
Defines functions CrossValidate GetVariableImpacts GetVariableGroupImpact

Documented in CrossValidate GetVariableGroupImpact GetVariableImpacts

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# An R script containing functions for model interpretation,
# assessment, and evaluation

# TODO: make work for binary and gaussian responses
# Idea: Cross Validation takes in a gfo object
CrossValidate <- function(gfo, k.folds = 5, granularity = .005,
                          starter = list(), pre.test = FALSE) {

  # Currently set up for classification, binomial family and mids data only!
  # Args:
  #   k.folds: Number of cross-validation folds
  #   granularity: For binary classification, the step size from 0 to 1 in
  #                computing evaluation metrics like precision
  #   starter: a list containing elements that allows restarting the
  #            cross validation if at least one fold was completed.
  #            Such a list is created at each iteration and placed in the
  #            global environment. It is called "starter.pack"
  #   pre.test: Whether to run the full model for every training split,
  #             to check for model stability before running a lengthy
  #             cross-validation run using backward elimination
  # Returns:
  #  A gfo.cxv S3 object containing relevant outputs from the cross validation
  response <- all.vars(gfo$call.formula)[1]
  data <- gfo$data$data

  threshold.seq = seq(0, 1, granularity)
  if (length(starter) == 0) {
    split <- sample(1:k.folds, nrow(data), replace = TRUE)
    model.list <- list()
    min.redo.fold <- 1 # i.e., do them all
    precision.list <- list()
    accuracy.list <- list()
    recall.list <- list()
    complete.cases <- rep(0, length(threshold.seq))
  } else {
    model.list <- starter$model.list
    # re-label splits that are not in the current model list
    min.redo.fold <- min(k.folds - 1, length(model.list) + 1)
    split <- RelabelSplits(starter$split, c(min.redo.fold:k.folds))
    precision.list <- starter$precision.list
    accuracy.list <- starter$accuracy.list
    recall.list <- starter$recall.list
    complete.cases <- starter$complete.cases
  if (pre.test) {
  # Optional pre-test that run the model on the full set of vars for each split
    options(width = 200)
    for (i in min.redo.fold:k.folds) {
      if (i == 0) rm(starter.pack, envir = .GlobalEnv)
      cat("##### Pre-test ", i, " of ", k.folds, " ######\n")
      temp <- FitModel(gfo$call.formula, data = gfo$data[split != i, ],
                       family = gfo$family)
    check <- readline(prompt = "Check the runs for -999s. Continue? (y/n): ")
    if (check %in% c("n", "N")) stop("Unstable sample runs. Try Rerunning")

  for (i in min.redo.fold:k.folds) {
    fold.str <- paste("\n########", "Fold", i, "of", k.folds, "#########\n")
    train.df <- data[split != i, ]
    if (class(gfo$data) == "mids") {
      train.df <- mice(train.df, m = gfo$m, maxit = gfo$data$iteration,
                       predictorMatrix = gfo$data$predictorMatrix)
    fold.model <- SequentiallyBuildModel(gfo$call.formula, train.df,
                                         gfo$var.select.cutoff, gfo$family,
                                         type = gfo$var.select.type)
    model.list[[i]] <- fold.model
    test.df <- data[split == i, ]
    if (class(gfo$data) == "mids") {
      test.df <- mice(test.df, m = gfo$m, maxit = gfo$data$iteration,
                      predictorMatrix = gfo$data$predictorMatrix)
      pred <- predict(fold.model, test.df)

    fold.results.df <- data.frame(threshold = threshold.seq)
    fold.results.df$true.negatives <- NA
    fold.results.df$false.negatives <- NA
    fold.results.df$true.positives <- NA
    fold.results.df$false.positives <- NA

    for (row in 1:nrow(fold.results.df)) {
      flag <- as.numeric(pred >= fold.results.df[row, "threshold"])
      actual <- test.df[, response]
      fold.results.df[row, "true.negatives"] <- sum(flag == 0 & actual == 0)
      fold.results.df[row, "false.negatives"] <- sum(flag == 0 & actual == 1)
      fold.results.df[row, "true.positives"] <- sum(flag == 1 & actual == 1)
      fold.results.df[row, "false.positives"] <- sum(flag == 1 & actual == 0)
    # Binary case accuracy, precision, recall
    fold.results.df <- within(fold.results.df, {
      accuracy <- (true.positives + true.negatives) /
                  (true.negatives + false.negatives + true.positives +
      precision <- true.positives / (true.positives + false.positives)
      recall <- true.positives / (true.positives + false.negatives)
    accuracy.list[[i]] <- matrix(fold.results.df$accuracy, ncol = 1)
    recall.list[[i]] <- matrix(fold.results.df$recall, ncol = 1)
    precision.list[[i]] <- matrix(ifelse(is.nan(fold.results.df$precision), 0,
                                         fold.results.df$precision), ncol = 1)
    complete.cases <- complete.cases + !is.nan(fold.results.df$precision)
    starter.pack <<- list(split          = split,
                          model.list     = model.list,
                          accuracy.list  = accuracy.list,
                          recall.list    = recall.list,
                          precision.list = precision.list,
                          complete.cases = complete.cases)
  metrics.df <- data.frame(threshold = threshold.seq)
  metrics.df$accuracy <- Reduce("+", accuracy.list) / k.folds
  metrics.df$precision <- Reduce("+", precision.list) / complete.cases
  metrics.df$recall <- Reduce("+", recall.list) / k.folds

  gfo.cxv <- list(gfo = gfo, metrics.df = metrics.df, cv.models = model.list,
                  cv.split = split, k.folds = k.folds)
  class(gfo.cxv) <- "gfo.cxv"

GetVariableImpacts <- function(obj, lower.quantile = .05,
                               upper.quantile = .95) {
  # Computes model extrapolations when fixed effects are modulated
  # Args:
  #  obj: either a gfo.cxv (cross validation) or gfo object
  #  lower.quantile: the starting quantile of each continuous predictor
  #  upper.quantile: the ending quantile of each continuous predictor
  # Returns: A data frame of the predicted outcomes under the modulations
  impact.df <- data.frame()
  if (class(obj) == "gfo.cxv") {
    gfo <- obj[["gfo"]]
    k.folds <- obj$k.folds
  } else if (class(obj) == "gfo") {
    gfo <- obj
    k.folds <- NA
    count <- NA
  } else {
    stop("Imput must be a gfo.cxv or gfo object")

  if (class(gfo$data)[1] == "mids") {
    data <- gfo$data$data
  } else {
    data <- gfo$data
  # TODO: Add functionality for ns() and cut() terms
  terms <- gfo$final.fixed.terms
  function.terms <- terms[grepl("\\(", terms)]
  for (term in terms) {
    if (class(obj) == "gfo.cxv") {
      count <- 0
      for (i in 1:k.folds) {
        final.cv.attribs <- attributes(terms(obj$cv.models[[i]]$formula))
        final.cv.terms <- final.cv.attribs$term.labels
        count <- count + as.numeric(term %in% final.cv.terms)
    term.sd <- gfo$sd.vars[term]
    if (term %in% function.terms) {
      term.obj <- data[, GetFnArg(term)]
    } else {
      term.obj <- data[, term]
    cat("Getting impact for variable ", term, ", type: ", class(term.obj), "\n")
    if (is.numeric(term.obj) && !(term %in% function.terms)) {
      term.95 <- round(quantile(data[, term], upper.quantile, na.rm = TRUE), 3)
      term.05 <- round(quantile(data[, term], lower.quantile, na.rm = TRUE), 3)
      copy.df.95 <- data
      copy.df.05 <- data
      copy.df.95[, term] <- term.95
      copy.df.05[, term] <- term.05
      # Full model used to predict
      pred.high <- predict(gfo, copy.df.95)
      pred.low <- predict(gfo, copy.df.05)

      avg.diff <- round(mean(pred.high - pred.low, na.rm = TRUE), 3)
      avg.low <- round(mean(pred.low, na.rm = TRUE), 3)

    } else if (is.factor(term.obj)) {
      levels <- levels(term.obj)
      n.levels <- length(levels)
      cat(term, " is a factor with the following levels:\n")
      for (t in 1:n.levels) {
        cat("choice ", t, ": ", levels[t], "\n")
      base.index <- readline(prompt = "Choose base level: ")
      cat("you chose ", base.index, "\n")
      base <- levels[as.numeric(base.index)]
      other.labels <- setdiff(levels, base)
      cat("base: ", base, "other.labels: ", other.labels, "\n")
      term.95 <- other.labels
      term.05 <- rep(base, n.levels - 1)
      pred.high <- c()
      pred.low <- c()
      avg.diff <- c()
      avg.low <- c()
      iter.count <- rep(count, n.levels - 1)
      for (k in 1:length(other.labels)) {
        copy.df.95 <- data
        copy.df.05 <- data
        copy.df.95[, term] <- factor(term.95[k], levels = levels)
        copy.df.05[, term] <- factor(term.05[k], levels = levels)
        pred.high <- c(pred.high, predict(gfo, copy.df.95))
        pred.low <- c(pred.low, predict(gfo, copy.df.05))
        avg.diff <- c(avg.diff, round(mean(pred.high - pred.low, na.rm = TRUE),
        avg.low <- c(avg.low, round(mean(pred.low, na.rm = TRUE), 3))
    } else {
      print("Modulation of this term is currently not supported")
      term.05 <- NA
      term.95 <- NA
      pred.high <- NA
      pred.low <- NA
    update <- data.frame(term = term, term.p.05 = as.character(term.05),
                         term.p.95 = as.character(term.95),
                         model.occurence.count = count,
                         model.occurance.pct = round(count / k.folds, 3),
                         avg.diff = avg.diff,
                         avg.low = avg.low)
    impact.df <- rbind(impact.df, update)

# idea: more manual, but you get what you want
GetVariableGroupImpact <- function(obj, low.val.list, high.val.list) {
  # Computes model extrapolations for a group of variables and prints output
  # Args:
  #  obj: a gfo object
  #  low.val.list: a list with the names of the variables to be modulated and
  #    thier starting values
  #  high.val.list: a list with the names of the variables to be modulations
  #    and thier ending values
  if (class(obj)[1] != "gfo") stop("Please supply a gfo object")
  if (class(obj$data)[1] == "data.frame") data <- obj$data
  if (class(obj$data)[1] == "mids") data <- complete(obj$data)

  if (!all(sort(names(low.val.list)) == sort(names(high.val.list)))) {
    stop("low.val.list and high value.list must have the same names")
  var.vec <- names(low.val.list)

  copy.df.high <- data
  copy.df.low <- data
  for (term in var.vec) {
    copy.df.high[, term] <- high.val.list[[term]]
    copy.df.low[, term] <- low.val.list[[term]]
  pred.high <- predict(obj, copy.df.high)
  pred.low <- predict(obj, copy.df.low)

  avg.diff <- round(mean(pred.high - pred.low, na.rm = TRUE), 3)
  avg.low <- round(mean(pred.low, na.rm = TRUE), 3)

  cat(" Model Implied Group Impact Analysis \n")
  cat("    (Beware of extrapolation!)       \n")

  cat('At the "low" values of\n')
  cat("the average predicted value is", avg.low, "\n\n")
  cat('The average delta from moving to the "high" values of\n')
  cat("is", avg.diff, "\n")

  return(list(pred.high=pred.high, pred.low=pred.low))
google/glmmplus documentation built on May 17, 2019, 7:47 a.m.