
Defines functions combineLabels putHcap putHfig prList llist reLabelled relevel.labelled Label.data.frame Label labelLatex plotmathTranslate labelPlotmath label.data.frame label.Surv label.default label

Documented in combineLabels label Label label.data.frame Label.data.frame label.default labelLatex labelPlotmath label.Surv llist plotmathTranslate prList putHcap putHfig reLabelled relevel.labelled

##"label<-"  <- function(x, value) {
##  attr(x, "label") <- value
##  x
## exact=TRUE and [['label']] to prevent matching with a different attribute
## "labels" (Thanks: Ivan Puzek)

label <- function(x, default=NULL, ...) UseMethod("label")

label.default <- function(x, default=NULL, units=plot, plot=FALSE,
                          grid=FALSE, html=FALSE, ...)
  if(length(default) > 1)
    stop("the default string cannot be of length greater then one")

  at <- attributes(x)
  lab <- at[['label']]
  if(length(default) && (!length(lab) || lab==''))
    lab <- default

  un  <- at$units
                if(units) un else NULL,
                plotmath=plot, grid=grid, html=html)

label.Surv <- function(x, default=NULL, units=plot,
                       plot=FALSE, grid=FALSE, html=FALSE,
                       type=c('any', 'time', 'event'), ...)
  type <- match.arg(type)

  if(length(default) > 1)
    stop("the default string cannot be of length greater then one")

  at  <- attributes(x)
  lab <- at[['label']]
  ia  <- at$inputAttributes
  if((! length(lab) || lab == '') && length(ia)) {
    poss <- switch(type,
                   any   = c(ia$event$label, ia$time2$label, ia$time$label),
                   time  = c(                ia$time2$label, ia$time$label),
                   event =   ia$event$label )
    for(lb in poss)
      if(! length(lab) && lb != '') lab <- lb

  if(length(default) && (!length(lab) || lab=='')) lab <- default

  un  <- NULL
  if(units) {
    un <- at$units
    if(! length(un) && length(ia)) {
      un <- ia$time2$units
      if(! length(un)) un <- ia$time$units

  labelPlotmath(lab, un,
                plotmath=plot, grid=grid, html=html)

label.data.frame <- function(x, default=NULL, self=FALSE, ...) {
  if(self) {
  } else {
    if(length(default) > 0 && length(default) != length(x)) {
      stop('length of default must same as x')
    } else if(length(default) == 0) {
      default <- list(default)

    labels <- mapply(FUN=label, x=x, default=default,
                     MoreArgs=list(self=TRUE), USE.NAMES=FALSE)
    names(labels) <- names(x)

labelPlotmath <- function(label, units=NULL, plotmath=TRUE, html=FALSE,
                          grid=FALSE, chexpr=FALSE)
  if(! length(label)) label <- ''

  if(! length(units) || (length(units) == 1 && is.na(units))) units <- ''

  if(html)       return(markupSpecs$html$varlabel (label, units))
  if(! plotmath) return(markupSpecs$plain$varlabel(label, units))
  g <-
    function(x, y=NULL, xstyle=NULL, ystyle=NULL)
        h <- function(w, style=NULL)
          if(length(style)) sprintf('%s(%s)', style, w) else w

        tryparse <- function(z, original, chexpr) {
          p <- try(parse(text=z), silent=TRUE)
          if(is.character(p)) original else
             if(chexpr) sprintf('expression(%s)', z) else p
        if(! length(y))
          return(tryparse(h(plotmathTranslate(x), xstyle), x, chexpr))

        w <- paste('list(',h(plotmathTranslate(x), xstyle), ',',
                   h(plotmathTranslate(y), ystyle), ')', sep='')
        tryparse(w, paste(x, y), chexpr)
  if(units=='') g(label)
    if(label=='') g(units)
  else g(label, units, ystyle='scriptstyle')

plotmathTranslate <- function(x)
  if(length(grep('paste', x))) return(x)

  specials <- c(' ','%','_')
  spec <- FALSE
  for(s in specials)
      spec <- TRUE
  ## If x is not a legal expression, also put in paste()
  if(! spec && is.character(try(parse(text=x), silent=TRUE)))
    spec <- TRUE

  if(spec) x <- paste('paste("',x,'")',sep='')
  else if(substring(x,1,1)=='/') x <- paste('phantom()', x, sep='')

labelLatex <- function(x=NULL, label='', units='', size='smaller[2]',
                       hfill=FALSE, bold=FALSE, default='', double=FALSE) {
  if(length(x)) {
    if(label == '') label <- label(x)
    if(units == '') units <- units(x)
  if(default == '' && length(x)) default <- deparse(substitute(x))
  if(label == '') return(default)

  label <- latexTranslate(label)
  bs <- if(double) '\\\\' else '\\'
  if(bold) label <- paste('{', bs, 'textbf ', label, '}', sep='')
  if(units != '') {
    units <- latexTranslate(units)
    if(length(size) && size != '')
      units <- paste('{', bs, size, ' ', units, '}', sep='')
    if(hfill) units <- paste(bs, 'hfill ', units, sep='')
      units <- paste(' ', units, sep='')
    label <- paste(label, units, sep='')

"label<-" <- function(x, ..., value) UseMethod("label<-")

##From Bill Dunlap, StatSci  15Mar95:
"label<-.default" <- function(x, ..., value)
  if(is.list(value)) {
    stop("cannot assign a list to be a object label")

  if(length(value) != 1L) {
    stop("value must be character vector of length 1")

  attr(x, 'label') <- value

  if(! inherits(x, 'labelled')) class(x) <- c('labelled', class(x))

"label<-.data.frame" <- function(x, self=TRUE, ..., value) {
  if(!is.data.frame(x)) {
    stop("x must be a data.frame")

  if(missing(self) && is.list(value)) {
    self <- FALSE

  if(self) {
    xc <- class(x)
    xx <- unclass(x)
    label(xx) <- value
    class(xx) <- xc
  } else {
    if(length(value) != length(x)) {
      stop("value must have the same length as x")

    for (i in seq(along.with=x)) {
      label(x[[i]]) <- value[[i]]


"[.labelled"<- function(x, ...) {
  tags <- valueTags(x)
  x <- NextMethod("[")
  valueTags(x) <- tags

"print.labelled"<- function(x, ...) {
  x.orig <- x
  u <- attr(x, 'units', exact=TRUE)
    attr(x,'units') <- NULL   # so won't print twice

  cat(attr(x, "label", exact=TRUE),
        paste('[', u, ']', sep=''),

  attr(x, "label") <- NULL
  class(x) <-
    if(length(class(x)) == 1 && inherits(x, 'labelled'))
      class(x)[class(x) != 'labelled']

  ## next line works around print bug
  if(! length(attr(x, 'class')))
    attr(x, 'class') <- NULL


as.data.frame.labelled <- as.data.frame.vector

Label <- function(object, ...) UseMethod("Label")

Label.data.frame <- function(object, file='', append=FALSE, ...)
  nn <- names(object)
  for(i in 1:length(nn)) {
    lab <- attr(object[[nn[i]]], 'label', exact=TRUE)
    lab <- if(length(lab)==0) '' else lab
    cat("label(",nn[i],")\t<- '",lab,"'\n",
        file=file, sep='')


relevel.labelled <- function(x, ...) {
  lab <- label(x)
  x <- NextMethod(x)
  label(x) <- lab

reLabelled <- function(object)
  for(i in 1:length(object))
      x <- object[[i]]
      lab <- attr(x, 'label', exact=TRUE)
      cl  <- class(x)
      if(length(lab) && ! any(cl == 'labelled')) {
        class(x) <- c('labelled',cl)
        object[[i]] <- x


llist <- function(..., labels=TRUE)
  dotlist <- list(...)
  lname <- names(dotlist)
  name <- vname <- as.character(sys.call())[-1]
  for(i in 1:length(dotlist))
      vname[i] <-
        if(length(lname) && lname[i]!='')

      ## R barked at setting vname[i] to NULL
      lab <- vname[i]
          lab <- attr(dotlist[[i]],'label', exact=TRUE)
          if(length(lab) == 0)
            lab <- vname[i]

      label(dotlist[[i]]) <- lab

  names(dotlist) <- vname[1:length(dotlist)]

prList <- function(x, lcap=NULL, htmlfig=0, after=FALSE) {
  if(! length(names(x))) stop('x must have names')
  if(length(lcap) && (length(lcap) != length(x)))
    stop('if given, lcap must have same length as x')
  mu <- markupSpecs$html
  g <- if(htmlfig == 0) function(x, X=NULL) paste(x, X)
         if(htmlfig == 1) function(x, X=NULL) paste(mu$cap(x), mu$lcap(X))
         function(x, X=NULL)
           paste0('\n### ', mu$cap(x),
                  if(length(X) && X != '') paste0('\n', mu$lcap(X)))
  i <- 0
  for(n in names(x)) {
    i <- i + 1
    y <- x[[n]]
    if(length(names(y)) && length(class(y)) == 1 &&
       inherits(y, 'list') && length(y) > 1) {
      for(m in names(y)) {
        if(! after) 
          cat('\n', g(paste0(n, ': ', m)), '\n', sep='')
        suppressWarnings(print(y[[m]]))   # for plotly warnings
        if(after) cat('\n', g(paste0(n, ': ', m)), '\n', sep='')
      if(length(lcap) && lcap[i] != '') cat(mu$lcap(lcap[i]))
    else {
      if(! after)
        cat('\n', g(n, if(length(lcap)) lcap[i]), '\n', sep='')
      if(after) cat('\n', g(n, if(length(lcap)) lcap[i]), '\n', sep='')

putHfig <- function(x, ..., scap=NULL, extra=NULL, subsub=TRUE, hr=TRUE,
                    table=FALSE, file='', append=FALSE, expcoll=NULL) {
  ec <- length(expcoll) > 0
  if(ec && ! table)
    stop('expcoll can only be specified for tables, not figures')
  mu <- markupSpecs$html
  lcap <- unlist(list(...))
  if(length(lcap)) lcap <- paste(lcap, collapse=' ')

  if(ec && length(lcap))
    stop('does not work when lcap is specified because of interaction with markdown sub-subheadings')
  if(! length(lcap) && ! length(scap)) {
    if(ec) {
      if(hr) x <- c(mu$hrule, x)
      x <- mu$expcoll(paste(expcoll, collapse=' '),
                      paste(x, collapse='\n'))
      cat(x, file=file, append=append, sep='\n')
    if(hr) cat(mu$hrule, '\n', sep='', file=file, append=append)
    if(table) cat(x, file=file, append=append || hr, sep='\n')
    else suppressWarnings(print(x))  # because of # colors in pallette warning
  if(! length(scap)) {
    scap <- lcap
    lcap <- NULL
  scap <- if(table) mu$tcap(scap) else mu$cap(scap)
  if(subsub) scap <- paste0('\n### ', scap)
  if(hr && ! ec) cat(mu$hrule, '\n', sep='', file=file, append=append)
  if(! ec) cat(scap, '\n', sep='', file=file, append=append | hr)
  if(length(lcap)) {
    lcap <- if(table) mu$ltcap(lcap) else mu$lcap(lcap)
      lcap <- paste0(
        '<TABLE width="100%" BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="3" CELLSPACING="3">',
        '<TR><TD>', lcap, '</TD>',
        paste(paste0('<TD style="text-align:right;padding: 0 1ex 0 1ex;">',
                     extra, '</TD>'), collapse=''),
    if(ec) x <- c(lcap, x)
      cat(lcap, '\n', sep='', file=file, append=TRUE)
    x <- mu$expcoll(paste(expcoll, collapse=' '),
                    paste(c(if(hr) mu$hrule, scap, x), collapse='\n'))

if(table) cat(x, sep='\n', file=file, append=TRUE)

putHcap <- function(..., scap=NULL, extra=NULL, subsub=TRUE, hr=TRUE,
                    table=FALSE, file='', append=FALSE) {

  mu    <- markupSpecs$html
  fcap  <- if(table) mu$tcap  else mu$cap
  flcap <- if(table) mu$ltcap else mu$lcap
  output <- function(r)
    if(is.logical(file)) return(r)
    else {
      cat(r, sep='\n', file=file, append=append)
  lcap <- unlist(list(...))
  if(length(lcap)) lcap <- paste(lcap, collapse=' ')
  r <- NULL
  if(! length(lcap) && ! length(scap)) return('')

  if(! length(scap)) {
    scap <- lcap
    lcap <- NULL
  scap <- fcap(scap)
  scap <- if(is.logical(subsub)) paste0('\n', if(subsub) '### ', scap)
          else if(is.character(subsub) && subsub != '') paste0(subsub, scap)
  if(hr) r <- c(r, mu$hrule)
  r <- c(r, scap)
  if(length(lcap)) {
    lcap <- flcap(lcap)
      lcap <- paste0(
        '<TABLE width="100%" BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="3" CELLSPACING="3">',
        '<TR><TD>', lcap, '</TD>',
        paste(paste0('<TD style="text-align:right;padding: 0 1ex 0 1ex;">',
                     extra, '</TD>'), collapse=''),
    r <- c(r, lcap)

combineLabels <- function(...)
    w <- list(...)
    labs <- sapply(w[[1]], label)
    lw <- length(w)
    if(lw > 1) for(j in 2:lw)
        lab <- sapply(w[[j]], label)
        lab <- lab[lab != '']
        if(length(lab)) labs[names(lab)] <- lab
    labs[labs != '']
harrelfe/Hmisc documentation built on Oct. 22, 2024, 2:26 p.m.