
Defines functions rcmd_running testthat_colourise expect_this .run.doc.example .fill.testing.env test skip_if .get.param.inputs

## The environment that contains all environment variables
.testing.env <- new.env(parent = getNamespace(.this.pkg.name))

## ----------------------------------------------------------------------

.get.param.inputs <- function(param.names = c(".port", ".dbname"),
                              reset = FALSE)
    testing.vars <- ls(.testing.env, all.names = TRUE)
    if (reset || any(!param.names %in% testing.vars)) {
        for (i in param.names)
            if (reset || !i %in% testing.vars) {
                .testing.env[[i]] <- readline(paste(i, "? ", sep = ""))

## ----------------------------------------------------------------------

## skip an "expect_that" test if cond is TRUE
skip_if <- function(cond, test.expr)
    expr <- deparse(substitute(test.expr))
    l1 <- sum(sapply(gregexpr("expect_that\\(", expr), function(s) sum(s>0)))
    l2 <- sum(sapply(gregexpr("expect_this\\(", expr), function(s) sum(s>0)))
    l <- l1 + l2

    if (cond) {
        if (.localVars$test.reporter %in% c("summary", "minimal"))
            for (i in seq_len(l)) cat(testthat_colourise(",", fg = "purple"))
        else if (.localVars$test.reporter == "tap") {
            for (i in seq_len(l)) {
                .localVars$test.skip <- .localVars$test.skip + 1
                cmd <- paste("test_that(\"SKIP this test ", .localVars$test.skip,
                             "\", expect_that(TRUE, is_true()))", sep = "")
                eval(parse(text = cmd))
    } else {

## ----------------------------------------------------------------------

test <- function(tests.path = "tests", man.path = NULL, filter = NULL,
                 reporter = c("summary", "tap", "minimal", "stop", "silent",
                 "teamcity", "list", "multi"),
                 env.file = NULL, env.vars = list(),
                 clean.test.env = FALSE, run = c("tests", "examples", "both"))
    run <- match.arg(run)

    if (tests.path == "tests")
        test_path <- system.file(tests.path, package = .this.pkg.name)
        test_path <- tests.path

    if (test_path == "")
        stop("You need to use --install-tests option to install ",
             "the tests when you are installing GreenplumR!")

    ## connections before testing
    ## so that we can close all un-closed connections after testing
    if (identical(.localVars$conn.id, integer(0)))
        origin.conn.id <- integer(0)
        origin.conn.id <- .localVars$conn.id[,1]

    ## close unclosed connection opened during testing
    cleanup.conn <- function() {
        if (identical(.localVars$conn.id, integer(0)))
            curr.conn.id <- integer(0)
            curr.conn.id <- .localVars$conn.id[,1]
        for (i in setdiff(curr.conn.id, origin.conn.id)) {
            db.disconnect(conn.id = i, verbose = FALSE, force = TRUE)

    reporter <- match.arg(reporter)
    .localVars$test.reporter <- reporter
    .localVars$test.skip <- 0

    installed.pkgs <- .get.installed.pkgs()
    if (! "testthat" %in% installed.pkgs) {
        message("Package 'testthat' is going to be installed!")
        install.packages(pkgs = "testthat")
        if (! "testthat" %in% .get.installed.pkgs())
            stop("The package 'testthat' could not be installed!")

    reporter <- eval(parse(text = "testthat:::find_reporter(reporter)"))

    if (!is.null(env.file))
    else if (length(env.vars) > 0)
        for (var in names(env.vars))
            assign(var, env.vars[[var]], envir = .testing.env)

    if (clean.test.env)
        for (var in ls(.testing.env, all.names = TRUE))
            rm(var, envir = .testing.env)

    filter <- c(filter, filter)

    if (run == "examples" || run == "both") {
        cat(testthat_colourise("\nRunning examples in the user doc ------\n",
                                fg = "light blue"))
        tryCatch(.run.doc.example(reporter, filter[1], man.path),
                 finally = {
                     unlink(.localVars$example.tmppath, recursive = TRUE)
                     rm("example.tmppath", envir = .localVars)

    if (run == "tests" || run == "both") {
        cat(testthat_colourise("\nRunning tests -------------------------\n",
                                fg = "light blue"))
        tryCatch(testthat::test_dir(test_path, reporter = reporter,
                                    env = .testing.env, filter = filter[2]),
                 finally = {

    if (!is.null(reporter$failed)) {
        stop("Test failures", call. = FALSE)

## ----------------------------------------------------------------------

## Given a file, put all values in the file into testing.env
## Each line of the file should be a key : value pair
.fill.testing.env <- function(env.file)
    con <- file(env.file)
    params <- readLines(con)
    for (line in params) {
        if (grepl("^\\s*#", line)) next # allow '#' to start a comment
        words <- .strip(strsplit(line, ":")[[1]])
        if (length(words) >= 2) {
            key <- .strip(strsplit(words[1], "#")[[1]][1])
            value <- .strip(strsplit(words[2], "#")[[1]][1])
            assign(key, value, envir = .testing.env)

## ----------------------------------------------------------------------

## Used for tests, no error during execution
has_no_error <- function ()
    function(expr) {
        res <- try(force(expr), TRUE)
        has_error <- inherits(res, "try-error")
        if (has_error) {
            err <- gsub("'", "\\\\'", as.character(res))
            return (eval(parse(
                text = paste("expectation(FALSE,",
                paste("'code generated an error: ",
                      err, "')", sep = "")))))
        eval(parse(text = "expectation(TRUE, '')"))

## ----------------------------------------------------------------------

## run doc example
.run.doc.example <- function(reporter, filter, r_root = NULL)
    if (is.null(r_root))
        x <- tools::Rd_db(.this.pkg.name)
        x <- tools::Rd_db(dir = r_root)

    outpath <- paste("/tmp/", .unique.string(), "/", sep = "")
    dir.create(outpath, recursive = TRUE)
    .localVars$example.tmppath <- outpath

    ## loop over all Rd files
    for (i in seq_along(x)) {
        filename <- gsub(".*/man/(.*\\.Rd)", "\\1", names(x)[i])
        y <- eval(parse(text = as.character(x[i])))
        for (j in seq_along(y)) {
            z <- unlist(y[[j]])
            pa <- grepl("%%\\s+@test", z)
            if (sum(pa) == 0) next # not an example to run
            ## params needed
            params <- gsub("%%\\s+@test\\s+(\\S+)\\s+.*", "\\1", z[pa])

            outfile <- paste(outpath, "test-", filename, ".r", sep = "")
            con <- file(outfile, "w")
            cat("context('Doc example in ", filename, "')\n",
                sep = "", file = con)
                paste("'", params, "'", collapse = ",", sep = ""),
                "))\n\n", sep = "", file = con)
            cat("test_that('Example in ", filename,
                "', expect_this(capture.output({",
                sep = "", file = con)
            for (line in z[!pa]) cat(line, file = con)
            cat("}, file = '", outpath, "/tmp-", filename,
                "-out.txt'), has_no_error()))", sep = "", file = con)
    testthat::test_dir(outpath, reporter = reporter,
                       env = .testing.env, filter = filter)


## ----------------------------------------------------------------------

expect_this <- function(expr, judge)
    ## connections before testing
    ## so that we can close all un-closed connections after testing
    if (identical(.localVars$conn.id, integer(0)))
        origin.conn.id <- integer(0)
        origin.conn.id <- .localVars$conn.id[,1]

    ## close unclosed connection opened during testing
    cleanup.conn <- function() {
        if (identical(.localVars$conn.id, integer(0)))
            curr.conn.id <- integer(0)
            curr.conn.id <- .localVars$conn.id[,1]
        for (i in setdiff(curr.conn.id, origin.conn.id))
            db.disconnect(conn.id = i, verbose = FALSE, force = TRUE)

    expr.str <- deparse(substitute(expr), width.cutoff=500)
    expr.str <- paste(expr.str[2:(length(expr.str)-1)], collapse = "\n")

    eval(parse(text = "expect_that(tryCatch(expr,
                         error = function(c) {
                             stop('\n\n\', expr.str, '\n\nERROR: ', c$message)
                         }), judge)"))

## ---------------------------------------------------------------

testthat_colourise <- function(text, fg = "black", bg = NULL) {
  term <- Sys.getenv()["TERM"]
  colour_terms <- c("xterm-color","xterm-256color", "screen",
                    "screen-256color", "xterm-256color-italic")

  if(rcmd_running() || !any(term %in% colour_terms, na.rm = TRUE)) {

  col_escape <- function(col) {
    paste0("\033[", col, "m")

  col <- .fg_colours[tolower(fg)]
  if (!is.null(bg)) {
    col <- paste0(col, .bg_colours[tolower(bg)], sep = ";")

  init <- col_escape(col)
  reset <- col_escape("0")
  paste0(init, text, reset)

.fg_colours <- c(
  "black" = "0;30",
  "blue" = "0;34",
  "green" = "0;32",
  "cyan" = "0;36",
  "red" = "0;31",
  "purple" = "0;35",
  "brown" = "0;33",
  "light gray" = "0;37",
  "dark gray" = "1;30",
  "light blue" = "1;34",
  "light green" = "1;32",
  "light cyan" = "1;36",
  "light red" = "1;31",
  "light purple" = "1;35",
  "yellow" = "1;33",
  "white" = "1;37"

.bg_colours <- c(
  "black" = "40",
  "red" = "41",
  "green" = "42",
  "brown" = "43",
  "blue" = "44",
  "purple" = "45",
  "cyan" = "46",
  "light gray" = "47"

rcmd_running <- function() {
  nchar(Sys.getenv('R_TESTS')) != 0
greenplum-db/GreenplumR documentation built on Sept. 2, 2023, 8:09 a.m.