method for mipo objects in the mice package
#' @export
getFix.mipo <- function( fit, robust = FALSE, ...){
  # pooled multiple imputation object in mice
  # uses the minimal df for components with non-zero weights
  # -- this is probably too conservative and should
  # improved
  if(robust) warning(' robust not yet implemented for class mipo')
  ret <- list()
  ret$fixed <- fit$qbar
  ret$vcov <- fit$t
  ret$df <- fit$df
#' @describeIn getFix method for MCMCglmm objects in the MCMCglmm package
#' @export
getFix.MCMCglmm <- function(fit, robust = FALSE, ...) {
  if(robust) warning(' robust not yet implemented for class MCMCglmm')
  ret <- list()
  ret$fixed <- apply(fit$Sol, 2, mean)
  ret$vcov <- var( fit $ Sol)
  ret$df <- rep(Inf, length(ret$fixed))
#' @describeIn getFix method for `stanfit` objects in the `rstan` package
#' @export
getFix.stanfit <-
function(fit, pars, include = TRUE, robust = FALSE, ...) {
  if(robust) warning(' robust not yet implemented for class stanfit')
  if(missing(pars)) pars <- dimnames(fit)$parameter
  sam <- as.matrix(fit, pars = pars , include = include)
  ret <- list()
  ret$fixed <- apply(sam, 2, mean)
  ret$vcov <- var(sam)
  ret$df <- rep(Inf, length(ret$fixed))
#' @describeIn getFix method for `lmerMod` objects in the `lme4` package
#' @export
getFix.lmerMod <- function(fit, robust = FALSE, ...) {
  if(robust) warning(' robust not yet implemented for class lmerMod')
  ret <- list()
  ret$fixed <- getME(fit, 'fixef')
  ret$vcov <- as.matrix(vcov(summary(fit)))
  ret$df <- rep(Inf, length(ret$fixed))
#' @describeIn getFix method for `glmerMod` objects in the `lme4` package
#' @export
getFix.glmerMod <- function(fit, robust = FALSE, ...) {
  if(robust) warning(' robust not yet implemented for class glmerMod')
  ret <- list()
  ret$fixed <- getME(fit, 'fixef')
  ret$vcov <- as.matrix(vcov(summary(fit)))
  ret$df <- rep(Inf, length(ret$fixed))
#' @describeIn getFix print message if getFix id used for a class for which a method has not been written
#' @export
getFix.default <- function(fit, ...) {
  # stop(paste("Write a 'getFix' method for class",class(fit)))
  ret <- list()
  ret$fixed <- coef(fit)
  ret$vcov <- vcov(fit)
  ret$df <- rep(Inf, length(ret$fixed))

#' Generic 'vcov' extended to objects with a \code{getFix} method
#' @param fit model with \code{\link{getFix}} method
#' @return estimated variance covariance matrix of fixed effects
#' @author GM
#' @export
Vcov <- function(fit,...) {

#' Correlation matrix of fixed effects
#' @describeIn Vcov correlation matrix of fixed effects
#' @export
Vcor <- function(fit,...) {
     vc <- cov2cor(getFix(fit,...)$vcov)
     svds <- svd(vc)$d
     attribute(vc,'conditionNumber') <- svds[1]/svds[length(svds)]

# getFix.rdc <- function(fit, ...) UseMethod("getFix")
# getFix.rdc.lmer <- function(fit, ...) {
#             ret <- list()
#             ret$fixed <- fixef(fit)
#             ret$vcov <- vcov(fit)
#             ret$df <- Matrix:::getFixDF(fit)
#             ret
# }
# getFix.rdc.lm <- function(fit, ...) {
#           ret <- list()
#           ret$fixed <- coef(fit)
#           ret$vcov <- vcov(fit)
#           ret$df <- fit$df.residuals
#           ret
# }

#' Extract the model data frame for various fitting methods
#' getData is to lme what model.frame is to lm
#' getData is implemented as a method in nlme
#' so we just add a method for 'lm' and other objects
#' @param fit a fitted object
#' @export
getData <- function(x,...) UseMethod("getData")
#' @describeIn getData method for lmer objects
#' @export
getData.lmer <- function(x,...) slot(x,'frame')
#' @describeIn getData method for lme objects
#' @export
getData.lme <- function(x,...) nlme:::getData.lme(x,...)
#' @describeIn getData method for gls objects
#' @export
getData.gls <- function(x,...) nlme:::getData.gls(x,...)
#' @describeIn getData method for lm objects
#' @export
getData.lm <- function(x,...) model.frame(x,...)

#' get the names of variables that are factors
#' @param object a data frame or object with a \code{\link{getData}} method that produces a data frame or a list
#' @param ... other orguments (currently not used)
#' @export
getFactorNames <- function(object, ...) UseMethod("getFactorNames")
#' @describeIn getFactorNames Get factor names
#' @export
getFactorNames.data.frame <- function(object,...) {
     names(object)[ sapply(object, is.factor)  ]
#' @describeIn getFactorNames Get factor names in a data frame
#' @export
getFactorNames.default <- function(object,...) getFactorNames( getData(object))

#' Print method for 'cat' objects
#' @param x a cat object to be printed with \code{\link{cat}}
#' @param \dots unused arguments
#' @return invisible(x)
#' @export
print.cat <- function(x,...) {
#' Hypothesis matrix generated by expressions
#' Creates an L matrix using expressions evaluated in 'data' for each column of
#' the L matrix
#' If \code{Lform} is called with only a \code{fit} argument, it outputs code
#' consisting of an expression that would, if used as the \code{fmla} argument
#' to \code{Lform} would generate the full design matrix for the linear model.
#' If \code{Lform} is called with two or three arguments, it generates a
#' hypothesis matrix by evaluating the expressions in \code{form} in the
#' environment \code{data}. The function \code{M} is designed to facilitate the
#' generation of blocks of the hypothesis matrix corresponding to main effects
#' or interaction effects of factors.
#' \verb{ Creates a linear hypothesis
#' matrix, i.e. an L matrix, using formulas evaluated in 'data' for each column
#' of the L matrix. This approach lends itself to creating hypotheses and
#' estimates based on data such as partial derivatives with respect to
#' variables evaluated at each data point.
#' An example is the estimation of growth rates in longitudinal models.
#' library(car) library(spida) fit <- lm( income ~ (education + I(education^2)
#' )* type, Prestige) summary(fit)
#' . . .  Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 891.3
#' 23889.1 0.037 0.97032 education 210.0 5638.8 0.037 0.97037 I(education^2)
#' 38.3 328.3 0.117 0.90740 typeprof 191523.2 63022.0 3.039 0.00312 ** typewc
#' 25692.3 73888.0 0.348 0.72887 education:typeprof -28133.0 10236.0 -2.748
#' 0.00725 ** education:typewc -4485.4 14007.9 -0.320 0.74956
#' I(education^2):typeprof 1017.5 451.8 2.252 0.02679 * I(education^2):typewc
#' 170.9 671.6 0.255 0.79967 . . .
#' # estimate the marginal value of occupation for each occupation in the data
#' set
#' L <- list( 'marginal value of education' =Lform( fit, form = list(
#' 0,1,2*education, 0,0, type == 'prof', type == 'wc', 2*education
#' *(type=='prof'), 2* education * (type == 'wc')), data = Prestige)) wald(
#' fit, L ) chat <- coef( wald( fit, L ), se = 2) xyplot( coef +coefp+coefm ~
#' education | type, cbind(Prestige,chat)[order(Prestige$education),], type =
#' 'l') xyplot( chat~ education | type, Prestige) }
#' @param fit a fitted model with a 'getFix' method.
#' @param expr.list a list of expressions with one component for each column
#'    (or groups of columns) of the hypothesis matrix corresponding to each term
#'    of the model. A term with multiple degrees of freedom can either be
#'    generated as separate single terms or with an expression that evaluates to a
#'    suitable matrix.
#' @param data the data frame in which expressions are evaluated.
#' @param formula as an argument of \code{M}, a one-sided formula defining a
#' main effect or an interaction term involving factors.
#' @param expr as an argument of \code{M}, an expression that can be evaluated
#' in each row of \code{data} to form element(s) of the corresponding row of
#' \code{L}.  formula defining a main effect or an interaction term involving
#' factors.
#' @return hypothesis matrix
#' @seealso \code{\link{wald},\link{Leff}} and \code{\link{Lfx}} for a new
#' improved but experimental version.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'       library(car)
#'       mod <- lm( income ~ (education + I(education^2) )* type, Prestige)
#'       summary(mod)
#'       # estimate the marginal value of an extra year of education for a
#'       # range of years for each type
#'       years.type <- expand.grid( education = seq(6,18,2), type = levels(Prestige$type))
#'       Lf <- Lform( mod,
#'          list( 0, 1, 2*education, 0, 0, type =="prof", type =="wc",
#'             2*education*(type =="prof"), 2*education*(type =="wc")),
#'          years.type)
#'       Lf
#'       ww <- wald( mod, Lf)
#'       ww
#'       ytderiv <- as.data.frame( ww, se = 2)
#'       head( ytderiv )
#'       xyplot( coef ~ education, ytderiv, groups = type, type = 'l',
#'               auto.key = list(columns = 3, lines = TRUE, points = FALSE)
#' }
#' @export
Lform <- function( fit, form, data = getData(fit)) {
 # 2011-12-01: replaced with version below
  # 2012 12 04
  # Plan for Lform

  # 2012 12 05: Lform becomes Lex to acknowledge the fact that it uses
  # expressions instead of formulas
    if (missing(form)) return ( Lcall(fit))
      gg <- getFix(fit)
      Lsub <- do.call(cbind,eval( substitute( form ), data))
      if( (nrow(Lsub) != nrow( data))) {
          if ((nrow(Lsub)==1)) Lsub <- Lsub[rep(1,nrow(data)),]
          else stop('nrow(Lsub) != nrow(data)')
      if( is.null( colnames(Lsub))) colnames(Lsub) <- rep('',ncol(Lsub))
      L <- matrix( 0, nrow = nrow(Lsub), ncol = length( gg$fixed))
      rownames(L) <- rownames(data)
      colnames(L) <- names( gg$fixed)
      Lpos <- Lsub[, colnames(Lsub) == '', drop = FALSE]
      # disp(Lpos)
      Lnamed <- Lsub[ , colnames(Lsub) !='', drop  = FALSE]
      # disp(Lnamed)
      for ( ip in seq_len( ncol( Lpos ))) L[,ip] <- Lpos[,ip]
      if ( ncol( Lnamed ) > 0 ) {
         if ( length( unknown <- setdiff( colnames(Lnamed) , colnames(L)))) {
              stop( paste("Unknown effect(s):" , unknown, collapse = " "))
         for ( nn in colnames(Lnamed)) L[,nn] <- Lnamed[,nn]
      attr(L,"data") <- data
#' Generate a hypothesis matrix
#' Generates a hypothesis matrix to test whether a group of coefficients in a
#' linear model are jointly zero, selecting the coefficients that match a
#' regular expression.
#' @param fit a fitted object with a \code{\link{getFix}} method.
#' @param pattern a regular expression that matches names of coefficients
#' @return hypothesis matrix to test the hypothesis that the true values of
#'        matched coefficients are zero
#' @export
Lmat <- function(fit, pattern, fixed = FALSE, invert = FALSE, debug = FALSE) {
     # pattern can be a character used as a regular expression in grep
     # or a list with each component generating  a row of the matrix
     umatch <- function( pat, x, fixed , invert ) {
            ret <- rep(0,length(pat))
            for ( ii in 1:length(pat)) {
                imatch <- grep(pat[ii], x, fixed= fixed, invert = invert)
                if ( length(imatch) != 1) {
                   cat("\nBad match of:\n")
                   stop("Bad match")
                ret[ii] <- imatch
     if ( is.character(fit)) {
        x <- pattern
        pattern <- fit
        fit <- x
     fe <- getFix(fit)$fixed
     ne <- names(fe)
     if (is.character(pattern)) {
        L.indices <- grep(pattern,names(fe), fixed = fixed, invert = invert)
        ret <- diag( length(fe)) [L.indices,,drop = FALSE]
        if (debug) disp(ret)
        rownames(ret) <- names(fe) [L.indices]
        labs(ret) <- "Coefficients"
     } else if (is.list(pattern)){
        ret <- matrix(0, nrow = length(pattern), ncol = length(fe))
        colnames(ret) <- ne
        for ( ii in 1:length(pattern)) {
            Lcoefs <- pattern[[ii]]
            pos <- umatch(names(Lcoefs), ne, fixed = fixed, invert = invert)
            if ( any( is.na(pos))) stop("Names of L coefs not matched in fixed effects")
            ret[ii, pos] <- Lcoefs
        rownames(ret) <- names(pattern)
      labs(ret) <- "Coefficients"
#' Older version of Ldiff
#' @param fit model
#' @param pat pattern to match in names of coefficients
#' @param levnames level names
#' @param reflevel name for reference level
#' @param cut number of characters in pattern to retain for labelling
#' @return hypothesis matrix
#' @export
Ldiff.old <- function(fit, pat, levnames = c(reflevel,substring(rownames(L),cut+1)),
                       reflevel = "<ref>", cut = nchar(pat)) {
         L <- Lmat(fit, pat)
         nam <- rownames(L)
         n <- nrow(L)
         if(n < 2) return(L)
         plus <- unlist( apply( rbind( 2:n), 2, seq, n))
         minus <- rep(1:(n-1), (n-1):1)
         Lp <- L[ plus, ]
         Lm <- L[ minus, ]
         Lret <- rbind( L, Lp - Lm)
         rn <- paste( levnames[ c(1:n,plus) + 1], levnames[ c(rep(0,n), minus)+1], sep = " - ")
         rownames(Lret) <- rn
#' Version of Ldiff used in RDC
#' @param fit model
#' @param nam name of effect
#' @param ref unused
#' @return hypothesis matrix
#' @export
Ldiff.rdc <- function( fit, nam , ref = "no longer used") {
      # based on Lmu
      # Tests all pairwise difference in factor with model with Intercept term
      Lm <- Lmu(fit, nam)
      levs <- rownames(Lm)
      n <- nrow(Lm)
      if (n < 2) return (Lm)
      plus <- unlist( apply ( rbind(2:n), 2, seq, n))
      minus <- rep(1:(n-1), (n-1):1)
      Lret <- Lm[plus,] - Lm[minus,]
      rn <- paste( levs [plus], levs[minus] , sep = " - ")
      rownames(Lret) <- rn

#' Hypothesis matrix to test differencs in factor levels
#' @param fit model
#' @param pat pattern to match for categorical effect
#' @param levnames level names 
#' @param reflevel name for reference level
#' @param cut number of characters to retain for label
#' @param verbose default FALSE
#' @return hypothesis matrix
#' @export
Ldiff <- function( fit, pat, levnames = c(reflevel,substring(rownames(L),cut+1)),
         reflevel ="<ref>", cut=nchar(pat),verbose=F) {
      L <- Lmat(fit, paste("^",pat,sep=""))
      nam <- rownames(L)
      n <- nrow(L)
      zm <- matrix(1:n,nrow=n,ncol=n)
      plus <- zm[ col(zm) < row(zm)]
      minus <- rep(1:(n-1), (n-1):1)
      Lp <- L[plus,]
      Lm <- L[minus,]
      Lret <- rbind( L, Lp - Lm)
         pnames <- levnames [ c(1:n, plus) +1]
      mnames <- levnames [ c(rep(0,n), minus) + 1]
      if (verbose) {
      rn <- paste( levnames[ c(1:n,plus)+1], levnames[ c(rep(0,n),minus) + 1], sep = " - ")
      rownames(Lret) <- rn

#' Estimate predicted response for a factor level.
#' @param fit model
#' @param nam name of categorical effect
#' @param verbose default 0
#' @export
Lmu <- function(fit, nam, verbose = 0) {
       ## "Works only if 'nam' is a factor and a main effect and model has Intercept")
       if ( class(fit) != 'lmer' ) stop( "only implemented for lmer")
       v <- fit@frame[[nam]]
       if( !is.factor(v)) stop ("nam needs to specify the name of a factor")
       levs <- levels(v)
       if( verbose > 0) print(levs)
       cmat <- contrasts(v)
       if( verbose > 0) print(cmat)
       #  print(cmat)
       fe <- getFix(fit)$fixed
       if( verbose > 0) print(fe)
       if ( substring(nam,1,1) != '^') nam <- paste("^",nam,sep="")
       L.indices <- grep(nam,names(fe))
       if( verbose > 0) print(L.indices)
       L <- matrix(0,nrow=length(levs), ncol = length(fe))

       colnames(L) <- names(fe)
       if( verbose > 0) print(L)
          rownames(L) <- levs
       L[,L.indices] <- cmat
       if('(Intercept)' %in% colnames(L)) L[,'(Intercept)'] <- 1

#' Hypothesis matrix for lmer objects: comparisons with reference level
#' @param fit model
#' @param nam name of categorical factor
#' @param ref FIXME
#' @param verbose default 0
#' @export
Lc <- function(fit, nam, ref = 1, verbose = 0) {
       ## Comparisons with one level
       ## Use Lmu
       ## "Works only if 'nam' is a factor and a main effect and model has Intercept?")
       if ( class(fit) != 'lmer' ) stop( "only implemented for lmer")
       L <- Lmu( fit, nam)
       Lref <- L[ ref,,drop = FALSE]
       index <- 1:nrow(L)
       names(index) <- rownames(L)
       refind <- index[ref]
       if (length(refind) != 1) stop( paste( ref, "does not refer to a single level"))
       Lret <- L[-refind,]
       Lret <- Lret - cbind( rep(1,nrow(Lret))) %*% Lref
       attr(Lret,"heading") <- paste("Comparisons with reference level:", rownames(L)[refind])

#' Construct hypothesis matrix to test repeated measures factor effects
#' @param fit model
#' @param nam name of categorical effect
#' @param vals select rows of mean estimation matrix FIXME
#' @return hypothesis matrix
#' @export
Lrm <- function(fit, nam, vals = 1:nrow(L.mu)) {
    ## Repeated measures polynomial contrasts
    ## Uses Lmu
    ## "Works only if 'nam' is a factor and a main effect and model has Intercept?")
    L.mu <- Lmu(fit, nam)
    # print(L.mu)
    pp <- cbind( 1, Poly(vals, nrow(L.mu) -1))
    # print(pp)
    ortho <- Q(pp)[,-1] # (linear, quad, etc.)
    # print(ortho)
    ortho <- ortho[,-1]
    maxp <- max( 5, nrow(L.mu))
    colnames(ortho) <- c('linear','quadratic','cubic', paste("^",4:maxp,sep=''))[1:ncol(ortho)]
    L <- t(ortho) %*% L.mu
# Lrm(fit, "SRH94")

#' Construct hypothesis matrix to test ????
#' @param fit model 
#' @param factors FIXME
#' @return a hypothesis matrix
#' @export
Lcall <- function( fit , factors = getFactorNames(fit), debug = F){

      nams <- names(getFix(fit)$fixed)

      nams <- gsub( "^", ":", nams)   # delineate terms
      nams <- gsub( "$", ":", nams)   # delineate terms
      for ( ff in factors)   {
          ff.string <- paste( ff, "([^:]*)" , sep = '')
          if(debug) disp( ff.string)
          ff.rep <- paste(ff, " == \\'\\1\\'", sep = '')
          if(debug) disp(ff.rep)
          nams <- gsub( ff.string, ff.rep, nams)
     # for ( ii in seq_along(matrix)) {
     #     mm.all   <- paste( "(:",names(matrix)[ii], "[^\\)]*\\))",sep='')
     #     mm.match <- paste( "(",names(matrix)[ii], "[^\\)]*\\))",matrix[ii], sep ='')
     #     mm.rep   <- paste( "\\1")
     #     which.null <- grepl( mm.all, nams) mm.null  <-
     # }
      nams <- sub("(Intercept)", 1, nams)
      nams <- gsub( "^:","(",nams)
      nams <- gsub( ":$",")",nams)
      nams <- gsub( ":", ") * (", nams)
      #if(comment) nams <- paste( nams, "  #",nams)
      nams <- paste( "with (data, \n cbind(", paste( nams, collapse = ",\n"), ")\n)\n", collapse = "")
      class(nams) <- 'cat'

#' Hypothesis matrix to test equality of factor level effects
#' @param fit model
#' @param pat FIXME
#' @return hypothesis matrix
#' @export
Lequal <- function(fit, pat) {
       # Test for equality within levels of pat using all differences
         L <- Lmat(fit, pat)
         nam <- rownames(L)
         n <- nrow(L)
         if(n < 2) return(L)
         plus <- unlist( apply( rbind( 2:n), 2, seq, n))
         minus <- rep(1:(n-1), (n-1):1)
         Lp <- L[ plus, ]
         Lm <- L[ minus, ]
         Lret <- rbind( Lp - Lm)
         rn <- paste( nam[plus], nam[minus], sep = " - ")
         rownames(Lret) <- rn

#Lc <- function(fit, vec ){
#   fe <- getFix(fit)$fixed
#   ret <- 0 * fe
#   if ( is.null(names(vec))) ret[] <-
# Lmu(fit,"SRH")

#' Hypothesis matrix to test for lmer objects
#' @param fit model
#' @param pat FIXME
#' @return hypothesis matrix
#' @export
Lall <- function( fit , nam ) {
        if ( class(fit) != 'lmer' ) stop( "only implemented for lmer")
        v <- fit@frame[[nam]]
        if( !is.factor(v)) stop ("nam needs to specify the name of a factor")
        lev0 <- levels(v)[1]
        ret <-list()
        namf <- nam
        if ( substring(namf,1,1) != "^") namf <- paste("^", namf, sep ="")
        ret[[ nam ]] <- Lmat( fit, namf)
        ret[[ paste(nam,"mu",sep = '.') ]] <- Lmu(fit,nam)
        ret[[ paste(nam,"diff",sep = '.') ]] <- Ldiff( fit , nam)


#' @describeIn wald transforms estimates canfidence intervals using delta method
#' @export
wald.transform <- function (x, fun, label = "Transformed coefficients") {
  # transforms estimates and confidence intervals for wald, uses delta method
  # for se
  ant <- x[[1]]$estimate
  coefs <- as.double(ant$Estimate)
#   disp(coefs)
  trs <- numericDeriv( quote(fun(coefs)), 'coefs')
#   disp(trs)
  ant$Estimate <- c(trs)
  derivs <- abs( diag(as.matrix(attr(trs,'gradient'))))
  ant[["Std.Error"]] <- derivs * ant[["Std.Error"]]
  low.ind <- grep("^Lower ", colnames(ant))
  up.ind <- grep("^Upper ", colnames(ant))
  ant[[low.ind]] <- fun(ant[[low.ind]])
  ant[[up.ind]] <- fun(ant[[up.ind]])
  attr(ant,'labs') <- label
  x <- x[1]
  x[[1]]$estimate <- ant
  class(x) <- 'wald'
#' @describeIn wald same as \code{wald}, kept for backward compatibility
#' @export
glh <- function( ...) wald( ...)    # previous name for 'wald' function

#' Design matrix for a fit possibly on a new data frame
#' This function return the X matrix for a fit possibly based on a different data frame than the model.
#' It performs a function very close to that of \code{\link{model.matrix}} except that \code{\link{model.matrix}}
#' expects the variable for the LHS of the formula to be in the data set, ostensibly in order to remove rows
#' for which the LHS variable(s) are NA. In addition, \code{getX} attaches the argument data set as an attribute.
#' Extending \code{getX} to new classes merely requires a \code{\link{getData}} method. The \code{\link{formula}}
#' method is also used but usually already exitsts.
#' @param fit a fitted object with formula method
#' @param data (default NULL) a data frame on which to evaluate the design matrix
#' @return a design matrix
#' @export
getX <- function(fit, data = getModelData(fit)) {
  f <- formula(fit)
  if(length(f) == 3) f <- f[-2]
  ret <- model.matrix(f, data = data)
  # isnarow <- apply(as.data.frame(data), 1, function(x) any(is.na(x)))
  # if(any(isnarow)) {
  #   ret2 <- matrix(NA, nrow(data), ncol(ret))
  #   ret2[!isnarow,] <- ret
  #   ret <- ret2
  # }
  attr(ret,'data') <- data #include data as attribute
#' Pairwise differences of rows of a matrix
#' Returns all pairwise difference of rows of a matrix with
#' rownames formed with the corresponding rownames of the original 
#' matrix. The main application is to estimate differences between
#' treatment levels given a linear hypothesis matrix, L, in which 
#' each row estimates a function of model parameter given
#' a level of a categorical variable. \code{rowdiffs} provides 
#' an analog to differentiation
#' (see \code{\link{Lfx}}) for categorical variables.
#' @param L a matrix
#' @export
rowdiffs <- function(L) {
  nam <- rownames(L)
  n <- nrow(L)
  zm <- matrix(1:n,nrow=n,ncol=n)
  plus <- zm[ col(zm) < row(zm)]
  minus <- rep(1:(n-1), (n-1):1)
  Lp <- L[plus,]
  rownames(Lp) <- nam[plus]
  Lm <- L[minus,]
  rownames(Lm) <- nam[minus]
  Lret <- Lp - Lm
  rownames(Lret) <- paste(rownames(Lp),'-',rownames(Lm))
#' Get the data used to fit a model
#' Returns a data frame with the variables used to fit a model.
#' In contrast with \code{\link{model.frame}}, \code{getModelData}
#' returns the variables as they appear in the original data frame
#' used to fit the model.
#' @param model a model to which the function \code{\link{model.frame}} 
#'      can be applied along with a number of other basic functions and
#'      methods.
#' @return a data frame with the variables needed to fit 'model'.
#' @export
getModelData <- function(model){
  # author: J. Fox 2019_09_20
  data <- model.frame(model)
  vars <- all.vars(formula(model))
  if ("pi" %in% vars){
    vars <- setdiff(vars, "pi")
    message("the symbol 'pi' is treated as a numeric constant in the model formula")
  cols <- colnames(data)
  check <- vars %in% cols
  if (!(all(check))){
    missing.cols <- !check
    data <- expand.model.frame(model, vars[missing.cols])
  valid <- make.names(colnames(data)) == colnames(data) 
#' Create a data frame of predictors to display a model
#' Generates the cartesian product of factors and ranges
#' of continuous variables in a model. 
#' This function is particularly useful to display fitted  values
#' of a model that is non-linear in continuous predictors where
#' plotting curves against the original data would produce 
#' linear segments instead of a continuous curve.
#' By default, 50 values of each continuous variable is
#' generated. See the examples to generate fewer values.
#' Variables are considered discrete if the have fewer than
#' discrete_max distinct values.
#' @param mod a model from which a model data frame can be
#'        extracted with \code{\link{getModelData}}.
#' @param n number of values generated for continuous predictors. Default: 50
#' @param dmax maximum number of distinct values for a numeric variable
#'        to be considered discrete. Default: 5
#' @return a data frame with every combination of the values generated
#'         for each variable.
#' @export
make.grid <- function(mod, n = 50, dmax = 5) {
  d <- as.list(getModelData(mod))[-1] # drop response
  for(i in seq_along(d)) {
    dat <- d[[i]]
    d[[i]] <- if(is.factor(dat)) {
      levels(dat)} else {
        if(is.numeric(dat)) {
          if(length(unique(dat)) > dmax) {
            rr <- range(dat)
            dat <- seq(rr[1],rr[2],length.out = n)
          } else {
            dat <- unique(dat)
        else {
          if(is.character(dat)) {
            dat <- levels(as.factor(dat))
          else {
            if(is.logical(dat)) {
              dat <- c(FALSE,TRUE)
            } else {
              stop(paste0('Type of ',names(d)[i],' not known'))
#' Add rows of predictor variable values to model data frame
#' Generates additional rows of a predictor data frame
#' so that factors retain the levels of the factors
#' in the model data frame,  provided no new values
#' are introduced.
#' @param mod a model from which a model data frame can be
#'        extracted with \code{\link{getModelData}}.
#' @param add a data frame containing values to be added.
#' @return a data frame with concatenating the rows of the
#'        model data frame and the rows of 'add' together
#'        with an additional variable '.source' with the
#'        value 'model' or 'add' showing the provenance of the row.
#' @export
expandModelData <- function(model, add) {
  data <- getModelData(model)
  data$.source <- 'model'
  add$.source <- 'add'
  merge(data, add, all = T)
# if(FALSE){ #TESTS:
#   library(nlme)
#   fit <- lme(mathach ~ ses * Sex * Sector, hs, random = ~ 1|school)
#   summary(fit)
#   getX(fit)
#   pred <- expand.grid( ses = seq(-2,2,1), Sex = levels(hs$Sex), Sector = levels(hs$Sector))
#   pred
#   getX(fit,pred)
#   w <- wald(fit,getX(fit,data=pred))
#   w
#   as.data.frame(w)
#   g <- getX(fit,pred)
#   attr(g,'data') <- pred
#   w <- wald(fit,g)
#   w
#   as.data.frame(w)
# hs$rand <- sample(1:5,nrow(hs), replace = T)
# fit <- lm(mathach ~ ses * Sex * Sector + rand,hs)
# summary(fit)
# gg <- make.grid(fit)
# tab(gg, ~ Sector + Sex)
# gg$fit <- predict(fit, newdata = gg)
# library(latticeExtra)
# xyplot(fit ~ ses | Sex * Sector, gg, groups = rand) %>% useOuterStrips
# }

# getD: added 2020_01_02 by GM based on getModelData by John Fox
#' Get model data frame with optional additional rows
#' Facilitates obtaining the data frame for a model
#' along with optional additional creating rows of 
#' predictor values to graph fitted values.
#' Might supersede \code{\link{getData}} and other
#' processes to create a predictor data frame. Relies on
#' \code{\link{getModelData}}, which, in strong contrast
#' with \code{\link{getData}}, does not use methods 
#' for each modelling methods. If some modelling methods
#' don't work, then 'getD' will be come a generic function
#' with the current definition as the default method. 
#' @param model whose model frame is used to obtain
#'        variable names and, particularly, correct
#'        levels for factors used as predictors in the model.
#' @param add a data frame with values of predictor variables
#' @return a data frame concatenating the rows of the 
#'        model frame with those provided in 'add' with
#'        an additional variable '.source' with value
#'        'model' or 'add' to indicated the source of the row.
#' @export
getD <- function(model, add = NULL) {
  data <- getModelData(model)
  if(is.null(add)) return(data)
  if(exists("data$.source")) warning('variable .source in model data will be overwritten')
  data$.source <- 'model'
  add$.source <- 'add'
  merge(data, add, all = T)

if(FALSE){ #test getD
  fit <- lm(log(income) ~ type * women * log(education), Prestige)
  dd <- getD(fit, add = expand.grid(
    women = 0:100, 
    type = levels(Prestige$type),
    education = c(6, 10, 12, 16)))
  dd$fit <- predict(fit, newdata = dd)
  xyplot(exp(fit) ~ women | type, 
         subset(dd, .source == 'add'),
         groups = education, type = 'l',
         auto.key = list(columns = 4, lines = T, points = F)

  dd <- getD(fit, add = expand.grid(
    women = c(0,10,20,50,100), 
    type = levels(Prestige$type),
    education = 6:16))
  dd$fit <- predict(fit, newdata = dd)
  xyplot(exp(fit) ~ education | type, 
         subset(dd, .source == 'add'),
         groups = women, type = 'l',
         auto.key = list(columns = 4, lines = T, points = F)
  # but these plots need modification to exclude unlikely values
  # such high education in bc jobs
#' lsfit using SVD
#' not well optimized yet
#' @param x a matrix of predictors. Should include an intercept term if needed
#' @param y a vector or matrix of responses 
#' @param zero a value used to identify latent roots eseentially 0
#' @param has_intercept not yet used
#' @return
#' A list with three elements: Beta, the matrix of coefficients; residuals and sse
#' @export
lssvd <- function(x, y, zero = 1e-07, ...) {
  x <- cbind(x)
  y <- cbind(y)
  xn <- colnames(x)
  yn <- colnames(y)
  rown <- rownames(x)
  if(is.null(rown)) rown <- rownames(y)
  # Beta <- lssvd_nc(x, y, zero = zero)
  Beta <- MASS::ginv(x, tol = zero) %*% y
  colnames(Beta) <- yn
  rownames(Beta) <- xn
  resids <-  y - x%*%Beta
  colnames(resids) <- yn
  rownames(resids) <- rown
  sse <- apply(resids, 2, function(x) sum(x^2))
  list(coefficients = Beta, residuals = resids  , sse = sse)
#' @describeIn lssvd previous version not using MASS::ginv
#' @export
lssvd_old <- function(x, y, zero = 10^(-16), has_intercept = all(cbind(x)[,1] ==1)) {
  lssvd_nc <- function(x,y, zero) {
    # x and y should be matrices
    xp <- svd(x, nu = ncol(x), nv = ncol(x))
    uy <- t(xp$u)%*%y
    dinv <- 1/xp$d
    dinv[abs(xp$d) < zero] <- 0
    t(t(xp$v)*dinv) %*% uy
  disp <- function(...) NULL
  # if(!has_intercept) stop('has_intercept FALSE not yet implemented.')
  # if(!all(x[,1] == 1)) stop('first column must be intercept term.')
  x <- cbind(x)
  y <- cbind(y)
  xorig <- x
  xn <- colnames(x)
  yn <- colnames(y)
  # if(has_intercept) {
  if(FALSE) {   ## NEEDS FIXING    -----
    x <- x[,-1, drop = FALSE]
    xc <- scale(x)
    yc <- scale(y)
    yc[is.na(yc)] <- 0
    xm <- apply(x,2, mean)
    ym <- apply(y,2, mean)
    xs <- apply(x,2, sd)
    ys <- apply(y,2, sd)
    B <- lssvd_nc(xc, yc, zero = zero)
    B <- ys * t(t(B)/c(xs))
    Beta <- rbind( ym - rbind(xm) %*% B, B)
  else Beta <- lssvd_nc(x, y, zero = zero)
  colnames(Beta) <- yn
  rownames(Beta) <- xn
  resids <-  y - xorig%*%Beta
  sse <- apply(resids, 2, function(x) sum(x^2))
  list(coefficients = Beta, residuals = y - xorig%*%Beta  , sse = sse)
gmonette/spida2 documentation built on July 14, 2024, 12:45 p.m.