
Defines functions coef2 coef2.glm coef2.merMod coef2.lme vcov2 vcov2.glm vcov2.lme vcov2.merMod complete complete.data.frame complete.mids coef.gfo scoef vcov.gfo predict.gfo print.gfo plotFSR summary.gfo ComputeCoxSnellR2 ComputeMcFaddensR2 CollectModelQuantities FitModel GetWaldPValue GetEstimates GetEstimates.data.frame GetEstimates.mids

Documented in FitModel scoef

# Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

coef2 <- function(object, ...) UseMethod('coef2', object)
coef2.glm <- function(object, ...) coef(object)
coef2.merMod <- function(object, ...) {
  # An S3 mer function resembling meant to resemble glm's coef
  val <- fixef(object)
  class(val) <- "coef.mer"
coef2.lme <- function(object, ...) {

vcov2 <- function(object, ...) UseMethod('vcov2', object)
vcov2.glm <- function(object, ...) vcov(object)
vcov2.lme <- function(object, ...) vcov(object)
vcov2.merMod <- function(object, ...) {
  # Overwriting mer variance function to match glm's format
  # Args:
  #  obj: a mer object
  #  Returns: The variance matrix as a native matrix object
  rr <- vcov.merMod(object)
  var.mat <- try(as.matrix(rr))
  if (class(var.mat) == "matrix") {  # i.e., no errors
    rownames(var.mat) <- names(fixef(object))
    colnames(var.mat) <- names(fixef(object))

# Creating S3 generic function complete
complete <- function(df, ...) UseMethod('complete', df)
# compete is the identity function for data.frame inputs
complete.data.frame <- function(df, i = 1) df
# complete is the mice's complete function for mids objects
complete.mids <- function(df, i = 1) mice:::complete(df, i)

# The coef function for gfo objects is just a getter for the qbar element
coef.gfo <- function(obj) obj$qbar

scoef <- function(obj) {
  # Computes standardized coefficients of a gfo object
  # Args:
  #  obj: a gfo object
  #  Returns: numerical vector of standardized coefficients
  response <- all.vars(obj$formula)[1]
  cont.preds <- intersect(names(obj$sd.vars), names(coef(obj)))
  denom <- 1
  if (obj$family()$family == "gaussian") {
    denom <- sd(complete(obj$data)[[response]])
  result <- numeric(length(cont.preds))
  try(result <- coef(obj)[cont.preds] * obj$sd.vars[cont.preds] / denom)

vcov.gfo <- function(obj) {
  # Computes the Rubin's Rules-adjusted vaariance matrix of a gfo object
  # that provides row and column names
  # Args:
  #  obj: a gfo object
  #  Returns: a dense variance matrix
  var.mat <- with(obj, ubar + (1 + 1 / m) * b)

predict.gfo <- function(obj, newdata, type = "response") {
  # prediction function for a generalized fitted object
  # Args:
  #  obj: a gfo object
  #  newdata: either a data.frame or a mids (multiply imputed data set) object
  #  type: TODO: this is not hooked up yet
  #  Returns: numerical vector of fitted response values
  outer.pred.list <- list()
  test.m <- 1
  if (class(newdata) == "mids") test.m <- newdata$m
  for (i in 1:test.m) {
    inner.pred.list <- list()
    for (j in 1:obj$m) {
      model.j <- obj$fitted.list[[j]]
      inner.pred.list[[j]] <- as.matrix(predict(model.j, complete(newdata, i),
                                                type = "response"))
    outer.pred.list[[i]] <- Reduce("+", inner.pred.list) / obj$m
  pred <- Reduce("+", outer.pred.list) / test.m

print.gfo <- function(obj) {
  # Printing function for a generalized fitted object (gfo)
  # Args:
  #  obj: a gfo object
  cat("Generalized Fitted Object 'gfo'\n\n")
  display.formula <- paste(deparse(obj$formula), collapse = " ")
  display.formula <- gsub("\\s+", " ", display.formula)
  cat("R Formula Syntax:", display.formula, "\n")
  if (class(obj$data) == "mids") {
    cat("\nNote: Multiple Imputation of missing values performed\n")
    cat("P-values adjusted according to Rubin's Rules\n\n")

plotFSR <- function(gfo) {
  # Plot how the False Selection Rate changes during the selection techniqu
  # TODO (baogorek): need a stop() for when variable selection was not used
  term <- c()
  formula <- c()
  fsr <- c()

  for (i in 1:length(gfo$history)) {
    term <- c(term, gfo$history[[i]]$term)
    fsr <- c(fsr, gfo$history[[i]]$fsr)
  par(las = 2) # make label text perpendicular to axis
  par(mar = c(5, 11, 4, 2)) #  margin: bottom, left, top, right 
  barplot(fsr, names.arg = substr(term,1, 27), horiz = TRUE,
          main = "Fast False Selection Rate Estimation",
          ylab = "", xlab = "Estimated FSR", xlim = c(0, .5))
  # TODO (baogorek): the 12 in arrows and 6 in text need to be dynamic
  arrows(.4, 1, .4, 12)
  text(.4, 6, "iteration", pos = 4)
  if (gfo$var.select.type == "forward") {
    message <- "term added from forward selection"
  } else if (gfo$var.select.type == "backward") {
    message <- "term dropped from backward elimination"
  par(las = 3)
  # TODO (baogorek): make padj dynamic (if necessary)
  mtext(message, 2, col = "black", padj = -13.5, cex = 1.2, font = 3)

summary.gfo <- function(obj) {
  # Summary function for a generalized fitted object (gfo)
  # Args:
  #  obj: a gfo object
  response <- all.vars(obj$formula)[1]
  summary.df <- data.frame("Intercept", NA,
                           round(coef(obj)["(Intercept)"], 3), NA)
  names(summary.df) <- c("Term", "Wald p-value", "Unstandardized coefs",
                         "Standarized coefs")
  if (identical(names(coef(obj)), "(Intercept)")) return("Intercept only model")
  for (term in names(obj$p.values)) {
    test.coefs <- obj$term.coef.map[[term]]
    p <- length(test.coefs)
    unstd.coefs <- round(coef(obj)[test.coefs], 3)
    std.coefs <- round(scoef(obj)[test.coefs], 3)
    pretty.p.val <- c(sprintf("%.4f", obj$p.values[term]), rep('pval above', p - 1))
    update <- data.frame(obj$term.coef.map[[term]], pretty.p.val, unstd.coefs,
    names(update) <- names(summary.df)
    summary.df <- rbind(summary.df, update)
  if (obj$family()$family == "binomial") {
    summary.df$odds.ratio <- round(exp(summary.df[, "Unstandardized coefs"]), 3)
  if (length(obj$random.terms) > 0) {
    var.comps <- list()
    ar.vec <- c()
    nlme.flag <- FALSE
    for (i in 1:obj$m) {
      if (class(obj$fitted[[i]]) == "lme") {
        nlme.flag <- TRUE
        var.comps[[i]] <- c(getVarCov(obj$fitted.list[[i]]),
        # TODO un-hard code subject
        var.corr <- data.frame(Groups = c("Subject",  "Residual"),
                               Name = c("(Intercept)", ""),
                               Variance = numeric(2))
        model.struct <- summary(obj$fitted[[i]])$modelStruct
        cor.struct <- summary(model.struct)$corStruct
        # Changing class to corAR1
        #class(cor.struct) <- attr(cor.struct, "oClass")
        #print(as.numeric(coef(cor.struct, unconstrained = FALSE)))
        ar.parm <- nlme:::coef.corAR1(cor.struct, unconstrained = FALSE)
        ar.vec <- c(ar.vec, ar.parm)
      } else {
        # var.corr contains names that do not change with i
        var.corr <- lme4:::formatVC(VarCorr(obj$fitted.list[[i]]))
        var.comps[[i]] <- (as.numeric(var.corr[, "Std.Dev."]))^2
    mean.vc <- Reduce("+", var.comps) / length(var.comps)
    var.corr[, 3] <- round(sqrt(mean.vc), 2)
    cat("\n\n###  Random Effects  ###\n\n")
    print(var.corr, quote = F, digits = 2) 
    if (nlme.flag) {
      cat("\n AR1 parameter estimate from nlme:\n")
      cat(round(mean(ar.vec), 2), "\n")
  row.names(summary.df) <- NULL
  cat("\n### Type II analysis of fitted terms ###\n\n")
  cat("\n ### Fit Statistics ###\n\n")
  # Idea: A batteries-included philosphy on output.
  if (obj$family()$family == "gaussian" && length(obj$random.terms) == 0) {
    cat("Well-defined R-squared is available\n")
    cat("R-squared:", round(obj$mcfaddens.r2, 4), "\n")
  } else if (obj$family()$family == "binomial") {
    cat("----Binomial response varible.----\n")
    cat("No well-defined R-squared is available.\n\n")
    cat("McFadden's generalized R-squared:", round(obj$mcfaddens.r2, 4), "\n\n")
    cat("Cox & Snell pseudo R-squared: ", round(obj$coxsnell.r2, 4), "\n")
  } else {
    cat("No fit statistics have been selected for this model\n")

ComputeCoxSnellR2 <- function(fit, null.model, n) {
  # Computes the Cox & Snell R-squared
  # Args:
  #  fit: a full model object, must support the LogLik function
  #  null.model: the reduced model object, must support the LogLike function
  #  n: the sample size
  # Returns: the scalar Cox & Snell R-squared
  return(1 - (exp(logLik(null.model) - logLik(fit)))^(2 / n))

ComputeMcFaddensR2 <- function(fit, null.model) {
  # Computes the Cox & Snell R-squared
  # Args:
  #  fit: a full model object, must support the LogLik function
  #  null.model: the reduced model object, must support the LogLike function
  #  n: the sample size
  # Returns: the scalar Cox & Snell R-squared
  return(1 - logLik(fit) / logLik(null.model))

CollectModelQuantities <- function(fit, data, null.model) {
  # This is simply a device to avoid typing this multiple times
  obj <- list(fit.cov = vcov2(fit), fit.coef = coef2(fit),
              mcfaddens.r2 = ComputeCoxSnellR2(fit, null.model, nrow(data)),
              coxsnell.r2 = ComputeMcFaddensR2(fit, null.model),
              formula = formula, family = family)

FitModel <- function(formula, data, family = gaussian, ts.model = NULL) {
  # Fits model with, optionally, missing data and random effects
  # Args:
  #  formula: a formula with optionally contains random effects
  #  data: a data.frame or mids object
  #  family: the family functions in R
  # Returns: a gfo model object
  gfo <- BackwardEliminate(formula, data, 1, family, ts.model, verbose = FALSE)
  gfo$var.select.type <- "none"
  gfo$var.select.cutoff <- NA

GetWaldPValue <- function(fitted, drop) {
  # Computes the Wald p-value based on the variance matrix of the estimates
  # Args:
  #  fitted: a gfo object
  #  drop: a character vector of coefficient names that comprise the hypothesis
  #        of no effect (all zero coefficients)
  # Return: scalar p-value
  if (norm(fitted$b) > 0) {  # uncertainty from missing data
    theta.bar <- fitted$qbar[drop]
    U.inv <- solve(fitted$ubar[drop, drop], tol = 1e-14)
    k <- length(theta.bar)
    r <- (1 + 1 / fitted$m) * tr(fitted$b[drop, drop] %*% U.inv) / k
    v <- k * (fitted$m - 1)
    w <- ifelse(v > 4, 4 + (v - 4) * (1 + (1 - 2 / v) / r)^2,
                0.5 * v * (1 + 1 / k) * (1 + 1 / r)^2)
    D <- (k * (1 + r))^(-1) * t(theta.bar) %*% U.inv %*% theta.bar
    p.value <- 1 - pf(D, k, w)
  } else {
    v <- vcov(fitted)[drop, drop]
    e <- matrix(coef(fitted)[drop], ncol = 1)
    df <- length(drop)
    d <- as.numeric(t(e) %*% solve(v) %*% e)
    p.value <- 1 - pchisq(d, df)

GetEstimates <- function(data, ...) UseMethod("GetEstimates", data)

GetEstimates.data.frame <- function(data, formula, family, null.model,
                                    random.terms = character(0),
                                    ts.model = NULL) {
  # generalized fitted model (gfo) constructor for data.frame input data set
  # Args:
  #  data: a data.frame
  #  formula: a formula that optionally contains random effects lme4 style
  #  family: one of the family functions (e.g., binomial), not in quotations
  #  null.model: the reduced model to be used in p-value computations
  #  random.terms: the vector of random terms from the model formula
  #  Returns: a gfo S3 object
  if (length(random.terms) == 0) {
    model.fit <- glm(formula = formula, family = family(), data = data)
    if (!is.null(ts.model)) {
      stop("Implement subject-specific random effect to use ts.model")
  } else {
    if (family()$family == "gaussian") {
      if (!is.null(ts.model)) {
        if (length(random.terms) > 1) {
          stop("Only one random term is allowed for use with ts.model")
        # TODO: fix D.R.Y. violation (sequential.R)
        all.terms <- attributes(terms(formula))$term.labels
        fixed.terms <- all.terms[!grepl("\\|", all.terms)]
        response <- all.vars(formula)[1]
        fixed.formula <- as.formula(paste0(response, "~",
                                paste(fixed.terms, collapse = "+")))
        random.formula <- as.formula(paste0("~", random.terms[1]))
        if (ts.model == "ar1") {
          model.fit <- lme(fixed.formula, data = data,
                           random = random.formula,
                           cor = corAR1(0.5, form = random.formula))
        } else {
          stop("That ts.model option has not yet been implemented")
      } else {
        model.fit <- lmer(formula = formula, data = data)
    } else {
      if (!is.null(ts.model)) {
        stop("Sorry, within-subject time series only available for gaussian")
      model.fit <- glmer(formula = formula, data = data, family = family)
  quantities <- try(CollectModelQuantities(model.fit, data, null.model))
  analysis.list <- list()
  analysis.list[[1]] <- model.fit
  current.model <- list(ubar         = quantities[["fit.cov"]],
                        qbar         = quantities[["fit.coef"]],
                        b            = 0 * quantities[["fit.cov"]],
                        m            = 1,
                        mcfaddens.r2 = quantities[["mcfaddens.r2"]],
                        coxsnell.r2  = quantities[["coxsnell.r2"]],
                        formula      = formula, family = family,
                        fitted.list  = analysis.list,
                        sd.vars      = GetStandardDevs(data))
  class(current.model) <- "gfo"

GetEstimates.mids <- function(mids, formula, family, null.model,
                              random.terms = character(0), ts.model = NULL) {
  # generalized fitted model (gfo) constructor for mids (imputed data set)
  # Args:
  #  data: a data.frame
  #  formula: a formula that optionally contains random effects lme4 style
  #  family: one of the family functions (e.g., binomial), not in quotations
  #  null.model: the reduced model to be used in p-value computations
  #  random.terms: the vector of random terms from the model formula
  #  Returns: a gfo S3 object
  m <- mids$m
  if (length(random.terms) == 0) {
    analysis.list <- mclapply(c(1:m),
                                glm(formula = formula, data = complete(mids, i),
                                    family = family)},
                              mc.cores = 5)
  } else {
    cl <- makeCluster(getOption("cl.cores", 5))
    if (family()$family == "gaussian") {
      # Handle Gaussian ts models
      if (!is.null(ts.model)) {
        if (length(random.terms) > 1) {
          stop("Only one random term is allowed for use with ts.model")
        all.terms <- attributes(terms(formula))$term.labels
        fixed.terms <- all.terms[!grepl("\\|", all.terms)]
        response <- all.vars(formula)[1]
        fixed.formula <- as.formula(paste0(response, "~",
                                paste(fixed.terms, collapse = "+")))
        random.formula <- as.formula(paste0("~", random.terms[1])) 
        if (ts.model == "ar1") {
          analysis.list <- parLapply(cl, c(1:m), function(i) {
                           return(lme(fixed.formula, data = complete(mids, i),
                                      random = random.formula,
                                      cor = corAR1(0.5, form = random.formula)))
        } else {
          stop("That ts.model option has not yet been implemented")
      } else {
      # Handle Gaussian non-ts models 
        analysis.list <- parLapply(cl, c(1:m),
                               function(i) {
                                 return(lmer(formula = formula,
                                             data = complete(mids, i)))})
    } else {
       # Handle non-Gaussian random effects models 
        if (!is.null(ts.model)) {
               stop("Sorry, within-subject time series only available for gaussian")
        analysis.list <- parLapply(cl, c(1:m),
                                 return(glmer(formula = formula,
                                        data = complete(mids, i),
                                        family = family))
  mat.list <- list()
  coef.list <- list()
  mcfaddens.list <- list()
  coxsnell.list <- list()
  l <- 0  # number of elements in the above list. Increments.
  for (i in 1:m) {
    current.analysis <- analysis.list[[i]]
    quantities <- try(CollectModelQuantities(current.analysis, complete(mids, i),
    if (class(quantities) == "try-error") {
      warning("Error. Model run dropped.")
    } else {
      l <- l + 1
      mat.list[[l]] <- quantities[["fit.cov"]]
      coef.list[[l]] <- quantities[["fit.coef"]]
      mcfaddens.list[[l]] <- quantities[["mcfaddens.r2"]]
      coxsnell.list[[l]] <- quantities[["coxsnell.r2"]]
  m <- length(mat.list)  # resetting m in case any analyses were dropped
  obj <- list(ubar = NA, qbar = NA, b = NA, m = m,
              mcfaddens.r2 = NA, coxsnell.r2 = NA,
              formula = formula, family = family, fitted.list = analysis.list,
              sd.vars = GetStandardDevs(mids$data))
  class(obj) = "gfo"
  if (m > 1) {
    obj[["qbar"]] <- Reduce("+", coef.list) / m
    obj[["ubar"]] <- Reduce("+", mat.list) / m
    obj[["mcfaddens.r2"]] <- mean(unlist(mcfaddens.list))
    obj[["coxsnell.r2"]] <- mean(unlist(coxsnell.list))
    b <- var(matrix(unlist(coef.list), nrow = m, byrow = TRUE))
    rownames(b) <- rownames(obj[["ubar"]])
    colnames(b) <- colnames(obj[["ubar"]])
    obj[["b"]] <- b
google/glmmplus documentation built on May 17, 2019, 7:47 a.m.