
Defines functions getSpacing printorder gridr gridc spotr spotc protectMetachar trimWhiteSpace removeExt controlStatus readSpotTypes readTargets getLayout2 getDupSpacing getLayout strsplit2 readGAL

Documented in controlStatus getDupSpacing getLayout getLayout2 getSpacing gridc gridr printorder protectMetachar readGAL readSpotTypes readTargets removeExt spotc spotr strsplit2 trimWhiteSpace



readGAL <- function(galfile=NULL,path=NULL,header=TRUE,sep="\t",quote="\"",skip=NULL,as.is=TRUE,...) {
#	Read GenePix Array List (GAL) file
#	Gordon Smyth
#	1 Mar 2003.  Last revised 2 May 2005.

	if(is.null(galfile)) {
		if(is.null(path)) path <- "."
		galfile <- dir(path=path,pattern="\\.gal$")
		nfiles <- length(galfile)
		if(nfiles == 0) stop("Cannot find GAL file")
		if(nfiles > 1) {
			galfile <- galfile[1]
			warning(paste("More than one GAL file found. Reading",galfile))
	if(!is.null(path)) galfile <- file.path(path,galfile)
	if(is.null(skip)) {
		chunk <- readLines(galfile,n=100)
		skip <- intersect(grep("Name",chunk), grep("ID",chunk)) - 1
		n <- length(skip)
		if(n == 0) stop("Cannot find ID and Name columns in GAL file")
		if(n > 1) stop("Multiple lines with ID and Name labels")
	gal <- read.table(galfile,header=header,sep=sep,quote=quote,skip=skip,as.is=as.is,comment.char="",...)
	nblocks <- max(gal$Block,na.rm=TRUE)
	ncolumns <- max(gal$Column,na.rm=TRUE)
	nrows <- max(gal$Row,na.rm=TRUE)
	spotindex <- ((gal$Block-1)*nrows+(gal$Row-1))*ncolumns+gal$Column
	if(any(diff(spotindex)<0)) {
		o <- order(spotindex)
		gal <- gal[o,]

strsplit2 <- function(x, split, ...) {
#	Split vector of composite names into matrix of simple names
#	Gordon Smyth
#	8 May 2003 (originally called splitName).  Last modified 22 October 2009.

	x <- as.character(x)
	n <- length(x)
	s <- strsplit(x,split=split,...)
	nc <- unlist(lapply(s,length))
	out <- matrix("",n,max(nc))
	for (i in 1:n) {
		if(nc[i]) out[i,1:nc[i]] <- s[[i]]

getLayout <- function(gal,guessdups=FALSE)
#	Guess print layout from a gene list including Block, Row and Column indices
#	as for a GenePix Allocation List (GAL)
#	Gordon Smyth
#	7 Apr 2003.  Last revised 4 June 2004.
	if( !all(c("Block","Row","Column") %in% names(gal)) ) stop("gal needs to have columns Block, Row and Column")
	ngrid.r <- max(gal$Block,na.rm=TRUE)
	if(ngrid.r %% 4 == 0) {
		ngrid.c <- 4
		ngrid.r <- ngrid.r/4
	} else {
		ngrid.c <- 1
	nspot.r <- max(gal$Row,na.rm=TRUE)
	nspot.c <- max(gal$Column,na.rm=TRUE)
	printer <- list(
	if(guessdups) {
		ID <- paste(gal$ID,gal$Name)
		printer <- c(printer,getDupSpacing(ID))

getDupSpacing <- function(ID)
#  Determine ndups and spacing values for a set of IDs.
#  Assumes at least one probe with a unique ID, from which
#  spacing can be determined.
#  Gordon Smyth
#  Created 15 Oct 2008. Last revised 12 Apr 2020.
	if(anyNA(ID)) return(list(ndups=NA,spacing=NA))
	ID <- as.factor(ID)
	nspots <- length(ID)

	tab <- table(ID)
	wm <- which.min(tab)
	ndups <- as.vector(tab[wm])
	if(any(tab %% ndups !=0)) ndups <- 1

	if(ndups==1) return(list(ndups=ndups,spacing=1))

	d <- diff(which(ID==names(tab)[wm]))

getLayout2 <- function(galfile)
#	Guess print layout from header of GenePix Allocation List (GAL) file
#	using block position and dimension information
#	James Wettenhall
#	4 June 2004
		galfile <- dir(pattern="\\.gal$")[1]
	if(is.na(galfile) || length(galfile)==0 || !is.character(galfile) || nchar(galfile)==0)
		stop("Please specify a gal file name.")
	galHeader <- readLines(galfile,n=100)
	blockLines <- galHeader[grep("Block[0-9]",galHeader)]
		stop("Invalid or missing header in GAL file.")
	blockLines <- gsub("[ \t]*$","",blockLines) # Removing trailing whitespace (e.g. tabs)
	numBlocks <- length(blockLines)
		delimiter <- ","
		delimiter <- "\t" 
	blockCoordinates <- 
		gsub("[ \t]*$","",gsub("\\\"","",gsub("Block[0-9]+=[ \t]*","",
	ngrid.r	<- length(table(blockCoordinates[,2]))
	ngrid.c <- as.numeric(table(blockCoordinates[,2])[1])
	nspot.r <- blockCoordinates[1,6]
	nspot.c <- blockCoordinates[1,4]

	printer <- list(ngrid.r=ngrid.r,ngrid.c=ngrid.c,nspot.r=nspot.r,nspot.c=nspot.c)
	structure(printer, class = "PrintLayout")

readTargets <- function(file="Targets.txt",path=NULL,sep="\t",row.names=NULL,quote="\"",...)
#	Read data frame of target information
#	Gordon Smyth
#	19 Oct 2003.  Last modified 24 Jan 2013.
	if(!is.null(path)) file <- file.path(path,file)
	tab <- read.table(file,header=TRUE,stringsAsFactors=FALSE,sep=sep,quote=quote,fill=TRUE,...)
#	if(!all(c("Cy3","Cy5") %in% names(tab))) warning("File should contain columns: Cy3 and Cy5")
	if(is.null(row.names)) {
		rn <- tab[["Label"]]
		if(anyDuplicated(rn)) rn <- NULL
		if(is.null(rn)) rn <- tab[["Labels"]]
		if(anyDuplicated(rn)) rn <- NULL
		if(is.null(rn)) rn <- tab[["FileName"]]
		if(!is.null(rn)) rn <- removeExt(rn)
		if(anyDuplicated(rn)) rn <- NULL
		if(!is.null(rn)) row.names(tab) <- rn
	} else {
		row.names <- as.character(row.names)
		if(row.names %in% names(tab)) row.names(tab) <- tab[[row.names]]

readSpotTypes <- function(file="SpotTypes.txt",path=NULL,sep="\t",check.names=FALSE,...)
#	Read regexp for spot types
#	Gordon Smyth following idea of James Wettenhall
#	19 Oct 2003.  Last modified 16 Feb 2004.
	if(!is.null(path)) file <- file.path(path,file)
	tab <- read.table(file,header=TRUE,as.is=TRUE,sep=sep,quote="\"",check.names=check.names,...)
	if(ncol(tab)<2) stop("File should contain at least two columns")

controlStatus <- function(types, genes, spottypecol="SpotType", regexpcol, verbose=TRUE)
#	Set status of each spot (row)
#	Gordon Smyth
#	19 Oct 2003.  Last modified 9 Jun 2020.
#	Check types
	if(!is.data.frame(types)) stop("types must be a data.frame")
	cntypes <- colnames(types)
	if(is.null(cntypes)) stop("types must have column names")

#	Check genes
	if (is(genes,"RGList") || is(genes,"MAList") || is(genes,"MArrayLM") || is(genes,"EListRaw") || is(genes,"EList")) genes <- genes$genes
	if(!is.data.frame(genes)) stop("genes must be a data.frame")
	cngenes <- colnames(genes)
	if(is.null(cngenes)) stop("genes must have column names")

#	Check have at least one row
	ntypes <- nrow(types)
	nspots <- nrow(genes)
	if(ntypes==0 || nspots==0) return(NULL)

#	Any undo conversion of types to factors
	for (j in cntypes) {
		x <- types[,j]
		if(is.factor(x) && is.character(levels(x))) types[,j] <- as.character(x)

#	Check spottypecol
	if(is.numeric(spottypecol)) spottypecol <- cntypes[spottypecol[1]]
	if(is.null(spottypecol) || !is.character(spottypecol) || !is.element(spottypecol,cntypes)) stop("spottypecol not valid column of types")

#	Find common columns between types and genes
	if(!missing(regexpcol) && is.numeric(regexpcol)) regexpcol <- cntypes[regexpcol]
	cntypes <- setdiff(cntypes,spottypecol)
	if(missing(regexpcol)) {
		incommon <- (cntypes %in% cngenes)
		if(!length(incommon)) stop("types and genes have no column names in common")
		regexpcol <- cntypes[incommon]
	} else {
		if(!all(is.element(regexpcol,cntypes) & is.element(regexpcol,cngenes)))
			stop("types and genes must both contain regexpcol colums")
	if(verbose) cat("Matching patterns for:",regexpcol,"\n")

#	Simplified regular expressions
	for (j in regexpcol) {
		types[,j] <- paste("^",gsub("\\*","\\.*",types[,j]),"$",sep="")
		genes[,j] <- as.character(genes[,j])

#	Set spot status
	spottype <- as.character(types[,spottypecol])
	if(default <- all(types[1,regexpcol]=="*")) {
		status <- rep_len(spottype[1],nspots)
		if(ntypes==1) return(status)
	} else
		status <- character(nspots)
	nregexp <- length(regexpcol)
	for (i in (1+default):ntypes) {
		sel <- grep(types[i,regexpcol[1]],genes[,regexpcol[1]])
		if(nregexp>1) for (j in regexpcol[-1]) sel <- intersect(sel,grep(types[i,j],genes[,j]))
		status[sel] <- spottype[i]
		if(verbose) cat("Found",length(sel),spottype[i],"\n")

#	Set attributes
	attr(status,"values") <- spottype
	cntypes <- setdiff(cntypes,regexpcol)
	npar <- length(cntypes)
	if(npar) {
		parnames <- sub("^Color$","col",cntypes)
		for (j in 1:npar) attr(status,parnames[j]) <- types[,cntypes[j]]
	if(verbose) cat("Setting attributes: values",cntypes,"\n")

removeExt <- function(x, sep=".")
#	Remove any common extension from a vector of file names
#	Gordon Smyth
#	19 July 2002.  Last modified 8 Jan 2016.
	x <- as.character(x)
	n <- length(x)
	if(length(grep(sep,x)) < n) return(x)
	sep <- protectMetachar(sep)
	RegExpr <- paste0("(.*)", sep, "(.*)$")
	ext <- sub(RegExpr, "\\2", x)
	if(all(ext[1] == ext))

trimWhiteSpace <- function(x)
#	Trim white space from start and end of character strings
#	Tim Beissbarth and Gordon Smyth
#	7 June 2004
	sub("[ \t\n\r]*$", "", sub("^[ \t\n\r]*", "", x))

protectMetachar <- function(x)
#	Insert backslashs before metacharacters (to allow them to be included in search strings)
#	Note that backslashs themselves are not handled
#	Gordon Smyth
#	9 June 2004. Last modified 5 Jan 2007.
	x <- gsub("\\.", "\\\\.", x)
	x <- gsub("\\|", "\\\\|", x)
	x <- gsub("\\(", "\\\\(", x)
	x <- gsub("\\)", "\\\\)", x)
	x <- gsub("\\[", "\\\\[", x)
	x <- gsub("\\{", "\\\\{", x)
	x <- gsub("\\^", "\\\\^", x)
	x <- gsub("\\$", "\\\\$", x)
	x <- gsub("\\*", "\\\\*", x)
	x <- gsub("\\+", "\\\\+", x)
	x <- gsub("\\?", "\\\\?", x)


spotc <- function(layout) {
#	GKS  24 Nov 2002
	rep(1:layout$nspot.c, length=prod(unlist(layout)))

spotr <- function(layout) {
#	GKS  24 Nov 2002
	rep(1:layout$nspot.r, times=layout$ngrid.r*layout$ngrid.c, each=layout$nspot.c)

gridc <- function(layout) {
#	GKS  24 Nov 2002
	rep(1:layout$ngrid.c, times=layout$ngrid.r, each=layout$nspot.c*layout$nspot.r)

gridr <- function(layout) {
#	GKS  24 Nov 2002
	rep(1:layout$ngrid.r, each=layout$nspot.c*layout$nspot.r*layout$ngrid.c)

printorder <- function(layout, ndups=1, spacing="columns", npins, start="topleft") {
#	Identify order in which spots were printed and from which 384-well plate
#	Gordon Smyth
#	2 May 2003.  Last revised 28 Dec 2003.

	if(is(layout,"RGList") || is(layout,"MAList")) {
		if(missing(ndups) && !is.null(layout$printer$ndups)) ndups <- layout$printer$ndups
		if(missing(spacing) && !is.null(layout$printer$spacing)) spacing <- layout$printer$spacing
		if(missing(npins) && !is.null(layout$printer$npins)) npins <- layout$printer$npins
		if(missing(start) && !is.null(layout$printer$start)) start <- layout$printer$start
		layout <- layout$printer
	ngrid.r <- layout$ngrid.r
	ngrid.c <- layout$ngrid.c
	nspot.r <- layout$nspot.r
	nspot.c <- layout$nspot.c
	ngrids <- ngrid.r * ngrid.c
	nspots <- nspot.r * nspot.c
	if(is(spacing,"numeric")) {
		if(spacing==1) spacing <- "columns"
		if(spacing==layout$ngrid.c) spacing <- "rows"
		if(spacing==ngrids * nspots %/% 2) spacing <- "topbottom"
		if(is(spacing,"numeric")) stop("spacing not recognized choice")
	spacing <- match.arg(spacing,c("columns","rows","topbottom"))
	start <- match.arg(start,c("topleft","topright"))

#	DNA plates assumed to have 384 wells
	nwell.r <- 16
	nwell.c <- 24
	nwells <- nwell.r * nwell.c

	if(spacing=="columns") {
		nspot.c <- nspot.c %/% ndups
		nspots <- nspots %/% ndups
	if(spacing=="rows") {
		nspot.r <- nspot.r %/% ndups
		nspots <- nspots/ndups
	if(spacing=="topbottom") {
		ngrid.r <- ngrid.r %/% ndups
		ngrids <- ngrids %/% ndups

#	Pin columns assumed to be same as grid columns
	if(missing(npins)) npins <- ngrid.r * ngrid.c
	npin.c <- ngrid.c
	npin.r <- npins %/% npin.c
	pin.c <- rep(1:npin.c, times = npin.r, each = nspots)
	pin.r <- rep(1:npin.r, each = npin.c * nspots)

	spot.c <- rep(1:nspot.c, times = npins * nspot.r)
	spot.r <- rep(1:nspot.r, times = npins, each = nspot.c)
	po <- switch(start,

	if(ngrids %% npins != 0) stop("ngrids not a multiple of npins")
	m <- ngrids %/% npins
	if(m > 1) po <- rep(po,m) + nspots * rep(0:(m-1), each = npins * nspots)

#	Plate position
	ndips <- nwells %/% npins
	plate <- 1 + (po-1) %/% ndips
	platedip <- 1 + (po-1) %% ndips
	plateblock.r <- 1 + (platedip-1) %/% (nwell.c %/% npin.r)
	plateblock.c <- 1 + (platedip-1) %% (nwell.c %/% npin.r)
	plate.r <- (plateblock.r-1) * npin.c + npin.c - pin.c + 1
	plate.c <- (plateblock.c-1) * npin.r + pin.r

	if(ndups>1) {
		dupseq <- 1:ndups
		if(start=="topright" && spacing=="columns") dupseq <- rev(dupseq)	
		spacing <- getSpacing(spacing,layout)
		ngenes <- length(po)
		po <- rep(po,each=ndups)
		dim(po) <- c(ndups,spacing,ngenes/spacing)
		po <- po-1+dupseq/ndups
		po <- round(po*ndups)
		po <- as.vector(aperm(po,c(2,1,3)))
		adups <- function(x) {
			x <- rep(x,each=ndups)
			dim(x) <- c(ndups,spacing,ngenes/spacing)
		plate <- adups(plate)
		plate.r <- adups(plate.r)
		plate.c <- adups(plate.c)

#	Final output
	platedigits <- 1+floor(log(ngrids*nspots/nwells,10))
	platepos <- paste("p",formatC(plate, width=platedigits, flag = "0"), LETTERS[plate.r], formatC(plate.c, width=2, flag = "0"), sep="")
	list(printorder=po, plate=plate, plate.r=plate.r, plate.c=plate.c, plateposition=platepos)

getSpacing <- function(spacing, layout)
#	Convert character to integer duplicating spacing
#	Gordon Smyth
#	15 Dec 2003.  Last revised 15 Oct 2008.
	if(is(spacing,"numeric")) return(spacing)
	spacing <- match.arg(spacing, c("columns","rows","subarrays","topbottom"))
hdeberg/limma documentation built on Dec. 20, 2021, 3:43 p.m.