
Defines functions GetPseudoIndependentPhyloFiles

Documented in GetPseudoIndependentPhyloFiles

#' Get pseudo-independent cladistic data sets
#' @description
#' Given a directory of metadata files, returns a list of pseudo-independent data sets.
#' @param xmlwd The working directory containing the XML files.
#' @param exclude.list An optional list of data sets to exclude a priori (see details).
#' @details
#' There are many applications for meta-analytical analysis of cladistic data sets (see, for example Wagner 2000, Liow 2007, Hughes et al. 2013, Wright et al. 2016), but a major consideration should always be first establishing an independent compilation of data sets. This function applies a set of criteria laid out in Wright et al. (2016) that primarily focuses on non-independence of data sets due to their repeated reuse and assumes this data is captured in XML files in the same format used by the \link{Metatree} function.
#' Specifically, the function uses parent-child and sibling-sibling relationships between data sets to first identify clusters of non-independent data sets. Then from each cluster it selects (in priority order) the data set with: (i) the most characters, (ii) the most taxa, (iii) the most recent publication date, or (iv) if two or more data sets tie on all three criteria, then simply the first data set alphabetically.
#' Note that in practice other pruning may be desired, e.g., to exclude data sets of minimum or maximum size (taxa or characters), however this is not automated here. It is also recommended that some data sets never be considered, e.g., because they are molecular when morphology is desired, they concern trace or trackway taxa, they are ontogenetic not phylogenetic, or they concern supertree or metatree characters. These must be curated manually and can be excluded from analysis by using the \code{exclude.list} option.
#' Note also that the term pseudo-independent is applied here as the function only considers data set non-independence through inherited character lists and not taxonomic independence, which may also bias results if not accounted for.
#' @return
#' A list of pseudo-independent file names.
#' @author
#' Graeme T. Lloyd \email{graemetlloyd@@gmail.com}
#' @references
#' Hughes, M., Gerber, S. and Wills, M. A., 2013. Clades reach highest morphological disparity early in their evolution. \emph{Proceeedings of the National Academy of Science U.S.A.}, \bold{110}, 13875–13879.
#' Liow, L. H., 2007. Lineages with long durations are old and morphologically average: an analysis using multiple datasets. \emph{Evolution}, \bold{61}, 885–901.
#' Wagner, P. J., 2000. Exhaustion of morphologic character states among fossil taxa. \emph{Evolution}, \bold{54}, 365–386.
#' Wright, A. M., Lloyd, G. T. and Hillis, D. M., 2016. Modeling character change heterogeneity in phylogenetic analyses of morphology through the use of priors. \emph{Systematic Biology}, \bold{65}, 602-611.
#' @seealso
#' For a more detailed description of how XML files should be formatted see the \link{Metatree}, \link{ReadMetatreeXML} or \link{WriteMetatreeXML} functions.
#' @examples
#' # Example code (commented out here as would only work locally):
#' #GetPseudoIndependentPhyloFiles("~/Documents/xml")
#' @export GetPseudoIndependentPhyloFiles
GetPseudoIndependentPhyloFiles <- function(xmlwd, exclude.list) {
  # TO DO
  # - Add other ways to get at independence such as taxonomic
  # - Add ways to eliminate data sets exceeding min-max size limits
  # Set working directory:
  # Get list of XML files:
  file.list <- list.files()
  # Exclude supertrees and stratigraphic data:
  file.list <- setdiff(file.list, exclude.list)
  # Create empty character vectors:
  statements <- filenames <- vector(mode="character")
  # Create empty numeric vectors:
  Ntax <- Nchar <- vector(mode="numeric")
  # For each file:
  for(i in 1:length(file.list)) {
    # Read in file:
    x <- readLines(file.list[i])
    # Add file name to list:
    filenames[i] <- gsub(".xml", "", file.list[i])
    # Add number of taxa to list:
    Ntax[i] <- as.numeric(strsplit(x[grep("<Taxa", x)], "\"")[[1]][2])
    # Add number of characters to list:
    Nchar[i] <- as.numeric(strsplit(x[grep("<Morphological |<Molecular |<Other ", x)], "\"")[[1]][2])
    # Add names to lists:
    names(Ntax)[i] <- names(Nchar)[i] <- filenames[i]
    # If there is a parent and/or a sibling:
    if(length(grep("<Parent>|<Sibling>", x)) > 0) {
      # Record parent statement:
      if(length(grep("<Parent>", x)) > 0) statements <- c(statements, paste(strsplit(x[grep("<Parent>", x)], "<Parent>|</Parent>")[[1]][2], "is the parent of", filenames[i]))
      # Record sibling statement:
      if(length(grep("<Sibling>", x)) > 0) statements <- c(statements, paste(strsplit(x[grep("<Sibling>", x)], "<Sibling>|</Sibling>")[[1]][2], "is the sibling of", filenames[i]))
    # If there is no parent or sibling:
    } else {
      # Record independent statement:
      statements <- c(statements, paste(filenames[i], "is independent"))
  # Get initial list of linked files:
  linked.files <- unique(sort(unlist(strsplit(statements, " is the parent of | is independent| is the sibling of ")))[duplicated(sort(unlist(strsplit(statements, " is the parent of | is independent| is the sibling of "))))])
  # Get list of unique files:
  unique.files <- setdiff(gsub(" is independent", "", statements[grep("is independent", statements)]), linked.files)
  # Update linked file list:
  linked.files <- setdiff(gsub(".xml", "", file.list), unique.files)
  # Remove independent data sets from statement list:
  if(length(grep("is independent", statements)) > 0) statements <- statements[-grep("is independent", statements)]
  # Make matrix of parent statements:
  parentofs <- matrix(unlist(strsplit(statements[grep(" parent of ", statements)], " is the parent of ")), ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
  # Make matrix of sibling statements:
  siblingofs <- matrix(unlist(strsplit(statements[grep(" sibling of ", statements)], " is the sibling of ")), ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
  # Order parent matrix:
  parentofs <- parentofs[order(parentofs[, 1]), ]
  # Sort sibling matrix:
  siblingofs <- t(apply(siblingofs, 1, sort))
  # For each parent:
  for(i in unique(parentofs[, 1])) {
    # Record all children:
    newsiblings <- parentofs[grep(TRUE, parentofs[, 1] == i), 2]
    # If there is more than one child:
    if(length(newsiblings) > 1) {
      # Add children as siblings to sibling matrix:
      for(j in 2:length(newsiblings)) siblingofs <- rbind(siblingofs, sort(newsiblings[c((j - 1), j)]))
  # Add list of siblings for which a parent statement may be missing:
  checkforparents <- unique(sort(unique(siblingofs)))[grep(TRUE, is.na(match(unique(sort(unique(siblingofs))), parentofs)))]
  # For each taxon in the list:
  for(i in checkforparents) {
    # Record the child:
    child <- i
    # Record the rows the child occurs in:
    rows <- grep(TRUE, siblingofs == i) %% nrow(siblingofs)
    # Little correction for last row:
    rows[rows == 0] <- nrow(siblingofs)
    # If there are more siblings to find:
    while(length(unique(as.vector(siblingofs[rows, ]))) > length(i)) {
      # Update siblings:
      i <- sort(unique(as.vector(siblingofs[rows, ])))
      # Update rows:
      for(j in i) rows <- sort(unique(c(rows, grep(TRUE, siblingofs == j) %% nrow(siblingofs))))
      # Little correction for last row (again):
      rows[rows == 0] <- nrow(siblingofs)
    # If parent statement is missing:
    if(length(unique(parentofs[sort(match(i, parentofs[, 2])), 1])) > 0) {
      # Add parent statement:
      parentofs <- rbind(parentofs, c(unique(parentofs[sort(match(i, parentofs[, 2])), 1]), child))
      # Update ordering of parent matrix:
      parentofs <- parentofs[order(parentofs[, 1]), ]
  # For each potential aunt-niece sibling relationship list:
  for(i in unique(parentofs[, 1])) {
    # If there are such relationships:
    if(length(sort(c(match(i, siblingofs[, 1]), match(i, siblingofs[, 2])))) > 0) {
      # Record parent siblings (aunts):
      parent.siblings <- setdiff(unique(as.vector(siblingofs[unique(sort(c(match(i, siblingofs[, 1]), match(i, siblingofs[, 2])))), ])), i)
      # Record child siblings (nieces):
      children <- parentofs[grep(TRUE, parentofs[, 1] == i), 2]
      # For each aunt:
      for(j in parent.siblings) {
        # For each niece; add to siblings list:
        for(k in children) siblingofs <- rbind(siblingofs, sort(c(j, k)))
  # Empty vector to store redundant parents:
  parents.to.delete <- vector(mode="character")
  # For each unique parent:
  for(i in unique(parentofs[, 1])) {
    # If present:
    if(!is.na(Nchar[i])) {
      # If superceded then add to delete list:
      if(any(apply(rbind(Ntax[parentofs[grep(TRUE, parentofs[, 1] == i), 2]] >= Ntax[i], Nchar[parentofs[grep(TRUE, parentofs[, 1] == i), 2]] >= Nchar[i]), 2, sum) == 2)) parents.to.delete <- c(parents.to.delete, i)
    # If data set is absent (excluded or not yet coded):
    } else {
      # Add to delete list:
      parents.to.delete <- c(parents.to.delete, i)
  # If there are parent data sets to remove:
  if(length(parents.to.delete) > 0) {
    # For each parent:
    for(i in parents.to.delete) {
      # Remove from the parent list:
      parentofs <- parentofs[-grep(TRUE, parentofs[, 1] == i), ]
  # Treat remaining parent child relationships as siblings by adding them to the sibling-ofs matrix:
  siblingofs <- rbind(siblingofs, parentofs)
  # If there are still dead files (absent through exclusion):
  if(length(grep(TRUE, is.na(match(unique(as.vector(siblingofs)), filenames)))) > 0) {
    # List dead files:
    dead.files.to.delete <- unique(as.vector(siblingofs))[grep(TRUE, is.na(match(unique(as.vector(siblingofs)), filenames)))]
    # Remove from sibling matrix:
    siblingofs <- siblingofs[-unique(sort(c(match(dead.files.to.delete, siblingofs[, 1]), match(dead.files.to.delete, siblingofs[, 2])))), ]
  # Create empty vector to store sibling clusters:
  clusters <- vector(mode="character")
  # For each sibling:
  for(i in unique(as.vector(siblingofs))) {
    # Record sibling:
    child <- i
    # Record rows in which sibling occurs:
    rows <- grep(TRUE, siblingofs == i) %% nrow(siblingofs)
    # Little correction for last row:
    rows[rows == 0] <- nrow(siblingofs)
    # Collapse to unique rows:
    rows <- sort(unique(rows))
    # As long as there are more siblings in the cluster:
    while(length(unique(as.vector(siblingofs[rows, ]))) > length(i)) {
      # Update sibling list:
      i <- sort(unique(as.vector(siblingofs[rows, ])))
      # Update row list:
      for(j in i) rows <- sort(unique(c(rows, grep(TRUE, siblingofs == j) %% nrow(siblingofs))))
      # Correction for last row:
      rows[rows == 0] <- nrow(siblingofs)
      # Collapse to unique rows:
      rows <- sort(unique(rows))
    # Add cluster to list:
    clusters <- unique(c(clusters, paste(sort(unique(as.vector(siblingofs[rows, ]))), collapse="%%")))
  # Create empty vector to store files to delete (dependent and not retained):
  files.to.delete <- vector(mode="character")
  # For each cluster:
  for(i in clusters) {
    # Break out cluster members:
    members <- strsplit(i, "%%")[[1]]
    # Record publication years:
    pub.years <- as.numeric(gsub("[a-z]", "", gsub("inpress", strsplit(as.character(Sys.Date()), "-")[[1]][1], unlist(strsplit(members, "_"))[cumsum(unlist(lapply(strsplit(members, "_"), length)))])))
    # Record number of taxa:
    Ntaxa <- Ntax[members]
    # Record number of taxa:
    Nchars <- Nchar[members]
    # If there is a single data set with the most taxa:
    if(length(grep(TRUE, Ntaxa == max(Ntaxa)) == 1)) {
      # Add all other data sets to delete list:
      files.to.delete <- c(files.to.delete, members[-grep(TRUE, Ntaxa == max(Ntaxa))])
    # If two or more data sets have equally the most taxa:
    } else {
      # Update members to just those with the most taxa:
      members <- members[grep(TRUE, Ntaxa == max(Ntaxa))]
      # Update publication years to just those with the most taxa:
      pub.years <- pub.years[grep(TRUE, Ntaxa == max(Ntaxa))]
      # Update number of characters to just those with the most taxa:
      Nchars <- Nchars[grep(TRUE, Ntaxa == max(Ntaxa))]
      # Update number of taxa just those with the most taxa:
      Ntaxa <- Ntaxa[grep(TRUE, Ntaxa == max(Ntaxa))]
      # If a single data set has the most characters (and taxa):
      if(length(grep(TRUE, Nchars == max(Nchars)) == 1)) {
        # Add all other files to delete list:
        files.to.delete <- c(files.to.delete, strsplit(i, "%%")[[1]][grep(FALSE, strsplit(i, "%%")[[1]] == members[grep(TRUE, Nchars == max(Nchars))])])
      # If two or more data sets have both the most taxa and the most characters:
      } else {
        # Update members list:
        members <- members[grep(TRUE, Nchars == max(Nchars))]
        # Update publication years:
        pub.years <- pub.years[grep(TRUE, Nchars == max(Nchars))]
        # Update number of taxa:
        Ntaxa <- Ntaxa[grep(TRUE, Nchars == max(Nchars))]
        # Update number of characters:
        Nchars <- Nchars[grep(TRUE, Ntaxa == max(Nchars))]
        # If a single data set has the most taxa and characters and is the most recently published:
        if(length(grep(TRUE, pub.years == max(pub.years)) == 1)) {
          # Delete all other data sets:
          files.to.delete <- c(files.to.delete, strsplit(i, "%%")[[1]][grep(FALSE, strsplit(i, "%%")[[1]] == members[grep(TRUE, pub.years == max(pub.years))])])
        # If there is no grounds to pick a single data set as best:
        } else {
          # Delete all, but an arbitrarily selected most taxa/characters/recently published data set:
          files.to.delete <- c(files.to.delete, members[grep(FALSE, strsplit(i, "%%")[[1]] == strsplit(i, "%%")[[1]][grep(TRUE, pub.years == max(pub.years))])][1])
  # Record files to keep:
  files.to.keep <- unique(sort(c(unique.files, setdiff(sort(unique(unlist(strsplit(clusters, "%%")))), files.to.delete))))
  # Return files to keep:
graemetlloyd/metatree documentation built on April 29, 2021, 2:32 a.m.