
Defines functions movStats

Documented in movStats

##' Moving Estimates Using Overlapping Windows
##' Function to compute moving averages and other statistics as a function
##' of a continuous variable, possibly stratified by other variables.
##' Estimates are made by creating overlapping moving windows and
##' computing the statistics defined in the stat function for each window.
##' The default method, `space='n'` creates varying-width intervals each having a sample size of `2*eps +1`, and the smooth estimates are made every `xinc` observations.  Outer intervals are not symmetric in sample size (but the mean x in those intervals will reflect that) unless `eps=nignore`, as outer intervals are centered at observations `nignore` and `n - nignore + 1` where the default for `nignore` is 10.  The mean x-variable within each windows is taken to represent that window.  If `trans` and `itrans` are given, x means are computed on the `trans(x)` scale and then `itrans`'d.  For `space='x'`, by default estimates are made on to the `nignore` smallest to the `nignore` largest
##' observed values of the x variable to avoid extrapolation and to
##' help getting the moving statistics off on an adequate start for
##' the left tail.  Also by default the moving estimates are smoothed using `supsmu`.
##' When `melt=TRUE` you can feed the result into `ggplot` like this:
##' `ggplot(w, aes(x=age, y=crea, col=Type)) + geom_line() +`
##'   `facet_wrap(~ Statistic)`
##' See [here](https://hbiostat.org/rflow/analysis.html#sec-analysis-assoc) for several examples.
##' @title movStats
##' @author Frank Harrell
##' @md
##' @param formula a formula with the analysis variable on the left and the x-variable on the right, following by optional stratification variables
##' @param stat function of one argument that returns a named list of computed values.  Defaults to computing mean and quartiles + N except when y is binary in which case it computes moving proportions.  If y has two columns the default statistics are Kaplan-Meier estimates of cumulative incidence at a vector of `times`.
##' @param discrete set to `TRUE` if x-axis variable is discrete and no intervals should be created for windows
##' @param space defines whether intervals used fixed width or fixed sample size
##' @param eps tolerance for window (half width of window).  For `space='x'` is in data units, otherwise is the sample size for half the window, not counting the middle target point.
##' @param varyeps applies to `space='n'` and causes a smaller `eps` to be used in strata with fewer than `` observations so as to arrive at three x points
##' @param nignore see description, default is to exclude `nignore=10` points on the left and right tails from estimation and plotting
##' @param xinc increment in x to evaluate stats, default is xlim range/100 for `space='x'`.  For `space='n'` `xinc` defaults to m observations, where m = max(n/200, 1).
##' @param xlim 2-vector of limits to evaluate if `space='x'` (default is `nignore` smallest to `nignore` largest)
##' @param times vector of times for evaluating one minus Kaplan-Meier estimates
##' @param tunits time units when `times` is given
##' @param msmooth set to `'smoothed'` or `'both'` to compute `lowess`-smooth moving estimates. `msmooth='both'` will display both.  `'raw'` will display only the moving statistics.  `msmooth='smoothed'` (the default) will display only he smoothed moving estimates.
##' @param tsmooth defaults to the super-smoother `'supsmu'` for after-moving smoothing.  Use `tsmooth='lowess'` to instead use `lowess`.
##' @param bass the `supsmu` `bass` parameter used to smooth the moving statistics if `tsmooth='supsmu'`.  The default of 8 represents quite heavy smoothing.
##' @param span the `lowess` `span` used to smooth the moving statistics
##' @param maxdim passed to `hare`, default is 6
##' @param penalty passed to `hare`, default is to use BIC.  Specify 2 to use AIC.
##' @param trans transformation to apply to x
##' @param itrans inverse transformation
##' @param loess set to TRUE to also compute loess estimates
##' @param ols set to TRUE to include rcspline estimate of mean using ols
##' @param qreg set to TRUE to include quantile regression estimates w rcspline
##' @param lrm set to TRUE to include logistic regression estimates w rcspline
##' @param orm set to TRUE to include ordinal logistic regression estimates w rcspline (mean + quantiles in `tau`)
##' @param hare set to TRUE to include hazard regression estimtes of incidence at `times`, using the `polspline` package
##' @param lrm_args a `list` of optional arguments to pass to `lrm` when `lrm=TRUE`, e.g., `list(maxit=20)`
##' @param family link function for ordinal regression (see `rms::orm`)
##' @param k number of knots to use for ols and/or qreg rcspline
##' @param tau quantile numbers to estimate with quantile regression
##' @param melt set to TRUE to melt data table and derive Type and Statistic
##' @param data 
##' @param pr defaults to no printing of window information.  Use `pr='plain'` to print in the ordinary way, `pr='kable` to convert the object to `knitr::kable` and print, or `pr='margin'` to convert to `kable` and place in the `Quarto` right margin.  For the latter two `results='asis'` must be in the chunk header.
##' @param data data.table or data.frame, default is calling frame
##' @return a data table, with attribute `infon` which is a data frame with rows corresponding to strata and columns `N`, `Wmean`, `Wmin`, `Wmax` if `stat` computed `N`.  These summarize the number of observations used in the windows.  If `varyeps=TRUE` there is an additional column `eps` with the computed per-stratum `eps`.  When `space='n'` and `xinc` is not given, the computed `xinc` also appears as a column.  An additional attribute `info` is a `kable` object ready for printing to describe the window characteristics.
movStats <- function(formula, stat=NULL, discrete=FALSE,
                     space=c('n', 'x'),
                     eps =if(space=='n') 15, varyeps=FALSE, nignore=10,
                     xinc=NULL, xlim=NULL,
                     times=NULL, tunits='year',
                     msmooth=c('smoothed', 'raw', 'both'),
                     tsmooth=c('supsmu', 'lowess'),
                     bass=8, span=1/4, maxdim=6, penalty=NULL,
                     trans=function(x) x, itrans=function(x) x,
                     ols=FALSE, qreg=FALSE, lrm=FALSE,
                     orm=FALSE, hare=FALSE, 
                     lrm_args=NULL, family='logistic',
                     k=5, tau=(1:3)/4, melt=FALSE,
                     pr=c('none', 'kable', 'plain', 'margin')) {
  space   <- match.arg(space)
  msmooth <- match.arg(msmooth)
  movlab  <- 'Moving '
  if(discrete) {
    msmooth <- 'raw'
    movlab  <- ''
  tsmooth <- match.arg(tsmooth)
  pr      <- match.arg(pr)

  if(! requireNamespace('data.table', quietly=TRUE))
    stop('data.table package must be installed')
  if(ols || qreg || lrm)
    if(! requireNamespace('rms', quietly=TRUE))
      stop('rms package must be installed if using ols, qreg, or lrm')
  if(pr %in% c('kable', 'margin'))
    if(! requireNamespace('kableExtra', quietly=TRUE))
      stop('must install kableExtra package if pr is kable or margin')

  envi <- .GlobalEnv
  if(! discrete) assign('.knots.', k, envir=envi)

  mf   <- model.frame(formula, data=data)
  v    <- names(mf)
  Y    <- mf[[1]]
  sec  <- NCOL(Y) == 2
  if(sec && ! length(times))
    stop('when dependent variable has two columns you must specify times')
  if(sec && (loess || ols || qreg || lrm || orm))
    stop('loess, ols, qreg, lrm, orm do not apply when dependent variable has two columns')
  if(varyeps && space == 'x')
    stop('varyeps applies only to space="n"')
  if(sec) {
    if(hare) if(! requireNamespace('polspline', quietly=TRUE))
               stop('polspline package must be installed if hare=TRUE')
    Y2 <- Y[, 2]
    Y  <- Y[, 1]
    } else Y2 <- rep(1, nrow(mf))

  X  <- trans(mf[[2]])
  bythere <- length(v) > 2
  By <- if(bythere)
          do.call(interaction, c(mf[3:length(mf)], list(sep='::')))
          rep(1, length(X))
  i  <- is.na(X) | is.na(Y) | is.na(Y2) | is.na(By)
  if(any(i)) {
    i  <- ! i
    X  <- X [i]
    Y  <- Y [i]
    Y2 <- Y2[i]
    By <- By[i]

  ybin <- ! sec && all(Y %in% 0:1)

  qformat <- function(x)
    fcase(x == 0.05, 'P5', x == 0.1, 'P10',
          x == 0.25, 'Q1', x == 0.5, 'Median', x == 0.75, 'Q3',
          x == 0.9, 'P90', x == 0.95, 'P95',

  if(! length(stat))
    stat <- if(ybin) function(y)
      if(discrete) list(Proportion = mean(y), N= length(y)) else
                   list('Moving Proportion' = mean(y), N = length(y))
            else if(sec)
              function(y, y2) {
                # km.quick is in Hmisc
                z <- c(1. - km.quick(survival::Surv(y, y2), times), length(y))
                names(z) <- c(paste0(movlab, times, '-', tunits), 'N')
              function(y) {
                if(! length(y)) return(list(Mean=NA, Median=NA, Q1=NA, Q3=NA))
                qu <- quantile(y, (1:3)/4)
                z <- list('Mean'   = mean(y),
                     'Median' = qu[2],
                     'Q1'     = qu[1],
                     'Q3'     = qu[3],
                names(z)[1:4] <- paste0(movlab, names(z)[1:4])

  statx <- function(y, y2, x) {
    s <- if(sec) stat(y, y2) else stat(y)
    if(! discrete && space == 'n') s$.xmean. <- mean(x)

  R    <- NULL
  Xinc <- xinc

  uby  <- if(is.factor(By)) levels(By) else sort(unique(By))
  needxinc <- space == 'n' && ! length(Xinc)
  info <- if(discrete) matrix(NA, nrow=length(uby), ncol=1,
                              dimnames=list(uby, 'N'))
                   ncol=5 + needxinc,
                   dimnames=list(uby, c('N', 'Wmean', 'Wmin', 'Wmax',
                                        'eps', if(needxinc) 'xinc')))
  if(discrete) xlev <- if(is.factor(X)) levels(X) else sort(unique(X))
  for(by in uby) {
    j <- By == by
    if(sum(j) < nignore) {
      warning(paste('Stratum', by, 'has <', nignore, 'observations and is ignored'))
    x  <- X [j]
    y  <- Y [j]
    y2 <- Y2[j]
    n  <- length(x)

    if(discrete) {
      xv   <- x
      xseq <- xlev
           x = {
             xl <- xlim
             if(! length(xl)) {
               xs <- sort(x)
               xl <- c(xs[nignore], xs[n - nignore + 1])
               if(diff(xl) >= 25) xl <- round(xl)
             xinc <- Xinc
             if(! length(xinc)) xinc <- diff(xl) / 100.
             xseq <- seq(xl[1], xl[2], by=xinc)
             xv   <- x
           n = {
             i    <- order(x)
             x    <- x [i]
             y    <- y [i]
             y2   <- y2[i]
             xinc <- Xinc
             if(! length(xinc)) {
               xinc <- max(floor(n / 200.), 1)
               info[by, 'xinc'] <- xinc
             xseq <- seq(nignore, n - nignore + 1, by=xinc)
             xv   <- 1 : n
             } )

    ep <- eps
    if(space == 'n' && varyeps) {
      ## Requirement to have >= 3 x-points; new eps=h
      ## First estimate at observation min(xseq), last at max(xseq)
      ## First window goes to min(xseq) + h on right
      ## Last  window goes to max(xseq) - h on left
      ## Need difference in these two to be >= 2*xinc
      lowesteps <- floor((max(xseq) - min(xseq) - 2 * xinc) / 2.)
      if(lowesteps < eps) ep <- lowesteps
      info[by, 'eps'] <- ep
    if(discrete) m <- data.table::data.table(x, y, y2, tx=xv)
    else {
      s <- data.table::data.table(x, y, y2, xv)
      a <- data.table::data.table(tx=xseq, key='tx')     # target xs for estimation
      a[, .q(lo, hi) := .(tx - ep, tx + ep)] # define all windows
      m <- a[s, on=.(lo <= xv, hi >= xv)]    # non-equi join
    data.table::setkey(m, tx)

    ## Non-equi join adds observations tx=NA
    m <- m[! is.na(tx), ]
    w <- m[, statx(y, y2, x), by=tx]
    info[by, 'N'] <- n
    if('N' %in% names(w)) {
      N <- w[, N]
      if(! discrete) info[by, 2:4] <- c(round(mean(N), 1), min(N), max(N))

    if(! discrete && space == 'n') {
      w[, tx      := .xmean.]
      w[, .xmean. := NULL   ]

    if(msmooth != 'raw') {
      computed <- setdiff(names(w), c('tx', 'N'))
      for(vv in computed) {
        smoothed <- switch(tsmooth,
                           lowess = lowess(w[, tx], w[[vv]], f   =span),
                           supsmu = supsmu(w[, tx], w[[vv]], bass=bass))
        if(length(smoothed$x) < 2)
          stop(paste0('Only 1 x point for stratum ', by,
                      ' with ', n,
                      ' observations. Consider specifying varyeps=TRUE.'))
        smfun <- function(x) approx(smoothed, xout=x)$y
               smoothed = {
                 w[, (vv) := smfun(tx)]
               both = {
                 newname <- sub('Moving', 'Moving-smoothed', vv)
                 w[, (newname) := smfun(tx)]

    ## Also compute loess estimates
    dat <- data.frame(x=w[, tx])
    if(loess) {
      np <- loess(y ~ x, data=s)
      pc <- predict(np, dat)
        w[, 'Loess Proportion' := pc]
        w[, `Loess Mean`       := pc]

    if(ols) {
      f <- rms::ols(y ~ rms::rcs(x, .knots.), data=s)
      pc <- predict(f, dat)
      w[, `OLS Mean` := pc]

    if(lrm) {
      f <- if(length(lrm_args))
        do.call(rms::lrm, c(list(y ~ rms::rcs(x, .knots.), data=s), lrm_args)) else
        rms::lrm(y ~ rms::rcs(x, .knots.), data=s)
      pc <- predict(f, dat, type='fitted')
      w[, 'LR Proportion' := pc]

    if(orm) {
      f <- rms::orm(y ~ rms::rcs(x, .knots.), data=s, family=family)
      pc <- predict(f, dat, type='mean')
      w[, 'ORM Mean' := pc]
      if(length(tau)) {
        pc <- predict(f, dat)
        qu <- Quantile(f)
        for(ta in tau) {
          w[, ormqest := qu(ta, pc)]
          cta <- qformat(ta)
          data.table::setnames(w, 'ormqest', paste('ORM', cta))

      for(ta in tau) {
        f  <- rms::Rq(y ~ rms::rcs(x, .knots.), tau=ta, data=s)
        pc <- predict(f, dat)
        w[, qrest := pc]
        cta <- qformat(ta)
        data.table::setnames(w, 'qrest', paste('QR', cta))

    if(hare) {
      f <- if(length(penalty))
             polspline::hare(y, y2, x, maxdim=maxdim, penalty=penalty)
             polspline::hare(y, y2, x, maxdim=maxdim)
      for(ti in times) {
        inc <- polspline::phare(ti, dat$x, f)
        newname <- paste0('HARE ', ti, '-', tunits)
        w[, (newname) := inc]

    w[, by := by]
    R <- rbind(R, w)

  R[, tx := itrans(tx)]
  if(bythere) {
    if(length(v) == 3) data.table::setnames(R, c('tx', 'by'), v[2:3])
    else {
      splitby <- strsplit(R[, by], split='::')
      data.table::setnames(R, 'tx', v[2])
      data.table::set(R, j='by', value=NULL)   # remove 'by'
      for(iby in 3 : length(v))
        data.table::set(R, j=v[iby],
                        value=sapply(splitby, function(u) u[[iby - 2]]))
  else {
    R[, by := NULL]
    data.table::setnames(R, 'tx', v[2])
  if(melt) {
    if(sec) v[1] <- 'incidence'
    # Exclude N if present or would mess up melt
    if('N' %in% names(R)) R[, N := NULL]
    R <- data.table::melt(R, id.vars=v[-1], variable.name='Statistic',
    if(sec) {
      addlab <- function(x) {
        label(x) <- 'Cumulative Incidence'
      R[, incidence := addlab(incidence)]
    R[, Type      := sub (' .*', '', Statistic)]
    R[, Statistic := sub ('.* ', '', Statistic)]
    R[, Type      := gsub('~', ' ',  Type)]
    R[, Statistic := gsub('~', ' ',  Statistic)]
  if('eps' %in% colnames(info) && all(is.na(info[, 'eps'])))
    info <- info[, setdiff(colnames(info), 'eps'), drop=FALSE]
  if(! bythere) row.names(info) <- NULL
  infon <- info

  if(pr %in% c('kable', 'margin')) {
    n <- colnames(info)
    nam <- .q(N=N, Wmean=Mean, Wmin=Min, Wmax=Max, eps=eps, xinc=xinc)
    colnames(info) <- nam[n]
    ## rownames returns "1" "2" "3" ... even if row names not really there
    ri   <- rownames(info)
    rnp  <- length(ri) && ! all(ri == as.character(1 : length(ri)))
    ghead <- c(if(rnp) c(' ' = 1),
               c(' ' = 1, 'Window Sample Sizes' = 3),
               if('eps'  %in% n) c(' ' = 1),
               if('xinc' %in% n) c(' ' = 1))
    info <- if(discrete) knitr::kable(info)
              info <- knitr::kable(info) |>
                kableExtra::add_header_above(ghead) |>

  if(pr == 'margin' && ! requireNamespace('qreport', quietly=TRUE))
    stop('must install qreport package when specifying pr=margin')
         plain  = print(info),
         kable  = cat(info),
         margin = qreport::makecolmarg(info) )

  attr(R, 'infon') <- infon
  attr(R, 'info')  <- info

utils::globalVariables(c('lo', 'hi', 'tx', '.xmean.', 'Loess Mean', 'OLS Mean',
  'ormqest', 'qrest', 'incidence', 'Type', 'Statistic', 'Min', 'Max'))
harrelfe/Hmisc documentation built on Oct. 22, 2024, 2:26 p.m.