``` {r setup, echo = FALSE, message = FALSE} set.seed(1L) options(width=80)

# Aggregate Marketing System Simulator: an introduction

## What is AMSS?

The Aggregate Marketing System Simulator (AMSS) is a simulation tool capable of
generating aggregate-level time series data related to marketing measurement
(e.g., channel-level marketing spend, website visits, competitor spend, pricing,
sales volume). It is flexible enough to model a wide variety of marketing
situations that include different mixes of advertising spend, levels of ad
effectiveness, types of ad targeting, sales seasonality, competitor activity,
and much more.

Additionally, AMSS generates ground truth for marketing performance metrics,
including return on advertising spend (ROAS) and marginal ROAS (mROAS). The
capabilities provided by AMSS create a foundation for evaluating and improving
measurement methods, including media mix models (MMMs), campaign optimization,
and geo experiments, across complex modeling scenarios.

## AMSS for media mix modeling

MMMs are a typical area of application for AMSS. MMMs are statistical models
built on aggregate historical marketing data to

*   Estimate the impact of various media strategies (the media mix) on revenue
    or some other key performance indicator (KPI).
*   Forecast the impact of future media strategies on the KPI.
*   Recommend media strategies to optimize future KPIs.

Because they are built on aggregate historical data, making causal conclusions
based on MMM analyses is fraught with difficulties. Sources of validation for
MMM methodologies are scarce; experimental validation is often too expensive or
impractical to run. AMSS-based model evaluation allows analysts to cheaply test
MMM methodology performance in an environment where the ground truth is known.

## Vignette overview

This vignette shows briefly how to use the R package `amss`

*   to generate simulated data
*   to calculate ground truth for marketing metrics

For details on specific functions, please refer to the package manual.

A detailed discussion of AMSS's design is available in our paper at
https://research.google.com (see reference). The code below is based on the
example scenario family from the paper.

# Background: AMSS's simulation model

AMSS operates by tracking a population of consumers' relationships to the
product category and the brand over time. The state of the population at any
time is summarized by segmenting the population into groups composed of
individuals with the same mindset. It is important to understand how AMSS
conceptualizes the consumer mindset before using the simulator.

Consumer relationships with the category and the brand are summarized as
discrete latent variables in six dimensions. The first three describe the
consumer's relationship with the category:

*   **Market state**: whether the consumer has interest in the product category.
    Consumers may be either 'in-market' or 'out-of-market.'
*   **Satiation state**: whether the consumer's interest in the product category
    has been (temporarily) satiated by a recent purchase. Consumers may be
    either 'satiated' or 'unsatiated.'
*   **Activity state**: where the consumer is along the path to making a
    purchase in the category. Consumers may be in the 'inactive,' 'exploratory,'
    or 'purchase' activity state. Individuals in either of the latter two states
    must be both 'in-market' and 'unsatiated.'

The last three describe the consumer's brand relationships:

*   **Brand favorability state**: the consumer's opinion and awareness of the
    advertiser's brand. Consumers may be 'unaware,' 'negative,' 'neutral,'
    'somewhat favorable,' or 'favorable.'
*   **Brand loyalty state**: the consumer's brand loyalty. The consumer may be a
    'switcher,' 'loyal' to the advertiser's brand, or 'competitor-loyal.' Only
    'favorable' consumers can be 'loyal.'
*   **Brand availability state**: The phyical or mental availability of the
    advertiser's brand, from the perspective of the consumer. For example, if
    25% of consumers shop in grocery stores that do not carry the advertiser's
    brand, then the 25% of the population should be in the 'low' brand
    availability state (the other 75% would be either 'average' or 'high').

The package constants `kMarketStates`, `kSatiationStates`, `kActivityStates`,
`kFavorabilityStates`, `kLoyaltyStates`, and `kAvailabilityStates` store the
potential values users may take in any particular dimension of the population
segmentation. The `data.table` `kAllStates` lists all possible combinations of
the six dimensions, for a total of 198 consumer states.

# Simulating data from a single scenario

## Attaching the package

``` {r attach, message = FALSE}

Natural behavior, in the absence of marketing interventions

To begin with, we specify the number of time intervals in the simulation. Here, we ask for 4 years of weekly data.

``` {r specify_time, message = FALSE} n.years <- 4 time.n <- n.years * 52

In every simulation, the user must specify the natural behavior of the consumer
population in the absence of marketing interventions.

For example, consumer mindset will naturally change over time. We specify below
the natural transitions in activity state and brand favorability state that
occur at the beginning of each time interval. These transitions occur
marginally. When transition matrices in a dimension (e.g., brand availability)
are unspecified, the default specifies no migration.

Individuals from all activity states have a 60%/30%/10% chance of entering the
inactive/exploratory/purchase states at the beginning of each time interval.
Note that because the transition matrices below are row-identical, the
population segmentation at the end of the previous time interval has no effect
on the population segmentation after these transition matrices have been
applied. This means there is no 'lagged effect,' i.e., deviations from the
stable distribution caused by marketing interventions will not persist beyond
the time interval during which the intervention occurs.

``` {r nat_transition, message = FALSE}
activity.transition <- matrix(
    c(0.60, 0.30, 0.10,  # migration originating from inactive state
      0.60, 0.30, 0.10,  # exploratory state
      0.60, 0.30, 0.10),  # purchase state
    nrow = length(kActivityStates), byrow = TRUE)
favorability.transition <- matrix(
    c(0.03, 0.07, 0.65, 0.20, 0.05,  # migration from the unaware state
      0.03, 0.07, 0.65, 0.20, 0.05,  # negative state
      0.03, 0.07, 0.65, 0.20, 0.05,  # neutral state
      0.03, 0.07, 0.65, 0.20, 0.05,  # somewhat favorable state
      0.03, 0.07, 0.65, 0.20, 0.05),  # favorable state
    nrow = length(kFavorabilityStates), byrow = TRUE)

The user also specifies seasonal changes in the size of the market for the relevant product category.

``` {r market_rate, message = FALSE}

a sinusoidal pattern

market.rate.nonoise <- SimulateSinusoidal(n.years * 52, 52, vert.trans = 0.6, amplitude = 0.25)

with some added noise

market.rate.seas <- pmax( 0, pmin(1, market.rate.nonoise * SimulateAR1(length(market.rate.nonoise), 1, 0.1, 0.3)))

The functions `SimulateSinusoidal()`, `SimulateDummy()`, `SimualteAR1()`, and
`SimulateCorrelated()` are provided for the user's convenience. They are useful
in situations such as the one above, where the user wishes to generate a
particular type of time series as part of the simulation setup.

The complete set of parameters controlling consumer mindset in the absence of
marketing interventions is specified as a list below.

``` {r nat_mig_params, message = FALSE}
nat.mig.params <- list(
    population = 2.4e8,
    market.rate.trend = 0.68,
    market.rate.seas = market.rate.seas,
    # activity states for newly responsive (in-market & un-satiated)
    prop.activity = c(0.375, 0.425, 0.2),
    # brand favorability, initial proportions.
    prop.favorability = c(0.03, 0.07, 0.65, 0.20, 0.05),
    # everyone is a switcher
    prop.loyalty = c(1, 0, 0),
    transition.matrices = list(
        activity = activity.transition,
        favorability = favorability.transition))

Media channels

The next step is to specify the behavior of any marketing interventions included in the simulation. Currently, AMSS focuses on modeling the effects of media advertising through the functions DefaultTraditionalMediaModule() and DefaultSearchMediaModule(). Marketing interventions whose behavior cannot be modeled accurately through either of these functions can be added to a simulation through custom functions written by the user.

Before specifying the behavior of any media channel in particular, we set a common budget cycle for all media channels. Here, budgets are determined on a yearly basis, so each week within a budget period of 52 consecutive weeks is assigned the same identifier budget.index.

``` {r budget_index, message = FALSE} budget.index <- rep(1:n.years, each = 52)

Functions such as `CalculateROAS()` determine the effect of changing the budget
for a specified set of budget periods, so `budget.index` should be carefully
specified according to the needs of the user. The (quarterly, yearly) 'budget'
is considered the target quantity the advertiser is trying to optimize or
dertermine the value of.

## A traditional media channel: TV

Below, we specify the behavior of television advertising. TV is modeled as a
traditional media format using `DefaultTraditionalMediaModule()`.

The user should specify a weekly flighting pattern for TV spend.

``` {r flighting, message = FALSE}
tv.flighting <-
         market.rate.seas +
         SimulateAR1(length(market.rate.seas), -0.7, 0.7, -0.7))
tv.flighting <- tv.flighting[c(6:length(tv.flighting), 1:5)]

TV causes changes in consumer mindset by increasing brand awareness and brand favorability.

``` {r tv_transition, message = FALSE} tv.activity.trans.mat <- matrix( c(1.00, 0.00, 0.00, # migration originating from the inactive state 0.00, 1.00, 0.00, # exploratory state 0.00, 0.00, 1.00), # purchase state nrow = length(kActivityStates), byrow = TRUE) tv.favorability.trans.mat <- matrix( c(0.4, 0.0, 0.4, 0.2, 0.0, # migration from the unaware state 0.0, 0.9, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, # negative state 0.0, 0.0, 0.6, 0.4, 0.0, # neutral state 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.8, 0.2, # somewhat favorable state 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), # favorable state nrow = length(kFavorabilityStates), byrow = TRUE)

The complete list of arguments for the traditional media module includes
arguments controlling audience membership (i.e., tv viewership), the budget, the
cost per exposure, and the relationship between ad frequency and efficacy. See
`DefaultTraditionalMediaModule()` for more details.

``` {r params_tv, message = FALSE}
params.tv <- list(
    audience.membership = list(activity = rep(0.4, 3)),
    budget = rep(c(545e5, 475e5, 420e5, 455e5), length = n.years),
    budget.index = budget.index,
    flighting = tv.flighting,
    unit.cost = 0.005,
    hill.ec = 1.56,
    hill.slope = 1,
    transition.matrices = list(
        activity = tv.activity.trans.mat,
        favorability = tv.favorability.trans.mat))

Paid search

Paid search is modeled using the function DefaultSearchMediaModule(). The complete list of parameters for the search media module includes arguments controlling

The full specification can be found in the manual entry for DefaultSearchMediaModule().

Some settings are relatively simple to specify. For example, paid search runs in an auction environment. The competitive landscape determines the minimum and maximum cost per click (CPC) for the advertiser. This may be specified as a vector if it varies over time, or as a single numeric value.

``` {r cpc, message = FALSE} cpc.min <- 0.8 cpc.max <- 1.1

The settings an advertiser uses to control a paid search campaign are more
complicated. An advertiser controls a paid search campaign in three ways:

*   By adjusting a 'spend cap' that puts a hard limit on the amount to be spent
    during a time interval.
*   By adjusting the keyword list, and thus, the set of queries the advertiser
    is bidding on.
*   By adjusting the bid submitted to the auction.

Like `DefaultTraditionalMediaModule()`, the function
`DefaultSearchMediaModule()` allows specification of budget periods and their
associated budgets. The settings for paid search are then specified as a
function of the budget. For example, in this scenario we specify the spend cap
as follows:

``` {r spend_cap, message = FALSE}
# uncapped spend, shut off the first 2 of every 13 weeks
spend.cap.fn <- function(time.index, budget, budget.index) {
  if ((time.index %% 13) > 1) {
  } else {

In this case, the spend cap function specifies that the paid search campaign is on during 11 out of every 13 weeks, and when it is on the spend is uncapped. This remains true no matter the budget assigned to the media channel. The bid also doesn't depend on the budget, and is fixed at 1.1 (the maximum CPC).

``` {r bid_fn, message = FALSE} bid.fn <- function(time.index, per.capita.budget, budget.index) { return(1.1) }

The relationship between budget and spend is driven by the function `kwl.fn()`.
Like `bid.fn()`, it is written as a function of the per capita budget, i.e., the
budget divided by the size of the population, so that the behavior of the paid
search module scales to the size of the population.

``` {r kwl_fn, message = FALSE}
kwl.fn <- function(time.index, per.capita.budget, budget.index) {
    return(4.5 * per.capita.budget)

The function returns the proportion of queries that match the advertiser's keyword list. When it returns a vector, the proportion is specified for each population segment individually. This allows more complex scenarios where the quality of the targeting of the keyword list varies as it changes size.

As the budget increases, the keyword list expands and the proportion of queries that match also grows. This eventually results in more spend in paid search. Generally, a precise match between budget and spend is not necessary. Budget is a tool that allows the user to specify the mechanism an advertiser uses to increase its spend in paid search. Rather than specifying campaign settings directly, which would let the simulator answer questions such as "What would be the effect of changing my bid?," the function DefaultSearchMediaModule() specifies the relationship between budget and campaign settings, so that the simulator will help advertisers answer questions such as "What would be the effect of changing my spend, given that my method of changing my spend is X?" When mimicking different types of advertiser behavior, users should consider:

The answer to these questions impacts the relationship between sales and ad dollars spent in paid search

Just as in the traditional media module, the search media module specifies the effect of paid search through marginal transition matrices. Below, the effect of paid search is limited to changes in activity state.

``` {r search_transition, message = FALSE} search.activity.trans.mat <- matrix( c(0.05, 0.95, 0.00, # starting state: inactive 0.00, 0.85, 0.15, # starting state: exploratory 0.00, 0.00, 1.00), # starting: purchase nrow = length(kActivityStates), byrow = TRUE) search.favorability.trans.mat <- matrix( c(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, # unaware 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, # negative 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, # neutral 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, # favorable 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), # loyal nrow = length(kFavorabilityStates), byrow = TRUE)

Scenarios exploring the complexities of search can be created by adjusting
different aspects of the specification. For example, a user of AMSS may add
complexity with a non-zero effectiveness for organic search results in the
`relative effectiveness` parameter; `relative effectiveness` scales the effects
of organic search results, paid impression(s) with no paid click, and paid
impression(s) with paid click(s) against the maximal effect of search.

``` {r params_search, message = FALSE}
params.search <- list(
    audience.membership = list(activity = c(0.01, 0.3, 0.4)),
    budget = (2.4e7 / n.years) * (1:n.years),
    budget.index = budget.index,
    spend.cap.fn = spend.cap.fn,
    bid.fn = bid.fn,
    kwl.fn = kwl.fn,
    query.rate = 1,
    cpc.min = cpc.min,
    cpc.max = cpc.max,
    ctr = list(activity = c(0.005, 0.08, 0.10)),
    relative.effectiveness = c(0, 0.1, 1),
    transition.matrices = list(
        activity = search.activity.trans.mat,
        favorability = search.favorability.trans.mat))


The sales parameters below specify

``` {r sales_params, message = FALSE} sales.params <- list( competitor.demand.max = list(loyalty = c(0.8, 0, 0.8)), advertiser.demand.slope = list(favorability = rep(0, 5)), advertiser.demand.intercept = list( favorability = c(0.014, 0, 0.2, 0.3, 0.9)), price = 80)

## Simulate data

Call the package's main function, `SimulateAMSS()`, to generate the data.

``` {r get_data, results = 'hide', message = FALSE}
sim.data <- SimulateAMSS(
    time.n = time.n,
    nat.mig.params = nat.mig.params,
    media.names = c("tv", "search"),
    media.modules = c(
    media.params = list(params.tv, params.search),
    sales.params = sales.params)

Simulation output: S3 class amss.sim

The output of a call to SimulateAMSS() is an object of S3 class amss.sim. Objects with this class are lists with three elements:

Observed data

Generally, it is good idea to throw away some of the initial weeks of data, to make sure the simulation has reached a stable state. Here, we modify the observed data in sim.data$data by applying a burn-in period of 52 weeks.

``` {r burn_in, message = FALSE} burn.in.length <- 52 final.year.end <- n.years * 52 final.year.start <- final.year.end - 51 observed.data <- sim.data$data[(burn.in.length + 1):final.year.end, ]

It is possible to add additional variables to the observed data. For example,
although this would not usually be the case in reality, we can provide the
modeler with perfect knowledge of the seasonal variation in market size with the
following code.

``` {r modify_observed, results = 'hide', message = FALSE}
              market.rate :=
                  market.rate.seas[(burn.in.length + 1):final.year.end]]

Functions such as SimulateCorrelated() are useful for tuning the accuracy of such a variable, so the user can test model performance under various levels of imperfect knowledge of the seasonality.

This leaves the modeler with a 156x18 data.table of observed.data. The observed variables include weekly media volume, media spend, and sales data.

``` {r observed_names, message = FALSE} names(observed.data)

# A scenario family with varying levels of lag

The above scenario can be modified so that the effect of TV on brand
favorability persists beyond the initial time interval of exposure. The function
below allows the user to specify a `lag.alpha` between 0 and 1 that controls the
amount of lag by modifying the natural transition in brand favorability state
over time. By mixing the original transition matrix with the identity matrix,
the user can specify some non-zero tendency of consumers to retain the brand
favorability state they ended the previous time interval in.

Note that the transition matrix controlling the maximum *initial* impact of TV
on brand favorability is scaled by `lag.alpha` in order to keep the *total*
impact of TV constant.

``` {r get_args, message = FALSE}
GetLagArgs <- function (
    time.n, nat.mig.params, params.tv, params.search, sales.params,
    lag.alpha = 0) {
  # add lag by mixing no-lag transition matrix w/ identity matrix
  nat.mig.params$transition.matrices$favorability <-
      (1 - lag.alpha) * nat.mig.params$transition.matrices$favorability +
      lag.alpha * diag(nrow(nat.mig.params$transition.matrices$favorability))

  # adjust initial media impact to keep total impact constant
  params.tv$transition.matrices$favorability <-
      (1 - lag.alpha) * params.tv$transition.matrices$favorability +
      lag.alpha * diag(nrow(params.tv$transition.matrices$favorability))

      time.n = time.n,
      nat.mig.params = nat.mig.params,
      media.names = c("tv", "search"),
      media.modules = c(
      media.params = list(params.tv, params.search),
      sales.params = sales.params))

We can generate the arguments for SimulateAMSS() for a scenario where the strength of the lagged effect is 0.5 by calling GetArgs() with lag.alpha = 0.5.

``` {r args} args <- GetLagArgs( time.n = time.n, nat.mig.params = nat.mig.params, params.tv = params.tv, params.search = params.search, sales.params = sales.params, lag.alpha = 0.5)

To evaluate a modeling method for its robustness to increasing amounts of lag,
the user may wish to generate multiple argument lists that set `lag.alpha` to
gradually increasing values from 0 to 1.

# Calculating the ground truth: return on advertising spend

AMSS provides the function `CalculateROAS()` for calculating the true return on
advertising spend (ROAS) for any simulation scenario. `CalculateROAS()` compares
revenue under two simulation settings (the original, and a counterfactual of
what would have happened if the advertiser had set a different budget for the
relevant media channel) and reports the expected ratio of the difference in
revenue to the difference in advertising spend. The expectation is calculated
empirically; multiple replicates are drawn to reduce any possible noise
introduced by randomness in the simulator.

By default, `CalculateROAS()` calculates the average ROAS over the entire spend
in a media channel.

``` {r get_tv_roas, eval = FALSE, message = FALSE}
tv.roas <- CalculateROAS(
    media.names = "tv",
    t.start = final.year.start,
    t.end = final.year.end,
    min.reps = 10,
    max.time = 30,
    verbose = TRUE)

By default, verbose = FALSE, and CalculateROAS() simply outputs a value for the ROAS. When verbose = TRUE, the function outputs the full sample of ROAS values it drew during the estimation process and the precision of the estimate.

The user can also calculate the marginal ROAS (mROAS) by specifying the budget.proportion argument to the function. The code below would calculate the mROAS as the ROAS over a 5% decrease in TV spend.

{r get_tv_mroas, eval = FALSE, message = FALSE} tv.mroas <- CalculateROAS( sim.data, media.names = "tv", budget.proportion = 0.95, t.start = final.year.start, t.end = final.year.end, min.reps = 10, max.time = 30, verbose = TRUE)

The min.reps argument specifies that CalculateROAS() should calculate the ROAS by sampling from the true distribution a minimum of 10 times. The function will continue sampling until the desired precision is achieved, or the time limit of 30 minutes (specifed as the max.time) has passed. Note that precision is specified as both a 95% confidence margin of error and a coefficient of variation; achieving either of these will halt the sampling. When the function runs out of time without achieving either the desired margin of error (default of 0.01) or the desired coefficient of variation (default of 0.01), CalculateROAS() prints a warning message.

Generally, calculation of the mROAS will take more time to achieve a requested level of precision than calculation of ROAS. This is due to the small difference in spend between the original scenario and the counterfactual, which forms the denominator of the ROAS formula. Precision can be increased by extending the time allotted for the calculation, or by choosing budget.proportion further from 1.


[1] Zhang, S. and Vaver, J. (2017). The Aggregate Marketing System Simulator. https://research.google.com/pubs/pub45996.html.


This software is not an official Google product. For research purposes only. Copyright 2017 Google, Inc.

google/amss documentation built on May 20, 2019, 5:05 p.m.