
Defines functions CalcDAPSWeightBalance PlotWeightBalance DAPSchoiceModel DAPSWeightCE

Documented in CalcDAPSWeightBalance DAPSchoiceModel DAPSWeightCE PlotWeightBalance

#' DAPSm with extensive search for optimal w.
#' Calculates the balance of covariates as a function of weight when fitting
#' DAPS for multiple values of w.
#' @param dataset
#' Data frame including treatment, outcome, coordinates, propensity score
#' estimates (named prop.scores) and observed confounders.
#' @param weights
#' The weights on which we want to fit DAPS. Vector.
#' @param cov.cols
#' The indices of the columns we want to balance.
#' @param trt.col
#' The index of the binary treatment column. If treatment is named 'X' this can
#' be NULL.
#' @param out.col
#' Can be NULL if the outcome column is named 'Y'. Otherwise, it should the
#' index of the outcome column.
#' @param coords.columns
#' If the columns of coordinates are not named 'Longitude' and 'Latitude',
#' coords.columns are the column indices corresponding to longitude and latitude
#' accordingly.
#' @param caliper
#' The value of the caliper that will be used.
#' @param caliper_type 
#' Whether we want the caliper to be on DAPS or on the PS. caliper_type must be
#' either 'DAPS', or 'PS'.
#' @param coord_dist
#' Set to true when we want to use a distance function that calculates the
#' spherical distance of points instead of Euclidean. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param distance
#' Function that takes in the distance matrix and returns the standardized
#' distance matrix. Defaults to the funcion that subtracks the minimum and
#' divides by the range.
#' @param remove.unmatchables Logical. Argument of the optmatch function. Defaults to
#' FALSE. If set to FALSE, the matching fails unless all treated units are matched. If
#' set to TRUE, matching might return matches only for some of the treated units.
#' @return A list including: a 3-dimensional array. Dimensions correspond to
#' weights, before/after matching and covariates. Balance can be plotted using
#'  PlotWeightBalance function. A list of the pairs for the different weights.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(toyData)
#' toyData$prop.scores <- glm(Z ~ X1 + X2 + X3 + X4, family = binomial,
#'                            data = toyData)$fitted.values
#' bal <- CalcDAPSWeightBalance(toyData, weights = seq(0, 1, length.out = 30),
#'                              cov.cols = 6:9, trt.col = 1,
#'                              coords.columns = c(4, 5), caliper = 0.1,
#'                              matching_algorithm = 'greedy')
CalcDAPSWeightBalance <- function(dataset, weights, cov.cols, trt.col = NULL,
                                  out.col = NULL, coords.columns, caliper,
                                  caliper_type = c('DAPS', 'PS'), coord_dist = FALSE,
                                  distance = StandDist,
                                  matching_algorithm = c('optimal', 'greedy'),
                                  remove.unmatchables = FALSE) {
  caliper_type <- match.arg(caliper_type)
  matching_algorithm <- match.arg(matching_algorithm)

  if (is.null(trt.col)) {
    trt.col <- which(names(dataset) == 'X')
  if (is.null(out.col)) {
    out.col <- which(names(dataset) == 'Y')
  balance <- array(NA, dim = c(length(weights), 2, length(cov.cols)),
                   dimnames = list(weight = round(weights, 2), NULL,
  distance_DAPS <- rep(NA, length(weights))
  num_match_DAPS <- rep(NA, length(weights))
  pairs <- NULL
  full_pairs <- NULL
  for (ii in 1:length(weights)) {
    if (ii %% 5 == 0) {
    A <- DAPSest(dataset, out.col = out.col, trt.col = trt.col,
                 coords.columns = coords.columns, weight = weights[ii],
                 caliper = caliper, pairsRet = TRUE, caliper_type = caliper_type,
                 coord_dist = coord_dist, distance = distance,
                 matching_algorithm = matching_algorithm, 
                 remove.unmatchables = remove.unmatchables)
    pairs[[ii]] <- as.numeric(A$pairs[, 9:10])
    full_pairs[[ii]] <- A$pairs
    if (coord_dist) {
      D <- fields::rdist.earth(A$pairs[, c(3, 4)], A$pairs[, c(7, 8)])
    } else {
      D <- fields::rdist(A$pairs[, c(3, 4)], A$pairs[, c(7, 8)])
    distance_DAPS[ii] <- mean(diag(D))
    A <- dataset[pairs[[ii]], ]
    num_match_DAPS[ii] <- length(pairs[[ii]]) / 2
    balance[ii, , ] <- CalculateBalance(dtaBef = as.data.frame(dataset),
                                        dtaAfter = A, trt = trt.col,
                                        cols = cov.cols)
  return(list(balance = balance, pairs = pairs, distance_DAPS = distance_DAPS,
              num_match_DAPS = num_match_DAPS, full_pairs = full_pairs))

#' Plotting balance.
#' Plots balance of the covariates as a function of w and before matching.
#' @param balance
#' A 3-dimensional array including the SDM. First dimension is equal to length
#' of weights, second dimension is equal to two corresponding to before and
#' after matching, and third dimension is the covariates. Returned as an element
#' of the list from the function CalcDAPSWeightBalance().
#' @param full_data
#' The value of the x axis where the full data balance will be plotted. Defaults
#' to - 3.
#' @param weights
#' The vector of weights. Will be used to make the xlab.
#' @param cutoff
#' Vertical lines of cutoff used.
#' @param axis_cex
#' The size of the xaxis. Defaults to 1.
#' @param mar
#' Plot margins. Defaults to c(4, 4, 2, 8).
#' @param inset
#' Inset of the legend Defaults to - 0.1.
#' @param ylimit
#' The limit of the y axis.
#' @param leg_cex The size of the legend. Defaults to 1.
#' @param plot_title Overall plot title. Defaults to ''.
#' @param title_cex Size of the title. Defaults to 1.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(toyData)
#' toyData$prop.scores <- glm(Z ~ X1 + X2 + X3 + X4, family = binomial,
#'                            data = toyData)$fitted.values
#' bal <- CalcDAPSWeightBalance(toyData, weights = seq(0, 1, length.out = 30),
#'                              cov.cols = 6:9, trt.col = 1,
#'                              coords.columns = c(4, 5), caliper = 0.3,
#'                              matching_algorithm = 'greedy')
#' PlotWeightBalance(bal$balance, weights = seq(0, 1, length.out = 30),
#'                   cutoff = 0.15)
PlotWeightBalance <- function(balance, full_data = - 3, weights, cutoff,
                              axis_cex = 1, mar = c(4, 4, 2, 8), inset = -0.1,
                              ylimit = NULL, leg_cex = 1, plot_title = '',
                              title_cex = 1, cols = NULL, xlab = 'weight (w)',
                              ylab = 'ASDM') {

  num_cov <- dim(balance)[3]
  lty_limit <- min(9, length(cols))
  if (!is.null(cols)) {
    cols2 <- cols
    while (length(cols2) < num_cov) {
      cols2 <- c(cols2, cols)
    cols <- cols2
  } else {
    cols <- 1 : num_cov

  lty_cov <- sapply(1 : num_cov, function(cc)
    ifelse(cc / lty_limit > 1, ifelse(cc / lty_limit > 2, 5, 3), 1))

  if (is.null(ylimit)) {
    ylimit <- range(c(balance[, 2, ], 0, cutoff, balance[1, 1, ]), na.rm = TRUE)
  if (!is.null(mar)) {
    par(mar = mar)
  plot(1, type = 'n', xlim = c(full_data, length(weights)), axes = FALSE,
       ylim = ylimit, ylab = ylab, xlab = xlab)
  axis(1, labels = c('Full-Data', round(weights, 2)),
       at = c(full_data, 1:length(weights)), cex.axis = axis_cex)
  for (cc in 1 : num_cov) {
    plot_cov <- c(balance[1, 1, cc], balance[, 2, cc])
    lines(1:length(weights), plot_cov[- 1], col = cols[cc], lwd = 1.5,
          lty = lty_cov[cc])
    lines(c(full_data, 1), plot_cov[1:2], col = cols[cc], lty = 2)
    points(full_data, plot_cov[1], pch = 16, col = cols[cc])
  segments(x0 = full_data, y0 = cutoff, x1 = length(weights), y1 = cutoff,
           lty = 2, lwd = 3)
  segments(x0 = full_data, y0 = - cutoff, x1 = length(weights), y1 = - cutoff,
           lty = 2, lwd = 3)

  legend('topright', col = cols, lty = lty_cov, lwd = 1.5,
         legend = dimnames(balance)[[3]], cex = leg_cex,
         inset = c(inset, 0))
  title(main = plot_title, cex.main = title_cex)

#' Choosing the optimal weight and fitting the corresponding DAPSm.
#' After using CalcDAPSWeightBalance() to calculate the balance of covariates for
#' varying values of w, we can choose the w that acheives the optimal crieterion.
#' @param dataset
#' The dataset that was supplied to CalcDAPSWeightBalance() for calculating
#' balance.
#' @param out.col
#' The index of the outcome column if it is not named 'Y' in the dataset.
#' @param trt.col
#' The index of the treatment column if it is not named 'X'.
#' @param balance
#' A 3-dimensional array including the SDM. First dimension is equal to length
#' of weights, second dimension is equal to two corresponding to before and
#' after matching, and third dimension is the covariates. Returned as an element
#' of the list from the function CalcDAPSWeightBalance().
#' @param cutoff
#' The cutoff that is used for ASDM.
#' @param pairs
#' A list where each element corresponds to a weight. Each element is a vector
#' including the row indices of the dataset that are included in the matched
#' dataset for each weight w. 2nd element of the list returned by
#' CalcDAPSWeightBalance().
#' @param full_pairs
#' A list where each element corresponds to a weight. Includes the basic info
#' about the matched pairs. Returned by CalcDAPSWeightBalance() as full_pairs.
#' Can be left NULL.
#' @param distance_DAPS
#' Numeric of length equal to the number of weights. Mean distance of DAPS
#' matches. Can be left NULL. Or use distance_DAPS of CalcDAPSWeightBalance().
#' @param weights The weights that we used to fit DAPSm.
#' @param true_value A value that we wish to check if it is in the confidence interval.
#' @return A list of: CE estimate and standard error from a linear model
#' including only the matched pairs for the optimal w, the number of matches,
#' mean distance of pairs if distance_DAPS is specified, balance of observed
#' covariates, the chosen weight, and info on the matched pairs if full_pairs
#' is specified.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(toyData)
#' toyData$prop.scores <- glm(Z ~ X1 + X2 + X3 + X4, family = binomial,
#'                            data = toyData)$fitted.values
#' bal <- CalcDAPSWeightBalance(toyData, weights = seq(0, 1, length.out = 30),
#'                              cov.cols = 6:9, trt.col = 1,
#'                              coords.columns = c(4, 5), caliper = 0.3,
#'                              matching_algorithm = 'greedy')
#' PlotWeightBalance(bal$balance, weights = seq(0, 1, length.out = 30),
#'                   cutoff = 0.15)
#' DAPS <- DAPSchoiceModel(toyData, trt.col = 1, balance = bal$balance,
#'                         cutoff = 0.15, pairs = bal$pairs,
#'                         weights = seq(0, 1, length.out = 30))
#' names(DAPS)
#' DAPS$est
DAPSchoiceModel <- function(dataset, out.col = NULL, trt.col = NULL, balance,
                            cutoff = 0.1, pairs, full_pairs = NULL,
                            distance_DAPS = NULL, weights, true_value = NULL) {
  if (is.null(out.col)) {
    out.col <- which(names(dataset) == 'Y')
  if (is.null(trt.col)) {
    trt.col <- which(names(dataset) == 'X')
  out_name <- names(dataset)[out.col]
  trt_name <- names(dataset)[trt.col]
  r <- NULL
  bal_ach <- which(apply(balance[, 2, ], 1, function(x) sum(abs(x) > cutoff)) == 0)
  if (length(bal_ach) == 0) {  # If balance was not acheived for any.
    warning('Balance not acheived for any weight.')
    r$est <- NA
    r$cover <- NA
    r$weight <- NA
    r$pairs <- NA
  # If balance has been acheived, choose the minimum w.
  wh <- min(bal_ach)
  lmod <- lm(as.formula(paste(out_name, '~', trt_name)), data = dataset[pairs[[wh]], ])
  r$est <- lmod$coef[2]
  r$se <- summary(lmod)$coef[2, 2]
  r$num_match <- length(pairs[[wh]]) / 2
  if (!is.null(distance_DAPS)) {
    r$distance <- distance_DAPS[wh]
  r$balance <- balance[wh, , ]
  r$weight <- weights[wh]
  if (!is.null(full_pairs)) {
    r$pairs <- full_pairs[[wh]]
  if (!is.null(true_value)) {
    r$cover <- (abs(true_value - r$est) < qnorm(0.975) * r$se)

#' Plot the effect estimate as a function of w.
#' Plotting the effect estimate from various fit of DAPSm for varying w. The
#' chosen w will be the only red dot. A loess curve is fit to the effect
#' estimates.
#' @param dataset
#' The dataset that was supplied to CalcDAPSWeightBalance() for calculating
#' balance.
#' @param out.col
#' The index of the outcome column if it is not named 'Y' in the dataset.
#' @param trt.col
#' The index of the treatment column if it is not named 'X'.
#' @param weights
#' The weights that we used to fit DAPSm.
#' @param pairs
#' A list where each element corresponds to a weight. Each element is a vector
#' including the row indices of the dataset that are included in the matched
#' dataset for each weight w. 2nd element of the list returned by
#' CalcDAPSWeightBalance().
#' @param chosen_w
#' The weight value that was chosen by DAPSchoiceModel().
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(toyData)
#' toyData$prop.scores <- glm(Z ~ X1 + X2 + X3 + X4, family = binomial,
#'                            data = toyData)$fitted.values
#' bal <- CalcDAPSWeightBalance(toyData, weights = seq(0, 1, length.out = 30),
#'                              cov.cols = 6:9, trt.col = 1,
#'                              coords.columns = c(4, 5), caliper = 0.3,
#'                              matching_algorithm = 'greedy')
#' DAPS <- DAPSchoiceModel(toyData, trt.col = 1, balance = bal$balance,
#'                         cutoff = 0.15, pairs = bal$pairs,
#'                         weights = seq(0, 1, length.out = 30))
#' CE <- DAPSWeightCE(dataset = toyData, trt.col = 1,
#'                    weights = seq(0, 1, length.out = 30), pairs = x$pairs,
#'                    chosen_w = DAPS$weight)
#' CE$plot
DAPSWeightCE <- function(dataset, out.col = NULL, trt.col = NULL, weights,
                         pairs, chosen_w, main_title = NULL) {
  out_name <- 'Y'
  trt_name <- 'X'
  if (!is.null(out.col)) {
    out_name <- names(dataset)[out.col]
  if (!is.null(trt.col)) {
    trt_name <- names(dataset)[trt.col]

  CEweight <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(weights), ncol = 3)
  for (ww in 1:length(weights)) {
    lmod <- lm(as.formula(paste(out_name, '~', trt_name)),
               data = dataset[pairs[[ww]], ])
    CEweight[ww, ] <- summary(lmod)$coef[2, 1] +
      summary(lmod)$coef[2, 2] * 1.96 * c(-1, 0, 1)
  CEweight <- as.data.frame(CEweight)
  CEweight$Weight <- weights
  CEweight$num_match <- sapply(1:length(pairs), function(x) length(pairs[[x]]) / 2)
  l <- loess(V2 ~ Weight, data = CEweight)
  wh <- which(weights == chosen_w)
  names(CEweight)[1:3] <- c('LB', 'Estimate', 'UB')
  CEweight$col <- 'red'
  CEweight$col[wh] <- 'blue'
  if (is.null(main_title)) {
    main_title <- 'Causal Effect estimates with 95% confidence intervals'
  g <- ggplot(CEweight, aes(x = Weight, y = Estimate, group = 1, color = col)) +
    geom_pointrange(aes(ymin = LB, ymax = UB),
                    data = CEweight, colour = "black") +
    geom_point(shape = 16, size = 3) +
    ggtitle(main_title) +
    theme(plot.title = element_text(size = rel(1.4)),
          axis.title = element_text(size = rel(1.4)),
          axis.text = element_text(size = rel(1.2))) +
    ylab('Estimate') + theme(legend.position="none") +
    geom_line(aes(x = weights, y = l$fitted), col = 'black') +
    theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))
  return(list(CE = CEweight[, 1:5], plot = g))
gpapadog/DAPSm documentation built on May 17, 2019, 8 a.m.