
## This code is part of the megaptera package
## © C. Heibl 2014 (last update 2020-05-15)

#' @title Set Database Parameters
#' @description Sets the connection parameters for a PostgreSQL database and, as
#'   a side effect, creates the database, if it does not yet exist.
#' @param host A vector of mode \code{"character"}, giving the name of the host,
#'   most often this will be \code{"localhost"}.
#' @param port Numeric, giving the port number, most often \code{5432}.
#' @param dbname A vector of mode \code{"character"}, giving the name of the
#'   database.
#' @param user A vector of mode \code{"character"}, giving the name of the user.
#' @param password A vector of mode \code{"character"}, giving the password.
#' @details \bold{megaptera} stores all data internally in a PostgreSQL
#'   database. Therefore, \code{dbPars} represents the first step in setting up a megaptera
#'   project pipeline. See \code{\link[DBI]{dbConnect}} and
#'   \code{\link{PostgreSQL}} for further details about the connection
#'   parameters and procedure.
#' @references See the documentation at the PostgreSQL Web site
#'   \url{http://www.postgresql.org} for details.
#' @return An object of class \code{\linkS4class{dbPars}}.
#' @seealso \code{\linkS4class{dbPars}} for the class' description;
#'   \code{\link{taxon}}, \code{\link{locus}}, and \code{\link{megapteraPars}}
#'   for defining of taxa, loci, and the pipeline's parameters, respectively;
#'   and \code{\link{megapteraProj}} for the bundling of input data.
#' @include dbPars-class.R
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @export

## ----------------------
"dbPars" <- function(host = "localhost", 
                     port = 5432, 
                     user = "postgres", 
  dbname <- tolower(dbname)
  ## Check if database exists ...
  ## ----------------------------
  conn <- DBI::dbConnect(RPostgreSQL::PostgreSQL(), 
                         dbname = "postgres",
                         host = host,
                         user = user, 
                         port = port, 
                         password = password)
  sql <- paste("SELECT 1 FROM pg_database WHERE",
               wrapSQL(dbname, "datname", "="))
  if (nrow(dbGetQuery(conn, sql)) == 1){
    cat("\nDatabase '", dbname, "' exists", sep = "")  
  } else {
    ## .. and create if it does not exist
    ## ----------------------------------
    cat("\nCreate database '", dbname, "'", sep = "") 
    sql <- paste("CREATE DATABASE", dbname,
                 "WITH ENCODING='UTF8'",
                 "CONNECTION LIMIT=-1;")
    dbSendQuery(conn, sql)
  ## Connect to new database
  ## -----------------------
  conn <- DBI::dbConnect(RPostgreSQL::PostgreSQL(), 
                         dbname = dbname,
                         host = host,
                         user = user, 
                         port = port, 
                         password = password)
  ## Create relation 'progress' if necessary
  ## ---------------------------------------
  if (dbname != "ncbitaxonomy" & !dbExistsTable(conn, "progress")) {
    cat("\nCreate relation 'progress'")
    SQL <- paste("CREATE TABLE progress",
                 "locus text NOT NULL,",
                 "step_b text,",
                 "step_c text,",
                 "step_d text,",
                 "step_e text,",
                 "step_f text,",
                 "step_g text,",
                 "step_h text,",
                 "CONSTRAINT progress_pk PRIMARY KEY (locus)",
    dbSendQuery(conn, SQL)
  ## Create relation 'reference' if necessary
  ## ----------------------------------------
  if (dbname != "ncbitaxonomy" & !dbExistsTable(conn, "reference")) {
    cat("\nCreate relation 'reference'")
    SQL <- paste("CREATE TABLE reference",
                 "(gene character varying NOT NULL,",
                 "taxon character varying NOT NULL,",
                 "reference character varying NOT NULL,",
                 "CONSTRAINT reference_pk PRIMARY KEY (gene, taxon))")
    dbSendQuery(conn, SQL)
  ## Create relation 'sequence' if necessary
  ## ------------------------------------------------
  msa.tab <- "sequence"
  if (dbname != "ncbitaxonomy" & !dbExistsTable(conn, msa.tab)) {
    cat("\nCreate relation 'species_sequence'")
    SQL <- paste0(msa.tab, "_pk")
    SQL <- paste("CREATE TABLE", msa.tab, 
                 "(acc character varying NOT NULL,",
                 "taxon character varying  NOT NULL,",
                 "taxon_source character varying  NOT NULL,",
                 "locus character varying,",
                 "status character varying,",
                 "qseqid character varying,",
                 "sseqid character varying,",
                 "length integer,",
                 "mismatch integer,",
                 "qstart integer,",
                 "qend integer,",
                 "sstart integer,",
                 "send integer,",
                 "qcovs integer,",
                 "pident numeric,",
                 "evalue numeric,",
                 "bitscore numeric,",
                 "sstrand character varying,",
                 "sequence character varying,",
                 "CONSTRAINT", SQL, "PRIMARY KEY (acc))")
    dbSendQuery(conn, SQL)
  ## Create relation 'species_sequences' if necessary
  ## ------------------------------------------------
  msa.tab <- "sequence_selected"
  if (dbname != "ncbitaxonomy" & !dbExistsTable(conn, msa.tab)) {
    cat("\nCreate relation 'sequence_selected'")
    SQL <- paste0(msa.tab, "_pk")
    SQL <- paste("CREATE TABLE", msa.tab, 
                 "(locus character varying NOT NULL,",
                 "taxon character varying  NOT NULL,",
                 "acc character varying  NOT NULL,",
                 "n integer,",
                 "md5 character(32),",
                 "status  character varying,",
                 "sequence character varying,",
                 "reliability character varying,",
                 "CONSTRAINT", SQL, "PRIMARY KEY (locus, taxon, acc))")
    dbSendQuery(conn, SQL)

      host = host, port = port, 
      dbname = dbname, 
      user = user, password = password

## ----------------
          signature(object = "dbPars"),
          function (object) 
            cat("PostgreSQL connection parameters:",
                "\n     host =", object@host,
                "\n     port =", object@port,
                "\n   dbname =", object@dbname,
                "\n     user =", object@user,
                "\n password =", object@password
heibl/megaptera documentation built on Jan. 17, 2021, 3:34 a.m.