
Defines functions edge_list_depth get_class_from_el split_by_level select_labels transform_data check_element_length verify_label_count verify_color_range verify_size verify_trans look_for_na verify_size_range label_bounds

Documented in check_element_length edge_list_depth get_class_from_el label_bounds look_for_na select_labels split_by_level transform_data verify_color_range verify_label_count verify_size verify_size_range verify_trans

#' Bounding box coords for labels
#' Given a position, size, rotation, and justification of a label, calculate the bounding box coordinates
#' @param x Horizontal position of center of text grob
#' @param y Vertical position of center of text grob
#' @param height Height of text grob
#' @param rotation Rotation in radians
#' @param just Justification. e.g. "left-top"
#' @keywords internal
label_bounds <- function(label, x, y, height, rotation, just) {
  process_one <- function(label, x, y, height, rotation, just) {
    # Deal with newlines
    if (grepl(label, pattern = "\n")) {
      split_label <- strsplit(label, split = "\n", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
    } else {
      split_label <- label
    block_height <- height * length(split_label)
    # Calculate some handy values used later
    width <- height * text_grob_length(split_label[which.max(vapply(split_label, nchar, numeric(1)))]) # The length of the text
    from_center_to_corner <- sqrt(block_height ^ 2 + width ^ 2) * 0.5 # The length between the center of the text box and a corner
    angle_to_corner <- atan2(block_height, width) # The angle between the center of the text box and a corner
    # Find the coordinates for the four corners, assuming a central justification
    coords <- data.frame(stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
                         x = c(- cos(rotation - angle_to_corner),  # top left
                               cos(rotation + angle_to_corner),  # top right
                               cos(rotation - angle_to_corner), # bottom right
                               - cos(rotation + angle_to_corner)),  # bottom left
                         y = c(- sin(rotation - angle_to_corner),  # top left
                               sin(rotation + angle_to_corner),  # top right
                               sin(rotation - angle_to_corner), # bottom right
                               - sin(rotation + angle_to_corner))  # bottom left
    ) * from_center_to_corner
    # Offset based on justification if not centered
    if        (just == "left-top") {
      coords$x <- coords$x - coords$x[1]
      coords$y <- coords$y - coords$y[1]
    } else if (just == "center-top") {
      coords$x <- coords$x - cos(rotation + pi * 0.5) * height * 0.5
      coords$y <- coords$y - sin(rotation + pi * 0.5) * height * 0.5
    } else if (just == "right-top") {
      coords$x <- coords$x - coords$x[2]
      coords$y <- coords$y - coords$y[2]
    } else if (just == "left-center" || just == "left") {
      coords$x <- coords$x + cos(rotation) * width * 0.5
      coords$y <- coords$y + sin(rotation) * width * 0.5
    } else if (just == "right-center" || just == "right") {
      coords$x <- coords$x - cos(rotation) * width * 0.5
      coords$y <- coords$y - sin(rotation) * width * 0.5
    } else if (just == "left-bottom") {
      coords$x <- coords$x - coords$x[4]
      coords$y <- coords$y - coords$y[4]
    } else if (just == "center-bottom") {
      coords$x <- coords$x + cos(rotation + pi * 0.5) * height * 0.5
      coords$y <- coords$y + sin(rotation + pi * 0.5) * height * 0.5
    } else if (just == "right-bottom") {
      coords$x <- coords$x - coords$x[3]
      coords$y <- coords$y - coords$y[3]
    # Adjust for input coordinates
    coords$x <- coords$x + x
    coords$y <- coords$y + y
    # Add input label and return
    cbind(data.frame(label = label, stringsAsFactors = FALSE),  coords)
  output <- do.call(rbind, mapply(FUN = process_one, SIMPLIFY = FALSE,
                                  label, x, y, height, rotation, just))
  rownames(output) <- NULL

#' Verify size range parameters
#' Verify size range parameters
#' @param args (\code{character}) The names of arguments to verify.
#' @keywords internal
verify_size_range <- function(args) {
  for (arg in args) {
    value <- get(arg, pos = parent.frame())
    if (length(value) != 2) {
      stop(call. = FALSE, paste0("Argument ", arg, " must be of length 2."))
    if (all(!is.na(value)) && value[2] < value[1]) {
      stop(call. = FALSE, paste0("The min value of ", arg, " is greater than its max."))

#' Look for NAs in parameters
#' Look for NAs in parameters
#' @param args (\code{character}) The names of arguments to verify.
#' @keywords internal
look_for_na <- function(taxon_ids, args) {
  for (arg in args) {
    value <- get(arg, pos = parent.frame())
    na_taxa <- taxon_ids[is.na(value)]
    if (length(taxon_ids) == length(value) && length(na_taxa) > 0 && length(taxon_ids) != 1) {
      warning(call. = FALSE,
              'NAs found in the "', arg, '" option. These may cause plotting ',
              'errors or other strange behavior. NAs can be created if there is not a value for each taxon.',
              ' The following ', length(na_taxa), ' of ', length(taxon_ids),
              ' taxa have NAs for the "', arg, '" option:\n ',
              limited_print(type = "silent", na_taxa))

#' Verify transformation function parameters
#' Verify transformation function parameters
#' @param args (\code{character}) The names of arguments to verify.
#' @keywords internal
verify_trans <- function(args) {
  for (arg in args) {
    value <- get(arg, pos = parent.frame())
    if (! is.function(value) && ! value %in% transform_data()) {
      stop(call. = FALSE, paste0("Argument '", arg,
                  "' must be a function or the name of a built-in transformation function."))

#' Verify size parameters
#' Verify size parameters
#' @param args (\code{character}) The names of arguments to verify.
#' @keywords internal
verify_size <- function(args) {
  for (arg in args) {
    value <- get(arg, pos = parent.frame())
    if (any(!is.na(value) & is.na(as.numeric(value)))) {
      stop(paste0("Argument '", arg, "' is not numeric."), call. = FALSE)
    if (any(is.infinite(value))) {
      warning(call. = FALSE,
              paste0('Infinite values found for "', arg,
                     '". These will be graphed in the same way as the largest (Inf) or smallest (-Inf) real number supplied.\n'))

#' Verify color range parameters
#' Verify color range parameters
#' @param args (\code{character}) The names of arguments to verify.
#' @keywords internal
verify_color_range <- function(args) {
  for (arg in args) {
    value <- get(arg, pos = parent.frame())
    if (any(! grepl("^#[0-9a-fA-F]{3,8}$", value) & ! value %in% grDevices::colors())) {
      stop(call. = FALSE, paste0("Argument '", arg, "' must be hex color codes or a name returned by 'colors()'"))

#' Verify label count
#' Verify label count
#' @param args (\code{character}) The names of arguments to verify.
#' @keywords internal
verify_label_count <- function(args) {
  for (arg in args) {
    value <- get(arg, pos = parent.frame())
    if (value %% 1 != 0 || value < 0) {
      stop(paste0("Argument '", arg, "' must be a positive integer."))

#' Check length of graph attributes
#' Length should divind evenly into the number of taxon/parent IDs
#' @keywords internal
check_element_length <- function(args) {
  for (arg in args) {
    observed_length <- length(get(arg, pos = parent.frame()))
    correct_length <- length(get("taxon_id", pos = parent.frame()))
    if (observed_length < 1) {
      stop(paste0("Argument '", arg, "' is empty."))
    if (correct_length %% observed_length != 0) {
      stop(paste0("Length of argument'", arg, "' must be a factor of the length of 'taxon_id'"))

#' Transformation functions
#' Functions used by plotting functions to transform data.
#' Calling the function with no parameters returns available function names.
#' Calling with just the function name returns the transformation function
#' @param data (\code{numeric}) Data to transform
#' @param func (\code{character}) Name of transformation to apply.
#' @param inverse (\code{logical} of length 1) If \code{TRUE}, return the inverse of the selected function.
#' @keywords internal
transform_data <- function(func = NULL, data = NULL, inverse = FALSE) {
  sign <- function(x) {
    ifelse(x < 0, -1, 1)
  funcs <- list("linear" = function(x) {x},
                "area" = function(x) {sign(x) * (abs(x)/pi)^(1/2)},
                "log10" = function(x) {log(x, base = 10)},
                "log2" = function(x) {log(x, base = 2)},
                "ln" = function(x) {log(x)},
                "log10 area" = function(x) {log((x/pi)^(1/2), base = 10)},
                "log2 area" = function(x) {log((x/pi)^(1/2), base = 2)},
                "ln area" =  function(x) {log((x/pi)^(1/2))})
  inverse_funcs <- list("linear" = function(x) {x},
                        "area" = function(x) {sign(x) * pi * (x ^ 2)},
                        "log10" = function(x) {10 ^ x},
                        "log2" = function(x) {2 ^ x},
                        "ln" = function(x) {exp(1) ^ x},
                        "log10 area" = function(x) {pi * (abs(10 ^ x) ^ 2)},
                        "log2 area" = function(x) {pi * (abs(2 ^ x) ^ 2)},
                        "ln area" =  function(x) {pi * (abs(exp(1) ^ x) ^ 2)})
  if (is.null(data) & is.null(func)) {
  if (inverse) {
    returned_funcs <- inverse_funcs
  } else {
    returned_funcs <- funcs
  if (is.null(data)) {
  } else if (is.numeric(data)) {
    return(vapply(X = data, FUN = returned_funcs[[func]], FUN.VALUE = numeric(1)))
  } else {

#' Pick labels to show
#' Pick labels to show based off a column name to sort by and a maximum number
#' @param my_data \code{data.frame}
#' @param label_max \code{numeric} of length 1
#' @param sort_by_column \code{character} of length 1; the name of a column in \code{my_data}
#' @param label_column \code{character} of length 1; the name of a column in \code{my_data}
#' containing labels
#' @return \code{character} IDs of rows with labels to show
#' @keywords internal
select_labels <- function(my_data, label_max, sort_by_column, label_column) {
  if (is.null(label_max) || is.na(label_max) || nrow(my_data) <= label_max) {
    labels_shown <- rownames(my_data)
  } else {
    index_order <- rev(do.call(order, my_data[ , sort_by_column]))
    top_indexes <- index_order[1:label_max]
    labels_shown <- rownames(my_data)[top_indexes]
  labels_shown <- labels_shown[!is.na(my_data[labels_shown, label_column])]  # Do not make grobs for NA
  return(rownames(my_data) %in% labels_shown)

#' Splits a taxonomy at a specific level or rank
#' Breaks one taxonomy into multiple, each with a root of a specified distance from the root.
#' @param taxa (\code{character}) Unique taxon IDs for every possible taxon.
#' @param parents (\code{character}) Unique taxon IDs for the supertaxa of every possible taxon.
#' @param level (\code{character} or \code{numeric} of length 1)
#' @param rank (\code{character}) The rank designation (e.g. "genus") corresponding to each observation in
#' @return a \code{list} of taxon id \code{character} vectors. 
#' \code{taxa}.
#' @keywords internal
split_by_level <- function(taxa, parents, level, rank = NULL) {
  class_data <- get_class_from_el(taxa, parents)
  data <- data.frame(taxa = taxa, parents = parents, 
                     level = vapply(class_data, length, numeric(1)))
  if (is.null(rank)) {
    new_roots <- data$taxa[data$level == level]
  } else {
    new_roots <- data$taxa[rank == level]
  get_children <- function(id) {
    index <- vapply(class_data, function(x) id %in% x, logical(1))
  stats::setNames(lapply(new_roots, get_children), new_roots)

#' Get classification for taxa in edge list
#' Extracts the classification of every taxon in a list of unique taxa and their supertaxa.
#' @param taxa (\code{character}) Unique taxon IDs for every possible taxon.
#' @param parents (\code{character}) Unique taxon IDs for the supertaxa of every possible taxon.
#' Root taxa should have \code{NA} in this column.
#' @return A list of vectors of taxa IDs. Each list entry corresponds to the \code{taxa} supplied.
#' @keywords internal
get_class_from_el <- function(taxa, parents) {
  process_one <- function(x) {
    output <- character(0)
    my_next <- x
    while (length(my_next) != 0 && !is.null(my_next) && !is.na(my_next)) {
      output <- c(my_next, output)
      my_next <- parents[taxa == my_next]
  if (!is.character(taxa)) taxa <- as.character(taxa)
  if (!is.character(parents)) parents <- as.character(parents)  
  stats::setNames(lapply(taxa, process_one), taxa)

#' Get distance from root of edgelist observations
#' Gets the number of ancestors/supergroups for observations of an edge/adjacency list
#' @param taxa (\code{character}) Unique taxon IDs for every possible taxon.
#' @param parents (\code{character}) Unique taxon IDs for the supertaxa of every possible taxon.
#' Root taxa should have \code{NA} in this column.
#' @keywords internal
edge_list_depth <-  function(taxa, parents) {
  vapply(get_class_from_el(taxa, parents), length, numeric(1))
grunwaldlab/metacoder documentation built on Feb. 22, 2024, 3:47 a.m.