addArchRAnnotations | Add ArchR annotations to an ArchRProject |
addArchRChrPrefix | Add a globally-applied requirement for chromosome prefix |
addArchRDebugging | Set ArchR Debugging |
addArchRGenome | Add a globally defined genome to all ArchR functions. |
addArchRLogging | Set ArchR Logging |
addArchRThreads | Add a globally-applied number of threads to use for parallel... |
addArchRVerbose | Set ArchR Verbosity for Log Messaging |
addBgdPeaks | Add Background Peaks to an ArchRProject |
addCellColData | Add information to cellColData in an ArchRProject |
addClusters | Add cluster information to an ArchRProject |
addCoAccessibility | Add Peak Co-Accessibility to an ArchRProject |
addCombinedDims | Combine two or more modalities dimensionality reductions. |
addDemuxletResults | Add Demuxlet Results to ArchR Project |
addDeviationsMatrix | Add a matrix of deviations for a given peakAnnotation to... |
addDoubletScores | Add Doublet Scores to a collection of ArrowFiles or an... |
addFeatureCounts | This function will add total counts of scATAC cells in... |
addFeatureMatrix | Add a feature matrix to an ArchRProject or a set of... |
addGeneExpressionMatrix | Add Gene Expression Matrix to ArrowFiles or an ArchRProject |
addGeneIntegrationMatrix | Add a GeneIntegrationMatrix to ArrowFiles or an ArchRProject |
addGeneScoreMatrix | Add GeneScoreMatrix to ArrowFiles or an ArchRProject |
addGroupCoverages | Add Group Coverages to an ArchRProject object |
addHarmony | Add Harmony Batch Corrected Reduced Dims to an ArchRProject |
addImputeWeights | Add Imputation Weights to an ArchRProject |
addIterativeLSI | Add an Iterative LSI-based dimensionality reduction to an... |
addModuleScore | Add Module Scores to an ArchRProject |
addMonocleTrajectory | Add a Monocle Trajectory to an ArchR Project #NEW |
addMotifAnnotations | Add motif annotations to an ArchRProject |
addPeak2GeneLinks | Add Peak2GeneLinks to an ArchRProject |
addPeakAnnotations | Add peak annotations to an ArchRProject |
addPeakMatrix | Add a Peak Matrix to the ArrowFiles of an ArchRProject |
addPeakSet | Add a peak set to an ArchRProject |
addProjectSummary | Add projectSummary to an ArchRProject |
addReproduciblePeakSet | Add a Reproducible Peak Set to an ArchRProject |
addSampleColData | Add information to sampleColData in an ArchRProject |
addSlingShotTrajectories | Add a Slingshot Trajectories to an ArchR Project #NEW |
addTileMatrix | Add TileMatrix to ArrowFiles or an ArchRProject |
addTrajectory | Add a Supervised Trajectory to an ArchR Project |
addTSNE | Add a TSNE embedding of a reduced dimensions object to an... |
addUMAP | Add a UMAP embedding of a reduced dimensions object to an... |
ArchRBrowser | Launch ArchR Genome Browser |
ArchRPalettes | List of color palettes that can be used in plots |
ArchRProject | Create ArchRProject from ArrowFiles |
cash-.ArchRProject | Accessing cellColData directly from dollar.sign accessor |
cash-set-.ArchRProject | Add directly to cellColData directly from dollar.sign... |
confusionMatrix | Create a Confusion Matrix based on two value vectors |
correlateMatrices | Correlate Matrices within an ArchRProject |
correlateTrajectories | Correlate Trajectories |
createArrowFiles | Create Arrow Files |
createGeneAnnotation | Create a gene annotation object for ArchR |
createGenomeAnnotation | Create a genome annotation object for ArchR |
createLogFile | Create a Log File for ArchR |
dot-DollarNames.ArchRProject | Accessing cellColData directly from dollar.sign accessor |
exportPeakMatrixForSTREAM | Get a PeakMatrix stored in an ArchRProject and write out for... |
extendGR | Extend regions from a Genomic Ranges object |
filterChrGR | Filters unwanted seqlevels from a Genomic Ranges object or... |
filterDoublets | Filter Doublets From an ArchRProject |
findMacs2 | Find the installed location of the MACS2 executable |
getArchRChrPrefix | Get a globally-applied requirement for chromosome prefix |
getArchRDebugging | Get ArchR Debugging |
getArchRGenome | Get the globally defined genome, the geneAnnotation, or... |
getArchRLogging | Get ArchR Logging |
getArchRThreads | Get globally-applied number of threads to use for parallel... |
getArchRVerbose | Set ArchR Verbosity for Log Messaging |
getArrowFiles | Get ArrowFiles from an ArchRProject |
getAvailableMatrices | Get a list available matrices in the ArrowFiles storted in an... |
getBgdPeaks | Get Background Peaks from an ArchRProject |
getBlacklist | Get the blacklist from an ArchRProject |
getCellColData | Get cellColData from an ArchRProject |
getCellNames | Get cellNames from an ArchRProject |
getChromLengths | Get chromLengths from ArchRProject |
getChromSizes | Get chromSizes from ArchRProject |
getCoAccessibility | Get the peak co-accessibility from an ArchRProject |
getEmbedding | Get embedding information stored in an ArchRProject |
getExons | Get the exons from an ArchRProject |
getFeatures | Get the features that could be selected from a given data... |
getFootprints | Calculate footprints from an ArchRProject |
getFragmentsFromArrow | Get the fragments from an ArrowFile |
getFragmentsFromProject | Get the fragments from an ArchRProject |
getGeneAnnotation | Get geneAnnotation from an ArchRProject |
getGenes | Get the genes from an ArchRProject |
getGenome | Get the genome used by an ArchRProject |
getGenomeAnnotation | Get the genomeAnnotation from an ArchRProject |
getGroupBW | Export Group BigWigs |
getGroupSE | Export Group Summarized Experiment |
getGroupSummary | Get summary for Groups in ArchRProject |
getImputeWeights | Get Imputation Weights from ArchRProject |
getInputFiles | Get Input Files from paths to create arrows |
getMarkerFeatures | Identify Marker Features for each cell grouping |
getMarkers | Get Marker Features from a marker summarized experiment |
getMatches | Get peak annotation matches from an ArchRProject |
getMatrixFromArrow | Get a data matrix stored in an ArrowFile |
getMatrixFromProject | Get a data matrix stored in an ArchRProject |
getMonocleTrajectories | Get a Monocle CDS of Trajectories that can be added to an... |
getOutputDirectory | Get outputDirectory from an ArchRProject |
getPeak2GeneLinks | Get the peak-to-gene links from an ArchRProject |
getPeakAnnotation | Get peakAnnotation from an ArchRProject |
getPeakSet | Get the peak set from an ArchRProject |
getPositions | Get peak annotation positions from an ArchRProject |
getProjectSummary | Get projectSummary from an ArchRProject |
getReducedDims | Get dimensionality reduction information stored in an... |
getSampleColData | Get sampleColData from an ArchRProject |
getSampleNames | Get the sample names from an ArchRProject |
getSeqnames | Get the seqnames that could be selected from a given data... |
getTestFragments | Get PBMC Small Test Fragments |
getTestProject | Get PBMC Small Test Project |
getTrajectory | Get Supervised Trajectory from an ArchR Project |
getTSS | Get the transcription start sites of all genes in an... |
getTutorialData | Get Relevant Data For ArchR Tutorials |
getValidBarcodes | Get Valid Barcodes from 10x Cell Ranger output to pre-filter... |
getVarDeviations | Get Variable Deviations across cells in ArchRProject. |
ggAlignPlots | Align ggplot plots vertically or horizontally |
ggGroup | A ggplot-based ridge/violin plot wrapper function |
ggHex | A ggplot-based Hexplot wrapper function summary of points in... |
ggOneToOne | A ggplot-based one-to-one dot plot wrapper function |
ggPoint | A ggplot-based dot plot wrapper function |
grapes-bcin-grapes | Generic matching function for S4Vector objects |
grapes-bcni-grapes | Negated matching function for S4Vector objects |
grapes-ni-grapes | Negated Value Matching |
import10xFeatureMatrix | Import Feature Matrix from 10x Feature HDF5 file. |
imputeMatrix | Impute a matrix with impute weights |
installExtraPackages | Install extra packages used in ArchR that are not installed... |
loadArchRProject | Load Previous ArchRProject into R |
mapLabels | Re-map a character vector of labels from an old set of labels... |
nCells | Get the number of cells from an ArchRProject/ArrowFile |
nonOverlappingGR | Retreive a non-overlapping set of regions from a Genomic... |
paletteContinuous | Continuous Color Palette |
paletteDiscrete | Optimized discrete color palette generation |
peakAnnoEnrichment | Peak Annotation Hypergeometric Enrichment in Marker Peaks. |
plotBrowserTrack | Plot an ArchR Region Track |
plotEmbedding | Visualize an Embedding from ArchR Project |
plotEnrichHeatmap | Plot a Heatmap of Peak Annotation Hypergeometric Enrichment... |
plotFootprints | Plot Footprints |
plotFragmentSizes | Plot the fragment size distribution for each sample |
plotGroups | Visualize Groups from ArchR Project |
plotMarkerHeatmap | Plot a Heatmap of Identified Marker Features |
plotMarkers | Plot Differential Markers |
plotPDF | Plot PDF in outputDirectory of an ArchRProject |
plotPeak2GeneHeatmap | Plot Peak2Gene Heatmap from an ArchRProject |
plotTrajectory | Visualize a Trajectory from ArchR Project |
plotTrajectoryHeatmap | Plot a Heatmap of Features across a Trajectory |
plotTSSEnrichment | Plot a TSS Enrichment Plot for Each Sample |
projectBulkATAC | Project Bulk ATAC-seq data into single cell subspace |
recoverArchRProject | Recover ArchRProject if broken sampleColData/cellColData |
reformatFragmentFiles | Reformat Fragment Files to be Tabix and Chr Sorted |
saveArchRProject | Save ArchRProject for Later Usage |
sub-.ArchRProject | Subset cells directly from ArchRProject |
subsetArchRProject | Subset an ArchRProject for downstream analysis |
subsetCells | Subset cells in an ArchRProject. |
theme_ArchR | ggplot2 default theme for ArchR |
validBSgenome | Get/Validate BSgenome |
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